/* * Replay the clearing of F_FOLLOW_RIGHT flag on a child page. * * Even if the WAL record includes a full-page image, we have to update the * follow-right flag, because that change is not included in the full-page * image. To be sure that the intermediate state with the wrong flag value is * not visible to concurrent Hot Standby queries, this function handles * restoring the full-page image as well as updating the flag. (Note that * we never need to do anything else to the child page in the current WAL * action.) */ static void gistRedoClearFollowRight(XLogRecPtr lsn, XLogRecord *record, int block_index, RelFileNode node, BlockNumber childblkno) { Buffer buffer; Page page; if (record->xl_info & XLR_BKP_BLOCK(block_index)) buffer = RestoreBackupBlock(lsn, record, block_index, false, true); else { buffer = XLogReadBuffer(node, childblkno, false); if (!BufferIsValid(buffer)) return; /* page was deleted, nothing to do */ } page = (Page) BufferGetPage(buffer); /* * Note that we still update the page even if page LSN is equal to the LSN * of this record, because the updated NSN is not included in the full * page image. */ if (lsn >= PageGetLSN(page)) { GistPageSetNSN(page, lsn); GistClearFollowRight(page); PageSetLSN(page, lsn); MarkBufferDirty(buffer); } UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer); }
static void ginRedoVacuumDataLeafPage(XLogRecPtr lsn, XLogRecord *record) { ginxlogVacuumDataLeafPage *xlrec = (ginxlogVacuumDataLeafPage *) XLogRecGetData(record); Buffer buffer; Page page; /* If we have a full-page image, restore it and we're done */ if (record->xl_info & XLR_BKP_BLOCK(0)) { (void) RestoreBackupBlock(lsn, record, 0, false, false); return; } buffer = XLogReadBuffer(xlrec->node, xlrec->blkno, false); if (!BufferIsValid(buffer)) return; page = (Page) BufferGetPage(buffer); Assert(GinPageIsLeaf(page)); Assert(GinPageIsData(page)); if (lsn > PageGetLSN(page)) { ginRedoRecompress(page, &xlrec->data); PageSetLSN(page, lsn); MarkBufferDirty(buffer); } UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer); }
/* * XLogReadBufferForRedoExtended * Like XLogReadBufferForRedo, but with extra options. * * If mode is RBM_ZERO or RBM_ZERO_ON_ERROR, if the page doesn't exist, the * relation is extended with all-zeroes pages up to the referenced block * number. In RBM_ZERO mode, the return value is always BLK_NEEDS_REDO. * * If 'get_cleanup_lock' is true, a "cleanup lock" is acquired on the buffer * using LockBufferForCleanup(), instead of a regular exclusive lock. */ XLogRedoAction XLogReadBufferForRedoExtended(XLogRecPtr lsn, XLogRecord *record, int block_index, RelFileNode rnode, ForkNumber forkno, BlockNumber blkno, ReadBufferMode mode, bool get_cleanup_lock, Buffer *buf) { if (record->xl_info & XLR_BKP_BLOCK(block_index)) { *buf = RestoreBackupBlock(lsn, record, block_index, get_cleanup_lock, true); return BLK_RESTORED; } else { *buf = XLogReadBufferExtended(rnode, forkno, blkno, mode); if (BufferIsValid(*buf)) { LockBuffer(*buf, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE); if (lsn <= PageGetLSN(BufferGetPage(*buf))) return BLK_DONE; else return BLK_NEEDS_REDO; } else return BLK_NOTFOUND; } }
