コード例 #1
ファイル: std2.c プロジェクト: MattWherry/yorick
void Y__jr(int nArgs)
  IOStream *file;
  HistoryInfo *history;
  int hasRecord;
  int amSubroutine= CalledAsSubroutine();
  if (nArgs!=2) YError("jr takes exactly two arguments");

  file= yarg_file(1);
  history= file->history;
  if (!history) {
    if (amSubroutine)
      YError("binary file passed to jc has no history records");
    hasRecord= 0;

  } else {
    long n= history->nRecords;
    long i= YGetInteger(sp);
    if (i<1) i+= n;
    if (i>=1 && i<=n) hasRecord= !JumpRecord(history, i-1);
    else hasRecord= 0;

  if (!amSubroutine) PushIntValue(hasRecord);
コード例 #2
ファイル: fortrn.c プロジェクト: dhmunro/yorick
void YAsyncError(const char *msg)
  extern void YError(const char *msg);
  if (*msg) YError(msg);
  else YError("<YAsyncError or FBLOWUP called>");
コード例 #3
ファイル: yinput.c プロジェクト: dhmunro/yorick
static int GetNextLine(p_file *file, int context)
  /* assert file!=0 */
  if (file && (yg_blocking || y_read_prompt)) return 0;

  if (!Ygets(&ypBuffer, file)) {
    if (file) {
      int hadEOF= Yfeof(file);
      int hadError= Yferror(file);
      ypIncludes[nYpIncludes-1].file= 0;
      /* Any errors here are serious enough to warrant a panic stop.  */
      if (hadError)
        YError("****ABORTING PARSE**** error reading include file");
      if (!hadEOF)
        YError("****ABORTING PARSE**** include file not ASCII text");
    return 0;                   /* just a normal EOF */
  if (nYpIncludes) {
    long lnum= ++ypIncludes[nYpIncludes-1].lastLineRead;
    if (context==NL_MAIN || context==NL_NOINPUT) ypBeginLine= lnum;
  } else {
    if (context==NL_MAIN || context==NL_NOINPUT) ypBeginLine= 0;
    else ypBeginLine--;
  return 1;
コード例 #4
ファイル: std2.c プロジェクト: MattWherry/yorick
void Y_add_variable(int nArgs)
  Operand op;
  IOStream *file;
  long address;
  char *name;
  StructDef *base;
  Symbol *stack= sp-nArgs+1;
  if (nArgs<4) YError("add_variable requires at least four arguments");

  file= YGetFile(stack++);
  address= YGetInteger(stack++);
  name= YGetString(stack++);

  stack->ops->FormOperand(stack, &op);
  if (op.ops==&structDefOps) base= op.value;
  else if (op.ops==&stringOps && !op.type.dims) {
    char *typeName= ((char **)op.value)[0];
    if (!typeName || !HashFind(&file->structTable, typeName, 0L))
      YError("4th argument refers to non-existent data type");
    base= file->structList[hashIndex];
  } else {
    YError("4th argument must be either string or struct definition");
    base= 0;

  nArgs-= 4;
  BuildDimList(stack, nArgs);

  AddVariable(file, address, name, base, tmpDims);
コード例 #5
ファイル: std1.c プロジェクト: MattWherry/yorick
void Y_digitize(int nArgs)
  long number, origin, nbins, i, ip;
  double *x, *bins;
  Dimension *dimsx, *dimsb;
  long *ibin;
  if (nArgs!=2) YError("digitize takes exactly two arguments");

  bins= YGet_D(sp, 0, &dimsb);
  x= YGet_D(sp-1, 0, &dimsx);

  if (!dimsb || dimsb->number<2 || dimsb->next)
    YError("2nd argument to digitize must be 1D with >=2 elements");
  nbins= dimsb->number;
  origin= dimsb->origin;
  number= TotalNumber(dimsx);

  if (dimsx) {
    Array *array= PushDataBlock(NewArray(&longStruct, dimsx));
    ibin= array->value.l;
  } else {
    ibin= &sp->value.l;
  ip= 0;
  for (i=0 ; i<number ; i++)
    ibin[i]= ip= origin+hunt(bins, nbins, x[i], ip);
コード例 #6
ファイル: std2.c プロジェクト: MattWherry/yorick
void Y_add_next_file(int nArgs)
  Operand op;
  IOStream *file;
  HistoryInfo *history;
  char *filename= 0;
  int create;
  Symbol *stack= sp-nArgs+1;
  if (nArgs<1 || nArgs>3)
    YError("add_next_file takes exactly 1, 2, or 3 arguments");

  file= YGetFile(stack++);
  history= file->history;
  if (!history || history->nRecords<1)
    YError("file has no history records in add_next_file");
  create= (file->permissions&2)? 1 : 0;

  if (stack<=sp) {
    stack->ops->FormOperand(stack, &op);
    if (op.ops==&stringOps && !op.type.dims)
      filename= ((char **)op.value)[0];
    else if (op.ops!=&voidOps)
      YError("bad filename argument in add_next_file");
    if (stack<=sp) {
      stack->ops->FormOperand(stack, &op);
      if (op.ops!=&voidOps) create= (YGetInteger(stack)!=0);

