DWORD WINAPI HUD_go(LPVOID lpParam) { XShowMessageBoxUI(XUSER_INDEX_ANY, L"XBLCLOUD Menu", L"Please choose an option.\n\nReboot Console:\nReboots your console.\nCheck Time:\nChecks your remaining Time.\nAimbot:\nDownloads & Installs Aimbot.",3, specialGuideButtons, 0, XMB_ALERTICON, &specialGuideResult, &specialGuideOverlapped); while(!XHasOverlappedIoCompleted(&specialGuideOverlapped))Sleep(500); if(specialGuideResult.dwButtonPressed == 0) { HalReturnToFirmware(HalFatalErrorRebootRoutine); XNotifyUI(L"Rebooting Console..."); } else if(specialGuideResult.dwButtonPressed == 1) { XNotifyUI(timeremaining); } else if(specialGuideResult.dwButtonPressed == 2) { //SentinelV(); XNotifyUI(L"Aimbot - Enabled"); } return 0; }
DWORD WINAPI New_go(LPVOID lpParam) { XShowMessageBoxUI(XUSER_INDEX_ANY, L"Server Options", L"Reboot your Console\n\nCheck your Server Time\n\nEnable Aimbot",3, specialGuideButtonss, 0, XMB_ALERTICON, &specialGuideResult, &specialGuideOverlapped); while(!XHasOverlappedIoCompleted(&specialGuideOverlapped))Sleep(500); if(specialGuideResult.dwButtonPressed == 0) { HalReturnToFirmware(HalFatalErrorRebootRoutine); XNotifyUI(L"Flashing Nand, Rebooting Console..."); } else if(specialGuideResult.dwButtonPressed == 1) { XNotifyUI(timeremaining); } else if(specialGuideResult.dwButtonPressed == 2){ Sleep(500); XNotifyUI(L"Aimbot - Enabled"); Sleep(500); } return 0; }
void FvDebugMsgHelper::CriticalMessageHelper( bool bIsDevAssertion, const char *pcFormat, va_list kArgPtr ) { char acBuffer[ FV_DEBUG_BUFSIZ * 2 ]; FvVSNPrintf( acBuffer, sizeof(acBuffer), pcFormat, kArgPtr ); acBuffer[sizeof(acBuffer)-1] = '\0'; #if FV_ENABLE_STACK_TRACKER if (StackTracker::stackSize() > 0) { std::string stack = StackTracker::buildReport(); strcat( acBuffer, "\n" ); strcat( acBuffer, "Stack trace: " ); strcat( acBuffer, stack.c_str() ); strcat( acBuffer, "\n" ); } #endif // FV_ENABLE_STACK_TRACKER #if !defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( PLAYSTATION3 ) if (g_bShouldWriteToSyslog) { syslog( LOG_CRIT, "%s", acBuffer ); } #endif // (! _WIN32 && !PLAYSTATION3) this->Message( "%s", acBuffer ); this->MessageBackTrace(); if (bIsDevAssertion && !FvDebugFilter::Instance().HasDevelopmentAssertions()) { return; } if (FvDebugFilter::Instance().GetCriticalCallbacks().size() != 0) { FvDebugFilter::CriticalCallbacks::const_iterator it = FvDebugFilter::Instance().GetCriticalCallbacks().begin(); FvDebugFilter::CriticalCallbacks::const_iterator end = FvDebugFilter::Instance().GetCriticalCallbacks().end(); for (; it!=end; ++it) { (*it)->HandleCritical( acBuffer ); } } #ifdef _XBOX360 { OutputDebugString( acBuffer ); LPCWSTR buttons[] = { L"Exit" }; XOVERLAPPED overlapped; MESSAGEBOX_RESULT result; ZeroMemory( &overlapped, sizeof( XOVERLAPPED ) ); TCHAR tcbuffer[ FV_DEBUG_BUFSIZ * 2 ]; WCHAR wcbuffer[ FV_DEBUG_BUFSIZ * 2 ]; vsnprintf( tcbuffer, sizeof(tcbuffer), pcFormat, kArgPtr ); tcbuffer[sizeof(tcbuffer)-1] = '\0'; MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, tcbuffer, -1, wcbuffer, ARRAYSIZE(wcbuffer) ); DWORD dwRet = XShowMessageBoxUI( 0, L"Critical Error", wcbuffer, ARRAYSIZE(buttons), buttons, 0, XMB_ERRORICON, &result, &overlapped ); while( !XHasOverlappedIoCompleted( &overlapped ) ) { extern IDirect3DDevice9 * g_pd3dDevice; g_pd3dDevice->Clear( 0L, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET|D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER|D3DCLEAR_STENCIL, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(0,0,0), 1.0f, 0L ); g_pd3dDevice->Present( 0, 0, NULL, 0 ); } for( int i=0; i<60; i++ ) { extern IDirect3DDevice9 * g_pd3dDevice; g_pd3dDevice->Clear( 0L, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET|D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER|D3DCLEAR_STENCIL, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(0,0,0), 1.0f, 0L ); g_pd3dDevice->Present( 0, 0, NULL, 0 ); } XLaunchNewImage( "", 0 ); } #elif defined ( PLAYSTATION3 ) printf( acBuffer ); printf( "\n" ); FV_ENTER_DEBUGGER(); #elif defined(_WIN32) #if FV_ENABLE_ENTER_DEBUGGER_MESSAGE strcat_s( acBuffer,FV_DEBUG_BUFSIZ * 2, "\nDo you want to enter debugger?\nSelect no will exit the program.\n" ); _set_abort_behavior( 0, _WRITE_ABORT_MSG | _CALL_REPORTFAULT ); if( FvCriticalErrorHandler::Get() ) { switch( FvCriticalErrorHandler::Get()->Ask( acBuffer ) ) { case FvCriticalErrorHandler::ENTERDEBUGGER: FvCriticalErrorHandler::Get()->RecordInfo( false ); FV_ENTER_DEBUGGER(); break; case FvCriticalErrorHandler::EXITDIRECTLY: FvCriticalErrorHandler::Get()->RecordInfo( true ); abort(); break; } } else abort(); #else // FV_ENABLE_ENTER_DEBUGGER_MESSAGE ::MessageBox( 0, acBuffer, "Critical Error Occured", MB_ICONHAND | MB_OK ); abort(); #endif// FV_ENABLE_ENTER_DEBUGGER_MESSAGE #else // defined(_WIN32) char filename[512], hostname[256]; if (gethostname( hostname, sizeof(hostname) ) != 0) hostname[0] = 0; char exeName[512]; const char * pExeName = "unknown"; int len = readlink( "/proc/self/exe", exeName, sizeof(exeName) - 1 ); if (len > 0) { exeName[ len ] = '\0'; char * pTemp = strrchr( exeName, '/' ); if (pTemp != NULL) { pExeName = pTemp + 1; } } FvSNPrintf( filename, sizeof(filename), "assert.%s.%s.%d.log", pExeName, hostname, getpid() ); FILE * assertFile = fopen( filename, "a" ); fprintf( assertFile, "%s", acBuffer ); fclose( assertFile ); *(int*)NULL = 0; typedef void(*BogusFunc)(); ((BogusFunc)NULL)(); #endif // defined(_WIN32) }