コード例 #1
void ExtractFrustumPlanes(XMFLOAT4 planes[6], CXMMATRIX M)
	// Left
	planes[0].x = M(0,3) + M(0,0);
	planes[0].y = M(1,3) + M(1,0);
	planes[0].z = M(2,3) + M(2,0);
	planes[0].w = M(3,3) + M(3,0);

	// Right
	planes[1].x = M(0,3) - M(0,0);
	planes[1].y = M(1,3) - M(1,0);
	planes[1].z = M(2,3) - M(2,0);
	planes[1].w = M(3,3) - M(3,0);

	// Bottom
	planes[2].x = M(0,3) + M(0,1);
	planes[2].y = M(1,3) + M(1,1);
	planes[2].z = M(2,3) + M(2,1);
	planes[2].w = M(3,3) + M(3,1);

	// Top
	planes[3].x = M(0,3) - M(0,1);
	planes[3].y = M(1,3) - M(1,1);
	planes[3].z = M(2,3) - M(2,1);
	planes[3].w = M(3,3) - M(3,1);

	// Near
	planes[4].x = M(0,2);
	planes[4].y = M(1,2);
	planes[4].z = M(2,2);
	planes[4].w = M(3,2);

	// Far
	planes[5].x = M(0,3) - M(0,2);
	planes[5].y = M(1,3) - M(1,2);
	planes[5].z = M(2,3) - M(2,2);
	planes[5].w = M(3,3) - M(3,2);

	// Normalize the plane equations.
	for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
		XMVECTOR v = XMPlaneNormalize(XMLoadFloat4(&planes[i]));
		XMStoreFloat4(&planes[i], v);
コード例 #2
ファイル: d3dUtil.cpp プロジェクト: tczzyzymj/Prectice
void ExtractFrustumPlanes(XMFLOAT4 planes[6], CXMMATRIX M)
    // Left
    planes[0].x = M.r[0].m128_f32[3] + M.r[0].m128_f32[0];
    planes[0].y = M.r[1].m128_f32[3] + M.r[1].m128_f32[0];
    planes[0].z = M.r[2].m128_f32[3] + M.r[2].m128_f32[0];
    planes[0].w = M.r[3].m128_f32[3] + M.r[3].m128_f32[0];

    // Right
    planes[1].x = M.r[0].m128_f32[3] - M.r[0].m128_f32[0];
    planes[1].y = M.r[1].m128_f32[3] - M.r[1].m128_f32[0];
    planes[1].z = M.r[2].m128_f32[3] - M.r[2].m128_f32[0];
    planes[1].w = M.r[3].m128_f32[3] - M.r[3].m128_f32[0];

    // Bottom
    planes[2].x = M.r[0].m128_f32[3] + M.r[0].m128_f32[1];
    planes[2].y = M.r[1].m128_f32[3] + M.r[1].m128_f32[1];
    planes[2].z = M.r[2].m128_f32[3] + M.r[2].m128_f32[1];
    planes[2].w = M.r[3].m128_f32[3] + M.r[3].m128_f32[1];

    // Top
    planes[3].x = M.r[0].m128_f32[3] - M.r[0].m128_f32[1];
    planes[3].y = M.r[1].m128_f32[3] - M.r[1].m128_f32[1];
    planes[3].z = M.r[2].m128_f32[3] - M.r[2].m128_f32[1];
    planes[3].w = M.r[3].m128_f32[3] - M.r[3].m128_f32[1];

    // Near
    planes[4].x = M.r[0].m128_f32[2];
    planes[4].y = M.r[1].m128_f32[2];
    planes[4].z = M.r[2].m128_f32[2];
    planes[4].w = M.r[3].m128_f32[2];

    // Far
    planes[5].x = M.r[0].m128_f32[3] - M.r[0].m128_f32[2];
    planes[5].y = M.r[1].m128_f32[3] - M.r[1].m128_f32[2];
    planes[5].z = M.r[2].m128_f32[3] - M.r[2].m128_f32[2];
    planes[5].w = M.r[3].m128_f32[3] - M.r[3].m128_f32[2];

    // Normalize the plane equations.
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
        XMVECTOR v = XMPlaneNormalize(XMLoadFloat4(&planes[i]));
        XMStoreFloat4(&planes[i], v);
コード例 #3
void Frustum::ConstructFrustum(float screenDepth, XMFLOAT4X4 projectionMatrix, XMFLOAT4X4 viewMatrix)

	float zMinimum, r;
	XMFLOAT4X4 matrix;

