コード例 #1
ファイル: jnl_detail.c プロジェクト: huilang22/Projects
 | Function     : WriteDetailStackToDB
 | Description  : Push the JNL_DETAIL stack onto the database using whatever method
 |                of insertion has been chosen via the BLK_SWITCH system parameter
 | Input        : stk_ptr    Pointer to detail stack
 | Output       : None
 | Return       : SUCCESS or FAILURE
WriteDetailStackToDB (JNL_DETAIL_STACK *stk_ptr)
char *name = "WriteDetailStackToDB";
int  rtv = SUCCESS;

    | If no records, no work to do!
   if (stk_ptr == NULL || stk_ptr->curr_pos == 0)
      return rtv;

    | Push detail stack using appropriate method
   switch (stk_ptr->method)
   case JNL_BLK_BLK_CPY:
      tracef (name, "Writing %d JNL_DETAIL rows with Sybase bulk copy.", stk_ptr->curr_pos);
      if (BulkCopyRowInsertToDB (stk_ptr) == SUCCESS)
         WriteLogMessage (stk_ptr->ctrl_fd, stk_ptr->proc_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, JNL_BCP_SUCCESS,
                          stk_ptr->curr_pos, NULL, "JNL_DETAIL", NULL, JNL_FORMAT_INT_CHAR);
         rtv = FAILURE;
   case JNL_BLK_STK_INS:
      tracef (name, "Writing %d JNL_DETAIL with stacked inserts", stk_ptr->curr_pos);
      if (StackRowInsertToDB (stk_ptr) == SUCCESS)
         WriteLogMessage (stk_ptr->ctrl_fd, stk_ptr->proc_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, JNL_STK_SUCCESS,
                          stk_ptr->curr_pos, NULL, "JNL_DETAIL", NULL, JNL_FORMAT_INT_CHAR);
         rtv = FAILURE;
   case JNL_BLK_ARY_INS:
      tracef (name, "Writing %d JNL_DETAIL rows with Oracle array insert", stk_ptr->curr_pos);
      if (ArrayRowInsertToDB (stk_ptr) == SUCCESS)
         WriteLogMessage (stk_ptr->ctrl_fd, stk_ptr->proc_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, JNL_ARY_SUCCESS,
                          stk_ptr->curr_pos, NULL, "JNL_DETAIL", NULL, JNL_FORMAT_INT_CHAR);
         rtv = FAILURE;
   case JNL_BLK_SNG_INS:
      tracef (name, "Writing %d JNL_DETAIL rows with single row inserts", stk_ptr->curr_pos);
      if (SingleRowInsertToDB (stk_ptr) == SUCCESS)
         WriteLogMessage (stk_ptr->ctrl_fd, stk_ptr->proc_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, JNL_SGL_SUCCESS,
                          stk_ptr->curr_pos, NULL, "JNL_DETAIL", NULL, JNL_FORMAT_INT_CHAR);
         rtv = FAILURE;
   stk_ptr->curr_pos = 0;

   return rtv;
コード例 #2
ファイル: jnl_detail.c プロジェクト: huilang22/Projects
 | Function     : StackRowInsertToDB
 | Description  : Push JNL_DETAIL stack to the database using 'stacked insert'.
 |                Builds the stack into a single SQL statement in the Arbor SQL buffer
 |                before executing the group of insert statements in one go on the DB
 |                server.
 |                NOTE: Due to the size limitations on the SQL buffer, this method cannot
 |                      be used for large BATCH_SIZE values.
 | Input        : stk_ptr   Pointer to detail stack
 | Output       : None
 | Return       : SUCCESS / FAILURE
static int
StackRowInsertToDB (JNL_DETAIL_STACK *stk_ptr)
char *name = "StackRowInsertToDB";
int  i;

   if (arb_begin_tran (stk_ptr->dbp, arb_get_process_id()) != SUCCESS)
      WriteLogMessage (stk_ptr->ctrl_fd, stk_ptr->proc_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, JNL_DB_TRANS_ERROR,
                       NULL, NULL, "JNL_DETAIL", "jnl_insert_jnl_detail", JNL_FORMAT_CHAR_CHAR);
      return FAILURE;

