コード例 #1
ファイル: lattice.c プロジェクト: AtulKumar2/gecko-dev
/* Inner loop used for function WebRtcIsacfix_NormLatticeFilterMa(). It does:
   for 0 <= n < HALF_SUBFRAMELEN - 1:
     *ptr2 = input2 * (*ptr2) + input0 * (*ptr0));
     *ptr1 = input1 * (*ptr0) + input0 * (*ptr2);
   Note, function WebRtcIsacfix_FilterMaLoopNeon and WebRtcIsacfix_FilterMaLoopC
   are not bit-exact. The accuracy by the ARM Neon function is same or better.
void WebRtcIsacfix_FilterMaLoopC(int16_t input0,  // Filter coefficient
                                 int16_t input1,  // Filter coefficient
                                 int32_t input2,  // Inverse coeff. (1/input1)
                                 int32_t* ptr0,   // Sample buffer
                                 int32_t* ptr1,   // Sample buffer
                                 int32_t* ptr2) { // Sample buffer
  int n = 0;

  // Separate the 32-bit variable input2 into two 16-bit integers (high 16 and
  // low 16 bits), for using LATTICE_MUL_32_32_RSFT16 in the loop.
  int16_t t16a = (int16_t)(input2 >> 16);
  int16_t t16b = (int16_t)input2;
  if (t16b < 0) t16a++;

  // The loop filtering the samples *ptr0, *ptr1, *ptr2 with filter coefficients
  // input0, input1, and input2.
  for(n = 0; n < HALF_SUBFRAMELEN - 1; n++, ptr0++, ptr1++, ptr2++) {
    int32_t tmp32a = 0;
    int32_t tmp32b = 0;

    // Calculate *ptr2 = input2 * (*ptr2 + input0 * (*ptr0));
    tmp32a = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT15(input0, *ptr0); // Q15 * Q15 >> 15 = Q15
    tmp32b = *ptr2 + tmp32a; // Q15 + Q15 = Q15
    *ptr2 = LATTICE_MUL_32_32_RSFT16(t16a, t16b, tmp32b);

    // Calculate *ptr1 = input1 * (*ptr0) + input0 * (*ptr2);
    tmp32a = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT15(input1, *ptr0); // Q15*Q15>>15 = Q15
    tmp32b = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT15(input0, *ptr2); // Q15*Q15>>15 = Q15
    *ptr1 = tmp32a + tmp32b; // Q15 + Q15 = Q15
コード例 #2
/* 1D parabolic interpolation . All input and output values are in Q8 */
static __inline void Intrp1DQ8(int32_t *x, int32_t *fx, int32_t *y, int32_t *fy) {

  int16_t sign1=1, sign2=1;
  int32_t r32, q32, t32, nom32, den32;
  int16_t t16, tmp16, tmp16_1;

  if ((fx[0]>0) && (fx[2]>0)) {
    den32=WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_32_16((q32-r32), 2);
    if (nom32<0)
    if (den32<0)

    /* t = (q32+r32)/(2*(q32-r32)) = (fx[0]-fx[1] + fx[1]-fx[2])/(2 * fx[0]-fx[1] - (fx[1]-fx[2]))*/
    /* (Signs are removed because WebRtcSpl_DivResultInQ31 can't handle negative numbers) */
    t32=WebRtcSpl_DivResultInQ31(WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_32_16(nom32, sign1),WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_32_16(den32, sign2)); /* t in Q31, without signs */

    t16=(int16_t)WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W32(t32, 23);  /* Q8 */
    t16=t16*sign1*sign2;        /* t in Q8 with signs */

    *y = x[0]+t16;          /* Q8 */
    // *y = x[1]+t16;          /* Q8 */

    /* The following code calculates fy in three steps */
    /* fy = 0.5 * t * (t-1) * fx[0] + (1-t*t) * fx[1] + 0.5 * t * (t+1) * fx[2]; */

