s32 dump_banner(const u8* discid,const char * dest) { // Mount the disc //Disc_SetWBFS(1, (u8*)discid); Disc_SetUSB(discid); Disc_Open(); u64 offset; s32 ret; ret = __Disc_FindPartition(&offset); if (ret < 0) return ret; ret = WDVD_OpenPartition(offset, NULL); if (ret < 0) { //printf("ERROR: OpenPartition(0x%llx) %d\n", offset, ret); return ret; } // Read where to find the fst.bin u32 *buffer = memalign(32, 0x20); if (buffer == NULL) { //Out of memory return -1; } ret = WDVD_Read(buffer, 0x20, 0x420); if (ret < 0) return ret; // Read fst.bin void *fstbuffer = memalign(32, buffer[2]*4); FST_ENTRY *fst = (FST_ENTRY *)fstbuffer; if (fst == NULL) { //Out of memory free(buffer); return -1; } ret = WDVD_Read(fstbuffer, buffer[2]*4, buffer[1]*4); if (ret < 0) return ret; free(buffer); // Search the fst.bin u32 count = fst[0].filelen; int i; u32 index = 0; for (i=1;i<count;i++) { if (strstr(fstfiles(fst, i), "opening.bnr") != NULL) { index = i; } } if (index == 0) { //opening.bnr not found free(fstbuffer); return -1; } // Load the .bnr u8 *banner = memalign(32, fst[index].filelen); if (banner == NULL) { //Out of memory free(fstbuffer); return -1; } ret = WDVD_Read((void *)banner, fst[index].filelen, fst[index].fileoffset * 4); if (ret < 0) return ret; WDVD_Reset(); WDVD_ClosePartition(); //fatInitDefault(); //SDCard_Init(); WDVD_SetUSBMode(NULL, 0); FILE *fp = fopen(dest, "wb"); if(fp) { fwrite(banner, 1, fst[index].filelen, fp); fclose(fp); } free(fstbuffer); free(banner); return 1; }
void *DiHandler::ThreadMain( void *arg ) { enum State { St_Init, St_Reset, St_WaitForDisc, St_CheckDiscType, St_OpenPartition, St_WaitForDiscEject, // some error happened, dont do anything until the current disc is ejected St_Idle }; State state = St_Init; u32 coverState = 0; while( !threadExit ) { usleep( 1000 ); if( threadSleep ) LWP_SuspendThread( thread ); if( state == St_Init ) { if( WDVD_Init() ) { instance->ErrorHappened( E_Init, true ); threadExit = true; } state = St_Reset; continue; } else if( state == St_Reset ) { if( WDVD_Reset() ) { instance->ErrorHappened( E_Init, false ); continue; } state = St_WaitForDisc; } // check for disc u32 cover = 0; if( WDVD_GetCoverStatus( &cover ) ) { gprintf( "WDVD_GetCoverStatus() failed\n" ); WDVD_Close(); state = St_Init; continue; } // check if disc status is changed if( cover != coverState ) { //gprintf( "cover status: %08x %08x\n", cover, coverState ); if( cover & 2 )// disc is present and wasnt before { //gprintf( "disc inserted\n" ); instance->StartingToReadDisc(); WDVD_Reset(); state = St_CheckDiscType; } else if( coverState & 2 )// disc was present before isnt is gone now { instance->DiscEjected(); //gprintf( "disc ejected\n" ); state = St_WaitForDisc; } coverState = cover; } if( !( cover & 2 ) )// if theres no disc inserted, then loop { continue; } if( state == St_WaitForDiscEject ) { continue; } else if( state == St_CheckDiscType ) { s32 ret = WDVD_ReadDiskId( (void*)0x80000000 ); if( ret < 0 ) { gprintf("WDVD_ReadDiskId(): %d\n", ret ); instance->ErrorHappened( E_DVD_ReadError, false ); //state = St_WaitForDiscEject; WDVD_Close(); state = St_Init; //coverState = 0; continue; } // check disc type if( *(u32*)( 0x80000018 ) == 0x5d1c9ea3 ) { //gprintf( "disc is wii\n" ); state = St_OpenPartition; //instance->DiscInserted( T_Wii ); } else if( *(u32*)( 0x8000001c ) == 0xc2339f3d ) { //gprintf( "disc is gamecube\n" ); instance->DiscInserted( T_GC ); state = St_Idle; } else { //gprintf( "disc is unknown\n" ); instance->DiscInserted( T_Unknown ); state = St_WaitForDiscEject; //hexdump( (void*)0x80000000, 0x20 ); } } else if( state == St_OpenPartition ) { if( WDVD_OpenDataPartition() < 