コード例 #1
ファイル: mahjong.C プロジェクト: zakame/debian-pkg-xshisen
// filename:  regular piece xpm data
// num:       ID for object instance
// closeness: Color closeness for xpm library
Mahjong::ReadFile(Widget w, char *filename, int num, int closeness)
    XpmAttributes attributes;
    int result;
    Pixmap mask;
    Colormap colormap = XDefaultColormapOfScreen(XtScreen(w));
    GC gc;
    XGCValues gcv;

    if (rdata != 0 && data != rdata) {
        XFreePixmap(XtDisplay(w), rdata);
        XFreePixmap(XtDisplay(w), rdatag);
    if (data != 0) {
        XFreePixmap(XtDisplay(w), data);
        XFreePixmap(XtDisplay(w), datag);
    attributes.valuemask = XpmColormap | XpmSize | XpmCloseness;
    attributes.colormap  = colormap;
    attributes.exactColors = False;
    attributes.closeness = closeness;
    id = num;
    result = XpmReadFileToPixmap(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), filename,
                                  &data, &mask, &attributes);
    width  = original_width  = attributes.width;
    height = original_height = attributes.height;
    if (result != XpmSuccess && result != XpmColorError) {
        fprintf(stderr, "XpmReadFileToPixmap failed ");
        switch(result) {
        case XpmOpenFailed:
            fprintf(stderr, "(Cannot open xpm files)\n");
        case XpmFileInvalid:
            fprintf(stderr, "(xpm file may be broken)\n");
        case XpmNoMemory:
            fprintf(stderr, "(memory exhausted)\n");
        case XpmColorFailed:
            fprintf(stderr, "(color allocation failed [closeness:%d])\n",
            fprintf(stderr, "(reason unknown)\n");
        fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", filename);
    } else {
        attributes.valuemask = XpmColormap;
        gcv.foreground = WhitePixelOfScreen(XtScreen(w));
        gc = XCreateGC(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), GCForeground, &gcv);
        datag = MakeHalfBrightPixmap(data, gc);
        result = XpmSuccess;
        XFreeGC(XtDisplay(w), gc);
    rdata  = data;
    rdatag = datag;
    resized = 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: asclock.c プロジェクト: apritzel/asclock
/* Konvertiere XPMIcons nach XImage */
void GetXPM(void)
  XWindowAttributes attributes;
  int ret;

  /* for the colormap */

  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

  asclock.attributes.closeness = 40000; /* Allow for "similar" colors */
  asclock.attributes.valuemask |= (XpmReturnPixels | XpmReturnExtensions | XpmCloseness);

  if (clock_xpm_fn[0])
    ret = XpmReadFileToPixmap(dpy, Root, clock_xpm_fn,
			      &asclock.pixmap, &asclock.mask, &asclock.attributes);
    ret = XpmCreatePixmapFromData(dpy, Root, clock_xpm, &asclock.pixmap, 
				  &asclock.mask, &asclock.attributes);
  if(ret != XpmSuccess)
    {nocolor("create asclock xpm", ERR_colorcells);exit(1);}
  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

  visible.attributes.closeness = 40000; /* Allow for "similar" colors */
  visible.attributes.valuemask |= (XpmReturnPixels | XpmReturnExtensions | XpmCloseness);

 if (clock_xpm_fn[0])
  ret = XpmReadFileToPixmap(dpy, Root, clock_xpm_fn, &visible.pixmap, 
				&visible.mask, &visible.attributes);
  ret = XpmCreatePixmapFromData(dpy, Root, clock_xpm, &visible.pixmap, 
				&visible.mask, &visible.attributes);
 if(ret != XpmSuccess)
   {nocolor("create visible xpm", ERR_colorcells);exit(1);}

  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

  if (led_visible) {
    led.attributes.closeness = 40000; /* Allow for "similar" colors */
    led.attributes.valuemask |= (XpmReturnPixels | XpmReturnExtensions | XpmCloseness);

      ret = XpmReadFileToPixmap(dpy, Root, led_xpm_fn, &led.pixmap, 
			        &led.mask, &led.attributes);
      ret = XpmCreatePixmapFromData(dpy, Root, led_xpm, &led.pixmap, 
  				    &led.mask, &led.attributes);
    if(ret != XpmSuccess)
      {nocolor("create led xpm", ERR_colorcells);exit(1);}

    if(led_elem_width==UNDEFINED) led_elem_width = led.attributes.width/15;
    if(led_elem_height==UNDEFINED) led_elem_height = led.attributes.height;
  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

  if (month_visible) 
    month.attributes.closeness = 40000; /* Allow for "similar" colors */
    month.attributes.valuemask |= (XpmReturnPixels | XpmReturnExtensions | XpmCloseness);

    if( month_xpm_fn[0])
      ret = XpmReadFileToPixmap(dpy, Root, month_xpm_fn,
			        &month.pixmap, &month.mask, &month.attributes);
      ret = XpmCreatePixmapFromData(dpy, Root, month_xpm, &month.pixmap, 
				  &month.mask, &month.attributes);
    if(ret != XpmSuccess)
      {nocolor("create month xpm", ERR_colorcells);exit(1);}

    if(month_elem_width==UNDEFINED) month_elem_width = month.attributes.width;
    if(month_elem_height==UNDEFINED) month_elem_height = month.attributes.height/12;
  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

  if (day_visible)
    date.attributes.closeness = 40000; /* Allow for "similar" colors */
    date.attributes.valuemask |= (XpmReturnPixels | XpmReturnExtensions | XpmCloseness);

    if (date_xpm_fn[0]) 
      ret = XpmReadFileToPixmap(dpy, Root, date_xpm_fn, &date.pixmap, 
			        &date.mask, &date.attributes);
      ret = XpmCreatePixmapFromData(dpy, Root, date_xpm, &date.pixmap, 
 				    &date.mask, &date.attributes);
    if(ret != XpmSuccess)
      {nocolor("create date xpm", ERR_colorcells);exit(1);}

    if(day_elem_width==UNDEFINED) day_elem_width = date.attributes.width/10;
    if(day_elem_height==UNDEFINED) day_elem_height = date.attributes.height;
  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

  if (week_visible) 
    weekday.attributes.closeness = 40000; /* Allow for "similar" colors */
    weekday.attributes.valuemask |= (XpmReturnPixels | XpmReturnExtensions | XpmCloseness);

      ret = XpmReadFileToPixmap(dpy, Root, weekday_xpm_fn,
			        &weekday.pixmap, &weekday.mask, &weekday.attributes);
      ret = XpmCreatePixmapFromData(dpy, Root, weekday_xpm, &weekday.pixmap,
				    &weekday.mask, &weekday.attributes);
    if(ret != XpmSuccess)
      {nocolor("create weekday xpm", ERR_colorcells);exit(1);}

    if(week_elem_width==UNDEFINED) week_elem_width = weekday.attributes.width;
    if(week_elem_height==UNDEFINED) week_elem_height = weekday.attributes.height/7;
  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

  if (beats_visible) {

    beats.attributes.closeness = 40000; /* Allow for "similar" colors */
    beats.attributes.valuemask |= (XpmReturnPixels | XpmReturnExtensions | XpmCloseness);
      ret = XpmReadFileToPixmap(dpy, Root, beats_xpm_fn,
                              &beats.pixmap, &beats.mask, &beats.attributes);
      ret = XpmCreatePixmapFromData(dpy, Root, beats_xpm, &beats.pixmap,
                                    &beats.mask, &beats.attributes);
    if(ret != XpmSuccess)
      {nocolor("create beats xpm", ERR_colorcells);exit(1);}
    if(beats_elem_width==UNDEFINED) beats_elem_width = beats.attributes.width/12;
    if(beats_elem_height==UNDEFINED) beats_elem_height = beats.attributes.height;


コード例 #3
ファイル: icon.c プロジェクト: guns/subtle
subIconInit(int argc,
  VALUE *argv,
  VALUE self)
  SubtlextIcon *i = NULL;

  Data_Get_Struct(self, SubtlextIcon, i);
      VALUE data[3] = { Qnil };

      rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "12", &data[0], &data[1], &data[2]);

      subSubtlextConnect(NULL); ///< Implicit open connection

      /* Find or create icon */
      if(T_STRING == rb_type(data[0])) ///< Icon path
          int hotx = 0, hoty = 0;
          char buf[100] = { 0 };

          /* Expand tildes in path */
          wordexp_t we;

          if(0 == wordexp(RSTRING_PTR(data[0]), &we, 0))
              snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", we.we_wordv[0]);

#endif /* HAVE_WORDEXP_H */
          snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", RSTRING_PTR(data[0]));

          /* Find file */
          if(-1 == access(buf, R_OK))
              char *home = NULL;

              /* Combine paths */
              if((home = getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME")))
                  snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/subtle/icons/%s",
                    home, RSTRING_PTR(data[0]));
                  snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/.local/share/subtle/icons/%s",
                   getenv("HOME"), RSTRING_PTR(data[0]));

              if(-1 == access(buf, R_OK))
                rb_raise(rb_eStandardError, "Icon not found `%s'",

          /* Reading bitmap or pixmap icon file */
          if(BitmapSuccess != XReadBitmapFile(display,
              DefaultRootWindow(display), buf, &i->width, &i->height,
              &i->pixmap, &hotx, &hoty))
#ifdef HAVE_X11_XPM_H
              XpmAttributes attrs;

              /* We could define a color to use on transparent areas, but
               * this can be done on init only, so we just ignore it and
               * expect pixmaps to have no transparent areas at all */

              /* Init attributes */
              attrs.colormap  = DefaultColormap(display, DefaultScreen(display));
              attrs.depth     = DefaultDepth(display, DefaultScreen(display));
              attrs.visual    = DefaultVisual(display, DefaultScreen(display));
              attrs.valuemask = XpmColormap|XpmDepth|XpmVisual;

              if(XpmSuccess == XpmReadFileToPixmap(display,
                  DefaultRootWindow(display), buf, &i->pixmap, NULL, &attrs))
                  i->flags  |= ICON_PIXMAP;
                  i->width   = attrs.width;
                  i->height  = attrs.height;
#endif /* HAVE_X11_XPM_H */
                  rb_raise(rb_eStandardError, "Malormed icon");

                  return Qnil;
          else i->flags |= ICON_BITMAP;
      else if(FIXNUM_P(data[0]) && FIXNUM_P(data[1])) ///< Icon dimensions
          int depth = 1;

          /* Create pixmap or bitmap */
          if(Qtrue == data[2])
              i->flags |= ICON_PIXMAP;
              depth     = XDefaultDepth(display, DefaultScreen(display));
          else i->flags |= ICON_BITMAP;

