コード例 #1
ファイル: ppe_utils.c プロジェクト: ahnitz/lalsuite
 * \brief Chop up the data into chunks smaller the the maximum allowed length
 * This function chops any chunks that are greater than \c chunkMax into chunks smaller than, or equal to \c chunkMax,
 * and greater than \c chunkMin. On some occasions this might result in a segment smaller than \c chunkMin, but these
 * are ignored in the likelihood calculation anyway.
 * \param chunkIndex [in] a vector of segment split positions
 * \param chunkMax [in] the maximum allowed segment/chunk length
 * \param chunkMin [in] the minimum allowed segment/chunk length
void rechop_data( UINT4Vector *chunkIndex, INT4 chunkMax, INT4 chunkMin ){
  INT4 i = 0, j = 0, count = 0;
  INT4 length = chunkIndex->length;
  INT4 endIndex = (INT4)chunkIndex->data[length-1];
  UINT4 startindex = 0, chunklength = 0;

  UINT4Vector *newindex = NULL;
  newindex = XLALCreateUINT4Vector( ceil((REAL8)endIndex / (REAL8)chunkMax ) );

  /* chop any chunks that are greater than chunkMax into chunks smaller than, or equal to chunkMax, and greater than chunkMin */
  for ( i = 0; i < length; i++ ){
    if ( i == 0 ) { startindex = 0; }
    else { startindex = chunkIndex->data[i-1]+1; }

    chunklength = chunkIndex->data[i] - startindex;

    if ( chunklength > (UINT4)chunkMax ){
      INT4 remain = chunklength % chunkMax;

      /* cut segment into as many chunkMin chunks as possible */
      for ( j = 0; j < floor(chunklength / chunkMax); j++ ){
        newindex->data[count] = startindex + (j+1)*chunkMax;

      /* last chunk values */
      if ( remain != 0 ){
        /* set final value */
        newindex->data[count] = startindex + j*chunkMax + remain;

        if ( remain < chunkMin ){
          /* split the last two cells into one that is chunkMin long and one that is (chunkMax+remainder)-chunkMin long
           * - this may leave a cell shorter than chunkMin, but we'll have to live with that! */
          INT4 n1 = (chunkMax + remain) - chunkMin;

          /* reset second to last value two values */
          newindex->data[count-1] = newindex->data[count] - chunkMin;

          if ( n1 < chunkMin && verbose_output ){
            fprintf(stderr, "Non-fatal error... segment no. %d is %d long, which is less than chunkMin = %d.\n",
                    count, n1, chunkMin);

      newindex->data[count] = chunkIndex->data[i];

  chunkIndex = XLALResizeUINT4Vector( chunkIndex, count );

  for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { chunkIndex->data[i] = newindex->data[i]; }

  XLALDestroyUINT4Vector( newindex );
コード例 #2
ファイル: ppe_utils.c プロジェクト: ahnitz/lalsuite
 * \brief Chops and remerges data into stationary segments
 * This function finds segments of data that appear to be stationary (have the same standard deviation).
 * The function first attempts to chop up the data into as many stationary segments as possible. The splitting may not
 * be optimal, so it then tries remerging consecutive segments to see if the merged segments show more evidence of
 * stationarity. <b>[NOTE: Remerging is currently turned off and will make very little difference to the algorithm]</b>.
 * It then, if necessary, chops the segments again to make sure there are none greater than the required \c chunkMax.
 * The default \c chunkMax is 0, so this rechopping will not normally happen.
 * This is all performed on data that has had a running median subtracted, to try and removed any underlying trends in
 * the data (e.g. those caused by a strong signal), which might affect the calculations (which assume the data is
 * Gaussian with zero mean).
 * If the \c verbose flag is set then a list of the segments will be output to a file called \c data_segment_list.txt,
 * with a prefix of the detector name.
 * \param data [in] A data structure
 * \param chunkMin [in] The minimum length of a segment
 * \param chunkMax [in] The maximum length of a segment
 * \return A vector of segment/chunk lengths
 * \sa subtract_running_median
 * \sa chop_data
 * \sa merge_data
 * \sa rechop_data
UINT4Vector *chop_n_merge( LALInferenceIFOData *data, INT4 chunkMin, INT4 chunkMax ){
  UINT4 j = 0;

  UINT4Vector *chunkLengths = NULL;
  UINT4Vector *chunkIndex = NULL;

  COMPLEX16Vector *meddata = NULL;

  /* subtract a running median value from the data to remove any underlying trends (e.g. caused by a string signal) that
   * might affect the chunk calculations (which can assume the data is Gaussian with zero mean). */
  meddata = subtract_running_median( data->compTimeData->data );

  /* pass chop data a gsl_vector_view, so that internally it can use vector views rather than having to create new vectors */
  gsl_vector_complex_view meddatagsl = gsl_vector_complex_view_array((double*)meddata->data, meddata->length);
  chunkIndex = chop_data( &meddatagsl.vector, chunkMin );

  /* merge_data( meddata, chunkIndex ); */

  /* if a maximum chunk length is defined then rechop up the data, to segment any chunks longer than this value */
  if ( chunkMax > chunkMin ) { rechop_data( chunkIndex, chunkMax, chunkMin ); }

  chunkLengths = XLALCreateUINT4Vector( chunkIndex->length );

  /* go through segments and turn into vector of chunk lengths */
  for ( j = 0; j < chunkIndex->length; j++ ){
    if ( j == 0 ) { chunkLengths->data[j] = chunkIndex->data[j]; }
    else { chunkLengths->data[j] = chunkIndex->data[j] - chunkIndex->data[j-1]; }

  /* if verbose print out the segment end indices to a file */
  if ( verbose_output ){
    FILE *fpsegs = NULL;

    CHAR *outfile = NULL;

    /* set detector name as prefix */
    outfile = XLALStringDuplicate( data->detector->frDetector.prefix );

    outfile = XLALStringAppend( outfile, "data_segment_list.txt" );

    if ( (fpsegs = fopen(outfile, "w")) == NULL ){
      fprintf(stderr, "Non-fatal error open file to output segment list.\n");
      return chunkLengths;

    for ( j = 0; j < chunkIndex->length; j++ ) { fprintf(fpsegs, "%u\n", chunkIndex->data[j]); }

    /* add space at the end so that you can separate lists from different detector data streams */
    fprintf(fpsegs, "\n");

    fclose( fpsegs );

  return chunkLengths;
コード例 #3
ATYPE * XFUNC ( UINT4Vector *dimLength )
  ATYPE *arr;
  UINT4 size = 1;
  UINT4 ndim;
  UINT4 dim;

  if ( ! dimLength )
  if ( ! dimLength->length )
  if ( ! dimLength->data )

  ndim = dimLength->length;
  for ( dim = 0; dim < ndim; ++dim )
    size *= dimLength->data[dim];

  if ( ! size )

  /* create array */
  arr = LALMalloc( sizeof( *arr ) );
  if ( ! arr )

  /* create array dimensions */
  arr->dimLength = XLALCreateUINT4Vector( ndim );
  if ( ! arr->dimLength )
    LALFree( arr );

  /* copy dimension lengths */
  memcpy( arr->dimLength->data, dimLength->data,
      ndim * sizeof( *arr->dimLength->data ) );

  /* allocate data storage */
  arr->data = LALMalloc( size * sizeof( *arr->data ) );
  if ( ! arr->data )
    XLALDestroyUINT4Vector( arr->dimLength );
    LALFree( arr );

  return arr;
コード例 #4
ファイル: ppe_utils.c プロジェクト: cpankow/lalsuite
 * \brief Split the data into segments
 * This function is deprecated to \c chop_n_merge, but gives the functionality of the old code.
 * It cuts the data into as many contiguous segments of data as possible of length \c chunkMax. Where contiguous is
 * defined as containing consecutive point within 180 seconds of each other. The length of segments that do not fit into
 * a \c chunkMax length are also included.
 * \param ifo [in] the LALInferenceIFOModel variable
 * \param chunkMax [in] the maximum length of a data chunk/segment
 * \return A vector of chunk/segment lengths
UINT4Vector *get_chunk_lengths( LALInferenceIFOModel *ifo, UINT4 chunkMax ){
  UINT4 i = 0, j = 0, count = 0;
  UINT4 length;

  REAL8 t1, t2;

  UINT4Vector *chunkLengths = NULL;

  length = ifo->times->length;

  chunkLengths = XLALCreateUINT4Vector( length );

  REAL8 dt = *(REAL8*)LALInferenceGetVariable( ifo->params, "dt" );

  /* create vector of data segment length */
  while( 1 ){
    count++; /* counter */

    /* break clause */
    if( i > length - 2 ){
      /* set final value of chunkLength */
      chunkLengths->data[j] = count;


    t1 = XLALGPSGetREAL8( &ifo->times->data[i-1] );
    t2 = XLALGPSGetREAL8( &ifo->times->data[i] );

