コード例 #1
*       WM_SetCaptureMove
void WM_SetCaptureMove(WM_HWIN hWin, const GUI_PID_STATE* pState, int MinVisibility) {
  if (!WM_HasCaptured(hWin)) {
    WM_SetCapture(hWin, 1);        /* Set capture with auto release */
    WM__CapturePoint.x = pState->x;
    WM__CapturePoint.y = pState->y;
  } else {                         /* Moving ... let the window move ! */
    int dx, dy;
    dx = pState->x - WM__CapturePoint.x;
    dy = pState->y - WM__CapturePoint.y;
    /* make sure at least a part of the windows stays inside of its parent */
    if (MinVisibility == 0) {
      WM_MoveWindow(hWin, dx, dy);
    } else {
      GUI_RECT Rect, RectParent;
      /* make sure at least a part of the windows stays inside of its parent */
      WM_GetWindowRectEx(hWin, &Rect);
      WM_GetWindowRectEx(WM_GetParent(hWin), &RectParent);
      GUI_MoveRect(&Rect, dx, dy);
      GUI__ReduceRect(&RectParent, &RectParent, MinVisibility);
      if (GUI_RectsIntersect(&Rect, &RectParent)) {
        WM_MoveWindow(hWin, dx, dy);
コード例 #2
*       WM_GetInsideRectExScrollbar
    Return the inside rectangle in client coordinates.
    The inside rectangle is the client rectangle minus the effect,
    which typically reduces the rectangle by 0 - 3 pixels on either side
    (2 for the standard 3D effect).
void WM_GetInsideRectExScrollbar(WM_HWIN hWin, GUI_RECT* pRect) {
  GUI_RECT rWin, rInside, rScrollbar;
  WM_HWIN hBarV, hBarH;
  U16 WinFlags;
  if (hWin) {
    if (pRect) {
      hBarH = WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_HSCROLL);
      hBarV = WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_VSCROLL);
      WM_GetWindowRectEx(hWin, &rWin);     /* The entire window in screen coordinates */
      WM_GetInsideRectEx(hWin, &rInside);
      if (hBarV) {
         WM_GetWindowRectEx(hBarV, &rScrollbar);
         GUI_MoveRect(&rScrollbar, -rWin.x0, -rWin.y0);
         WinFlags = WM_GetFlags(hBarV);
         if ((WinFlags & WM_SF_ANCHOR_RIGHT) && (WinFlags & WM_SF_ISVIS)) {
           rInside.x1 = rScrollbar.x0 - 1;
      if (hBarH) {
         WM_GetWindowRectEx(hBarH, &rScrollbar);
         GUI_MoveRect(&rScrollbar, -rWin.x0, -rWin.y0);
         WinFlags = WM_GetFlags(hBarH);
         if ((WinFlags & WM_SF_ANCHOR_BOTTOM) && (WinFlags & WM_SF_ISVIS)) {
           rInside.y1 = rScrollbar.y0 - 1;
      *pRect = rInside;
コード例 #3
ファイル: SCROLLBAR.c プロジェクト: ChunHungLiu/ubuntu230os
*       _CalcPositions
*  Calculates all positions required for drawing or for mouse / touch
*  evaluation.
