コード例 #1
ファイル: DrawnB.c プロジェクト: att/uwin
static void
initialize(Widget request, Widget new_w,
	   ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
    DEBUGOUT(_LtDebug(__FILE__, new_w,
		      "initialize: %i args\n"
		      "\trequest X %5i Y %5i W %5i H %5i\n"
		      "\t  new_w X %5i Y %5i W %5i H %5i\n",
		      XtX(request), XtY(request),
		      XtWidth(request), XtHeight(request),
		      XtX(new_w), XtY(new_w),
		      XtWidth(new_w), XtHeight(new_w)));
    DEBUGOUT(_LtDebugPrintArgList(__FILE__, new_w, args, *num_args, False));

    /* check the RepType resources */
    if (!XmRepTypeValidValue(XmRepTypeGetId(XmRMultiClick),
			     DB_MultiClick(new_w), new_w))
	DB_MultiClick(new_w) = XmMULTICLICK_KEEP;
    if (!XmRepTypeValidValue(XmRepTypeGetId(XmRShadowType),
			     DB_ShadowType(new_w), new_w))
	DB_ShadowType(new_w) = XmSHADOW_ETCHED_IN;

    DB_Armed(new_w) = False;
    DB_Timer(new_w) = 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Gadget.c プロジェクト: att/uwin
static void
gadget_border_unhighlight(Widget w)

    DEBUGOUT(_LtDebug(__FILE__, w, "gadget_border_unhighlight\n"));

    /* with zero width, we don't need this... */
    if (G_HighlightThickness(w) == 0)

    if (XmIsManager(XtParent(w)))
	_XmDrawHighlight(XtDisplayOfObject(w), XtWindowOfObject(w),
			 XtX(w), XtY(w), XtWidth(w), XtHeight(w),
			 G_HighlightThickness(w), LineSolid);
		       XtX(w), XtY(w),
		       XtWidth(w), XtHeight(w),

    G_Highlighted(w) = False;
    G_HighlightDrawn(w) = False;
コード例 #3
ファイル: GMUtils.c プロジェクト: unix-junkie/motif
 * Return True if w intersects with any other siblins.
_XmGMOverlap(XmManagerWidget manager,
           Widget w)
    register int      i ;
    Position  left1 = XtX(w) ;
    Position  top1 = XtY(w) ;
    Dimension right1 = XtX(w) + 2*XtBorderWidth(w) + XtWidth(w) ;
    Dimension bottom1 = XtY(w) + 2*XtBorderWidth(w) + XtHeight(w);

    for(i=0 ; i<manager->composite.num_children ; i++) {   
      Widget          kid = manager->composite.children[i] ;
      Position        left2 = XtX(kid) ;
      Position        top2 = XtY(kid) ;
      Dimension       right2 = XtX(kid) + 2*XtBorderWidth(kid) + 
      Dimension       bottom2 = XtY(kid) + 2*XtBorderWidth(kid) + 
                                XtHeight(kid) ;
        if(w != kid && 
         (((left1 >= left2) && ((Dimension)left1 <= right2)) ||
          ((left2 >= left1) && ((Dimension)left2 <= right1))) &&
         (((top1 >= top2) && ((Dimension)top1 <= bottom2)) ||
          ((top2 >= top1) && ((Dimension)top2 <= bottom1)))    )
          {   return( True) ;
    return( False) ;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Form.c プロジェクト: dimkr/tinyxlib
static Boolean
XawFormConstraintSetValues(Widget current, Widget request, Widget cnew,
			   ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
    FormConstraints cfc = (FormConstraints)current->core.constraints;
    FormConstraints nfc = (FormConstraints)cnew->core.constraints;

    if (cfc->form.top != nfc->form.top || cfc->form.bottom != nfc->form.bottom
	|| cfc->form.left != nfc->form.left || cfc->form.right != nfc->form.right
	|| cfc->form.dx != nfc->form.dx || cfc->form.dy != nfc->form.dy
	|| cfc->form.horiz_base != nfc->form.horiz_base
	|| cfc->form.vert_base != nfc->form.vert_base) {
	FormWidget fp = (FormWidget)XtParent(cnew);