    /* if consecutive points are within two sample times of each other count as in the same chunk */
    if( t2 - t1 > 2.*dt || count == chunkMax ){
      chunkLengths->data[j] = count;
      count = 0; /* reset counter */


  chunkLengths = XLALResizeUINT4Vector( chunkLengths, j );

  return chunkLengths;
コード例 #5
ファイル: ppe_utils.c プロジェクト: lscsoft/lalsuite
 * \brief Chops the data into stationary segments based on Bayesian change point analysis
 * This function splits data into two (and recursively runs on those two segments) if it is found that the odds ratio
 * for them being from two independent Gaussian distributions is greater than a certain threshold.
 * The threshold for the natural logarithm of the odds ratio is empirically set to be
 * \f[
 * T = 4.07 + 1.33\log{}_{10}{N},
 * \f]
 * where \f$N\f$ is the length in samples of the dataset. This is based on Monte Carlo simulations of
 * many realisations of Gaussian noise for data of different lengths. The threshold comes from a linear
 * fit to the log odds ratios required to give a 1% chance of splitting Gaussian data (drawn from a single
 * distribution) for data of various lengths.  Note, however, that this relation is not good for stretches of data
 * with lengths of less than about 30 points, and in fact is rather consevative for such short stretches
 * of data, i.e. such short stretches of data will require relatively larger odds ratios for splitting than
 * longer stretches.
 * \param data [in] A complex data vector
 * \param chunkMin [in] The minimum allowed segment length
 * \return A vector of segment lengths
 * \sa find_change_point
UINT4Vector *chop_data( gsl_vector_complex *data, UINT4 chunkMin ){
  UINT4Vector *chunkIndex = NULL;

  UINT4 length = (UINT4)data->size;

  REAL8 logodds = 0.;
  UINT4 changepoint = 0;

  REAL8 threshold = 0.; /* may need tuning or setting globally */

  chunkIndex = XLALCreateUINT4Vector( 1 );

  changepoint = find_change_point( data, &logodds, chunkMin );

  /* threshold scaling for a 0.5% false alarm probability of splitting Gaussian data */
  threshold = 4.07 + 1.33*log10((REAL8)length);

  if ( logodds > threshold ){
    UINT4Vector *cp1 = NULL;
    UINT4Vector *cp2 = NULL;

    gsl_vector_complex_view data1 = gsl_vector_complex_subvector( data, 0, changepoint );
    gsl_vector_complex_view data2 = gsl_vector_complex_subvector( data, changepoint, length-changepoint );

    UINT4 i = 0, l = 0;

    cp1 = chop_data( &data1.vector, chunkMin );
    cp2 = chop_data( &data2.vector, chunkMin );

    l = cp1->length + cp2->length;

    chunkIndex = XLALResizeUINT4Vector( chunkIndex, l );

    /* combine new chunks */
    for (i = 0; i < cp1->length; i++) { chunkIndex->data[i] = cp1->data[i]; }
    for (i = 0; i < cp2->length; i++) { chunkIndex->data[i+cp1->length] = cp2->data[i] + changepoint; }

    XLALDestroyUINT4Vector( cp1 );
    XLALDestroyUINT4Vector( cp2 );
  else{ chunkIndex->data[0] = length; }

  return chunkIndex;
コード例 #6
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

  UserInput_t XLAL_INIT_DECL(uvar);
  static ConfigVariables config;

  /* sft related variables */
  MultiSFTVector *inputSFTs = NULL;
  MultiPSDVector *multiPSDs = NULL;
  MultiNoiseWeights *multiWeights = NULL;
  MultiLIGOTimeGPSVector *multiTimes = NULL;
  MultiLALDetector multiDetectors;
  MultiDetectorStateSeries *multiStates = NULL;
  MultiAMCoeffs *multiCoeffs = NULL;
  SFTIndexList *sftIndices = NULL;
  SFTPairIndexList *sftPairs = NULL;
  REAL8Vector *shiftedFreqs = NULL;
  UINT4Vector *lowestBins = NULL;
  COMPLEX8Vector *expSignalPhases = NULL;
  REAL8VectorSequence *sincList = NULL;
  PulsarDopplerParams XLAL_INIT_DECL(dopplerpos);
  PulsarDopplerParams thisBinaryTemplate, binaryTemplateSpacings;
  PulsarDopplerParams minBinaryTemplate, maxBinaryTemplate;
  SkyPosition XLAL_INIT_DECL(skyPos);
  MultiSSBtimes *multiBinaryTimes = NULL;

  INT4  k;
  UINT4 j;
  REAL8 fMin, fMax; /* min and max frequencies read from SFTs */
  REAL8 deltaF; /* frequency resolution associated with time baseline of SFTs */

  REAL8 diagff = 0; /*diagonal metric components*/
  REAL8 diagaa = 0;
  REAL8 diagTT = 0;
  REAL8 diagpp = 1;
  REAL8 ccStat = 0;
  REAL8 evSquared=0;
  REAL8 estSens=0; /*estimated sensitivity(4.13)*/
  BOOLEAN dopplerShiftFlag = TRUE;
  toplist_t *ccToplist=NULL;
  CrossCorrBinaryOutputEntry thisCandidate;
  UINT4 checksum;

  LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "Starting time\n"); /*for debug convenience to record calculating time*/
  /* initialize and register user variables */
  LIGOTimeGPS computingStartGPSTime, computingEndGPSTime;
  XLALGPSTimeNow (&computingStartGPSTime); /* record the rough starting GPS time*/

  if ( XLALInitUserVars( &uvar ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALInitUserVars() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* read user input from the command line or config file */
  if ( XLALUserVarReadAllInput ( argc, argv ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALUserVarReadAllInput() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  if (uvar.help)	/* if help was requested, then exit */
    return 0;

  CHAR *VCSInfoString = XLALGetVersionString(0);     /**<LAL + LALapps Vsersion string*/
  /*If the version information was requested, output it and exit*/
  if ( uvar.version ){
    XLAL_CHECK ( VCSInfoString != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALGetVersionString(0) failed.\n" );
    printf ("%s\n", VCSInfoString );
    exit (0);

  /* configure useful variables based on user input */
  if ( XLALInitializeConfigVars ( &config, &uvar) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALInitUserVars() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  deltaF = config.catalog->data[0].header.deltaF;
  REAL8 Tsft = 1.0 / deltaF;

  if (XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.spacingF) && XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.mismatchF))
    LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "spacingF and mismatchF are both set, use spacingF %.9g by default\n\n", uvar.spacingF);
  if (XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.spacingA) && XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.mismatchA))
    LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "spacingA and mismatchA are both set, use spacingA %.9g by default\n\n", uvar.spacingA);
  if (XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.spacingT) && XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.mismatchT))
    LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "spacingT and mismatchT are both set, use spacingT %.9g by default\n\n", uvar.spacingT);
  if (XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.spacingP) && XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.mismatchP))
    LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "spacingP and mismatchP are both set, use spacingP %.9g by default\n\n", uvar.spacingP);

  /* create the toplist */
  create_crossCorrBinary_toplist( &ccToplist, uvar.numCand);
  /* now read the data */

  /* /\* get SFT parameters so that we can initialise search frequency resolutions *\/ */
  /* /\* calculate deltaF_SFT *\/ */
  /* deltaF_SFT = catalog->data[0].header.deltaF;  /\* frequency resolution *\/ */
  /* timeBase= 1.0/deltaF_SFT; /\* sft baseline *\/ */

  /* /\* catalog is ordered in time so we can get start, end time and tObs *\/ */
  /* firstTimeStamp = catalog->data[0].header.epoch; */
  /* lastTimeStamp = catalog->data[catalog->length - 1].header.epoch; */
  /* tObs = XLALGPSDiff( &lastTimeStamp, &firstTimeStamp ) + timeBase; */

  /* /\*set pulsar reference time *\/ */
  /* if (LALUserVarWasSet ( &uvar_refTime )) { */
  /*   XLALGPSSetREAL8(&refTime, uvar_refTime); */
  /* }  */
  /* else {	/\*if refTime is not set, set it to midpoint of sfts*\/ */
  /*   XLALGPSSetREAL8(&refTime, (0.5*tObs) + XLALGPSGetREAL8(&firstTimeStamp));  */
  /* } */

  /* /\* set frequency resolution defaults if not set by user *\/ */
  /* if (!(LALUserVarWasSet (&uvar_fResolution))) { */
  /*   uvar_fResolution = 1/tObs; */
  /* } */

  /* { */
  /*   /\* block for calculating frequency range to read from SFTs *\/ */
  /*   /\* user specifies freq and fdot range at reftime */
  /*      we translate this range of fdots to start and endtime and find */
  /*      the largest frequency band required to cover the  */
  /*      frequency evolution  *\/ */
  /*   PulsarSpinRange spinRange_startTime; /\**< freq and fdot range at start-time of observation *\/ */
  /*   PulsarSpinRange spinRange_endTime;   /\**< freq and fdot range at end-time of observation *\/ */
  /*   PulsarSpinRange spinRange_refTime;   /\**< freq and fdot range at the reference time *\/ */