	// Calculate the minimum Z distance in the frustum.
	zMinimum = -projectionMatrix._43 / projectionMatrix._33;
	r = screenDepth / (screenDepth - zMinimum);
	projectionMatrix._33 = r;
	projectionMatrix._43 = -r * zMinimum;

	// Create the frustum matrix from the view matrix and updated projection matrix.
	XMStoreFloat4x4( &matrix,XMMatrixMultiply(XMLoadFloat4x4(&viewMatrix), XMLoadFloat4x4(&projectionMatrix)) );

	// Calculate near plane of frustum.
	m_planes[0].x = matrix._14 + matrix._13;
	m_planes[0].y = matrix._24 + matrix._23;
	m_planes[0].z = matrix._34 + matrix._33;
	m_planes[0].w = matrix._44 + matrix._43;
	XMStoreFloat4( &m_planesNorm[0],XMPlaneNormalize(XMLoadFloat4(&m_planes[0])) );

	// Calculate far plane of frustum.
	m_planes[1].x = matrix._14 - matrix._13; 
	m_planes[1].y = matrix._24 - matrix._23;
	m_planes[1].z = matrix._34 - matrix._33;
	m_planes[1].w = matrix._44 - matrix._43;
	XMStoreFloat4( &m_planesNorm[1],XMPlaneNormalize(XMLoadFloat4(&m_planes[1])) );

	// Calculate left plane of frustum.
	m_planes[2].x = matrix._14 + matrix._11; 
	m_planes[2].y = matrix._24 + matrix._21;
	m_planes[2].z = matrix._34 + matrix._31;
	m_planes[2].w = matrix._44 + matrix._41;
	XMStoreFloat4( &m_planesNorm[2],XMPlaneNormalize(XMLoadFloat4(&m_planes[2])) );

	// Calculate right plane of frustum.
	m_planes[3].x = matrix._14 - matrix._11; 
	m_planes[3].y = matrix._24 - matrix._21;
	m_planes[3].z = matrix._34 - matrix._31;
	m_planes[3].w = matrix._44 - matrix._41;
	XMStoreFloat4( &m_planesNorm[3],XMPlaneNormalize(XMLoadFloat4(&m_planes[3])) );

	// Calculate top plane of frustum.
	m_planes[4].x = matrix._14 - matrix._12; 
	m_planes[4].y = matrix._24 - matrix._22;
	m_planes[4].z = matrix._34 - matrix._32;
	m_planes[4].w = matrix._44 - matrix._42;
	XMStoreFloat4( &m_planesNorm[4],XMPlaneNormalize(XMLoadFloat4(&m_planes[4])) );

	// Calculate bottom plane of frustum.
	m_planes[5].x = matrix._14 + matrix._12;
	m_planes[5].y = matrix._24 + matrix._22;
	m_planes[5].z = matrix._34 + matrix._32;
	m_planes[5].w = matrix._44 + matrix._42;
	XMStoreFloat4( &m_planesNorm[5],XMPlaneNormalize(XMLoadFloat4(&m_planes[5])) );

コード例 #4
void SuperSolarSystemApp::DrawIceCube( )
	float blendFactor[] ={ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
	ID3DX11EffectTechnique *activeTech;

	// 画冰立方, 仅将其渲染到模板缓冲

	mD3dImmediateContext->IASetInputLayout( InputLayouts::NormalObjLayout );
	mD3dImmediateContext->IASetPrimitiveTopology( D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLELIST );

	activeTech = Effects::NormalObjFX->NormalObjTech;
	activeTech->GetDesc( &techDesc );

	UINT stride = sizeof( Vertex::NormalObjVertex );
	UINT offset = 0;
	mD3dImmediateContext->IASetVertexBuffers( 0, 1, &mLightTexVB, &stride, &offset );
	mD3dImmediateContext->IASetIndexBuffer( mLightTexIB, DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT, 0 );

	for ( UINT p = 0; p < techDesc.Passes; p++ )
		XMMATRIX world             = XMLoadFloat4x4( &mWorld[ICECUBE] );
		XMMATRIX worldViewProj     = XMMatrixMultiply( world, mCamera.GetViewProj( ) );
		XMMATRIX worldInvTranspose = MathHelper::InverseTranspose( world );