          /* Create empty pixmap */
          i->width  = FIX2INT(data[0]);
          i->height = FIX2INT(data[1]);
          i->pixmap = XCreatePixmap(display, DefaultRootWindow(display),
            i->width, i->height, depth);
      else if(FIXNUM_P(data[0]))
          XRectangle geom = { 0 };

          i->flags  |= (ICON_BITMAP|ICON_FOREIGN);
          i->pixmap  = NUM2LONG(data[0]);

          subSharedPropertyGeometry(display, i->pixmap, &geom);

          i->width  = geom.width;
          i->height = geom.height;
      else rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Unexpected value-types");

      /* Update object */
      rb_iv_set(i->instance, "@width",  INT2FIX(i->width));
      rb_iv_set(i->instance, "@height", INT2FIX(i->height));
      rb_iv_set(i->instance, "@pixmap", LONG2NUM(i->pixmap));

      XSync(display, False); ///< Sync all changes

      subSharedLogDebugSubtlext("new=icon, width=%03d, height=%03d\n",
        i->width, i->height);

  return Qnil;
} /* }}} */
コード例 #4
int lockScreen(void)
	XSetWindowAttributes attr, attr1, attr2;
	Pixmap shape, pic, lock, shp, bg_pic, bg_shp;
	int screen_number = 0;
	long win_mask = CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWOverrideRedirect;

	if (is_blocked())
		return 0;


	x = 5;
	y = 35;
	(dsp) = XOpenDisplay(":0.0");

	if ((dsp) == NULL) {
		write_log("Could not open Display 0:0\n");
		return (-1);
	dW = XDisplayWidth(dsp, screen_number);
	dH = XDisplayHeight(dsp, screen_number);
	root = XRootWindow(dsp, screen_number);

	/* If a extern XPM background file specified on the command line */
	if (background_filename != NULL) {
		if (XpmReadFileToPixmap
				(dsp, root, background_filename, &bg_pic, &bg_shp,
				 NULL) != XpmOpenFailed)
			win_mask = CWBackPixmap | CWBorderPixel | CWOverrideRedirect;

	attr.background_pixel = 700;
	attr.background_pixmap = bg_pic;
	attr.border_pixel = 100;
	attr.override_redirect = True;

	(wnd1) = XCreateWindow(dsp, root, 0, 0, dW, dH, 0, CopyFromParent, 
			       CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, win_mask, &attr);
	XMapRaised(dsp, wnd1);

	if (logo_filename != NULL) {
		XpmReadFileToPixmap(dsp, root, logo_filename, &pic, &shape, NULL);

	attr1.background_pixmap = pic;
	logo = XCreateWindow(dsp, wnd1, dW - 150, 0, 150, 30, 0, 
			CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent,
			CopyFromParent, CWBackPixmap, &attr1);
	XMapWindow(dsp, logo);
	logo2 = XCreateSimpleWindow(dsp, wnd1, 0, 0, dW - 150, 30, 0, 0, 300);
	XMapWindow(dsp, logo2);

	if (foreground_filename != NULL) {
		XpmReadFileToPixmap(dsp, root, foreground_filename, &lock, &shp, NULL);

	attr2.background_pixmap = lock;
	wnd = XCreateWindow(dsp, wnd1, dW / 2 - 150, dH / 2 - 100, 300, 200, 0,
			CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent,
			CopyFromParent, CWBackPixmap, &attr2);
	//wnd = XCreateSimpleWindow(dsp, wnd1, x, y, 200, 200, 1, 0, 400);
	XMapWindow(dsp, wnd);

	XGrabPointer(dsp, wnd1, False,
			ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask |
			PointerMotionMask, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None,
			None, CurrentTime);
	XGrabKeyboard(dsp, wnd1, False, GrabModeAsync, 
			GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime);
	XSelectInput(dsp, wnd1, KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | 
			ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | 
			PointerMotionMask | ShiftMask |
			LockMask | ControlMask | Mod1Mask 
			| Mod2Mask | Mod3Mask | Mod4Mask | Mod5Mask);

	write_log_fmt("locking screen\n");

	return (0);
コード例 #5
// Pixmap caching utility
void MotifUI::GetPixmaps(Widget w,
                         char *name,
                         Pixmap *pixmap,
                         Pixmap *mask)
   // Try to find pixmap in cache
   PixmapLookupList pixmaps = pixmap_table;
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < n_pixmaps; i++, pixmaps++)
      if (!strcmp((**pixmaps).name, name))
	 *pixmap = (**pixmaps).pixmap;
	 if (mask)
	    *mask = (**pixmaps).mask;

   Pixmap _mask;
   char *s;
   SubstitutionRec subs[1];
   char *bmPath;
   char *PIXMAP_DIR = "/usr/dt/appconfig/icons/%L/%B:"

   if (*name == '/')
     s = name;
#ifdef NO_CDE
      if ((s = getenv("XBMLANGPATH")) && *s)
      if ((s = getenv("XMICONSEARCHPATH")) && *s)
         bmPath = new char [strlen(s) + strlen(PIXMAP_DIR) + 2];
         sprintf(bmPath, "%s:%s", PIXMAP_DIR, s);
         bmPath = PIXMAP_DIR;
      subs[0].match = 'B';
      subs[0].substitution = name;
      s = XtFindFile(bmPath, subs, XtNumber(subs), NULL);
      if (bmPath != PIXMAP_DIR)
         delete [] bmPath;

   struct stat statbuf;
   if (!s || stat(s, &statbuf) < 0)
      *pixmap = XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP;
      if (mask)
         *mask = XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP;

   int len = strlen(s);
   if (!strcmp(s + len - 3, ".pm"))
      XpmAttributes attributes;
      memset((char *)&attributes, 0, sizeof(XpmAttributes));
#ifdef NO_CDE
      XpmReadFileToPixmap(display, root, s, pixmap, &_mask, &attributes);
      _DtXpmReadFileToPixmap(display, root, s, pixmap, &_mask, &attributes);

      if (_mask)
         FillBackground(w, *pixmap, _mask);
#ifdef NO_CDE
      if (UIClass() == MAIN_WINDOW)
         *pixmap = XmGetPixmapByDepth(XtScreen(w), s, white, black, depth);
         *pixmap = XmGetPixmapByDepth(XtScreen(w), s, black, white, depth);
      char *s1 = new char [len + 3];
      strcpy(s1, s);
      strcpy(s1 + len - 3, "_m.bm");
      if (stat(s1, &statbuf) < 0)
         _mask = XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP;
         _mask = XmGetPixmapByDepth(XtScreen(w), s1, white, black, 1);
         FillBackground(w, *pixmap, _mask);
      delete [] s1;
   if (mask)
      *mask = _mask;
   if (s != name)

   // Add pixmap to table
   if (!(n_pixmaps % 8))
      pixmaps = new PixmapLookup [n_pixmaps + 8];
      for (i = 0; i < n_pixmaps; i++)
	 pixmaps[i] = pixmap_table[i];
      for (i = n_pixmaps; i < n_pixmaps + 8; i++)
	 pixmaps[i] = new PixmapLookupStruct;
      delete []pixmap_table;
      pixmap_table = pixmaps;
   pixmap_table[n_pixmaps]->name = strdup(name);
   pixmap_table[n_pixmaps]->pixmap = *pixmap;
   pixmap_table[n_pixmaps]->mask = _mask;
コード例 #6
ファイル: pixmap.c プロジェクト: mcgrew/lxvt
rxvt_load_pixmap(rxvt_t *r, const char *file, long* pwidth, long* pheight)
    char*	    f;
    int		    flen;
#if defined(USE_JPEG) || defined(USE_PNG)
    long	    w = 0, h = 0;
    XpmAttributes   xpm_attr;
    Pixmap	    pixmap;


    assert(file != NULL);
    if ((char) 0 == *file) { /* No file to load */
	return None;

    xpm_attr.closeness = 30000;
    xpm_attr.colormap = XCMAP;
    xpm_attr.visual = XVISUAL;
    xpm_attr.depth = XDEPTH;
    xpm_attr.valuemask = (XpmCloseness | XpmColormap |
	    XpmVisual | XpmDepth | XpmSize | XpmReturnPixels);

    /* search environment variables here too */
    if (NULL == (f = (char*) rxvt_File_find (file, ".xpm", r->h->rs[Rs_path]))
#ifdef USE_JPEG
	&& NULL == (f = (char*) rxvt_File_find (file, ".jpg", r->h->rs[Rs_path]))
	&& NULL == (f = (char*) rxvt_File_find (file, ".jpeg", r->h->rs[Rs_path]))
#ifdef USE_PNG
	&& NULL == (f = (char*) rxvt_File_find (file, ".png", r->h->rs[Rs_path]))
	)   {
	char	       *p;
	/* semi-colon delimited */
	if (NULL == (p = STRCHR(file, ';')))
	    p = STRCHR(file, '\0');
	rxvt_msg (DBG_ERROR, DBG_PIXMAP, "couldn't load image file \"%.*s\"", (p - file), file);
	return None;

    flen = STRLEN (f);
#ifdef USE_JPEG
    if ((flen >= 4 && !STRNCASECMP (f+flen-4, ".jpg", 4)) ||
	(flen >= 5 && !STRNCASECMP (f+flen-5, ".jpeg",5)))  {
	GC	gc = DefaultGC (r->Xdisplay, XSCREEN);
	if (!JpegReadFileToPixmap (r->Xdisplay, XROOT, gc, f,
	    &pixmap, &w, &h))	{
	    *pwidth = w;
	    *pheight = h;
#ifdef USE_PNG
    if (flen >= 4 && !STRNCASECMP (f+flen-4, ".png", 4))    {
	GC	gc = DefaultGC (r->Xdisplay, XSCREEN);
	if (!PngReadFileToPixmap (r->Xdisplay, XROOT, gc, f,
	    &pixmap, &w, &h))	{
	    *pwidth = w;
	    *pheight = h;
    if (!XpmReadFileToPixmap(r->Xdisplay, XROOT, f,
	&pixmap, NULL, &xpm_attr))  {
	*pwidth = xpm_attr.width;
	*pheight = xpm_attr.height;
	/* empty to suppress compile error */

    if (NOT_PIXMAP(pixmap)) {
	char	       *p;
	/* semi-colon delimited */
	if ((p = STRCHR(file, ';')) == NULL)
	p = STRCHR(file, '\0');
	rxvt_msg (DBG_ERROR, DBG_PIXMAP, "couldn't load image file \"%.*s\"", (p - file), file);

    return  (pixmap);
コード例 #7
	JXDisplay*			display,
	const JCharacter*	fileName,
	JXImage**			image
#ifdef _J_HAS_XPM

	JXColormap* colormap = display->GetColormap();

	Pixmap image_pixmap = None;
	Pixmap mask_pixmap  = None;