  PushIntValue(AddNextFile(history, filename, create));
コード例 #7
ファイル: std2.c プロジェクト: MattWherry/yorick
void Y__not_pdb(int nArgs)
  IOStream *file;
  int familyOK, notOK;
  if (nArgs!=2) YError("_not_pdb takes exactly two arguments");

  file= yarg_file(1);
  familyOK= (int)YGetInteger(sp);

  if (!pdb_open) pdb_open= Globalize("yPDBopen", 0L);
  if (globTab[pdb_open].ops!=&longScalar &&
    YError("yPDBopen variable must be an int or long scalar");

  yPDBopen= (int)YGetInteger(&globTab[pdb_open]);
  notOK= YtestPDB(file, familyOK);

  if (notOK>1) {
    YWarning("file is open as a PDB file, but partially broken");
    notOK= 0;

  } else if (notOK==1) {
    /* check for a Clog file if it didn't have a PDB header */
    notOK= CLopen(file, familyOK);

コード例 #8
ファイル: yeti_math.c プロジェクト: emmt/Yeti
void Y_arc(int nArgs)
  Operand op;
  int promoteID;
  long number, i;
  if (nArgs != 1) YError("arc takes exactly one argument");
  if (! sp->ops) YError("unexpected keyword");
  sp->ops->FormOperand(sp, &op);
  promoteID = op.ops->promoteID;
  if (promoteID == T_DOUBLE) {
    const double rad = TWO_PI;
    const double scl = ONE_OVER_TWO_PI;
    double *x, *y;
    x = op.value;
    y = build_result(&op, &doubleStruct);
    number = op.type.number;
    for (i=0 ; i<number ; ++i) y[i] = x[i] - rad*round(scl*x[i]);
    pop_to_d(sp - 2);
  } else if (promoteID <= T_FLOAT) {
    const float rad = JOIN(TWO_PI,F);
    const float scl = JOIN(ONE_OVER_TWO_PI,F);
    float *x, *y;
    if (promoteID != T_FLOAT) op.ops->ToFloat(&op);
    x = op.value;
    y = build_result(&op, &floatStruct);
    number = op.type.number;
    for (i=0 ; i<number ; ++i) y[i] = x[i] - rad*roundf(scl*x[i]);
    PopTo(sp - 2);
  } else {
    YError("expecting non-complex numeric argument");
コード例 #9
ファイル: std2.c プロジェクト: MattWherry/yorick
void Y_add_record(int nArgs)
  IOStream *file;
  HistoryInfo *history;
  Dimension *dims;
  double *time= 0;
  long *ncyc= 0, *address= 0;
  long nRecs= 0;
  int flags;
  Symbol *stack= sp-nArgs+1;
  if (nArgs<1 || nArgs>4)
    YError("add_record requires between one and four arguments");

  file= YGetFile(stack++);
  if (stack<=sp) {
    time= YGet_D(stack++, 1, &dims);
    if (time) nRecs= TotalNumber(dims);
    if (stack<=sp) {
      ncyc= YGet_L(stack++, 1, &dims);
      if (ncyc) {
        if (nRecs) {
          if (nRecs!=TotalNumber(dims))
            YError("inconsistent number of ncycs in add_record");
        } else {
          nRecs= TotalNumber(dims);
      if (stack<=sp) {
        address= YGet_L(stack++, 1, &dims);
        if (address) {
          if (nRecs) {
            if (nRecs!=TotalNumber(dims))
              YError("inconsistent number of addresses in add_record");
          } else {
            nRecs= TotalNumber(dims);

  /* if this file has no history, add one */
  history= file->history;
  if (!history) history= AddHistory(file, 0L);

  /* if no records were specified, current record becomes none */
  if (!nRecs) history->recNumber= -1;

  /* add the specified records */
  flags= (time? 1 : 0)|(ncyc? 2 : 0);
  while (nRecs--) {
    AddRecord(history, flags, time? time[0]:0.0, ncyc? ncyc[0]:0L,
              (address && address[0]>=0)? address[0]:-1L);
    if (time) time++;
    if (ncyc) ncyc++;
    if (address) address++;
  if (history->nRecords>0) JumpRecord(history, history->nRecords-1);
コード例 #10
ファイル: std2.c プロジェクト: MattWherry/yorick
Y_set_vars(int nArgs)
  Symbol *stack = sp - nArgs + 1;
  IOStream *file, *child;
  char **vars, **rvars;
  long i, nvars, nrvars;
  Dimension *dims;
  if (nArgs<2 || nArgs>3 || !stack[0].ops || !stack[1].ops)
    YError("set_vars takes exactly two or three arguments");