  /*   REAL8 startTime_freqLo, startTime_freqHi, endTime_freqLo, endTime_freqHi, freqLo, freqHi; */

  /*   REAL8Vector *fdotsMin=NULL; */
  /*   REAL8Vector *fdotsMax=NULL; */

  /*   UINT4 k; */

  /*   fdotsMin = (REAL8Vector *)LALCalloc(1, sizeof(REAL8Vector)); */
  /*   fdotsMin->length = N_SPINDOWN_DERIVS; */
  /*   fdotsMin->data = (REAL8 *)LALCalloc(fdotsMin->length, sizeof(REAL8)); */

  /*   fdotsMax = (REAL8Vector *)LALCalloc(1, sizeof(REAL8Vector)); */
  /*   fdotsMax->length = N_SPINDOWN_DERIVS; */
  /*   fdotsMax->data = (REAL8 *)LALCalloc(fdotsMax->length, sizeof(REAL8)); */

  /*   XLAL_INIT_MEM(spinRange_startTime); */
  /*   XLAL_INIT_MEM(spinRange_endTime); */
  /*   XLAL_INIT_MEM(spinRange_refTime); */

  /*   spinRange_refTime.refTime = refTime; */
  /*   spinRange_refTime.fkdot[0] = uvar_f0; */
  /*   spinRange_refTime.fkdotBand[0] = uvar_fBand; */
  /* } */

  /* FIXME: need to correct fMin and fMax for Doppler shift, rngmedian bins and spindown range */
  /* this is essentially just a place holder for now */
  /* FIXME: this running median buffer is overkill, since the running median block need not be centered on the search frequency */
  REAL8 vMax = LAL_TWOPI * (uvar.orbitAsiniSec + uvar.orbitAsiniSecBand) / uvar.orbitPSec + LAL_TWOPI * LAL_REARTH_SI / (LAL_DAYSID_SI * LAL_C_SI) + LAL_TWOPI * LAL_AU_SI/(LAL_YRSID_SI * LAL_C_SI); /*calculate the maximum relative velocity in speed of light*/
  fMin = uvar.fStart * (1 - vMax) - 0.5 * uvar.rngMedBlock * deltaF;
  fMax = (uvar.fStart + uvar.fBand) * (1 + vMax) + 0.5 * uvar.rngMedBlock * deltaF;

  /* read the SFTs*/
  if ((inputSFTs = XLALLoadMultiSFTs ( config.catalog, fMin, fMax)) == NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALLoadMultiSFTs() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* calculate the psd and normalize the SFTs */
  if (( multiPSDs =  XLALNormalizeMultiSFTVect ( inputSFTs, uvar.rngMedBlock, NULL )) == NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALNormalizeMultiSFTVect() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* compute the noise weights for the AM coefficients */
  if (( multiWeights = XLALComputeMultiNoiseWeights ( multiPSDs, uvar.rngMedBlock, 0 )) == NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALComputeMultiNoiseWeights() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* read the timestamps from the SFTs */
  if ((multiTimes = XLALExtractMultiTimestampsFromSFTs ( inputSFTs )) == NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALExtractMultiTimestampsFromSFTs() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* read the detector information from the SFTs */
  if ( XLALMultiLALDetectorFromMultiSFTs ( &multiDetectors, inputSFTs ) != XLAL_SUCCESS){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALMultiLALDetectorFromMultiSFTs() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* Find the detector state for each SFT */
  /* Offset by Tsft/2 to get midpoint as timestamp */
  if ((multiStates = XLALGetMultiDetectorStates ( multiTimes, &multiDetectors, config.edat, 0.5 * Tsft )) == NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALGetMultiDetectorStates() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* Note this is specialized to a single sky position */
  /* This might need to be moved into the config variables */
  skyPos.longitude = uvar.alphaRad;
  skyPos.latitude  = uvar.deltaRad;

  /* Calculate the AM coefficients (a,b) for each SFT */
  if ((multiCoeffs = XLALComputeMultiAMCoeffs ( multiStates, multiWeights, skyPos )) == NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALComputeMultiAMCoeffs() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* Construct the flat list of SFTs (this sort of replicates the
     catalog, but there's not an obvious way to get the information
     back) */

  if ( ( XLALCreateSFTIndexListFromMultiSFTVect( &sftIndices, inputSFTs ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) ) {
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALCreateSFTIndexListFromMultiSFTVect() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* Construct the list of SFT pairs */
#define PCC_SFTPAIR_HEADER "# The length of SFT-pair list is %u #\n"
#define PCC_SFTPAIR_BODY "%u %u\n"
#define PCC_SFT_HEADER "# The length of SFT list is %u #\n"
#define PCC_SFT_BODY "%s %d %d\n"
  FILE *fp = NULL;

  if (XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.pairListInputFilename)) { /* If the user provided a list for reading, use it */
    if((sftPairs = XLALCalloc(1, sizeof(sftPairs))) == NULL){
    if((fp = fopen(uvar.pairListInputFilename, "r")) == NULL){
      LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "didn't find SFT-pair list file with given input name\n");
      LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "can't read the length of SFT-pair list from the header\n");

    if((sftPairs->data = XLALCalloc(sftPairs->length, sizeof(*sftPairs->data)))==NULL){

    for(j = 0; j < sftPairs->length; j++){ /*read in  the SFT-pair list */
      if(fscanf(fp,PCC_SFTPAIR_BODY, &sftPairs->data[j].sftNum[0], &sftPairs->data[j].sftNum[1])==EOF){
	LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "The length of SFT-pair list doesn't match!");


  else { /* if not, construct the list of pairs */
    if ( ( XLALCreateSFTPairIndexList( &sftPairs, sftIndices, inputSFTs, uvar.maxLag, uvar.inclAutoCorr ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) ) {
      LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALCreateSFTPairIndexList() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  if (XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.pairListOutputFilename)) { /* Write the list of pairs to a file, if a name was provided */
    if((fp = fopen(uvar.pairListOutputFilename, "w")) == NULL){
      LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "Can't write in SFT-pair list \n");
    fprintf(fp,PCC_SFTPAIR_HEADER, sftPairs->length ); /*output the length of SFT-pair list to the header*/
    for(j = 0; j < sftPairs->length; j++){
      fprintf(fp,PCC_SFTPAIR_BODY, sftPairs->data[j].sftNum[0], sftPairs->data[j].sftNum[1]);

  if (XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.sftListOutputFilename)) { /* Write the list of SFTs to a file for sanity-checking purposes */
    if((fp = fopen(uvar.sftListOutputFilename, "w")) == NULL){
      LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "Can't write in flat SFT list \n");
    fprintf(fp,PCC_SFT_HEADER, sftIndices->length ); /*output the length of SFT list to the header*/
    for(j = 0; j < sftIndices->length; j++){ /*output the SFT list */
      fprintf(fp,PCC_SFT_BODY, inputSFTs->data[sftIndices->data[j].detInd]->data[sftIndices->data[j].sftInd].name, inputSFTs->data[sftIndices->data[j].detInd]->data[sftIndices->data[j].sftInd].epoch.gpsSeconds, inputSFTs->data[sftIndices->data[j].detInd]->data[sftIndices->data[j].sftInd].epoch.gpsNanoSeconds);

  else if(XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.sftListInputFilename)){ /*do a sanity check of the order of SFTs list if the name of input SFT list is given*/
    UINT4 numofsft=0;
    if((fp = fopen(uvar.sftListInputFilename, "r")) == NULL){
      LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "Can't read in flat SFT list \n");
    if (fscanf(fp, PCC_SFT_HEADER, &numofsft)==EOF){
      LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "can't read in the length of SFT list from header\n");

    CHARVectorSequence *checkDet=NULL;
    if ((checkDet = XLALCreateCHARVectorSequence (numofsft, LALNameLength) ) == NULL){
      LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALCreateCHARVector() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
    INT4 checkGPS[numofsft], checkGPSns[numofsft];
    if(numofsft == sftIndices->length){
      for (j=0; j<numofsft; j++){
	if( fscanf(fp,PCC_SFT_BODY,&checkDet->data[j * LALNameLength], &checkGPS[j], &checkGPSns[j])==EOF){
	  LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "The length of SFT list doesn't match\n");
	if(strcmp( inputSFTs->data[sftIndices->data[j].detInd]->data[sftIndices->data[j].sftInd].name, &checkDet->data[j * LALNameLength] ) != 0
	   ||inputSFTs->data[sftIndices->data[j].detInd]->data[sftIndices->data[j].sftInd].epoch.gpsSeconds != checkGPS[j]
	   ||inputSFTs->data[sftIndices->data[j].detInd]->data[sftIndices->data[j].sftInd].epoch.gpsNanoSeconds != checkGPSns[j] ){
	  LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "The order of SFTs has been changed, it's the end of civilization\n");
      LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "Run for your life, the length of SFT list doesn't match");


