MRESULT MainSize(HWND hwnd, /* handle to the main client window */ SHORT sTotalMsgs, MPARAM mp1, /* first parameter of WM_SIZE message */ MPARAM mp2) /* second parameter of WM_SIZE message */ { cxClient = SHORT1FROMMP (mp2) ; cyClient = SHORT2FROMMP (mp2) ; sHscrollMax = max (0, cxTextTotal - cxClient) ; sHscrollPos = min (sHscrollPos, sHscrollMax) ; WinSendMsg (hwndHscroll, SBM_SETSCROLLBAR, MPFROM2SHORT (sHscrollPos, 0), MPFROM2SHORT (0, sHscrollMax)) ; WinEnableWindow (hwndHscroll, (BOOL)((sHscrollMax != 0) ? TRUE : FALSE)) ; sVscrollMax = max (0, sTotalMsgs - cyClient / cyChar) ; sVscrollPos = min (sVscrollPos, sVscrollMax) ; WinSendMsg (hwndVscroll, SBM_SETSCROLLBAR, MPFROM2SHORT (sVscrollPos, 0), MPFROM2SHORT (0, sVscrollMax)) ; WinEnableWindow (hwndVscroll, (BOOL)((sVscrollMax != 0) ? TRUE : FALSE)) ; return (MRFROMLONG(0)); }
VOID AdjustSaveTypeButtons (BOOL f) { HWND hwndClient = WinWindowFromID (hwndFrame, FID_CLIENT); // FIXME um, em, global variables :-$ WinEnableWindow (WinWindowFromID (hwndClient, WID_RB_CLIPBOARD), !f); WinEnableWindow (WinWindowFromID (hwndClient, WID_RB_FILE), !f); }
MRESULT clbSetCheck(PCLBOX pclb, BOOL fl) { if (!(pclb->fl & CLBXS_CHECK)) return (MRESULT)0; pclb->is.chkon = (fl != 0); WinEnableWindow(pclb->hlbx, pclb->is.chkon); WinEnableWindow(pclb->hentry, pclb->is.chkon); WinEnableWindow(pclb->hadd, pclb->is.chkon & pclb->is.addon); WinEnableWindow(pclb->hrem, pclb->is.chkon & pclb->is.remon); WinEnableWindow(pclb->hfind, pclb->is.chkon); return pclb->pfbtn(pclb->hchk, BM_SETCHECK, (MPARAM)pclb->is.chkon, MPVOID); }
void dlgFind_SetFound(HWND hwnd,int found) { HWND hwndBtnReplace = WinWindowFromID(hwnd,IDB_REPLACE); HWND hwndBtnReplaceFind = WinWindowFromID(hwnd,IDB_REPLACEFIND); HWND hwndBtnReplaceAll = WinWindowFromID(hwnd,IDB_REPLACEALL); WinEnableWindow(hwndBtnReplace,found); WinEnableWindow(hwndBtnReplaceFind,found); WinEnableWindow(hwndBtnReplaceAll,found); dlgFind_found = found; }
void DConfirmDlg::OnAllBoxClick() { // Check to see if this is turned off/on enable or disable other 3 options // accordingly. int rc = IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_CONFIRM_ALL); { WinEnableWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_CONFIRM_DELETE), !rc); WinEnableWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_CONFIRM_REPLACE), !rc); WinEnableWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_CONFIRM_COPY), !rc); } }
BOOL APIENTRY WprogressBar(HWND hParent, HWND hOwner, PPROGRESSDLG ppd) { QMSG qmsg; HWND hwnd; PPRGSAPPDATA pad; BOOL rc = FALSE; // allocate storage for application data if (!(pad = (PPRGSAPPDATA)malloc(sizeof(PRGSAPPDATA)))) return FALSE; memset(pad, 0, sizeof(PRGSAPPDATA)); pad->ppd = ppd; // ottiene tempo di inizio pad->start = WinGetCurrentTime(pad->hab = WinQueryAnchorBlock(hOwner)) / 1000; // window handles if (ppd->fl & PRGSS_BITMAP) { SIZEL szl; WqueryBitmapSize(pad->ppd->hbmp, &szl); pad->cxbmp =; } /* endif */ if (NULLHANDLE != (hwnd = WinLoadDlg(hParent, hOwner, ProgressDlgProc, hmod, DLG_PROGRESS, pad))) { if (!ppd->pszPrgrss) ppd->pszPrgrss = SZ_PROGRESS; if (!ppd->pszTime) ppd->pszTime = SZ_ELAPSTIME; if (ppd->pszStop) WinSetDlgItemText(hwnd, BTN_STOP, ppd->pszStop); pad->hOwner = WinQueryWindow(hwnd, QW_OWNER); WinEnableWindow(pad->hOwner, FALSE); for(;;) { if (WinGetMsg(pad->hab, &qmsg, NULLHANDLE, 0, 0)) { // loop standard if (qmsg.msg == PRGSM_END && qmsg.hwnd == hwnd) { if (pad->qQuit.msg) WinPostMsg(pad->qQuit.hwnd, pad->qQuit.msg, pad->qQuit.mp1, pad->qQuit.mp2); break; } // end if WinDispatchMsg(pad->hab, &qmsg); } else { // WM_QUIT pad->qQuit = qmsg; if(qmsg.hwnd == NULLHANDLE) // SHUTDOWN WinPostMsg(hwnd, WM_CLOSE, MPFROMLONG(TRUE), NULL); else if(qmsg.hwnd == HWNDFROMMP(qmsg.mp2)) // TASKLIST WinPostMsg(hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0L, 0L); else // chiusura regolare: termina break; } // end if } // end forever WinSetFocus(HWND_DESKTOP, hOwner); WinDestroyWindow(hwnd); WinEnableWindow(pad->hOwner, TRUE); rc = TRUE; } // end if free(pad); return rc; }
MRESULT EXPENTRY PrefGeneralDlgProc (HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2) { ULONG h, m, s; switch (msg) { case WM_INITDLG: WinSendDlgItemMsg(hwnd, DID_COMMENT_STRN, EM_SETTEXTLIMIT, MPFROMSHORT(COMMENT_MAXLEN), NULL); WinSendDlgItemMsg(hwnd, DID_SEND_KEYSRV_STRN, EM_SETTEXTLIMIT, MPFROMSHORT(CCHMAXPATH), NULL); WinSendDlgItemMsg(hwnd, DID_EDITOR_STRN, EM_SETTEXTLIMIT, MPFROMSHORT(CCHMAXPATH), NULL); WinSendDlgItemMsg(hwnd, DID_CACHE_SPIN_HOUR, SPBM_SETLIMITS, (MPARAM) 100, (MPARAM) 0); WinSendDlgItemMsg(hwnd, DID_CACHE_SPIN_MIN, SPBM_SETLIMITS, (MPARAM) 59, (MPARAM) 0); WinSendDlgItemMsg(hwnd, DID_CACHE_SPIN_SEC, SPBM_SETLIMITS, (MPARAM) 59, (MPARAM) 0); h = ProfileData.Flags.CacheTime / 3600; m = (ProfileData.Flags.CacheTime % 3600) / 60; s = (ProfileData.Flags.CacheTime % 3600) % 60; WinSendDlgItemMsg(hwnd, DID_CACHE_SPIN_HOUR, SPBM_SPINUP, (MPARAM) h, NULL); WinSendDlgItemMsg(hwnd, DID_CACHE_SPIN_MIN, SPBM_SPINUP, (MPARAM) m, NULL); WinSendDlgItemMsg(hwnd, DID_CACHE_SPIN_SEC, SPBM_SPINUP, (MPARAM) s, NULL); WinSetWindowText(WinWindowFromID(hwnd, DID_COMMENT_STRN), TempData.ASCIIComment); WinSetWindowText(WinWindowFromID(hwnd, DID_SEND_KEYSRV_STRN), TempData.SendKeyServer); WinSetWindowText(WinWindowFromID(hwnd, DID_EDITOR_STRN), TempData.EditorFile); WinCheckButton(hwnd, DID_ENCRYPT_TO_SELF, TempData.Flags.PgpEncryptToSelf); WinCheckButton(hwnd, DID_ALWAYS_ON_TOP, TempData.Flags.AlwaysOnTop); WinCheckButton(hwnd, DID_SHOW_HINT_WINDOW, !TempData.Flags.SuppressHint); WinCheckButton(hwnd, DID_SMALL_ICONS, TempData.Flags.SmallIcons); if (!PGPKeysToolExists) { WinEnableWindow(WinWindowFromID(hwnd, DID_SEND_KEYSRV_GRP), FALSE); WinEnableWindow(WinWindowFromID(hwnd, DID_SEND_KEYSRV_STRN), FALSE); } break; default: return WinDefDlgProc (hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2); } return (MRESULT)FALSE; }
static void enableArchiveCntrls(HWND hwnd, BOOL bEnable) { /* Use archive bit */ WinEnableWindow(WinWindowFromID(hwnd,IDCB_USEARCHIVEBIT),bEnable); /* Reset archive bit */ WinEnableWindow(WinWindowFromID(hwnd, IDCB_RESETARCHIVEBIT),bEnable); /* Reset now push button */ WinEnableWindow(WinWindowFromID(hwnd, IDPB_RESETNOW),bEnable); }
