static void deluxe_reshape (Display *dpy, Window window, void *closure, unsigned int w, unsigned int h) { struct state *st = (struct state *) closure; if (! st->dbuf) { /* #### more complicated if we have a back buffer... */ int i; XGetWindowAttributes (st->dpy, st->window, &st->xgwa); XClearWindow (dpy, window); for (i = 0; i < st->count; i++) if (st->throbbers[i]) st->throbbers[i]->fuse = 0; } }
void draw_frame (Display* display, Window window, GC graphics_context) { if (!display) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: lost display\n"); return; } int black_colour = BlackPixel (display, DefaultScreen (display)); int white_colour = WhitePixel (display, DefaultScreen (display)); XClearWindow (display, window); XSetForeground (display, graphics_context, black_colour); int x = 0, y = 0; int width = 36, height = 1024; XFillRectangle (display, window, graphics_context, x, y, width, height); XSetForeground (display, graphics_context, lcharcoal_col.pixel); x = 36 + 6 * 80; width = 1024 - 36 + 6 * 80; height = 768; XFillRectangle (display, window, graphics_context, x, y, width, height); width = 36, height = 1024; XSetForeground (display, graphics_context, lineno_col.pixel); x = 3, y = 12; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { char tmp[16]; sprintf (tmp, "%4i", i + 98); int len = strlen (tmp); XDrawString (display, window, graphics_context, x, y, tmp, len); y += 12; } XSetForeground (display, graphics_context, ruler_col.pixel); XDrawLine (display, window, graphics_context, 36 + 6 * 80, 10, 36 + 6 * 80, 758); XDrawLine (display, window, graphics_context, 1000, 10, 1000, 758); XSetForeground (display, graphics_context, text_col.pixel); x = 3 + width, y = 12 + 12; char txt[] = "Hello X11!"; int len = strlen (txt); XDrawString (display, window, graphics_context, x, y, txt, len); y += 12; char txtb[] = "Here is a lengthy treatise on fonts."; len = strlen (txtb); XDrawString (display, window, graphics_context, x, y, txtb, len); //XFlush (display); // dispatches the command queue }
int main_loop(Display *dpy, XFontSet font, GC pen, int width, int height, char *text){ int text_width; int textx, texty; XEvent ev; int font_ascent; XFontStruct **fonts; char **font_names; int nfonts; int j; printf("%s:%d\n", text, strlen(text)); text_width = Xutf8TextEscapement(font, text, strlen(text)); font_ascent = 0; nfonts = XFontsOfFontSet(font, &fonts, &font_names); for(j = 0; j < nfonts; j += 1){ if (font_ascent < fonts[j]->ascent) font_ascent = fonts[j]->ascent; printf("Font: %s\n", font_names[j]); } /* as each event that we asked about occurs, we respond. */ while(1){ XNextEvent(dpy, &ev); switch(ev.type){ case Expose: if (ev.xexpose.count > 0) break; XDrawLine(dpy, ev.xany.window, pen, 0, 0, width/2-text_width/2, height/2); XDrawLine(dpy, ev.xany.window, pen, width, 0, width/2+text_width/2, height/2); XDrawLine(dpy, ev.xany.window, pen, 0, height, width/2-text_width/2, height/2); XDrawLine(dpy, ev.xany.window, pen, width, height, width/2+text_width/2, height/2); textx = (width - text_width)/2; texty = (height + font_ascent)/2; Xutf8DrawString(dpy, ev.xany.window, font, pen, textx, texty, text, strlen(text)); break; case ConfigureNotify: if (width != ev.xconfigure.width || height != ev.xconfigure.height) { width = ev.xconfigure.width; height = ev.xconfigure.height; XClearWindow(dpy, ev.xany.window); } break; case ButtonRelease: XCloseDisplay(dpy); return 0; } } }