    | Fill execute buffer with rows on the stack - defer execution
   for (i = 0; i < stk_ptr->curr_pos; i++)
      if (InsertJNL_DETAIL (stk_ptr->dbp, &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[i], SQL_DEFER_EXECUTE) != SUCCESS)
         arb_rollback_tran (stk_ptr->dbp, arb_get_process_id());
         WriteLogMessage (stk_ptr->ctrl_fd, stk_ptr->proc_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, JNL_DB_WRITE_ERROR,
                          NULL, NULL, "JNL_DETAIL", "jnl_insert_jnl_detail", JNL_FORMAT_CHAR_CHAR);
         return FAILURE;

    | Call to arb_next_row executes the SQL in the buffer. No rows are returned as
    | this is an INSERT.
   while (arb_next_row (stk_ptr->dbp) == ARB_MORE_DATA) {}

   arb_clear_proc_io (&jnl_insert_jnl_detail_proc);

   if (arb_query_status (stk_ptr->dbp) == FAILURE)
      arb_rollback_tran (stk_ptr->dbp, arb_get_process_id());
      WriteLogMessage (stk_ptr->ctrl_fd, stk_ptr->proc_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, JNL_DB_WRITE_ERROR,
                       NULL, NULL, "JNL_DETAIL", "jnl_insert_jnl_detail", JNL_FORMAT_CHAR_CHAR);
      return FAILURE;

   if (arb_commit_tran (stk_ptr->dbp) != SUCCESS)
      WriteLogMessage (stk_ptr->ctrl_fd, stk_ptr->proc_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, JNL_BCP_SUCCESS,
                       NULL, NULL, "COMMIT", "jnl_insert_jnl_detail", JNL_FORMAT_CHAR_CHAR);
      return FAILURE;

   return SUCCESS;
コード例 #3
ファイル: jnl_detail.c プロジェクト: huilang22/Projects
 | Function     : NewDetailStack
 | Description  : Allocate a buffer for storing JNL_DETAIL rows. This is used to
 |                hold rows prior to batch inserting them into the database using
 |                Oracle array inserts or Sybase BCP.
 |                NOTE: The ctrl_fd is the pipe on which log information will be sent.
 |                      If it is left NULL it is assumed that this is being called in
 |                      the parent process and log entries can be written directly.
 | Input        : dbp      Database connection which is used for writing DETAIL rows
 |                method   Insertion method to use
 |                bsize    Batch size to use for stack / DB buffer
 |                ctrl_fd  Control pipe handle (NULL if not used)
 |                proc_id  Process id for process using these routines
 | Output       : None
 | Return       : Pointer to detail stack, NULL if failure
NewDetailStack (Arb_connection *dbp, JNL_BLK_METHOD method, int bsize,
                FILE *ctrl_fd, JNL_PROCESS_ID proc_id)
char             *name = "InitialiseDetailStack";

    | Some error checking...
   if (bsize <= 0 || dbp == NULL)
      tracef (name, "Invalid batch size (%d) or NULL dbp pointer passed", bsize);
      return NULL;

   if (method <= JNL_BLK_NULL || method >= JNL_BLK_NUM_METHODS)
      tracef (name, "Invalid value for JNL BLK_SWITCH parameter (%d)", method);
      return NULL;

    | Initialise stack and allocate space for the detail rows
   if ((stk_ptr = malloc (sizeof(JNL_DETAIL_STACK))) == NULL)
      WriteLogMessage (ctrl_fd, proc_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, JNL_MEM_ALLOC,
                       sizeof(JNL_DETAIL_STACK), NULL, "JNL_DETAIL_STACK Struct", NULL, JNL_FORMAT_INT_CHAR);
      return NULL;
   stk_ptr->stk_ptr = (JNL_DETAIL *)calloc (bsize, sizeof(JNL_DETAIL));

   if (stk_ptr->stk_ptr == NULL)
      free (stk_ptr);
      WriteLogMessage (ctrl_fd, proc_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, JNL_MEM_ALLOC,
                       bsize*sizeof(JNL_DETAIL), NULL, "JNL_DETAIL Stack", NULL, JNL_FORMAT_INT_CHAR);
      return NULL;

   stk_ptr->ctrl_fd = ctrl_fd;
   stk_ptr->proc_id = proc_id;
   stk_ptr->batch_size = bsize;
   stk_ptr->total_jd = 0; /*DENqa71320, initialized to 0*/
   stk_ptr->dbp = dbp;
   stk_ptr->curr_pos = 0;
   stk_ptr->method = method;

