コード例 #1
ファイル: UIDialogForm.C プロジェクト: bandi13/RGIS
void UIDialogFormPopup (Widget widget)

	Dimension actionHeight;

	if (!XtIsManaged (XtNameToWidget (widget,UIDialogBulletinName)))
		Widget *children;
		int numChildren;

		XtVaGetValues (XtNameToWidget (widget,UIDialogPaneName),
								XmNchildren, 			&children,
								XmNnumChildren,		&numChildren, NULL);
		XtManageChild (XtNameToWidget (widget,UIDialogBulletinName));

		while (numChildren-- > 0)
			if (XmIsTraversable (children [numChildren])) XtVaSetValues (children [numChildren],XmNtraversalOn, false, NULL);
		XtVaGetValues (XtNameToWidget (widget,UIDialogActionFormName),XmNheight, &actionHeight, NULL);
		XtVaSetValues (XtNameToWidget (widget,UIDialogActionFormName),XmNpaneMaximum, actionHeight,
																						  XmNpaneMinimum, actionHeight,
	XtPopup (widget,XtGrabNone);
	UILoop ();
コード例 #2
ファイル: test22.c プロジェクト: melanj/lesstif
void dumpWidgetTree( Widget w )
   WidgetList list = NULL;
   Cardinal num_children = 0;
   int i;
   static int n = 0;
   Widget child;
   XmNavigationType NavTyp;
   char TextNavigationType[5]="NTSEU";
   static char* indent =
   char tmp[256];
   int w_class;

   *tmp = 0;
   if ( n == 0 )
      printf ( "Widget tree dump. Abbreviations in order of appearance:\n");
      printf ( "   M: Mananged widget, m: Unmanaged widget\n");
      printf ( "   T: Traversable, t: non traversable\n");
      printf ( "   Navigation type: N NONE, T TAB, S STICKY, E EXCLUSIVE\n");
      printf ( "                    U Undefined for the widget\n");

   if ( n >= strlen( indent ) +1 )
         "ERROR:Widget tree is too deep, not enough indent string ( < %d )!\n",
          n );
      n = 0;

   strncpy( tmp, indent, n );
   tmp[n] = 0;

                XmNnavigationType, &NavTyp,
   switch (NavTyp) {
      case XmNONE:                i=0; break;
      case XmTAB_GROUP:           i=1; break;
      case XmSTICKY_TAB_GROUP:    i=2; break;
      case XmEXCLUSIVE_TAB_GROUP: i=3; break;
      default:                    i=4; break;
   w_class = (int)XtClass(w);

   printf( "%s> %s %s %c %d wdgt %s - %#x, class %d",
          XtIsManaged(w) ? "M" : "m",
          XmIsTraversable(w) ? "T" : "t",
          TextNavigationType[i], NavTyp,
          XtName( w ), w, w_class );

   if ( ! XtIsComposite( w ) )
         " no children\n");

   XtVaGetValues( w,
         XmNchildren, &list,
         XmNnumChildren, &num_children,
         NULL );

   printf( " %d %s\n",
      num_children, num_children == 1 ? "child" : "children" );

   for ( i = 1; i <= num_children; i++ )
      child = list[i-1];
      n += 3;
      dumpWidgetTree( child );

      n -= 3;