    /* Part I: 0.5 * t * (t-1) * fx[0] */
    tmp16_1=(int16_t)WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(t16,t16); /* Q8*Q8=Q16 */
    tmp16_1 = WEBRTC_SPL_RSHIFT_W16(tmp16_1,2);  /* Q16>>2 = Q14 */
    t16 = (int16_t)WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(t16, 64);           /* Q8<<6 = Q14  */
    tmp16 = tmp16_1-t16;
    *fy = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT15(tmp16, fx[0]); /* (Q14 * Q8 >>15)/2 = Q8 */

    /* Part II: (1-t*t) * fx[1] */
    tmp16 = 16384-tmp16_1;        /* 1 in Q14 - Q14 */
    *fy += WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT14(tmp16, fx[1]);/* Q14 * Q8 >> 14 = Q8 */

    /* Part III: 0.5 * t * (t+1) * fx[2] */
    tmp16 = tmp16_1+t16;
    *fy += WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT15(tmp16, fx[2]);/* (Q14 * Q8 >>15)/2 = Q8 */
  } else {
    *y = x[0];
    *fy= fx[1];
コード例 #3
ファイル: lattice.c プロジェクト: AtulKumar2/gecko-dev
/* MA filter */
void WebRtcIsacfix_NormLatticeFilterMa(int16_t orderCoef,
                                       int32_t *stateGQ15,
                                       int16_t *lat_inQ0,
                                       int16_t *filt_coefQ15,
                                       int32_t *gain_lo_hiQ17,
                                       int16_t lo_hi,
                                       int16_t *lat_outQ9)
  int16_t sthQ15[MAX_AR_MODEL_ORDER];
  int16_t cthQ15[MAX_AR_MODEL_ORDER];

  int u, i, k, n;
  int16_t temp2,temp3;
  int16_t ord_1 = orderCoef+1;
  int32_t inv_cthQ16[MAX_AR_MODEL_ORDER];

  int32_t gain32, fQtmp;
  int16_t gain16;
  int16_t gain_sh;

  int32_t tmp32, tmp32b;
  int32_t fQ15vec[HALF_SUBFRAMELEN];
  int16_t sh;
  int16_t t16a;
  int16_t t16b;

  for (u=0;u<SUBFRAMES;u++)
    int32_t temp1 = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(u, HALF_SUBFRAMELEN);

    /* set the Direct Form coefficients */
    temp2 = (int16_t)WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(u, orderCoef);
    temp3 = (int16_t)WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(2, u)+lo_hi;

    /* compute lattice filter coefficients */
    memcpy(sthQ15, &filt_coefQ15[temp2], orderCoef * sizeof(int16_t));

    WebRtcSpl_SqrtOfOneMinusXSquared(sthQ15, orderCoef, cthQ15);

    /* compute the gain */
    gain32 = gain_lo_hiQ17[temp3];
    gain_sh = WebRtcSpl_NormW32(gain32);
    gain32 = WEBRTC_SPL_LSHIFT_W32(gain32, gain_sh); //Q(17+gain_sh)

    for (k=0;k<orderCoef;k++)
      gain32 = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT15(cthQ15[k], gain32); //Q15*Q(17+gain_sh)>>15 = Q(17+gain_sh)
      inv_cthQ16[k] = WebRtcSpl_DivW32W16((int32_t)2147483647, cthQ15[k]); // 1/cth[k] in Q31/Q15 = Q16
    gain16 = (int16_t)(gain32 >> 16);  // Q(1+gain_sh).