		// 设置effect中的常量缓冲
		Effects::NormalObjFX->SetWorldViewProj( worldViewProj );
		Effects::NormalObjFX->SetWorld( world );
		Effects::NormalObjFX->SetWorldInvTranspose( worldInvTranspose );
		Effects::NormalObjFX->SetTexTransform( XMLoadFloat4x4( &mTexTransform[ICECUBE] ) );

		// 设置纹理和材质
		Effects::NormalObjFX->SetDiffuseMap( mDiffuseMapSRV[ICECUBE] );
		Effects::NormalObjFX->SetMaterial( mMat[ICECUBE] );

		// 禁止对缓冲目标写操作
		mD3dImmediateContext->OMSetBlendState( RenderStates::NoRenderTargetWritesBS,
			blendFactor, 0xffffffff );

		// 将镜子的可见像素渲染到模板缓冲
		// 但是不能将镜子的深度信息写到深度缓存, 否则将阻塞镜像

		// 这里将镜子可见像素的 stencil value 设置为1, 当做标记了镜子像素
		mD3dImmediateContext->OMSetDepthStencilState( RenderStates::MirrorDSS, 1 );

		activeTech->GetPassByIndex( p )->Apply( 0, mD3dImmediateContext );

		// 恢复措施

		mD3dImmediateContext->OMSetDepthStencilState( 0, 0 );
		mD3dImmediateContext->OMSetBlendState( 0, blendFactor, 0xffffffff );

	// 画天体的镜像

	stride = sizeof( Vertex::NormalObjVertex );
	offset = 0;
	mD3dImmediateContext->IASetVertexBuffers( 0, 1, &mLightTexVB, &stride, &offset );
	mD3dImmediateContext->IASetIndexBuffer( mLightTexIB, DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT, 0 );

	activeTech = Effects::NormalObjFX->NormalObjTech;
	activeTech->GetDesc( &techDesc );

	for ( UINT p = 0; p < techDesc.Passes; ++p )
		// 对每一个冰面镜面确定成像内容
		for ( int planeID = 0; planeID < 6; planeID++ )
			// 未经过世界坐标变换的镜面
			XMVECTOR mirrorPlane = XMVectorSet(

			// 将平面依据世界矩阵做变换
			mirrorPlane = XMPlaneNormalize( mirrorPlane );
			mirrorPlane = XMPlaneTransform( mirrorPlane, MathHelper::InverseTranspose( XMLoadFloat4x4( &mWorld[ICECUBE] ) ) );

			XMMATRIX R = XMMatrixReflect( mirrorPlane );

			for ( int starID = SUN; starID < STARNUMBER; starID++ )
				if ( ICECUBE == starID )

				XMVECTOR target = XMVectorSet( mWorld[starID]._41, mWorld[starID]._42, mWorld[starID]._43, 1.0f );

				// 在镜子后面的物体不做镜像
				if ( MathHelper::PointPlanePosRelation( target, mirrorPlane ) == MathHelper::BEHIND_THE_PLANE )

				// 设置转换矩阵
				XMMATRIX world             = XMLoadFloat4x4( &mWorld[starID] ) * R;
				XMMATRIX worldViewProj     = XMMatrixMultiply( world, mCamera.GetViewProj( ) );
				XMMATRIX worldInvTranspose = MathHelper::InverseTranspose( world );

				// 设置effect中的常量缓冲
				Effects::NormalObjFX->SetWorldViewProj( worldViewProj );
				Effects::NormalObjFX->SetWorld( world );
				Effects::NormalObjFX->SetWorldInvTranspose( worldInvTranspose );
				Effects::NormalObjFX->SetTexTransform( XMLoadFloat4x4( &mTexTransform[starID] ) );

				// 设置纹理和材质
				Effects::NormalObjFX->SetDiffuseMap( mDiffuseMapSRV[starID] );
				Effects::NormalObjFX->SetMaterial( mMat[starID] );

				// 设置RenderStates
				if ( WIREFENCE == starID )
					mD3dImmediateContext->RSSetState( RenderStates::NoCullRS );

				// 处理镜面反射的光线方向, 待解决

				// 改变正面的判定方式
				mD3dImmediateContext->RSSetState( RenderStates::CullClockwiseRS );

