static void F2WriteSecondOperand(v60_state *cpustate, UINT8 dim2) { cpustate->moddim = dim2; cpustate->modm = cpustate->instflags & 0x20; cpustate->modadd = cpustate->PC + 2 + cpustate->amlength1; cpustate->amlength2 = WriteAM(cpustate); }
void F2WriteSecondOperand(UINT8 dim2) { modDim = dim2; modM = if2 & 0x20; modAdd = PC + 2 + amLength1; amLength2 = WriteAM(); }
static UINT32 opPOP(v60_state *cpustate) { cpustate->modadd = cpustate->PC + 1; cpustate->moddim = 2; cpustate->modwritevalw = cpustate->program->read_dword_unaligned(cpustate->SP); cpustate->SP +=4; cpustate->amlength1 = WriteAM(cpustate); return cpustate->amlength1 + 1; }
UINT32 opPOP(void) { modAdd=PC+1; modDim=2; modWriteValW=MemRead32(SP); SP+=4; amLength1=WriteAM(); return amLength1 + 1; }
static UINT32 opGETPSW(v60_state *cpustate) { cpustate->modadd = cpustate->PC + 1; cpustate->moddim = 2; cpustate->modwritevalw = v60ReadPSW(cpustate); // Write cpustate->PSW to the operand cpustate->amlength1 = WriteAM(cpustate); return cpustate->amlength1 + 1; }
UINT32 opGETPSW(void) { modAdd=PC + 1; modDim=2; modWriteValW=v60ReadPSW(); /* Write PSW to the operand */ amLength1=WriteAM(); return amLength1 + 1; }