   return stk_ptr;
コード例 #4
ファイル: installed.cpp プロジェクト: crank123/reactos
UninstallApplication(INT Index, BOOL bModify)
    WCHAR szModify[] = L"ModifyPath";
    WCHAR szUninstall[] = L"UninstallString";
    WCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH];
    WCHAR szAppName[MAX_STR_LEN];
    DWORD dwType, dwSize;
    INT ItemIndex;
    LVITEM Item;
    HKEY hKey;

    if (!IS_INSTALLED_ENUM(SelectedEnumType))
        return FALSE;

    if (Index == -1)
        ItemIndex = (INT) SendMessageW(hListView, LVM_GETNEXTITEM, -1, LVNI_FOCUSED);
        if (ItemIndex == -1)
            return FALSE;
        ItemIndex = Index;

    ListView_GetItemText(hListView, ItemIndex, 0, szAppName, sizeof(szAppName) / sizeof(WCHAR));

    ZeroMemory(&Item, sizeof(LVITEM));

    Item.mask = LVIF_PARAM;
    Item.iItem = ItemIndex;
    if (!ListView_GetItem(hListView, &Item))
        return FALSE;

    ItemInfo = (PINSTALLED_INFO)Item.lParam;
    hKey = ItemInfo->hSubKey;

    dwType = REG_SZ;
    dwSize = MAX_PATH;
    if (RegQueryValueExW(hKey,
                         bModify ? szModify : szUninstall,
                         &dwSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
        return FALSE;

    return StartProcess(szPath, TRUE);
コード例 #5
ファイル: CBufMS.cpp プロジェクト: mazhiqiang/FOMES
	FunctionName:			fnWrite
	FunctionModifiedTime:	20141019
	FunctionPurpose:		write memory to buffer
errorCode CSingleton::fnWrite(void)

		StatusMaster = RAMWrite;
		if (0 != m_vBufMaster.size())
			if(0 != m_vBufMaster.size()&&err_Success==fnHardProc(&m_vBufMaster[BUFFER_ZERO],COMMON_CMD)) 
				StatusMaster = Idle;
				m_bSynLock = READ;
				m_ucInvalidRetry = 0;
				m_ucErrorRetry = 0;
#if LogComd
				string Logcontent = "PCI Write {ComdID =" ;
				Logcontent += TypeConvert <short, string>(m_vBufMaster[BUFFER_ZERO].iCmd);
				Logcontent += "}" ;
				Logcontent += "{Data =" ;
				int itmpi;
				for(itmpi = 0;itmpi<m_vBufMaster[BUFFER_ZERO].iLength/2;itmpi++)
					Logcontent += TypeConvert <short, string>(*((short*)m_vBufMaster[BUFFER_ZERO].pucData + itmpi));
					Logcontent += ",";
				Logcontent += "}";
				LogManage& CurLog=LogManage::GetInit();//获取日志类实例,直到程序结束前手动析构掉
				WriteLogMessage(Logcontent ,SMT_WARN,LOG_FDINFO);
				return err_Success;
				StatusMaster = Idle;
				return err_MS_Memory_Trans_Invalid;
			StatusMaster = Idle;
			return err_PCI_Write_Memory_Invalid;
		return err_PCI_Write_Memory_Invalid;
	return err_Success;
コード例 #6
ファイル: loaddlg.cpp プロジェクト: Strongc/reactos
DownloadApplication(INT Index)
    if (!IS_AVAILABLE_ENUM(SelectedEnumType))
        return FALSE;

    AppInfo = (PAPPLICATION_INFO) ListViewGetlParam(Index);
    if (!AppInfo) return FALSE;