static void _CalcPositions(SCROLLBAR_Obj* pObj, SCROLLBAR_POSITIONS* pPos) {
  int xSizeArrow, xSize, xSizeMoveable, ThumbSize, NumItems, xSizeThumbArea;
  WM_HWIN hWin;
  GUI_RECT r, rSub;
  int x0, y0;
  r = pObj->Widget.Win.Rect;
  x0 = r.x0;
  y0 = r.y0;
  pPos->x1  = (pObj->Widget.State & WIDGET_STATE_VERTICAL) ? r.y1 : r.x1;
  /* Subtract the rectangle of the other scrollbar (if existing and visible) */
  if (pObj->Widget.Id == GUI_ID_HSCROLL) {
    hWin = WM_GetScrollbarV(pObj->Widget.Win.hParent);
    if (hWin) {
      WM_GetWindowRectEx(hWin, &rSub);
      if (r.x1 == rSub.x1) {
        r.x1 = rSub.x0 -1;
  if (pObj->Widget.Id == GUI_ID_VSCROLL) {
    hWin = WM_GetScrollbarH(pObj->Widget.Win.hParent);
    if (hWin) {
      WM_GetWindowRectEx(hWin, &rSub);
      if (r.y1 == rSub.y1) {
        r.y1 = rSub.y0 -1;
  /* Convert coordinates of this window */
  GUI_MoveRect(&r, -x0, -y0);
  /* Convert real into virtual coordinates */
  _WIDGET__RECT2VRECT(&pObj->Widget, &r);
  NumItems      = pObj->NumItems;
  xSize         = r.x1 - r.x0 + 1;
  xSizeArrow    = _GetArrowSize(pObj);
  xSizeThumbArea= xSize - 2 * xSizeArrow;     /* Number of pixels available for thumb and movement */
  ThumbSize     = GUI__DivideRound(xSizeThumbArea * pObj->PageSize, NumItems);
  if (ThumbSize < 4) {
    ThumbSize = 4;
  if (ThumbSize > xSizeThumbArea) {
    ThumbSize = xSizeThumbArea;
  xSizeMoveable = xSizeThumbArea - ThumbSize;
  pPos->x0_LeftArrow  = r.x0;
  pPos->x1_LeftArrow  = xSizeArrow - 1;
  pPos->x1_RightArrow = xSize - 1;
  pPos->x0_RightArrow = xSize - xSizeArrow;
  pPos->x0_Thumb      = pPos->x1_LeftArrow + 1+ GUI__DivideRound(xSizeMoveable * pObj->v, NumItems - pObj->PageSize);
  pPos->x1_Thumb      = pPos->x0_Thumb + ThumbSize - 1;
  pPos->xSizeMoveable = xSizeMoveable;
  pPos->ThumbSize     = ThumbSize;
コード例 #4
ファイル: WIDGET_GraphXY.c プロジェクト: caicry/uFrame
*       _ToggleFullScreenMode
* Purpose:
*   This routine switches between full screen mode and normal mode by hiding or showing the
*   widgets of the dialog, enlarging/shrinking the graph widget and modifying some other
*   attributes of the dialog widgets.
static void _ToggleFullScreenMode(WM_HWIN hDlg) {
  static int FullScreenMode;
  static GUI_RECT Rect;
  static unsigned ScalePos;
  WM_HWIN hGraph, hButton;
  hGraph  = WM_GetDialogItem(hDlg, GUI_ID_GRAPH0);
  hButton = WM_GetDialogItem(hDlg, GUI_ID_BUTTON0);
  FullScreenMode ^= 1;
  if (FullScreenMode) {
    /* Enter the full screen mode */
    WM_HWIN hClient;
    GUI_RECT RectInside;
    hClient = WM_GetClientWindow(hDlg);
    BUTTON_SetText(hButton, "Back");
    WM_MoveWindow(hButton, 0, 11);
    FRAMEWIN_SetTitleVis(hDlg, 0);
    WM_GetInsideRectEx(hClient, &RectInside);
    WM_GetWindowRectEx(hGraph, &Rect);
    WM_ForEachDesc(hClient, _ForEach, &FullScreenMode); /* Hide all descendants */
    WM_SetWindowPos(hGraph, WM_GetWindowOrgX(hClient), WM_GetWindowOrgX(hClient), RectInside.x1, RectInside.y1);
    ScalePos = GRAPH_SCALE_SetPos(_hScaleH, RectInside.y1 - 105);
  } else {
    /* Return to normal mode */
    BUTTON_SetText(hButton, "Full Screen");