MRESULT clbEnable(PCLBOX pclb, BOOL fl) { if (pclb) { pclb->is.enbl = fl? 1: 0; WinEnableWindow(pclb->hlbx, fl & pclb->is.chkon); WinEnableWindow(pclb->hentry, fl & pclb->is.chkon); WinEnableWindow(pclb->hadd, fl & pclb->is.chkon & pclb->is.addon); WinEnableWindow(pclb->hrem, fl & pclb->is.chkon & pclb->is.remon); WinEnableWindow(pclb->hfind, fl & pclb->is.chkon); WinRefreshWin(pclb->hwnd); if (pclb->hchk) WinRefreshWin(pclb->hchk); } /* endif */ return (MRESULT)FALSE; }
MRESULT clbControl(PCLBOX pclb, MPARAM mp1, PUSERBUTTON pub) { switch (SHORT1FROMMP(mp1)) { case FID_CAPTION: // click sulla checkbox cambia stato abilitazione altri componenti if ((pclb->fl & CLBXS_CHECK) && (SHORT2FROMMP(mp1) == BN_CLICKED || SHORT2FROMMP(mp1) == BN_DBLCLICKED)) { pclb->is.chkon = ((BOOL)pclb->pfbtn(pclb->hchk, BM_QUERYCHECK, MPVOID, MPVOID))? 1: 0; WinEnableWindow(pclb->hlbx, pclb->is.chkon); WinEnableWindow(pclb->hentry, pclb->is.chkon); WinEnableWindow(pclb->hadd, pclb->is.chkon & pclb->is.addon); WinEnableWindow(pclb->hrem, pclb->is.chkon & pclb->is.remon); WinEnableWindow(pclb->hfind, pclb->is.chkon); WinSendMsg(WinQueryWindow(pclb->hwnd, QW_OWNER), WM_CONTROL, MPFROM2SHORT(pclb->id, CLBXN_CHECK), (MPARAM)pclb->is.chkon); } /* endif */ break; case FID_LIST: clbControlLboxMsg(pclb, SHORT2FROMMP(mp1)); break; case FID_ENTRY: clbControlEntryMsg(pclb, SHORT2FROMMP(mp1)); break; case FID_ADD: if (SHORT2FROMMP(mp1) == BN_PAINT) { WdrawBtnBkgnd(pub, pclb->csdbtn, pclb->csdbtn, pclb->lbkgnd); drawAdd(pub, pclb->csdbtn); if (pub->fsState & BDS_DISABLED) drawDisBtn(pub, pclb->csdbtn, pclb->lbkgnd); } /* endif */ break; case FID_REMOVE: if (SHORT2FROMMP(mp1) == BN_PAINT) { WdrawBtnBkgnd(pub, pclb->csdbtn, pclb->csdbtn, pclb->lbkgnd); drawRem(pub, pclb->csdbtn); if (pub->fsState & BDS_DISABLED) drawDisBtn(pub, pclb->csdbtn, pclb->lbkgnd); } /* endif */ break; case FID_FIND: if (SHORT2FROMMP(mp1) == BN_PAINT) { WdrawBtnBkgnd(pub, pclb->csdbtn, pclb->csdbtn, pclb->lbkgnd); drawFind(pub, pclb->csdbtn); if (pub->fsState & BDS_DISABLED) drawDisBtn(pub, pclb->csdbtn, pclb->lbkgnd); } /* endif */ break; } /* endswitch */ return (MRESULT)FALSE; }
// undo static VOID MouseOptUndo(HWND hwnd) { p->pd[p->idxPage].undo = 0; // disabilita undo WinEnableWindow(p->swpCtls[4].hwnd, FALSE); // opzioni autofocus p->po->mou.focusAuto = p->ocur.mou.focusAuto = p->ou.mou.focusAuto; p->po->mou.focusDelay = p->ocur.mou.focusDelay = p->ou.mou.focusDelay; p->po->mou.focusNoDesk = p->ocur.mou.focusNoDesk = p->ou.mou.focusNoDesk; p->po->mou.focusNoTop = p->ocur.mou.focusNoTop = p->ou.mou.focusNoTop; p->po->mou.focusNoNew = p->ocur.mou.focusNoNew = p->ou.mou.focusNoNew; // opzioni pointer hiding p->po->mou.hide = p->ocur.mou.hide = p->ou.mou.hide; p->po->mou.hideDelay = p->ocur.mou.hideDelay = p->ou.mou.hideDelay; p->po->mou.hideNotOnMenu = p->ocur.mou.hideNotOnMenu = p->ou.mou.hideNotOnMenu; p->po->mou.hideNotOnBtn = p->ocur.mou.hideNotOnBtn = p->ou.mou.hideNotOnBtn; // opzione remap tasto 3 mouse p->po->mou.btn3dblClk = p->ocur.mou.btn3dblClk = p->ou.mou.btn3dblClk; p->po->mou.btn3title = p->ocur.mou.btn3title = p->ou.mou.btn3title; // opzione mode to the focus window p->po->mou.moveToFocus = p->ocur.mou.moveToFocus = p->ou.mou.moveToFocus; p->po->mou.moveToNew = p->ocur.mou.moveToNew = p->ou.mou.moveToNew; p->po->mou.moveToDlg = p->ocur.mou.moveToDlg = p->ou.mou.moveToDlg; p->po->mou.moveNotBtnles = p->ocur.mou.moveNotBtnles = p->ou.mou.moveNotBtnles; p->po->mou.moveSteps = p->ocur.mou.moveSteps = p->ou.mou.moveSteps; // aggiorna controlli dialogo MouseOptInit(hwnd, &p->ocur); }
/*-------------------------------------------------- * Enables the window to accept keyboard and mouse * input *-------------------------------------------------*/ PMWindow& PMWindow::enable( BOOL state ) { if( !WinEnableWindow( handle(), state )) PM_THROW_GUIERROR(); return *this; }
MRESULT _System DrvEjectAllDlg( HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2) { switch (msg) { case WM_INITDLG: DrvInitEjectAllDlg( hwnd, mp2); return (0); case WM_SAVEAPPLICATION: WinStoreWindowPos( CAMINI_APP, CAMINI_EJECTPOS, hwnd); return (0); case WM_SYSCOMMAND: if (SHORT1FROMMP( mp1) == SC_CLOSE) return (WinSendMsg( hwnd, WM_COMMAND, (MP)IDC_NO, 0)); break; case WM_COMMAND: if (mp1 == (MP)IDC_YES) { WinEnableWindow( WinWindowFromID( hwnd, IDC_YES), FALSE); WinEnableWindow( WinWindowFromID( hwnd, IDC_NO), FALSE); LoadDlgItemString( hwnd, IDC_TEXT1, MSG_Ejecting); LoadDlgItemString( hwnd, IDC_TEXT4, MSG_ThisMayTake); DrvEjectAllDrives( hwnd); } WindowClosed( WinQueryWindowUShort( hwnd, QWS_ID)); WinDestroyWindow( hwnd); return (0); case WM_FOCUSCHANGE: if (SHORT1FROMMP(mp2) && !WinIsWindowEnabled( hwnd)) { WinPostMsg( WinQueryWindow( hwnd, QW_OWNER), CAMMSG_FOCUSCHANGE, 0, 0); return (0); } break; case WM_DESTROY: WinPostMsg( WinQueryWindow( hwnd, QW_OWNER), CAMMSG_EXIT, (MP)TRUE, 0); break; } return (WinDefDlgProc( hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2)); }
ULONG clbEnableAdd(PCLBOX pclb) { BOOL notempty = WinQueryWindowTextLength(pclb->hentry)? 1: 0; if (notempty != pclb->is.addon) { pclb->is.addon = notempty; WinEnableWindow(pclb->hadd, pclb->is.addon); } // end if return CLBXN_ENCHANGE; }
int dlgFind_SetButtonFocus(HWND hwnd) { HWND hwndBtnFind = WinWindowFromID(hwnd,IDB_FIND); HWND hwndBtnReplace = WinWindowFromID(hwnd,IDB_REPLACE); HWND hwndBtnReplaceFind = WinWindowFromID(hwnd,IDB_REPLACEFIND); HWND hwndBtnReplaceAll = WinWindowFromID(hwnd,IDB_REPLACEALL); HWND hwndBtnClose = WinWindowFromID(hwnd,DID_OK); HWND hwndFocus; HWND hwndFind = WinWindowFromID(hwnd,IDHEF_FIND); int findLen=0; char *findStr = NULL; findLen = WinQueryWindowTextLength(hwndFind); // findLen = (int)WinSendMsg(hwndFind,HEM_QUERYTEXTLENGTH,0,0); findStr = malloc(findLen+1); #ifdef DEBUG assert(findStr!=NULL); #endif if (findStr==NULL) return 0; WinQueryWindowText(hwndFind,findLen+1,findStr); // WinSendMsg(hwndFind,HEM_QUERYTEXT,findStr,0); hwndFocus = WinQueryFocus(HWND_DESKTOP); if ((hwndFocus!=hwndBtnFind)&& (hwndFocus!=hwndBtnReplace)&& (hwndFocus!=hwndBtnReplaceFind)&& (hwndFocus!=hwndBtnReplaceAll)&& (hwndFocus!=hwndBtnClose)) { if (strlen(findStr)>0) { WinEnableWindow(hwndBtnFind,TRUE); WinSendMsg(hwndBtnFind,BM_SETDEFAULT,MPFROMLONG(TRUE),0); WinSendMsg(hwndBtnClose,BM_SETDEFAULT,MPFROMLONG(FALSE),0); } else { WinEnableWindow(hwndBtnFind,FALSE); dlgFind_SetFound(hwnd,FALSE); WinSendMsg(hwndBtnFind,BM_SETDEFAULT,MPFROMLONG(FALSE),0); WinSendMsg(hwndBtnClose,BM_SETDEFAULT,MPFROMLONG(TRUE),0); } return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