    WriteLogMessage(EVENTLOG_SUCCESS, MSG_SUCCESS_INSTALL, AppInfo->szName);


    return TRUE;
コード例 #7
ファイル: game.cpp プロジェクト: anonymoose1/planet_wars-cpp
// Parses a string of the form "source_planet destination_planet num_ships"
// and calls state.ExecuteOrder. If that fails, the player is dropped.
bool Game::ExecuteOrder(int playerID, const std::string& order) {
	std::vector<std::string> tokens = Tokenize(order, " ");
	if (tokens.size() != 3) return -1;
	int sourcePlanet = atoi(tokens[0].c_str());
	int destinationPlanet = atoi(tokens[1].c_str());
	int numShips = atoi(tokens[2].c_str());

	if(!state.ExecuteOrder(desc, playerID, sourcePlanet, destinationPlanet, numShips)) {
		WriteLogMessage("Dropping player " + to_string(playerID) +
						". source.Owner() = " + to_string(state.planets[sourcePlanet].owner) + ", playerID = " +
						to_string(playerID) + ", numShips = " + to_string(numShips) +
						", source.NumShips() = " + to_string(state.planets[sourcePlanet].numShips));
		std::cerr << "Dropping player " << playerID << " because of invalid order: " << order << std::endl;
		return false;
	return true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: jnl_detail.c プロジェクト: huilang22/Projects
 | Function     : SingleRowInsertToDB
 | Description  : Insert the JNL_DETAIL stack into the database using a single
 |                row at a time insert through a stored procedure.
 | Input        : stk_ptr   Pointer to detail stack
 | Output       : None
 | Return       : SUCCESS / FAILURE
static int
SingleRowInsertToDB (JNL_DETAIL_STACK *stk_ptr)
char *name = "SingleRowInsertToDB";
int  i;

   for (i = 0; i < stk_ptr->curr_pos; i++)
      InsertJNL_DETAIL (stk_ptr->dbp, &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[i], SQL_EXECUTE_NOW);
      arb_clear_proc_io (&jnl_insert_jnl_detail_proc);
      if (arb_query_status (stk_ptr->dbp) != SUCCESS)
         tracef (name, "Failed writing row %d to JNL_DETAIL", i);
         WriteLogMessage (stk_ptr->ctrl_fd, stk_ptr->proc_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, JNL_DB_WRITE_ERROR,
                          NULL, NULL, "JNL_DETAIL", "jnl_insert_jnl_detail", JNL_FORMAT_CHAR_CHAR);
         return FAILURE;
   return SUCCESS;
コード例 #9
ファイル: jnl_detail.c プロジェクト: huilang22/Projects
 | Function     : ArrayRowInsertToDB
 | Description  : Copy JNL_DETAIL stack to database using Oracle array insert.
 | Input        : stk_ptr   Pointer to detail stack
 | Output       : None
 | Return       : SUCCESS / FAILURE
static int
ArrayRowInsertToDB (JNL_DETAIL_STACK *stk_ptr)
   arb_setup_proc_exec_array (stk_ptr->dbp, &jnl_insert_jnl_detail_proc,
      "id_type",               &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].key.id_type,               ARG_NOT_NULL,
      "id_value",              &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].key.id_value,              ARG_NOT_NULL,
      "id_type2",              &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].key.id_type2,              ARG_NULL_IF_EMPTY,
      "id_value2",             &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].key.id_value2,             ARG_NULL_IF_EMPTY,
      "use_code",              &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].key.use_code,              ARG_NOT_NULL,
      "account_no",            &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].account_no,                ARG_NOT_NULL,
      "subscr_no",             &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].subscr_no,                 ARG_NOT_NULL,
      "subscr_no_resets",      &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].subscr_no_resets,          ARG_NOT_NULL,
      "bill_ref_no",           &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].bill_ref_no,               ARG_NOT_NULL,
      "bill_ref_resets",       &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].bill_ref_resets,           ARG_NOT_NULL,
      "jnl_ref_no",            &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].jnl_ref_no,                ARG_NOT_NULL,
      "jnl_ref_no_serv",       &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].jnl_ref_no_serv,           ARG_NOT_NULL,
      "element_id",            &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].key.element_id,            ARG_NULL_IF_EMPTY,
      "tracking_id",           &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].tracking_id,               ARG_NULL_IF_EMPTY,
      "tracking_id_serv",      &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].tracking_id_serv,          ARG_NULL_IF_EMPTY,
      "provider_id",           &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].key.provider_id,           ARG_NULL_IF_EMPTY,
      "account_category",      &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].key.account_category,      ARG_NOT_NULL,
      "tracking_dt",           &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].tracking_dt,               ARG_NULL_IF_EMPTY,
      "effective_dt",          &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].effective_dt,              ARG_NULL_IF_EMPTY,
      "billed_dt",             &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].billed_dt,                 ARG_NULL_IF_EMPTY,
      "accrued_dt",            &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].accrued_dt,                ARG_NULL_IF_EMPTY,
      "created_dt",            &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].created_dt,                ARG_NOT_NULL,
      "posted_dt",             &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].posted_dt,                 ARG_NULL_IF_EMPTY,
      "jurisdiction",          &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].key.jurisdiction,          ARG_NULL_IF_EMPTY,
      "usage_units",           &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].usage_units,               ARG_NULL_IF_EMPTY,
      "usage_items",           &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].usage_items,               ARG_NULL_IF_EMPTY,
      "location_code",         &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].location_code,             ARG_NULL_IF_EMPTY,
      "location_region",       &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].location_region,           ARG_NULL_IF_EMPTY,
      "adj_category",          &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].key.adj_category,          ARG_NULL_IF_EMPTY,
      "reference_code",        &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].reference_code,            ARG_NULL_IF_EMPTY,
      "jnl_code_id",           &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].key.jnl_code_id,           ARG_NULL_IF_EMPTY,
      "invoice_amount",        &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].invoice_amount,            ARG_NOT_NULL,
      "reported_amount",       &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].reported_amount,           ARG_NOT_NULL,
      "invoice_currency_code", &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].invoice_currency_code,     ARG_NOT_NULL,
      "currency_code",         &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].key.currency_code,         ARG_NOT_NULL,
      "fraud_indicator",       &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].key.fraud_indicator,       ARG_NOT_NULL,
      "mkt_code",              &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].key.mkt_code,              ARG_NOT_NULL,
      "rev_rcv_cost_ctr",      &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].rev_rcv_cost_center,       ARG_NOT_NULL,
      "owning_cost_ctr",       &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].owning_cost_center,        ARG_NOT_NULL,
      "jnl_end_dt",            &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].jnl_end_dt,                ARG_NOT_NULL,
      "jnl_subcycle_end_dt",   &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].jnl_subcycle_end_dt,       ARG_NULL_IF_EMPTY,
      "emf_book_id",           &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].emf_book_id,               ARG_NOT_NULL,
      "jnl_feed_status",       &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].jnl_feed_status,           ARG_NOT_NULL,
      "tax_type_code",         &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].key.tax_type_code,         ARG_NOT_NULL,
      "open_item_id",          &stk_ptr->stk_ptr[0].key.open_item_id,          ARG_NOT_NULL,