    WM_MoveWindow(hButton, 0, -11);
    WM_ForEachDesc(WM_GetClientWindow(hDlg), _ForEach, &FullScreenMode); /* Show all descendants */
    WM_SetWindowPos(hGraph, Rect.x0, Rect.y0, Rect.x1 - Rect.x0 + 1, Rect.y1 - Rect.y0 + 1);
    FRAMEWIN_SetTitleVis(hDlg, 1);
    GRAPH_SCALE_SetPos(_hScaleH, ScalePos);
コード例 #5
*       MYWIDGET_Callback
void MYWIDGET_Callback(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) {
    MYWIDGET_Handle   hWin;
    GUI_PID_STATE   * pState;
    MYWIDGET_Obj      MyWidget;
    GUI_RECT          WinRect;
    int               ColorIndex;
    U8                Pressed;

    hWin = pMsg->hWin;
    WM_GetWindowRectEx(hWin, &WinRect);
    GUI_MoveRect(&WinRect, -WinRect.x0, -WinRect.y0);
    WM_GetUserData(hWin, &MyWidget, sizeof(MYWIDGET_Obj));
    switch (pMsg->MsgId) {
    case WM_PAINT:
        if (WM_IsEnabled(hWin)) {
            if (MyWidget.Pressed) {
                ColorIndex = MYWIDGET_CI_PRESSED;
            } else {
                ColorIndex = MYWIDGET_CI_UNPRESSED;
        } else {
            ColorIndex = MYWIDGET_CI_DISABLED;
        if (WM_HasFocus(hWin)) {
        GUI_DispStringInRect(MyWidget.pText, &WinRect, GUI_TA_HCENTER | GUI_TA_VCENTER);
    case WM_TOUCH:
        pState = (GUI_PID_STATE *)pMsg->Data.p;
        if (pState) {
            Pressed = pState->Pressed;
        } else {
            Pressed = 0;
        if (MyWidget.Pressed != Pressed) {
            MyWidget.Pressed = Pressed;
            WM_SetUserData(hWin, &MyWidget, sizeof(MYWIDGET_Obj));
            if (Pressed) {
    case WM_SET_FOCUS:
        if (pMsg->Data.v) {
            pMsg->Data.v = 0;
コード例 #6
*       _CreateMessageBox
static WM_HWIN _CreateMessageBox(const char * sMessage, const char * sCaption, int Flags, const GUI_FONT * pFont) {
  WM_HWIN hWin, hItem;
  GUI_RECT Rect;
  hWin = MESSAGEBOX_Create(sMessage, sCaption, Flags);
  * Change font of message box window
  FRAMEWIN_SetFont(hWin, pFont);
  * Adjust size
  WM_GetWindowRectEx(hWin, &Rect);
  WM_SetWindowPos(hWin, Rect.x0 - 15, 
                        Rect.y0 - 15, 
                        Rect.x1 - Rect.x0 + 1 + 30, 
                        Rect.y1 - Rect.y0 + 1 + 30);
  * Change font of button widget
  hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_OK);
  BUTTON_SetFont(hItem, pFont);
  * Adjust size of button widget
  WM_GetWindowRectEx(hItem, &Rect);
  WM_SetWindowPos(hItem, Rect.x0, 
                         Rect.y0 + 10, 
                         Rect.x1 - Rect.x0 + 1 + 30, 
                         Rect.y1 - Rect.y0 + 1 +  5);
  * Change font of text widget
  hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_TEXT0);
  TEXT_SetFont(hItem, pFont);
  * Adjust size text widget
  WM_GetWindowRectEx(hItem, &Rect);
  WM_SetWindowPos(hItem, Rect.x0, 
                         Rect.x1 - Rect.x0 + 1 + 30, 
                         Rect.y1 - Rect.y0 + 1 + 12);
  return hWin;
コード例 #7
// Find if the point is over a Synth String Panel and, if yes, the function returns the handle on the window found
// and update the coordinates relatively  to this window.