    /* normalized lattice filter */

    /* initial conditions */
    for (i=0;i<HALF_SUBFRAMELEN;i++)
      fQ15vec[i] = WEBRTC_SPL_LSHIFT_W32((int32_t)lat_inQ0[i + temp1], 15); //Q15
      gQ15[0][i] = WEBRTC_SPL_LSHIFT_W32((int32_t)lat_inQ0[i + temp1], 15); //Q15

    fQtmp = fQ15vec[0];

    /* get the state of f&g for the first input, for all orders */
    for (i=1;i<ord_1;i++)
      // Calculate f[i][0] = inv_cth[i-1]*(f[i-1][0] + sth[i-1]*stateG[i-1]);
      tmp32 = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT15(sthQ15[i-1], stateGQ15[i-1]);//Q15*Q15>>15 = Q15
      tmp32b= fQtmp + tmp32; //Q15+Q15=Q15
      tmp32 = inv_cthQ16[i-1]; //Q16
      t16a = (int16_t)(tmp32 >> 16);
      t16b = (int16_t) (tmp32-WEBRTC_SPL_LSHIFT_W32(((int32_t)t16a), 16));
      if (t16b<0) t16a++;
      tmp32 = LATTICE_MUL_32_32_RSFT16(t16a, t16b, tmp32b);
      fQtmp = tmp32; // Q15

      // Calculate g[i][0] = cth[i-1]*stateG[i-1] + sth[i-1]* f[i][0];
      tmp32  = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT15(cthQ15[i-1], stateGQ15[i-1]); //Q15*Q15>>15 = Q15
      tmp32b = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT15(sthQ15[i-1], fQtmp); //Q15*Q15>>15 = Q15
      tmp32  = tmp32 + tmp32b;//Q15+Q15 = Q15
      gQ15[i][0] = tmp32; // Q15

    /* filtering */
    /* save the states */
      // for 0 <= n < HALF_SUBFRAMELEN - 1:
      //   f[k+1][n+1] = inv_cth[k]*(f[k][n+1] + sth[k]*g[k][n]);
      //   g[k+1][n+1] = cth[k]*g[k][n] + sth[k]* f[k+1][n+1];
      WebRtcIsacfix_FilterMaLoopFix(sthQ15[k], cthQ15[k], inv_cthQ16[k],
                                    &gQ15[k][0], &gQ15[k+1][1], &fQ15vec[1]);

    fQ15vec[0] = fQtmp;

      //gain32 >>= gain_sh; // Q(17+gain_sh) -> Q17
      tmp32 = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT16(gain16, fQ15vec[n]); //Q(1+gain_sh)*Q15>>16 = Q(gain_sh)
      sh = 9-gain_sh; //number of needed shifts to reach Q9
      t16a = (int16_t) WEBRTC_SPL_SHIFT_W32(tmp32, sh);
      lat_outQ9[n + temp1] = t16a;

    /* save the states */
    for (i=0;i<ord_1;i++)
      stateGQ15[i] = gQ15[i][HALF_SUBFRAMELEN-1];
    //process next frame

コード例 #4
ファイル: lattice.c プロジェクト: AtulKumar2/gecko-dev
/* filter the signal using normalized lattice filter */
void WebRtcIsacfix_NormLatticeFilterAr(int16_t orderCoef,
                                       int16_t *stateGQ0,
                                       int32_t *lat_inQ25,
                                       int16_t *filt_coefQ15,
                                       int32_t *gain_lo_hiQ17,
                                       int16_t lo_hi,
                                       int16_t *lat_outQ0)
  int ii,n,k,i,u;
  int16_t sthQ15[MAX_AR_MODEL_ORDER];
  int16_t cthQ15[MAX_AR_MODEL_ORDER];
  int32_t tmp32;

  int16_t tmpAR;
  int16_t ARfQ0vec[HALF_SUBFRAMELEN];
  int16_t ARgQ0vec[MAX_AR_MODEL_ORDER+1];

  int32_t inv_gain32;
  int16_t inv_gain16;
  int16_t den16;
  int16_t sh;

  int16_t temp2,temp3;
  int16_t ord_1 = orderCoef+1;

  for (u=0;u<SUBFRAMES;u++)
    int32_t temp1 = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(u, HALF_SUBFRAMELEN);