   arb_clear_proc_io (&jnl_insert_jnl_detail_proc);

   if (arb_query_status (stk_ptr->dbp) != SUCCESS)
      WriteLogMessage (stk_ptr->ctrl_fd, stk_ptr->proc_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, JNL_DB_WRITE_ERROR,
                       NULL, NULL, "JNL_DETAIL", "jnl_insert_jnl_detail", JNL_FORMAT_CHAR_CHAR);
      return FAILURE;

   return SUCCESS;
コード例 #10
ファイル: jnl_detail.c プロジェクト: huilang22/Projects
static int
BulkCopyRowInsertToDB (JNL_DETAIL_STACK *stk_ptr)
int           col = 0;
int           row = 0;
Arb_bulkdesc  s_sDetailDesc;
Bulk_param    s_sColDesc;
JNL_DETAIL    data;
int           *lens;

    | Initialise the bulk structure
   memset (&s_sDetailDesc, 0, sizeof(Arb_bulkdesc));

   if (arb_bulk_init (stk_ptr->dbp, &s_sDetailDesc, "JNL_DETAIL", NUM_DETAIL_COLS) != SUCCESS)
      WriteLogMessage (stk_ptr->ctrl_fd, stk_ptr->proc_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, JNL_BCP_INIT_ERROR,
                       NULL, NULL, "JNL_DETAIL", NULL, JNL_FORMAT_CHAR);
      return FAILURE;

    | Bind the JNL_DETAIL columns to the appropriate address in the array
   for (col = 1; col <= NUM_DETAIL_COLS; col++)
      if (GetJnlDetailDesc (&data, col, &s_sColDesc)       != SUCCESS ||
          arb_bulk_bind (&s_sDetailDesc, &s_sColDesc, col) != SUCCESS)
         WriteLogMessage (stk_ptr->ctrl_fd, stk_ptr->proc_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, JNL_BCP_INIT_ERROR,
                          NULL, NULL, "JNL_DETAIL", NULL, JNL_FORMAT_CHAR);
         return FAILURE;

    | Constant during BCP
   arch_flag = 0;
   run_success = 0;

    | Loop through entire stack and send each row to the database
   lens = (int *)s_sDetailDesc.collens;
   for (row = 0; row < stk_ptr->curr_pos; row++)
      data = stk_ptr->stk_ptr[row];