WM_HWIN SynthScreen_GetStringHWin(int &x, int &y)
	for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
		GUI_RECT rect;
		WM_GetWindowRectEx(hSynthItems[SYNTH_STRINGPANEL1+i], &rect);
		if (x >= rect.x0 && y >= rect.y0 && x <= rect.x1 && y <= rect.y1)
			x -= rect.x0;
			y -= rect.y0;
			return hSynthItems[SYNTH_STRINGPANEL1+i];
	return NULL;
コード例 #8
*       _cbMyWidget
static void _cbMyWidget(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) {
    GUI_RECT WinRect;
    char     acText[20] = { 0 };

    switch (pMsg->MsgId) {
    case WM_PAINT:
        MYWIDGET_GetUserData(pMsg->hWin, acText, sizeof(acText));
        WM_GetWindowRectEx(pMsg->hWin, &WinRect);
        GUI_MoveRect(&WinRect, -WinRect.x0, -WinRect.y0);
        GUI_DispStringInRect(acText, &WinRect, GUI_TA_HCENTER | GUI_TA_VCENTER);
コード例 #9
ファイル: xIconSelBtn.c プロジェクト: arfei0107/emWin_OSD
*       _Paint
static void _Paint(xIconSelBtn_Handle hWin)
    GUI_RECT          WinRect;
    xIconSelBtn_OBJ   tWidget;
    int xSize, ySize;
    if(!hWin) return;
    DEBUGOUT("xIconSelBtn hWin = 0x%08x\r\n", hWin);
    WM_GetWindowRectEx(hWin, &WinRect);
    GUI_MoveRect(&WinRect, -WinRect.x0, -WinRect.y0);
    DEBUGOUT("xIconSelBtn Paint(%d,%d,%d,%d)\r\n",WinRect.x0, WinRect.y0, WinRect.x1, WinRect.y1);
    BUTTON_GetUserData(hWin, &tWidget, sizeof(xIconSelBtn_OBJ));
    tWidget.hThis = hWin;
    BUTTON_SetUserData(hWin, &tWidget, sizeof(xIconSelBtn_OBJ));
        GUI_DrawBitmap(tWidget.pBkBMP, WinRect.x0, WinRect.y0);
        //Draw Window Frame Outline, and Background.
        //Draw Window Frame Outline, and Background.
        GUI_FillRoundedRect(WinRect.x0, WinRect.y0, WinRect.x1, WinRect.y1, 1);
    xSize = WinRect.x1 - WinRect.x0;
    ySize = WinRect.y1 - WinRect.y0;
    pBMP = tWidget.xIconArray[tWidget.SelectedIndex].pBMP;
        //Draw BMP in H & V center
        GUI_DrawBitmap(pBMP, WinRect.x0 + (xSize - pBMP->XSize)/2 , WinRect.y0 + (ySize - pBMP->YSize)/2 );
コード例 #10
*       _cbCallback
static void _cbCallback(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) {
  WM_HWIN hWin = pMsg->hWin;
    int NCode, Id;
  switch (pMsg->MsgId) {
    case WM_INIT_DIALOG:
      /* Initialize all widgets */
      #if GUIDEMO_TINY
        EDIT_SetText(WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_EDIT0), "EDIT");
        EDIT_SetText(WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_EDIT0), "EDIT widget 0");
        EDIT_SetText(WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_EDIT1), "EDIT widget 1");
        #if GUIDEMO_LARGE
          WM_HWIN hListBox;
          EDIT_SetHexMode(WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_EDIT2), 0x1234, 0, 0xffffff);
          EDIT_SetBinMode(WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_EDIT3), 0x1234, 0, 0xffff);
          hListBox = WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, GUI_ID_LISTBOX0);
          LISTBOX_SetText(hListBox, _apListBox);
          SCROLLBAR_CreateAttached(hListBox, SCROLLBAR_CF_VERTICAL);
          GUI_RECT Rect;
          int x, y, ySize;
          ySize = LCD_GetYSize();
          if (ySize < 120) {
            WM_ResizeWindow(hWin, 0, -24);
          WM_GetWindowRectEx(hWin, &Rect);
