コード例 #1
ファイル: BoidManager.cpp プロジェクト: hxshly/FYP
	float x, y, z;
	if (XMVectorGetX(b) == -1.0f)
			x = (XMVectorGetX(a) * XMVectorGetX(b));
		else {
				x = XMVectorGetX(a);

	if (XMVectorGetY(b) == -1.0f)
			y = (XMVectorGetY(a) * XMVectorGetY(b));
		else {
				y = XMVectorGetY(a);

	if (XMVectorGetZ(b) == -1.0f)
			z = (XMVectorGetZ(a) * XMVectorGetZ(b));
		else {
				z = XMVectorGetZ(a);

	XMVECTOR mult = XMVectorSet(x, y, z, 0.0f);

	return mult;
コード例 #2
ファイル: BoundUtils.cpp プロジェクト: bxs3514/Realtime_GI
void GetBoundCornersFromPoints(const XMFLOAT3* points, uint32 numPoints, uint32 stride, 
	XMVECTOR &minx, XMVECTOR &maxx, XMVECTOR &miny, XMVECTOR &maxy, XMVECTOR &minz, XMVECTOR &maxz)
	Assert_(numPoints > 0);

	minx = maxx = miny = maxy = minz = maxz = XMLoadFloat3(points);

	for (uint32 i = 1; i < numPoints; i++)
		XMVECTOR Point = XMLoadFloat3((XMFLOAT3*)((BYTE*)points + i * stride));

		float px = XMVectorGetX(Point);
		float py = XMVectorGetY(Point);
		float pz = XMVectorGetZ(Point);

		if (px < XMVectorGetX(minx))
			minx = Point;

		if (px > XMVectorGetX(maxx))
			maxx = Point;

		if (py < XMVectorGetY(miny))
			miny = Point;

		if (py > XMVectorGetY(maxy))
			maxy = Point;

		if (pz < XMVectorGetZ(minz))
			minz = Point;

		if (pz > XMVectorGetZ(maxz))
			maxz = Point;
コード例 #3
    void FirstPersonCamera::Update(const GameTime& gameTime)
		XMFLOAT2 movementAmount = Vector2Helper::Zero;
        if (mKeyboard != nullptr)
            if (mKeyboard->IsKeyDown(DIK_W))
                movementAmount.y = 1.0f;

            if (mKeyboard->IsKeyDown(DIK_S))
                movementAmount.y = -1.0f;

            if (mKeyboard->IsKeyDown(DIK_A))
                movementAmount.x = -1.0f;

            if (mKeyboard->IsKeyDown(DIK_D))
                movementAmount.x = 1.0f;

        XMFLOAT2 rotationAmount = Vector2Helper::Zero;
        if ((mMouse != nullptr) && (mMouse->IsButtonHeldDown(MouseButtons::Left)))
            LPDIMOUSESTATE mouseState = mMouse->CurrentState();			
            rotationAmount.x = -mouseState->lX * mMouseSensitivity;
            rotationAmount.y = -mouseState->lY * mMouseSensitivity;

		float elapsedTime = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime();
        XMVECTOR rotationVector = XMLoadFloat2(&rotationAmount) * mRotationRate * elapsedTime;
        XMVECTOR right = XMLoadFloat3(&mRight);

        XMMATRIX pitchMatrix = XMMatrixRotationAxis(right, XMVectorGetY(rotationVector));
        XMMATRIX yawMatrix = XMMatrixRotationY(XMVectorGetX(rotationVector));

        ApplyRotation(XMMatrixMultiply(pitchMatrix, yawMatrix));

        XMVECTOR position = XMLoadFloat3(&mPosition);
		XMVECTOR movement = XMLoadFloat2(&movementAmount) * mMovementRate * elapsedTime;

		XMVECTOR strafe = right * XMVectorGetX(movement);
        position += strafe;

        XMVECTOR forward = XMLoadFloat3(&mDirection) * XMVectorGetY(movement);
        position += forward;
        XMStoreFloat3(&mPosition, position);

コード例 #4
ファイル: BoneModel.cpp プロジェクト: HxTenshi/TGS25
void BoneModel::createBone(){

	auto& bones = mBoneAssetDataPtr->GetFileData().GetBoneData().mBoneBuffer;
	auto& boneName = mBoneAssetDataPtr->GetFileData().GetBoneData().mBoneName;