0 ) { instance->ErrorHappened( E_OpenPartition, false ); state = St_WaitForDiscEject; continue; } //gprintf( "partition is open\n" ); // search for the opening.bnr s32 ret; FST_INFO fst_info __attribute(( aligned( 32 ) )); //find FST inside partition ret = WDVD_Read( (u8*)&fst_info, sizeof( FST_INFO ), 0x420LL ); if( ret < 0 ) { gprintf("WDVD_Read( fst_info ): %d\n", ret ); instance->ErrorHappened( E_DVD_ReadError, false ); state = St_WaitForDiscEject; WDVD_ClosePartition(); continue; } fst_info.fst_offset <<= 2; fst_info.fst_size <<= 2; //gprintf( "%s %i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); fst_buffer = (u8*)memalign( 32, RU( fst_info.fst_size, 0x40 ) ); if( !fst_buffer ) { instance->ErrorHappened( E_NoMem, true ); threadExit = true; WDVD_ClosePartition(); continue; } //gprintf( "%s %i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); //gprintf( " %p %08x %08x\n", fst_buffer, fst_info.fst_size, fst_info.fst_offset ); //read fst into memory ret = WDVD_Read( fst_buffer, fst_info.fst_size, fst_info.fst_offset ); if( ret < 0 ) { gprintf("WDVD_Read( fst_buffer ): %d\n", ret ); instance->ErrorHappened( E_DVD_ReadError, false ); state = St_WaitForDiscEject; WDVD_ClosePartition(); continue; } //gprintf( "%s %i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); //set the pointers fst = (FST_ENTRY *)fst_buffer; u32 name_table_offset = fst->filelen * 0xC; name_table = (char *)( fst_buffer + name_table_offset ); //gprintf( "%s %i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); // find the opening.bnr int fd = EntryFromPath( "/opening.bnr", 0 ); if( fd < 2 ) { instance->ErrorHappened( E_NoOpeningBnr, false ); instance->DiscInserted( T_Wii ); FREE( fst ); name_table = NULL; state = St_Idle; WDVD_ClosePartition(); continue; } //gprintf( "%s %i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); u32 len = fst[ fd ].filelen; u8 *buf = (u8*)memalign( 32, RU( len, 0x40 ) ); if( !buf ) { instance->ErrorHappened( E_NoMem, true ); threadExit = true; FREE( fst ); name_table = NULL; WDVD_ClosePartition(); continue; } //gprintf( "%s %i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); ret = WDVD_Read( buf, len, (u64)( fst[ fd ].fileoffset ) << 2 ); if( ret < 0 ) { gprintf("WDVD_Read( opening.bnr ): %d\n", ret ); instance->ErrorHappened( E_DVD_ReadError, false ); state = St_WaitForDiscEject; FREE( fst ); name_table = NULL; free( buf ); WDVD_ClosePartition(); continue; } //gprintf( "%s %i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); // done with these FREE( fst ); name_table = NULL; WDVD_ClosePartition(); //gprintf( "%s %i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); bool rec = false; // got the opening.bnr. send it to whoever cares instance->OpeningBnrReady( buf, len, rec ); if( !rec ) { gprintf( "nobody got the banner. freeing it\n" ); free( buf ); } instance->DiscInserted( T_Wii ); //gprintf( "%s %i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); state = St_Idle; } } return NULL; }
s32 Disc_ClosePartition(void) { return WDVD_ClosePartition(); }
s32 Disc_BootPartition(u64 offset, u8 videoselected, u8 cheat, u8 vipatch, u8 patchcountrystring, u32 rtrn) { entry_point p_entry; s32 ret; /* Open specified partition */ ret = WDVD_OpenPartition(offset, tmd_buffer); if (ret < 0) return ret; char gameid[8]; memset(gameid, 0, 8); memcpy(gameid, (char*)Disc_ID, 6); //kill the SD SDCard_deInit(); /* Disconnect Wiimote */ WPAD_Flush(0); WPAD_Disconnect(0); WPAD_Shutdown(); // Load Disc IOS u32 disc_ios = tmd_buffer[0x18B]; if (disc_ios != IOS_GetVersion()) { WDVD_ClosePartition(); WDVD_Close(); ret = IOS_ReloadIOS(disc_ios); if (ret < 0) { gprintf("Disc