	XpmAttributes attr;
	attr.valuemask          = XpmVisual | XpmColormap | XpmDepth |
							  XpmExactColors | XpmCloseness |
							  XpmColorKey | XpmAllocCloseColors |
	attr.visual             = colormap->GetVisual();
	attr.colormap           = colormap->GetXColormap();
	attr.depth              = display->GetDepth();
	attr.color_key          = XPM_COLOR;
	attr.alloc_pixels       = NULL;
	attr.nalloc_pixels      = 0;
	attr.alloc_close_colors = kJTrue;	// so we can free all resulting pixels
	attr.exactColors        = 1;
	attr.closeness          = 0;

	const int xpmErr =
		XpmReadFileToPixmap(*display, display->GetRootWindow(),
							&image_pixmap, &mask_pixmap, &attr);
	if (xpmErr == XpmOpenFailed && JFileExists(fileName))
		return JAccessDenied(fileName);
	else if (xpmErr == XpmOpenFailed)
		return JDirEntryDoesNotExist(fileName);
	else if (xpmErr == XpmFileInvalid)
		return FileIsNotXPM(fileName);
	else if (xpmErr == XpmNoMemory)
		return JNoProcessMemory();
	else if (xpmErr == XpmColorFailed || xpmErr == XpmColorError)
		if (image_pixmap != None)
			XFreePixmap(*display, image_pixmap);
		if (mask_pixmap != None)
			XFreePixmap(*display, mask_pixmap);
		if (attr.alloc_pixels != NULL)
			XFreeColors(*display, attr.colormap, attr.alloc_pixels, attr.nalloc_pixels, 0);
		return TooManyColors();

	// create image and mask

	*image = new JXImage(display, image_pixmap);
	assert( *image != NULL );

	XFreePixmap(*display, image_pixmap);

	if (mask_pixmap != None)
		JXImageMask* mask = new JXImageMask(display, mask_pixmap);
		assert( mask != NULL );

		XFreePixmap(*display, mask_pixmap);

	// free pixels so X has usage count of 1

	XFreeColors(*display, attr.colormap, attr.alloc_pixels, attr.nalloc_pixels, 0);

	// clean up

	return JNoError();


	return XPMNotAvailable();

コード例 #8
ファイル: Vendor.c プロジェクト: Distrotech/Xaw3d
static Boolean
_XawCvtStringToPixmap(Display *dpy, XrmValuePtr args, Cardinal *nargs,
                      XrmValuePtr from, XrmValuePtr to, XtPointer *data)
    static Pixmap pixmap;
    Window win;
    XpmAttributes attr;
    XpmColorSymbol colors[1];

    if (*nargs != 3)
		"_XawCvtStringToPixmap", "wrongParameters", "XtToolkitError",
	"_XawCvtStringToPixmap needs screen, colormap, and background_pixel",
		      (String *) NULL, (Cardinal *) NULL);

    if (strcmp(from->addr, "None") == 0)
	pixmap = None;
	DONE(Pixmap, &pixmap);
	return (True);
    if (strcmp(from->addr, "ParentRelative") == 0)
	pixmap = ParentRelative;
	DONE(Pixmap, &pixmap);
	return (True);

    win = RootWindowOfScreen(*((Screen **) args[0].addr));

    attr.colormap = *((Colormap *) args[1].addr);
    attr.closeness = 32768;	/* might help on 8-bpp displays? */
    attr.valuemask = XpmColormap | XpmCloseness;

    colors[0].name = NULL;
    colors[0].value = "none";
    colors[0].pixel = *((Pixel *) args[2].addr);
    attr.colorsymbols = colors;
    attr.numsymbols = 1;
    attr.valuemask |= XpmColorSymbols;

    if (XpmReadFileToPixmap(dpy, win, (String) from->addr,
			    &pixmap, NULL, &attr) != XpmSuccess)
	if ((pixmap = XmuLocateBitmapFile(*((Screen **) args[0].addr),
	      (char *)from->addr, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) == None)
	    XtDisplayStringConversionWarning(dpy, (String) from->addr,
	    return (False);

    if (to->addr == NULL)
	to->addr = (XtPointer) & pixmap;
	if (to->size < sizeof(Pixmap))
	    to->size = sizeof(Pixmap);
	    XtDisplayStringConversionWarning(dpy, (String) from->addr,
	    return (False);

	*((Pixmap *) to->addr) = pixmap;
    to->size = sizeof(Pixmap);
    return (True);
コード例 #9
ファイル: Login.c プロジェクト: shanelle794/theqvd
static void Initialize (
    Widget greq,
    Widget gnew,
    ArgList args,
    Cardinal *num_args)
    LoginWidget w = (LoginWidget)gnew;
    XtGCMask	valuemask, xvaluemask;
    XGCValues	myXGCV;
    Arg		position[2];
    Position	x, y;
    XineramaScreenInfo *screens;
    int                 s_num;

#ifdef XPM
    myXGCV.foreground = w->login.hipixel;
    myXGCV.background = w->core.background_pixel;
    valuemask = GCForeground | GCBackground;
    w->login.hiGC = XtGetGC(gnew, valuemask, &myXGCV);

    myXGCV.foreground = w->login.shdpixel;
    myXGCV.background = w->core.background_pixel;
    valuemask = GCForeground | GCBackground;
    w->login.shdGC = XtGetGC(gnew, valuemask, &myXGCV);
#endif /* XPM */

    myXGCV.foreground = w->login.textpixel;
    myXGCV.background = w->core.background_pixel;
    valuemask = GCForeground | GCBackground;
    if (w->login.font) {
	myXGCV.font = w->login.font->fid;
	valuemask |= GCFont;
    w->login.textGC = XtGetGC(gnew, valuemask, &myXGCV);
    myXGCV.foreground = w->core.background_pixel;
    w->login.bgGC = XtGetGC(gnew, valuemask, &myXGCV);

    myXGCV.foreground = w->login.textpixel ^ w->core.background_pixel;
    myXGCV.function = GXxor;
    xvaluemask = valuemask | GCFunction;
    w->login.xorGC = XtGetGC (gnew, xvaluemask, &myXGCV);

     * Note that the second argument is a GCid -- QueryFont accepts a GCid and
     * returns the curently contained font.

    if (w->login.font == NULL)
	w->login.font = XQueryFont (XtDisplay (w),
		XGContextFromGC (XDefaultGCOfScreen (XtScreen (w))));

    xvaluemask = valuemask;
    if (w->login.promptFont == NULL)
        w->login.promptFont = w->login.font;
	xvaluemask |= GCFont;

    myXGCV.foreground = w->login.promptpixel;
    myXGCV.font = w->login.promptFont->fid;
    w->login.promptGC = XtGetGC (gnew, xvaluemask, &myXGCV);

    xvaluemask = valuemask;
    if (w->login.greetFont == NULL)
    	w->login.greetFont = w->login.font;
	xvaluemask |= GCFont;

    myXGCV.foreground = w->login.greetpixel;
    myXGCV.font = w->login.greetFont->fid;
    w->login.greetGC = XtGetGC (gnew, xvaluemask, &myXGCV);

    xvaluemask = valuemask;
    if (w->login.failFont == NULL)
	w->login.failFont = w->login.font;
	xvaluemask |= GCFont;

    myXGCV.foreground = w->login.failpixel;
    myXGCV.font = w->login.failFont->fid;
    w->login.failGC = XtGetGC (gnew, xvaluemask, &myXGCV);

#ifdef XPM
    w->login.logoValid = False;

    if (NULL != w->login.logoFileName)
        XpmAttributes myAttributes = { 0 };
        Window tmpWindow = { 0 };
        struct stat myBuffer = { 0 };
        unsigned int myPixmapDepth = 0;

        if (0 != stat(w->login.logoFileName, &myBuffer))
            LogError("Unable to stat() pixmap file %s\n",
            w->login.logoValid = False;
            goto SkipXpmLoad;

        myAttributes.valuemask |= XpmReturnPixels;
        myAttributes.valuemask |= XpmReturnExtensions;

        XpmReadFileToPixmap(XtDisplay(w),            /* display */
            RootWindowOfScreen(XtScreen(w)),         /* window */
            w->login.logoFileName,                   /* XPM filename */
            &(w->login.logoPixmap),                  /* pixmap */
            &(w->login.logoMask),                    /* pixmap mask */
            &myAttributes);                          /* XPM attributes */
        w->login.logoValid = True;

        XGetGeometry(XtDisplay(w), w->login.logoPixmap,
    } else {
	w->login.logoX = 0;
	w->login.logoY = 0;
	w->login.logoWidth = 0;
	w->login.logoHeight = 0;
	w->login.logoBorderWidth = 0;

#endif /* XPM */
    w->login.data.name[0] = '\0';
    w->login.data.passwd[0] = '\0';
    w->login.state = GET_NAME;
    w->login.cursor = 0;
    w->login.failUp = 0;
    if (w->core.width == 0)
	w->core.width = max (GREET_W(w), FAIL_W(w)) + PAD_X(w);
    if (w->core.height == 0) {
	int fy = FAIL_Y(w);
	int pady = PAD_Y(w);

#ifndef XPM
	w->core.height = fy + pady;	/* for stupid compilers */
/*	w->core.height = fy + pady;	* for stupid compilers */

        w->core.height = max(fy + pady,
            (w->login.logoHeight + (2*w->login.logoPadding)) + pady);
#endif /* XPM */
    if (
	XineramaIsActive(XtDisplay(w)) &&
	(screens = XineramaQueryScreens(XtDisplay(w), &s_num)) != NULL
	if ((x = w->core.x) == -1)
	    x = screens[0].x_org + (int)(screens[0].width - w->core.width) / 2;
	if ((y = w->core.y) == -1)
	    y = screens[0].y_org + (int)(screens[0].height - w->core.height) / 3;
	if ((x = w->core.x) == -1)
	    x = (int)(XWidthOfScreen (XtScreen (w)) - w->core.width) / 2;
	if ((y = w->core.y) == -1)
	    y = (int)(XHeightOfScreen (XtScreen (w)) - w->core.height) / 3;
    XtSetArg (position[0], XtNx, x);
    XtSetArg (position[1], XtNy, y);
    XtSetValues (XtParent (w), position, (Cardinal) 2);
コード例 #10
ファイル: xm_toolbar.c プロジェクト: texlive/texlive-source
static Boolean
create_pixmap(Widget parent, int iconidx, Pixmap *sen, Pixmap *insen)
    static Boolean first_time = True;
    static Window rootWindow;
    static XpmColorSymbol color[5] = {
	{"none", "none", 0},
	{"iconColor1", NULL, 0},
	{"bottomShadowColor", NULL, 0},
	{"topShadowColor", NULL, 0},
	{"selectColor", NULL, 0}
    static int screenNum;
    static Pixmap tools_map;
    static Pixmap tools_mask;
    static Pixmap shade_map;
    static Pixmap shade_mask;
    int		    status = 0;
    XpmAttributes   attr;
    Pixmap	    map;
    Pixmap	    mask;
    static String pixmap_file_path = NULL; /* note: never free()d */
    ASSERT(iconidx >= 0, "index must be positive");
    if (first_time) {
	/* FIXME: We use a dummy window here to get the correct depth/visual for the
	   pixmap creation (cant use globals.widgets.top_level since it's not realized
	   yet and realizing it now would result in wrong dimensions) ... */
	Widget dummy = XtVaAppCreateShell("xdvi", "Xdvi",
					  transientShellWidgetClass, DISP,
					  XtNdepth, G_depth,
					  XtNvisual, G_visual,
					  XtNcolormap, G_colormap,
					  XtNmappedWhenManaged, False,
	XtRealizeWidget(dummy); /* note: doesn't pop it up */
	rootWindow = XtWindow(dummy);
	screenNum = DefaultScreen(XtDisplay(globals.widgets.top_level));
	ASSERT(rootWindow != 0, "");
		      XmNbackground, &color[BACKGROUND].pixel,
		      XmNforeground, &color[FOREGROUND].pixel,
		      XmNbottomShadowColor, &color[BOTTOM_SHADOW].pixel,
		      XmNtopShadowColor, &color[TOP_SHADOW].pixel,
		      XmNhighlightColor, &color[HIGHLIGHT].pixel,
	/* try to locate the XPM file with the toolbar pixmaps */
	pixmap_file_path = XtResolvePathname(DISP,
					     (String)NULL,		/* suffix */
					     (String)NULL,		/* use default path */
					     (Substitution)NULL,	/* substitutions */
					     0,				/* number of substitutions */
					     (XtFilePredicate)NULL);	/* return True iff file exists */