	DWORD mBoneNum = bones.size();

	DWORD ikCount = 0;
	for (DWORD i = 0; i < mBoneNum; i++){
		auto& bone = bones[i];

		mBone[i].mStrName = boneName[i];
		mBone[i].mHierarchy.mIdxSelf = i;
		mBone[i].mHierarchy.mIdxParent = bone.parent_bidx;
		if (bone.parent_bidx >= (int)mBoneNum) mBone[i].mHierarchy.mIdxParent = UINT(-1);

		XMVECTOR head_pos = XMVectorSet(bone.bone_head_pos[0], bone.bone_head_pos[1], bone.bone_head_pos[2], 0.0f);
		XMVECTOR parent_pos = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
		if (mBone[i].mHierarchy.mIdxParent < (int)mBoneNum){
			UINT p = mBone[i].mHierarchy.mIdxParent;
			parent_pos = XMVectorSet(bones[p].bone_head_pos[0], bones[p].bone_head_pos[1], bones[p].bone_head_pos[2], 0.0f);

		XMVECTOR local_pos = XMVectorSubtract(head_pos, parent_pos);

		mBone[i].mPos = XMFLOAT3(XMVectorGetX(local_pos), XMVectorGetY(local_pos), XMVectorGetZ(local_pos));
		mBone[i].mScale = XMFLOAT3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
		XMVECTOR q = XMQuaternionIdentity();
		mBone[i].mRot = XMFLOAT4(XMVectorGetX(q), XMVectorGetY(q), XMVectorGetZ(q), XMVectorGetW(q));

		XMVECTOR scale = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
		mBone[i].mMtxPose = SRTMatrix(scale, q, local_pos);
		if (mBone[i].mHierarchy.mIdxParent < (int)mBoneNum){
			mBone[i].mMtxPose = XMMatrixMultiply(mBone[i].mMtxPose, mBone[mBone[i].mHierarchy.mIdxParent].mMtxPose);
		if (bone.bone_flag & pmx::t_bone::BIT_IK){
			mBone[i].mIkBoneIdx = (WORD)bone.t_ik_data_idx;

			createIk(ikCount, i);
			mBone[i].mIkBoneIdx = 0;

		mBone[i].mMtxPoseInit = mBone[i].mMtxPose;

コード例 #5
ファイル: OctreeSystem.cpp プロジェクト: CCJY/Engine-DX11-
inline BOOL checkCamInOctree(const Engine::Octree *octree, const Engine::PerspCamera *cam)
	const XMVECTOR p = cam->getCameraPosition();

	if (XMVectorGetX(p) >= octree->vertex[0].x && XMVectorGetX(p) < octree->vertex[7].x &&
		XMVectorGetY(p) >= octree->vertex[0].y && XMVectorGetY(p) < octree->vertex[7].y &&
		XMVectorGetZ(p) >= octree->vertex[0].z && XMVectorGetZ(p) < octree->vertex[7].z)
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;
コード例 #6
    // Name: Update()
    // Desc: Adds a new frame of positions, updates the coordiante system, and calculates 
    //       left and right hand.
    VOID SpineRelativeCameraSpaceCoordinateSystem::Update( const NUI_SKELETON_FRAME* pRawSkeletonFrame, INT iSkeletonIndex, XMVECTOR vLeft, XMVECTOR vRight )
        if ( pRawSkeletonFrame == NULL ) return;
        if ( iSkeletonIndex < 0 || iSkeletonIndex >= NUI_SKELETON_COUNT ) return;
        CONST XMVECTOR *pSkeletonPosition = &pRawSkeletonFrame->SkeletonData[iSkeletonIndex].SkeletonPositions[0];