/***************************************************************************** FUNCTION : ui_dispMapBW PURPOSE : Program to display the MAPs of the network in black and white NOTES : RETURNS : UPDATE : 22.09.94 ******************************************************************************/ static void ui_displMapBW(void) { FlintType strength, this_x, this_y; int xx,yy,xc=0,yc=0; uint dx,dy; FlintType save_act1,save_act2; /* save unit activations */ save_act1 = krui_getUnitActivation(MAP_xUnit); save_act2 = krui_getUnitActivation(MAP_yUnit); /* clear the window */ XSetForeground(ui_display, MAP_GRAPH_gc[0], BlackPixel(ui_display,MAP_GRAPH_screen)); XSetBackground(ui_display, MAP_GRAPH_gc[0], WhitePixel(ui_display,MAP_GRAPH_screen)); XClearWindow(ui_display,MAP_GRAPH_win); /* draw the MAP squares */ for (this_y=MAP_yMin; this_y<MAP_yMax; this_y+=MAP_scaleY) { for (this_x=MAP_xMin; this_x<MAP_xMax; this_x+=MAP_scaleX) { krui_setUnitActivation(MAP_xUnit, this_x); krui_setUnitActivation(MAP_yUnit, this_y); krui_updateNet(NULL,(int)NULL); strength = krui_getUnitOutput(MAP_outputUnit); dx = dy = abs(18*(strength-MAP_minWght)/(MAP_maxWght-MAP_minWght)-9); xx = (int)(xc*MAP_BW_squaresizeX)+20; yy = (int)(yc*MAP_BW_squaresizeY)+20; if(strength >(MAP_maxWght-MAP_minWght)/2 ){ XFillRectangle(ui_display,MAP_GRAPH_win, MAP_GRAPH_gc[0],xx,yy,dx,dy); }else{ XDrawRectangle(ui_display,MAP_GRAPH_win, MAP_GRAPH_gc[0],xx,yy,dx,dy); } xc++; } yc++;xc=0; } /* restore unit activations */ krui_setUnitActivation(MAP_xUnit,save_act1); krui_setUnitActivation(MAP_yUnit,save_act2); /* draw the scale */ ui_map_scale(scale); }
/*ARGSUSED*/ static void tic(XtPointer client_data, XtIntervalId *id) { RepeaterWidget rw = (RepeaterWidget)client_data; rw->repeater.timer = 0; /* timer is removed */ if (rw->repeater.flash) { Widget w = (Widget)rw; XClearWindow(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w)); XtCallActionProc(w, "reset", NULL, NULL, 0); XClearWindow(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w)); XtCallActionProc(w, "set", NULL, NULL, 0); } DO_CALLBACK(rw); rw->repeater.timer = ADD_TIMEOUT(rw, rw->repeater.next_delay); if (rw->repeater.decay) { rw->repeater.next_delay -= rw->repeater.decay; if (rw->repeater.next_delay < rw->repeater.minimum_delay) rw->repeater.next_delay = rw->repeater.minimum_delay; } }
void RootImageApp::setBackground() { QFile stdIn;, QIODevice::ReadOnly); QImage image; image.load(&stdIn, "xpm"); QPalette palette; palette.setBrush(desktop()->backgroundRole(), QBrush(image)); desktop()->setPalette(palette); XClearWindow(QX11Info::display(), desktop()->winId()); quit(); }
/* Clear the VCS Canvas. */ int clearCanvas(Gconid_X_drawable connect_id) { #ifdef X11WM /* Display window and clear */ if ((connect_id.display != NULL) && (connect_id.drawable != 0)) XClearWindow(connect_id.display,connect_id.drawable); #elif defined QTWM vcs_legacy_Qt_clear_window_by_id(connect_id.wkst_id); #else fprintf(stderr,"insert your WM clear function here\n"); #endif return 0; }
void w_redraw_all(Window win) { WINDOW_DESCR *wd; int kind; XWindowAttributes xwa; if ((wd = find_window(win, &kind))) { XGetWindowAttributes(_wndh_gl.display, wd->user_window, &xwa); XClearWindow(_wndh_gl.display, wd->user_window); (wd->redraw)(wd->user_window, xwa.x, xwa.y, xwa.width, xwa.height, wd->slider_xpos, wd->slider_ypos); } else fprintf(stderr, "wndhndlr: w_redraw_all: Warning: Window not found\n"); }
