int main() { int number, guess, difference, option;/*defines integers*/ char play_exit;/*defines players choose*/ /*print to screen questions for play or exit?*/ printf(" “P” or “p” for play and “E” or “e” to exit\n"); option=Play(play_exit);/*players choice*/ /*this loop for play game if players choice is 'p',*/ while(option==1) { number=RNG();/*create the random number*/ /*this loop for continue if players choice is wrong.*/ while(number!=guess) { printf("Please guess between 1 and 10 ");/*wants guess*/ scanf("%d", &guess);/*take the guess*/ /*calculate the difference*/ difference=CalculateTheDifference(guess,number); /*print to screen the feedback*/ WarnThePlayer(difference,number); } /*print to screen questions for playing again?*/ printf(" Do you want to play again?(“P” or “p” for play and “E” or “e” to exit)\n"); scanf("%c", &play_exit);/*take the players choice*/ option=Play(play_exit);/*define the choice*/ } return 0; }
int main() { int a1, a2, guess1, guess2, x1, x2;/*defines number,guess,difference */ /*For 1st number.*/ a1=RNG();/*calculate 1st number*/ printf("Guess please?\n");/*wants guess*/ scanf("%d", &guess1);/*read guess*/ printf("Your guess= %d\n", guess1); x1=CalculateTheDifference(guess1, a1);/*calculates the difference*/ WarnThePlayer(x1, guess1);/*writes the results*/ /*For 2nd number*/ a2=RNG();/*calculate 2nd number*/ printf("Guess(between 1-10) please?\n");/*wants guess*/ scanf("%d", &guess2);/*read guess*/ printf("Your guess= %d\n", guess2); x2=CalculateTheDifference(guess2, a2);/*calculate the difference*/ WarnThePlayer(x2,guess2);/*writes the results*/ }
int main(void){ int number; int guess; int result; /*Prints the screen instructions and comments*/ printf("\nWELCOME"); printf("\nI've got a number for you"); printf("\nIs a number between 1 and 10"); printf("\nCan you guess this number?"); printf("\nI'm giving you two chances, good luck!"); printf("\n\nEnter your guess:"); /*Player's guess*/ scanf("%d",&guess); /*The correct answer assign to number*/ number = RNG(); /*Calculates the difference between guess and correct number*/ result = CalculateTheDifference(number, guess); /*Print screen the comment according to the result*/ WarnThePlayer(result); /*If the guess is correct the program ends*/ /*If the guess isn't correct player enter the second time guess*/ if(result==0) return 0; else{ printf("\n\nThis is your last chance:"); scanf("%d",&guess); number = number; result = CalculateTheDifference(number, guess); if(guess==number) printf("---------------------CONGRATULATIONS!!!---------------------\n\n"); else printf("\nI'm sorry, the correct number is:%d\n\n", number); } return 0; }