    //set the denominator and numerator of the Direct Form
    temp2 = (int16_t)WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(u, orderCoef);
    temp3 = (int16_t)WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16(2, u) + lo_hi;

    for (ii=0; ii<orderCoef; ii++) {
      sthQ15[ii] = filt_coefQ15[temp2+ii];

    WebRtcSpl_SqrtOfOneMinusXSquared(sthQ15, orderCoef, cthQ15);

    /* Simulation of the 25 files shows that maximum value in
       the vector gain_lo_hiQ17[] is 441344, which means that
       it is log2((2^31)/441344) = 12.2 shifting bits from
       saturation. Therefore, it should be safe to use Q27 instead
       of Q17. */

    tmp32 = WEBRTC_SPL_LSHIFT_W32(gain_lo_hiQ17[temp3], 10); // Q27

    for (k=0;k<orderCoef;k++) {
      tmp32 = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT15(cthQ15[k], tmp32); // Q15*Q27>>15 = Q27

    sh = WebRtcSpl_NormW32(tmp32); // tmp32 is the gain
    den16 = (int16_t) WEBRTC_SPL_SHIFT_W32(tmp32, sh-16); //Q(27+sh-16) = Q(sh+11) (all 16 bits are value bits)
    inv_gain32 = WebRtcSpl_DivW32W16((int32_t)2147483647, den16); // 1/gain in Q31/Q(sh+11) = Q(20-sh)

    //initial conditions
    inv_gain16 = (int16_t)(inv_gain32 >> 2);  // 1/gain in Q(20-sh-2) = Q(18-sh)

    for (i=0;i<HALF_SUBFRAMELEN;i++)

      tmp32 = WEBRTC_SPL_LSHIFT_W32(lat_inQ25[i + temp1], 1); //Q25->Q26
      tmp32 = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT16(inv_gain16, tmp32); //lat_in[]*inv_gain in (Q(18-sh)*Q26)>>16 = Q(28-sh)
      tmp32 = WEBRTC_SPL_SHIFT_W32(tmp32, -(28-sh)); // lat_in[]*inv_gain in Q0

      ARfQ0vec[i] = (int16_t)WebRtcSpl_SatW32ToW16(tmp32); // Q0

    for (i=orderCoef-1;i>=0;i--) //get the state of f&g for the first input, for all orders
      tmp32 = (cthQ15[i] * ARfQ0vec[0] - sthQ15[i] * stateGQ0[i] + 16384) >> 15;
      tmpAR = (int16_t)WebRtcSpl_SatW32ToW16(tmp32); // Q0

      tmp32 = (sthQ15[i] * ARfQ0vec[0] + cthQ15[i] * stateGQ0[i] + 16384) >> 15;
      ARgQ0vec[i+1] = (int16_t)WebRtcSpl_SatW32ToW16(tmp32); // Q0
      ARfQ0vec[0] = tmpAR;
    ARgQ0vec[0] = ARfQ0vec[0];

    // Filter ARgQ0vec[] and ARfQ0vec[] through coefficients cthQ15[] and sthQ15[].
    WebRtcIsacfix_FilterArLoop(ARgQ0vec, ARfQ0vec, cthQ15, sthQ15, orderCoef);

      lat_outQ0[n + temp1] = ARfQ0vec[n];

    /* cannot use memcpy in the following */

    for (i=0;i<ord_1;i++)
      stateGQ0[i] = ARgQ0vec[i];

コード例 #5
ファイル: lattice.c プロジェクト: JumpingYang001/webrtc
/* filter the signal using normalized lattice filter */
void WebRtcIsacfix_NormLatticeFilterAr(size_t orderCoef,
                                       int16_t *stateGQ0,
                                       int32_t *lat_inQ25,
                                       int16_t *filt_coefQ15,
                                       int32_t *gain_lo_hiQ17,
                                       int16_t lo_hi,
                                       int16_t *lat_outQ0)
  size_t ii, k, i;
  int n, u;
  int16_t sthQ15[MAX_AR_MODEL_ORDER];
  int16_t cthQ15[MAX_AR_MODEL_ORDER];
  int32_t tmp32;

  int16_t tmpAR;
  int16_t ARfQ0vec[HALF_SUBFRAMELEN];
  int16_t ARgQ0vec[MAX_AR_MODEL_ORDER+1];

  int32_t inv_gain32;
  int16_t inv_gain16;
  int16_t den16;
  int16_t sh;

  int16_t temp2,temp3;
  size_t ord_1 = orderCoef+1;

  for (u=0;u<SUBFRAMES;u++)
    int32_t temp1 = u * HALF_SUBFRAMELEN;