/* INTPROTO */ void rxvt_Gr_ClearWindow(rxvt_t *r, grwin_t *grwin) { grcmd_t *cmd, *next; for (cmd = grwin->graphics; cmd != NULL; cmd = next) { next = cmd->next; free(cmd->coords); if (cmd->text != NULL) free(cmd->text); free(cmd); } grwin->graphics = NULL; XClearWindow(r->Xdisplay, grwin->win); }
int ReadKey(void) { XEvent xe; int i; XClearWindow(dpy,w); XFlush(dpy); while (key<0) { XNextEvent(dpy, &xe); process_event(&xe); } i=key; key=-1; return i; }
static bool xrCallBack(struct t_x11 *x11,XEvent *event, Window w, void *data) { t_app *app; t_xrama *xr; char buf[256]; int i; (void)XTextHeight(x11->font); app=(t_app *)data; xr=app->xr; scx=app->xrwd.width/(2.0*M_PI); scy=app->xrwd.height/(2.0*M_PI); switch (event->type) { case Expose: XClearWindow(x11->disp,app->xrwd.self); XDrawLine(x11->disp,app->xrwd.self,x11->gc, SX(0),SY(-M_PI)+1,SX(0),SY(M_PI)-1); XDrawLine(x11->disp,app->xrwd.self,x11->gc, SX(-M_PI)+1,SY(0),SX(M_PI)-1,SY(0)); TextInRect(x11,app->xrwd.self,"Phi",SX(M_PI)-50,SY(0)+4,46,20,eXRight,eYTop); TextInRect(x11,app->xrwd.self,"Psi",SX(0)+4,4,46,20,eXLeft,eYTop); for(i=0; (i<xr->npp); i++) if (app->bShowGly || !app->bIsGly[i]) plot_pp(x11,app->xrwd.self,&(xr->pp[i]),xr->dih); break; case ButtonPress: if (label_pp(x11,app->xrwd.self,xr->npp,xr->pp,xr->dih, event->xbutton.x,event->xbutton.y)) ExposeWin(x11->disp,app->xrwd.self); break; case ConfigureNotify: app->xrwd.width=event->xconfigure.width; app->xrwd.height=event->xconfigure.height; break; } if (app->status == esGo) { if (!new_data(app->xr)) app->status=ebStop; else { ExposeWin(x11->disp,app->xrwd.self); sprintf(buf,"Rama: t=%.2f",app->xr->t); XSetStandardProperties(x11->disp,app->wd.self,buf, "Rama",0,NULL,0,NULL); } } return FALSE; }
static void showText(WScreen *scr, int x, int y, int h, int w, const char *text) { int width; int height; Pixmap pixmap; WMFont *font = scr->info_text_font; if (scr->balloon->contents) XFreePixmap(dpy, scr->balloon->contents); width = getMaxStringWidth(font, text) + 8; /*width = WMWidthOfString(font, text, strlen(text))+8; */ height = countLines(text) * WMFontHeight(font) + 4; if (x < 0) x = 0; else if (x + width > scr->scr_width - 1) x = scr->scr_width - width; if (y - height - 2 < 0) { y += h; if (y < 0) y = 0; } else { y -= height + 2; } if (scr->window_title_texture[0]) XSetForeground(dpy, scr->draw_gc, scr->window_title_texture[0]->any.color.pixel); else XSetForeground(dpy, scr->draw_gc, scr->light_pixel); pixmap = XCreatePixmap(dpy, scr->root_win, width, height, scr->w_depth); XFillRectangle(dpy, pixmap, scr->draw_gc, 0, 0, width, height); drawMultiLineString(scr->wmscreen, pixmap, scr->window_title_color[0], font, 4, 2, text, strlen(text)); XResizeWindow(dpy, scr->balloon->window, width, height); XMoveWindow(dpy, scr->balloon->window, x, y); XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(dpy, scr->balloon->window, pixmap); XClearWindow(dpy, scr->balloon->window); XMapRaised(dpy, scr->balloon->window); scr->balloon->contents = pixmap; scr->balloon->mapped = 1; }
