コード例 #1
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

  ros::init(argc, argv, "waypoint_publisher");
  ros::NodeHandle nh;

  ROS_INFO("Started waypoint_publisher.");

  ros::V_string args;
  ros::removeROSArgs(argc, argv, args);

  if (args.size() != 2) {
        "Usage: waypoint_publisher <waypoint_file> (one per line, space separated: wait_time [s] x[m] y[m] z[m] yaw[deg])");
    return -1;

  std::vector<WaypointWithTime> waypoints;
  const float DEG_2_RAD = M_PI / 180.0;

  std::ifstream wp_file(args.at(1).c_str());

  if (wp_file.is_open()) {
    double t, x, y, z, yaw;
    // Only read complete waypoints.
    while (wp_file >> t >> x >> y >> z >> yaw) {
      waypoints.push_back(WaypointWithTime(t, x, y, z, yaw * DEG_2_RAD));
    ROS_INFO("Read %d waypoints.", (int )waypoints.size());
コード例 #2
WaypointWithTime getPointBetween(const WaypointWithTime & a, const WaypointWithTime & b, 
                                 int step, int totalSteps, int minTime) {
  double t = minTime;
  double x = between(a.position[0], b.position[0], step, totalSteps);
  double y = between(a.position[1], b.position[1], step, totalSteps);
  double z = between(a.position[2], b.position[2], step, totalSteps);
  double yaw = between(a.yaw, b.yaw, step, totalSteps);
  return WaypointWithTime(t, x, y, z, yaw);
コード例 #3
void increaseResolution(std::vector<WaypointWithTime> & waypoints, std::vector<WaypointWithTime> & newWaypoints, int factor) {
  for (int i=1; i < waypoints.size(); ++i) {
    for (int j=1; j <= factor; ++j) {
      double t = waypoints[i].waiting_time;
      double x = waypoints[i-1].position[0] + ((waypoints[i].position[0] - waypoints[i-1].position[0]) * j / factor);
      double y = waypoints[i-1].position[1] + ((waypoints[i].position[1] - waypoints[i-1].position[1]) * j / factor);
      double z = waypoints[i-1].position[2] + ((waypoints[i].position[2] - waypoints[i-1].position[2]) * j / factor);
      double yaw = waypoints[i-1].yaw + ((waypoints[i].yaw - waypoints[i-1].yaw) * j / factor);
      newWaypoints.push_back(WaypointWithTime(t, x, y, z, yaw));
コード例 #4
bool GlobalPlanner::getGlobalPath() {
  std::vector<Cell> path;
  if (!FindPath(path)) {
    return false;

  // Use actual position instead of the center of the cell
  waypoints.push_back(WaypointWithTime(0, currPos.x, currPos.y, currPos.z, yaw));   
  double lastYaw = yaw;
  for (int i=1; i < path.size()-1; ++i) {
    Cell p = path[i];
    double newYaw = angle(p, path[i+1], lastYaw);
    waypoints.push_back(WaypointWithTime(0, p.x()+0.5, p.y()+0.5, p.z()+0.5, newYaw));
    lastYaw = newYaw;
  waypoints.push_back(WaypointWithTime(0, path[path.size()-1].x()+0.5, path[path.size()-1].y()+0.5, 2, 0));

  increaseResolution(0.3, 0.05, 0.1 * kNanoSecondsInSecond);
  return true;

コード例 #5
void increaseResolution(std::vector<WaypointWithTime> & waypoints, std::vector<WaypointWithTime> & newWaypoints, double minDist, double minRot, double minTime) { 
  for (int i=1; i < waypoints.size(); ++i) {
    double diffX = std::abs(waypoints[i].position[0] - waypoints[i-1].position[0]);
    double diffY = std::abs(waypoints[i].position[1] - waypoints[i-1].position[1]);
    double diffZ = std::abs(waypoints[i].position[2] - waypoints[i-1].position[2]);
    double diffYaw = std::abs(waypoints[i].yaw - waypoints[i-1].yaw);
    int factor = (int) std::max( std::max(0.0, diffX / minDist), std::max(diffY / minDist, diffZ / minDist));
    factor = std::max(factor, (int) (diffYaw / minRot)) + 1;
    for (int j=1; j <= factor; ++j) {
      double t = std::max(minTime, (waypoints[i-1].waiting_time + waypoints[i].waiting_time) / (2*factor));
      double x = between(waypoints[i-1].position[0], waypoints[i].position[0], j, factor);
      double y = between(waypoints[i-1].position[1], waypoints[i].position[1], j, factor);
      double z = between(waypoints[i-1].position[2], waypoints[i].position[2], j, factor);
      double yaw = between(waypoints[i-1].yaw, waypoints[i].yaw, j, factor);
      // double yaw = waypoints[i-1].yaw;
      newWaypoints.push_back(WaypointWithTime(t, x, y, z, yaw));
コード例 #6
void getWaypoints(std::vector<WaypointWithTime> & waypoints) {

  const float DEG_2_RAD = M_PI / 180.0;

  std::ifstream wp_file(inputFilePath.c_str());

  if (wp_file.is_open()) {
    double t, x, y, z, yaw;
    // Only read complete waypoints.
    while (wp_file >> t >> x >> y >> z >> yaw) {
      waypoints.push_back(WaypointWithTime(t, x, y, z, yaw * DEG_2_RAD));

    std::vector<WaypointWithTime> newWaypoints;
    // increaseResolution(waypoints, newWaypoints, 1);
    increaseResolution(waypoints, newWaypoints, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1);
    waypoints = newWaypoints;

    ROS_INFO("Read %d waypoints.", (int )waypoints.size());