	/* If there are no subclass ConstraintSetValues procedures remaining
	 * to be invoked, and if there is no geometry request about to be
	 * made, then invoke the new layout now; else defer it
	if (XtClass(XtParent(cnew)) == formWidgetClass
	    && XtX(current) == XtX(cnew)
	    && XtY(current) == XtY(cnew)
	    && XtWidth(current) == XtWidth(cnew)
	    && XtHeight(current) == XtHeight(cnew)
	    && XtBorderWidth(current) == XtBorderWidth(cnew))
	    Layout(fp, 0, 0, True);
	    fp->form.needs_relayout = True;

    return (False);
コード例 #5
void XmdsPopupMenuPosition(XmRowColumnWidget w,XButtonEvent *event)
  Widget option = w->row_column.memory_subwidget;
  XtX(w) = event->x_root - (option ? XtX(option) + XtWidth(option) / 2 : 0);
  XtY(w) = event->y_root - (option ? XtY(option) + XtHeight(option) / 2 : 0);
  RC_CascadeBtn(w) = XtWindowToWidget(XtDisplay(w),event->window);
コード例 #6
ファイル: DropTrans.c プロジェクト: att/uwin
static void
initialize(Widget request, Widget new_w,
	   ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
    XmDropTransferEntry entries;

    DEBUGOUT(_LtDebug(__FILE__, new_w,
		      "%s:initialize(%d) - %i args\n"
		      "\trequest X %5i Y %5i W %5i H %5i\n"
		      "\t  new_w X %5i Y %5i W %5i H %5i\n",
		      __FILE__, __LINE__,
		      XtX(request), XtY(request),
		      XtWidth(request), XtHeight(request),
		      XtX(new_w), XtY(new_w),
		      XtWidth(new_w), XtHeight(new_w)));
    DEBUGOUT(_LtDebugPrintArgList(__FILE__, new_w, args, *num_args, False));

    if (DT_NumDropTransfers(new_w) != 0)

	/* Copy the user specified list */
	DT_NumDropTransferLists(new_w) = 1;

	DT_DropTransferLists(new_w) =

	entries = (XmDropTransferEntry)XtMalloc(DT_NumDropTransfers(new_w) *

	memcpy(entries, DT_DropTransfers(new_w),
	      DT_NumDropTransfers(new_w) * sizeof(XmDropTransferEntryRec));

	DT_DropTransferLists(new_w)[0].transfer_list = entries;
	DT_DropTransferLists(new_w)[0].num_transfers =

	DT_DropTransfers(new_w) = entries;
	DT_DropTransferLists(new_w) = NULL;
	DT_NumDropTransferLists(new_w) = 0;

    DT_MotifDropAtom(new_w) = XmInternAtom(XtDisplay(new_w),

    DT_CurDropTransferList(new_w) = XmUNSPECIFIED;
    DT_CurXfer(new_w) = XmUNSPECIFIED;

    DT_CurTargets(new_w) = NULL;
    DT_CurClientData(new_w) = NULL;
コード例 #7
ファイル: DrawnB.c プロジェクト: att/uwin
static Boolean
set_values(Widget old, Widget request, Widget new_w,
	   ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
    Boolean refresh_needed = False;

    DEBUGOUT(_LtDebug(__FILE__, new_w,
		      "set_values: %i args\n"
		      "\t    old X %5i Y %5i W %5i H %5i\n"
		      "\trequest X %5i Y %5i W %5i H %5i\n"
		      "\t  new_w X %5i Y %5i W %5i H %5i\n",
		      XtX(old), XtY(old),
		      XtWidth(old), XtHeight(old),
		      XtX(request), XtY(request),
		      XtWidth(request), XtHeight(request),
		      XtX(new_w), XtY(new_w),
		      XtWidth(new_w), XtHeight(new_w)));
    DEBUGOUT(_LtDebugPrintArgList(__FILE__, new_w, args, *num_args, False));

