void WI_SetState(stateenum_t st) { if(st == StatCount) WI_initStats(); if(st == ShowNextLoc) WI_initShowNextLoc(); if(st == NoState) WI_initNoState(); }
void WI_updateShowNextLoc(void) { WI_updateAnimatedBack(); if (!--cnt || acceleratestage) WI_initNoState(); else snl_pointeron = (cnt & 31) < 20; }
void WI_updateShowNextLoc(void) { WI_updateAnimatedBack(); if (!--::g->cnt || ::g->acceleratestage) { WI_initNoState(); DoomLib::ShowXToContinue( false ); } else { ::g->snl_pointeron = (::g->cnt & 31) < 20; } }
void WI_updateStats(void) { WI_updateAnimatedBack(); if (acceleratestage && sp_state != 10) { acceleratestage = 0; cnt_kills[0] = (plrs[me].skills * 100) / wbs->maxkills; cnt_items[0] = (plrs[me].sitems * 100) / wbs->maxitems; cnt_secret[0] = (plrs[me].ssecret * 100) / wbs->maxsecret; cnt_time = plrs[me].stime / TICRATE; cnt_par = wbs->partime / TICRATE; S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); sp_state = 10; } if (sp_state == 2) { cnt_kills[0] += 2; if (!(bcnt&3)) S_StartSound(0, sfx_pistol); if (cnt_kills[0] >= (plrs[me].skills * 100) / wbs->maxkills) { cnt_kills[0] = (plrs[me].skills * 100) / wbs->maxkills; S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); sp_state++; } } else if (sp_state == 4) { cnt_items[0] += 2; if (!(bcnt&3)) S_StartSound(0, sfx_pistol); if (cnt_items[0] >= (plrs[me].sitems * 100) / wbs->maxitems) { cnt_items[0] = (plrs[me].sitems * 100) / wbs->maxitems; S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); sp_state++; } } else if (sp_state == 6) { cnt_secret[0] += 2; if (!(bcnt&3)) S_StartSound(0, sfx_pistol); if (cnt_secret[0] >= (plrs[me].ssecret * 100) / wbs->maxsecret) { cnt_secret[0] = (plrs[me].ssecret * 100) / wbs->maxsecret; S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); sp_state++; } } else if (sp_state == 8) { if (!(bcnt&3)) S_StartSound(0, sfx_pistol); cnt_time += 3; if (cnt_time >= plrs[me].stime / TICRATE) cnt_time = plrs[me].stime / TICRATE; cnt_par += 3; if (cnt_par >= wbs->partime / TICRATE) { cnt_par = wbs->partime / TICRATE; if (cnt_time >= plrs[me].stime / TICRATE) { S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); sp_state++; } } } else if (sp_state == 10) { if (acceleratestage) { S_StartSound(0, sfx_sgcock); if (gamemode == commercial) WI_initNoState(); else WI_initShowNextLoc(); } } else if (sp_state & 1) { if (!--cnt_pause) { sp_state++; cnt_pause = TICRATE; } } }
void WI_updateNetgameStats(void) { int i; int fsum; boolean stillticking; WI_updateAnimatedBack(); if (acceleratestage && ng_state != 10) { acceleratestage = 0; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; cnt_kills[i] = (plrs[i].skills * 100) / wbs->maxkills; cnt_items[i] = (plrs[i].sitems * 100) / wbs->maxitems; cnt_secret[i] = (plrs[i].ssecret * 100) / wbs->maxsecret; if (dofrags) cnt_frags[i] = WI_fragSum(i); } S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); ng_state = 10; } if (ng_state == 2) { if (!(bcnt&3)) S_StartSound(0, sfx_pistol); stillticking = false; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; cnt_kills[i] += 2; if (cnt_kills[i] >= (plrs[i].skills * 100) / wbs->maxkills) cnt_kills[i] = (plrs[i].skills * 100) / wbs->maxkills; else stillticking = true; } if (!stillticking) { S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); ng_state++; } } else if (ng_state == 4) { if (!(bcnt&3)) S_StartSound(0, sfx_pistol); stillticking = false; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; cnt_items[i] += 2; if (cnt_items[i] >= (plrs[i].sitems * 100) / wbs->maxitems) cnt_items[i] = (plrs[i].sitems * 100) / wbs->maxitems; else stillticking = true; } if (!stillticking) { S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); ng_state++; } } else if (ng_state == 6) { if (!(bcnt&3)) S_StartSound(0, sfx_pistol); stillticking = false; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; cnt_secret[i] += 2; if (cnt_secret[i] >= (plrs[i].ssecret * 100) / wbs->maxsecret) cnt_secret[i] = (plrs[i].ssecret * 100) / wbs->maxsecret; else stillticking = true; } if (!stillticking) { S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); ng_state += 1 + 2*!dofrags; } } else if (ng_state == 8) { if (!(bcnt&3)) S_StartSound(0, sfx_pistol); stillticking = false; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; cnt_frags[i] += 1; if (cnt_frags[i] >= (fsum = WI_fragSum(i))) cnt_frags[i] = fsum; else stillticking = true; } if (!stillticking) { S_StartSound(0, sfx_pldeth); ng_state++; } } else if (ng_state == 10) { if (acceleratestage) { S_StartSound(0, sfx_sgcock); if ( gamemode == commercial ) WI_initNoState(); else WI_initShowNextLoc(); } } else if (ng_state & 1) { if (!--cnt_pause) { ng_state++; cnt_pause = TICRATE; } } }