  /* Get weighting factors for calculation of metric */
  /* note that the sigma-squared is now absorbed into the curly G
     because the AM coefficients are noise-weighted. */
  REAL8Vector *GammaAve = NULL;
  REAL8Vector *GammaCirc = NULL;
  if ( ( XLALCalculateCrossCorrGammas( &GammaAve, &GammaCirc, sftPairs, sftIndices, multiCoeffs)  != XLAL_SUCCESS ) ) {
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALCalculateCrossCorrGammas() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

#define PCC_GAMMA_HEADER "# The normalization Sinv_Tsft is %g #\n"
#define PCC_GAMMA_BODY "%.10g\n"
  if (XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.gammaAveOutputFilename)) { /* Write the aa+bb weight for each pair to a file, if a name was provided */
    if((fp = fopen(uvar.gammaAveOutputFilename, "w")) == NULL) {
      LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "Can't write in Gamma_ave list \n");
    fprintf(fp,PCC_GAMMA_HEADER, multiWeights->Sinv_Tsft); /*output the normalization factor to the header*/
    for(j = 0; j < sftPairs->length; j++){
      fprintf(fp,PCC_GAMMA_BODY, GammaAve->data[j]);
  if (XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.gammaCircOutputFilename)) { /* Write the ab-ba weight for each pair to a file, if a name was provided */
    if((fp = fopen(uvar.gammaCircOutputFilename, "w")) == NULL) {
      LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "Can't write in Gamma_circ list \n");
    fprintf(fp,PCC_GAMMA_HEADER, multiWeights->Sinv_Tsft); /*output the normalization factor to the header*/
    for(j = 0; j < sftPairs->length; j++){
      fprintf(fp,PCC_GAMMA_BODY, GammaCirc->data[j]);

  /*initialize binary parameters structure*/
  /*fill in minbinaryOrbitParams*/
  XLALGPSSetREAL8( &minBinaryTemplate.tp, uvar.orbitTimeAsc);
  minBinaryTemplate.argp = 0.0;
  minBinaryTemplate.asini = uvar.orbitAsiniSec;
  minBinaryTemplate.ecc = 0.0;
  minBinaryTemplate.period = uvar.orbitPSec;
  minBinaryTemplate.fkdot[0] = uvar.fStart;
  /*fill in maxBinaryParams*/
  XLALGPSSetREAL8( &maxBinaryTemplate.tp, uvar.orbitTimeAsc + uvar.orbitTimeAscBand);
  maxBinaryTemplate.argp = 0.0;
  maxBinaryTemplate.asini = uvar.orbitAsiniSec + uvar.orbitAsiniSecBand;
  maxBinaryTemplate.ecc = 0.0;
  maxBinaryTemplate.period = uvar.orbitPSec;
  maxBinaryTemplate.fkdot[0] = uvar.fStart + uvar.fBand;
  /*fill in thisBinaryTemplate*/
  XLALGPSSetREAL8( &thisBinaryTemplate.tp, uvar.orbitTimeAsc + 0.5 * uvar.orbitTimeAscBand);
  thisBinaryTemplate.argp = 0.0;
  thisBinaryTemplate.asini = 0.5*(minBinaryTemplate.asini + maxBinaryTemplate.asini);
  thisBinaryTemplate.ecc = 0.0;
  thisBinaryTemplate.period =0.5*(minBinaryTemplate.period + maxBinaryTemplate.period);
  thisBinaryTemplate.fkdot[0]=0.5*(minBinaryTemplate.fkdot[0] + maxBinaryTemplate.fkdot[0]);

  /*Get metric diagonal components, also estimate sensitivity i.e. E[rho]/(h0)^2 (4.13)*/
  if ( (XLALCalculateLMXBCrossCorrDiagMetric(&estSens, &diagff, &diagaa, &diagTT, thisBinaryTemplate, GammaAve, sftPairs, sftIndices, inputSFTs, multiWeights /*, kappaValues*/)  != XLAL_SUCCESS ) ) {
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALCalculateLMXBCrossCorrDiagMetric() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* spacing in frequency from diagff */ /* set spacings in new dopplerparams struct */
  if (XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.spacingF)) /* If spacing was given by CMD line, use it, else calculate spacing by mismatch*/
    binaryTemplateSpacings.fkdot[0] = uvar.spacingF;
    binaryTemplateSpacings.fkdot[0] = sqrt(uvar.mismatchF / diagff);

  if (XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.spacingA))
    binaryTemplateSpacings.asini = uvar.spacingA;
    binaryTemplateSpacings.asini = sqrt(uvar.mismatchA / diagaa);
  /* this is annoying: tp is a GPS time while we want a difference
     in time which should be just REAL8 */
  if (XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.spacingT))
    XLALGPSSetREAL8( &binaryTemplateSpacings.tp, uvar.spacingT);
    XLALGPSSetREAL8( &binaryTemplateSpacings.tp, sqrt(uvar.mismatchT / diagTT));

  if (XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.spacingP))
    binaryTemplateSpacings.period = uvar.spacingP;
    binaryTemplateSpacings.period = sqrt(uvar.mismatchP / diagpp);

  /* metric elements for eccentric case not considered? */

  UINT8 fCount = 0, aCount = 0, tCount = 0 , pCount = 0;
  const UINT8 fSpacingNum = floor( uvar.fBand / binaryTemplateSpacings.fkdot[0]);
  const UINT8 aSpacingNum = floor( uvar.orbitAsiniSecBand / binaryTemplateSpacings.asini);
  const UINT8 tSpacingNum = floor( uvar.orbitTimeAscBand / XLALGPSGetREAL8(&binaryTemplateSpacings.tp));
  const UINT8 pSpacingNum = floor( uvar.orbitPSecBand / binaryTemplateSpacings.period);

  /*reset minbinaryOrbitParams to shift the first point a factor so as to make the center of all seaching points centers at the center of searching band*/
  minBinaryTemplate.fkdot[0] = uvar.fStart + 0.5 * (uvar.fBand - fSpacingNum * binaryTemplateSpacings.fkdot[0]);
  minBinaryTemplate.asini = uvar.orbitAsiniSec + 0.5 * (uvar.orbitAsiniSecBand - aSpacingNum * binaryTemplateSpacings.asini);
  XLALGPSSetREAL8( &minBinaryTemplate.tp, uvar.orbitTimeAsc + 0.5 * (uvar.orbitTimeAscBand - tSpacingNum * XLALGPSGetREAL8(&binaryTemplateSpacings.tp)));
  minBinaryTemplate.period = uvar.orbitPSec + 0.5 * (uvar.orbitPSecBand - pSpacingNum * binaryTemplateSpacings.period);

  /* initialize the doppler scan struct which stores the current template information */
  XLALGPSSetREAL8(&dopplerpos.refTime, config.refTime);
  dopplerpos.Alpha = uvar.alphaRad;
  dopplerpos.Delta = uvar.deltaRad;
  dopplerpos.fkdot[0] = minBinaryTemplate.fkdot[0];
  /* set all spindowns to zero */
  for (k=1; k < PULSAR_MAX_SPINS; k++)
    dopplerpos.fkdot[k] = 0.0;
  dopplerpos.asini = minBinaryTemplate.asini;
  dopplerpos.period = minBinaryTemplate.period;
  dopplerpos.tp = minBinaryTemplate.tp;
  dopplerpos.ecc = minBinaryTemplate.ecc;
  dopplerpos.argp = minBinaryTemplate.argp;

  /* now set the initial values of binary parameters */
  /*  thisBinaryTemplate.asini = uvar.orbitAsiniSec;
  thisBinaryTemplate.period = uvar.orbitPSec;
  XLALGPSSetREAL8( &thisBinaryTemplate.tp, uvar.orbitTimeAsc);
  thisBinaryTemplate.ecc = 0.0;
  thisBinaryTemplate.argp = 0.0;*/
  /* copy to dopplerpos */

  /* Calculate SSB times (can do this once since search is currently only for one sky position, and binary doppler shift is added later) */
  MultiSSBtimes *multiSSBTimes = NULL;
  if ((multiSSBTimes = XLALGetMultiSSBtimes ( multiStates, skyPos, dopplerpos.refTime, SSBPREC_RELATIVISTICOPT )) == NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALGetMultiSSBtimes() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* "New" general metric computation */
  /* For now hard-code circular parameter space */

  const DopplerCoordinateSystem coordSys = {
    .dim = 4,
    .coordIDs = { DOPPLERCOORD_FREQ,