        if ( m_dwLastTrackingID != pRawSkeletonFrame->SkeletonData[iSkeletonIndex].dwTrackingID )
            m_vAverageNormalToGravity = pRawSkeletonFrame->vNormalToGravity;
            m_vAverageNormalToGravity = m_fSpineUpdateRate * m_vAverageNormalToGravity +
                 pRawSkeletonFrame->vNormalToGravity * ( 1.0f - m_fSpineUpdateRate );
#if 0
        CHAR out[255];
        sprintf_s( out, "x=%f,y=%f,z=%f,w=%f\n", pRawSkeletonFrame->vNormalToGravity.x, pRawSkeletonFrame->vNormalToGravity.y, pRawSkeletonFrame->vNormalToGravity.z, pRawSkeletonFrame->vNormalToGravity.w );
        OutputDebugString( out );
        m_matRotateToNormalToGravity = NuiTransformMatrixLevel( m_vAverageNormalToGravity );
        XMVECTOR vSpineTilted = XMVector3Transform( pSkeletonPosition[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_SPINE], m_matRotateToNormalToGravity );
        XMVECTOR vHeadTilted = XMVector3Transform( pSkeletonPosition[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HEAD], m_matRotateToNormalToGravity );
        m_vLeftHandRelative = XMVector3Transform( vLeft, m_matRotateToNormalToGravity );
        m_vRightHandRelative = XMVector3Transform( vRight, m_matRotateToNormalToGravity );

        FLOAT fSpineHeadLength = XMVectorGetY( vHeadTilted ) - XMVectorGetY( vSpineTilted );
        if ( m_dwLastTrackingID != pRawSkeletonFrame->SkeletonData[iSkeletonIndex].dwTrackingID )
            m_dwLastTrackingID = pRawSkeletonFrame->SkeletonData[iSkeletonIndex].dwTrackingID;
            m_vAverageSpine = vSpineTilted;
            m_fAverageSpineHeadLength = fSpineHeadLength;
            m_vAverageSpine = m_vAverageSpine * m_fSpineUpdateRate + 
                vSpineTilted * ( 1.0f - m_fSpineUpdateRate );
            m_fAverageSpineHeadLength = ATG::Lerp( fSpineHeadLength, m_fAverageSpineHeadLength, m_fBodySizeUpdateRate );

        m_vEstiamtedPivotOffsetLeft = XMVectorSet( m_fAverageSpineHeadLength * 0.3f, m_fAverageSpineHeadLength * 0.1f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
        m_vEstiamtedPivotOffsetRight = XMVectorSet( -m_fAverageSpineHeadLength * 0.3f, m_fAverageSpineHeadLength * 0.1f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
        m_vRightHandRelative -= m_vAverageSpine;
        m_vRightHandRelative += m_vEstiamtedPivotOffsetRight;
        m_vLeftHandRelative -= m_vAverageSpine;
        m_vLeftHandRelative += m_vEstiamtedPivotOffsetLeft;
        static XMVECTOR vFlipZ = XMVectorSet( 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f );
        m_vRightHandRelative *= vFlipZ;
        m_vLeftHandRelative *= vFlipZ;

コード例 #7
ファイル: SceneNode.cpp プロジェクト: IAmMurdock/Halp
bool SceneNode::check_collision(SceneNode* compare_tree, SceneNode* object_tree_root)
	// check to see if root of tree being compared is same as root node of object tree being checked
	// i.e. stop object node and children being checked against each other
	if (object_tree_root == compare_tree) return false;

	// only check for collisions if both nodes contain a model
	if (m_p_model && compare_tree->m_p_model)
		XMVECTOR v1 = get_world_centre_position();
		XMVECTOR v2 = compare_tree->get_world_centre_position();
		XMVECTOR vdiff = v1 - v2;

		//XMVECTOR a = XMVector3Length(vdiff);
		float x1 = XMVectorGetX(v1);
		float x2 = XMVectorGetX(v2);
		float y1 = XMVectorGetY(v1);
		float y2 = XMVectorGetY(v2);
		float z1 = XMVectorGetZ(v1);
		float z2 = XMVectorGetZ(v2);

		float dx = x1 - x2;
		float dy = y1 - y2;
		float dz = z1 - z2;

		// check bounding sphere collision
		if (sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz) <
			(compare_tree->m_p_model->GetBoundingSphereRadius() * compare_tree->m_world_scale) +
			(this->m_p_model->GetBoundingSphereRadius() * m_world_scale))
			return true;

	// iterate through compared tree child nodes
	for (int i = 0; i< compare_tree->m_children.size(); i++)
		// check for collsion against all compared tree child nodes 
		if (check_collision(compare_tree->m_children[i], object_tree_root) == true) return true;

	// iterate through composite object child nodes
	for (int i = 0; i< m_children.size(); i++)
		// check all the child nodes of the composite object against compared tree
		if (m_children[i]->check_collision(compare_tree, object_tree_root) == true) return true;

	return false;