/* dialog_key processes keypresses from the dialog */ int dialog_key(XKeyEvent *event) { int length, l; char buf[MAXNAMELENGTH]; KeySym keysym; XComposeStatus composestatus; length = XLookupString(event, buf, MAXNAMELENGTH, &keysym, &composestatus); buf[1] = '\0'; l = strlen(dtext); /* check for printable character */ if((keysym >= ' ') && (keysym <= '~') && (length > 0)) { if((l + strlen(buf)) < MAXNAMELENGTH) { strcat(dtext, buf); display_dialog(dialogstringwindow); } } else { switch(keysym) { /* delete key */ case XK_BackSpace: case XK_Delete: if(l >= 1) { XClearWindow(display, dialogstringwindow); l--; dtext[l] = '\0'; display_dialog(dialogstringwindow); XFlush(display); } break; /* return is as good as hitting ok */ case '\n': case XK_Return: case XK_KP_Enter: XFillRectangle(display, dialogbuttonwindow, ctable[CBLUE].smallgc, 0, 0, 50, 30); display_dialog(dialogbuttonwindow); return(1); default: break; } } return(0); }
static unsigned long cynosure_draw (Display *dpy, Window window, void *closure) { struct state *st = (struct state *) closure; if (st->iterations > 0 && ++st->i >= st->iterations) { st->i = 0; if (!mono_p) XSetWindowBackground(st->dpy, st->window, st->colors[random() % st->ncolors].pixel); XClearWindow(st->dpy, st->window); } paint(st); return st->delay; }
static void RedrawZTScale(Canvas canvas, Xv_Window paint_window, Rectlist *repaint_area) { Window win; int which= (int)xv_get(canvas, XV_KEY_DATA, WHICH_TS); if (which==TOP_TS) { win= ztscl_top_win; }else { win= ztscl_bot_win; } XClearWindow(theDisp, win); DrawTimeScale(win, ztscl_gc, ts_xstart+ZTrkLabWidth, ZTrkLabWidth, ts_tstart, time_inc, ZCvsWidth, ZTSHEIGHT, ZTotalSeconds, (which==TOP_TS)? TS_UP:TS_DN); }
int KeyPressed(void) { XEvent xe; if (drawcounter>0 && drawcounter==prevdrawcounter) { XClearWindow(dpy,w); XFlush(dpy); drawcounter=0; } prevdrawcounter=drawcounter; if (key>=0) return 1; if (XCheckMaskEvent(dpy,KeyPressMask|KeyReleaseMask|StructureNotifyMask,&xe)) { process_event(&xe); if (key>=0) return 1; } return 0; }
void clearscreen (void) { int savecolor; if (disp_type == SCREEN) { XClearWindow (display, toplevel); } else { /* erases current page. Don't use erasepage, since this will erase * * everything, (even stuff outside the clipping path) causing * * problems if this picture is incorporated into a larger document. */ savecolor = currentcolor; setcolor (WHITE); fprintf(ps,"clippath fill\n\n"); setcolor (savecolor); } }
void WindowDevice::CLEAR() { #ifdef _UNIX XSetBackground(theDisplay, theGC, background); XClearWindow(theDisplay, theWindow); XFlush(theDisplay); #else wglMakeCurrent(theHDC, theHRC); glClearColor(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); glFlush(); #endif }
static unsigned long shadebobs_draw (Display *dpy, Window window, void *closure) { struct state *st = (struct state *) closure; if( st->draw_i++ >= st->cycles ) { XWindowAttributes XWinAttribs; XGetWindowAttributes( st->dpy, st->window, &XWinAttribs ); st->draw_i = 0; #if 0 memset( st->pImage->data, 0, st->pImage->bytes_per_line * st->pImage->height ); #else { /* fill the image with the actual value of the black pixel, not 0. */ unsigned long black = BlackPixelOfScreen (XWinAttribs.screen); int x, y; for (y = 0; y < XWinAttribs.height; y++) for (x = 0; x < XWinAttribs.width; x++) XPutPixel (st->pImage, x, y, black); } #endif for( st->iShadeBob=0; st->iShadeBob<st->nShadeBobCount; st->iShadeBob++ ) ResetShadeBob( st, &st->aShadeBobs[ st->iShadeBob ] ); XFreeColors( st->dpy, XWinAttribs.colormap, st->aiColorVals, st->iColorCount, 0 ); free( st->aiColorVals ); st->aiColorVals = SetPalette( st ); XClearWindow( st->dpy, st->window ); } for( st->iShadeBob=0; st->iShadeBob<st->nShadeBobCount; st->iShadeBob++ ) Execute( st, &st->aShadeBobs[ st->iShadeBob ] ); #ifdef VERBOSE iFrame++; if( nTime - time( NULL ) ) { printf( "%s: %d FPS\n", progname, iFrame ); nTime = time( NULL ); iFrame = 0; } #endif /* VERBOSE */ return st->delay; }