				// 只在模板缓冲中标记为可见的镜面像素中写入镜像信息
				mD3dImmediateContext->OMSetDepthStencilState( RenderStates::DrawReflectionDSS, 1 );

				activeTech->GetPassByIndex( p )->Apply( 0, mD3dImmediateContext );

				// 恢复措施

				mD3dImmediateContext->RSSetState( 0 );
				mD3dImmediateContext->OMSetDepthStencilState( 0, 0 );

	// 最后将冰立方渲染至背面缓存, 但是要经过 blending 透明化处理

	mD3dImmediateContext->IASetInputLayout( InputLayouts::NormalObjLayout );
	mD3dImmediateContext->IASetPrimitiveTopology( D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLELIST );

	activeTech = Effects::NormalObjFX->NormalObjTech;
	activeTech->GetDesc( &techDesc );

	stride = sizeof( Vertex::NormalObjVertex );
	offset = 0;
	mD3dImmediateContext->IASetVertexBuffers( 0, 1, &mLightTexVB, &stride, &offset );
	mD3dImmediateContext->IASetIndexBuffer( mLightTexIB, DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT, 0 );

	for ( UINT p = 0; p < techDesc.Passes; p++ )
		XMMATRIX world            = XMLoadFloat4x4( &mWorld[ICECUBE] );
		XMMATRIX worldViewProj    = XMMatrixMultiply( world, mCamera.GetViewProj( ) );
		XMMATRIX worldInvTranspose = MathHelper::InverseTranspose( world );

		// 设置effect中的常量缓冲
		Effects::NormalObjFX->SetWorldViewProj( worldViewProj );
		Effects::NormalObjFX->SetWorld( world );
		Effects::NormalObjFX->SetWorldInvTranspose( worldInvTranspose );
		Effects::NormalObjFX->SetTexTransform( XMLoadFloat4x4( &mTexTransform[ICECUBE] ) );

		// 设置纹理和材质
		Effects::NormalObjFX->SetDiffuseMap( mDiffuseMapSRV[ICECUBE] );
		Effects::NormalObjFX->SetMaterial( mMat[ICECUBE] );

		mD3dImmediateContext->OMSetBlendState( RenderStates::TransparentBS, blendFactor, 0xffffffff );

		activeTech->GetPassByIndex( p )->Apply( 0, mD3dImmediateContext );

		mD3dImmediateContext->OMSetDepthStencilState( 0, 0 );
		mD3dImmediateContext->OMSetBlendState( 0, blendFactor, 0xffffffff );
コード例 #5
ファイル: Frustum.cpp プロジェクト: stwe/sgDx11
void Frustum::ConstructFrustum(FLOAT screenDepth, XMMATRIX projectionMatrix, XMMATRIX viewMatrix)
     FLOAT zMinimum, r;
     XMMATRIX matrix;

     // Calculate the minimum Z distance in the frustum.
     zMinimum = -projectionMatrix._43 / projectionMatrix._33;
     r = screenDepth / (screenDepth - zMinimum);
     projectionMatrix._33 = r;
     projectionMatrix._43 = -r * zMinimum;

     // Create the frustum matrix from the view matrix and updated projection matrix.
     matrix = XMMatrixMultiply(viewMatrix, projectionMatrix);

     XMVECTOR tmp_vector;

     // Calculate near plane of frustum.
     m_planes[0].x = matrix._14 + matrix._13;
     m_planes[0].y = matrix._24 + matrix._23;
     m_planes[0].z = matrix._34 + matrix._33;
     m_planes[0].w = matrix._44 + matrix._43;
     tmp_vector = XMLoadFloat4(&m_planes[0]);
     XMStoreFloat4(&m_planes[0], tmp_vector);

     // Calculate far plane of frustum.
     m_planes[1].x = matrix._14 - matrix._13;
     m_planes[1].y = matrix._24 - matrix._23;
     m_planes[1].z = matrix._34 - matrix._33;
     m_planes[1].w = matrix._44 - matrix._43;
     tmp_vector = XMLoadFloat4(&m_planes[1]);
     XMStoreFloat4(&m_planes[1], tmp_vector);

     // Calculate left plane of frustum.
     m_planes[2].x = matrix._14 + matrix._11;
     m_planes[2].y = matrix._24 + matrix._21;
     m_planes[2].z = matrix._34 + matrix._31;
     m_planes[2].w = matrix._44 + matrix._41;
     tmp_vector = XMLoadFloat4(&m_planes[2]);
     XMStoreFloat4(&m_planes[2], tmp_vector);