          x = (LCD_GetXSize() - (Rect.x1 - Rect.x0 + 1)) >> 1;
          y = (ySize          - (Rect.y1 - Rect.y0 + 1)) >> 1;
          #if GUIDEMO_TINY
            WM_MoveTo(hWin, x, y);
            WM_MoveTo(hWin, x, y - 4);
    case WM_KEY:
      switch (((WM_KEY_INFO*)(pMsg->Data.p))->Key) {
      case GUI_KEY_ESCAPE:
        GUI_EndDialog(hWin, 1);
      case GUI_KEY_ENTER:
        GUI_EndDialog(hWin, 0);
      Id    = WM_GetId(pMsg->hWinSrc);    /* Id of widget */
      NCode = pMsg->Data.v;               /* Notification code */
      switch (NCode) {
        case WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED:    /* React only if released */
          if (Id == GUI_ID_OK) {          /* OK Button */
            GUI_EndDialog(hWin, 0);
          if (Id == GUI_ID_CANCEL) {      /* Cancel Button */
            GUI_EndDialog(hWin, 1);
        case WM_NOTIFICATION_SEL_CHANGED: /* Selection changed */
          FRAMEWIN_SetText(hWin, "Dialog - sel changed");
          FRAMEWIN_SetText(hWin, "Dialog - notification received");
コード例 #11
*       MainTask
void MainTask(void) {
  WM_HWIN hScrollbar, hDlgOptions;
  GUI_RECT RectDlg, RectClient;
  int Cnt = 0, IndexEffect = 0, ButtonState = 0, DropdownState = 0;
  int ProgbarValue   = 0, ProgbarInc   = 1;
  int SliderValue    = 0, SliderInc    = 1;
  int ScrollbarValue = 0, ScrollbarInc = 1;
  int ListViewInc  = 1;
  int ListBoxInc   = 1;
  int MultiEditInc = 1;
  int Vz = 1;
  const WIDGET_EFFECT * _apEffect[] = {&WIDGET_Effect_3D,     /* Array of effects */
  const char * _apEffects[] = {"Widget effect: 3D", "Widget effect: Simple", "Widget effect: None"};
  WM_SetCallback(WM_HBKWIN, _cbBkWindow);
  WM_SetCreateFlags(WM_CF_MEMDEV);  /* Use memory devices on all windows to avoid flicker */
  WM_EnableMemdev(WM_HBKWIN);       /* Enable use of memory devices for desktop windows */
  /* Create framewindow and set its properties */
  _hFrameWin = FRAMEWIN_CreateEx(0, 0, 640, 480, 0, WM_CF_SHOW, 0, 0, "", &_cbCallbackFramewin);
  FRAMEWIN_SetMoveable(_hFrameWin, 1);
  FRAMEWIN_SetText(_hFrameWin, _apEffects[0]);
  FRAMEWIN_SetFont(_hFrameWin, &GUI_Font13B_ASCII);
  /* Create main dialog window as child from framewindows client window */
  _hDlg = GUI_CreateDialogBox(_aDlgWidgets,
                              WM_GetClientWindow(_hFrameWin), 0, 0);
  /* Attach scrollbar to framewindows client window and set its properties */
  hScrollbar = SCROLLBAR_CreateAttached(WM_GetClientWindow(_hFrameWin), 0);
  WM_GetWindowRectEx(_hDlg, &RectDlg);
  WM_GetClientRectEx(WM_GetClientWindow(_hFrameWin), &RectClient);
  SCROLLBAR_SetNumItems(hScrollbar, RectDlg.x1);
  SCROLLBAR_SetPageSize(hScrollbar, RectClient.x1);
  /* Create options dialog with 'stay on top' and 'moveable' attribute */
  hDlgOptions = GUI_CreateDialogBox(_aDlgOptions, 
                                    WM_HBKWIN, 0, 0);
  FRAMEWIN_SetMoveable(hDlgOptions, 1);
  WM_SetStayOnTop(hDlgOptions, 1);
  /* Main loop for modifying the widgets */
  while (1) {
    if (_AutoMode) {
      /* Modify progbar */
      if ((Cnt % 2) == 0) {
        ProgbarValue += ProgbarInc;
        if ((ProgbarValue == 110) || (ProgbarValue == -10)) {
          ProgbarInc *= -1;