	TRACE_GUI((stderr, "pixmap file search via XtResolvePathname: %s => %s",
		   resource.toolbar_pixmap_file, pixmap_file_path ? (char*)pixmap_file_path : "<NULL>"));
	if (pixmap_file_path == NULL) {
	    pixmap_file_path = (String)kpse_find_file(resource.toolbar_pixmap_file,
		       "pixmap file search via kpse_find_file: %s => %s",
		       pixmap_file_path ? (char*)pixmap_file_path : "<NULL>"));
	    if (pixmap_file_path == NULL) {
		TRACE_GUI((stderr, "No installed toolbar pixmap found, using built-in pixmap."));
    /* Setup the color subsititution table */
    attr.valuemask = XpmColorSymbols | XpmCloseness | XpmColormap | XpmDepth | XpmVisual;
    attr.closeness = 65535;	/* accuracy isn't crucial */
    attr.colorsymbols = color;
    attr.numsymbols = XtNumber(color);
    attr.visual = G_visual;
    attr.colormap = G_colormap;
    attr.depth = G_depth;
    /* Create the "sensitive" pixmap */
    if (!tools_map) {
	if (pixmap_file_path != NULL) {
	    status = XpmReadFileToPixmap(XtDisplay(globals.widgets.top_level), rootWindow,
					 pixmap_file_path, &tools_map, &tools_mask, &attr);
	else {
	    status = XpmCreatePixmapFromData(XtDisplay(globals.widgets.top_level), rootWindow,
					     (char **)toolbar_xpm, &tools_map, &tools_mask, &attr);
	status = XpmSuccess;

    map = tools_map;
    mask = tools_mask;

    if (status == XpmSuccess) {
	static Pixmap tmp_mask;
	static GC gc;

	if (first_time) {
	    tmp_mask = XCreatePixmap(XtDisplay(globals.widgets.top_level), rootWindow, PIXMAP_WIDTH, PIXMAP_HEIGHT, 1);
	    gc = XCreateGC(XtDisplay(globals.widgets.top_level), tmp_mask, 0, NULL);
		  mask, tmp_mask, gc, iconidx * PIXMAP_WIDTH, 0, PIXMAP_WIDTH, PIXMAP_HEIGHT, 0, 0);

	mask = tmp_mask;
    else { /* something went wrong */
		      "Something's wrong with your XPM file - "
		      "try to load it into an image editor and fix the problem.",
		      "Xpm error: %s - switching toolbar off.",
	sen = insen = NULL;
	resource.expert_mode ^= XPRT_SHOW_TOOLBAR;
	return False;

    if (map != 0) {
	static GC back_gc, bots_gc;

	if (first_time) {
	    XGCValues   gcvalues;

	    gcvalues.foreground = color[BACKGROUND].pixel;
	    back_gc = XCreateGC(XtDisplay(globals.widgets.top_level), rootWindow, GCForeground, &gcvalues);

	    gcvalues.foreground = color[BOTTOM_SHADOW].pixel;
	    bots_gc = XCreateGC(XtDisplay(globals.widgets.top_level), rootWindow, GCForeground, &gcvalues);

	/* Need to create new Pixmaps with the mask applied. */
	XSetClipMask(XtDisplay(globals.widgets.top_level), bots_gc, mask);

	/* Create the "sensitive" pixmap. */
	*sen = XCreatePixmap(XtDisplay(globals.widgets.top_level), rootWindow, PIXMAP_WIDTH, PIXMAP_HEIGHT,
	XFillRectangle(XtDisplay(globals.widgets.top_level), *sen, back_gc, 0, 0, PIXMAP_WIDTH, PIXMAP_HEIGHT);
	if (iconidx != -1)
	    XCopyArea(XtDisplay(globals.widgets.top_level), map, *sen, bots_gc,
		      iconidx * PIXMAP_WIDTH, 0, PIXMAP_WIDTH, PIXMAP_HEIGHT, 0, 0);
	    XCopyArea(XtDisplay(globals.widgets.top_level), map, *sen, bots_gc,
		      0, 0, PIXMAP_WIDTH, PIXMAP_HEIGHT, 0, 0);

	if (iconidx == -1)
	    XFreePixmap(XtDisplay(globals.widgets.top_level), map);

	/* Create the "insensitive" pixmap. */
	if (insen != NULL) {
	    Pixmap map;
	    Pixmap mask;

	    attr.valuemask = XpmColorSymbols | XpmCloseness | XpmColorKey | XpmColormap | XpmDepth | XpmVisual;
	    attr.closeness = 65535;	/* accuracy isn't crucial */
	    attr.colorsymbols = color;
	    attr.numsymbols = XtNumber(color);
	    attr.color_key = XPM_MONO;
	    attr.visual = G_visual;
	    attr.colormap = G_colormap;
	    attr.depth = G_depth;

	    if (!shade_map) {
		if (pixmap_file_path != NULL) {
		    status = XpmReadFileToPixmap(XtDisplay(globals.widgets.top_level), rootWindow,
						 pixmap_file_path, &shade_map, &shade_mask, &attr);
		else {
		    status = XpmCreatePixmapFromData(XtDisplay(globals.widgets.top_level), rootWindow,
						     (char **)toolbar_xpm, &shade_map, &shade_mask, &attr);
		status = XpmSuccess;

	    map = shade_map;
	    mask = shade_mask;

	    if (status == XpmSuccess) {
		static Pixmap tmp_mask;
		static GC gc;

		if (first_time) {
		    tmp_mask = XCreatePixmap(XtDisplay(globals.widgets.top_level), rootWindow,
		    gc = XCreateGC(XtDisplay(globals.widgets.top_level), tmp_mask, 0, NULL);

		XCopyArea(XtDisplay(globals.widgets.top_level), mask, tmp_mask, gc,
			  iconidx * PIXMAP_WIDTH, 0,
			  0, 0);

		mask = tmp_mask;
	    else { /* something went wrong */
			      "Something's wrong with your XPM file - "
			      "try to load it into an image editor and fix the problem.",
			      "Xpm error: %s - switching toolbar off.",
		sen = insen = NULL;
		resource.expert_mode ^= XPRT_SHOW_TOOLBAR;
		return False;

	    if (mask != 0) {
		static GC   tops_gc;

		if (first_time) {
		    XGCValues   gcvalues;

		    gcvalues.foreground = color[TOP_SHADOW].pixel;
		    tops_gc = XCreateGC(XtDisplay(globals.widgets.top_level), rootWindow, GCForeground, &gcvalues);

		/* Need to create new Pixmaps with the mask applied. */
		XSetClipMask(XtDisplay(globals.widgets.top_level), bots_gc, mask);
		XSetClipMask(XtDisplay(globals.widgets.top_level), tops_gc, mask);
		XSetClipOrigin(XtDisplay(globals.widgets.top_level), tops_gc, 1, 1);

		*insen = XCreatePixmap(XtDisplay(globals.widgets.top_level), rootWindow, PIXMAP_WIDTH, PIXMAP_HEIGHT,

		XFillRectangle(XtDisplay(globals.widgets.top_level), *insen, back_gc, 0, 0,
		XFillRectangle(XtDisplay(globals.widgets.top_level), *insen, tops_gc, 1, 1,
			       PIXMAP_WIDTH - 1, PIXMAP_HEIGHT - 1);
		XFillRectangle(XtDisplay(globals.widgets.top_level), *insen, bots_gc, 0, 0, PIXMAP_WIDTH, PIXMAP_HEIGHT);

		if (iconidx == -1)
		    XFreePixmap(XtDisplay(globals.widgets.top_level), map);

    first_time = False;
    return True;
コード例 #11
ファイル: draw.c プロジェクト: dylex/dzen
char *
parse_line(const char *line, int lnr, int align, int reverse, int nodraw) {
	/* bitmaps */
	unsigned int bm_w, bm_h;
	int bm_xh, bm_yh;
	/* rectangles, cirlcles*/
	int rectw, recth, rectx, recty;
	/* positioning */
	int n_posx, n_posy, set_posy=0;
	int px=0, py=0, opx=0;
	int i, next_pos=0, j=0, h=0, tw=0;
	/* buffer pos */
	const char *linep=NULL;
	/* fonts */
	int font_was_set=0;
	/* position */
	int pos_is_fixed = 0;
	/* block alignment */
	int block_align = -1;
	int block_width = -1;
	/* clickable area y tracking */
	int max_y=-1;

	/* temp buffers */
	char lbuf[MAX_LINE_LEN], *rbuf = NULL;

	/* parser state */
	int t=-1, nobg=0;
	char *tval=NULL;

	/* X stuff */
	long lastfg = dzen.norm[ColFG], lastbg = dzen.norm[ColBG];
	Fnt *cur_fnt = NULL;
#ifndef DZEN_XFT
	XGCValues gcv;
	Drawable pm=0, bm;
#ifdef DZEN_XPM
	int free_xpm_attrib = 0;
	Pixmap xpm_pm;
	XpmAttributes xpma;
	XpmColorSymbol xpms;

#ifdef DZEN_XFT
	XftDraw *xftd=NULL;
	XftColor xftc;
	char *xftcs;
	int xftcs_f=0;
	char *xftcs_bg;
	int xftcs_bgf=0;

	xftcs    = (char *)dzen.fg;
    xftcs_bg = (char *)dzen.bg;