     // Calculate right plane of frustum.
     m_planes[3].x = matrix._14 - matrix._11;
     m_planes[3].y = matrix._24 - matrix._21;
     m_planes[3].z = matrix._34 - matrix._31;
     m_planes[3].w = matrix._44 - matrix._41;
     tmp_vector = XMLoadFloat4(&m_planes[3]);
     XMStoreFloat4(&m_planes[3], tmp_vector);

     // Calculate top plane of frustum.
     m_planes[4].x = matrix._14 - matrix._12;
     m_planes[4].y = matrix._24 - matrix._22;
     m_planes[4].z = matrix._34 - matrix._32;
     m_planes[4].w = matrix._44 - matrix._42;
     tmp_vector = XMLoadFloat4(&m_planes[4]);
     XMStoreFloat4(&m_planes[4], tmp_vector);

     // Calculate bottom plane of frustum.
     m_planes[5].x = matrix._14 + matrix._12;
     m_planes[5].y = matrix._24 + matrix._22;
     m_planes[5].z = matrix._34 + matrix._32;
     m_planes[5].w = matrix._44 + matrix._42;
     tmp_vector = XMLoadFloat4(&m_planes[5]);
     XMStoreFloat4(&m_planes[5], tmp_vector);

コード例 #6
ファイル: Frustum.cpp プロジェクト: AceMice/Ze3DProject
void Frustum::CreateFrustum(float screenDepth, XMMATRIX viewMatrix, XMMATRIX projMatrix)
	float zMinimum, r;
	XMFLOAT4X4 projMatrixFloat;
	XMFLOAT4X4 frustumMatrix;
	XMStoreFloat4x4(&projMatrixFloat, projMatrix);

	// Calculate the minimum Z distance in the frustum.
	zMinimum = -projMatrixFloat._43 / projMatrixFloat._33;
	r = screenDepth / (screenDepth - zMinimum);
	projMatrixFloat._33 = r;
	projMatrixFloat._43 = -r * zMinimum;

	XMMATRIX updatedProjMatrix = XMLoadFloat4x4(&projMatrixFloat);

	//Create the frustum from the viewMatrix and updated projectionMatrix
	XMStoreFloat4x4(&frustumMatrix, XMMatrixMultiply(viewMatrix, updatedProjMatrix)); ;

	//Calculate near plane of frustum
	XMVectorSetX(this->planes[0], frustumMatrix._14 + frustumMatrix._13);
	XMVectorSetY(this->planes[0], frustumMatrix._24 + frustumMatrix._23);
	XMVectorSetZ(this->planes[0], frustumMatrix._34 + frustumMatrix._33);
	XMVectorSetW(this->planes[0], frustumMatrix._44 + frustumMatrix._43);
	this->planes[0] = XMPlaneNormalize(this->planes[0]);
	//this->planes[0] = XMVector3Normalize(this->planes[0]);

	//Calculate far plane of frustum
	XMVectorSetX(this->planes[1], frustumMatrix._14 - frustumMatrix._13);
	XMVectorSetY(this->planes[1], frustumMatrix._24 - frustumMatrix._23);
	XMVectorSetZ(this->planes[1], frustumMatrix._34 - frustumMatrix._33);
	XMVectorSetW(this->planes[1], frustumMatrix._44 - frustumMatrix._43);
	this->planes[1] = XMPlaneNormalize(this->planes[1]);
	//this->planes[1] = XMVector3Normalize(this->planes[1]);

	//Calculate left plane of frustum
	XMVectorSetX(this->planes[2], frustumMatrix._14 + frustumMatrix._11);
	XMVectorSetY(this->planes[2], frustumMatrix._24 + frustumMatrix._21);
	XMVectorSetZ(this->planes[2], frustumMatrix._34 + frustumMatrix._31);
	XMVectorSetW(this->planes[2], frustumMatrix._44 + frustumMatrix._41);
	this->planes[2] = XMPlaneNormalize(this->planes[2]);
	//this->planes[2] = XMVector3Normalize(this->planes[2]);