// ==================================================================== // WI_updateStats // Purpose: Calculate solo stats // Args: none // Returns: void // void WI_updateStats(void) { WI_updateAnimatedBack(); if (acceleratestage && sp_state != 10) { acceleratestage = 0; cnt_kills[0] = (plrs[me].skills * 100) / wbs->maxkills; cnt_items[0] = (plrs[me].sitems * 100) / wbs->maxitems; // killough 2/22/98: Make secrets = 100% if maxsecret = 0: cnt_secret[0] = (wbs->maxsecret ? (plrs[me].ssecret * 100) / wbs->maxsecret : 100); cnt_total_time = wbs->totaltimes / TICRATE; cnt_time = plrs[me].stime / TICRATE; cnt_par = wbs->partime / TICRATE; S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); sp_state = 10; } if (sp_state == 2) { cnt_kills[0] += 2; if (!(bcnt&3)) S_StartSound(0, sfx_pistol); if (cnt_kills[0] >= (plrs[me].skills * 100) / wbs->maxkills) { cnt_kills[0] = (plrs[me].skills * 100) / wbs->maxkills; S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); sp_state++; } } else if (sp_state == 4) { cnt_items[0] += 2; if (!(bcnt&3)) S_StartSound(0, sfx_pistol); if (cnt_items[0] >= (plrs[me].sitems * 100) / wbs->maxitems) { cnt_items[0] = (plrs[me].sitems * 100) / wbs->maxitems; S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); sp_state++; } } else if (sp_state == 6) { cnt_secret[0] += 2; if (!(bcnt&3)) S_StartSound(0, sfx_pistol); // killough 2/22/98: Make secrets = 100% if maxsecret = 0: if ((!wbs->maxsecret && compatibility_level < lxdoom_1_compatibility) || cnt_secret[0] >= (wbs->maxsecret ? (plrs[me].ssecret * 100) / wbs->maxsecret : 100)) { cnt_secret[0] = (wbs->maxsecret ? (plrs[me].ssecret * 100) / wbs->maxsecret : 100); S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); sp_state++; } } else if (sp_state == 8) { if (!(bcnt&3)) S_StartSound(0, sfx_pistol); cnt_time += 3; if (cnt_time >= plrs[me].stime / TICRATE) cnt_time = plrs[me].stime / TICRATE; cnt_total_time += 3; if (cnt_total_time >= wbs->totaltimes / TICRATE) cnt_total_time = wbs->totaltimes / TICRATE; cnt_par += 3; if (cnt_par >= wbs->partime / TICRATE) { cnt_par = wbs->partime / TICRATE; if ((cnt_time >= plrs[me].stime / TICRATE) && (compatibility_level < lxdoom_1_compatibility || cnt_total_time >= wbs->totaltimes / TICRATE)) { S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); sp_state++; } } } else if (sp_state == 10) { if (acceleratestage) { S_StartSound(0, sfx_sgcock); if (gamemode == commercial) WI_initNoState(); else WI_initShowNextLoc(); } } else if (sp_state & 1) { if (!--cnt_pause) { sp_state++; cnt_pause = TICRATE; } } }
// ==================================================================== // WI_updateNetgameStats // Purpose: Calculate coop stats as we display them with noise and fury // Args: none // Returns: void // Comment: This stuff sure is complicated for what it does // void WI_updateNetgameStats(void) { int i; int fsum; bool stillticking; WI_updateAnimatedBack(); if (acceleratestage && ng_state != 10) { acceleratestage = 0; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; cnt_kills[i] = (plrs[i].skills * 100) / wbs->maxkills; cnt_items[i] = (plrs[i].sitems * 100) / wbs->maxitems; // killough 2/22/98: Make secrets = 100% if maxsecret = 0: cnt_secret[i] = wbs->maxsecret ? (plrs[i].ssecret * 100) / wbs->maxsecret : 100; if (dofrags) cnt_frags[i] = WI_fragSum(i); // we had frags } S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); // bang ng_state = 10; } if (ng_state == 2) { if (!