    /* check the RepType resources */
    if (!XmRepTypeValidValue(XmRepTypeGetId(XmRMultiClick),
			     DB_MultiClick(new_w), new_w))
	DB_MultiClick(new_w) = DB_MultiClick(old);
    if (!XmRepTypeValidValue(XmRepTypeGetId(XmRShadowType),
			     DB_ShadowType(new_w), new_w))
	DB_ShadowType(new_w) = DB_ShadowType(old);

    if (DB_ShadowType(old) != DB_ShadowType(new_w))
	refresh_needed = True;

    /* rws 23 Jul 1997
       Label will have polluted the height and width since it will not
       be able to determine the correct size, since it does not know what
       is in the window!  Therefore if the size has changed use the
       requested size.
       xdir top right hand logo button
       JHG: If there's something identifiable in the button, trust Label.
       rws 11 Sep 1999
       Don't trust Label. Take a look at drawnbutton/test9
    if (/* !Lab_TextRect_height(new_w) && */
	(XtWidth(new_w) != XtWidth(request) ||
	 XtHeight(new_w) != XtHeight(request)))
	XtWidth(new_w) = XtWidth(request);
	XtHeight(new_w) = XtHeight(request);
	refresh_needed = True;
    return refresh_needed;
コード例 #8
ファイル: GMUtils.c プロジェクト: unix-junkie/motif
/* Enforce margins for children if margins are non-zero */
_XmGMEnforceMargin(XmManagerWidget manager,
#if NeedWidePrototypes
                 int margin_width,
                 int margin_height, 
                 int setvalue
                 Dimension margin_width,
                 Dimension margin_height,        
                 Boolean setvalue
#endif /* NeedWidePrototypes */
    int i ;
    register Widget child ;
    register Boolean do_move ;
    Position newx, newy ;
    for(i = 0 ; i < manager->composite.num_children ; i++) {   
        do_move = False ;
        child = (Widget) manager->composite.children[i] ;
        if(XtIsManaged (child)) {   
            if ((margin_width != 0) && 
              (XtX(child) < (int) margin_width )) {   
              do_move = True ;
              newx = margin_width ;
          } else 
              newx = XtX(child) ;
          if ((margin_height != 0) && 
              (XtY(child) < (int) margin_height )) {   
              do_move = True ;
                newy = margin_height  ;
          } else
              newy = XtY(child) ;
          if(do_move) {
              if (setvalue) {
                  Arg args[2] ;
                  XtSetArg(args[0], XmNx, newx); 
                  XtSetArg(args[1], XmNy, newy);
                  XtSetValues(child, args, 2);
              } else
              XmeConfigureObject(child, newx, newy,
				 child->core.width, child->core.height,
コード例 #9
 Widget gw,
#if NeedWidePrototypes
 double xoff, double yoff
 float xoff, float yoff
    ViewportWidget w = (ViewportWidget)gw;
    Widget child = w->viewport.child;
    int x, y;

    if (xoff > 1.0)			/* scroll to right */
	x = XtWidth(child);
    else if (xoff < 0.0)		/* if the offset is < 0.0 nothing */
	x = XtX(child);
	x = (float)XtWidth(child) * xoff;

    if (yoff > 1.0)
	y = XtHeight(child);
    else if (yoff < 0.0)
	y = XtY(child);
	y = (float)XtHeight(child) * yoff;

    MoveChild (w, -x, -y);
コード例 #10
ファイル: GMUtils.c プロジェクト: unix-junkie/motif
 * Figure out how much size we need. Shrink wrap around the children.
_XmGMCalcSize(XmManagerWidget manager,
#if NeedWidePrototypes
            int margin_width,
            int margin_height,        
            Dimension margin_width,
            Dimension margin_height,        
#endif /* NeedWidePrototypes */
            Dimension *replyWidth,
            Dimension *replyHeight )
    register int i ;
    register Widget child ;   
    int right, bottom ;

    *replyWidth = *replyHeight = 0 ;

    for (i = 0; i < manager->composite.num_children; i++) {
        child = manager->composite.children[i];
        if (XtIsManaged (child)) {
          right = XtX(child) + 2*XtBorderWidth(child) + XtWidth(child) ;
            bottom = XtY(child) + 2*XtBorderWidth(child) + XtHeight(child) ;

          if (right > (int) *replyWidth) *replyWidth = right ;
          if (bottom > (int) *replyHeight) *replyHeight = bottom ;