  REAL8VectorSequence *phaseDerivs = NULL;
  if ( ( XLALCalculateCrossCorrPhaseDerivatives ( &phaseDerivs, &thisBinaryTemplate, config.edat, sftIndices, multiSSBTimes, &coordSys )  != XLAL_SUCCESS ) ) {
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALCalculateCrossCorrPhaseDerivatives() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* fill in metric and parameter offsets */
  gsl_matrix *g_ij = NULL;
  gsl_vector *eps_i = NULL;
  REAL8 sumGammaSq = 0;
  if ( ( XLALCalculateCrossCorrPhaseMetric ( &g_ij, &eps_i, &sumGammaSq, phaseDerivs, sftPairs, GammaAve, GammaCirc, &coordSys ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) ) {
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALCalculateCrossCorrPhaseMetric() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
  XLALDestroyREAL8VectorSequence ( phaseDerivs );
  XLALDestroyREAL8Vector ( GammaCirc );

  if ((fp = fopen("gsldata.dat","w"))==NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "Can't write in gsl matrix file");

  XLALfprintfGSLvector(fp, "%g", eps_i);
  XLALfprintfGSLmatrix(fp, "%g", g_ij);

  /* Allocate structure for binary doppler-shifting information */
  if ((multiBinaryTimes = XLALDuplicateMultiSSBtimes ( multiSSBTimes )) == NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALDuplicateMultiSSBtimes() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  UINT8 numSFTs = sftIndices->length;
  if ((shiftedFreqs = XLALCreateREAL8Vector ( numSFTs ) ) == NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALCreateREAL8Vector() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
  if ((lowestBins = XLALCreateUINT4Vector ( numSFTs ) ) == NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALCreateUINT4Vector() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  if ((expSignalPhases = XLALCreateCOMPLEX8Vector ( numSFTs ) ) == NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALCreateREAL8Vector() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
  if ((sincList = XLALCreateREAL8VectorSequence ( numSFTs, uvar.numBins ) ) == NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALCreateREAL8VectorSequence() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* args should be : spacings, min and max doppler params */
  BOOLEAN firstPoint = TRUE; /* a boolean to help to search at the beginning point in parameter space, after the search it is set to be FALSE to end the loop*/
  if ( (XLALAddMultiBinaryTimes( &multiBinaryTimes, multiSSBTimes, &dopplerpos )  != XLAL_SUCCESS ) ) {
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALAddMultiBinaryTimes() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
  } /*Need to apply additional doppler shifting before the loop, or the first point in parameter space will be lost and return a wrong SNR when fBand!=0*/

  while ( GetNextCrossCorrTemplate(&dopplerShiftFlag, &firstPoint, &dopplerpos, &binaryTemplateSpacings, &minBinaryTemplate, &maxBinaryTemplate, &fCount, &aCount, &tCount, &pCount, fSpacingNum, aSpacingNum, tSpacingNum, pSpacingNum) == 0)
      /* do useful stuff here*/

      /* Apply additional Doppler shifting using current binary orbital parameters */
      /* Might want to be clever about checking whether we've changed the orbital parameters or only the frequency */
      if (dopplerShiftFlag == TRUE)
	  if ( (XLALAddMultiBinaryTimes( &multiBinaryTimes, multiSSBTimes, &dopplerpos )  != XLAL_SUCCESS ) ) {
	    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALAddMultiBinaryTimes() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

      if ( (XLALGetDopplerShiftedFrequencyInfo( shiftedFreqs, lowestBins, expSignalPhases, sincList, uvar.numBins, &dopplerpos, sftIndices, inputSFTs, multiBinaryTimes, Tsft )  != XLAL_SUCCESS ) ) {
	LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALGetDopplerShiftedFrequencyInfo() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

      if ( (XLALCalculatePulsarCrossCorrStatistic( &ccStat, &evSquared, GammaAve, expSignalPhases, lowestBins, sincList, sftPairs, sftIndices, inputSFTs, multiWeights, uvar.numBins)  != XLAL_SUCCESS ) ) {
	LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALCalculatePulsarCrossCorrStatistic() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

      /* fill candidate struct and insert into toplist if necessary */
      thisCandidate.freq = dopplerpos.fkdot[0];
      thisCandidate.tp = XLALGPSGetREAL8( &dopplerpos.tp );
      thisCandidate.argp = dopplerpos.argp;
      thisCandidate.asini = dopplerpos.asini;
      thisCandidate.ecc = dopplerpos.ecc;
      thisCandidate.period = dopplerpos.period;
      thisCandidate.rho = ccStat;
      thisCandidate.evSquared = evSquared;
      thisCandidate.estSens = estSens;

      insert_into_crossCorrBinary_toplist(ccToplist, thisCandidate);

    } /* end while loop over templates */

  /* write candidates to file */
  sort_crossCorrBinary_toplist( ccToplist );
  /* add error checking */

  final_write_crossCorrBinary_toplist_to_file( ccToplist, uvar.toplistFilename, &checksum);

  REAL8 h0Sens = sqrt((10 / sqrt(estSens))); /*for a SNR=10 signal, the h0 we can detect*/

  XLALGPSTimeNow (&computingEndGPSTime); /*record the rough end time*/
  UINT4 computingTime = computingEndGPSTime.gpsSeconds - computingStartGPSTime.gpsSeconds;
  /* make a meta-data file*/
    if ((fp = fopen(uvar.logFilename,"w"))==NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "Can't write in logfile");
    fprintf(fp, "[UserInput]\n\n");
    fprintf(fp, "%s\n", CMDInputStr);
    fprintf(fp, "[CalculatedValues]\n\n");
    fprintf(fp, "g_ff = %.9f\n", diagff );
    fprintf(fp, "g_aa = %.9f\n", diagaa );
    fprintf(fp, "g_TT = %.9f\n", diagTT );
    fprintf(fp, "FSpacing = %.9g\n", binaryTemplateSpacings.fkdot[0]);
    fprintf(fp, "ASpacing = %.9g\n", binaryTemplateSpacings.asini);
    fprintf(fp, "TSpacing = %.9g\n", XLALGPSGetREAL8(&binaryTemplateSpacings.tp));
    /* fprintf(fp, "PSpacing = %.9g\n", binaryTemplateSpacings.period );*/
    fprintf(fp, "TemplatenumF = %" LAL_UINT8_FORMAT "\n", (fSpacingNum + 1));
    fprintf(fp, "TemplatenumA = %" LAL_UINT8_FORMAT "\n", (aSpacingNum + 1));
    fprintf(fp, "TemplatenumT = %" LAL_UINT8_FORMAT "\n", (tSpacingNum + 1));
    fprintf(fp, "TemplatenumP = %" LAL_UINT8_FORMAT "\n", (pSpacingNum + 1));
    fprintf(fp, "TemplatenumTotal = %" LAL_UINT8_FORMAT "\n",(fSpacingNum + 1) * (aSpacingNum + 1) * (tSpacingNum + 1) * (pSpacingNum + 1));
    fprintf(fp, "Sens = %.9g\n", estSens);/*(E[rho]/h0^2)^2*/
    fprintf(fp, "h0_min_SNR10 = %.9g\n", h0Sens);/*for rho = 10 in our pipeline*/
    fprintf(fp, "startTime = %" LAL_INT4_FORMAT "\n", computingStartGPSTime.gpsSeconds );/*start time in GPS-time*/
    fprintf(fp, "endTime = %" LAL_INT4_FORMAT "\n", computingEndGPSTime.gpsSeconds );/*end time in GPS-time*/
    fprintf(fp, "computingTime = %" LAL_UINT4_FORMAT "\n", computingTime );/*total time in sec*/
    fprintf(fp, "SFTnum = %" LAL_UINT4_FORMAT "\n", sftIndices->length);/*total number of SFT*/
    fprintf(fp, "pairnum = %" LAL_UINT4_FORMAT "\n", sftPairs->length);/*total number of pair of SFT*/
    fprintf(fp, "Tsft = %.6g\n", Tsft);/*SFT duration*/
    fprintf(fp, "\n[Version]\n\n");
    fprintf(fp, "%s",  VCSInfoString);

  XLALDestroyCOMPLEX8Vector ( expSignalPhases );
  XLALDestroyUINT4Vector ( lowestBins );
  XLALDestroyREAL8Vector ( shiftedFreqs );
  XLALDestroyREAL8VectorSequence ( sincList );
  XLALDestroyMultiSSBtimes ( multiBinaryTimes );
  XLALDestroyMultiSSBtimes ( multiSSBTimes );
  XLALDestroyREAL8Vector ( GammaAve );
  XLALDestroySFTPairIndexList( sftPairs );
  XLALDestroySFTIndexList( sftIndices );
  XLALDestroyMultiAMCoeffs ( multiCoeffs );
  XLALDestroyMultiDetectorStateSeries ( multiStates );
  XLALDestroyMultiTimestamps ( multiTimes );
  XLALDestroyMultiNoiseWeights ( multiWeights );
  XLALDestroyMultiPSDVector ( multiPSDs );
  XLALDestroyMultiSFTVector ( inputSFTs );

