コード例 #1
ファイル: Xcparse.c プロジェクト: pmaillot/X32-Behringer
Xcparse(char* buf, char* input) {

int     start_comma, end_comma, txt_start, i, k, input_len;
char    input_line[512], ccase, ccend;

union littlebig {
    char    c1[4];
    int     i1;
    float   f1;
} endian;

// make a local copy of the input string as we'll modify some characters during parsing.
	strcpy(input_line, input);
    start_comma = 0;
    input_len = strlen(input_line);
//    jump to next comma, and replace spaces by 0, prior to comma
    for (i = 0; i < input_len; i++) {
        if (input_line[i] == SPACE) input_line[i] = 0;
        if (input_line[i] == COMMA) {
            start_comma = i;
// Prepare first command block
    i = 0;
    i = Xsprint(buf, i, 's', input_line);
    if (start_comma) {
// Set command (",s|i|f" is present)
// look for end of formatters (s,i,f)
        k = start_comma + 1;
        while ((k < input_len) && ((input_line[k] == 's') ||
        						   (input_line[k] == 'i') ||
								   (input_line[k] == 'f'))) k++;
// Prepare command formatters' block
        input_line[k] = 0;
        i = Xsprint(buf, i, 's', input_line+start_comma);
// k points to first value of data block (text, int or float)
// process formatters (between start_comma and end_comma) to parse blocks
        start_comma += 1;	// skip the formatters' leading comma
        end_comma = k;		// last identified formatter
// manage blocks according to formatters
        while (start_comma < end_comma) {
        	// ignore spaces before new block (text, int or float)
        		k += 1;
            while ((k < input_len) && (input_line[k] == SPACE)) k++;
            ccase = input_line[start_comma++];
            // ignore white spaces out of quotes (single or double)
			switch (ccase) {
				case 's':
					// change next SPACE char to \0 to mark end of string
					// if the string must have spaces in it, it should start with " or '; "" can be used
					// in the string to depict an empty substring (String must start with a ' in that case).
					// String delimiters must be the same (" or ').
					txt_start = k;
					if ((input_line[k] == QUOTE) || (input_line[k] == SQUOTE)) {
						ccend = input_line[k];
						k += 1;
						txt_start += 1;
						while ((k < input_len) && (input_line[k] != ccend)) k++;
					} else {
						while ((k < input_len) && (input_line[k] != SPACE)) k++;
					input_line[k] = 0;
					i = Xsprint(buf, i, 's', input_line+txt_start);
				case 'i':
					// read integer and move pointer k to the end of the data just read
					sscanf(input_line+k, "%d", &endian.i1);
					i = Xsprint(buf, i, 'i', endian.c1);
					while ((k < input_len) && (input_line[k] != SPACE)) k++;
				case 'f':
					// read float and move pointer k to the end of the data just read
					sscanf(input_line+k, "%f", &endian.f1);
					i = Xsprint(buf, i, 'f', endian.c1);
					while ((k < input_len) && (input_line[k] != SPACE)) k++;
    return i;
コード例 #2
ファイル: XAir_Command.c プロジェクト: pmaillot/X32-Behringer
main(int argc, char **argv)
struct sockaddr_in	Xip;
struct sockaddr*	Xip_addr = (struct sockaddr *)&Xip;
int 				Xfd;		// our socket
char				Xip_str[20], Xport_str[8];
int					r_len, s_len, p_status;
char				r_buf[BSIZE];
char				s_buf[BSIZE];
int					xremote_on;
char				xremote[12] = "/xremote";			// automatic trailing zeroes
int					l_index;
char				input_line[LINEMAX + 4];
int					input_intch;						// addresses limitations in certain C compilers wit getopt()
int					keep_on, do_keyboard, s_delay, filein;
FILE*				fdk = NULL;
time_t				before, now;
fd_set 				ufds;
struct timeval		timeout;
#ifdef __WIN32__
WSADATA 			wsa;
int					Xip_len = sizeof(Xip);	// length of addresses
unsigned long 		mode;
socklen_t			Xip_len = sizeof(Xip);	// length of addresses
// Initialize communication with XR server at IP ip and PORT port
// Set default values to match your XR desk
	strcpy (Xip_str, "");
	strcpy (Xport_str, "10024");
// Manage arguments
	filein = 0;
	do_keyboard = 1;
	s_delay = 10;