      /* These columns must be set to NULL if they are empty, because 
      ** they are given ARG_NULL_IF_EMPTY arg flag in single row insert, 
      ** we should keep consistant with it --DENqa25338
      ** Note: subscr_no_resets should not be set to NULL if subscr_no 
      ** is not NULL, the same with bill_ref_resets.
      lens[5]  = data.account_no       == 0 ? 0 : sizeof (data.account_no);
      lens[6]  = data.subscr_no        == 0 ? 0 : sizeof (data.subscr_no);
      lens[7]  = data.subscr_no        == 0 ? 0 : sizeof (data.subscr_no_resets);
      lens[8]  = data.bill_ref_no      == 0 ? 0 : sizeof (data.bill_ref_no);
      lens[9]  = data.bill_ref_no      == 0 ? 0 : sizeof (data.bill_ref_resets);
      lens[13] = data.tracking_id      == 0 ? 0 : sizeof (data.tracking_id);
      lens[14] = data.tracking_id_serv == 0 ? 0 : sizeof (data.tracking_id_serv);
      lens[17] = Arbdate_is_null (&data.tracking_dt)  ? 0 : 8;
      lens[18] = Arbdate_is_null (&data.effective_dt) ? 0 : 8;
      lens[19] = Arbdate_is_null (&data.billed_dt)    ? 0 : 8;
      lens[20] = Arbdate_is_null (&data.accrued_dt)   ? 0 : 8;
      lens[22] = Arbdate_is_null (&data.posted_dt)    ? 0 : 8;
      lens[26] = strlen(data.location_code)   == 0 ? 0:sizeof(data.location_code);
      lens[27] = strlen(data.location_region) == 0? 0:sizeof(data.location_region);
      lens[29] = strlen(data.reference_code)  == 0? 0:sizeof(data.reference_code);
      lens[42] = Arbdate_is_null (&data.jnl_subcycle_end_dt) ? 0 : 8;

      if (arb_bulk_send (&s_sDetailDesc) != SUCCESS)
         WriteLogMessage (stk_ptr->ctrl_fd, stk_ptr->proc_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, JNL_BCP_INIT_ERROR,
                          NULL, NULL, "JNL_DETAIL", NULL, JNL_FORMAT_CHAR);
         return FAILURE;

    | All done so commit the BCP 'batch' and drop the bulk descriptor
   if (arb_bulk_done (&s_sDetailDesc) != SUCCESS)
      WriteLogMessage (stk_ptr->ctrl_fd, stk_ptr->proc_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, JNL_BCP_INIT_ERROR,
                       NULL, NULL, "JNL_DETAIL", NULL, JNL_FORMAT_CHAR);
      return FAILURE;

   if (arb_bulk_drop (&s_sDetailDesc) != SUCCESS)
      WriteLogMessage (stk_ptr->ctrl_fd, stk_ptr->proc_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, JNL_BCP_INIT_ERROR,
                       NULL, NULL, "JNL_DETAIL", NULL, JNL_FORMAT_CHAR);
      return FAILURE;

   return SUCCESS;
コード例 #11
ファイル: cachef32.c プロジェクト: OS2World/DRV-FAT32
VOID InitProg(INT iArgc, PSZ rgArgv[])
APIRET    rc;
BYTE      szTranslate[256];
INT       iArg;
ULONG     ulLVB;
USHORT    uscbLVB;
ULONG     ulDataSize;
ULONG     ulParmSize;
BOOL      fSetParms = FALSE;
ULONG     ulParm;

   memset(szTranslate, 0, sizeof szTranslate);