	/* icon cache */
	int ip;

	/* parse line and return the text without control commands */
	if(nodraw) {
		rbuf = emalloc(MAX_LINE_LEN);
		rbuf[0] = '\0';
		if( (lnr + dzen.slave_win.first_line_vis) >= dzen.slave_win.tcnt)
			line = NULL;
			line = dzen.slave_win.tbuf[dzen.slave_win.first_line_vis+lnr];

	/* parse line and render text */
	else {
		h = dzen.font.height;
		py = (dzen.line_height - h) / 2;
		xorig[LNR2WINDOW(lnr)] = 0;
		if(lnr != -1) {
			pm = XCreatePixmap(dzen.dpy, RootWindow(dzen.dpy, DefaultScreen(dzen.dpy)), dzen.slave_win.width,
					dzen.line_height, DefaultDepth(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen));
		else {
			pm = XCreatePixmap(dzen.dpy, RootWindow(dzen.dpy, DefaultScreen(dzen.dpy)), dzen.title_win.width,
					dzen.line_height, DefaultDepth(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen));

#ifdef DZEN_XFT
		xftd = XftDrawCreate(dzen.dpy, pm, DefaultVisual(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen), 
				DefaultColormap(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen));

		if(!reverse) {
			XSetForeground(dzen.dpy, dzen.tgc, dzen.norm[ColBG]);
#ifdef DZEN_XPM
			xpms.pixel = dzen.norm[ColBG];
#ifdef DZEN_XFT
			xftcs_bg = (char *)dzen.bg;
			xftcs_bgf = 0;
		else {
			XSetForeground(dzen.dpy, dzen.tgc, dzen.norm[ColFG]);
#ifdef DZEN_XPM
			xpms.pixel = dzen.norm[ColFG];
		XFillRectangle(dzen.dpy, pm, dzen.tgc, 0, 0, dzen.w, dzen.h);

		if(!reverse) {
			XSetForeground(dzen.dpy, dzen.tgc, dzen.norm[ColFG]);
		else {
			XSetForeground(dzen.dpy, dzen.tgc, dzen.norm[ColBG]);

#ifdef DZEN_XPM
		xpms.name = NULL;
		xpms.value = (char *)"none";

		xpma.colormap = DefaultColormap(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen);
		xpma.depth = DefaultDepth(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen);
		xpma.visual = DefaultVisual(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen);
		xpma.colorsymbols = &xpms;
		xpma.numsymbols = 1;
		xpma.valuemask = XpmColormap|XpmDepth|XpmVisual|XpmColorSymbols;

#ifndef DZEN_XFT 
			gcv.font = dzen.font.xfont->fid;
			XChangeGC(dzen.dpy, dzen.tgc, GCFont, &gcv);
		cur_fnt = &dzen.font;

		if( lnr != -1 && (lnr + dzen.slave_win.first_line_vis >= dzen.slave_win.tcnt)) {
			XCopyArea(dzen.dpy, pm, dzen.slave_win.drawable[lnr], dzen.gc,
					0, 0, px, dzen.line_height, xorig[LNR2WINDOW(lnr)], 0);
			XFreePixmap(dzen.dpy, pm);
			return NULL;

	linep = line;
	while(1) {
		if(*linep == ESC_CHAR || *linep == '\0') {
			lbuf[j] = '\0';

			/* clear _lock_x at EOL so final width is correct */

			if(nodraw) {
				strcat(rbuf, lbuf);
			else {
				if(t != -1 && tval) {
					switch(t) {
						case icon:
							if(MAX_ICON_CACHE && (ip=search_icon_cache(tval)) != -1) {
								int y;
								XCopyArea(dzen.dpy, icons[ip].p, pm, dzen.tgc,
										0, 0, icons[ip].w, icons[ip].h, px, y=(set_posy ? py :
										(dzen.line_height >= (signed)icons[ip].h ?
										(dzen.line_height - icons[ip].h)/2 : 0)));
								px += !pos_is_fixed ? icons[ip].w : 0;
								max_y = MAX(max_y, y+icons[ip].h);
							} else {
								int y;
								if(XReadBitmapFile(dzen.dpy, pm, tval, &bm_w,
											&bm_h, &bm, &bm_xh, &bm_yh) == BitmapSuccess
										&& (h/2 + px + (signed)bm_w < dzen.w)) {
									setcolor(&pm, px, bm_w, lastfg, lastbg, reverse, nobg);

									XCopyPlane(dzen.dpy, bm, pm, dzen.tgc,
											0, 0, bm_w, bm_h, px, y=(set_posy ? py :
											(dzen.line_height >= (int)bm_h ?
												(dzen.line_height - (int)bm_h)/2 : 0)), 1);
									XFreePixmap(dzen.dpy, bm);
									px += !pos_is_fixed ? bm_w : 0;
									max_y = MAX(max_y, y+bm_h);
#ifdef DZEN_XPM
								else if(XpmReadFileToPixmap(dzen.dpy, dzen.title_win.win, tval, &xpm_pm, NULL, &xpma) == XpmSuccess) {
									setcolor(&pm, px, xpma.width, lastfg, lastbg, reverse, nobg);

										cache_icon(tval, xpm_pm, xpma.width, xpma.height);

									XCopyArea(dzen.dpy, xpm_pm, pm, dzen.tgc,
											0, 0, xpma.width, xpma.height, px, y=(set_posy ? py :
											(dzen.line_height >= (int)xpma.height ?
												(dzen.line_height - (int)xpma.height)/2 : 0)));
									px += !pos_is_fixed ? xpma.width : 0;
									max_y = MAX(max_y, y+xpma.height);

									/* freed by cache_icon() */
									//XFreePixmap(dzen.dpy, xpm_pm);
									free_xpm_attrib = 1;

						case rect:
							get_rect_vals(tval, &rectw, &recth, &rectx, &recty);
							recth = recth > dzen.line_height ? dzen.line_height : recth;
								py += recty;
							recty =	recty == 0 ? (dzen.line_height - recth)/2 :
								(dzen.line_height - recth)/2 + recty;
							px += !pos_is_fixed ? rectx : 0;
							setcolor(&pm, px, rectw, lastfg, lastbg, reverse, nobg);

							XFillRectangle(dzen.dpy, pm, dzen.tgc, px,
									set_posy ? py :
									((int)recty < 0 ? dzen.line_height + recty : recty),
									rectw, recth);

							px += !pos_is_fixed ? rectw : 0;

						case recto:
							get_rect_vals(tval, &rectw, &recth, &rectx, &recty);
							if (!rectw) break;

							recth = recth > dzen.line_height ? dzen.line_height-2 : recth-1;
								py += recty;
							recty =	recty == 0 ? (dzen.line_height - recth)/2 :
								(dzen.line_height - recth)/2 + recty;
							px = (rectx == 0) ? px : rectx+px;
							/* prevent from stairs effect when rounding recty */
							if (!((dzen.line_height - recth) % 2)) recty--;
							setcolor(&pm, px, rectw, lastfg, lastbg, reverse, nobg);
							XDrawRectangle(dzen.dpy, pm, dzen.tgc, px,
									set_posy ? py :
									((int)recty<0 ? dzen.line_height + recty : recty), rectw-1, recth);
							px += !pos_is_fixed ? rectw : 0;

						case circle:
							rectx = get_circle_vals(tval, &rectw, &recth);
							setcolor(&pm, px, rectw, lastfg, lastbg, reverse, nobg);
							XFillArc(dzen.dpy, pm, dzen.tgc, px, set_posy ? py :(dzen.line_height - rectw)/2,
									rectw, rectw, 90*64, rectx>1?recth*64:64*360);
							px += !pos_is_fixed ? rectw : 0;

						case circleo:
							rectx = get_circle_vals(tval, &rectw, &recth);
							setcolor(&pm, px, rectw, lastfg, lastbg, reverse, nobg);
							XDrawArc(dzen.dpy, pm, dzen.tgc, px, set_posy ? py : (dzen.line_height - rectw)/2,
									rectw, rectw, 90*64, rectx>1?recth*64:64*360);
							px += !pos_is_fixed ? rectw : 0;

						case pos:
							if(tval[0]) {
								int r=0;
								r = get_pos_vals(tval, &n_posx, &n_posy);
								if( (r == 1 && !set_posy))
								else if (r == 5) {
									switch(n_posx) {
										case LOCK_X:
											pos_is_fixed = 1;
										case UNLOCK_X:
											pos_is_fixed = 0;
										case LEFT:
											px = 0;
										case RIGHT:
											px = dzen.w;
										case CENTER:
											px = dzen.w/2;
										case BOTTOM:
											set_posy = 1;
											py = dzen.line_height;
										case TOP:
											set_posy = 1;
											py = 0;
								} else

								if(r != 2)
									px = px+n_posx<0? 0 : px + n_posx;
								if(r != 1) 
									py += n_posy;
							} else {
								set_posy = 0;
								py = (dzen.line_height - dzen.font.height) / 2;

						case abspos:
							if(tval[0]) {
								int r=0;
								if( (r=get_pos_vals(tval, &n_posx, &n_posy)) == 1 && !set_posy)

								n_posx = n_posx < 0 ? n_posx*-1 : n_posx;
								if(r != 2)
									px = n_posx;
								if(r != 1)
									py = n_posy;
							} else {
								set_posy = 0;
								py = (dzen.line_height - dzen.font.height) / 2;

						case ibg:
							nobg = atoi(tval);

						case bg:
							lastbg = tval[0] ? (unsigned)getcolor(tval) : dzen.norm[ColBG];
#ifdef DZEN_XFT
							if(xftcs_bgf) free(xftcs_bg);				
							if(tval[0]) {
								xftcs_bg = estrdup(tval);
								xftcs_bgf = 1;
							} else {
								xftcs_bg = (char *)dzen.bg;
								xftcs_bgf = 0;


						case fg:
							lastfg = tval[0] ? (unsigned)getcolor(tval) : dzen.norm[ColFG];
							XSetForeground(dzen.dpy, dzen.tgc, lastfg);
#ifdef DZEN_XFT
							if(tval[0]) {
								xftcs = estrdup(tval);
								xftcs_f = 1;
							} else {
								xftcs = (char *)dzen.fg;
								xftcs_f = 0;

						case fn:
							if(tval[0]) {
#ifndef DZEN_XFT		
								if(!strncmp(tval, "dfnt", 4)) {
									cur_fnt = &(dzen.fnpl[atoi(tval+4)]);

									if(!cur_fnt->set) {
										gcv.font = cur_fnt->xfont->fid;
										XChangeGC(dzen.dpy, dzen.tgc, GCFont, &gcv);
							else {
								cur_fnt = &dzen.font;
#ifndef DZEN_XFT		
									gcv.font = cur_fnt->xfont->fid;
									XChangeGC(dzen.dpy, dzen.tgc, GCFont, &gcv);
							setfont(dzen.fnt ? dzen.fnt : FONT);
							py = set_posy ? py : (dzen.line_height - cur_fnt->height) / 2;
							font_was_set = 1;
						case ca:
							sens_w *w = &window_sens[LNR2WINDOW(lnr)];
							if(tval[0]) {
								click_a *area = &((*w).sens_areas[(*w).sens_areas_cnt]);
								if((*w).sens_areas_cnt < MAX_CLICKABLE_AREAS) {
									(*area).start_x = px;
									(*area).start_y = py;
									(*area).end_y = py;
									max_y = py;
									(*area).active = 0;
									if(lnr == -1) {
										(*area).win = dzen.title_win.win;
									} else {
										(*area).win = dzen.slave_win.line[lnr];
							} else {
									//find most recent unclosed area
									for(i = (*w).sens_areas_cnt - 1; i >= 0; i--)
									if(i >= 0 && i < MAX_CLICKABLE_AREAS) {
										(*w).sens_areas[i].end_x = px;
										(*w).sens_areas[i].end_y = max_y;
										(*w).sens_areas[i].active = 1;
						}	break;
						case ba:
								get_block_align_vals(tval, &block_align, &block_width);