    *replyWidth += margin_width + MGR_ShadowThickness(manager);
    *replyHeight += margin_height + MGR_ShadowThickness(manager);

    if (!(*replyWidth)) *replyWidth = 10;
    if (!(*replyHeight)) *replyHeight = 10;
コード例 #11
ファイル: Form.c プロジェクト: dimkr/tinyxlib
static void
XawFormChangeManaged(Widget w)
    FormWidget fw = (FormWidget)w;
    FormConstraints form;
    WidgetList children, childP;
    int num_children = fw->composite.num_children;
    Widget child;

	(fw, XtWidth(w), XtHeight(w), True);

    fw->form.old_width = XtWidth(w);
    fw->form.old_height = XtHeight(w);
    for (children = childP = fw->composite.children;
	 childP - children < num_children;
	 childP++) {
	child = *childP;
	if (!XtIsManaged(child))
	form = (FormConstraints)child->core.constraints;
#ifndef OLDXAW
	form->form.virtual_x = XtX(child);
	form->form.virtual_y = XtY(child);
	form->form.virtual_width = XtWidth(child);
	form->form.virtual_height = XtHeight(child);
コード例 #12
static void
initialize(Widget request, Widget new_w, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
    printf("%s:%s(%d) - %s %li\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,

    if (Slide_DestWidth(new_w) == (Dimension)XmUNSPECIFIED)
        Slide_DestWidth(new_w) = XtWidth(Slide_Widget(new_w));
    if (Slide_DestHeight(new_w) == (Dimension)XmUNSPECIFIED)
        Slide_DestHeight(new_w) = XtHeight(Slide_Widget(new_w));
    if (Slide_DestX(new_w) == XmUNSPECIFIED_POSITION)
        Slide_DestX(new_w) = XtX(Slide_Widget(new_w));
    if (Slide_DestY(new_w) == XmUNSPECIFIED_POSITION)
        Slide_DestY(new_w) = XtY(Slide_Widget(new_w));
    Slide_Id(new_w) = XtAppAddTimeOut(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(new_w),
    XtAddCallback(Slide_Widget(new_w), XmNdestroyCallback, (XtCallbackProc)targetDestroy, new_w);
コード例 #13
 * saveKeybd()
 * This routine will write out to the passed file descriptor any state
 * information this dialog needs.  It is called from saveSessionCB with the
 * file already opened.
 * All information is saved in xrm format.  There is no restriction
 * on what can be saved.  It doesn't have to be defined or be part of any
 * widget or Xt definition.  Just name and save it here and recover it in
 * restoreBackdrop.  The suggested minimum is whether you are mapped, and your
 * location.
        int fd )
    Position x,y;
    char *bufr = style.tmpBigStr;     /* size=[1024], make bigger if needed */
    XmVendorShellExtObject  vendorExt;
    XmWidgetExtData         extData;

    if (style.kbdDialog != NULL) 
        if (XtIsManaged(style.kbdDialog))
            sprintf(bufr, "*keyboardDlg.ismapped: True\n");
            sprintf(bufr, "*keyboardDlg.ismapped: False\n");

        /* Get and write out the geometry info for our Window */
        x = XtX(XtParent(style.kbdDialog));
        y = XtY(XtParent(style.kbdDialog));

        /* Modify x & y to take into account window mgr frames
         * This is pretty bogus, but I don't know a better way to do it.
        extData = _XmGetWidgetExtData(style.shell, XmSHELL_EXTENSION);
        vendorExt = (XmVendorShellExtObject)extData->widget;
        x -= vendorExt->vendor.xOffset;
        y -= vendorExt->vendor.yOffset;

        sprintf(bufr, "%s*keyboardDlg.x: %d\n", bufr, x);
        sprintf(bufr, "%s*keyboardDlg.y: %d\n", bufr, y);

        write (fd, bufr, strlen(bufr));
コード例 #14
ファイル: DrawnB.c プロジェクト: att/uwin
static void
resize(Widget w)
    XmDrawnButtonCallbackStruct cbs;