  /* de-allocate memory for configuration variables */
  XLALDestroyConfigVars ( &config );

  /* de-allocate memory for user input variables */

  /* free toplist memory */

  /* check memory leaks if we forgot to de-allocate anything */

  LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "End time\n");/*for debug convenience to record calculating time*/

  return 0;

} /* main */

/* initialize and register user variables */
int XLALInitUserVars (UserInput_t *uvar)

  /* initialize with some defaults */
  uvar->help = FALSE;
  uvar->maxLag = 0.0;
  uvar->inclAutoCorr = FALSE;
  uvar->fStart = 100.0;
  uvar->fBand = 0.1;
  /* uvar->fdotStart = 0.0; */
  /* uvar->fdotBand = 0.0; */
  uvar->alphaRad = 0.0;
  uvar->deltaRad = 0.0;
  uvar->refTime = 0.0;
  uvar->rngMedBlock = 50;
  uvar->numBins = 1;

  /* zero binary orbital parameters means not a binary */
  uvar->orbitAsiniSec = 0.0;
  uvar->orbitAsiniSecBand = 0.0;
  uvar->orbitPSec = 0.0;
  uvar->orbitPSecBand = 0.0;
  uvar->orbitTimeAsc = 0;
  uvar->orbitTimeAscBand = 0;

  /*default mismatch values */
  /* set to 0.1 by default -- for no real reason */
  /* make 0.1 a macro? */
  uvar->mismatchF = 0.1;
  uvar->mismatchA = 0.1;
  uvar->mismatchT = 0.1;
  uvar->mismatchP = 0.1;

  uvar->ephemEarth = XLALStringDuplicate("earth00-19-DE405.dat.gz");
  uvar->ephemSun = XLALStringDuplicate("sun00-19-DE405.dat.gz");

  uvar->sftLocation = XLALCalloc(1, MAXFILENAMELENGTH+1);

  /* initialize number of candidates in toplist -- default is just to return the single best candidate */
  uvar->numCand = 1;
  uvar->toplistFilename = XLALStringDuplicate("toplist_crosscorr.dat");
  uvar->version = FALSE;

  /* register  user-variables */
  XLALregBOOLUserStruct  ( help, 	   'h',  UVAR_HELP, "Print this message");
  XLALregINTUserStruct   ( startTime,       0,  UVAR_REQUIRED, "Desired start time of analysis in GPS seconds");
  XLALregINTUserStruct   ( endTime,         0,  UVAR_REQUIRED, "Desired end time of analysis in GPS seconds");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( maxLag,          0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Maximum lag time in seconds between SFTs in correlation");
  XLALregBOOLUserStruct  ( inclAutoCorr,    0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Include auto-correlation terms (an SFT with itself)");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( fStart,          0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Start frequency in Hz");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( fBand,           0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Frequency band to search over in Hz ");
  /* XLALregREALUserStruct  ( fdotStart,     0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Start value of spindown in Hz/s"); */
  /* XLALregREALUserStruct  ( fdotBand,      0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Band for spindown values in Hz/s"); */
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( alphaRad,        0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Right ascension for directed search (radians)");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( deltaRad,        0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Declination for directed search (radians)");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( refTime,         0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "SSB reference time for pulsar-parameters [Default: midPoint]");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( orbitAsiniSec,   0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Start of search band for projected semimajor axis (seconds) [0 means not a binary]");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( orbitAsiniSecBand, 0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Width of search band for projected semimajor axis (seconds)");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( orbitPSec,       0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Binary orbital period (seconds) [0 means not a binary]");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( orbitPSecBand,       0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Band for binary orbital period (seconds) ");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( orbitTimeAsc,    0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Start of orbital time-of-ascension band in GPS seconds");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( orbitTimeAscBand, 0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Width of orbital time-of-ascension band (seconds)");
  XLALregSTRINGUserStruct( ephemEarth,      0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Earth ephemeris file to use");
  XLALregSTRINGUserStruct( ephemSun,        0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Sun ephemeris file to use");
  XLALregSTRINGUserStruct( sftLocation,     0,  UVAR_REQUIRED, "Filename pattern for locating SFT data");
  XLALregINTUserStruct   ( rngMedBlock,     0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Running median block size for PSD estimation");
  XLALregINTUserStruct   ( numBins,         0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Number of frequency bins to include in calculation");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( mismatchF,       0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Desired mismatch for frequency spacing");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( mismatchA,       0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Desired mismatch for asini spacing");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( mismatchT,       0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Desired mismatch for periapse passage time spacing");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( mismatchP,       0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Desired mismatch for period spacing");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( spacingF,       0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Desired frequency spacing");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( spacingA,       0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Desired asini spacing");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( spacingT,       0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Desired periapse passage time spacing");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( spacingP,       0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Desired period spacing");
  XLALregINTUserStruct   ( numCand,         0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Number of candidates to keep in toplist");
  XLALregSTRINGUserStruct( pairListInputFilename, 0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Name of file from which to read list of SFT pairs");
  XLALregSTRINGUserStruct( pairListOutputFilename, 0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Name of file to which to write list of SFT pairs");
  XLALregSTRINGUserStruct( sftListOutputFilename, 0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Name of file to which to write list of SFTs (for sanity checks)");
  XLALregSTRINGUserStruct( sftListInputFilename, 0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Name of file to which to read in list of SFTs (for sanity checks)");
  XLALregSTRINGUserStruct( gammaAveOutputFilename, 0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Name of file to which to write aa+bb weights (for e.g., false alarm estimation)");
  XLALregSTRINGUserStruct( gammaCircOutputFilename, 0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Name of file to which to write ab-ba weights (for e.g., systematic error)");
  XLALregSTRINGUserStruct( toplistFilename, 0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Output filename containing candidates in toplist");
  XLALregSTRINGUserStruct( logFilename, 0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Output a meta-data file for the search");
  XLALregBOOLUserStruct  ( version, 	   'V',  UVAR_SPECIAL, "Output version(VCS) information");
  if ( xlalErrno ) {
    XLALPrintError ("%s: user variable initialization failed with errno = %d.\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  return XLAL_SUCCESS;
コード例 #7
// ---------- main ----------
main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
  UserInput_t XLAL_INIT_DECL(uvar_s);
  UserInput_t *uvar = &uvar_s;

  uvar->randSeed = 1;
  uvar->Nruns = 1;
  uvar->inAlign = uvar->outAlign = sizeof(void*);
  // ---------- register user-variable ----------
  XLALRegisterUvarMember(  randSeed,            INT4, 's', OPTIONAL, "Random-number seed");
  XLALRegisterUvarMember(  Nruns,               INT4, 'r', OPTIONAL, "Number of repeated timing 'runs' to average over (=improves variance)" );
  XLALRegisterUvarMember(  inAlign,             INT4, 'a', OPTIONAL, "Alignment of input vectors; default is sizeof(void*), i.e. no particular alignment" );
  XLALRegisterUvarMember(  outAlign,            INT4, 'b', OPTIONAL, "Alignment of output vectors; default is sizeof(void*), i.e. no particular alignment" );

  BOOLEAN should_exit = 0;
  XLAL_CHECK( XLALUserVarReadAllInput( &should_exit, argc, argv, lalVCSInfoList ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  if ( should_exit ) {
    exit (1);

  srand ( uvar->randSeed );
  XLAL_CHECK ( uvar->Nruns >= 1, XLAL_EDOM );
  UINT4 Nruns = (UINT4)uvar->Nruns;

  UINT4 Ntrials = 1000000 + 7;
  REAL4VectorAligned *xIn_a, *xIn2_a, *xOut_a, *xOut2_a;
  XLAL_CHECK ( ( xIn_a   = XLALCreateREAL4VectorAligned ( Ntrials, uvar->inAlign )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
  XLAL_CHECK ( ( xIn2_a  = XLALCreateREAL4VectorAligned ( Ntrials, uvar->inAlign )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
  XLAL_CHECK ( ( xOut_a  = XLALCreateREAL4VectorAligned ( Ntrials, uvar->outAlign )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
  XLAL_CHECK ( ( xOut2_a = XLALCreateREAL4VectorAligned ( Ntrials, uvar->outAlign )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
  REAL4VectorAligned *xOutRef_a, *xOutRef2_a;
  XLAL_CHECK ( (xOutRef_a  = XLALCreateREAL4VectorAligned ( Ntrials, uvar->outAlign )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
  XLAL_CHECK ( (xOutRef2_a = XLALCreateREAL4VectorAligned ( Ntrials, uvar->outAlign )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

  // extract aligned REAL4 vectors from these
  REAL4 *xIn      = xIn_a->data;
  REAL4 *xIn2     = xIn2_a->data;
  REAL4 *xOut     = xOut_a->data;
  REAL4 *xOut2    = xOut2_a->data;
  REAL4 *xOutRef  = xOutRef_a->data;
  REAL4 *xOutRef2 = xOutRef2_a->data;