IOS %u could not be loaded! (ret = %d)", disc_ios, ret); return ret; } Disc_Init(); Disc_Open(); WDVD_OpenPartition(offset, tmd_buffer); } /* Setup low memory */ __Disc_SetLowMem(); /* Run apploader */ ret = Apploader_Run(&p_entry, cheat, videoselected, vipatch, patchcountrystring, rtrn); if (ret < 0) return ret; bool cheatloaded = false; if (cheat == 1) { /* OCARINA STUFF - FISHEARS*/ cheatloaded = ocarina_do_code() == 1; cheatloaded = true; } /* Set an appropiate video mode */ __Disc_SetVMode(videoselected); /* Set time */ __Disc_SetTime(); // Anti-green screen fix VIDEO_SetBlack(TRUE); VIDEO_Flush(); VIDEO_WaitVSync(); gprintf("\n\nUSB Loader GX is done.\n\n"); /* Shutdown IOS subsystems */ // fix for PeppaPig (from NeoGamma) extern void __exception_closeall(); IRQ_Disable(); __IOS_ShutdownSubsystems(); __exception_closeall(); appentrypoint = (u32) p_entry; if (cheat == 1 && cheatloaded) { __asm__( "lis %r3, appentrypoint@h\n" "ori %r3, %r3, appentrypoint@l\n" "lwz %r3, 0(%r3)\n" "mtlr %r3\n" "lis %r3, 0x8000\n" "ori %r3, %r3, 0x18A8\n" "mtctr %r3\n" "bctr\n" ); } else { __asm__( "lis %r3, appentrypoint@h\n" "ori %r3, %r3, appentrypoint@l\n" "lwz %r3, 0(%r3)\n" "mtlr %r3\n" "blr\n" ); } return 0; }
s32 Disc_BootPartition(u64 offset, u8 vidMode, const u8 *cheat, u32 cheatSize, bool vipatch, bool countryString, u8 patchVidMode) { entry_point p_entry; gprintf("Open partition at offset: 0x%08x\n", offset); s32 ret = WDVD_OpenPartition(offset, 0, 0, 0, Tmd_Buffer); if (ret < 0) { gprintf("Open partition failed: %d\n", ret); return ret; } /* Disconnect Wiimote */ WPAD_Flush(0); WPAD_Disconnect(0); WPAD_Shutdown(); /* Reload IOS into the correct IOS */ u8 ios = Tmd_Buffer[0x18B]; gprintf("Game requires ios %d\n", ios); if (ios != IOS_GetVersion()) { WDVD_ClosePartition(); WDVD_Close(); gprintf("Reloading IOS..."); ret = IOS_ReloadIOS(ios); if (ret < 0) { gprintf("failed: %d\n", ret); } else { gprintf("done\n"); } if (Disc_Init() < 0) { return -4; } if (Disc_Open() < 0) { return -6; } if (WDVD_OpenPartition(offset, 0, 0, 0, Tmd_Buffer) < 0) { return -8; } } gprintf("Setting low memory\n"); /* Setup low memory */; __Disc_SetLowMem(); gprintf("Select video mode\n"); /* Select an appropriate video mode */ __Disc_SelectVMode(vidMode); gprintf("Running apploader\n"); /* Run apploader */ ret = Apploader_Run(&p_entry, cheat != 0, vidMode, vmode, vipatch, countryString, patchVidMode); if (ret < 0) { gprintf("Failed to run apploader\n"); return ret; } gprintf("Set video mode\n"); /* Set an appropriate video mode */ __Disc_SetVMode(); if (cheat != 0 && hooktype != 0) { ocarina_do_code(); } gprintf("Set time\n"); /* Set time */ __Disc_SetTime(); gprintf("Reset video..."); /* This prevent a green screen (or a flash of green before loading the game) */ VIDEO_SetBlack(TRUE); gprintf("flushing..."); VIDEO_Flush(); gprintf("wait for sync..."); VIDEO_WaitVSync(); gprintf("wait for sync..."); VIDEO_WaitVSync(); gprintf("\n"); u8 temp_data[4]; gprintf("Shutting down wii systems\n"); // fix for PeppaPig memcpy((char *) &temp_data, (void*)0x800000F4,4); /* Shutdown IOS subsystems */ SYS_ResetSystem(SYS_SHUTDOWN, 0, 0); // fix for PeppaPig memcpy((void*)0x800000F4,(char *) &temp_data, 4); appentrypoint = (u32) p_entry; gprintf("Current IOS: %d\n", IOS_GetVersion()); gprintf("Starting game\n"); if (cheat != 0) { __asm__( "lis %r3, appentrypoint@h\n" "ori %r3, %r3, appentrypoint@l\n" "lwz %r3, 0(%r3)\n" "mtlr %r3\n" "lis %r3, 0x8000\n" "ori %r3, %r3, 0x18A8\n" "mtctr %r3\n" "bctr\n" ); } else { __asm__( "lis %r3, appentrypoint@h\n" "ori %r3, %r3, appentrypoint@l\n" "lwz %r3, 0(%r3)\n" "mtlr %r3\n" "blr\n" ); } return 0; }