(bcnt&3)) S_StartSound(0, sfx_pistol); // pop stillticking = false; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; cnt_kills[i] += 2; if (cnt_kills[i] >= (plrs[i].skills * 100) / wbs->maxkills) cnt_kills[i] = (plrs[i].skills * 100) / wbs->maxkills; else stillticking = true; // still got stuff to tally } if (!stillticking) { S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); ng_state++; } } else if (ng_state == 4) { if (!(bcnt&3)) S_StartSound(0, sfx_pistol); stillticking = false; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; cnt_items[i] += 2; if (cnt_items[i] >= (plrs[i].sitems * 100) / wbs->maxitems) cnt_items[i] = (plrs[i].sitems * 100) / wbs->maxitems; else stillticking = true; } if (!stillticking) { S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); ng_state++; } } else if (ng_state == 6) { if (!(bcnt&3)) S_StartSound(0, sfx_pistol); stillticking = false; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; cnt_secret[i] += 2; // killough 2/22/98: Make secrets = 100% if maxsecret = 0: if (cnt_secret[i] >= (wbs->maxsecret ? (plrs[i].ssecret * 100) / wbs->maxsecret : compatibility_level < lxdoom_1_compatibility ? 0 : 100)) cnt_secret[i] = wbs->maxsecret ? (plrs[i].ssecret * 100) / wbs->maxsecret : 100; else stillticking = true; } if (!stillticking) { S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); ng_state += 1 + 2*!dofrags; } } else if (ng_state == 8) { if (!(bcnt&3)) S_StartSound(0, sfx_pistol); stillticking = false; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; cnt_frags[i] += 1; if (cnt_frags[i] >= (fsum = WI_fragSum(i))) cnt_frags[i] = fsum; else stillticking = true; } if (!stillticking) { S_StartSound(0, sfx_pldeth); ng_state++; } } else if (ng_state == 10) { if (acceleratestage) { S_StartSound(0, sfx_sgcock); if ( gamemode == commercial ) WI_initNoState(); else WI_initShowNextLoc(); } } else if (ng_state & 1) { if (!--cnt_pause) { ng_state++; cnt_pause = TICRATE; } } }
// ==================================================================== // WI_updateDeathmatchStats // Purpose: Advance Deathmatch stats screen animation. Calculate // frags for all players. Lots of noise and drama around // the presentation. // Args: none // Returns: void // void WI_updateDeathmatchStats(void) { int i; int j; bool stillticking; WI_updateAnimatedBack(); if (acceleratestage && dm_state != 4) // still ticking { acceleratestage = 0; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (playeringame[i]) { for (j=0 ; j<MAXPLAYERS ; j++) if (playeringame[j]) dm_frags[i][j] = plrs[i].frags[j]; dm_totals[i] = WI_fragSum(i); } } S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); // bang dm_state = 4; // we're done with all 4 (or all we have to do) } if (dm_state == 2) { if (!(bcnt&3)) S_StartSound(0, sfx_pistol); // noise while counting stillticking = false; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (playeringame[i]) { for (j=0 ; j<MAXPLAYERS ; j++) { if (playeringame[j] && dm_frags[i][j] != plrs[i].frags[j]) { if (plrs[i].frags[j] < 0) dm_frags[i][j]--; else dm_frags[i][j]++; if (dm_frags[i][j] > 999) // Ty 03/17/98 3-digit frag count dm_frags[i][j] = 999; if (dm_frags[i][j] < -999) dm_frags[i][j] = -999; stillticking = true; } } dm_totals[i] = WI_fragSum(i); if (dm_totals[i] > 999) dm_totals[i] = 999; if (dm_totals[i] < -999) dm_totals[i] = -999; // Ty 03/17/98 end 3-digit frag count } } if (!stillticking) { S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); dm_state++; } } else if (dm_state == 4) { if (acceleratestage) { S_StartSound(0, sfx_slop); if ( gamemode == commercial) WI_initNoState(); else WI_initShowNextLoc(); } } else if (dm_state & 1) { if (!--cnt_pause) { dm_state++; cnt_pause = TICRATE; } } }