void OCL::disableDialogItem(HWND hwnd, ULONG usDialogIDs[], ULONG usItemCount, ULONG ulStyle) { ULONG usTemp; if(ulStyle&WS_DISABLED) for(usTemp=0; usTemp<usItemCount; usTemp++) WinEnableWindow(WinWindowFromID(hwnd, usDialogIDs[usTemp]), FALSE); else for(usTemp=0; usTemp<usItemCount; usTemp++) WinEnableWindow(WinWindowFromID(hwnd, usDialogIDs[usTemp]), TRUE); if(ulStyle&WS_VISIBLE) for(usTemp=0; usTemp<usItemCount; usTemp++) WinSetWindowPos(WinWindowFromID(hwnd, usDialogIDs[usTemp]), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_SHOW); else for(usTemp=0; usTemp<usItemCount; usTemp++) WinSetWindowPos(WinWindowFromID(hwnd, usDialogIDs[usTemp]), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_HIDE); return; }
VOID clbControlLboxMsg(PCLBOX pclb, ULONG nmsg) { SHORT item; switch (nmsg) { // doppio click su item listbox case LN_ENTER: nmsg = CLBXN_LNENTER; if (pclb->fl & CLBXS_ENTRREM) { // rimuove item item = (SHORT)pclb->pflbx(pclb->hlbx, LM_QUERYSELECTION, (MPARAM)LIT_FIRST, MPVOID); pclb->pflbx(pclb->hlbx, LM_DELETEITEM, (MPARAM)item, MPVOID); pclb->is.remon = 0; WinEnableWindow(pclb->hrem, FALSE); } else if (pclb->fl & CLBXS_ENTREDIT) { // edita item SHORT cb; PSZ psz = NULL; item = (SHORT)pclb->pflbx(pclb->hlbx, LM_QUERYSELECTION, (MPARAM)LIT_FIRST, MPVOID); cb = (SHORT)pclb->pflbx(pclb->hlbx, LM_QUERYITEMTEXTLENGTH, (MPARAM)item, MPVOID); if (cb != LIT_ERROR && NULL != (psz = (PSZ)malloc(++cb)) && 0 != (cb = (SHORT)pclb->pflbx(pclb->hlbx, LM_QUERYITEMTEXT, MPFROM2SHORT(item, cb), (MPARAM)psz))) WinSetWindowText(pclb->hentry, psz); free(psz); } /* endif */ break; // selezione item listbox case LN_SELECT: nmsg = CLBXN_LNSELECT; pclb->is.remon = (LIT_NONE == (item = (SHORT)pclb->pflbx(pclb->hlbx, LM_QUERYSELECTION, (MPARAM)LIT_FIRST, MPVOID)))? 0: 1; WinEnableWindow(pclb->hrem, pclb->is.remon); break; // case LN_SETFOCUS: nmsg = CLBXN_LNSETFCS; break; // case LN_KILLFOCUS: nmsg = CLBXN_LNLOSEFCS; break; // case LN_SCROLL: nmsg = CLBXN_LNSCROLL; break; default: nmsg = 0; } /* endswitch */ if (nmsg) WinSendMsg(WinQueryWindow(pclb->hwnd, QW_OWNER), WM_CONTROL, MPFROM2SHORT(pclb->id, nmsg), (MPARAM)pclb->hwnd); }
static void setOptions(HWND hwndDlg) { UCHAR title[256] ; sprintf(title, "Session Options for <%s>", SessServerName) ; WinSetWindowText(hwndDlg, title) ; setFormat(hwndDlg) ; setEncode(hwndDlg) ; setButton(hwndDlg, IDD_OPT_SHARED, SessOptShared) ; setButton(hwndDlg, IDD_OPT_VONLY, SessOptViewonly) ; setButton(hwndDlg, IDD_OPT_DEICON, SessOptDeiconify) ; if (! initialSetup) { WinEnableWindow(WinWindowFromID(hwndDlg, IDD_OPT_FORMAT), FALSE) ; WinEnableWindow(WinWindowFromID(hwndDlg, IDD_OPT_SHARED), FALSE) ; } }
MRESULT clbCommand(PCLBOX pclb, ULONG id) { HWND hOwner = WinQueryWindow(pclb->hwnd, QW_OWNER); SHORT i = 0; PSZ psz; switch (id) { case FID_ADD: // alloca buffer per testo entryfield if (!(psz = (PSZ)malloc(pclb->cchef + 1))) break; WinQueryWindowText(pclb->hentry, pclb->cchef + 1, psz); if (!WinSendMsg(hOwner, WM_CONTROL, MPFROM2SHORT(pclb->id, CLBXN_ADD), (MPARAM)psz)) { SHORT ins; // controlla che la stringa non sia gi… presente if (pclb->fl & CLBXS_NODUP && LIT_NONE != (SHORT)pclb->pflbx(pclb->hlbx, LM_SEARCHSTRING, MPFROM2SHORT(0, LIT_FIRST), (MPARAM)psz)) { free(psz); break; } // end if // se stile lo richiede converte stringa in uppercase if (pclb->fl & CLBXS_INSUPPER) WinUpper(pclb->hab, 0, 0, psz); // setta flag inserzione secondo stile if (pclb->fl & CLBXS_INSSORTUP) i = LIT_SORTASCENDING; else if (pclb->fl & CLBXS_INSSORTDN) i = LIT_SORTDESCENDING; else if (pclb->fl & CLBXS_INSEND) i = LIT_END; ins = (SHORT)pclb->pflbx(pclb->hlbx, LM_INSERTITEM, (MPARAM)i, (MPARAM)psz); WinSetWindowText(pclb->hentry, ""); WinSendMsg(hOwner, WM_CONTROL, MPFROM2SHORT(pclb->id, CLBXN_ADDED), (MPARAM)ins); } // end if free(psz); break; case FID_REMOVE: i = (SHORT)pclb->pflbx(pclb->hlbx, LM_QUERYSELECTION, (MPARAM)LIT_FIRST, MPVOID); if (!WinSendMsg(hOwner, WM_CONTROL, MPFROM2SHORT(pclb->id, CLBXN_REM), (MPARAM)i)) { while (i >= 0) { pclb->pflbx(pclb->hlbx, LM_DELETEITEM, (MPARAM)i, MPVOID); i = (SHORT)pclb->pflbx(pclb->hlbx, LM_QUERYSELECTION, (MPARAM)LIT_FIRST, MPVOID); } /* end while */ } /* end if */ pclb->is.remon = 0; WinEnableWindow(pclb->hrem, FALSE); break; case FID_FIND: WinSendMsg(hOwner, WM_CONTROL, MPFROM2SHORT(pclb->id, CLBXN_FIND), (MPARAM)pclb->hwnd); break; } /* endswitch */ return (MRESULT)FALSE; }
/* * Empty Client window of messages */ VOID MainPurgeWindow() { sVscrollMax = 0; sVscrollPos = 0; WinSendMsg (hwndVscroll, SBM_SETSCROLLBAR, MPFROM2SHORT (sVscrollPos, 0), MPFROM2SHORT (0, sVscrollMax)) ; WinEnableWindow (hwndVscroll, FALSE) ; WinInvalidateRect(hwndMain, NULL, FALSE); }
void DConfirmDlg::SetupWindow() { TDialog::SetupWindow(); // If confirm all, then other checkboxes are disabled. if(bOldConfirmAll) { WinEnableWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_CONFIRM_DELETE), 0); WinEnableWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_CONFIRM_REPLACE), 0); WinEnableWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_CONFIRM_COPY), 0); CheckDlgButton(IDC_CONFIRM_ALL, TRUE); } else { CheckDlgButton(IDC_CONFIRM_DELETE, bOldConfirmDelete); CheckDlgButton(IDC_CONFIRM_COPY, bOldConfirmCopy); CheckDlgButton(IDC_CONFIRM_REPLACE, bOldConfirmReplace); } }
BOOL SaveBedPrf(PAPPDATA pad) { PBEDFILE pbf; ULONG i, cbfndrepl, cbfiles, cstrings, cfiles; PSZ pszerr = NULL; PSZ pflist; HWND hlfile = WinWindowFromID(pad->hMain, LB_FILE); HWND hlstr = WinWindowFromID(pad->hMain, LB_STRINGS); pad->is.working = 1; WinEnableWindow(pad->hMain, FALSE); // calcola allocazione approssimativa per la lista di sostituzioni cstrings = wLboxQueryItemCount(hlstr); cbfndrepl = cbFndReplList(hlstr, cstrings); // calcola dimensione lista file (aggiunge 1 x flag ricorsivit… e 1 per term cfiles = wLboxQueryItemCount(hlfile); for (i = cbfiles = 0; i < cfiles; ++i) cbfiles += WLboxQueryItemTextLength(hlfile, i) + 2; cbfiles++; // la lista viene terminata con un doppio zero // alloca la memoria necessaria if (!(pbf = malloc(cbfndrepl + cbfiles + 8))) {pszerr = SZERR_ALLOC; goto end;} pbf->sign = BEDPRFID1; // setta ID file // inizializza lista di sostituzioni if (!(cbfndrepl = getFndReplData(hlstr, pad, &pbf->frl, cstrings))) {pszerr = SZERR_ALLOC; goto end;} pbf->offset = 8 + cbfndrepl; // inizializza lista file getFileListData(hlfile, (PSZ)((PBYTE)pbf + pbf->offset), cfiles); if (!ioPsz2f(pad->achload, (PSZ)pbf, cbfndrepl + cbfiles + 8)) {pszerr = SZERR_SAVEPRF; goto end;} end: if (pszerr) Wprint(pad->hMain, pszerr, 0); if (pbf) {free(pbf);} WinEnableWindow(pad->hMain, TRUE); pad->is.working = 0; return TRUE; }