コード例 #8
ファイル: Frustum.cpp プロジェクト: harr999y/Whisperwind
	Frustum::LocateSide Frustum::testContainState(FXMVECTOR plane, const Util::AABBPtr & aabb)
		Util::real dist = XMVectorGetX(XMPlaneDotCoord(plane, aabb->getCenterPoint()));

		XMVECTOR halfSize = aabb->getHalfSize();
		Util::real maxAbsDist = abs(XMVectorGetX(plane) * XMVectorGetX(halfSize)) + 
			abs(XMVectorGetY(plane) * XMVectorGetY(halfSize)) +
			abs(XMVectorGetZ(plane) * XMVectorGetZ(halfSize));

		if (dist < -maxAbsDist)
			return LS_NEGATIVE;

		if (dist > + maxAbsDist)
			return LS_POSITIVE;

		return LS_INTERSECT;
コード例 #9
void		CFVec4::SetXY( CFVec2Arg fv2Source )
	const XMVECTOR& v2V = *reinterpret_cast<const XMVECTOR*>( &fv2Source );
	XMVECTOR& v4V = *reinterpret_cast<XMVECTOR*>(this);

	v4V = XMVectorSetX( v4V, XMVectorGetX( v2V ) );
	v4V = XMVectorSetY( v4V, XMVectorGetY( v2V ) );
コード例 #10
ファイル: Game.cpp プロジェクト: StevTechy/ObjLoader
void Game::UpdateScene()
	floorWorld = XMMatrixIdentity();

	scale = XMMatrixScaling(250.0f, 1.0f, 250.0f);
	translation = XMMatrixTranslation(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	floorWorld = scale*translation;

	//Keep the cubes rotating
	rotSpeed += .0005f;
	if (rotSpeed > 6.26f)
		rotSpeed = 0.0f;

	//When used, these matrices will rotate objects
	rotateAboutX = XMMatrixRotationAxis(rotXAxis, -rotSpeed);
	rotateAboutY = XMMatrixRotationAxis(rotYAxis, -rotSpeed);
	rotateAboutZ = XMMatrixRotationAxis(rotZAxis, -rotSpeed);

	scale = XMMatrixScaling(2, scaleY, 2);

	//Reset cubes locations
	cube1World = XMMatrixIdentity();
	cube2World = XMMatrixIdentity();

	//When used, these matrices will set an objects position
	translation = XMMatrixTranslation(-5.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f);

	//Set cube1's world space using the transformations
	cube1World = rotateAboutX * translation * scale;

	//When used, these matrices will set an objects position
	translation = XMMatrixTranslation(5.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f);

	//Set cube2's world space matrix
	cube2World = rotateAboutY * translation * scale;

	meshWorld = XMMatrixIdentity();
	travelSpeed += 0.0003f;
	//Setting meshes scale, translation and rotation
	scale = XMMatrixScaling(0.2f,0.2f,0.2f);
	translation = XMMatrixTranslation(-travelSpeed, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	rotation = XMMatrixRotationRollPitchYaw(0, XMConvertToRadians(180), 0);

	meshWorld = translation * rotation * scale;

	//Reset sphereWorld
	sphereWorld = XMMatrixIdentity();

	//Define sphereWorld's world space matrix
	scale = XMMatrixScaling(5.0f, 5.0f, 5.0f);
	//Make sure the sphere is always centered around camera
	translation = XMMatrixTranslation(XMVectorGetX(camPosition), XMVectorGetY(camPosition), XMVectorGetZ(camPosition));

	//Set sphereWorld's world space using the transformations
	sphereWorld = scale * translation;
コード例 #11
ファイル: GameObject.cpp プロジェクト: mrmoeman/GroupProject
//ALEX OWEN - 26/01/15 - set the position with a vector
void GameObject::setPositionVec(FXMVECTOR _position)
	position.x = XMVectorGetX(_position);
	position.y = XMVectorGetY(_position);
	position.z = XMVectorGetZ(_position);
	updated = true;
	transformed = true;

コード例 #12
XMFLOAT3 CineCameraClass::StrafeRight()
	wchar_t* outstring = L"CineCameraClass::Strafe Right\n";
	WriteConsole(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), outstring, wcslen(outstring), NULL, NULL);