/* **************************************************************** * Malha de Eventos * **************************************************************** */ KeySym wait_for_events (Display *dpy, Window win, int time_interval) { int fd; XEvent ev; fd = ConnectionNumber (dpy); for (EVER) { if (attention (1, &fd, -1, time_interval) < 0) return (XK_Down); while (XPending (dpy)) { XNextEvent (dpy, &ev); switch (ev.type) { case Expose: XClearWindow (dpy, win); XFlush (dpy); break; case ButtonPress: return (XK_Escape); case KeyPress: { char text[8]; KeySym keysym; XLookupString (&ev.xkey, text, sizeof (text), &keysym, NULL); return (keysym); } default: break; } } /* end while (há eventos pendentes) */ } /* end for (aguardando eventos) */ } /* end wait_for_events */
void xhextrisHomepage() { int y, i, x; static char *header[] = {"Ordre","Joueur","Score","Ligne", "Pièce"}; char message[16]; XClearWindow(dpy,win); XMapWindow(dpy,wincur); fprintf(stderr, "wincur > %d\n", (int)wincur); for (i = 0, y=((CURSOR_H<<2))+32; i < 10; i++,y+=16) DISPLAYTEXT(50, y, help[i]); y += 32; for (i = 0, x=35; i < 5; i++) { DISPLAYTEXT(x, y, header[i]); x+=strlen(header[i])*9; } y += 16; for (i=0; i<((MAXHIGHSCORES > MAXROW) ? MAXROW : MAXHIGHSCORES); i++,y+=16) { x=35; sprintf(message,"%3d",i+1); DISPLAYTEXT(x, y, message); x+=strlen(header[0])*10; DISPLAYTEXT(x, y,(high_scores[i].userid)); x+=strlen(message)*10; sprintf(message,"%*ld", (int) strlen(header[2]), high_scores[i].score); DISPLAYTEXT(x, y,(message)); x+=strlen(message)*10; sprintf(message,"%*d", (int) strlen(header[3]), high_scores[i].rows); DISPLAYTEXT(x, y, message); x+=strlen(message)*10; sprintf(message,"%*d", (int) strlen(header[4]), high_scores[i].pieces); DISPLAYTEXT(x, y, message); } }
void configurenotify(XEvent *ev) { while (XCheckTypedEvent(dpy,ConfigureNotify, ev)); XConfigureEvent *e = &ev->xconfigure; if (e->window == win) { /* The XServer is not storing the new/current values for width + * height. These must be retrieved directly. * Is this an X11 bug? */ Window wig; int ig; unsigned int uig; XGetGeometry(dpy, win, &wig, &ig, &ig, &ww, &wh, &uig, &uig); //ww = e->width; wh = e->height; spectro_draw(); XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(dpy, win, buf); XClearWindow(dpy,win); } }
/***************************************************************************** FUNCTION : ui_map_zoom_out PURPOSE : Zomms away from the weight squares NOTES : RETURNS : UPDATE : 20.05.1994 ******************************************************************************/ static void ui_map_zoom_out(Widget w) { /* delete the old screen display */ XClearWindow(ui_display,MAP_GRAPH_win); /* compute new display geometry */ ui_map_geometry(-1); /* display the new setting */ if(ui_col_monochromeMode){ ui_displMapBW(); ui_map_grid(0); }else{ ui_displMapCOL(); ui_map_grid(1); } }