void WI_updateNetgameStats (void) { unsigned int i; int fsum; BOOL stillticking; WI_updateAnimatedBack(); if (acceleratestage && ng_state != 10) { acceleratestage = 0; for (i=0 ; i<players.size(); i++) { if (!players[i].ingame()) continue; cnt_kills_c[i] = plrs[i].skills; cnt_items_c[i] = plrs[i].sitems; cnt_secret_c[i] = plrs[i].ssecret; if (dofrags) cnt_frags_c[i] = WI_fragSum (players[i]); } S_Sound (CHAN_INTERFACE, "weapons/rocklx", 1, ATTN_NONE); ng_state = 10; } if (ng_state == 2) { if (!(bcnt&3)) S_Sound (CHAN_INTERFACE, "weapons/pistol", 1, ATTN_NONE); stillticking = false; for (i=0 ; i<players.size() ; i++) { if (!players[i].ingame()) continue; cnt_kills_c[i] += 2; if (cnt_kills_c[i] > plrs[i].skills) cnt_kills_c[i] = plrs[i].skills; else stillticking = true; } if (!stillticking) { S_Sound (CHAN_INTERFACE, "weapons/rocklx", 1, ATTN_NONE); ng_state++; } } else if (ng_state == 4) { if (!(bcnt&3)) S_Sound (CHAN_INTERFACE, "weapons/pistol", 1, ATTN_NONE); stillticking = false; for (i=0 ; i<players.size() ; i++) { if (!players[i].ingame()) continue; cnt_items_c[i] += 2; if (cnt_items_c[i] > plrs[i].sitems) cnt_items_c[i] = plrs[i].sitems; else stillticking = true; } if (!stillticking) { S_Sound (CHAN_INTERFACE, "weapons/rocklx", 1, ATTN_NONE); ng_state++; } } else if (ng_state == 6) { if (!(bcnt&3)) S_Sound (CHAN_INTERFACE, "weapons/pistol", 1, ATTN_NONE); stillticking = false; for (i=0 ; i<players.size() ; i++) { if (!players[i].ingame()) continue; cnt_secret_c[i] += 2; if (cnt_secret_c[i] > plrs[i].ssecret) cnt_secret_c[i] = plrs[i].ssecret; else stillticking = true; } if (!stillticking) { S_Sound (CHAN_INTERFACE, "weapons/rocklx", 1, ATTN_NONE); ng_state += 1 + 2*!dofrags; } } else if (ng_state == 8) { if (!(bcnt&3)) S_Sound (CHAN_INTERFACE, "weapons/pistol", 1, ATTN_NONE); stillticking = false; for (i=0 ; i<players.size() ; i++) { if (!players[i].ingame()) continue; cnt_frags_c[i] += 1; if (cnt_frags_c[i] >= (fsum = WI_fragSum(players[i]))) cnt_frags_c[i] = fsum; else stillticking = true; } if (!stillticking) { S_Sound (CHAN_INTERFACE, "player/male/death1", 1, ATTN_NONE); ng_state++; } } else if (ng_state == 10) { if (acceleratestage) { S_Sound (CHAN_INTERFACE, "weapons/shotgr", 1, ATTN_NONE); if ( (gameinfo.flags & GI_MAPxx) ) WI_initNoState(); else WI_initShowNextLoc(); } } else if (ng_state & 1) { if (!--cnt_pause) { ng_state++; cnt_pause = TICRATE; } } }
void WI_updateNetgameStats(void) { int i; int fsum; boolean stillticking; WI_updateAnimatedBack(); if(acceleratestage && ng_state != 10) { acceleratestage = 0; for(i = 0; i < NUM_TEAMS; i++) { //if (!players[i].plr->ingame) continue; cnt_kills[i] = (teaminfo[i].kills * 100) / wbs->maxkills; cnt_items[i] = (teaminfo[i].items * 100) / wbs->maxitems; cnt_secret[i] = (teaminfo[i].secret * 100) / wbs->maxsecret; if(dofrags) cnt_frags[i] = teaminfo[i].totalfrags; //WI_fragSum(i); } S_LocalSound(sfx_barexp, 0); ng_state = 10; } if(ng_state == 2) { if(!(bcnt & 3)) S_LocalSound(sfx_pistol, 0); stillticking = false; for(i = 0; i < NUM_TEAMS; i++) { //if (!players[i].plr->ingame) continue; cnt_kills[i] += 2; if(cnt_kills[i] >= (teaminfo[i].kills * 100) / wbs->maxkills) cnt_kills[i] = (teaminfo[i].kills * 100) / wbs->maxkills; else stillticking = true; } if(!stillticking) { S_LocalSound(sfx_barexp, 0); ng_state++; } } else if(ng_state == 4) { if(!(bcnt & 3)) S_LocalSound(sfx_pistol, 0); stillticking = false; for(i = 0; i < NUM_TEAMS; i++) { //if (!players[i].plr->ingame) continue; cnt_items[i] += 2; if(cnt_items[i] >= (teaminfo[i].items * 100) / wbs->maxitems) cnt_items[i] = (teaminfo[i].items * 100) / wbs->maxitems; else stillticking = true; } if(!stillticking) { S_LocalSound(sfx_barexp, 0); ng_state++; } } else if(ng_state == 6) { if(!(bcnt & 3)) S_LocalSound(sfx_pistol, 0); stillticking = false; for(i = 0; i < NUM_TEAMS; i++) { //if (!players[i].plr->ingame) continue; cnt_secret[i] += 2; if(cnt_secret[i] >= (teaminfo[i].secret * 100) / wbs->maxsecret) cnt_secret[i] = (teaminfo[i].secret * 100) / wbs->maxsecret; else stillticking = true; } if(!stillticking) { S_LocalSound(sfx_barexp, 0); ng_state += 1 + 2 * !dofrags; } } else if(ng_state == 8) { if(!(bcnt & 3)) S_LocalSound(sfx_pistol, 0); stillticking = false; for(i = 0; i < NUM_TEAMS; i++) { //if (!players[i].plr->ingame) continue; cnt_frags[i] += 1; if(cnt_frags[i] >= (fsum = WI_fragSum(i))) cnt_frags[i] = fsum; else stillticking = true; } if(!stillticking) { S_LocalSound(sfx_pldeth, 0); ng_state++; } } else if(ng_state == 10) { if(acceleratestage) { S_LocalSound(sfx_sgcock, 0); if(gamemode == commercial) WI_initNoState(); else WI_initShowNextLoc(); } } else if(ng_state & 1) { if(!--cnt_pause) { ng_state++; cnt_pause = TICRATE; } } }