VOID MainWinUndo(HWND hwnd) { p->pd[p->idxPage].undo = 0; // disabilita undo WinEnableWindow(p->swpCtls[4].hwnd, FALSE); // Use Smart Windows Font p->po->dlg.font = p->ocur.dlg.font = p->ou.dlg.font; // Override PresParms p->po->dlg.ovrPP = p->ocur.dlg.ovrPP = p->ou.dlg.ovrPP; // Selected Font strcpy(p->po->dlg.achFont, p->ou.dlg.achFont); strcpy(p->ocur.dlg.achFont, p->ou.dlg.achFont); p->po->dlg.cbFont = strlen(p->po->dlg.achFont) + 1; // aggiorna controlli dialogo MainWinInit(hwnd, &p->ocur); _stlrMsgPostAll(STLR_SETFRAMEFONT, 0); }
static void control(HWND hwnd, USHORT id, USHORT notify, MPARAM mp2) { HWND h = WinWindowFromID(hwnd,id); id -= DLG_ELEMENT_ID; switch(id) { case MSGID_HISTORY: containerAction(hwnd,notify,(void *) mp2); break; case MSGID_EDITBOX: if(notify == MLN_CHANGE) WinEnableWindow(CHILD_WINDOW(hwnd,MSGID_SENDBUTTON), (WinQueryWindowTextLength(h) > 0) ); break; } }
VOID MainUpdateMsg(HWND hwnd, CHAR PipeMsgs[MAX_MESSAGES][MESSAGE_LEN], unsigned int index, SHORT sTotalMsgs) { RECTL rclInvalid; /* if it will fit in the window */ if (sTotalMsgs <= cyClient/cyChar + sVscrollPos + 1) { rclInvalid.yBottom = max(0, cyClient - sTotalMsgs * cyChar); rclInvalid.yTop = (cyClient - (sTotalMsgs - sVscrollPos - 1) * cyChar); rclInvalid.xLeft = 0; rclInvalid.xRight = cxClient; WinInvalidateRect(hwnd, &rclInvalid, FALSE); MainPaint(hwnd, PipeMsgs, index, sTotalMsgs); } /* if lines exceed window */ if (sTotalMsgs > cyClient/cyChar) { WinEnableWindow (hwndVscroll, TRUE) ; sVscrollMax = sTotalMsgs - cyClient / cyChar; sVscrollPos = min (sVscrollPos, sVscrollMax) ; WinSendMsg (hwndVscroll, SBM_SETSCROLLBAR, MPFROM2SHORT (sVscrollPos, 0), MPFROM2SHORT (0, sVscrollMax)) ; /* if new msg is just off screen */ if (sTotalMsgs == cyClient/cyChar + sVscrollPos + 1) { MainVertScroll(hwnd, MPFROM2SHORT(0, SB_LINEDOWN)); } /* tell user message was received */ else { DosBeep(1000, 100); } } }
void dlgFind_wmInitDlg(HWND hwnd) { HWND hwndBtnFind = WinWindowFromID(hwnd,IDB_FIND); HWND hwndFind = WinWindowFromID(hwnd,IDHEF_FIND); HWND hwndReplace = WinWindowFromID(hwnd,IDHEF_REPLACE); ULONG han_type = (ULONG)WinSendMsg(hwndHMLE,HMLM_QUERYHANTYPE,0,0); #ifdef DEBUG // WinSendMsg(hwndFind,HEM_DUMP,(MPARAM)stderr,0); // WinSendMsg(hwndHMLE,HMLM_DUMP,(MPARAM)stderr,0); #endif WinSendMsg(hwndFind,HEM_SETHIA,MPFROMLONG(hwndHIA),0); WinSendMsg(hwndReplace,HEM_SETHIA,MPFROMLONG(hwndHIA),0); WinSendMsg(hwndFind,HEM_SETHANTYPE,MPFROMLONG(han_type),0); WinSendMsg(hwndReplace,HEM_SETHANTYPE,MPFROMLONG(han_type),0); WinEnableWindow(hwndBtnFind,FALSE); dlgFind_SetFound(hwnd,FALSE); }
static void FillSBox(HWND hwnd, int item) { const HWND sbox = WinWindowFromID(hwnd, DID_SUBACTION_CB); const int nentry = WinDlgLboxSelectedItem(hwnd, DID_ACTION_CB); const FILEDLG *fdlg = (FILEDLG*)WinQueryWindowPtr(hwnd, QWL_USER); const action_t *action = fdlg->fl & FDS_OPEN_DIALOG ? LoadAction : SaveAction; const subaction_t *subact = action[nentry].subact; int i = 0; // // fill entries in comboboxes and select starting point // WinLboxEmpty(sbox); while (subact[i].action) { WinInsertLboxItem(sbox, LIT_END, subact[i++].action); } WinSendMsg(sbox, LM_SELECTITEM, (MPARAM)item, (MPARAM)TRUE); WinEnableWindow(sbox, action[nentry].enabled); }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CanvScrollBar(WINDOWINFO *pwi, BOOL bSetForm) { if (bSetScrollbars) return; bSetScrollbars = TRUE; view.sVscrollMax = max (0, pwi->cyClient - view.cyCanvas); view.sVscrollPos = min (view.sVscrollPos, view.sVscrollMax); WinSendMsg (view.hwndVscroll, SBM_SETSCROLLBAR, MPFROM2SHORT (view.sVscrollPos,0), MPFROM2SHORT (0,view.sVscrollMax)); WinSendMsg(view.hwndVscroll, SBM_SETTHUMBSIZE, MPFROM2SHORT(view.cyCanvas,pwi->cyClient), 0); view.sHscrollMax = max ( 0, pwi->cxClient - view.cxCanvas); view.sHscrollPos = min (view.sHscrollPos, view.sHscrollMax); WinSendMsg (view.hwndHscroll, SBM_SETSCROLLBAR, MPFROM2SHORT (view.sHscrollPos,0), MPFROM2SHORT (0,view.sHscrollMax)); WinSendMsg(view.hwndHscroll, SBM_SETTHUMBSIZE, MPFROM2SHORT(view.cxCanvas,pwi->cxClient), 0); WinEnableWindow (view.hwndHscroll, view.sHscrollMax ? TRUE : FALSE); if (bSetForm ) { positionWindowInViewPort(pwi); } bSetScrollbars = FALSE; }
MRESULT EXPENTRY ProgressDlgProc(HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2) { switch (msg) { // init ----------------------------------------------------------------- case WM_INITDLG: { PPRGSAPPDATA pad = (PPRGSAPPDATA)mp2; ULONG ul; POINTL aptl[] = {{1, 36}, {220, 24}}; WinSetWindowPtr(hwnd, 0L, (PVOID)mp2); WinSetWindowText(hwnd, pad->ppd->pszTitle); // dimensioni-coordinate varie pad->cyTitle = uGetSval(SV_CYTITLEBAR); pad->hButton = WinWindowFromID(hwnd, BTN_STOP); WinQueryWindowPos(pad->hButton, &pad->swp); WinQueryWindowRect(hwnd, &pad->rcl); WinMapDlgPoints(hwnd, aptl, 2, TRUE); pad->sldd.cbSize = sizeof(SLDCDATA); pad->sldd.usScale1Increments = 11; pad->sldd.usScale1Spacing = (pad->rcl.xRight - 2 * pad->cyTitle) / 10 - 1; pad->hProgress = WinCreateWindow(hwnd, WC_SLIDER, (PSZ)NULL, SLS_BOTTOM | SLS_OWNERDRAW | SLS_READONLY | SLS_RIBBONSTRIP | WS_VISIBLE, 3, aptl[0].y, pad->rcl.xRight - 6, aptl[1].y, hwnd, HWND_TOP, SLDR_PROGRESS, (PVOID)&pad->sldd, NULL); // controlla versione S.O. e setta font slider e bottone DosQuerySysInfo(QSV_VERSION_MINOR, QSV_VERSION_MINOR, &ul, sizeof(ULONG)); if (ul < 40) { WinSetPresParam(pad->hProgress, PP_FONTNAMESIZE, 7, "8.Helv"); WinSetPresParam(pad->hButton, PP_FONTNAMESIZE, 7, "8.Helv"); } else { WinSetPresParam(pad->hProgress, PP_FONTNAMESIZE, 11, "9.WarpSans"); } /* endif */ // rileva larghezza progress bar pad->cxPrgs = LOUSHORT((ULONG)WinSendMsg(pad->hProgress, SLM_QUERYSLIDERINFO, MPFROM2SHORT(SMA_SHAFTDIMENSIONS, 