	//Calculate right plane of frustum
	XMVectorSetX(this->planes[3], frustumMatrix._14 - frustumMatrix._11);
	XMVectorSetY(this->planes[3], frustumMatrix._24 - frustumMatrix._21);
	XMVectorSetZ(this->planes[3], frustumMatrix._34 - frustumMatrix._31);
	XMVectorSetW(this->planes[3], frustumMatrix._44 - frustumMatrix._41);
	this->planes[3] = XMPlaneNormalize(this->planes[3]);
	//this->planes[3] = XMVector3Normalize(this->planes[3]);

	//Calculate top plane of frustum
	XMVectorSetX(this->planes[4], frustumMatrix._14 - frustumMatrix._12);
	XMVectorSetY(this->planes[4], frustumMatrix._24 - frustumMatrix._22);
	XMVectorSetZ(this->planes[4], frustumMatrix._34 - frustumMatrix._32);
	XMVectorSetW(this->planes[4], frustumMatrix._44 - frustumMatrix._42);
	this->planes[4] = XMPlaneNormalize(this->planes[4]);
	//this->planes[4] = XMVector3Normalize(this->planes[4]);

	//Calculate bottom plane of frustum
	XMVectorSetX(this->planes[5], frustumMatrix._14 + frustumMatrix._12);
	XMVectorSetY(this->planes[5], frustumMatrix._24 + frustumMatrix._22);
	XMVectorSetZ(this->planes[5], frustumMatrix._34 + frustumMatrix._32);
	XMVectorSetW(this->planes[5], frustumMatrix._44 + frustumMatrix._42);
	this->planes[5] = XMPlaneNormalize(this->planes[5]);
	//this->planes[5] = XMVector3Normalize(this->planes[5]);

	/*for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
		float denom = 1.0f / XMVectorGetX(XMVector3Length(this->planes[i]));
		XMVectorSetX(this->planes[i], XMVectorGetX(this->planes[i]) * denom);
		XMVectorSetY(this->planes[i], XMVectorGetY(this->planes[i]) * denom);
		XMVectorSetZ(this->planes[i], XMVectorGetZ(this->planes[i]) * denom);
		XMVectorSetW(this->planes[i], XMVectorGetW(this->planes[i]) * denom);

コード例 #7
void FrustumClass::ConstructFrustum(XMMATRIX& projectionMatrix, XMMATRIX& viewMatrix)
	float zMinimum, r;
	XMFLOAT4X4 matrix;
	XMMATRIX projection;
	XMFLOAT4X4 proj;
	XMStoreFloat4x4(&proj, projectionMatrix);

	// Calculate the minimum Z distance in the frustum.
	//zMinimum = -projectionMatrix._43 / projectionMatrix._33;
	//r = m_screenDepth / (m_screenDepth - zMinimum);
	//projectionMatrix._33 = r;
	//projectionMatrix._43 = -r * zMinimum;

	zMinimum = -proj._43 / proj._33;
	r = m_screenDepth / (m_screenDepth - zMinimum);
	proj._33 = r;
	proj._43 = -r * zMinimum;
	projection = XMLoadFloat4x4(&proj);

	// Create the frustum matrix from the view matrix and updated projection matrix.
	XMStoreFloat4x4(&matrix, XMMatrixMultiply(viewMatrix, projectionMatrix));

	XMVECTOR tmp_vector;

	// Calculate near plane of frustum.
	m_planes[0].x = matrix._14 + matrix._13;
	m_planes[0].y = matrix._24 + matrix._23;
	m_planes[0].z = matrix._34 + matrix._33;
	m_planes[0].w = matrix._44 + matrix._43;
	tmp_vector = XMLoadFloat4(&m_planes[0]);
	XMStoreFloat4(&m_planes[0], tmp_vector);

	// Calculate far plane of frustum.
	m_planes[1].x = matrix._14 - matrix._13;
	m_planes[1].y = matrix._24 - matrix._23;
	m_planes[1].z = matrix._34 - matrix._33;
	m_planes[1].w = matrix._44 - matrix._43;
	tmp_vector = XMLoadFloat4(&m_planes[1]);
	XMStoreFloat4(&m_planes[1], tmp_vector);

	// Calculate left plane of frustum.
	m_planes[2].x = matrix._14 + matrix._11;
	m_planes[2].y = matrix._24 + matrix._21;
	m_planes[2].z = matrix._34 + matrix._31;
	m_planes[2].w = matrix._44 + matrix._41;
	tmp_vector = XMLoadFloat4(&m_planes[2]);
	XMStoreFloat4(&m_planes[2], tmp_vector);