void WI_updateDeathmatchStats () { /* int i, j; BOOL stillticking; */ WI_updateAnimatedBack(); if (acceleratestage && dm_state != 4) { /* acceleratestage = 0; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (playeringame[i]) { for (j=0 ; j<MAXPLAYERS ; j++) if (playeringame[j]) dm_frags[i][j] = plrs[i].frags[j]; dm_totals[i] = WI_fragSum(i); } } S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, NEXTSTAGE, 1, ATTN_NONE); */ dm_state = 4; } if (dm_state == 2) { /* if (!(bcnt&3)) S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, "weapons/pistol", 1, ATTN_NONE); stillticking = false; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (playeringame[i]) { for (j=0 ; j<MAXPLAYERS ; j++) { if (playeringame[j] && dm_frags[i][j] != plrs[i].frags[j]) { if (plrs[i].frags[j] < 0) dm_frags[i][j]--; else dm_frags[i][j]++; if (dm_frags[i][j] > 99) dm_frags[i][j] = 99; if (dm_frags[i][j] < -99) dm_frags[i][j] = -99; stillticking = true; } } dm_totals[i] = WI_fragSum(i); if (dm_totals[i] > 99) dm_totals[i] = 99; if (dm_totals[i] < -99) dm_totals[i] = -99; } } if (!stillticking) { S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, NEXTSTAGE, 1, ATTN_NONE); dm_state++; } */ dm_state = 3; } else if (dm_state == 4) { if (acceleratestage) { S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, "players/male/gibbed", 1, ATTN_NONE); if (gamemode == commercial) WI_initNoState(); else WI_initShowNextLoc(); } } else if (dm_state & 1) { if (!--cnt_pause) { dm_state++; cnt_pause = TICRATE; } } }
void WI_updateStats () { WI_updateAnimatedBack (); if ((gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Doom || acceleratestage) && sp_state != 10) { if (acceleratestage) { acceleratestage = 0; sp_state = 10; S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, NEXTSTAGE, 1, ATTN_NONE); } cnt_kills[0] = plrs[me].skills; cnt_items[0] = plrs[me].sitems; cnt_secret[0] = plrs[me].ssecret; cnt_time = plrs[me].stime / TICRATE; cnt_par = wbs->partime / TICRATE; } if (sp_state == 2) { if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Doom) { cnt_kills[0] += 2; if (!(bcnt&3)) S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, "weapons/pistol", 1, ATTN_NONE); } if (cnt_kills[0] >= plrs[me].skills) { cnt_kills[0] = plrs[me].skills; S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, NEXTSTAGE, 1, ATTN_NONE); sp_state++; } } else if (sp_state == 4) { if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Doom) { cnt_items[0] += 2; if (!(bcnt&3)) S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, "weapons/pistol", 1, ATTN_NONE); } if (cnt_items[0] >= plrs[me].sitems) { cnt_items[0] = plrs[me].sitems; S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, NEXTSTAGE, 1, ATTN_NONE); sp_state++; } } else if (sp_state == 6) { if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Doom) { cnt_secret[0] += 2; if (!(bcnt&3)) S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, "weapons/pistol", 1, ATTN_NONE); } if (cnt_secret[0] >= plrs[me].ssecret) { cnt_secret[0] = plrs[me].ssecret; S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, NEXTSTAGE, 1, ATTN_NONE); sp_state++; } } else if (sp_state == 8) { if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Doom) { if (!(bcnt&3)) S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, "weapons/pistol", 1, ATTN_NONE); cnt_time += 3; cnt_par += 3; } if (cnt_time >= plrs[me].stime / TICRATE) cnt_time = plrs[me].stime / TICRATE; if (cnt_par >= wbs->partime / TICRATE) { cnt_par = wbs->partime / TICRATE; if (cnt_time >= plrs[me].stime / TICRATE) { S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, NEXTSTAGE, 1, ATTN_NONE); sp_state++; } } } else if (sp_state == 10) { if (acceleratestage) { S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, PASTSTATS, 1, ATTN_NONE); if (gamemode == commercial) WI_initNoState(); else WI_initShowNextLoc(); } } else if (sp_state & 1) { if (!--cnt_pause) { sp_state++; cnt_pause = TICRATE; } } }