static void ginRedoInsertListPage(XLogRecPtr lsn, XLogRecord *record) { ginxlogInsertListPage *data = (ginxlogInsertListPage *) XLogRecGetData(record); Buffer buffer; Page page; OffsetNumber l, off = FirstOffsetNumber; int i, tupsize; IndexTuple tuples = (IndexTuple) (XLogRecGetData(record) + sizeof(ginxlogInsertListPage)); /* If we have a full-page image, restore it and we're done */ if (record->xl_info & XLR_BKP_BLOCK(0)) { (void) RestoreBackupBlock(lsn, record, 0, false, false); return; } buffer = XLogReadBuffer(data->node, data->blkno, true); Assert(BufferIsValid(buffer)); page = BufferGetPage(buffer); GinInitBuffer(buffer, GIN_LIST); GinPageGetOpaque(page)->rightlink = data->rightlink; if (data->rightlink == InvalidBlockNumber) { /* tail of sublist */ GinPageSetFullRow(page); GinPageGetOpaque(page)->maxoff = 1; } else { GinPageGetOpaque(page)->maxoff = 0; } for (i = 0; i < data->ntuples; i++) { tupsize = IndexTupleSize(tuples); l = PageAddItem(page, (Item) tuples, tupsize, off, false, false); if (l == InvalidOffsetNumber) elog(ERROR, "failed to add item to index page"); tuples = (IndexTuple) (((char *) tuples) + tupsize); } PageSetLSN(page, lsn); MarkBufferDirty(buffer); UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer); }
static void ginRedoUpdateMetapage(XLogRecPtr lsn, XLogRecord *record) { ginxlogUpdateMeta *data = (ginxlogUpdateMeta *) XLogRecGetData(record); Buffer metabuffer; Page metapage; Buffer buffer; /* * Restore the metapage. This is essentially the same as a full-page * image, so restore the metapage unconditionally without looking at the * LSN, to avoid torn page hazards. */ metabuffer = XLogReadBuffer(data->node, GIN_METAPAGE_BLKNO, false); if (!BufferIsValid(metabuffer)) return; /* assume index was deleted, nothing to do */ metapage = BufferGetPage(metabuffer); memcpy(GinPageGetMeta(metapage), &data->metadata, sizeof(GinMetaPageData)); PageSetLSN(metapage, lsn); MarkBufferDirty(metabuffer); if (data->ntuples > 0) { /* * insert into tail page */ if (record->xl_info & XLR_BKP_BLOCK(0)) (void) RestoreBackupBlock(lsn, record, 0, false, false); else { buffer = XLogReadBuffer(data->node, data->metadata.tail, false); if (BufferIsValid(buffer)) { Page page = BufferGetPage(buffer); if (lsn > PageGetLSN(page)) { OffsetNumber l, off = (PageIsEmpty(page)) ? FirstOffsetNumber : OffsetNumberNext(PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page)); int i, tupsize; IndexTuple tuples = (IndexTuple) (XLogRecGetData(record) + sizeof(ginxlogUpdateMeta)); for (i = 0; i < data->ntuples; i++) { tupsize = IndexTupleSize(tuples); l = PageAddItem(page, (Item) tuples, tupsize, off, false, false); if (l == InvalidOffsetNumber) elog(ERROR, "failed to add item to index page"); tuples = (IndexTuple) (((char *) tuples) + tupsize); off++; } /* * Increase counter of heap tuples */ GinPageGetOpaque(page)->maxoff++; PageSetLSN(page, lsn); MarkBufferDirty(buffer); } UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer); } } } else if (data->prevTail != InvalidBlockNumber) { /* * New tail */ if (record->xl_info & XLR_BKP_BLOCK(0)) (void) RestoreBackupBlock(lsn, record, 0, false, false); else { buffer = XLogReadBuffer(data->node, data->prevTail, false); if (BufferIsValid(buffer)) { Page page = BufferGetPage(buffer); if (lsn > PageGetLSN(page)) { GinPageGetOpaque(page)->rightlink = data->newRightlink; PageSetLSN(page, lsn); MarkBufferDirty(buffer); } UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer); } } } UnlockReleaseBuffer(metabuffer); }