	// Calculate right plane of frustum.
	m_planes[3].x = matrix._14 - matrix._11;
	m_planes[3].y = matrix._24 - matrix._21;
	m_planes[3].z = matrix._34 - matrix._31;
	m_planes[3].w = matrix._44 - matrix._41;
	tmp_vector = XMLoadFloat4(&m_planes[3]);
	XMStoreFloat4(&m_planes[3], tmp_vector);

	// Calculate top plane of frustum.
	m_planes[4].x = matrix._14 - matrix._12;
	m_planes[4].y = matrix._24 - matrix._22;
	m_planes[4].z = matrix._34 - matrix._32;
	m_planes[4].w = matrix._44 - matrix._42;
	tmp_vector = XMLoadFloat4(&m_planes[4]);
	XMStoreFloat4(&m_planes[4], tmp_vector);

	// Calculate bottom plane of frustum.
	m_planes[5].x = matrix._14 + matrix._12;
	m_planes[5].y = matrix._24 + matrix._22;
	m_planes[5].z = matrix._34 + matrix._32;
	m_planes[5].w = matrix._44 + matrix._42;
	tmp_vector = XMLoadFloat4(&m_planes[5]);
	XMStoreFloat4(&m_planes[5], tmp_vector);
コード例 #8
ファイル: Frustum.cpp プロジェクト: xrEngine512/AEngine
void Frustum::ConstructFrustum(float screenDepth, XMMATRIX &projectionMatrix, XMMATRIX &viewMatrix)
    float zMinimum, r;
    XMMATRIX matrix;
    XMFLOAT4X4 f_matrix, f_projectionMatrix, f_viewMatrix;
    XMFLOAT4 planes[6];
    // Create the frustum matrix from the view matrix and updated projection matrix.
    matrix = XMMatrixMultiply(viewMatrix, projectionMatrix);
    XMStoreFloat4x4(&f_projectionMatrix, projectionMatrix);
    XMStoreFloat4x4(&f_viewMatrix, viewMatrix);
    XMStoreFloat4x4(&f_matrix, matrix);
    // Calculate the minimum Z distance in the frustum.
    zMinimum = -f_projectionMatrix._43 / f_projectionMatrix._33;
    r = screenDepth / (screenDepth - zMinimum);
    f_projectionMatrix._33 = r;
    f_projectionMatrix._43 = -r * zMinimum;

    // Calculate near plane of frustum.
    planes[0].x = f_matrix._14 + f_matrix._13;
    planes[0].y = f_matrix._24 + f_matrix._23;
    planes[0].z = f_matrix._34 + f_matrix._33;
    planes[0].w = f_matrix._44 + f_matrix._43;

    // Calculate far plane of frustum.
    planes[1].x = f_matrix._14 - f_matrix._13;
    planes[1].y = f_matrix._24 - f_matrix._23;
    planes[1].z = f_matrix._34 - f_matrix._33;
    planes[1].w = f_matrix._44 - f_matrix._43;

    // Calculate left plane of frustum.
    planes[2].x = f_matrix._14 + f_matrix._11;
    planes[2].y = f_matrix._24 + f_matrix._21;
    planes[2].z = f_matrix._34 + f_matrix._31;
    planes[2].w = f_matrix._44 + f_matrix._41;

    // Calculate right plane of frustum.
    planes[3].x = f_matrix._14 - f_matrix._11;
    planes[3].y = f_matrix._24 - f_matrix._21;
    planes[3].z = f_matrix._34 - f_matrix._31;
    planes[3].w = f_matrix._44 - f_matrix._41;

    // Calculate top plane of frustum.
    planes[4].x = f_matrix._14 - f_matrix._12;
    planes[4].y = f_matrix._24 - f_matrix._22;
    planes[4].z = f_matrix._34 - f_matrix._32;
    planes[4].w = f_matrix._44 - f_matrix._42;

    // Calculate bottom plane of frustum.
    planes[5].x = f_matrix._14 + f_matrix._12;
    planes[5].y = f_matrix._24 + f_matrix._22;
    planes[5].z = f_matrix._34 + f_matrix._32;
    planes[5].w = f_matrix._44 + f_matrix._42;

    int i = 0;
    for (auto plane : planes)
        m_planes[i] = XMLoadFloat4(&plane);