void WI_updateNetgameStats () { int i; int fsum; BOOL stillticking; WI_updateAnimatedBack (); if (acceleratestage && ng_state != 10) { acceleratestage = 0; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; cnt_kills[i] = plrs[i].skills; cnt_items[i] = plrs[i].sitems; cnt_secret[i] = plrs[i].ssecret; if (dofrags) cnt_frags[i] = WI_fragSum (i); } S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, NEXTSTAGE, 1, ATTN_NONE); ng_state = 10; } if (ng_state == 2) { if (!(bcnt&3)) S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, "weapons/pistol", 1, ATTN_NONE); stillticking = false; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; cnt_kills[i] += 2; if (cnt_kills[i] > plrs[i].skills) cnt_kills[i] = plrs[i].skills; else stillticking = true; } if (!stillticking) { S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, NEXTSTAGE, 1, ATTN_NONE); ng_state++; } } else if (ng_state == 4) { if (!(bcnt&3)) S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, "weapons/pistol", 1, ATTN_NONE); stillticking = false; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; cnt_items[i] += 2; if (cnt_items[i] > plrs[i].sitems) cnt_items[i] = plrs[i].sitems; else stillticking = true; } if (!stillticking) { S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, NEXTSTAGE, 1, ATTN_NONE); ng_state++; } } else if (ng_state == 6) { if (!(bcnt&3)) S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, "weapons/pistol", 1, ATTN_NONE); stillticking = false; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; cnt_secret[i] += 2; if (cnt_secret[i] > plrs[i].ssecret) cnt_secret[i] = plrs[i].ssecret; else stillticking = true; } if (!stillticking) { S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, NEXTSTAGE, 1, ATTN_NONE); ng_state += 1 + 2*!dofrags; } } else if (ng_state == 8) { if (!(bcnt&3)) S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, "weapons/pistol", 1, ATTN_NONE); stillticking = false; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; cnt_frags[i] += 1; if (cnt_frags[i] >= (fsum = WI_fragSum(i))) cnt_frags[i] = fsum; else stillticking = true; } if (!stillticking) { S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, "player/male/death1", 1, ATTN_NONE); ng_state++; } } else if (ng_state == 10) { if (acceleratestage) { S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, PASTSTATS, 1, ATTN_NONE); if ( gamemode == commercial ) WI_initNoState(); else WI_initShowNextLoc(); } } else if (ng_state & 1) { if (!--cnt_pause) { ng_state++; cnt_pause = TICRATE; } } }
void WI_updateStats(void) { WI_updateAnimatedBack(); if (::g->acceleratestage && ::g->sp_state != 10) { ::g->acceleratestage = 0; ::g->cnt_kills[0] = (plrs[::g->me].skills * 100) / ::g->wbs->maxkills; ::g->cnt_items[0] = (plrs[::g->me].sitems * 100) / ::g->wbs->maxitems; ::g->cnt_secret[0] = (plrs[::g->me].ssecret * 100) / ::g->wbs->maxsecret; ::g->cnt_time = plrs[::g->me].stime / TICRATE; ::g->cnt_par = ::g->wbs->partime / TICRATE; S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); ::g->sp_state = 10; } if (::g->sp_state == 2) { ::g->cnt_kills[0] += 2; if (!(::g->bcnt&3)) S_StartSound(0, sfx_pistol); if (::g->cnt_kills[0] >= (plrs[::g->me].skills * 100) / ::g->wbs->maxkills) { ::g->cnt_kills[0] = (plrs[::g->me].skills * 100) / ::g->wbs->maxkills; S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); ::g->sp_state++; } } else if (::g->sp_state == 4) { ::g->cnt_items[0] += 2; if (!(::g->bcnt&3)) S_StartSound(0, sfx_pistol); if (::g->cnt_items[0] >= (plrs[::g->me].sitems * 100) / ::g->wbs->maxitems) { ::g->cnt_items[0] = (plrs[::g->me].sitems * 100) / ::g->wbs->maxitems; S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); ::g->sp_state++; } } else if (::g->sp_state == 6) { ::g->cnt_secret[0] += 2; if (!(::g->bcnt&3)) S_StartSound(0, sfx_pistol); if (::g->cnt_secret[0] >= (plrs[::g->me].ssecret * 100) / ::g->wbs->maxsecret) { ::g->cnt_secret[0] = (plrs[::g->me].ssecret * 100) / ::g->wbs->maxsecret; S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); ::g->sp_state++; } } else if (::g->sp_state == 8) { if (!(::g->bcnt&3)) S_StartSound(0, sfx_pistol); ::g->cnt_time += 3; if (::g->cnt_time >= plrs[::g->me].stime / TICRATE) ::g->cnt_time = plrs[::g->me].stime / TICRATE; ::g->cnt_par += 3; if (::g->cnt_par >= ::g->wbs->partime / TICRATE) { ::g->cnt_par = ::g->wbs->partime / TICRATE; if (::g->cnt_time >= plrs[::g->me].stime / TICRATE) { S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); ::g->sp_state++; } } } else if (::g->sp_state == 10) { if (::g->acceleratestage) { if ( !::g->demoplayback && ( ::g->usergame || ::g->netgame ) ) { S_StartSound(0, sfx_sgcock); // need to do this again if they buy it localCalculateAchievements(false); if (::g->gamemode == commercial) { WI_initNoState(); } else{ WI_initShowNextLoc(); } } } } else if (::g->sp_state & 1) { if (!--::g->cnt_pause) { ::g->sp_state++; ::g->cnt_pause = TICRATE; } } }