    //set the denominator and numerator of the Direct Form
    temp2 = (int16_t)(u * orderCoef);
    temp3 = (int16_t)(2 * u + lo_hi);

    for (ii=0; ii<orderCoef; ii++) {
      sthQ15[ii] = filt_coefQ15[temp2+ii];

    WebRtcSpl_SqrtOfOneMinusXSquared(sthQ15, orderCoef, cthQ15);

    // Originally, this line was assumed to never overflow, since "[s]imulation
    // of the 25 files shows that maximum value in the vector gain_lo_hiQ17[]
    // is 441344, which means that it is log2((2^31)/441344) = 12.2 shifting
    // bits from saturation. Therefore, it should be safe to use Q27 instead of
    // Q17." However, a fuzzer test succeeded in provoking an overflow here,
    // which we ignore on the theory that only "abnormal" inputs cause
    // overflow.
    tmp32 = OverflowingLShiftS32(gain_lo_hiQ17[temp3], 10);  // Q27

    for (k=0;k<orderCoef;k++) {
      tmp32 = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT15(cthQ15[k], tmp32); // Q15*Q27>>15 = Q27

    sh = WebRtcSpl_NormW32(tmp32); // tmp32 is the gain
    den16 = (int16_t) WEBRTC_SPL_SHIFT_W32(tmp32, sh-16); //Q(27+sh-16) = Q(sh+11) (all 16 bits are value bits)
    inv_gain32 = WebRtcSpl_DivW32W16((int32_t)2147483647, den16); // 1/gain in Q31/Q(sh+11) = Q(20-sh)

    //initial conditions
    inv_gain16 = (int16_t)(inv_gain32 >> 2);  // 1/gain in Q(20-sh-2) = Q(18-sh)

    for (i=0;i<HALF_SUBFRAMELEN;i++)
      tmp32 = OverflowingLShiftS32(lat_inQ25[i + temp1], 1);  // Q25->Q26
      tmp32 = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT16(inv_gain16, tmp32); //lat_in[]*inv_gain in (Q(18-sh)*Q26)>>16 = Q(28-sh)
      tmp32 = WEBRTC_SPL_SHIFT_W32(tmp32, -(28-sh)); // lat_in[]*inv_gain in Q0

      ARfQ0vec[i] = (int16_t)WebRtcSpl_SatW32ToW16(tmp32); // Q0

    // Get the state of f & g for the first input, for all orders.
    for (i = orderCoef; i > 0; i--)
      tmp32 = (cthQ15[i - 1] * ARfQ0vec[0] - sthQ15[i - 1] * stateGQ0[i - 1] +
               16384) >> 15;
      tmpAR = (int16_t)WebRtcSpl_SatW32ToW16(tmp32); // Q0

      tmp32 = (sthQ15[i - 1] * ARfQ0vec[0] + cthQ15[i - 1] * stateGQ0[i - 1] +
               16384) >> 15;
      ARgQ0vec[i] = (int16_t)WebRtcSpl_SatW32ToW16(tmp32); // Q0
      ARfQ0vec[0] = tmpAR;
    ARgQ0vec[0] = ARfQ0vec[0];

    // Filter ARgQ0vec[] and ARfQ0vec[] through coefficients cthQ15[] and sthQ15[].
    WebRtcIsacfix_FilterArLoop(ARgQ0vec, ARfQ0vec, cthQ15, sthQ15, orderCoef);

      lat_outQ0[n + temp1] = ARfQ0vec[n];

