コード例 #1
//Write one byte of control or Calendar/Clock data
static void write_byte(uint8_t byte)
    uint8_t i;
    //Port pins in write mode
    //Write one byte of control or Calendar/Clock data
    for(i = 0; i != 8; ++i)
        //Start clock cycle with SCLK low
        //Write bit value to I/O pin of DS1302          
        if(((1<<i)&byte) == 0)
        DATA_TO_CLK_SETUP(); //Data to clock setup
        //End clock cycle with SCLK high
コード例 #2
ファイル: movie_join_bak.c プロジェクト: Tomyao/vpic
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
  int nproc, ifile, nframes=0;
  FILE **fparr, *ofp, *ologp; 
  int *nxarr; 
  int nx, nx_output, nx_total, nx_ave; 
  int nvx, nvx_output=200; 
  float dv; 
  float *data_vec, *odata_vec; 
  char fname[256], errmsg[512], ofname[256];
  int write_binary=1; 
  int not_eof=1; 

  if ( argc!=5 ) {
    fprintf( stderr, "Usage:  %s [num_processors] "
	     " [NX] [a or b to write ascii or binary data]\n\n"
             "Note: ascii data write is intended for debugging one's diagnostics. The files"
             "produced can be huge.\n", argv[0] ); 
    return 0;
  /* Obtain runtime data from comand line. */ 
  if ( nproc<=0 ) ERROR( "Bad number of input files requested.\n" );
  if ( nx_output<=0 ) ERROR( "Bad nx requested.\n" ); 
  if ( argv[3][0]=='a' || argv[3][0]=='A' ) write_binary=0;

  /* Allocate space for input file handles. */ 
  foreach_file fparr[ifile]=emalloc(sizeof(**fparr)); 

     Write phase space movie data. 
  /* Open all of the input files. */ 
  foreach_file {
    sprintf(fname, "movie_phase.%d", ifile); 
    if ( !(fparr[ifile]=fopen(fname, "rb")) ) ERROR(("Cannot open file: %s\n", fname)); 
    /* First element in each file is the num of cells in local x mesh */
    fread( &nxarr[ifile], sizeof(int), 1, fparr[ifile] ); 
    fread( &nvx, sizeof(int), 1, fparr[ifile] ); 
    fread( &dv, sizeof(float), 1, fparr[ifile] ); 
  nx_total = 0; 
  foreach_file nx_total += nxarr[ifile]; 
  printf("Total x mesh points: %d\n", nx_total); 
  nx_ave = nx_total/nx_output; 
  if ( nx_total%nx_output ) 
    fprintf(stderr, "Warning:  requested number of x points doesn't "
	    "evenly divide nx_total.\n" ); 
  data_vec = (float *)emalloc((size_t)(nx_total*nvx_output)*sizeof(*data_vec)); 
  odata_vec = (float *)emalloc((size_t)(nx_output*nvx_output)*sizeof(*odata_vec)); 

  /* Write various movie parameters to log file movie_log.dat */ 
  if ( !(ologp=fopen( "movie_log.dat", "w" ))  )  ERROR(("Cannot open log file."));
  fprintf( ologp, "%d\n", nframes );   
  fprintf( ologp, "%d\n", nx_output );    
  fprintf( ologp, "%d\n", nvx_output ); 
  fprintf( ologp, "%e\n", dv ); 

  /* Prepare to write movie data file. */ 
  sprintf(ofname, (write_binary ? "%s.bin" : "%s.dat"), argv[2]);
  if ( !(ofp = fopen( ofname, WRITE_MODE(write_binary) )) ) 
    ERROR(("Cannot open file: %s\n", ofname));         
  while ( not_eof ) {
    int ix=0;
    /* Read one line of data from each input file and join together into 
       data_vec array.  We have assumed that each output file has the same 
       number of lines in it. */ 
    printf("Reading frame %d... ", ++nframes); 
    foreach_file {
      fread( &data_vec[ix], sizeof(float), nxarr[ifile]*nvx_output, fparr[ifile] ); 
      ix += nxarr[ifile]*nvx_output; 
      if ( feof(fparr[ifile]) ) not_eof=0; 

    /* Now create the output data array by averaging over values in data_vec */ 
    for ( ix=0; ix<nx_output; ++ix ) {
      int ivx;
      for ( ivx=0; ivx<nvx_output; ++ivx ) {
	int ixa;
	odata_vec[ix*nvx_output+ivx] = 0;
	for ( ixa=0; ixa<nx_ave; ++ixa )
	  if ( ix*nx_ave+ixa<nx_total )
	      += data_vec[(ix*nx_ave+ixa)*nvx_output+ivx]; 

    /* Write odata_vec into output stream */ 
    WRITE_VEC(ofp, odata_vec,nx_output*nvx_output,sizeof(float),write_binary);
#if 0
    if ( write_binary )
      fwrite( odata_vec, sizeof(float), nx_output*nvx_output, ofp );
    else  /* ascii write */ 
      for ( ix=0; ix<nx_output; ++ix ) {
        int ivx;
        for ( ivx=0; ivx<nvx_output; ++ivx ) 
          fprintf( ofp, "%e ", odata_vec[ix*nvx_output+ivx] );
        fprintf( ofp, "\n" );  
  fprintf( ologp, "%d\n", nframes );   
  fclose( ologp ); 

  /* Close input and output data files */ 
  foreach_file fclose(fparr[ifile]); 

     Write field movie data.  

  return 0;