      Determine if we run in the foreground
   rc = VioGetBuf(&ulLVB, &uscbLVB, (HVIO)0);
   if (rc)
      fForeGround = FALSE;
      fForeGround = TRUE;

   if (fForeGround)
      printf("FAT32 cache helper version %s.\n", FAT32_VERSION);
      WriteLogMessage("FAT32 task detached");

   rc = DosGetNamedSharedMem((PVOID *)&pOptions, SHAREMEM, PAG_READ|PAG_WRITE);
   if (!rc)
      fActive = TRUE;
      WriteLogMessage("Shared memory found!");
      rc = DosAllocSharedMem((PVOID *)&pOptions, SHAREMEM, sizeof (LWOPTS), PAG_COMMIT|PAG_READ|PAG_WRITE);
      if (rc)
         DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 1);
      memset(pOptions, 0, sizeof pOptions);
      pOptions->bLWPrio = PRTYC_IDLETIME;
      WriteLogMessage("Shared memory allocated!");

   ulDataSize = sizeof f32Parms;
   rc = DosFSCtl(
      (PVOID)&f32Parms, ulDataSize, &ulDataSize,
      NULL, 0, &ulParmSize,
   if (rc)
      printf("DosFSCtl, FAT32_GETPARMS failed, rc = %d\n", rc);
      DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 1);
   if (strcmp(f32Parms.szVersion, FAT32_VERSION))
      printf("ERROR: FAT32 version (%s) differs from CACHEF32 version (%s)\n", f32Parms.szVersion, FAT32_VERSION);
      DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 1);

   for (iArg = 1; iArg < iArgc; iArg++)
      if (rgArgv[iArg][0] == '/' || rgArgv[iArg][0] == '-')
         switch (rgArgv[iArg][1])
            case '?' :
               printf("USAGE: CACHEF32 [options]\n");
               printf("/Q (Quit)\n");
               printf("/N do NOT load lazy write deamon.\n");
               printf("/D:diskidle in millisecs.\n");
               printf("/B:bufferidle in millisecs.\n");
               printf("/M:maxage in millisecs.\n");
               printf("/R:d:,n sets read ahead sector count for drive d: to n.\n");
               printf("/FS use short file names internally.\n");
               printf("/FL use long file names internally.\n");
               printf("/L:on|off set lazy writing on or off.\n");
               printf("/P:1|2|3|4 Set priority of Lazy writer\n");
               DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 0);

            case 'P':
               if (rgArgv[iArg][2] != ':')
                  printf("Missing : after /P\n");
                  DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 1);
               if (rgArgv[iArg][3] < '1' ||
                   rgArgv[iArg][3] > '4')
                  printf("Lazy write priority should be from 1 to 4!\n");
                  DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 1);
               pOptions->bLWPrio = rgArgv[iArg][3] - '0';

            case 'N':
               fLoadDeamon = FALSE;

            case 'T':
               printf("The /T option is no longer supported.\n");
               printf("Please read the documentation.\n");

            case 'Q' :
               if (fActive)
                  if (pOptions->fTerminate)
                     printf("Terminate request already set!\n");
                  pOptions->fTerminate = TRUE;
                  printf("Terminating CACHEF32.EXE...\n");
                  DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 0);
               printf("/Q is invalid, CACHEF32 is not running!\n");
               DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 1);
            case 'D':
               if (rgArgv[iArg][2] != ':')
                  printf("ERROR: missing : in %s\n", rgArgv[iArg]);
                  DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 1);
               ulParm = atol(&rgArgv[iArg][3]);
               if (!ulParm)
                  printf("ERROR: Invalid value in %s\n", rgArgv[iArg]);
                  DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 1);
               f32Parms.ulDiskIdle = ulParm / TIME_FACTOR;
               fSetParms = TRUE;

            case 'B':
               if (rgArgv[iArg][2] != ':')
                  printf("ERROR: missing : in %s\n", rgArgv[iArg]);
                  DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 1);
               ulParm = atol(&rgArgv[iArg][3]);
               if (!ulParm)
                  printf("ERROR: Invalid value in %s\n", rgArgv[iArg]);
                  DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 1);
               f32Parms.ulBufferIdle = ulParm / TIME_FACTOR;
               fSetParms = TRUE;