    /* cannot use memcpy in the following */

    for (i=0;i<ord_1;i++)
      stateGQ0[i] = ARgQ0vec[i];

コード例 #6
ファイル: lattice_neon.c プロジェクト: KerwinMa/webrtc
// Contains a function for the core loop in the normalized lattice MA
// filter routine for iSAC codec, optimized for ARM Neon platform.
// It does:
//  for 0 <= n < HALF_SUBFRAMELEN - 1:
//    *ptr2 = input2 * (*ptr2) + input0 * (*ptr0));
//    *ptr1 = input1 * (*ptr0) + input0 * (*ptr2);
// Output is not bit-exact with the reference C code, due to the replacement
// of WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT15 and LATTICE_MUL_32_32_RSFT16 with Neon
// instructions. The difference should not be bigger than 1.
void WebRtcIsacfix_FilterMaLoopNeon(int16_t input0,  // Filter coefficient
                                    int16_t input1,  // Filter coefficient
                                    int32_t input2,  // Inverse coefficient
                                    int32_t* ptr0,   // Sample buffer
                                    int32_t* ptr1,   // Sample buffer
                                    int32_t* ptr2)   // Sample buffer
  int n = 0;
  int loop = (HALF_SUBFRAMELEN - 1) >> 3;
  int loop_tail = (HALF_SUBFRAMELEN - 1) & 0x7;

  int32x4_t input0_v = vdupq_n_s32((int32_t)input0 << 16);
  int32x4_t input1_v = vdupq_n_s32((int32_t)input1 << 16);
  int32x4_t input2_v = vdupq_n_s32(input2);
  int32x4_t tmp0a, tmp1a, tmp2a, tmp3a;
  int32x4_t tmp0b, tmp1b, tmp2b, tmp3b;
  int32x4_t ptr0va, ptr1va, ptr2va;
  int32x4_t ptr0vb, ptr1vb, ptr2vb;

  // Unroll to process 8 samples at once.
  for (n = 0; n < loop; n++) {
    ptr0va = vld1q_s32(ptr0);
    ptr0vb = vld1q_s32(ptr0 + 4);
    ptr0 += 8;

    ptr2va = vld1q_s32(ptr2);
    ptr2vb = vld1q_s32(ptr2 + 4);

    // Calculate tmp0 = (*ptr0) * input0.
    tmp0a = vqrdmulhq_s32(ptr0va, input0_v);
    tmp0b = vqrdmulhq_s32(ptr0vb, input0_v);

    // Calculate tmp1 = (*ptr0) * input1.
    tmp1a = vqrdmulhq_s32(ptr0va, input1_v);
    tmp1b = vqrdmulhq_s32(ptr0vb, input1_v);

    // Calculate tmp2 = tmp0 + *(ptr2).
    tmp2a = vaddq_s32(tmp0a, ptr2va);
    tmp2b = vaddq_s32(tmp0b, ptr2vb);
    tmp2a = vshlq_n_s32(tmp2a, 15);
    tmp2b = vshlq_n_s32(tmp2b, 15);

    // Calculate *ptr2 = input2 * tmp2.
    ptr2va = vqrdmulhq_s32(tmp2a, input2_v);
    ptr2vb = vqrdmulhq_s32(tmp2b, input2_v);

    vst1q_s32(ptr2, ptr2va);
    vst1q_s32(ptr2 + 4, ptr2vb);
    ptr2 += 8;

    // Calculate tmp3 = ptr2v * input0.
    tmp3a = vqrdmulhq_s32(ptr2va, input0_v);
    tmp3b = vqrdmulhq_s32(ptr2vb, input0_v);

    // Calculate *ptr1 = tmp1 + tmp3.
    ptr1va = vaddq_s32(tmp1a, tmp3a);
    ptr1vb = vaddq_s32(tmp1b, tmp3b);

    vst1q_s32(ptr1, ptr1va);
    vst1q_s32(ptr1 + 4, ptr1vb);
    ptr1 += 8;