        PROGBAR_SetValue(_ahWin[PROGBAR0], ProgbarValue);
      /* Modify slider */
      if ((Cnt % 2) == 0) {
        int j;
        SliderValue += SliderInc;
        if ((SliderValue == 100) || (SliderValue == 0)) {
          SliderInc *= -1;
        for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
          SLIDER_SetValue(_ahWin[SLIDER0 + j], SliderValue);
      /* Modify scrollbar */
      if ((Cnt % 3) == 0) {
        int j;
        ScrollbarValue += ScrollbarInc;
        if ((ScrollbarValue == 90) || (ScrollbarValue == 0)) {
          ScrollbarInc *= -1;
        for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
          SCROLLBAR_SetValue(_ahWin[SCROLLBAR0 + j], ScrollbarValue);
      /* Modify multipage */
      if ((Cnt % 120) == 0) {
        MULTIPAGE_SelectPage(_ahWin[MULTIPAGE0], MULTIPAGE_GetSelection(_ahWin[MULTIPAGE0]) ^ 1);
      /* Modify dropdown */
      if ((Cnt % 120) == 0) {
        DropdownState ^= 1;
        if (DropdownState) {
        } else {
      /* Modify button */
      if ((Cnt % 40) == 0) {
        ButtonState ^= 1;
        BUTTON_SetPressed(_ahWin[BUTTON0], ButtonState);
      /* Modify listbox */
      if ((Cnt % 30) == 0) {
        int Sel;
        Sel = LISTBOX_GetSel(_ahWin[LISTBOX0]);
        if (Sel < 0) {
          Sel = 0;
        LISTBOX_SetSel(_ahWin[LISTBOX0], Sel + ListBoxInc);
        Sel = LISTBOX_GetSel(_ahWin[LISTBOX0]);
        if ((Sel == (int)LISTBOX_GetNumItems(_ahWin[LISTBOX0]) - 1) || (Sel == 0)) {
          ListBoxInc *= -1;
      /* Modify listview */
      if ((Cnt % 50) == 0) {
        int Sel;
        Sel = LISTVIEW_GetSel(_ahWin[LISTVIEW0]);
        if (Sel < 0) {
          Sel = 0;
        LISTVIEW_SetSel(_ahWin[LISTVIEW0], Sel + ListViewInc);
        Sel = LISTVIEW_GetSel(_ahWin[LISTVIEW0]);
        if ((Sel == (int)LISTVIEW_GetNumRows(_ahWin[LISTVIEW0]) - 1) || (Sel == 0)) {
          ListViewInc *= -1;
      /* Modify multiedit */
      if ((Cnt % 5) == 0) {
        int Sel, Len;
        char acBuffer[100];
        MULTIEDIT_SetCursorOffset(_ahWin[MULTIEDIT0], MULTIEDIT_GetCursorCharPos(_ahWin[MULTIEDIT0]) + MultiEditInc);
        MULTIEDIT_GetText(_ahWin[MULTIEDIT0], acBuffer, sizeof(acBuffer));
        Sel = MULTIEDIT_GetCursorCharPos(_ahWin[MULTIEDIT0]);
        Len = strlen(acBuffer);
        if ((Sel == (Len - 1)) || (Sel == 0)) {
          MultiEditInc *= -1;
        if (!DropdownState) {
      /* Modify graph */
      _AddValues(_ahWin[GRAPH0], 95);
      /* Move window */
      if ((Cnt % 1200) == 0) {
        int Inc;
        WM_HWIN hScroll;
        WM_SCROLL_STATE ScrollState;
        hScroll = WM_GetScrollbarH(WM_GetClientWindow(_hFrameWin));
        WM_GetScrollState(hScroll, &ScrollState);
        Inc = (ScrollState.NumItems - ScrollState.PageSize) / 2;
        ScrollState.v += Inc * Vz;
        if ((ScrollState.v >= Inc * 2) || (ScrollState.v <= 0)) {
          Vz *= -1;
        SCROLLBAR_SetValue(hScroll, ScrollState.v);
      /* Change effect */
      if ((Cnt % 400) == 0) {
        int Index;
        WM_HWIN hWin;
        Index = IndexEffect % GUI_COUNTOF(_apEffect);
        hWin = WM_GetDialogItem(hDlgOptions, GUI_ID_RADIO0);
        RADIO_SetValue(hWin, Index);
    /* Wait a while */