    DEBUGOUT(_LtDebug(__FILE__, w, "Resize (%dx%d%+d%+d)\n",
		      XtWidth(w), XtHeight(w),XtX(w),XtY(w)));

#define superclass (&xmLabelClassRec)
    (*superclass->core_class.resize) (w);
#undef superclass

    if (XtIsRealized(w) && DB_ResizeCallback(w))
	cbs.reason = XmCR_RESIZE;
	cbs.event = NULL;
	cbs.window = XtWindow(w);
	cbs.click_count = DB_ClickCount(w);


コード例 #15
    This function is a reimplementation of QWidget::showEvent(). The
    reimplemented function handles the given \a event by ensuring that the
    dialog widget is managed and hidden.
void QtMotifDialog::showEvent(QShowEvent *event)
    if (!event->spontaneous()) {
        // tell motif about modality
        Arg args[1];
        XtSetArg( args[0], XmNdialogStyle,
                   ? XmDIALOG_FULL_APPLICATION_MODAL :
        XtSetValues( d->shell, args, 1 );
        XtSetMappedWhenManaged( d->shell, False );
        if ( d->dialog ) {
            XtManageChild( d->dialog );

            XSync(x11Info().display(), FALSE);
            XSync(QtMotif::display(), FALSE);
        } else if ( !parentWidget() ) {
            QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::Resize);

            Widget p = XtParent( d->shell ), s = p;
            while ( s != NULL && !XtIsShell( s ) ) // find the shell
                s = XtParent( s );

            if ( p && s ) {
                int offx = ( (  XtWidth( p ) -  width() ) / 2 );
                int offy = ( ( XtHeight( p ) - height() ) / 2 );
                move( XtX ( s ) + offx, XtY( s ) + offy );
        XtSetMappedWhenManaged( d->shell, True );

コード例 #16
   inline void callFunction(mxArray* plhs[], const mxArray*prhs[]) {
      if (!mexCheckType<T>(prhs[0])) 
         mexErrMsgTxt("type of argument 1 is not consistent");
      if (mxIsSparse(prhs[0])) 
         mexErrMsgTxt("argument 1 should be full");
      if (!mexCheckType<T>(prhs[1])) 
         mexErrMsgTxt("type of argument 2 is not consistent");
      if (mxIsSparse(prhs[1])) 
         mexErrMsgTxt("argument 2 should be full");

      T* prX = reinterpret_cast<T*>(mxGetPr(prhs[0]));
      const mwSize* dimsX=mxGetDimensions(prhs[0]);
      int n=static_cast<int>(dimsX[0]);
      int M=static_cast<int>(dimsX[1]);
      T* prY = reinterpret_cast<T*>(mxGetPr(prhs[1]));
      const mwSize* dimsY=mxGetDimensions(prhs[1]);
      int nY=static_cast<int>(dimsY[0]);
      int MY=static_cast<int>(dimsY[1]);
      if (n != nY)
         mexErrMsgTxt("argument sizes are not consistent");

      T* prXY=reinterpret_cast<T*>(mxGetPr(plhs[0]));

      Matrix<T> X(prX,n,M);
      Matrix<T> Y(prY,nY,MY);
      Matrix<T> XtY(prXY,M,MY);
コード例 #17
ファイル: Main.c プロジェクト: juddy/edcde
        Widget parent,
        Widget dialog )
  int n;
  Position newX, newY, pY, pX;
  Dimension pHeight, myHeight, pWidth, myWidth;
  Arg args[4];

    pX = XtX(parent);
    pY = XtY(parent);
    pHeight = XtHeight(parent);
    pWidth = XtWidth(parent);
    myHeight = XtHeight(dialog);
    myWidth = XtWidth(dialog);

    if ((newY = pY - myHeight +5) < 0) 
        newY = pY + pHeight;
    newX = pX + pWidth/2 - myWidth/2;

    n = 0;
    XtSetArg(args[n], XmNx, newX); n++;
    XtSetArg(args[n], XmNy, newY); n++;