void WI_updateNetgameStats(void) { int i; int fsum; qboolean stillticking; WI_updateAnimatedBack(); if (::g->acceleratestage && ::g->ng_state != 10) { ::g->acceleratestage = 0; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (!::g->playeringame[i]) continue; ::g->cnt_kills[i] = (plrs[i].skills * 100) / ::g->wbs->maxkills; ::g->cnt_items[i] = (plrs[i].sitems * 100) / ::g->wbs->maxitems; ::g->cnt_secret[i] = (plrs[i].ssecret * 100) / ::g->wbs->maxsecret; if (::g->dofrags) ::g->cnt_frags[i] = WI_fragSum(i); } S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); ::g->ng_state = 10; } if (::g->ng_state == 2) { if (!(::g->bcnt&3)) S_StartSound(0, sfx_pistol); stillticking = false; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (!::g->playeringame[i]) continue; ::g->cnt_kills[i] += 2; if (::g->cnt_kills[i] >= (plrs[i].skills * 100) / ::g->wbs->maxkills) ::g->cnt_kills[i] = (plrs[i].skills * 100) / ::g->wbs->maxkills; else stillticking = true; } if (!stillticking) { S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); ::g->ng_state++; } } else if (::g->ng_state == 4) { if (!(::g->bcnt&3)) S_StartSound(0, sfx_pistol); stillticking = false; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (!::g->playeringame[i]) continue; ::g->cnt_items[i] += 2; if (::g->cnt_items[i] >= (plrs[i].sitems * 100) / ::g->wbs->maxitems) ::g->cnt_items[i] = (plrs[i].sitems * 100) / ::g->wbs->maxitems; else stillticking = true; } if (!stillticking) { S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); ::g->ng_state++; } } else if (::g->ng_state == 6) { if (!(::g->bcnt&3)) S_StartSound(0, sfx_pistol); stillticking = false; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (!::g->playeringame[i]) continue; ::g->cnt_secret[i] += 2; if (::g->cnt_secret[i] >= (plrs[i].ssecret * 100) / ::g->wbs->maxsecret) ::g->cnt_secret[i] = (plrs[i].ssecret * 100) / ::g->wbs->maxsecret; else stillticking = true; } if (!stillticking) { S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); ::g->ng_state += 1 + 2*!::g->dofrags; } } else if (::g->ng_state == 8) { if (!(::g->bcnt&3)) S_StartSound(0, sfx_pistol); stillticking = false; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (!::g->playeringame[i]) continue; ::g->cnt_frags[i] += 1; if (::g->cnt_frags[i] >= (fsum = WI_fragSum(i))) ::g->cnt_frags[i] = fsum; else stillticking = true; } if (!stillticking) { S_StartSound(0, sfx_pldeth); ::g->ng_state++; } } else if (::g->ng_state == 10) { if (::g->acceleratestage) { if ( !::g->demoplayback && ( ::g->usergame || ::g->netgame ) ) { S_StartSound(0, sfx_sgcock); // need to do this again if they buy it localCalculateAchievements(false); if (::g->gamemode == commercial){ WI_initNoState(); DoomLib::ShowXToContinue( false ); } else{ WI_initShowNextLoc(); } } } } else if (::g->ng_state & 1) { if (!--::g->cnt_pause) { ::g->ng_state++; ::g->cnt_pause = TICRATE; } } }
void WI_updateStats(void) { WI_updateAnimatedBack(); if (acceleratestage && sp_state != 10) { acceleratestage = 0; cnt_kills = (wminfo.maxkills) ? (level.killed_monsters * 100) / wminfo.maxkills : 0; cnt_items = (wminfo.maxitems) ? (level.found_items * 100) / wminfo.maxitems : 0; cnt_secret = (wminfo.maxsecret) ? (level.found_secrets * 100) / wminfo.maxsecret : 0; cnt_time = (plrs[me].stime) ? plrs[me].stime / TICRATE : level.time / TICRATE; cnt_par = wminfo.partime / TICRATE; S_Sound (CHAN_INTERFACE, "world/barrelx", 1, ATTN_NONE); sp_state = 10; } if (sp_state == 2) { cnt_kills += 2; if (!