  UINT4Vector *xOutU4;
  UINT4Vector *xOutRefU4;
  XLAL_CHECK ( ( xOutU4 = XLALCreateUINT4Vector ( Ntrials )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
  XLAL_CHECK ( ( xOutRefU4 = XLALCreateUINT4Vector ( Ntrials )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

  REAL8VectorAligned *xInD_a, *xIn2D_a, *xOutD_a, *xOutRefD_a;
  XLAL_CHECK ( ( xInD_a   = XLALCreateREAL8VectorAligned ( Ntrials, uvar->inAlign )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
  XLAL_CHECK ( ( xIn2D_a  = XLALCreateREAL8VectorAligned ( Ntrials, uvar->inAlign )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
  XLAL_CHECK ( ( xOutD_a  = XLALCreateREAL8VectorAligned ( Ntrials, uvar->outAlign )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
  XLAL_CHECK ( (xOutRefD_a= XLALCreateREAL8VectorAligned ( Ntrials, uvar->outAlign )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

  // extract aligned REAL8 vectors from these
  REAL8 *xInD      = xInD_a->data;
  REAL8 *xIn2D     = xIn2D_a->data;
  REAL8 *xOutD     = xOutD_a->data;
  REAL8 *xOutRefD  = xOutRefD_a->data;

  REAL8 tic, toc;
  REAL4 maxErr = 0, maxRelerr = 0;
  REAL4 abstol, reltol;

  XLALPrintInfo ("Testing sin(x), cos(x) for x in [-1000, 1000]\n");
  for ( UINT4 i = 0; i < Ntrials; i ++ ) {
    xIn[i] = 2000 * ( frand() - 0.5 );
  abstol = 2e-7, reltol = 1e-5;
  // ==================== SIN() ====================

  // ==================== COS() ====================

  // ==================== SINCOS() ====================

  // ==================== SINCOS(2PI*x) ====================

  // ==================== EXP() ====================
  XLALPrintInfo ("\nTesting exp(x) for x in [-10, 10]\n");
  for ( UINT4 i = 0; i < Ntrials; i ++ ) {
    xIn[i] = 20 * ( frand() - 0.5 );

  abstol = 4e-3, reltol = 3e-7;

  // ==================== LOG() ====================
  XLALPrintInfo ("\nTesting log(x) for x in (0, 10000]\n");
  for ( UINT4 i = 0; i < Ntrials; i ++ ) {
    xIn[i] = 10000.0f * frand() + 1e-6;
  } // for i < Ntrials
  abstol = 2e-6, reltol = 2e-7;


  // ==================== ADD,MUL ====================
  for ( UINT4 i = 0; i < Ntrials; i ++ ) {
    xIn[i]  = -10000.0f + 20000.0f * frand() + 1e-6;
    xIn2[i] = -10000.0f + 20000.0f * frand() + 1e-6;
    xInD[i] = -100000.0 + 200000.0 * frand() + 1e-6;
    xIn2D[i]= -100000.0 + 200000.0 * frand() + 1e-6;
  } // for i < Ntrials
  abstol = 2e-7, reltol = 2e-7;

  XLALPrintInfo ("\nTesting add,multiply,shift,scale(x,y) for x,y in (-10000, 10000]\n");



  // ==================== FIND ====================
  for ( UINT4 i = 0; i < Ntrials; i ++ ) {
    xIn[i]  = -10000.0f + 20000.0f * frand() + 1e-6;
    xIn2[i] = -10000.0f + 20000.0f * frand() + 1e-6;
  } // for i < Ntrials

  XLALPrintInfo ("\nTesting find for x,y in (-10000, 10000]\n");


  XLALPrintInfo ("\n");

  // ---------- clean up memory ----------
  XLALDestroyREAL4VectorAligned ( xIn_a );
  XLALDestroyREAL4VectorAligned ( xIn2_a );
  XLALDestroyREAL4VectorAligned ( xOut_a );
  XLALDestroyREAL4VectorAligned ( xOut2_a );

  XLALDestroyREAL4VectorAligned ( xOutRef_a );
  XLALDestroyREAL4VectorAligned ( xOutRef2_a );

  XLALDestroyUINT4Vector ( xOutU4 );
  XLALDestroyUINT4Vector ( xOutRefU4 );

  XLALDestroyREAL8VectorAligned ( xInD_a );
  XLALDestroyREAL8VectorAligned ( xIn2D_a );
  XLALDestroyREAL8VectorAligned ( xOutD_a );
  XLALDestroyREAL8VectorAligned ( xOutRefD_a );



  return XLAL_SUCCESS;

} // main()
コード例 #8
 * basic initializations: deal with user input and return standardized 'ConfigVariables'
XLALInitCode ( ConfigVariables *cfg, const UserVariables_t *uvar, const char *app_name)
  XLAL_CHECK ( cfg && uvar && app_name, XLAL_EINVAL, "Illegal NULL pointer input." );

  /* init ephemeris data */
  XLAL_CHECK ( ( cfg->edat = XLALInitBarycenter( uvar->ephemEarth, uvar->ephemSun ) ) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALInitBarycenter failed: could not load Earth ephemeris '%s' and Sun ephemeris '%s.", uvar->ephemEarth, uvar->ephemSun);

  cfg->numDetectors = uvar->IFOs->length;

  cfg->numTimeStamps = 0;
  XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->numTimeStampsX = XLALCreateUINT4Vector ( cfg->numDetectors )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALCreateREAL8Vector(%d) failed.", cfg->numDetectors );

  BOOLEAN haveTimeGPS = XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->timeGPS );
  BOOLEAN haveTimeStampsFile = XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->timeStampsFile );
  BOOLEAN haveTimeStampsFiles = XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->timeStampsFiles );

  XLAL_CHECK ( !(haveTimeStampsFiles && haveTimeStampsFile), XLAL_EINVAL, "Can't handle both timeStampsFiles and (deprecated) haveTimeStampsFiles input options." );
  XLAL_CHECK ( !(haveTimeGPS && haveTimeStampsFile), XLAL_EINVAL, "Can't handle both (deprecated) timeStampsFile and timeGPS input options." );
  XLAL_CHECK ( !(haveTimeGPS && haveTimeStampsFiles), XLAL_EINVAL, "Can't handle both timeStampsFiles and timeGPS input options." );
  XLAL_CHECK ( haveTimeGPS || haveTimeStampsFiles || haveTimeStampsFile, XLAL_EINVAL, "Need either timeStampsFiles or timeGPS input option." );
  if ( haveTimeStampsFiles ) {
    XLAL_CHECK ( (uvar->timeStampsFiles->length == 1 ) || ( uvar->timeStampsFiles->length == cfg->numDetectors ), XLAL_EINVAL, "Length of timeStampsFiles list is neither 1 (one file for all detectors) nor does it match the number of detectors. (%d != %d)", uvar->timeStampsFiles->length, cfg->numDetectors );
    XLAL_CHECK ( (uvar->timeStampsFiles->length == 1 ) || !uvar->outab, XLAL_EINVAL, "At the moment, can't produce a(t), b(t) output (--outab) when given per-IFO --timeStampsFiles.");

  if ( haveTimeStampsFiles && ( uvar->timeStampsFiles->length == cfg->numDetectors ) ) {

    XLAL_CHECK ( ( cfg->multiTimestamps = XLALReadMultiTimestampsFiles ( uvar->timeStampsFiles ) ) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

    XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->multiTimestamps->length > 0) && (cfg->multiTimestamps->data != NULL), XLAL_EINVAL, "Got empty timestamps-list from '%s'.", uvar->timeStampsFiles );


  else {

    /* prepare multiTimestamps structure */
    UINT4 nTS = 0;
    XLAL_CHECK ( ( cfg->multiTimestamps = XLALCalloc ( 1, sizeof(*cfg->multiTimestamps))) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM, "Allocating multiTimestamps failed." );
    XLAL_CHECK ( ( cfg->multiTimestamps->data = XLALCalloc ( cfg->numDetectors, sizeof(cfg->multiTimestamps->data) )) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM, "Allocating multiTimestamps->data failed." );
    cfg->multiTimestamps->length = cfg->numDetectors;

    if ( haveTimeGPS ) { /* set up timestamps vector from timeGPS, use same for all IFOs */

      nTS = uvar->timeGPS->length;
      XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->multiTimestamps->data[0] = XLALCreateTimestampVector ( nTS ) ) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALCreateTimestampVector( %d ) failed.",  nTS );