// Removed "s" option as it's not support by XAir series
//	while ((input_intch = getopt(argc, argv, "i:d:k:f:s:t:v:h")) != -1) {
	while ((input_intch = getopt(argc, argv, "i:d:k:f:t:v:h")) != -1) {
		switch (input_intch) {
		case 'i':
			strcpy(Xip_str, optarg );
		case 'd':
			sscanf(optarg, "%d", &X32debug);
		case 'f':
			filein = 1;
			sscanf(optarg, "%s", input_line);
		case 'k':
			sscanf(optarg, "%d", &do_keyboard);
//		case 's':
//			filein = 2;
//			sscanf(optarg, "%s", input_line);
//			break;
		case 't':
			sscanf(optarg, "%d", &s_delay);
		case 'v':
			sscanf(optarg, "%d", &X32verbose);
		case 'h':
			printf("usage: XAir_Command [-i X32 console ipv4 address]\n");
			printf("                    [-d 0/1, [0], debug option]\n");
			printf("                    [-v 0/1  [1], verbose option]\n");
			printf("                    [-k 0/1  [1], keyboard mode on]\n");
			printf("                    [-t int  [10], delay between batch commands in ms]\n");
//			printf("                    [-s file, reads X32node formatted data lines from 'file']\n");
			printf("                    [-f file, sets batch mode on, getting input data from 'file']\n");
			printf("                     default IP is\n\n");
//			printf(" If option -s file is used, the program reads data from the provided file \n");
//			printf(" until EOF has been reached, and exits after that.\n\n");
			printf(" If option -f file is used, the program runs in batch mode, taking data from\n");
			printf(" the provided file until EOF has been reached, or 'exit' or 'kill' entered.\n\n");
			printf(" If not killed or no -f option, the program runs in standard mode, taking data\n");
			printf(" from the keyboard or <stdin> on linux systems.\n");
			printf(" While executing, the following commands can be used:\n");
			printf("   '#line of text.....': will print out the input line as a comment line\n");
			printf("   'exit' | 'quit': will quit the current mode\n");
			printf("   'kill': [batch mode only] will exit the progam\n");
			printf("   'time <value>': will change the delay between batch commands to <value>\n");
			printf("   'verbose <on|off>': will change the verbose mode\n");
			printf("   'verbose': will return the current verbose mode\n");
			printf("   'xremote <on|off>': will change the xremote mode\n");
			printf("   'xremote': will return the current xremote mode\n");
			printf("   '' (empty line) [standard mode only]: will repeat the last entered command\n\n");
			printf(" All other commands are parsed and sent to XR18.\n");
			printf(" Typical XR18 command structure:\n");
			printf("   <command> [<format> [<data> [<data> [...]]]], where for example:\n");
			printf("      command: /info, /status, /ch/00/mix/fader, ...\n");
			printf("      format: ',i' ',f' ',s' or a combination: ',siss' ',ffiss' ...\n");
			printf("      data: a list of int, float or string types separated by a space char...\n\n");
#ifdef __WIN32__
//Initialize winsock
	if (WSAStartup (MAKEWORD( 2, 2), &wsa) != 0) {
		printf ("Failed. Error Code : %d", WSAGetLastError());
		exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
// Load the XR18 address we connect to; we're a client to XR18, keep it simple.
	// Create UDP socket
	if ((Xfd = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) < 0) {
		perror ("failed to create XR18 socket");
		exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
	// Construct  server sockaddr_in structure
	memset (&Xip, 0, sizeof(Xip));				// Clear struct
	Xip.sin_family = AF_INET;					// Internet/IP
	Xip.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(Xip_str);	// IP address
	Xip.sin_port = htons(atoi(Xport_str));		// server port/
// Set receiving from XR18 to non blocking mode
// The 500ms timeout is used for delaying the printing of '.' at startup.
	timeout.tv_sec = 0;
	timeout.tv_usec = 500000; //Set timeout for non blocking recvfrom(): 500ms
	FD_SET(Xfd, &ufds);
// make stdin (fd = 0) I/O nonblocking
#ifdef __WIN32__
	mode = 1;
	p_status = ioctlsocket(0, FIONBIO, &mode);