0), MPVOID)) - 6; // setta altezza barra pari a altezza barra titolo WinSendMsg(pad->hProgress, SLM_SETSLIDERINFO, MPFROM2SHORT(SMA_SHAFTDIMENSIONS, 0), (MPARAM)pad->cyTitle); // setta testo e altezza barra graduata WinSendMsg(pad->hProgress, SLM_SETTICKSIZE, MPFROM2SHORT(SMA_SETALLTICKS, pad->cyTitle / 3), MPVOID); WinSendMsg(pad->hProgress, SLM_SETSCALETEXT, (MPARAM)0, (MPARAM)"0%"); WinSendMsg(pad->hProgress, SLM_SETSCALETEXT, (MPARAM)5, (MPARAM)"50%"); WinSendMsg(pad->hProgress, SLM_SETSCALETEXT, (MPARAM)10, (MPARAM)"100%"); // testo iniziale progesso e elapsed time: sprintf(pad->achElapsed, "%s: 00:00:00", pad->ppd->pszTime); WinSetDlgItemText(hwnd, TXT_TIME, pad->achElapsed); sprintf(pad->achCurPrg, "%s: 0%%", pad->ppd->pszPrgrss); WinSetDlgItemText(hwnd, TXT_PERCENT, pad->achCurPrg); // se specificato setta nuovo font dialogo if (pad->ppd->fl & PRGSS_FONT) WsetDlgFonts(hwnd, NULLHANDLE, pad->ppd->FontNameSize); // posiziona finestra al centro Parent window if (pad->ppd->fl & PRGSS_CENTER) { WcenterInWindow(hwnd, pad->ppd->hPos); } else { SWP swp; swp.hwnd = pad->ppd->hPos; swp.x = pad->ppd->ptl.x; swp.y = pad->ppd->ptl.y; = = 0; swp.fl = SWP_MOVE | SWP_SHOW | SWP_ACTIVATE | SWP_ZORDER; swp.hwndInsertBehind = HWND_TOP; WsetRelativePos(hwnd, &swp); } // end if // notifica creazione dialogo WinPostMsg(pad->ppd->hNotify, WM_PRGRSREADY, (MPARAM)hwnd, (MPARAM)0); break; } // end case WM_INITDLG case WM_DRAWITEM: if (((POWNERITEM)mp2)->idItem == SDA_RIBBONSTRIP) { PPRGSAPPDATA pad = GetData(hwnd); if (pad->ppd->fl & PRGSS_BITMAP) { // se deve disegnare la bitmap RECTL rcl = {0, 0, ((POWNERITEM)mp2)->rclItem.xRight - ((POWNERITEM)mp2)->rclItem.xLeft, pad->cyTitle}; POINTL ptl = {((POWNERITEM)mp2)->rclItem.xLeft, ((POWNERITEM)mp2)->rclItem.yBottom}; while (ptl.x < ((POWNERITEM)mp2)->rclItem.xRight) { WinDrawBitmap(((POWNERITEM)mp2)->hps, pad->ppd->hbmp, &rcl, &ptl, 0L, 0L, DBM_NORMAL); ptl.x += pad->cxbmp; rcl.xRight = ((POWNERITEM)mp2)->rclItem.xRight - ptl.x; } /* endwhile */ } else { // colore GpiCreateLogColorTable(((POWNERITEM)mp2)->hps, 0, LCOLF_RGB, 0, 0, NULL); WinFillRect(((POWNERITEM)mp2)->hps, &((POWNERITEM)mp2)->rclItem, pad->ppd->color); } /* endif */ return (MRESULT)TRUE; } // end if break; case PRGSM_INCREMENT: { // notifica incremento PPRGSAPPDATA pad = GetData(hwnd); ULONG ul; pad->incr = (ULONG)mp1; WinSendMsg(pad->hProgress, SLM_SETSLIDERINFO, MPFROM2SHORT(SMA_SLIDERARMPOSITION, SMA_RANGEVALUE), (MPARAM)((pad->incr * pad->cxPrgs) / 1000)); ul = WinGetCurrentTime(pad->hab) / 1000; if (pad->current != ul) { pad->current = ul; pad->elapsed = pad->current - pad->start; sprintf(pad->achElapsed, "%s: %02d:%02d:%02d", pad->ppd->pszTime, pad->elapsed / 3600, (pad->elapsed % 3600) / 60, pad->elapsed % 60); WinSetDlgItemText(hwnd, TXT_TIME, pad->achElapsed); } // end if if (pad->ulCurPrg != (ul = (ULONG)mp1 / 10)) { pad->ulCurPrg = ul; sprintf(pad->achCurPrg, "%s: %3d %%", pad->ppd->pszPrgrss, pad->ulCurPrg); WinSetDlgItemText(hwnd, TXT_PERCENT, pad->achCurPrg); } // end if return (MRESULT)pad->flStop; } // end case PRGSM_INCREMENT case PRGSM_MSG: return (MRESULT)Wprint(hwnd, (PSZ)mp1, (ULONG)mp2); case WM_COMMAND: if ((ULONG)mp1 == BTN_STOP) { PPRGSAPPDATA pad = GetData(hwnd); pad->flStop = TRUE; WinEnableWindow(pad->hButton, FALSE); } /* endif */ break; case WM_CLOSE: { PPRGSAPPDATA pad = GetData(hwnd); // se elaborazione ancora in corso mostra messaggio if (pad->incr > 0 && pad->incr < 1000) { PSZ psz; if (!(psz = (PSZ)malloc(1024)) || // se la notify window restituisce NULL (BOOL)WinSendMsg(pad->ppd->hNotify, WM_PRGRSQUIT, (MPARAM)psz, MPVOID) || // o se la chiusura Š confermata Wprint(hwnd, psz, PMPRNT_QUERY)) { WinPostMsg(hwnd, PRGSM_END, MPVOID, MPVOID); WinPostMsg(pad->hOwner, WM_CLOSE, MPVOID, MPVOID); // se nel frattempo Š terminato } else { pad->qQuit.msg = 0; if (!pad->incr || pad->incr >= 1000) { WinPostMsg(hwnd, PRGSM_END, MPVOID, MPVOID); } else if ((BOOL)mp1) { WinCancelShutdown((HMQ)WinQueryWindowULong(hwnd, QWL_HMQ), FALSE); } // end if } // end if free (psz); } /* endif */ } break; default: return WinDefDlgProc(hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2); } /* endswitch */ return (MRESULT)FALSE; }
/************************************************************************* * * Name : WinProc(hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2) * * Description: Processes the messages sent to the main client * window. This routine processes the basic * messages all client windows should process. * * Concepts : This procedure provides service routines for the general * PM events (messages) that PM sends to the window, as well * as the user initiated events (messages) that are generated * when the user selects the action bar and pulldown menu * controls or the corresponding keyboard accelerators. * * The switch statement shown below distributes the window * messages to the respective message service routines, which * are set apart by the case statements. The window * procedures must provide an appropriate service routine for * its end user initiated messages, as well as the general PM * messages (like the WM_CLOSE message). If a message is sent * to this procedure for which there is no programmed case * clause (i.e., no service routine), the message is defaulted * function WinDefWindowProc, where it is disposed of by PM. * * Time-consuming tasks are posted to the object window where * they can be performed without the 1/10 second turnaround * time imposed on the client window. When the object window * is busy, the client window is usually disabled. The object * window then posts an acknowledgement * back to the client when the lengthy task is completed. * * Cases under the big switch appear in alphabetical order. * * API's : WinLoadString * WinMessageBox * WinQueryWindowULong * WinSendMsg * WinPostMsg * WinIsWindowEnabled * WinSetPointer * WinQuerySysPointer * WinBeginPaint * WinQueryWindowRect * WinFillRect * WinEndPaint * WinInvalidateRect * WinSetWindowText * GpiDrawChain * GpiConvert * GpiSetDefaultViewMatrix * GpiAssociate * GpiDestroyPS * GpiDeleteBitmap * GpiDeleteMetafile * * Parameters : HWND window handle * ULONG message * MPARAM message parameter 1 * MPARAM message parameter 2 * * Result : MRESULT message result * *************************************************************************/ MRESULT EXPENTRY WinProc(HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2) { BOOL bOK; PMAIN_PARM pmp; HPS hps; RECTL rectl; PSZ psz; CHAR szWork[ LEN_WORKSTRING ]; SHORT sStep; ULONG ulWork; SHORT sNewPos; ULONG rc; switch(msg) { case WM_CLOSE: /* obtain the main parameter pointer from window words */ pmp = (PMAIN_PARM) WinQueryWindowULong( hwnd, QWL_USER ); #ifdef OSA_AWARE /* Do OSA termination */ TerminateOSA(hwnd); #endif if( pmp->fBusy ) { /* OK to close when object window is busy? */ WinLoadString( pmp->hab, (HMODULE)NULLHANDLE, ERRMSG_CLOSE_QUESTION, LEN_WORKSTRING, szWork ); ulWork = WinMessageBox( HWND_DESKTOP, pmp->hwndFrame, szWork, pmp->pszTitle, (USHORT)0, MB_YESNOCANCEL | MB_MOVEABLE | MB_CUANOTIFICATION | MB_APPLMODAL); if( ulWork == MBID_YES ) { /* close down the application in spite of being busy */ pmp->fCancel = TRUE; /* disable client during exit */ WinSendMsg( hwnd, WM_USER_DISABLE_CLIENT, (MPARAM)0 , (MPARAM)0 ); /* start a watchdog timer to ensure a timely death */ WinStartTimer( pmp->hab, hwnd, ID_DEATH_TIMER, LEN_DEATH_TIMER ); /* Tell object window to close, quit, and post me a WM_QUIT */ WinPostMsg( pmp->hwndObject, WM_USER_CLOSE, (MPARAM)hwnd, (MPARAM)0 ); } } else { /* not busy, so initiate closure by telling object window to close */ WinPostMsg( pmp->hwndObject, WM_USER_CLOSE, (MPARAM)hwnd, (MPARAM)0 ); } return (MRESULT)NULL; case WM_COMMAND: /* do menu activities; see menu.c */ return Menu( hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2 ); case WM_CREATE: /* * Do one-time, startup processing in PRTCREAT.C. * This function allocates the pmp, a pointer to the program's * main parameters. See the declaration of this block of * parameters in PRTSAMP.H, the MAIN_PARM structure. * * The Create() function allocates this structure and * begins to initialize it. Throughout all the code, the pmp-> * pointer is usually obtainable with a call to WinQueryWindowULong. * Window word space for this pointer was reserved on the call * to WinRegisterClass. * * Create() allocates, initializes, and stores the pmp pointer * in the client window words. It then starts thread 2 of the * application on which the object window operates. The pmp * pointer is passed to thread 2 with _beginthread in PRTCREAT.C. * The pmp is passed to the object window on the call to * WinCreateWindow in PRTOBJ.C. Finally, the object window stores * the pmp in its window words under the WM_CREATE case of the * ObjectWinProc in PRTOBJ.C. * */ Create( hwnd ); #ifdef OSA_AWARE /* Do OSA Initialization */ InitOSA(hwnd); #endif #ifdef OSA_AWARE /* Generate a Apple Event - Open Application to myself (Workaround) */ rc = GenerateOSAEvent(hwnd, msg, MPFROMSHORT(IDM_AEOPENAPP), mp2); #endif return (MRESULT)NULL; case WM_HSCROLL: pmp = (PMAIN_PARM) WinQueryWindowULong( hwnd, QWL_USER ); /* Compute some fraction of scroll bar range for a unit of scrolling. */ sStep = pmp->sHScrollRange / 50; switch( SHORT2FROMMP( mp2 )) { case SB_LINELEFT: pmp->sHScrollPos -= sStep; break; case SB_PAGELEFT: pmp->sHScrollPos -= pmp->; break; case SB_LINERIGHT: pmp->sHScrollPos += sStep; break; case SB_PAGERIGHT: pmp->sHScrollPos += pmp->; break; case SB_SLIDERPOSITION: case SB_SLIDERTRACK: pmp->sHScrollPos = SHORT1FROMMP( mp2 ); break; } /* Don't allow step assignments to exceed limits of zero to range. */ pmp->sHScrollPos = max( (SHORT)0, min( pmp->sHScrollPos, pmp->sHScrollRange )); if( pmp->sHScrollPos != SHORT1FROMMR(WinSendMsg( pmp->hwndHScroll, SBM_QUERYPOS, (MPARAM)0, (MPARAM)0 ))) { /* * New scroll bar thumbbutton position is different than current. * Set a new X translation value to effect the scroll. * Current scale setting affects the X element of the matrix. */ pmp->matlfDefView.lM31 = OFFSET_XY_TWIPS - (LONG)(pmp->floatScale * (float)( pmp->sHScrollPos)); bOK = GpiSetDefaultViewMatrix( pmp->hpsClient, 9, &pmp->matlfDefView, TRANSFORM_REPLACE ); pmassert( pmp->hab, bOK ); CalibrateHorizontalScrollBar( pmp ); WinInvalidateRect( hwnd, NULL, FALSE ); } return (MRESULT) 0; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: /* display which pointer? -- could query pmp->fBusy or... */ if( WinIsWindowEnabled( hwnd )) { /* not disabled; display regular pointer */ WinSetPointer( HWND_DESKTOP, WinQuerySysPointer( HWND_DESKTOP, SPTR_ARROW, FALSE )); } else { /* disabled; display hourglass because I'm busy */ WinSetPointer( HWND_DESKTOP, WinQuerySysPointer( HWND_DESKTOP, SPTR_WAIT, FALSE )); } return (MRESULT) 1; case WM_NACK_BITMAP_NOT_SUPPORTED: /* * Object window does not support this format of bitmap - * show a message box. */ pmp = (PMAIN_PARM) WinQueryWindowULong( hwnd, QWL_USER ); WinSendMsg( hwnd, WM_USER_ENABLE_CLIENT, (MPARAM)0, (MPARAM)0 ); bOK = WinLoadString( pmp->hab, (HMODULE)0, ERRMSG_BITMAP_NOT_SUPPORTED, LEN_WORKSTRING, szWork ); pmassert( pmp->hab, bOK ); WinMessageBox( HWND_DESKTOP, pmp->hwndFrame, szWork, pmp->pszTitle, (USHORT)0, MB_OK | MB_MOVEABLE | MB_CUACRITICAL | MB_APPLMODAL); pmp->ulNextMode = MODE_UNKNOWN; pmp->szNextFilename[0] = 0; WinPostMsg( hwnd, WM_USER_NEW_MODE, (MPARAM)0, (MPARAM)0 ); return (MRESULT) 0; case WM_NACK_BITMAP_ERROR: /* * Object window had error loading the bitmap file - * show a message box */ pmp = (PMAIN_PARM) WinQueryWindowULong( hwnd, QWL_USER ); WinSendMsg( hwnd, WM_USER_ENABLE_CLIENT, (MPARAM)0, (MPARAM)0 ); bOK = WinLoadString( pmp->hab, (HMODULE)NULLHANDLE, ERRMSG_BAD_BITMAP, LEN_WORKSTRING, szWork ); pmassert( pmp->hab, bOK ); WinMessageBox( HWND_DESKTOP, pmp->hwndFrame, szWork, pmp->pszTitle, (USHORT)0, MB_OK | MB_MOVEABLE | MB_CUAWARNING | MB_APPLMODAL); pmp->ulNextMode = MODE_UNKNOWN; pmp->szNextFilename[0] = 0; WinPostMsg( hwnd, WM_USER_NEW_MODE, (MPARAM)0, (MPARAM)0 ); return (MRESULT) 0; case WM_NACK_FILE_READING_ERROR: /* * Object window had a problem with reading the disk - * show a message box. */ pmp = (PMAIN_PARM) WinQueryWindowULong( hwnd, QWL_USER ); WinSendMsg( hwnd, WM_USER_ENABLE_CLIENT, (MPARAM)0, (MPARAM)0 ); bOK = WinLoadString( pmp->hab, (HMODULE)NULLHANDLE, ERRMSG_READ_ERROR, LEN_WORKSTRING, szWork ); pmassert( pmp->hab, bOK ); WinMessageBox( HWND_DESKTOP, pmp->hwndFrame, szWork, pmp->pszTitle, (USHORT)0, MB_OK | MB_MOVEABLE | MB_CUACRITICAL | MB_APPLMODAL); pmp->ulNextMode = MODE_UNKNOWN; pmp->szNextFilename[0] = 0; WinPostMsg( hwnd, WM_USER_NEW_MODE, (MPARAM)0, (MPARAM)0 ); return (MRESULT) 0; case WM_PAINT: pmp = (PMAIN_PARM) WinQueryWindowULong( hwnd, QWL_USER ); /* do not rely on client window rectangle being correct */ WinQueryUpdateRect( hwnd, &rectl ); WinQueryWindowRect( hwnd, &rectl ); /* current mode of the program affects window painting */ switch( pmp->ulMode ) { case MODE_UNKNOWN: WinSendMsg( hwnd, WM_USER_DISABLE_CLIENT, (MPARAM)0, (MPARAM)0 ); WinPostMsg( pmp->hwndObject, WM_USER_PAINT_DEFAULT_SCREEN, (MPARAM)hwnd, (MPARAM)0 ); /* must call default window proc for window validation */ break; case MODE_TEXT: if( pmp->fBusy ) { /* * Object window is busy with the client PS drawing into * retained segments. Use a cached micro PS to merely * fill the client window with a background wash. * * Proper painting of the text will occur in due time * because the WM_USER_ACK case below will * invalidate the client window and force a paint. * The object window won't be busy then. */ hps = WinBeginPaint( hwnd, (HPS) 0, &rectl ); pmassert( pmp->hab, hps ); bOK = WinFillRect( hps, &rectl, SYSCLR_WINDOW ); pmassert( pmp->hab, bOK ); WinEndPaint( hps ); } else { /* PS not busy. Use GpiDrawChain to repaint the text */ hps = WinBeginPaint( hwnd, (HPS)pmp->hpsClient, &rectl ); pmassert( pmp->hab, hps ); bOK = WinFillRect( pmp->hpsClient, &rectl, SYSCLR_WINDOW ); pmassert( pmp->hab, bOK ); /* * GpiDrawChain re-plays the GpiCharString orders that were * retain in the WM_USER_PAGINATE case in prtobj.c */ bOK = GpiDrawChain( pmp->hpsClient ); pmassert( pmp->hab, bOK ); bOK = WinEndPaint( pmp->hpsClient ); pmassert( pmp->hab, bOK ); } return (MRESULT) 0; case MODE_BITMAP: if( pmp->hbm ) { WinSendMsg( hwnd, WM_USER_DISABLE_CLIENT, (MPARAM)0, (MPARAM)0 ); WinPostMsg( pmp->hwndObject, WM_USER_PAINT_BITMAP, (MPARAM)hwnd, (MPARAM)0 ); } /* must call default window proc for window validation */ break; case MODE_METAFILE: hps = WinBeginPaint( hwnd, (HPS) 0, &rectl ); pmassert( pmp->hab, hps ); WinFillRect( hps, &rectl, SYSCLR_WINDOW ); if( pmp->hmf ) { WinSendMsg( hwnd, WM_USER_DISABLE_CLIENT, (MPARAM)0, (MPARAM)0 ); WinPostMsg( pmp->hwndObject, WM_USER_PAINT_METAFILE, (MPARAM)hwnd, (MPARAM)0 ); } WinEndPaint( hps ); return (MRESULT) 0; default: pmassert( pmp->hab, NULL == "bad case in WM_PAINT" ); } break; #ifdef OSA_AWARE case WM_SEMANTICEVENT: /* Handle Apple Event Manager Semantic Event */ WinMessageBox( HWND_DESKTOP, HWND_DESKTOP, "WM_SEMANTIC_EVENT was received", "WinProc", (USHORT)0, MB_OK | MB_NOICON); /* Call ProcessSemanticEvent to process the Apple Event */ ProcessSemanticEvent( hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2 ); return (MRESULT) 0; #endif case WM_SIZE: /* Do size process if frame is not minimized */ pmp = (PMAIN_PARM) WinQueryWindowULong( hwnd, QWL_USER ); /* * If the object window is busy drawing, the GPI calls here can fail * because the PS is busy. Check for this situation and delay * the sizing operation by a few milliseconds. */ if( pmp->fBusy ) { WinStartTimer( pmp->hab, hwnd, ID_SIZE_TIMER, LEN_SIZE_TIMER ); return (MRESULT) 0; } ulWork = WinQueryWindowULong( pmp->hwndFrame, QWL_STYLE ); if( !( ulWork & WS_MINIMIZED )) { /* Frame is not minimized. Get window size in pels. */ WinQueryWindowRect( hwnd, &rectl ); /* how many twips will fit into the client window now? */ bOK = GpiConvert( pmp->hpsClient, CVTC_DEVICE, CVTC_WORLD, 2L, (PPOINTL)&rectl ); pmassert( pmp->hab, bOK ); /* compute client size in twips, store in pmp */ pmp-> = rectl.xRight - rectl.xLeft; pmp-> = rectl.yTop - rectl.yBottom; /* Try to keep the current position still in view by calculating */ /* the difference between size required and client window. */ /* The scroll position is then either 0 or the minimum of the */ /* difference and the old scroll position */ sNewPos = (LONG)FixedInchesToTwips(pmp->form.fxxWidth) + (((float)(2 * OFFSET_XY_TWIPS)) / pmp->floatScale) - pmp->; pmp->sHScrollPos = min( max( 0, sNewPos), pmp->sHScrollPos); sNewPos = (LONG)FixedInchesToTwips(pmp->form.fxyHeight) + (((float)(2 * OFFSET_XY_TWIPS)) / pmp->floatScale) - pmp->; pmp->sVScrollPos = min( max( 0, sNewPos), pmp->sVScrollPos); /* recalibrate the scroll bars */ CalibrateHorizontalScrollBar( pmp ); CalibrateVerticalScrollBar( pmp ); /* * Modify def-view matrix translation to home the displayed page. * This depends on the current scaling value. */ pmp->matlfDefView.lM31 = OFFSET_XY_TWIPS - (LONG)(pmp->floatScale * (float)( pmp->sHScrollPos)); pmp->matlfDefView.lM32 = OFFSET_XY_TWIPS + (LONG)(pmp->floatScale * (float)( pmp->sVScrollPos - pmp->sVScrollRange )); bOK = GpiSetDefaultViewMatrix( pmp->hpsClient, 9, &pmp->matlfDefView, TRANSFORM_REPLACE ); pmassert( pmp->hab, bOK ); /* force a paint */ WinInvalidateRect( hwnd, NULL, FALSE ); } return (MRESULT) 0; case WM_TIMER: pmp = (PMAIN_PARM) WinQueryWindowULong( hwnd, QWL_USER ); switch( (ULONG) mp1 ) { case ID_DEATH_TIMER: /* object window never posted a quit in allotted time. WinPostMsg( hwnd, WM_QUIT, 0, 0 ); break; case ID_SIZE_TIMER: /* object window was busy with the PS before; try sizing now */ bOK = WinStopTimer( pmp->hab, hwnd, ID_SIZE_TIMER ); pmassert( pmp->hab, bOK ); WinSendMsg( hwnd, WM_SIZE, 0, 0 ); break; } return (MRESULT) 0; case WM_USER_ACK: /* * Object window is done processing lengthy task. * mp1 contains the WM_USER msg originally posted to the object window * mp2 may contain a result code, depending on mp1 */ pmp = (PMAIN_PARM) WinQueryWindowULong( hwnd, QWL_USER ); /* reenable the client window */ WinSendMsg( hwnd, WM_USER_ENABLE_CLIENT, (MPARAM)0, (MPARAM)0 ); switch( (ULONG)mp1 ) { case WM_USER_LOAD_BITMAP: case WM_USER_LOAD_METAFILE: case WM_USER_LOAD_TEXT: /* * Do size processing so that document will * "home" in the client window. */ WinSendMsg( hwnd, WM_SIZE, (MPARAM)0, (MPARAM)0 ); break; case WM_USER_PAGINATE: switch( (ULONG)mp2 ) { case PAGINATE_EOF: case PAGINATE_EOF_PART_PAGE: /* seek top of file */ fseek( pmp->f, 0, SEEK_SET ); } WinInvalidateRect( hwnd, NULL, FALSE ); break; } return (MRESULT) 0; case WM_USER_DISABLE_CLIENT: /* * usually disable before posting a task to the object window * this message may be sent; disable menu action bar as well */ pmp = (PMAIN_PARM) WinQueryWindowULong( hwnd, QWL_USER ); pmp->fBusy = TRUE; WinEnableWindow( pmp->hwndClient, FALSE ); WinEnableWindow( pmp->hwndMenubar, FALSE ); WinEnableControl( pmp->hwndFrame, FID_HORZSCROLL, FALSE ); WinEnableControl( pmp->hwndFrame, FID_VERTSCROLL, FALSE ); WinEnableMenuItem( pmp->hwndMenubar, IDM_PAGEDOWN, FALSE ); WinEnableMenuItem( pmp->hwndMenubar, IDM_VIEWFULL, FALSE ); WinEnableMenuItem( pmp->hwndMenubar, IDM_VIEWHALF, FALSE ); return (MRESULT)0; case WM_USER_ENABLE_CLIENT: /* * usually enable upon receipt of object window ack/nack * this message may be sent; enable menu actions if text mode */ pmp = (PMAIN_PARM) WinQueryWindowULong( hwnd, QWL_USER ); pmp->fBusy = FALSE; WinEnableWindow( pmp->hwndClient, TRUE ); WinEnableWindow( pmp->hwndMenubar, TRUE ); WinEnableControl( pmp->hwndFrame, FID_HORZSCROLL, TRUE ); WinEnableControl( pmp->hwndFrame, FID_VERTSCROLL, TRUE ); WinEnableMenuItem( pmp->hwndMenubar, IDM_VIEWFULL, TRUE ); WinEnableMenuItem( pmp->hwndMenubar, IDM_VIEWHALF, TRUE ); if( pmp->ulMode == MODE_TEXT ) { WinEnableMenuItem( pmp->hwndMenubar, IDM_PAGEDOWN, TRUE ); } return (MRESULT) 0; case WM_USER_NEW_MODE: /* * The program now has a new file, file type, or printer, or * printer form, orientation, resolution, etc. The receipt * and processing of this message works to reset the program: * Old file, bitmap, or metafile handles are closed, and * new ones get opened. The titlebar shows the new filename. * This case works very much like a program reset. */ pmp = (PMAIN_PARM) WinQueryWindowULong( hwnd, QWL_USER ); /* close processing on current file */ switch( pmp->ulMode ) { case MODE_BITMAP: /* destroy previous memory dc, ps, and hbm */ if( pmp->hpsMemory ) { GpiAssociate( pmp->hpsMemory, (HDC)0 ); GpiDestroyPS( pmp->hpsMemory ); pmp->hpsMemory = (HPS) 0; } if( pmp->hdcMemory ) { DevCloseDC( pmp->hdcMemory ); pmp->hdcMemory = (HDC) 0; } if( pmp->hbm ) { GpiDeleteBitmap( pmp->hbm ); pmp->hbm = (HBITMAP) 0; } break; case MODE_METAFILE: /* destroy old metafile handle */ if( pmp->hmf ) { GpiDeleteMetaFile( pmp->hmf ); pmp->hmf = (HMF) 0; } break; case MODE_TEXT: fclose( pmp->f ); pmp->f = (FILE *) 0; /* turn off options for text mode */ WinEnableMenuItem( pmp->hwndMenubar, IDM_PAGEDOWN, FALSE ); WinEnableMenuItem( pmp->hwndMenubar, IDM_SETFONT, FALSE ); break; } /* turn off options for all modes */ WinEnableMenuItem( pmp->hwndMenubar, IDM_VIEWHALF, FALSE ); WinEnableMenuItem( pmp->hwndMenubar, IDM_VIEWFULL, FALSE ); WinEnableControl( pmp->hwndFrame, FID_HORZSCROLL, FALSE ); WinEnableControl( pmp->hwndFrame, FID_VERTSCROLL, FALSE ); /* copy over current values with the next values */ pmp->ulMode = pmp->ulNextMode; strcpy( pmp->szFilename, pmp->szNextFilename ); /* enable the print menu option if mode is known and there is a printer set up. */ WinEnableMenuItem( pmp->hwndMenubar, IDM_PRINT, (pmp->ulMode != MODE_UNKNOWN && pmp->hpsPrinterInfo ) ); /* update title bar text and show filename in use */ if( *pmp->szFilename ) { /* parse full-qualified filename to just get filename and extension */ psz = strrchr( pmp->szFilename, '\\' ); if (psz && *psz) { ++psz; } else { psz = pmp->szFilename; } sprintf( szWork, "%s - %s", pmp->pszTitle, psz ); } else { strcpy( szWork, pmp->pszTitle ); } WinSetWindowText( pmp->hwndTitlebar, szWork ); /* enable options for all modes */ WinEnableMenuItem( pmp->hwndMenubar, IDM_VIEWHALF, TRUE ); WinEnableMenuItem( pmp->hwndMenubar, IDM_VIEWFULL, TRUE ); WinEnableControl( pmp->hwndFrame, FID_HORZSCROLL, TRUE ); WinEnableControl( pmp->hwndFrame, FID_VERTSCROLL, TRUE ); /* process this new mode */ switch( pmp->ulMode ) { case MODE_BITMAP: /* load the bitmap into memory so it is compatible with the screen */ WinSendMsg( hwnd, WM_USER_DISABLE_CLIENT, 0, 0 ); WinPostMsg( pmp->hwndObject, WM_USER_LOAD_BITMAP, (MPARAM)hwnd, (MPARAM)FLAGS_SCREEN ); break; case MODE_METAFILE: /* make object window read metafile */ WinSendMsg( hwnd, WM_USER_DISABLE_CLIENT, 0, 0 ); WinPostMsg( pmp->hwndObject, WM_USER_LOAD_METAFILE, (MPARAM)hwnd, 0 ); break; case MODE_TEXT: /* turn on options for text mode */ WinEnableMenuItem( pmp->hwndMenubar, IDM_PAGEDOWN, TRUE ); WinEnableMenuItem( pmp->hwndMenubar, IDM_SETFONT, TRUE ); /* reset view matrix that was last in effect for viewing text pages; */ /* this gets lost after viewing a metafile */ bOK = GpiSetDefaultViewMatrix( pmp->hpsClient, 9, &pmp->matlfDefView, TRANSFORM_REPLACE ); pmassert( pmp->hab, bOK ); /* disable until text loaded */ WinSendMsg( hwnd, WM_USER_DISABLE_CLIENT, 0, 0 ); /* tell object window to load the text file */ bOK = WinPostMsg( pmp->hwndObject, WM_USER_LOAD_TEXT, (MPARAM)hwnd, 0 ); pmassert( pmp->hab, bOK ); break; case MODE_UNKNOWN: /* size screen to get correct scrollbars */ WinPostMsg( pmp->hwndClient, WM_SIZE, 0, 0 ); break; } return (MRESULT) 0; case WM_VSCROLL: pmp = (PMAIN_PARM) WinQueryWindowULong( hwnd, QWL_USER ); /* Compute some fraction of scroll bar range for a unit of scrolling. */ sStep = pmp->sVScrollRange / 50; switch( SHORT2FROMMP( mp2 )) { case SB_LINEUP: pmp->sVScrollPos -= sStep; break; case SB_PAGEUP: pmp->sVScrollPos -= pmp->; break; case SB_LINEDOWN: pmp->sVScrollPos += sStep; break; case SB_PAGEDOWN: pmp->sVScrollPos += pmp->; break; case SB_SLIDERPOSITION: case SB_SLIDERTRACK: sNewPos = SHORT1FROMMP( mp2 ); pmp->sVScrollPos = sNewPos; break; } /* Don't allow step assignments to exceed limits of zero to range. */ pmp->sVScrollPos = max( (SHORT)0, min( pmp->sVScrollPos, pmp->sVScrollRange )); if( pmp->sVScrollPos != SHORT1FROMMR(WinSendMsg( pmp->hwndVScroll, SBM_QUERYPOS, (MPARAM)0, (MPARAM)0 ))) { /* * New scroll bar thumbbutton position is different than current. * Set a new Y translation value to effect the scroll. * Current scale setting affects the Y element of the matrix. */ pmp->matlfDefView.lM32 = OFFSET_XY_TWIPS + (LONG)(pmp->floatScale * (float)( pmp->sVScrollPos - pmp->sVScrollRange )); pmp->matlfDefView.lM32 = (LONG)(pmp->floatScale * (float)( OFFSET_XY_TWIPS + pmp->sVScrollPos - pmp->sVScrollRange )); bOK = GpiSetDefaultViewMatrix( pmp->hpsClient, 9, &pmp->matlfDefView, TRANSFORM_REPLACE ); pmassert( pmp->hab, bOK ); CalibrateVerticalScrollBar( pmp ); WinInvalidateRect( hwnd, NULL, FALSE ); } return (MRESULT) 0; } return WinDefWindowProc( hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2 ); } /* End of WinProc */