				/* check if text is longer than window's width */
				tw = textnw(cur_fnt, lbuf, strlen(lbuf));
				while((((tw + px) > (dzen.w)) || (block_align!=-1 && tw>block_width)) && j>=0) {
					lbuf[--j] = '\0';
					tw = textnw(cur_fnt, lbuf, strlen(lbuf));
				opx = px;

				/* draw background for block */
				if(block_align!=-1 && !nobg) {
					setcolor(&pm, px, rectw, lastbg, lastbg, 0, nobg);
					XFillRectangle(dzen.dpy, pm, dzen.tgc, px, 0, block_width, dzen.line_height);

					px += (block_width - tw);
				else if(block_align==ALIGNCENTER)
					px += (block_width/2) - (tw/2);

					setcolor(&pm, px, tw, lastfg, lastbg, reverse, nobg);
#ifndef DZEN_XFT
					XmbDrawString(dzen.dpy, pm, cur_fnt->set,
							dzen.tgc, px, py + cur_fnt->ascent, lbuf, strlen(lbuf));
					XDrawString(dzen.dpy, pm, dzen.tgc, px, py+dzen.font.ascent, lbuf, strlen(lbuf));
				if(reverse) {
				XftColorAllocName(dzen.dpy, DefaultVisual(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen),
						DefaultColormap(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen),  xftcs_bg,  &xftc);
				} else {
				XftColorAllocName(dzen.dpy, DefaultVisual(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen),
						DefaultColormap(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen),  xftcs,  &xftc);

				XftDrawStringUtf8(xftd, &xftc, 
						cur_fnt->xftfont, px, py + dzen.font.xftfont->ascent, (const FcChar8 *)lbuf, strlen(lbuf));

				if(xftcs_f) {
					xftcs_f = 0;
				if(xftcs_bgf) {
					xftcs_bgf = 0;


				max_y = MAX(max_y, py+dzen.font.height);

				if(block_align==-1) {
					if(!pos_is_fixed || *linep =='\0')
						px += tw;
				} else {
						px = opx;
						px = opx+block_width;



			j=0; t=-1; tval=NULL;
			next_pos = get_token(linep, &t, &tval);
			linep += next_pos;

			/* ^^ escapes */
			if(next_pos == 0)
				lbuf[j++] = *linep++;
			lbuf[j++] = *linep;


	if(!nodraw) {
		/* expand/shrink dynamically */
		if(dzen.title_win.expand && lnr == -1){
			i = px;
			switch(dzen.title_win.expand) {
				case left:
					/* grow left end */
					otx = dzen.title_win.x_right_corner - i > dzen.title_win.x ?
						dzen.title_win.x_right_corner - i : dzen.title_win.x;
					XMoveResizeWindow(dzen.dpy, dzen.title_win.win, otx, dzen.title_win.y, px, dzen.line_height);
				case right:
					XResizeWindow(dzen.dpy, dzen.title_win.win, px, dzen.line_height);

		} else {
			if(align == ALIGNLEFT)
				xorig[LNR2WINDOW(lnr)] = 0;
			if(align == ALIGNCENTER) {
				xorig[LNR2WINDOW(lnr)] = (lnr != -1) ?
					(dzen.slave_win.width - px)/2 :
					(dzen.title_win.width - px)/2;
			else if(align == ALIGNRIGHT) {
				xorig[LNR2WINDOW(lnr)] = (lnr != -1) ?
					(dzen.slave_win.width - px) :
					(dzen.title_win.width - px);

		if(lnr != -1) {
			XCopyArea(dzen.dpy, pm, dzen.slave_win.drawable[lnr], dzen.gc,
                    0, 0, dzen.w, dzen.line_height, xorig[LNR2WINDOW(lnr)], 0);
		else {
			XCopyArea(dzen.dpy, pm, dzen.title_win.drawable, dzen.gc,
					0, 0, dzen.w, dzen.line_height, xorig[LNR2WINDOW(lnr)], 0);
		XFreePixmap(dzen.dpy, pm);

		/* reset font to default */
			setfont(dzen.fnt ? dzen.fnt : FONT);

#ifdef DZEN_XPM
		if(free_xpm_attrib) {
			XFreeColors(dzen.dpy, xpma.colormap, xpma.pixels, xpma.npixels, xpma.depth);

#ifdef DZEN_XFT

	return nodraw ? rbuf : NULL;
コード例 #12
ファイル: wpICON.c プロジェクト: mildred/Varkon
        short    WPwcic(
        Window   px_id,
        short    x,
        short    y,
        short    bw,
        char    *fnam,
        short    cb,
        short    cf,
        WPICON **outptr)

/*      Create WPICON.
 *      In: px_id  = Parent window X-id.
 *          x      = X-position.
 *          y      = Y-position.
 *          fnam   = Pixmap file.
 *          cb     = Not used.
 *          cf     = Not used.
 *      Ut: *outptr = Ptr to a WPICON.
 *      Felkod: WP1212 = Can't load pixmap file %s
 *              WP1292 = Can't malloc()
 *              WP1712 = XPM error code = %s
 *      (C)microform ab 13/1/94 J. Kjellander
 *      2007-06-17 Xpm, J.Kjellander

    char                 errbuf[V3STRLEN];
    XSetWindowAttributes xwina;
    unsigned long        xwinm;
    unsigned int         dx,dy;
    int                  status;
    Window               xwin_id;
    Pixmap               icon_pixmap,icon_mask;
    XGCValues            values;
    XpmAttributes        attributes;
    WPICON              *icoptr;

***Read the xpm-file and create a pixmap. Set attributes to XpmSize so
***that the size of the icon is returned.
***XpmColorError  =  1
***XpmSuccess     =  0
***XpmOpenFailed  = -1
***XpmFileInvalid = -2
***XpmNoMemory    = -3
***XpmColorFailed = -4
    attributes.valuemask = XpmSize;

    status = XpmReadFileToPixmap(xdisp,px_id,fnam,&icon_pixmap,&icon_mask,&attributes);

    if ( status != XpmSuccess )

    dx = attributes.width;
    dy = attributes.height;
***Create the X window.
    xwina.background_pixel  = WPgcol(cb);
    xwina.border_pixel      = WPgcol(WP_BGND2);
    xwina.override_redirect = True;
    xwina.save_under        = False;

    xwinm = ( CWBackPixel        | CWBorderPixel |
              CWOverrideRedirect | CWSaveUnder );  

    if ( bw > 0 )
      dx += 2*bw + 2;
      dy += 2*bw + 2;

    xwin_id = XCreateWindow(xdisp,px_id,x,y,dx,dy,bw,
***Input events.
    if ( bw > 0 ) XSelectInput(xdisp,xwin_id,ButtonPressMask   |
                                             ButtonReleaseMask |
                                             EnterWindowMask   |
***Create a WPICON.
    if ( (icoptr=(WPICON *)v3mall(sizeof(WPICON),"WPwcic")) == NULL )

    icoptr->id.w_id = (wpw_id)NULL;
    icoptr->id.p_id = (wpw_id)NULL;
    icoptr->id.x_id = xwin_id;

    icoptr->geo.x =  x;
    icoptr->geo.y =  y;
    icoptr->geo.dx =  (short)dx;
    icoptr->geo.dy =  (short)dy;
    icoptr->geo.bw =  bw;
    icoptr->pixmap = icon_pixmap;
    icoptr->mask   = icon_mask;
    icoptr->tt_str[0] = '\0';
***Set up a private GC for this icon.
    icoptr->gc = XCreateGC(xdisp,icoptr->id.x_id,0,&values);

   *outptr = icoptr;
***The end.
コード例 #13
ファイル: misc.c プロジェクト: morgant/mlvwm
Icon *ReadIcon( char *fn, Icon *icon, Bool err )
	XWindowAttributes root_attr;
	XpmAttributes attr;
	int x, y, xhot, yhot;
	Pixmap bitmap;
	Icon *newicon;
	char *path;

	if( icon==NULL )		newicon = (Icon *)calloc( 1, sizeof(Icon) );
	else		newicon = icon;
	if((path = LookUpFiles( Scr.IconPath, fn, R_OK ))==NULL ){
		if( err )
			DrawErrMsgOnMenu( "Can't Find file ", fn );
		return NULL;
	attr.colormap = root_attr.colormap;
	attr.closeness = 40000; /* Allow for "similar" colors */
	attr.valuemask = XpmSize | XpmReturnPixels | XpmColormap | XpmCloseness;
	if( XpmReadFileToPixmap( dpy, Scr.Root, path,
						   &newicon->icon, &newicon->mask,
						   &attr ) != XpmSuccess &&
       XReadBitmapFile( dpy, Scr.Root, path, &newicon->width, &newicon->height,
					   &bitmap, &xhot, &yhot) !=BitmapSuccess ){
 		if( err )
			DrawErrMsgOnMenu( "Can't Read ICON ", fn );
		if( icon==NULL )
			free( newicon );
		newicon = NULL;
		if( newicon->icon ){
			newicon->width = attr.width;
			newicon->height = attr.height;
			newicon->kind = PIXMAP;
			newicon->icon = XCreatePixmap( dpy, Scr.Root,
										  newicon->width, newicon->height,
										  Scr.d_depth );
			newicon->mask = XCreatePixmap( dpy, Scr.Root,
										  newicon->width, newicon->height,
										  Scr.d_depth );
			XCopyPlane( dpy, bitmap, newicon->icon, Scr.BlackGC, 0, 0,
					   newicon->width, newicon->height, 0, 0, 1 );
			XCopyPlane( dpy, bitmap, newicon->mask, Scr.WhiteGC, 0, 0,
					   newicon->width, newicon->height, 0, 0, 1 );

			newicon->kind = BITMAP;
			XFreePixmap( dpy, bitmap );
		newicon->lighticon = XCreatePixmap( dpy, newicon->icon,
										   newicon->width, newicon->height,
										   Scr.d_depth );
		XCopyArea( dpy, newicon->icon, newicon->lighticon,
				  DefaultGC( dpy, Scr.screen ),
				  0, 0, attr.width, attr.height, 0, 0 );
		for( y=0; y<newicon->height; y++ )
			for( x=y%2; x<newicon->width; x+=2 )
				XDrawPoint( dpy, newicon->lighticon, Scr.WhiteGC, x, y );
	if( path!=NULL )	free( path );