      /* convert input REAL8 times into LIGOTimeGPS for first detector */
      for (UINT4 t = 0; t < nTS; t++) {
        REAL8 temp_real8_timestamp = 0;
        XLAL_CHECK ( 1 == sscanf ( uvar->timeGPS->data[t], "%" LAL_REAL8_FORMAT, &temp_real8_timestamp ), XLAL_EINVAL, "Illegal REAL8 commandline argument to --timeGPS[%d]: '%s'", t, uvar->timeGPS->data[t] );
        XLAL_CHECK ( XLALGPSSetREAL8( &cfg->multiTimestamps->data[0]->data[t], temp_real8_timestamp ) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "Failed to convert input GPS %g into LIGOTimeGPS", temp_real8_timestamp );
       } // for (UINT4 t = 0; t < nTS; t++)

    } // if ( haveTimeGPS )

    else { // haveTimeStampsFiles || haveTimeStampsFile

     CHAR *singleTimeStampsFile = NULL;
     if ( haveTimeStampsFiles ) {
      singleTimeStampsFile = uvar->timeStampsFiles->data[0];
     else if ( haveTimeStampsFile ) {
      singleTimeStampsFile = uvar->timeStampsFile;

     XLAL_CHECK ( ( cfg->multiTimestamps->data[0] = XLALReadTimestampsFile ( singleTimeStampsFile ) ) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
     nTS = cfg->multiTimestamps->data[0]->length;

    } // else: haveTimeStampsFiles || haveTimeStampsFile

    /* copy timestamps from first detector to all others */
    if ( cfg->numDetectors > 1 ) {
      for ( UINT4 X=1; X < cfg->numDetectors; X++ ) {
        XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->multiTimestamps->data[X] = XLALCreateTimestampVector ( nTS ) ) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALCreateTimestampVector( %d ) failed.", nTS );
        for (UINT4 t = 0; t < nTS; t++) {
          cfg->multiTimestamps->data[X]->data[t].gpsSeconds = cfg->multiTimestamps->data[0]->data[t].gpsSeconds;
          cfg->multiTimestamps->data[X]->data[t].gpsNanoSeconds = cfg->multiTimestamps->data[0]->data[t].gpsNanoSeconds;
        } // for (UINT4 t = 0; t < nTS; t++)
      } // for ( UINT4 X=1; X < cfg->numDetectors X++ )
    } // if ( cfg->numDetectors > 1 )

  } // if !( haveTimeStampsFiles && ( uvar->timeStampsFiles->length == cfg->numDetectors ) )

  for ( UINT4 X=0; X < cfg->numDetectors; X++ ) {
    cfg->numTimeStampsX->data[X] = cfg->multiTimestamps->data[X]->length;
    cfg->numTimeStamps += cfg->numTimeStampsX->data[X];

  /* convert detector names into site-info */
  MultiLALDetector multiDet;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALParseMultiLALDetector ( &multiDet, uvar->IFOs ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

  /* get detector states */
  XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->multiDetStates = XLALGetMultiDetectorStates ( cfg->multiTimestamps, &multiDet, cfg->edat, 0.5 * uvar->Tsft )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALGetDetectorStates() failed." );

  BOOLEAN haveAlphaDelta = ( XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar->Alpha) && XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar->Delta) );
  BOOLEAN haveSkyGrid = XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->skyGridFile );

  XLAL_CHECK ( !(haveAlphaDelta && haveSkyGrid), XLAL_EINVAL, "Can't handle both Alpha/Delta and skyGridFile input options." );
  XLAL_CHECK ( haveAlphaDelta || haveSkyGrid, XLAL_EINVAL, "Need either Alpha/Delta or skyGridFile input option." );

  if (haveAlphaDelta) { /* parse this into one-element Alpha, Delta vectors */
    XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->Alpha = XLALCreateREAL8Vector ( 1 )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALCreateREAL8Vector(1) failed." );
    cfg->Alpha->data[0] = uvar->Alpha;
    XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->Delta = XLALCreateREAL8Vector ( 1 )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALCreateREAL8Vector(1) failed." );
    cfg->Delta->data[0] = uvar->Delta;
    cfg->numSkyPoints = 1;
  } // if (haveAlphaDelta)

  else if ( haveSkyGrid ) {
    LALParsedDataFile *data = NULL;
    XLAL_CHECK ( XLALParseDataFile (&data, uvar->skyGridFile) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC, "Failed to parse data file '%s'.", uvar->skyGridFile );
    cfg->numSkyPoints = data->lines->nTokens;
    XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->Alpha = XLALCreateREAL8Vector ( cfg->numSkyPoints )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALCreateREAL8Vector( %d ) failed.", cfg->numSkyPoints  );
    XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->Delta = XLALCreateREAL8Vector ( cfg->numSkyPoints )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALCreateREAL8Vector( %d ) failed.", cfg->numSkyPoints  );
    for (UINT4 n=0; n < cfg->numSkyPoints; n++) {
      XLAL_CHECK ( 2 == sscanf( data->lines->tokens[n], "%" LAL_REAL8_FORMAT "%" LAL_REAL8_FORMAT, &cfg->Alpha->data[n], &cfg->Delta->data[n] ), XLAL_EDATA, "Could not parse 2 numbers from line %d in candidate-file '%s':\n'%s'", n, uvar->skyGridFile, data->lines->tokens[n] );
    } // for (UINT4 n=0; n < cfg->numSkyPoints; n++)
    XLALDestroyParsedDataFile ( data );
  } // else if ( haveSkyGrid )

  if ( uvar->noiseSqrtShX ) { /* translate user-input PSD sqrt(SX) to noise-weights (this actually does not care whether they were normalized or not) */

    if (  uvar->noiseSqrtShX->length != cfg->numDetectors ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Length of noiseSqrtShX vector does not match number of detectors! (%d != %d)\n", uvar->noiseSqrtShX->length, cfg->numDetectors);
    REAL8Vector *noiseSqrtShX = NULL;
    if ( (noiseSqrtShX = XLALCreateREAL8Vector ( cfg->numDetectors )) == NULL ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Failed call to XLALCreateREAL8Vector( %d )\n", cfg->numDetectors );

    REAL8 psd_normalization = 0;

    for (UINT4 X = 0; X < cfg->numDetectors; X++) {

      if ( 1 != sscanf ( uvar->noiseSqrtShX->data[X], "%" LAL_REAL8_FORMAT, &noiseSqrtShX->data[X] ) ) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Illegal REAL8 commandline argument to --noiseSqrtShX[%d]: '%s'\n", X, uvar->noiseSqrtShX->data[X]);

      if ( noiseSqrtShX->data[X] <= 0.0 ) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Non-positive input PSD ratio for detector X=%d: noiseSqrtShX[X]=%f\n", X, noiseSqrtShX->data[X] );

      psd_normalization += 1.0/SQ(noiseSqrtShX->data[X]);

    } /* for X < cfg->numDetectors */

    psd_normalization = (REAL8)cfg->numDetectors/psd_normalization; /* S = NSFT / sum S_Xalpha^-1, no per-SFT variation here -> S = Ndet / sum S_X^-1 */

    /* create multi noise weights */
    if ( (cfg->multiNoiseWeights = XLALCalloc(1, sizeof(*cfg->multiNoiseWeights))) == NULL ) {
     XLALPrintError ("%s: failed to XLALCalloc ( 1, %d )\n", __func__, sizeof(*cfg->multiNoiseWeights) );
    if ( (cfg->multiNoiseWeights->data = XLALCalloc(cfg->numDetectors, sizeof(*cfg->multiNoiseWeights->data))) == NULL ) {
     XLALPrintError ("%s: failed to XLALCalloc ( %d, %d )\n", __func__, cfg->numDetectors, sizeof(*cfg->multiNoiseWeights->data) );
    cfg->multiNoiseWeights->length = cfg->numDetectors;

    for (UINT4 X = 0; X < cfg->numDetectors; X++) {

      REAL8 noise_weight_X = psd_normalization/SQ(noiseSqrtShX->data[X]); /* w_Xalpha = S_Xalpha^-1/S^-1 = S / S_Xalpha */

      /* create k^th weights vector */
      if( ( cfg->multiNoiseWeights->data[X] = XLALCreateREAL8Vector ( cfg->numTimeStampsX->data[X] ) ) == NULL )
          /* free weights vectors created previously in loop */
          XLALDestroyMultiNoiseWeights ( cfg->multiNoiseWeights );
          XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFUNC, "Failed to allocate noiseweights for IFO X = %d\n", X );
        } /* if XLALCreateREAL8Vector() failed */

      /* loop over rngmeds and calculate weights -- one for each sft */
      for ( UINT4 alpha = 0; alpha < cfg->numTimeStampsX->data[X]; alpha++) {
        cfg->multiNoiseWeights->data[X]->data[alpha] = noise_weight_X;

    } /* for X < cfg->numDetectors */

    XLALDestroyREAL8Vector ( noiseSqrtShX );

  } /* if ( uvar->noiseSqrtShX ) */

  else {
    cfg->multiNoiseWeights =  NULL;

  return XLAL_SUCCESS;

} /* XLALInitCode() */