#ifdef PutDDEBUG
  printf("newX, newY, pY, pX;\n");
  printf("%d    %d    %d  %d\n",newX, newY, pY, pX);
  printf("pHeight, myHeight, pWidth, myWidth;\n");
  printf("%d       %d        %d      %d\n", pHeight, myHeight, pWidth, myWidth);
コード例 #18
ファイル: DropTrans.c プロジェクト: att/uwin
static Boolean
set_values(Widget current, Widget request, Widget new_w,
	   ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
    DEBUGOUT(_LtDebug(__FILE__, new_w,
		      "%s:set_values(%d) - %i args\n"
		      "\t    old X %5i Y %5i W %5i H %5i\n"
		      "\trequest X %5i Y %5i W %5i H %5i\n"
		      "\t  new_w X %5i Y %5i W %5i H %5i\n",
		      __FILE__, __LINE__,
		      XtX(current), XtY(current),
		      XtWidth(current), XtHeight(current),
		      XtX(request), XtY(request),
		      XtWidth(request), XtHeight(request),
		      XtX(new_w), XtY(new_w),
		      XtWidth(new_w), XtHeight(new_w)));
    DEBUGOUT(_LtDebugPrintArgList(__FILE__, new_w, args, *num_args, False));

    return True;
コード例 #19
XtGeometryResult qmotif_dialog_geometry_manger( Widget w,
						XtWidgetGeometry *req,
						XtWidgetGeometry *rep )
    XtGeometryHandler geometry_manager =
    XtGeometryResult result = (*geometry_manager)( w, req, rep );

    QtMotifDialog *dialog = ( (QtMotifDialogWidget) w->core.parent )->qmotifdialog.dialog;
    dialog->setGeometry( XtX( w ), XtY( w ), XtWidth( w ), XtHeight( w ) );

    return result;
コード例 #20
static void
RedrawThumbs(ViewportWidget w)
    Widget child = w->viewport.child;
    Widget clip = w->viewport.clip;

    if (w->viewport.horiz_bar != NULL)
	SetBar(w->viewport.horiz_bar, -(int)XtX(child),
	       XtWidth(clip), XtWidth(child));

    if (w->viewport.vert_bar != NULL)
	SetBar(w->viewport.vert_bar, -(int)XtY(child),
	       XtHeight(clip), XtHeight(child));
コード例 #21
static void
ScrollUpDownProc(Widget widget, XtPointer closure, XtPointer call_data)
    ViewportWidget w = (ViewportWidget)closure;
    Widget child = w->viewport.child;
    int pix = (long)call_data;
    int x, y;

    if (child == NULL)

    x = XtX(child) - (widget == w->viewport.horiz_bar ? pix : 0);
    y = XtY(child) - (widget == w->viewport.vert_bar ? pix : 0);
    MoveChild(w, x, y);
コード例 #22
EmbeddedClientReparent (char   * client_name,
                        Widget   icon)

   WmFpEmbeddedClientList embedded_client_list = 
      (WmFpEmbeddedClientList) panel.embedded_client_list;

   int i;

   for (i = 0; i < panel.embedded_client_count; i++)
      if (strcmp (client_name, embedded_client_list[i].pchResName) == 0)

   /*  Try to reparent the client to/from the main panel.  If this    */
   /*  fails, it is because of a dtwm restart and the clients have    */
   /*  not yet been grabbed.  So just reset the embedded client data  */

   if (ReparentEmbeddedClient (&embedded_client_list[i], icon,
                               XtWindow (XtParent (icon)),
                               XtX (icon) + 3, XtY (icon) + 3,
                               XtWidth(icon) - 6, XtHeight(icon) - 6) == False)
      embedded_client_list[i].wControl = icon;
      embedded_client_list[i].winParent = XtWindow (XtParent (icon));
      embedded_client_list[i].x = XtX (icon) + 3;
      embedded_client_list[i].y =  XtY (icon) + 3;
      embedded_client_list[i].width =  XtWidth (icon) - 6;
      embedded_client_list[i].height =  XtHeight (icon) - 6;
コード例 #23
static void
EmbeddedClientSetGeometry (WmFpEmbeddedClientData * embedded_client_data)