	XMVECTOR sideWaysVector = XMVector3Normalize(XMVector3Cross(XMLoadFloat3(&upDirection), XMLoadFloat3(&direction) ));

	return XMFLOAT3(XMVectorGetX(sideWaysVector) * STRAFE_SPEED, XMVectorGetY(sideWaysVector) * STRAFE_SPEED, XMVectorGetZ(sideWaysVector) * STRAFE_SPEED);
コード例 #13
void		CFVec4::SetXYZ( CFVec3Arg fv3Source )
	const XMVECTOR& v3V = *reinterpret_cast<const XMVECTOR*>( &fv3Source );
	XMVECTOR& v4V = *reinterpret_cast<XMVECTOR*>(this);

	v4V = XMVectorSetX( v4V, XMVectorGetX( v3V ) );
	v4V = XMVectorSetY( v4V, XMVectorGetY( v3V ) );
	v4V = XMVectorSetZ( v4V, XMVectorGetZ( v3V ) );
コード例 #14
ファイル: GameObject.cpp プロジェクト: mrmoeman/GroupProject
//ALEX OWEN - 26/01/15 - set the position with a vector
void GameObject::setRotationVec(FXMVECTOR _rotation)
	rotation.x = XMVectorGetX(_rotation);
	rotation.y = XMVectorGetY(_rotation);
	rotation.z = XMVectorGetZ(_rotation);
	updated = true;
	transformed = true;

コード例 #15
ファイル: DEMO.cpp プロジェクト: locpk/Mockingbird
float ObjectToCamera(XMFLOAT4X4* _objMatrix, XMFLOAT3 _cameraPos)
	XMVECTOR obj = XMVectorZero();
	obj = XMVector3Transform(obj, XMLoadFloat4x4(_objMatrix));
	float ObjtoCameraX = XMVectorGetX(obj) - _cameraPos.x;
	float ObjtoCameraY = XMVectorGetY(obj) - _cameraPos.y;
	float ObjtoCameraZ = XMVectorGetZ(obj) - _cameraPos.z;
	return ObjtoCameraX*ObjtoCameraX + ObjtoCameraY*ObjtoCameraY + ObjtoCameraZ*ObjtoCameraZ;
コード例 #16
ファイル: GUIShaderDX.cpp プロジェクト: Elzevir/xbmc
void CGUIShaderDX::Project(float &x, float &y, float &z)
  XMVECTOR vLocation = { x, y, z };
  XMVECTOR vScreenCoord = XMVector3Project(vLocation, m_cbViewPort.TopLeftX, m_cbViewPort.TopLeftY, 
                                           m_cbViewPort.Width, m_cbViewPort.Height, 0, 1, 
                                           m_cbWorldViewProj.projection, m_cbWorldViewProj.view, m_cbWorldViewProj.world);
  x = XMVectorGetX(vScreenCoord);
  y = XMVectorGetY(vScreenCoord);
  z = 0;
コード例 #17
ファイル: BoneModel.cpp プロジェクト: HxTenshi/TGS25
	XMMATRIX mtx = XMMatrixRotationQuaternion(quat);

	//ZYX Y=-90〜90°Y軸=ねじり方向
	float rx = -atan2f(XMVectorGetY(mtx.r[2]), XMVectorGetZ(mtx.r[2]));
	float ry = asinf(XMVectorGetX(mtx.r[2]));
	float rz = -atan2f(XMVectorGetX(mtx.r[1]), XMVectorGetX(mtx.r[0]));
	return XMVectorSet(rx, ry, rz, 0);
コード例 #18
XMFLOAT3 CineCameraClass::MoveBackward()
	wchar_t* outstring = L"CineCameraClass::Move Backward\n";
	WriteConsole(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), outstring, wcslen(outstring), NULL, NULL);
	XMVECTOR sideWaysVector = XMVector3Normalize(XMVector3Cross(XMLoadFloat3(&upDirection), XMLoadFloat3(&direction) ));
	XMVECTOR forwardVector = XMVector3Normalize(XMVector3Cross(XMLoadFloat3(&trueUpDirection), sideWaysVector ));
	return XMFLOAT3(XMVectorGetX(forwardVector) * ADVANCE_SPEED, XMVectorGetY(forwardVector) * ADVANCE_SPEED, XMVectorGetZ(forwardVector) * ADVANCE_SPEED);
コード例 #19
void D3DCamera::RebuildView()
    // Keep camera's axes orthogonal to each other and of unit length.
    m_LookAt = XMVector3Normalize(m_LookAt);

    m_Up = XMVector3Cross(m_LookAt, m_Right);
    m_Up = XMVector3Normalize(m_Up);

    m_Right = XMVector3Cross(m_Up, m_LookAt);
    m_Right = XMVector3Normalize(m_Right);