  // Process four more samples.
  if (loop_tail & 0x4) {
    ptr0va = vld1q_s32(ptr0);
    ptr2va = vld1q_s32(ptr2);
    ptr0 += 4;

    // Calculate tmp0 = (*ptr0) * input0.
    tmp0a = vqrdmulhq_s32(ptr0va, input0_v);

    // Calculate tmp1 = (*ptr0) * input1.
    tmp1a = vqrdmulhq_s32(ptr0va, input1_v);

    // Calculate tmp2 = tmp0 + *(ptr2).
    tmp2a = vaddq_s32(tmp0a, ptr2va);
    tmp2a = vshlq_n_s32(tmp2a, 15);

    // Calculate *ptr2 = input2 * tmp2.
    ptr2va = vqrdmulhq_s32(tmp2a, input2_v);

    vst1q_s32(ptr2, ptr2va);
    ptr2 += 4;

    // Calculate tmp3 = *(ptr2) * input0.
    tmp3a = vqrdmulhq_s32(ptr2va, input0_v);

    // Calculate *ptr1 = tmp1 + tmp3.
    ptr1va = vaddq_s32(tmp1a, tmp3a);

    vst1q_s32(ptr1, ptr1va);
    ptr1 += 4;

  // Process two more samples.
  if (loop_tail & 0x2) {
    int32x2_t ptr0v_tail, ptr2v_tail, ptr1v_tail;
    int32x2_t tmp0_tail, tmp1_tail, tmp2_tail, tmp3_tail;
    ptr0v_tail = vld1_s32(ptr0);
    ptr2v_tail = vld1_s32(ptr2);
    ptr0 += 2;

    // Calculate tmp0 = (*ptr0) * input0.
    tmp0_tail = vqrdmulh_s32(ptr0v_tail, vget_low_s32(input0_v));

    // Calculate tmp1 = (*ptr0) * input1.
    tmp1_tail = vqrdmulh_s32(ptr0v_tail, vget_low_s32(input1_v));

    // Calculate tmp2 = tmp0 + *(ptr2).
    tmp2_tail = vadd_s32(tmp0_tail, ptr2v_tail);
    tmp2_tail = vshl_n_s32(tmp2_tail, 15);

    // Calculate *ptr2 = input2 * tmp2.
    ptr2v_tail = vqrdmulh_s32(tmp2_tail, vget_low_s32(input2_v));

    vst1_s32(ptr2, ptr2v_tail);
    ptr2 += 2;

    // Calculate tmp3 = *(ptr2) * input0.
    tmp3_tail = vqrdmulh_s32(ptr2v_tail, vget_low_s32(input0_v));

    // Calculate *ptr1 = tmp1 + tmp3.
    ptr1v_tail = vadd_s32(tmp1_tail, tmp3_tail);

    vst1_s32(ptr1, ptr1v_tail);
    ptr1 += 2;

  // Process one more sample.
  if (loop_tail & 0x1) {
    int16_t t16a = (int16_t)(input2 >> 16);
    int16_t t16b = (int16_t)input2;
    if (t16b < 0) t16a++;
    int32_t tmp32a;
    int32_t tmp32b;

    // Calculate *ptr2 = input2 * (*ptr2 + input0 * (*ptr0)).
    tmp32a = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT15(input0, *ptr0);
    tmp32b = *ptr2 + tmp32a;
    *ptr2 = (int32_t)(WEBRTC_SPL_MUL(t16a, tmp32b) +
                       (WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT16(t16b, tmp32b)));

    // Calculate *ptr1 = input1 * (*ptr0) + input0 * (*ptr2).
    tmp32a = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT15(input1, *ptr0);
    tmp32b = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_32_RSFT15(input0, *ptr2);
    *ptr1 = tmp32a + tmp32b;