static void ginRedoDeletePage(XLogRecPtr lsn, XLogRecord *record) { ginxlogDeletePage *data = (ginxlogDeletePage *) XLogRecGetData(record); Buffer dbuffer; Buffer pbuffer; Buffer lbuffer; Page page; if (record->xl_info & XLR_BKP_BLOCK(0)) dbuffer = RestoreBackupBlock(lsn, record, 0, false, true); else { dbuffer = XLogReadBuffer(data->node, data->blkno, false); if (BufferIsValid(dbuffer)) { page = BufferGetPage(dbuffer); if (lsn > PageGetLSN(page)) { Assert(GinPageIsData(page)); GinPageGetOpaque(page)->flags = GIN_DELETED; PageSetLSN(page, lsn); MarkBufferDirty(dbuffer); } } } if (record->xl_info & XLR_BKP_BLOCK(1)) pbuffer = RestoreBackupBlock(lsn, record, 1, false, true); else { pbuffer = XLogReadBuffer(data->node, data->parentBlkno, false); if (BufferIsValid(pbuffer)) { page = BufferGetPage(pbuffer); if (lsn > PageGetLSN(page)) { Assert(GinPageIsData(page)); Assert(!GinPageIsLeaf(page)); GinPageDeletePostingItem(page, data->parentOffset); PageSetLSN(page, lsn); MarkBufferDirty(pbuffer); } } } if (record->xl_info & XLR_BKP_BLOCK(2)) (void) RestoreBackupBlock(lsn, record, 2, false, false); else if (data->leftBlkno != InvalidBlockNumber) { lbuffer = XLogReadBuffer(data->node, data->leftBlkno, false); if (BufferIsValid(lbuffer)) { page = BufferGetPage(lbuffer); if (lsn > PageGetLSN(page)) { Assert(GinPageIsData(page)); GinPageGetOpaque(page)->rightlink = data->rightLink; PageSetLSN(page, lsn); MarkBufferDirty(lbuffer); } UnlockReleaseBuffer(lbuffer); } } if (BufferIsValid(pbuffer)) UnlockReleaseBuffer(pbuffer); if (BufferIsValid(dbuffer)) UnlockReleaseBuffer(dbuffer); }
static void ginRedoSplit(XLogRecPtr lsn, XLogRecord *record) { ginxlogSplit *data = (ginxlogSplit *) XLogRecGetData(record); Buffer lbuffer, rbuffer; Page lpage, rpage; uint32 flags; uint32 lflags, rflags; char *payload; bool isLeaf = (data->flags & GIN_INSERT_ISLEAF) != 0; bool isData = (data->flags & GIN_INSERT_ISDATA) != 0; bool isRoot = (data->flags & GIN_SPLIT_ROOT) != 0; payload = XLogRecGetData(record) + sizeof(ginxlogSplit); /* * First clear incomplete-split flag on child page if this finishes a * split */ if (!isLeaf) { if (record->xl_info & XLR_BKP_BLOCK(0)) (void) RestoreBackupBlock(lsn, record, 0, false, false); else ginRedoClearIncompleteSplit(lsn, data->node, data->leftChildBlkno); } flags = 0; if (isLeaf) flags |= GIN_LEAF; if (isData) flags |= GIN_DATA; if (isLeaf && isData) flags |= GIN_COMPRESSED; lflags = rflags = flags; if (!isRoot) lflags |= GIN_INCOMPLETE_SPLIT; lbuffer = XLogReadBuffer(data->node, data->lblkno, true); Assert(BufferIsValid(lbuffer)); lpage = (Page) BufferGetPage(lbuffer); GinInitBuffer(lbuffer, lflags); rbuffer = XLogReadBuffer(data->node, data->rblkno, true); Assert(BufferIsValid(rbuffer)); rpage = (Page) BufferGetPage(rbuffer); GinInitBuffer(rbuffer, rflags); GinPageGetOpaque(lpage)->rightlink = BufferGetBlockNumber(rbuffer); GinPageGetOpaque(rpage)->rightlink = isRoot ? InvalidBlockNumber : data->rrlink; /* Do the tree-type specific portion to restore the page contents */ if (isData) ginRedoSplitData(lpage, rpage, payload); else ginRedoSplitEntry(lpage, rpage, payload); PageSetLSN(rpage, lsn); MarkBufferDirty(rbuffer); PageSetLSN(lpage, lsn); MarkBufferDirty(lbuffer); if (isRoot) { BlockNumber rootBlkno = data->rrlink; Buffer rootBuf = XLogReadBuffer(data->node, rootBlkno, true); Page rootPage = BufferGetPage(rootBuf); GinInitBuffer(rootBuf, flags & ~GIN_LEAF & ~GIN_COMPRESSED); if (isData) { Assert(rootBlkno != GIN_ROOT_BLKNO); ginDataFillRoot(NULL, BufferGetPage(rootBuf), BufferGetBlockNumber(lbuffer), BufferGetPage(lbuffer), BufferGetBlockNumber(rbuffer), BufferGetPage(rbuffer)); } else { Assert(rootBlkno == GIN_ROOT_BLKNO); ginEntryFillRoot(NULL, BufferGetPage(rootBuf), BufferGetBlockNumber(lbuffer), BufferGetPage(lbuffer), BufferGetBlockNumber(rbuffer), BufferGetPage(rbuffer)); } PageSetLSN(rootPage, lsn); MarkBufferDirty(rootBuf); UnlockReleaseBuffer(rootBuf); } UnlockReleaseBuffer(rbuffer); UnlockReleaseBuffer(lbuffer); }
static void ginRedoInsert(XLogRecPtr lsn, XLogRecord *record) { ginxlogInsert *data = (ginxlogInsert *) XLogRecGetData(record); Buffer buffer; Page page; char *payload; BlockNumber leftChildBlkno = InvalidBlockNumber; BlockNumber rightChildBlkno = InvalidBlockNumber; bool isLeaf = (data->flags & GIN_INSERT_ISLEAF) != 0; payload = XLogRecGetData(record) + sizeof(ginxlogInsert); /* * First clear incomplete-split flag on child page if this finishes a * split. */ if (!isLeaf) { leftChildBlkno = BlockIdGetBlockNumber((BlockId) payload); payload += sizeof(BlockIdData); rightChildBlkno = BlockIdGetBlockNumber((BlockId) payload); payload += sizeof(BlockIdData); if (record->xl_info & XLR_BKP_BLOCK(0)) (void) RestoreBackupBlock(lsn, record, 0, false, false); else ginRedoClearIncompleteSplit(lsn, data->node, leftChildBlkno); } /* If we have a full-page image, restore it and we're done */ if (record->xl_info & XLR_BKP_BLOCK(isLeaf ? 0 : 1)) { (void) RestoreBackupBlock(lsn, record, isLeaf ? 0 : 1, false, false); return; } buffer = XLogReadBuffer(data->node, data->blkno, false); if (!BufferIsValid(buffer)) return; /* page was deleted, nothing to do */ page = (Page) BufferGetPage(buffer); if (lsn > PageGetLSN(page)) { /* How to insert the payload is tree-type specific */ if (data->flags & GIN_INSERT_ISDATA) { Assert(GinPageIsData(page)); ginRedoInsertData(buffer, isLeaf, rightChildBlkno, payload); } else { Assert(!GinPageIsData(page)); ginRedoInsertEntry(buffer, isLeaf, rightChildBlkno, payload); } PageSetLSN(page, lsn); MarkBufferDirty(buffer); } UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer); }
/* * redo any page update (except page split) */ static void gistRedoPageUpdateRecord(XLogRecPtr lsn, XLogRecord *record) { char *begin = XLogRecGetData(record); gistxlogPageUpdate *xldata = (gistxlogPageUpdate *) begin; Buffer buffer; Page page; char *data; /* * We need to acquire and hold lock on target page while updating the left * child page. If we have a full-page image of target page, getting the * lock is a side-effect of restoring that image. Note that even if the * target page no longer exists, we'll still attempt to replay the change * on the child page. */ if (record->xl_info & XLR_BKP_BLOCK(0)) buffer = RestoreBackupBlock(lsn, record, 0, false, true); else buffer = XLogReadBuffer(xldata->node, xldata->blkno, false); /* Fix follow-right data on left child page */ if (BlockNumberIsValid(xldata->leftchild)) gistRedoClearFollowRight(lsn, record, 1, xldata->node, xldata->leftchild); /* Done if target page no longer exists */ if (!BufferIsValid(buffer)) return; /* nothing more to do if page was