    // Fill in the view matrix entries.
    float x = -XMVectorGetX(XMVector3Dot(m_Position, m_Right));
    float y = -XMVectorGetX(XMVector3Dot(m_Position, m_Up));
    float z = -XMVectorGetX(XMVector3Dot(m_Position, m_LookAt));

    XMFLOAT4X4 tempView;

    tempView(0, 0) = XMVectorGetX(m_Right);
    tempView(1, 0) = XMVectorGetY(m_Right);
    tempView(2, 0) = XMVectorGetZ(m_Right);
    tempView(3, 0) = x;

    tempView(0, 1) = XMVectorGetX(m_Up);
    tempView(1, 1) = XMVectorGetY(m_Up);
    tempView(2, 1) = XMVectorGetZ(m_Up);
    tempView(3, 1) = y;

    tempView(0, 2) = XMVectorGetX(m_LookAt);
    tempView(1, 2) = XMVectorGetX(m_LookAt);
    tempView(2, 2) = XMVectorGetX(m_LookAt);
    tempView(3, 2) = z;

    tempView(0, 3) = 0.0f;
    tempView(1, 3) = 0.0f;
    tempView(2, 3) = 0.0f;
    tempView(3, 3) = 1.0f;

    m_ViewMatrix = XMLoadFloat4x4(&tempView);

    // Reconstuct the viewing frustum.
    //m_Frustum->ConstructFrustrum( m_zFar, m_ProjMatrix, m_ViewMatrix );
コード例 #20
ファイル: AtgNuiMenu.cpp プロジェクト: 0xdeafcafe/Yrs2013
// Name: NuiMenu::GetXYForVector()
// Desc: Map normalized space coordinates to screen space.
XMFLOAT2 NuiMenu::GetXYForVector( FXMVECTOR vNormalizedSpace ) const
    assert( m_dwBackBufferWidth  > 0 );
    assert( m_dwBackBufferHeight > 0 );

    XMFLOAT2 rt;
    rt.x = XMVectorGetX( vNormalizedSpace ) * m_dwBackBufferWidth + m_dwBackBufferWidth;
    rt.y = m_dwBackBufferHeight - ( XMVectorGetY( vNormalizedSpace ) * m_dwBackBufferHeight / 2 + m_dwBackBufferHeight / 2 );

    return rt;
コード例 #21
ファイル: ArcBall.cpp プロジェクト: BillyKim/directxcode
XMVECTOR ArcBall::QuatFromBallPoints(XMVECTOR startPoint, XMVECTOR endPoint )
	XMVECTOR dotVector = XMVector3Dot(startPoint, endPoint);
	float fDot = XMVectorGetX(dotVector);

	vPart = XMVector3Cross(startPoint, endPoint);	

	XMVECTOR result = XMVectorSet(XMVectorGetX(vPart), XMVectorGetY(vPart), XMVectorGetZ(vPart), fDot);
	return result;
コード例 #22
void CubeMesh::PreLoad(XCVec4 initialPosition, XCVec4 initialRotation, XCVec4 initialScaling, Material material, Texture2D* texture, RasterType rasterType)
    m_currentPosition = initialPosition;
    m_MTranslation = XMMatrixTranslation(XMVectorGetX(initialPosition), XMVectorGetY(initialPosition), XMVectorGetZ(initialPosition));
    m_material = material;
    if (m_texture)
        m_texture = texture;
    m_rasterType = rasterType;
    Logger("[CubeMesh] Preload done");
コード例 #23
ファイル: LightPoint.cpp プロジェクト: Albeforia/RenderEngine
	void LightPoint::update_radius() {
		XMVECTOR v = colorv();
		float r = XMVectorGetX(v);
		float g = XMVectorGetY(v);
		float b = XMVectorGetZ(v);
		float max = std::fmaxf(std::fmaxf(r, g), b);
		m_radius = (-m_linear +
					std::sqrtf(m_linear * m_linear -
							   4 * m_quadratic * (m_constant - 256.0f * intensity() * max)))
			/ (2 * m_quadratic);
コード例 #24
ファイル: Small.cpp プロジェクト: guorenxu/AIFlockingGameSim
void Small::Draw()
	if (TeamID == NONE)
		renderTexture(PlayerTex, Renderer, (XMVectorGetX(Location) - 4.0f), (XMVectorGetY(Location) - 4.0f));
	else if (TeamID == RED)
		renderTexture(RedTex, Renderer, (XMVectorGetX(Location) - 4.0f), (XMVectorGetY(Location) - 4.0f));
	else //(TeamID == BLUE)
		renderTexture(BlueTex, Renderer, (XMVectorGetX(Location) - 4.0f), (XMVectorGetY(Location) - 4.0f));