(bcnt&3)) S_Sound (CHAN_INTERFACE, "weapons/pistol", 1, ATTN_NONE); if (!wminfo.maxkills || cnt_kills >= (level.killed_monsters * 100) / wminfo.maxkills) { cnt_kills = (wminfo.maxkills) ? (level.killed_monsters * 100) / wminfo.maxkills : 0; S_Sound (CHAN_INTERFACE, "world/barrelx", 1, ATTN_NONE); sp_state++; } } else if (sp_state == 4) { cnt_items += 2; if (!(bcnt&3)) S_Sound (CHAN_INTERFACE, "weapons/pistol", 1, ATTN_NONE); if (!wminfo.maxitems || cnt_items >= (level.found_items * 100) / wminfo.maxitems) { cnt_items = (wminfo.maxitems) ? (level.found_items * 100) / wminfo.maxitems : 0; S_Sound (CHAN_INTERFACE, "world/barrelx", 1, ATTN_NONE); sp_state++; } } else if (sp_state == 6) { cnt_secret += 2; if (!(bcnt&3)) S_Sound (CHAN_INTERFACE, "weapons/pistol", 1, ATTN_NONE); if (!wminfo.maxsecret || cnt_secret >= (level.found_secrets * 100) / wminfo.maxsecret) { cnt_secret = (wminfo.maxsecret) ? (level.found_secrets * 100) / wminfo.maxsecret : 0; S_Sound (CHAN_INTERFACE, "world/barrelx", 1, ATTN_NONE); sp_state++; } } else if (sp_state == 8) { if (!(bcnt&3)) S_Sound (CHAN_INTERFACE, "weapons/pistol", 1, ATTN_NONE); cnt_time += 3; if (cnt_time >= level.time / TICRATE) cnt_time = level.time / TICRATE; cnt_par += 3; if (cnt_par >= wminfo.partime / TICRATE) { cnt_par = wminfo.partime / TICRATE; if (cnt_time >= level.time / TICRATE) { S_Sound (CHAN_INTERFACE, "world/barrelx", 1, ATTN_NONE); sp_state++; } } } else if (sp_state == 10) { if (acceleratestage) { S_Sound (CHAN_INTERFACE, "weapons/shotgr", 1, ATTN_NONE); if ((gameinfo.flags & GI_MAPxx)) WI_initNoState(); else WI_initShowNextLoc(); } } else if (sp_state & 1) { if (!--cnt_pause) { sp_state++; cnt_pause = TICRATE; } } }
void WI_updateDeathmatchStats(void) { int i; int j; boolean stillticking; WI_updateAnimatedBack(); if (acceleratestage && dm_state != 4) { acceleratestage = 0; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (playeringame[i]) { for (j=0 ; j<MAXPLAYERS ; j++) if (playeringame[j]) dm_frags[i][j] = plrs[i].frags[j]; dm_totals[i] = WI_fragSum(i); } } S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); dm_state = 4; } if (dm_state == 2) { if (!(bcnt&3)) S_StartSound(0, sfx_pistol); stillticking = false; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (playeringame[i]) { for (j=0 ; j<MAXPLAYERS ; j++) { if (playeringame[j] && dm_frags[i][j] != plrs[i].frags[j]) { if (plrs[i].frags[j] < 0) dm_frags[i][j]--; else dm_frags[i][j]++; if (dm_frags[i][j] > 99) dm_frags[i][j] = 99; if (dm_frags[i][j] < -99) dm_frags[i][j] = -99; stillticking = true; } } dm_totals[i] = WI_fragSum(i); if (dm_totals[i] > 99) dm_totals[i] = 99; if (dm_totals[i] < -99) dm_totals[i] = -99; } } if (!stillticking) { S_StartSound(0, sfx_barexp); dm_state++; } } else if (dm_state == 4) { if (acceleratestage) { S_StartSound(0, sfx_slop); if ( gamemode == commercial) WI_initNoState(); else WI_initShowNextLoc(); } } else if (dm_state & 1) { if (!--cnt_pause) { dm_state++; cnt_pause = TICRATE; } } }
void WI_updateDeathmatchStats(void) { int i; int j; boolean stillticking; WI_updateAnimatedBack(); if(acceleratestage && dm_state != 4) { acceleratestage = 0; for(i = 0; i < NUM_TEAMS; i++) { // if(teaminfo[i].members) // { for(j = 0; j < NUM_TEAMS; j++) { // if (players[i].plr->ingame) dm_frags[i][j] = teaminfo[i].frags[j]; } dm_totals[i] = WI_fragSum(i); // } } S_LocalSound(sfx_barexp, 0); dm_state = 4; } if(dm_state == 2) { if(!(bcnt & 3)) S_LocalSound(sfx_pistol, 0); stillticking = false; for(i = 0; i < NUM_TEAMS; i++) { // if (players[i].plr->ingame) { for(j = 0; j < NUM_TEAMS; j++) { if( /*players[i].plr->ingame && */ dm_frags[i][j] != teaminfo[i].frags[j]) { if(teaminfo[i].frags[j] < 0) dm_frags[i][j]--; else dm_frags[i][j]++; if(dm_frags[i][j] > 99) dm_frags[i][j] = 99; if(dm_frags[i][j] < -99) dm_frags[i][j] = -99; stillticking = true; } } dm_totals[i] = WI_fragSum(i); if(dm_totals[i] > 99) dm_totals[i] = 99; if(dm_totals[i] < -99) dm_totals[i] = -99; } } if(!stillticking) { S_LocalSound(sfx_barexp, 0); dm_state++; } } else if(dm_state == 4) { if(acceleratestage) { S_LocalSound(sfx_slop, 0); if(gamemode == commercial) WI_initNoState(); else WI_initShowNextLoc(); } } else if(dm_state & 1) { if(!--cnt_pause) { dm_state++; cnt_pause = TICRATE; } } }