   Widget control;
   control = embedded_client_data->wControl;

   embedded_client_data->winParent = XtWindow (XtParent (control));

   embedded_client_data->x = XtX (control) + 3;
   embedded_client_data->y = XtY (control) + 3;
   embedded_client_data->width = XtWidth (control) - 6;
   embedded_client_data->height = XtHeight (control) - 6;
コード例 #24
ファイル: Porthole.c プロジェクト: dimkr/tinyxlib
static void
layout_child(PortholeWidget pw, Widget child, XtWidgetGeometry *geomp,
	     Position *xp, Position *yp, Dimension *widthp, Dimension *heightp)
    Position minx, miny;

    *xp = XtX(child);			/* default to current values */
    *yp = XtY(child);
    *widthp = XtWidth(child);
    *heightp = XtHeight(child);
    if (geomp) {			/* mix in any requested changes */
	if (geomp->request_mode & CWX)
	    *xp = geomp->x;
	if (geomp->request_mode & CWY)
	    *yp = geomp->y;
	if (geomp->request_mode & CWWidth)
	    *widthp = geomp->width;
	if (geomp->request_mode & CWHeight)
	    *heightp = geomp->height;

     * Make sure that the child is at least as large as the porthole; there
     * is no maximum size
    if (*widthp < XtWidth(pw)) *widthp = XtWidth(pw);
    if (*heightp < XtHeight(pw)) *heightp = XtHeight(pw);

     * Make sure that the child is still on the screen.  Note that this must
     * be done *after* the size computation so that we know where to put it
    minx = (Position)XtWidth(pw) - (Position)*widthp;
    miny = (Position)XtHeight(pw) - (Position)*heightp;

    if (*xp < minx)
	*xp = minx;
    if (*yp < miny)
	*yp = miny;

    if (*xp > 0)
	*xp = 0;
    if (*yp > 0)
	*yp = 0;
コード例 #25
ファイル: Form.c プロジェクト: dimkr/tinyxlib
 * Function:
 *	ResizeChildren
 * Parameters:
 *	w - form widget
 * Description:
 *	Resizes all children to new_x and new_y.
static void
ResizeChildren(Widget w)
    FormWidget fw = (FormWidget)w;
    int num_children = fw->composite.num_children;
    WidgetList children = fw->composite.children;
    Widget *childP;

    for (childP = children; childP - children < num_children; childP++) {
	FormConstraints form;
	Position x, y;

	if (!XtIsManaged(*childP))

	form = (FormConstraints)(*childP)->core.constraints;

	if (fw->form.old_width && fw->form.old_height) {
	    x = TransformCoord(form->form.new_x, fw->form.old_width,
			       XtWidth(fw), form->form.left);
	    y = TransformCoord(form->form.new_y, fw->form.old_height,
			       XtHeight(fw), form->form.top);
	else {
	    x = form->form.new_x;
	    y = form->form.new_y;

	if (fw->form.no_refigure) {
	    * I am changing the widget wrapper w/o modifing the window.  This is
	    * risky, but I can get away with it since I am the parent of this
	    * widget, and he must ask me for any geometry changes
	    * The window will be updated when no_refigure is set back to False
	    XtX(*childP) = x;
	    XtY(*childP) = y;
	    XtMoveWidget(*childP, x, y);
コード例 #26
ファイル: Porthole.c プロジェクト: dimkr/tinyxlib
static void
SendReport(PortholeWidget pw, unsigned int changed)
    Widget child = find_child(pw);

    if (pw->porthole.report_callbacks && child) {
	XawPannerReport prep;

	prep.changed = changed;
	prep.slider_x = -XtX(child);	/* porthole is "inner" */
	prep.slider_y = -XtY(child);	/* child is outer since it is larger */
	prep.slider_width = XtWidth(pw);
	prep.slider_height = XtHeight(pw);
	prep.canvas_width = XtWidth(child);
	prep.canvas_height = XtHeight(child);
	XtCallCallbackList((Widget)pw, pw->porthole.report_callbacks,
コード例 #27
ファイル: Gadget.c プロジェクト: att/uwin
static void
gadget_border_highlight(Widget w)

    DEBUGOUT(_LtDebug(__FILE__, w, "gadget_border_highlight\n"));

    /* with zero width, we don't need this... */
    if (G_HighlightThickness(w) == 0)