            case 'M':
               if (rgArgv[iArg][2] != ':')
                  printf("ERROR: missing : in %s\n", rgArgv[iArg]);
                  DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 1);
               ulParm = atol(&rgArgv[iArg][3]);
               if (!ulParm)
                  printf("ERROR: Invalid value in %s\n", rgArgv[iArg]);
                  DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 1);
               f32Parms.ulMaxAge = ulParm / TIME_FACTOR;
               fSetParms = TRUE;

            case 'R':
               if (rgArgv[iArg][2] != ':')
                  printf("ERROR: missing : in %s\n", rgArgv[iArg]);
                  DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 1);
            case 'F':
               if (rgArgv[iArg][2] == 'S')
                  f32Parms.fUseShortNames = TRUE;
               else if (rgArgv[iArg][2] == 'L')
                  f32Parms.fUseShortNames = FALSE;
                  printf("ERROR: Unknown option %s\n", rgArgv[iArg]);
                  DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 1);
               fSetParms = TRUE;

            case 'L':
               if (!stricmp(&rgArgv[iArg][2], ":ON"))
                  rc = DosFSCtl(NULL, 0, NULL,
                              NULL, 0, NULL,
                     FAT32_STARTLW, "FAT32", -1, FSCTL_FSDNAME);
                  if (rc)
                     printf("Warning: Lazy writing is already active or cachesize is 0!\n");
               else if (!stricmp(&rgArgv[iArg][2], ":OFF"))
                  rc = DosFSCtl(NULL, 0, NULL,
                              NULL, 0, NULL,
                     FAT32_STOPLW, "FAT32", -1, FSCTL_FSDNAME);
                  if (rc)
                     printf("Warning: Lazy writing is not active!\n");
                  printf("ERROR: Unknown option %s\n", rgArgv[iArg]);
                  DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 1);

            default :
               printf("ERROR: Unknown option %s\n", rgArgv[iArg]);
               DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 1);


   if (LoadTranslateTable())
      fSetParms = TRUE;

   if (fSetParms)
      if (f32Parms.ulDiskIdle < f32Parms.ulBufferIdle)
         printf("DISKIDLE must be greater than BUFFERIDLE\n");
         DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 1);

      ulParmSize = sizeof f32Parms;
      rc = DosFSCtl(
         NULL, 0, &ulDataSize,
         (PVOID)&f32Parms, ulParmSize, &ulParmSize,
         FAT32_SETPARMS, "FAT32", -1, FSCTL_FSDNAME);
      if (rc)
         printf("DosFSCtl FAT32_SETPARMS, failed, rc = %d\n", rc);
         DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 1);

   ulDriveMap = GetFAT32Drives();
   if (!fActive)
      if (!ulDriveMap)
         printf("FAT32: No FAT32 partitions found, aborting...\n");
         DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 1);

      Query parms

   if (fActive || !f32Parms.usCacheSize)
      if (fActive)
         printf("CACHEF32 is already running.\n");
         printf("Current priority is %s.\n", rgPriority[pOptions->bLWPrio]);

      if (!f32Parms.fLW)
         printf("LAZY WRITING is NOT active!\n\n");
         printf("DISKIDLE  : %lu milliseconds.\n", f32Parms.ulDiskIdle * TIME_FACTOR);
         printf("BUFFERIDLE: %lu milliseconds.\n", f32Parms.ulBufferIdle * TIME_FACTOR);
         printf("MAXAGE    : %lu milliseconds.\n", f32Parms.ulMaxAge * TIME_FACTOR);

      printf("CACHE has space for %u sectors\n", f32Parms.usCacheSize);
      printf("CACHE contains %u sectors\n", f32Parms.usCacheUsed);
      printf("There are %u dirty sectors in cache.\n", f32Parms.usDirtySectors);
      if (f32Parms.usPendingFlush > 0)
         printf("%u sectors are in pending flush state.\n", f32Parms.usPendingFlush);
      printf("The cache hits ratio is %3d%%.\n",
         f32Parms.ulTotalHits * 100 / f32Parms.ulTotalReads);
      if (f32Parms.fUseShortNames)
         printf("Internally, short names are used.\n");
         printf("All files are visible in DOS sessions.\n");
         printf("Internally, long names are used.\n");
         printf("Files and directories with long names are hidden for DOS.\n");
      printf("FAT32.IFS has currently %u GDT segments allocated.\n",