	XpmFreeAttributes( &attr );
	return newicon;
コード例 #14
ファイル: gui_xmebw.c プロジェクト: oddstr/macvim_extended
 * Set the pixmap.
    static void
set_pixmap(XmEnhancedButtonWidget eb)
    /* Configure defines XPMATTRIBUTES_TYPE as XpmAttributes or as
     * XpmAttributes_21, depending on what is in Xm/XpmP.h. */
    Pixmap	    sen_pix;
    Window	    root;
    static XpmColorSymbol color[8] = {
	{"none", "none", 0},
	{"None", "none", 0},
	{"background", NULL, 0},
	{"foreground", NULL, 0},
	{"bottomShadowColor", NULL, 0},
	{"topShadowColor", NULL, 0},
	{"highlightColor", NULL, 0},
	{"armColor", NULL, 0}
    int		    scr;
    Display	    *dpy = XtDisplay(eb);
    int		    x;
    int		    y;
    unsigned int    height, width, border, depth;
    int		    status = 0;
    Pixmap	    mask;
    Pixmap	    pix = None;
    Pixmap	    arm_pix = None;
    Pixmap	    ins_pix = None;
    Pixmap	    high_pix = None;
    char	    **data = (char **) eb->enhancedbutton.pixmap_data;
    char	    *fname = (char *) eb->enhancedbutton.pixmap_file;
    int		    shift;
    GC		    gc;

    /* Make sure there is a default value for the pixmap.
    if (!data)

    gc = XtGetGC((Widget)eb, (XtGCMask)0, NULL);

    scr = DefaultScreen(dpy);
    root = RootWindow(dpy, scr);

    eb->label.pixmap = None;

    eb->enhancedbutton.pixmap_depth = 0;
    eb->enhancedbutton.pixmap_width = 0;
    eb->enhancedbutton.pixmap_height = 0;
    eb->enhancedbutton.normal_pixmap = None;
    eb->enhancedbutton.armed_pixmap = None;
    eb->enhancedbutton.highlight_pixmap = None;
    eb->enhancedbutton.insensitive_pixmap = None;

    /* We use dynamic colors, get them now. */

    /* Setup color subsititution table. */
    color[0].pixel = eb->core.background_pixel;
    color[1].pixel = eb->core.background_pixel;
    color[2].pixel = eb->core.background_pixel;
    color[3].pixel = eb->primitive.foreground;
    color[4].pixel = eb->core.background_pixel;
    color[5].pixel = eb->primitive.top_shadow_color;
    color[6].pixel = eb->primitive.highlight_color;
    color[7].pixel = eb->pushbutton.arm_color;

    /* Create the "sensitive" pixmap. */
    attr.valuemask = XpmColorSymbols | XpmCloseness;
    attr.closeness = 65535;	/* accuracy isn't crucial */
    attr.colorsymbols = color;
    attr.numsymbols = XtNumber(color);

    if (fname)
	status = XpmReadFileToPixmap(dpy, root, fname, &pix, &mask, &attr);
    if (!fname || status != XpmSuccess)
	status = XpmCreatePixmapFromData(dpy, root, data, &pix, &mask, &attr);

    /* If something failed, we will fill in the default pixmap. */
    if (status != XpmSuccess)
	status = XpmCreatePixmapFromData(dpy, root, blank_xpm, &pix,
								&mask, &attr);


    XGetGeometry(dpy, pix, &root, &x, &y, &width, &height, &border, &depth);

    if (eb->enhancedbutton.label_location == (int)XmTOP
	    || eb->enhancedbutton.label_location == (int)XmBOTTOM)
	shift = eb->primitive.shadow_thickness / 2;
	shift = eb->primitive.shadow_thickness / 2;

    if (shift < 1)
	shift = 1;

    sen_pix = XCreatePixmap(dpy, root, width + shift, height + shift, depth);

    XSetForeground(dpy, gc, eb->core.background_pixel);
    XFillRectangle(dpy, sen_pix, gc, 0, 0, width + shift, height + shift);
    XSetClipMask(dpy, gc, mask);
    XSetClipOrigin(dpy, gc, shift, shift);
    XCopyArea(dpy, pix, sen_pix, gc, 0, 0, width, height, shift, shift);

    /* Create the "highlight" pixmap. */
    color[4].pixel = eb->primitive.bottom_shadow_color;
#ifdef XpmAllocColor /* SGI doesn't have it */
    attr.valuemask = XpmColorSymbols | XpmCloseness | XpmAllocColor;
    attr.alloc_color = alloc_color;
    attr.valuemask = XpmColorSymbols | XpmCloseness;
    attr.closeness = 65535;	/* accuracy isn't crucial */
    attr.colorsymbols = color;
    attr.numsymbols = XtNumber(color);

    status = XpmCreatePixmapFromData(dpy, root, data, &pix, NULL, &attr);

    high_pix = XCreatePixmap(dpy, root, width + shift, height + shift, depth);

#if 1
    XSetForeground(dpy, gc, eb->core.background_pixel);
    XSetForeground(dpy, gc, eb->primitive.top_shadow_color);
    XSetClipMask(dpy, gc, None);
    XFillRectangle(dpy, high_pix, gc, 0, 0, width + shift, height + shift);
    XSetClipMask(dpy, gc, mask);
    XSetClipOrigin(dpy, gc, 0, 0);
    XCopyArea(dpy, pix, high_pix, gc, 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0);

    arm_pix = XCreatePixmap(dpy, pix, width + shift, height + shift, depth);

    if (eb->pushbutton.fill_on_arm)
	XSetForeground(dpy, gc, eb->pushbutton.arm_color);
	XSetForeground(dpy, gc, eb->core.background_pixel);
    XSetClipOrigin(dpy, gc, shift, shift);
    XSetClipMask(dpy, gc, None);
    XFillRectangle(dpy, arm_pix, gc, 0, 0, width + shift, height + shift);
    XSetClipMask(dpy, gc, mask);
    XSetClipOrigin(dpy, gc, 2 * shift, 2 * shift);
    XCopyArea(dpy, pix, arm_pix, gc, 0, 0, width, height, 2 * shift, 2 * shift);

    XFreePixmap(dpy, pix);
    XFreePixmap(dpy, mask);

    /* Create the "insensitive" pixmap. */
    attr.valuemask = XpmColorSymbols | XpmCloseness | XpmColorKey;
    attr.closeness = 65535;	/* accuracy isn't crucial */
    attr.colorsymbols = color;
    attr.numsymbols = sizeof(color) / sizeof(color[0]);
    attr.color_key = XPM_MONO;
    status = XpmCreatePixmapFromData(dpy, root, data, &pix, &mask, &attr);

    /* Need to create new Pixmaps with the mask applied. */

    ins_pix = XCreatePixmap(dpy, root, width + shift, height + shift, depth);

    XSetForeground(dpy, gc, eb->core.background_pixel);
    XSetClipOrigin(dpy, gc, 0, 0);
    XSetClipMask(dpy, gc, None);
    XFillRectangle(dpy, ins_pix, gc, 0, 0, width + shift, height + shift);
    XSetClipMask(dpy, gc, mask);
    XSetForeground(dpy, gc, eb->primitive.top_shadow_color);
    XSetClipOrigin(dpy, gc, 2 * shift, 2 * shift);
    XFillRectangle(dpy, ins_pix, gc, 2 * shift, 2 * shift, width, height);
    XSetForeground(dpy, gc, eb->primitive.bottom_shadow_color);
    XSetClipOrigin(dpy, gc, shift, shift);
    XFillRectangle(dpy, ins_pix, gc, 0, 0, width + shift, height + shift);
    XtReleaseGC((Widget) eb, gc);


    eb->enhancedbutton.pixmap_depth = depth;
    eb->enhancedbutton.pixmap_width = width;
    eb->enhancedbutton.pixmap_height = height;
    eb->enhancedbutton.normal_pixmap = sen_pix;
    eb->enhancedbutton.highlight_pixmap = high_pix;
    eb->enhancedbutton.insensitive_pixmap = ins_pix;
    eb->enhancedbutton.armed_pixmap = arm_pix;

    eb->enhancedbutton.doing_setvalues = True;
    eb->enhancedbutton.doing_setvalues = False;

    XFreePixmap(dpy, pix);
    XFreePixmap(dpy, mask);
コード例 #15
ファイル: wmGrabImage.c プロジェクト: d-torrance/dockapps
 *   main
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

struct tm	*gTime, *gmt;
struct stat	fi;
XEvent		event;
Pixmap		NewPixmap, NewShapeMask;
XpmAttributes	Attributes;
Colormap	cmap;
int		n, s, m, dt1, dt2, dt3, len;
int 		Year, Month, Day;
int		Hours, Mins, Secs;
int		i, j, Width, Height, yoff, fd, Flag;
long		CurrentLocalTime;
double		UT, hour24(), jd(), CurrentJD, OldFileUT, FileUT;
char		command[1040], ImageName[256];
int           havePixmap= 0;

     *  Parse any command line arguments.
    ParseCMDLine(argc, argv);

     *  Figure out what the name of the image xpm file should be...
    len = strlen(ImageURL);
    for (j = 0, i=0; i<len; ++i){ if (ImageURL[i] == '/') j = i; }
    strcpy(ImageName, ImageURL+j+1);
    sprintf(XpmFileName, "%s/.wmGrabImage/%s.xpm", getenv("HOME"), ImageName);
    sprintf(ImageFileName, "%s/.wmGrabImage/%s", getenv("HOME"), ImageName);

    openXwindow(argc, argv, wmGrabImage_master, wmGrabImage_mask_bits, wmGrabImage_mask_width, wmGrabImage_mask_height);

    cmap = DefaultColormap(display, DefaultScreen(display));

     *  Loop until we die
    n = 32000;
    s = 32000;
    m = 32000;
    dt1 = 32000;
    dt2 = 32000;
    dt3 = 32000;
    DblClkDelay = 32000;
    UpToDate = 0;
    FileUT = -999.0;
    Flag = 1;
    NewShapeMask = 0;
    Attributes.nalloc_pixels = 0;
    while(1) {

	 *  Keep track of # of seconds
	if (m > 100){

	    m = 0;