	//renderTexture(PointingTex, Renderer, (XMVectorGetX(PointingOneLocation) - 8.0f), (XMVectorGetY(PointingOneLocation) - 8.0f));
	if (TeamID != NONE)
		renderTexture(PointingTex, Renderer, (XMVectorGetX(PointingTwoLocation) - 2.0f), (XMVectorGetY(PointingTwoLocation) - 2.0f));
コード例 #25
void D3DCamera::Move_Z(float d)
    //m_Position += d*m_LookAt;

    // Set the current world matrix to the identity matrix
    m_WorldMatrix = XMMatrixIdentity();

    XMMATRIX temp = XMMatrixTranslation(XMVectorGetX(m_Position), XMVectorGetY(m_Position), XMVectorGetZ(m_Position));

    // Scale the temporary matrix
    m_WorldMatrix *= temp * m_ViewMatrix * m_ProjMatrix;
コード例 #26
ファイル: CameraHandler.cpp プロジェクト: AceMice/Ze3DProject
void CameraHandler::updateCamera(float dt, InputHandler* inputH, GroundModel*model) {

	float speed = 90000;

	if (inputH->IsKeyDown(87)) {	//W
		this->moveBackForward += dt/speed;

	if (inputH->IsKeyDown(83)) {	//S
		this->moveBackForward -= dt/speed;

	if (inputH->IsKeyDown(65)) {	//A
		this->moveLeftRight -= dt/speed;

	if (inputH->IsKeyDown(68)) {	//D
		this->moveLeftRight += dt/speed;

	if (inputH->IsKeyReleased(VK_SPACE)) {	//SPACE
		if (this->lockToTerrain == true) {
			this->lockToTerrain = false;
		else {
			this->lockToTerrain = true;

	if (inputH->IsKeyDown(49)) {	//1
		this->moveUpDown += dt / speed;

	if (inputH->IsKeyDown(50)) {	//2
		this->moveUpDown -= dt/speed;
	if (this->lockToTerrain == true) {
	//Change Pitch/yaw values depending on mouse movement
	this->camPitch += (XMVectorGetY(inputH->GetMouseDeltaPos()) * 0.005);
	if (this->camPitch > 1.5f) {
		this->camPitch = 1.5f;
	else if (this->camPitch < -1.5f) {
		this->camPitch = -1.5f;
	this->camYaw += (XMVectorGetX(inputH->GetMouseDeltaPos()) * 0.005);

コード例 #27
ファイル: Scene.cpp プロジェクト: verrev/0
void Scene::render()



	static float f = 0.0f; f += 0.001f;


	//cbl.lightPosW = XMFLOAT3(-2 * sin(f), 2 * cos(f), -1);
	cbl.lightPosW = XMFLOAT3(XMVectorGetX(c->getPos()), XMVectorGetY(c->getPos()), XMVectorGetZ(c->getPos()));

	DirectX11Core::mDeviceContext->UpdateSubresource(light, 0, 0, &cbl, 0, 0);
	DirectX11Core::mDeviceContext->VSSetConstantBuffers(2, 1, &light);

	float lr = 0, bf = 0, dt = t.getDelta(), factor = 4.5f;
	if (Input::isKeyDown(DIK_W)) {
		bf = dt * factor;
	else if (Input::isKeyDown(DIK_S)) {
		bf = -dt * factor;
	if (Input::isKeyDown(DIK_A)) {
		lr = -dt * factor;
	else if (Input::isKeyDown(DIK_D)) {
		lr = dt * factor;
	static float yaw = 0, pitch = 0, mouseFactor = 1.2f;
	yaw += Input::getMouseX() * dt * mouseFactor;
	pitch += Input::getMouseY() * dt * mouseFactor;
	c->update(lr, bf, yaw, pitch);