	fcntl(0, F_SETFL, fcntl(0, F_GETFL, 0) | O_NONBLOCK);
// All done. Let's send and receive messages
// Establish logical connection with XR18 server
	printf(" XAir_Command - v1.39 - (c)2014-18 Patrick-Gilles Maillot\n\nConnecting to XR18.");
	keep_on = 1;
	xremote_on = X32verbose;	// Momentarily save X32verbose
	X32verbose = 0;
	s_len = Xsprint(s_buf, 0, 's', "/xinfo");
	while (keep_on) {
		SEND  				// command /info sent;
		RPOLL 				// read data if available
		if (p_status < 0) {
			printf("Polling for data failed\n");
			return 1;		// exit on receive error
		} else if (p_status > 0) {
			RECV 			// We have received data - process it!
			if (strcmp(r_buf, "/xinfo") == 0)
				break;		// Connected!
		}					// ... else timeout
		printf("."); fflush(stdout);
コード例 #3
main(int argc, char **argv)

int					i, k, read_status;
char				l_read[128], c;
struct sockaddr_in	Xip;
int fd;				// our socket
int					recvlen, sendlen;
char				b_rec[BSIZE], Xip_str[20], Xport_str[8];
char				b_snd[BSIZE];
#ifdef __WIN32__
WSADATA 			wsa;
int					Xip_len = sizeof(Xip);	// length of addresses
socklen_t			Xip_len = sizeof(Xip);	// length of addresses
struct timeval		timeout;
fd_set 				ufds;
// initialize communication with X32 server at IP ip and PORT port
//	set a default value for server[]; change to match your X32 desk
	strcpy (Xip_str, "");
//	port[] = "10023" //change to use a different port
	strcpy (Xport_str, "10023");

// Manage arguments
	recvlen = sendlen = 0;
	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "i:s:n:h")) != (char)-1) {
		switch (c) {
		case 'i':
			strcpy(Xip_str, optarg );
		case 's':
			strcpy(b_rec, optarg );
			recvlen = 1;
		case 'n':
			strcpy(b_snd, optarg );
			sendlen = 1;
		case 'h':
			printf("usage: X32GetScene [-i X32 console ipv4 address] [-s scene name][-n note\n");
			printf("                     default IP is\n");
			printf("reads from <stdin> scene IDs to request to X32\n");
			printf("writes to <stdout> scene IDs and parameters in readable format (identical to *.scn)\n\n");

#ifdef __WIN32__
//Initialize winsock
	if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2),&wsa) != 0) {
		printf("Failed. Error Code : %d", WSAGetLastError());
// Load the X32 address we connect to; we're a client to X32, keep it simple.
// Open a UDP socket
	if ((fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) < 0) {
		perror("failed to create X32 socket");
// Construct the server sockaddr_in structure
	memset(&Xip, 0, sizeof(Xip));				// Clear struct
	Xip.sin_family = AF_INET;					// Internet/IP
	Xip.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(Xip_str);	// IP address
	Xip.sin_port = htons(atoi(Xport_str));		// server port
// Non blocking mode
	timeout.tv_sec = 0;
	timeout.tv_usec = 100000; //Set timeout for non blocking recvfrom(): 100ms
// All done. Let's send and receive messages
// Establish logical connection with X32 server
// Print header
	if (!recvlen) {
		printf ("Please enter scene name: ");
		scanf ("%s", b_rec);
	if (!sendlen) {
		printf ("Please enter note data: ");
		scanf ("%s", b_snd);
	printf ("#2.1# \"%s\" \"%s\" %%000000000 1 X32GetScene V1.4 (c)2014 Patrick-Gilles Maillot\n\n", b_rec, b_snd);
// Open file to interpret from stdin
	k = Xsprint (b_snd, 0, 's', "/node");
	k = Xsprint (b_snd, k, 's', ",s");
	while ((read_status = scanf("%s", l_read)) != EOF) {
		if (l_read[0] == '/') {
			sendlen = Xsprint(b_snd, k, 's', l_read + 1 );
			if (sendto(fd, b_snd, sendlen, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&Xip, Xip_len) < 0) {
				perror("coundn't send data with sendto");
				return (-1);
			FD_ZERO (&ufds);
			FD_SET (fd, &ufds);
			i = select(fd+1, &ufds, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
			if (i > 0) {
				recvlen = recvfrom(fd, b_rec, BSIZE, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&Xip, &Xip_len);
				if (recvlen > 0) {
					i = 0;
					while((b_rec[i] != '/') && (i < recvlen)) i++;
					// print reply to stdout (or attached file); comes with trailing \a and no \0 chars
					printf("%s", b_rec + i);
				    fflush (stdout); // make sure all data is printed out
		} else {
// Decide here if we want to do anything with other command (comments for example)
// Normal commands parameters should be discarded
			if (strcmp(l_read, "exit") == 0) break;
    fflush (stdout); // make sure all data is printed out
#ifdef __WIN32__