backed up (and no info to do it with) */ if (record->xl_info & XLR_BKP_BLOCK(0)) { UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer); return; } page = (Page) BufferGetPage(buffer); /* nothing more to do if change already applied */ if (lsn <= PageGetLSN(page)) { UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer); return; } data = begin + sizeof(gistxlogPageUpdate); /* Delete old tuples */ if (xldata->ntodelete > 0) { int i; OffsetNumber *todelete = (OffsetNumber *) data; data += sizeof(OffsetNumber) * xldata->ntodelete; for (i = 0; i < xldata->ntodelete; i++) PageIndexTupleDelete(page, todelete[i]); if (GistPageIsLeaf(page)) GistMarkTuplesDeleted(page); } /* add tuples */ if (data - begin < record->xl_len) { OffsetNumber off = (PageIsEmpty(page)) ? FirstOffsetNumber : OffsetNumberNext(PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page)); while (data - begin < record->xl_len) { IndexTuple itup = (IndexTuple) data; Size sz = IndexTupleSize(itup); OffsetNumber l; data += sz; l = PageAddItem(page, (Item) itup, sz, off, false, false); if (l == InvalidOffsetNumber) elog(ERROR, "failed to add item to GiST index page, size %d bytes", (int) sz); off++; } } else { /* * special case: leafpage, nothing to insert, nothing to delete, then * vacuum marks page */ if (GistPageIsLeaf(page) && xldata->ntodelete == 0) GistClearTuplesDeleted(page); } if (!GistPageIsLeaf(page) && PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page) == InvalidOffsetNumber && xldata->blkno == GIST_ROOT_BLKNO) { /* * all links on non-leaf root page was deleted by vacuum full, so root * page becomes a leaf */ GistPageSetLeaf(page); } GistPageGetOpaque(page)->rightlink = InvalidBlockNumber; PageSetLSN(page, lsn); MarkBufferDirty(buffer); UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer); }
static void spgRedoAddNode(XLogRecPtr lsn, XLogRecord *record) { char *ptr = XLogRecGetData(record); spgxlogAddNode *xldata = (spgxlogAddNode *) ptr; char *innerTuple; SpGistInnerTupleData innerTupleHdr; SpGistState state; Buffer buffer; Page page; int bbi; XLogRedoAction action; ptr += sizeof(spgxlogAddNode); innerTuple = ptr; /* the tuple is unaligned, so make a copy to access its header */ memcpy(&innerTupleHdr, innerTuple, sizeof(SpGistInnerTupleData)); fillFakeState(&state, xldata->stateSrc); if (xldata->blknoNew == InvalidBlockNumber) { /* update in place */ Assert(xldata->blknoParent == InvalidBlockNumber); if (XLogReadBufferForRedo(lsn, record, 0, xldata->node, xldata->blkno, &buffer) == BLK_NEEDS_REDO) { page = BufferGetPage(buffer); PageIndexTupleDelete(page, xldata->offnum); if (PageAddItem(page, (Item) innerTuple, innerTupleHdr.size, xldata->offnum, false, false) != xldata->offnum) elog(ERROR, "failed to add item of size %u to SPGiST index page", innerTupleHdr.size); PageSetLSN(page, lsn); MarkBufferDirty(buffer); } if (BufferIsValid(buffer)) UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer); } else { /* * In normal operation we would have all three pages (source, dest, * and parent) locked simultaneously; but in WAL replay it should be * safe to update them one at a time, as long as we do it in the right * order. * * The logic here depends on the assumption that blkno != blknoNew, * else we can't tell which BKP bit goes with which page, and the LSN * checks could go wrong