void scrollbar_draw_downarrow(unsigned char image_state, unsigned char force_modes) { D_SCROLLBAR(("scrollbar_draw_downarrow(%u, 0x%02x)\n", (unsigned int) image_state, (unsigned int) force_modes)); if (image_state != IMAGE_STATE_CURRENT) { if ((image_state == IMAGE_STATE_NORMAL) && (images[image_down].current != images[image_down].norm)) { images[image_down].current = images[image_down].norm; force_modes = MODE_MASK; } else if ((image_state == IMAGE_STATE_SELECTED) && (images[image_down].current != images[image_down].selected)) { images[image_down].current = images[image_down].selected; force_modes = MODE_MASK; } else if ((image_state == IMAGE_STATE_CLICKED) && (images[image_down].current != images[image_down].clicked)) { images[image_down].current = images[image_down].clicked; force_modes = MODE_MASK; } else if ((image_state == IMAGE_STATE_DISABLED) && (images[image_down].current != images[image_down].disabled)) { images[image_down].current = images[image_down].disabled; force_modes = MODE_MASK; } } if (!image_mode_is(image_down, MODE_MASK)) { /* Solid mode. Redraw every time since it's cheap. */ if (BITFIELD_IS_SET(eterm_options, ETERM_OPTIONS_SCROLLBAR_FLOATING)) { XSetWindowBackground(Xdisplay, scrollbar.dn_win, PixColors[bgColor]); XClearWindow(Xdisplay, scrollbar.dn_win); } else { XSetForeground(Xdisplay, gc_scrollbar, images[image_down].current->bg); XFillRectangle(Xdisplay, scrollbar.dn_win, gc_scrollbar, 0, 0, scrollbar_arrow_width(), scrollbar_arrow_height()); } XSetForeground(Xdisplay, gc_top, get_top_shadow_color(images[image_down].current->bg, "")); XSetForeground(Xdisplay, gc_bottom, get_bottom_shadow_color(images[image_down].current->bg, "")); if (image_state == IMAGE_STATE_CLICKED) { scrollbar_set_downarrow_pressed(1); draw_downarrow_clicked(scrollbar.dn_win, gc_top, gc_bottom, 0, 0, scrollbar_arrow_width() - 1, scrollbar_get_shadow()); } else { scrollbar_set_downarrow_pressed(0); draw_downarrow_raised(scrollbar.dn_win, gc_top, gc_bottom, 0, 0, scrollbar_arrow_width() - 1, scrollbar_get_shadow()); } return; } if (!((images[image_down].mode & MODE_MASK) & (force_modes))) { return; } render_simage(images[image_down].current, scrollbar.dn_win, scrollbar_arrow_width(), scrollbar_arrow_height(), image_down, 0); }
void print_help() { static char str[80]; static int y_str, spacing; static int ascent, descent, dir; static XCharStruct overall; static GC gc; gc = Data_GC[1]; XClearWindow(dpy, help); y_str = 60; sprintf(str,"During run-time, interactive control can be exerted via : "); XDrawImageString(dpy,help,gc,x_str,y_str,str,strlen(str)); XQueryTextExtents(dpy,(XID)XGContextFromGC(gc),"Hey!", 4,&dir,&ascent,&descent,&overall); spacing = ascent + descent + 5; y_str += 2 * spacing; sprintf(str," - lowers the value of mincolindex, + raises it"); XDrawImageString(dpy,help,gc,x_str,y_str,str,strlen(str)); y_str += spacing; sprintf(str," f or F saves coral to a PPM file"); XDrawImageString(dpy,help,gc,x_str,y_str,str,strlen(str)); y_str += spacing; sprintf(str," h or H or ? displays this message"); XDrawImageString(dpy,help,gc,x_str,y_str,str,strlen(str)); y_str += spacing; sprintf(str," n goes on to the next coral"); XDrawImageString(dpy,help,gc,x_str,y_str,str,strlen(str)); y_str += spacing; sprintf(str," N creates a new replacement coral"); XDrawImageString(dpy,help,gc,x_str,y_str,str,strlen(str)); y_str += spacing; sprintf(str," r or s spins the colorwheel"); XDrawImageString(dpy,help,gc,x_str,y_str,str,strlen(str)); y_str += spacing; sprintf(str," w decrements, W increments the color wheel index"); XDrawImageString(dpy,help,gc,x_str,y_str,str,strlen(str)); y_str += spacing; sprintf(str," q or Q exits"); XDrawImageString(dpy,help,gc,x_str,y_str,str,strlen(str)); y_str += 2*spacing; sprintf(str,"Press 'h', 'H', or '?' to unmap the help window"); XDrawImageString(dpy,help,gc,x_str,y_str,str,strlen(str)); }
void init_x() { /* get the colors black and white (see section for details) */ unsigned long black,white; dis=XOpenDisplay((char *)0); screen=DefaultScreen(dis); black=BlackPixel(dis,screen), white=WhitePixel(dis, screen); win=XCreateSimpleWindow(dis,DefaultRootWindow(dis),0,0, 300, 300, 5,black, white); XSetStandardProperties(dis,win,"Bugaga","Hi",None,NULL,0,NULL); XSelectInput(dis, win, ExposureMask|ButtonPressMask|KeyPressMask); gc=XCreateGC(dis, win, 0,0); XSetBackground(dis,gc,white); XSetForeground(dis,gc,black); XClearWindow(dis, win); XMapRaised(dis, win); };
static void _eiw_window_loop(Window win, EImage * im, EiwData * d) { Pixmap pmap, mask; Window ww; int dd, x, y, w, h; unsigned int mm; EImageRenderPixmaps(im, NULL, 0, &pmap, &mask, 0, 0); EImageGetSize(im, &w, &h); XShapeCombineMask(disp, d->cwin, ShapeBounding, 0, 0, mask, ShapeSet); XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(disp, d->cwin, pmap); EImagePixmapsFree(pmap, mask); XClearWindow(disp, d->cwin); XQueryPointer(disp, win, &ww, &ww, &dd, &dd, &x, &y, &mm); XMoveResizeWindow(disp, d->cwin, x - w / 2, y - h / 2, w, h); XMapWindow(disp, d->cwin); }
void dockapp_set_background(Pixmap pixmap) { if (dockapp_iswindowed) { Pixmap bg; bg = create_bg_pixmap(); XCopyArea(display, pixmap, bg, gc, 0, 0, width, height, offset_w, offset_w); XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(display, icon_window, bg); XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(display, window, bg); XFreePixmap(display, bg); } else { XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(display, icon_window, pixmap); XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(display, window, pixmap); } XClearWindow(display, icon_window); XFlush(display); }
ENTRYPOINT void refresh_worm (ModeInfo * mi) { if (MI_WIN_IS_USE3D(mi)) /* The 3D code does drawing&clearing by XORing. We do not want to go to too much trouble here to make it redraw correctly. */ XClearWindow(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_WINDOW(mi)); else if (worms != NULL) { wormstruct *wp = &worms[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; int i; for (i = 0; i < wp->nw; i++) { wp->worm[i].redrawing = 1; wp->worm[i].redrawpos = 0; } } }
static void mousefunc_sweep_draw(struct client_ctx *cc) { struct screen_ctx *sc = cc->sc; char s[14]; /* fits " nnnn x nnnn \0" */ (void)snprintf(s, sizeof(s), " %4d x %-4d ", (cc->geom.w - cc->hint.basew) / cc->hint.incw, (cc->geom.h - cc->hint.baseh) / cc->hint.inch); XReparentWindow(X_Dpy, sc->menuwin, cc->win, 0, 0); XMoveResizeWindow(X_Dpy, sc->menuwin, 0, 0, xu_xft_width(sc->xftfont, s, strlen(s)), sc->xftfont->height); XMapWindow(X_Dpy, sc->menuwin); XClearWindow(X_Dpy, sc->menuwin); xu_xft_draw(sc, s, CWM_COLOR_MENU_FONT, 0, sc->xftfont->ascent + 1); }