    _XmDrawHighlight(XtDisplayOfObject(w), XtWindowOfObject(w),
		     XtX(w), XtY(w), XtWidth(w), XtHeight(w),
		     G_HighlightThickness(w), LineSolid);

    G_Highlighted(w) = True;
    G_HighlightDrawn(w) = True;
コード例 #28
static void
SendReport(ViewportWidget w, unsigned int changed)
    XawPannerReport rep;

    if (w->viewport.report_callbacks) {
	Widget child = w->viewport.child;
	Widget clip = w->viewport.clip;

	rep.changed = changed;
	rep.slider_x = -XtX(child);	/* child is canvas */
	rep.slider_y = -XtY(child);	/* clip is slider */
	rep.slider_width = XtWidth(clip);
	rep.slider_height = XtHeight(clip);
	rep.canvas_width = XtWidth(child);
	rep.canvas_height = XtHeight(child);
	XtCallCallbackList((Widget)w, w->viewport.report_callbacks,
コード例 #29
 * saveMain()
 * This routine will write out to the passed file descriptor any state
 * information this dialog needs.  It is called from saveSessionCB with the
 * file already opened.
 * All information is saved in xrm format.  There is no restriction
 * on what can be saved.  It doesn't have to be defined or be part of any
 * widget or Xt definition.  Just name and save it here and recover it in
 * restoreMain.  The suggested minimum is whether you are mapped, and your
 * location.
        int fd )
    Position x,y;
    char *bufr = style.tmpBigStr;     /* size=[1024], make bigger if needed */

    if (style.mainWindow != NULL) {
        if (XtIsRealized(style.mainWindow))
            sprintf(bufr, "*mainWindow.ismapped: True\n");
        /* Get and write out the geometry info for our Window */
        x = XtX(XtParent(style.mainWindow));
        y = XtY(XtParent(style.mainWindow));
        sprintf(bufr, "%s*mainWindow.x: %d\n", bufr, x);
        sprintf(bufr, "%s*mainWindow.y: %d\n", bufr, y);

        write (fd, bufr, strlen(bufr));
コード例 #30
ファイル: I18nMain.c プロジェクト: juddy/edcde
 * saveI18n()
 * This routine will write out to the passed file descriptor any state
 * information this dialog needs.  It is called from saveSessionCB with the
 * file already opened.
 * All information is saved in xrm format.  There is no restriction
 * on what can be saved.  It doesn't have to be defined or be part of any
 * widget or Xt definition.  Just name and save it here and recover it in
 * restoreBackdrop.  The suggested minimum is whether you are mapped, and your
 * location.
        int fd )
    Position x,y;
    Dimension width, height;
    char *bufr = style.tmpBigStr;     /* size=[1024], make bigger if needed */
    XmVendorShellExtObject  vendorExt;
    XmWidgetExtData         extData;

    if (style.i18nDialog != NULL) 
        if (XtIsManaged(style.i18nDialog))
            sprintf(bufr, "*i18nDlg.ismapped: True\n");
            sprintf(bufr, "*i18nDlg.ismapped: False\n");

	/* Get and write out the geometry info for our Window */
	x = XtX(XtParent(style.i18nDialog));
	y = XtY(XtParent(style.i18nDialog));

        /* Modify x & y to take into account window mgr frames
         * This is pretty bogus, but I don't know a better way to do it.
        extData = _XmGetWidgetExtData(style.shell, XmSHELL_EXTENSION);
        vendorExt = (XmVendorShellExtObject)extData->widget;
        x -= vendorExt->vendor.xOffset;
        y -= vendorExt->vendor.yOffset;

	width = XtWidth(style.i18nDialog);
	height = XtHeight(style.i18nDialog);

	sprintf(bufr, "%s*i18nDlg.x: %d\n", bufr, x);
	sprintf(bufr, "%s*i18nDlg.y: %d\n", bufr, y);
	sprintf(bufr, "%s*i18nDlg.width: %d\n", bufr, width);
	sprintf(bufr, "%s*i18nDlg.height: %d\n", bufr, height);
	if(-1 == write (fd, bufr, strlen(bufr))) {