	} else {

	     *  Increment counter


	 *  Double Click Delays
	 *  Keep track of click events. If Delay too long, set GotFirstClick's to False.
	if (DblClkDelay > 15) {

	    DblClkDelay = 0;
	    GotFirstClick1 = 0; GotDoubleClick1 = 0;
	    GotFirstClick2 = 0; GotDoubleClick2 = 0;
	    GotFirstClick3 = 0; GotDoubleClick3 = 0;

	} else {



	 *   Process any pending X events.
            XNextEvent(display, &event);
                case Expose:
                case ButtonPress:
                case ButtonRelease:

	 *  Draw window.
	if (ForceUpdate||Flag){

             *  Compute Current Julian Date
            CurrentLocalTime = time(CurrentTime);
            gTime = gmtime(&CurrentLocalTime);
            Year  = gTime->tm_year+1900;
            Month = gTime->tm_mon+1;
            Day   = gTime->tm_mday;
            Hours = gTime->tm_hour;
            Mins  = gTime->tm_min;
            Secs  = gTime->tm_sec;
            UT = (double)Hours + (double)Mins/60.0 + (double)Secs/3600.0;
            CurrentJD = jd(Year, Month, Day, UT);

	     * Clear window.
	    copyXPMArea(5, 69, 54, 54, 5, 5);

	    if (havePixmap) {
	       * free up the colors, if we alloc'd some before
	      if (Attributes.nalloc_pixels > 0)
		XFreeColors(display, cmap,  Attributes.alloc_pixels,
			    Attributes.nalloc_pixels, 0);
		 *  Free last pixmap -- we dont need it anymore...
		 *  A ShapeMask is returned if the Pixmap had the color None used.
		 *  We could probably change Transparent to None to make use of this, but for now,
		 *  lets just ignore it...
		if ( NewShapeMask != 0 )
		  XFreePixmap(display, NewShapeMask);
		XFreePixmap(display, NewPixmap);


		havePixmap= 0;
	     *   Grab new pixmap. Accept a reasonable color match.
	    Attributes.valuemask   = XpmExactColors | XpmCloseness | XpmReturnAllocPixels;
	    Attributes.exactColors = 0;
	    Attributes.closeness   = 40000;
	    if (XpmReadFileToPixmap(display, Root, XpmFileName, &NewPixmap, &NewShapeMask, &Attributes) >= 0){

		Height = Attributes.height;
		Width  = Attributes.width;
		yoff   = (CenterImage) ? (54 - Height)/2 : 0;
	        XCopyArea(display, NewPixmap, wmgen.pixmap, NormalGC, 0, 0, Width, Height, 5, 5+yoff);

		Flag = 0;
		ForceUpdate = 0;
		havePixmap= 1;

	     * Make changes visible


	 *  Check xpm file status
	if (dt2 > 1){

	    dt2 = 0;

	    if ( (fd = open(XpmFileName, O_RDONLY)) >= 0 ) {

		fstat(fd, &fi);
		gmt = gmtime(&fi.st_mtime);
		OldFileUT = FileUT;
		FileUT = (double)gmt->tm_hour + (double)gmt->tm_min/60.0 + (double)gmt->tm_sec/3600.0;
		if (FileUT != OldFileUT) ForceUpdate = 1;



	 *  Check every 5 min if the values are not up to date...

	if (ForceUpdate2||(dt3 > UpdateDELAY)){

	    dt3 = 0;

	     *  Execute Perl script to grab the Latest METAR Report
	    if (ConvertGeometry != NULL)
	      sprintf(command, "GrabImage %s %s &", ImageURL, ConvertGeometry);
	      sprintf(command, "GrabImage %s &", ImageURL);

	    ForceUpdate = 1;
	    ForceUpdate2 = 0;


	 *  Wait for next update


コード例 #16
ファイル: xlib_bitmap_t.c プロジェクト: knaka/src
main (
  int argc,
  char * * argv ) {
  int rc = -1;
  Display * pdisplay = NULL;
  /* "Window" is XID ID (unsigned long) */
  Window hwindow = 0;
  Window hwindowButton = 0;
  GC hgc = 0;
  struct ParentInfo parentinfo;
    parentinfo.fGotChildStat = 0;
    do {
      Pixmap pixmap0;
      Pixmap pixmap1;
      XpmAttributes xpmattrs0;
      XpmAttributes xpmattrs1;
      XEvent xevent;
      int fLoop = 1;
      XWindowAttributes xattrs;
      pthread_t pthreadChild;
      pthread_t pthreadTimer;
      Atom atomHello;
      Atom atomTimer;
      Atom atomClose;
      static int x = 0;
        pthread_create(& pthreadChild, (void *) 0, doChild, NULL);
        pthread_create(& pthreadTimer, (void *) 0, doTimer, NULL);
        if (! (pdisplay = XOpenDisplay(NULL))) {
        parentinfo.pdisplay = pdisplay;
        //fprintf(stderr, "d: %s\n", pdisplay->display_name);
        fprintf(stderr, "d: %s\n", DisplayString(pdisplay));
        if (! (hwindow = XCreateSimpleWindow(
         pdisplay, // display
         DefaultRootWindow(pdisplay), // parent
         0, // x
         0, // y
         100, // width
         100, // height
         0, // border_witdh
         getColor(pdisplay, "black"), // border
         getColor(pdisplay, "white") ))) { // background
        parentinfo.hwindow = hwindow;
        XSelectInput(pdisplay, hwindow, ExposureMask | KeyPressMask);
        /* todo: magic number */
        if (! (hwindowButton = XCreateSimpleWindow(pdisplay, hwindow,
         10, 10, 60, 30, 3, getColor(pdisplay, "black"),
         getColor(pdisplay, "white" )))) {
        XSelectInput(pdisplay, hwindowButton, ButtonPressMask | \
         ButtonReleaseMask | ExposureMask );
        if (! (hgc = XCreateGC(pdisplay, hwindow, 0, 0))) {
        xpmattrs0.alloc_close_colors = True;
        xpmattrs0.closeness = 65535;
        xpmattrs0.valuemask = XpmAllocCloseColors | XpmCloseness;
        if (XpmCreatePixmapFromData(pdisplay, hwindow,
         test_xpm, & pixmap0, NULL, & xpmattrs0 ) != 0) {
        /* http://www.fenix.ne.jp/~cdrtk/misc/xpm/advanced.html */
        fprintf(stderr, "xpmattrs0 - width: %d, height: %d\n",
         xpmattrs0.width, xpmattrs0.height );
        xpmattrs1.alloc_close_colors = True;
        xpmattrs1.closeness = 65535;
        xpmattrs1.valuemask = XpmAllocCloseColors | XpmCloseness;
        if ((XpmReadFileToPixmap(pdisplay, hwindow,
         "yahoo_logo.xpm", & pixmap1, NULL, & xpmattrs1 )) != 0) {
        XMapWindow(pdisplay, hwindow);
        XMapSubwindows(pdisplay, hwindow);
        XResizeWindow(pdisplay, hwindow,
         (xpmattrs0.width > xpmattrs1.width)? xpmattrs0.width: xpmattrs1.width,
         xpmattrs0.height + xpmattrs1.height );
        /* Window attributes are reflected after calling XFlush() */
        XGetWindowAttributes(pdisplay, hwindow, & xattrs);
        fprintf(stderr, "xattrs - x: %d, y: %d, width: %d, height: %d\n",
         xattrs.height );
        fprintf(stderr, "I'm your father\n");
        pparentinfo_ = & parentinfo;
        atomHello = XInternAtom(pdisplay, "Hello", False);
        atomTimer = XInternAtom(pdisplay, "Timer", False);
        atomClose = XInternAtom(pdisplay, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False);
        while (fLoop) {
            XNextEvent(pdisplay, & xevent);
            switch (xevent.type) {
                /* todo: cliping */
                /* http://homepage3.nifty.com/rio_i/lab/xlib/007expose.htm */
                case (Expose): {
                    /* Number of proceeding expose event. 0 means the last */
                    if (xevent.xexpose.count == 0) {
                      XWindowAttributes xattrs;
                      const char szButton[] = "BUTTON";
                        XGetWindowAttributes(pdisplay, hwindowButton,
                         & xattrs );
                        /* todo: magic number */
                        XDrawString(pdisplay, hwindowButton, hgc,
                         10, xattrs.height / 2, szButton, strlen(szButton) );
                        XCopyArea(pdisplay, pixmap0, hwindow, hgc,
                         0, // x
                         0, // y
                         xpmattrs0.width, // width
                         xpmattrs0.height, // height
                         0, // dest x
                         0 ); // dest y
                        XCopyArea(pdisplay, pixmap1, hwindow, hgc,
                         0, 0, xpmattrs1.width, xpmattrs1.height,
                         0, xpmattrs0.height );
                case (MappingNotify): {
                    //XRefreshKeyboardMapping(& xevent);
                case (KeyPress): {
                  char sz[256];
                  KeySym keysym;
                  XComposeStatus xcomposestat;
                  int n;
                    n = XLookupString(& xevent.xkey, sz, sizeof (sz), 
                     & keysym, & xcomposestat );
                    if (n > 0) {
                        sz[n] = '\0';
                        fprintf(stderr, "d: %d, %s\n", (int) keysym, sz);
                        if (keysym == XK_space) {
                            fLoop = 0;
                case (ButtonRelease): {
                  XWindowAttributes xattrs;
                  XGetWindowAttributes(pdisplay, hwindowButton, & xattrs);
                    if (
                     xevent.xbutton.window == hwindowButton &&
                     xattrs.x < xevent.xbutton.x &&
                     xattrs.y < xevent.xbutton.y &&
                     xevent.xbutton.x < xattrs.x + xattrs.width &&
                     xevent.xbutton.y < xattrs.y + xattrs.height ) {
                        fLoop = 0;
                case (ClientMessage): {
                    if        (xevent.xclient.message_type == atomHello) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "Got 0\n");
                    } else if (xevent.xclient.message_type == atomTimer) {

                        XCopyArea(pdisplay, pixmap0, hwindow, hgc,
                         0, // x
                         0, // y
                         xpmattrs0.width, // width
                         xpmattrs0.height, // height
                         x, // dest x
                         0 ); // dest y
                        x -= 1;
                        if (x < -300 ) {
                            x = 1000;
                        //fprintf(stderr, "1");
                    } else if (xevent.xclient.message_type == atomClose) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "XXXXX\n");
                        fLoop = 0;
                default: {
        if (parentinfo.fGotChildStat) {
            rc = WEXITSTATUS(parentinfo.rc);
        } else {
            rc = 0;
    } while (0);
    if (hgc) { XFreeGC(pdisplay, hgc); }
    if (hwindowButton) { XDestroyWindow(pdisplay, hwindowButton); }
    if (hwindow) { XDestroyWindow(pdisplay, hwindow); }
    if (pdisplay) { XCloseDisplay(pdisplay); }
    return (rc);