too. */ Assert(xldata->blkno != xldata->blknoNew); /* Install new tuple first so redirect is valid */ if (xldata->newPage) { buffer = XLogReadBuffer(xldata->node, xldata->blknoNew, true); /* AddNode is not used for nulls pages */ SpGistInitBuffer(buffer, 0); action = BLK_NEEDS_REDO; } else action = XLogReadBufferForRedo(lsn, record, 1, xldata->node, xldata->blknoNew, &buffer); if (action == BLK_NEEDS_REDO) { page = BufferGetPage(buffer); addOrReplaceTuple(page, (Item) innerTuple, innerTupleHdr.size, xldata->offnumNew); /* * If parent is in this same page, don't advance LSN; doing so * would fool us into not applying the parent downlink update * below. We'll update the LSN when we fix the parent downlink. */ if (xldata->blknoParent != xldata->blknoNew) { PageSetLSN(page, lsn); } MarkBufferDirty(buffer); } if (BufferIsValid(buffer)) UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer); /* Delete old tuple, replacing it with redirect or placeholder tuple */ if (XLogReadBufferForRedo(lsn, record, 0, xldata->node, xldata->blkno, &buffer) == BLK_NEEDS_REDO) { SpGistDeadTuple dt; page = BufferGetPage(buffer); if (state.isBuild) dt = spgFormDeadTuple(&state, SPGIST_PLACEHOLDER, InvalidBlockNumber, InvalidOffsetNumber); else dt = spgFormDeadTuple(&state, SPGIST_REDIRECT, xldata->blknoNew, xldata->offnumNew); PageIndexTupleDelete(page, xldata->offnum); if (PageAddItem(page, (Item) dt, dt->size, xldata->offnum, false, false) != xldata->offnum) elog(ERROR, "failed to add item of size %u to SPGiST index page", dt->size); if (state.isBuild) SpGistPageGetOpaque(page)->nPlaceholder++; else SpGistPageGetOpaque(page)->nRedirection++; /* * If parent is in this same page, don't advance LSN; doing so * would fool us into not applying the parent downlink update * below. We'll update the LSN when we fix the parent downlink. */ if (xldata->blknoParent != xldata->blkno) { PageSetLSN(page, lsn); } MarkBufferDirty(buffer); } if (BufferIsValid(buffer)) UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer); /* * Update parent downlink. Since parent could be in either of the * previous two buffers, it's a bit tricky to determine which BKP bit * applies. */ if (xldata->blknoParent == xldata->blkno) bbi = 0; else if (xldata->blknoParent == xldata->blknoNew) bbi = 1; else bbi = 2; if (record->xl_info & XLR_BKP_BLOCK(bbi)) { if (bbi == 2) /* else we already did it */ (void) RestoreBackupBlock(lsn, record, bbi, false, false); action = BLK_RESTORED; buffer = InvalidBuffer; } else { action = XLogReadBufferForRedo(lsn, record, bbi, xldata->node, xldata->blknoParent, &buffer); Assert(action != BLK_RESTORED); } if (action == BLK_NEEDS_REDO) { SpGistInnerTuple innerTuple; page = BufferGetPage(buffer); innerTuple = (SpGistInnerTuple) PageGetItem(page, PageGetItemId(page, xldata->offnumParent)); spgUpdateNodeLink(innerTuple, xldata->nodeI, xldata->blknoNew, xldata->offnumNew); PageSetLSN(page, lsn); MarkBufferDirty(buffer); } if (BufferIsValid(buffer)) UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer); } }