	FrameStats fs = t.getStats();
	std::wstring s = L"FPS: ";
	s.append(L" frametime: ");
	s.append(L" (ms)");
	SetWindowText(DirectX11Core::mWindow, s.c_str());
コード例 #28
ファイル: BoundUtils.cpp プロジェクト: bxs3514/Realtime_GI
BBox ComputeBoundingBoxFromPoints(const XMFLOAT3* points, uint32 numPoints, uint32 stride)
	BBox out;
	XMVECTOR MinX, MaxX, MinY, MaxY, MinZ, MaxZ;
	GetBoundCornersFromPoints(points, numPoints, sizeof(XMFLOAT3), MinX, MaxX, MinY, MaxY, MinZ, MaxZ);

	float maxx = XMVectorGetX(MaxX);
	float maxy = XMVectorGetY(MaxY);
	float maxz = XMVectorGetZ(MaxZ);

	float minx = XMVectorGetX(MinX);
	float miny = XMVectorGetY(MinY);
	float minz = XMVectorGetZ(MinZ);

	out.Max.x = maxx;
	out.Max.y = maxy;
	out.Max.z = maxz;

	out.Min.x = minx;
	out.Min.y = miny;
	out.Min.z = minz;

	return out;
コード例 #29
ファイル: Small.cpp プロジェクト: guorenxu/AIFlockingGameSim
void Small::BigDetect()
	if (TeamID != RED)
		for (int i = 0; i < RedList->size(); i++)
			XMVECTOR tempvector = {XMVectorGetX(RedList->at(i)->Location), XMVectorGetY(RedList->at(i)->Location), 0, 0};
			XMVECTOR tempdifference = Location - tempvector;

			if (XMVectorGetX(XMVector2Length(tempdifference)) < 40)
				TeamID = Target->TeamID;
				Chasing = true;
				Flocking = true;

	if (TeamID != BLUE)
		for (int i = 0; i < BlueList->size(); i++)
			XMVECTOR tempvector = {XMVectorGetX(BlueList->at(i)->Location), XMVectorGetY(BlueList->at(i)->Location), 0, 0};
			XMVECTOR tempdifference = Location - tempvector;

			if (XMVectorGetX(XMVector2Length(tempdifference)) < 40)
				TeamID = Target->TeamID;
				Chasing = true;
				Flocking = true;
コード例 #30
ファイル: LooseOctree.cpp プロジェクト: harr999y/Whisperwind
	LooseOctreeZonePtr & LooseOctreeZone::getFitChildZone(const Util::AABBPtr & aabb)
		XMVECTOR nodeCenter = aabb->getCenterPoint();
		XMVECTOR myCenter = mAABB->getCenterPoint();

		Util::u_int x = (XMVectorGetX(nodeCenter) > XMVectorGetX(myCenter)) ? 1 : 0;
		Util::u_int y = (XMVectorGetY(nodeCenter) > XMVectorGetY(myCenter)) ? 1 : 0;
		Util::u_int z = (XMVectorGetZ(nodeCenter) > XMVectorGetZ(myCenter)) ? 1 : 0;

		if (NULL == mChildZones[x][y][z])
			XMVECTOR minPoint = mAABB->getMinPoint();
			XMVECTOR maxPoint = mAABB->getMaxPoint();
			XMFLOAT3 newMin;
			XMFLOAT3 newMax;

			if (0 == x)
				newMin.x = XMVectorGetX(minPoint);
				newMax.x = XMVectorGetX(myCenter);
				newMin.x = XMVectorGetX(myCenter);
				newMax.x = XMVectorGetX(maxPoint);

			if (0 == y)
				newMin.y = XMVectorGetY(minPoint);
				newMax.y = XMVectorGetY(myCenter);
				newMin.y = XMVectorGetY(myCenter);
				newMax.y = XMVectorGetY(maxPoint);

			if (0 == z)
				newMin.z = XMVectorGetZ(minPoint);
				newMax.z = XMVectorGetZ(myCenter);
				newMin.z = XMVectorGetZ(myCenter);
				newMax.z = XMVectorGetZ(maxPoint);

			mChildZones[x][y][z] = boost::make_shared<LooseOctreeZone>(XMLoadFloat3(&newMin), XMLoadFloat3(&newMax), mDepth + 1);

		return mChildZones[x][y][z];