void gin_desc(StringInfo buf, uint8 xl_info, char *rec) { uint8 info = xl_info & ~XLR_INFO_MASK; switch (info) { case XLOG_GIN_CREATE_INDEX: appendStringInfoString(buf, "Create index, "); desc_node(buf, *(RelFileNode *) rec, GIN_ROOT_BLKNO); break; case XLOG_GIN_CREATE_PTREE: appendStringInfoString(buf, "Create posting tree, "); desc_node(buf, ((ginxlogCreatePostingTree *) rec)->node, ((ginxlogCreatePostingTree *) rec)->blkno); break; case XLOG_GIN_INSERT: { ginxlogInsert *xlrec = (ginxlogInsert *) rec; char *payload = rec + sizeof(ginxlogInsert); appendStringInfoString(buf, "Insert item, "); desc_node(buf, xlrec->node, xlrec->blkno); appendStringInfo(buf, " isdata: %c isleaf: %c", (xlrec->flags & GIN_INSERT_ISDATA) ? 'T' : 'F', (xlrec->flags & GIN_INSERT_ISLEAF) ? 'T' : 'F'); if (!(xlrec->flags & GIN_INSERT_ISLEAF)) { BlockNumber leftChildBlkno; BlockNumber rightChildBlkno; leftChildBlkno = BlockIdGetBlockNumber((BlockId) payload); payload += sizeof(BlockIdData); rightChildBlkno = BlockIdGetBlockNumber((BlockId) payload); payload += sizeof(BlockNumber); appendStringInfo(buf, " children: %u/%u", leftChildBlkno, rightChildBlkno); } if (!(xlrec->flags & GIN_INSERT_ISDATA)) appendStringInfo(buf, " isdelete: %c", (((ginxlogInsertEntry *) payload)->isDelete) ? 'T' : 'F'); else if (xlrec->flags & GIN_INSERT_ISLEAF) { ginxlogRecompressDataLeaf *insertData = (ginxlogRecompressDataLeaf *) payload; if (xl_info & XLR_BKP_BLOCK(0)) appendStringInfo(buf, " (full page image)"); else desc_recompress_leaf(buf, insertData); } else { ginxlogInsertDataInternal *insertData = (ginxlogInsertDataInternal *) payload; appendStringInfo(buf, " pitem: %u-%u/%u", PostingItemGetBlockNumber(&insertData->newitem), ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&insertData->newitem.key), ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&insertData->newitem.key)); } } break; case XLOG_GIN_SPLIT: { ginxlogSplit *xlrec = (ginxlogSplit *) rec; appendStringInfoString(buf, "Page split, "); desc_node(buf, ((ginxlogSplit *) rec)->node, ((ginxlogSplit *) rec)->lblkno); appendStringInfo(buf, " isrootsplit: %c", (((ginxlogSplit *) rec)->flags & GIN_SPLIT_ROOT) ? 'T' : 'F'); appendStringInfo(buf, " isdata: %c isleaf: %c", (xlrec->flags & GIN_INSERT_ISDATA) ? 'T' : 'F', (xlrec->flags & GIN_INSERT_ISLEAF) ? 'T' : 'F'); } break; case XLOG_GIN_VACUUM_PAGE: appendStringInfoString(buf, "Vacuum page, "); desc_node(buf, ((ginxlogVacuumPage *) rec)->node, ((ginxlogVacuumPage *) rec)->blkno); break; case XLOG_GIN_VACUUM_DATA_LEAF_PAGE: { ginxlogVacuumDataLeafPage *xlrec = (ginxlogVacuumDataLeafPage *) rec; appendStringInfoString(buf, "Vacuum data leaf page, "); desc_node(buf, xlrec->node, xlrec->blkno); if (xl_info & XLR_BKP_BLOCK(0)) appendStringInfo(buf, " (full page image)"); else desc_recompress_leaf(buf, &xlrec->data); } break; case XLOG_GIN_DELETE_PAGE: appendStringInfoString(buf, "Delete page, "); desc_node(buf, ((ginxlogDeletePage *) rec)->node, ((ginxlogDeletePage *) rec)->blkno); break; case XLOG_GIN_UPDATE_META_PAGE: appendStringInfoString(buf, "Update metapage, "); desc_node(buf, ((ginxlogUpdateMeta *) rec)->node, GIN_METAPAGE_BLKNO); break; case XLOG_GIN_INSERT_LISTPAGE: appendStringInfoString(buf, "Insert new list page, "); desc_node(buf, ((ginxlogInsertListPage *) rec)->node, ((ginxlogInsertListPage *) rec)->blkno); break; case XLOG_GIN_DELETE_LISTPAGE: appendStringInfo(buf, "Delete list pages (%d), ", ((ginxlogDeleteListPages *) rec)->ndeleted); desc_node(buf, ((ginxlogDeleteListPages *) rec)->node, GIN_METAPAGE_BLKNO); break; default: appendStringInfo(buf, "unknown gin op code %u", info); break; } }