  file = YGetFile(stack++);
  child = file->history? file->history->child : 0;
  vars = YGet_Q(stack++, 1, &dims);
  nvars = (vars&&dims)? (dims->next? -1 : dims->number) : 0;
  if (nArgs==3) {
    rvars = YGet_Q(stack++, 1, &dims);
    nrvars = (vars&&dims)? (dims->next? -1 : dims->number) : 0;
  } else {
    rvars = 0;
    nrvars = 0;
  if (nvars<0 || nrvars<0) YError("set_vars var lists must be 1D");
  if ((nvars && nvars!=file->dataTable.nItems) ||
      (nrvars && nrvars!=(child? child->dataTable.nItems : 0)))
    YError("set_vars var lists must match number of vars in file");

  if (nvars) {
    HashTable tmp;
    y_hashtmp *h = y_new_tmpobj(sizeof(y_hashtmp), y_zap_hashtmp);
    HashInit(&h->table, nvars);
    for (i=0 ; i<nvars ; i++)
      if (HashAdd(&h->table, vars[i], 0)) break;
    if (i<nvars) YError("duplicate names in set_vars static var list");
    if (p_signalling) p_abort();
    tmp = h->table;
    h->table = file->dataTable;
    file->dataTable = tmp;

  if (nrvars) {
    HashTable tmp;
    y_hashtmp *h = y_new_tmpobj(sizeof(y_hashtmp), y_zap_hashtmp);
    HashInit(&h->table, nvars);
    for (i=0 ; i<nrvars ; i++)
      if (HashAdd(&h->table, rvars[i], 0)) break;
    if (i<nrvars) YError("duplicate names in set_vars record var list");
    if (p_signalling) p_abort();
    tmp = h->table;
    h->table = child->dataTable;
    child->dataTable = tmp;
コード例 #11
ファイル: ydrat.c プロジェクト: MattWherry/yorick
DratMesh *YGetDMesh(Symbol *s, int nilOK)
  DratMesh *dm;
  if (s->ops==&referenceSym) ReplaceRef(s);
  if (s->ops!=&dataBlockSym || s->value.db->ops!=&meshOps)
    YError("expecting Drat-Mesh argument");
  dm= (DratMesh *)s->value.db;
  if (!nilOK && dm->mesh.mesh.kmax<2)
    YError("mesh has not yet been updated -- call update_mesh");
  return (DratMesh *)s->value.db;
コード例 #12
ファイル: ydrat.c プロジェクト: MattWherry/yorick
void Y__init_drat(int nArgs)
  /* be sure that Ray_Path structure in drat.i has been read and
     matches C struct defined in this file */
  if (!HashFind(&yStructTable, "Ray_Path", 0L))
    YError("(BUG) Ray_Path struct not found in _init_drat");
  sdRay_Path= yStructList[hashIndex];
  if (sdRay_Path->size != sizeof(Ray_Path)) {
    sdRay_Path= 0;
    YError("(BUG) Ray_Path wrong size in _init_drat");
コード例 #13
ファイル: std2.c プロジェクト: MattWherry/yorick
void Y_dump_clog(int nArgs)
  IOStream *file;
  char *name;
  if (nArgs!=2) YError("dump_clog takes exactly two arguments");

  file= yarg_file(1);
  name= YGetString(sp);

  if (DumpClogFile(file, name))
    YError("dump_clog failed -- unable to open output file");
コード例 #14
ファイル: std2.c プロジェクト: MattWherry/yorick
void Y_read_clog(int nArgs)
  IOStream *file;
  char *name;
  if (nArgs!=2) YError("read_clog takes exactly two arguments");

  file= yarg_file(1);
  name= yarg_sq(0);

  if (ReadClogFile(file, name))
    YError("read_clog failed -- unable to read input file");
コード例 #15
ファイル: std2.c プロジェクト: MattWherry/yorick
void Y__init_pdb(int nArgs)
  IOStream *file;
  int close102;
  if (nArgs!=2) YError("_init_pdb takes exactly two arguments");

  file= yarg_file(1);
  close102= ((int)YGetInteger(sp)) & 017;

  if (YinitPDB(file, close102))
    YError("unable to initialize PDB file (no write permission?)");
コード例 #16
ファイル: std2.c プロジェクト: bjmiller19/yorick
void Y__write(int nArgs)
    Symbol *keySymbols[1];
    Symbol *stack= YGetKeywords(sp-nArgs+1, nArgs, wrtKeys, keySymbols);
    IOStream *file= 0;
    long address= 0;
    int got_address= 0;
    Symbol *object= 0;
    Operand op;
    StructDef *base;
    char *type;

    while (stack<=sp) {
        if (!stack->ops) {
            stack+= 2;
        if (!file) {
            file= YGetFile(stack);
            if (file->history) file= file->history->child;
        } else if (!got_address) {
            got_address= 1;
            address= YGetInteger(stack);
        } else if (!object) {
            object= stack;
        } else {
            object= 0;
    if (!object) YError("_write takes exactly three arguments");

    sp->ops->FormOperand(object, &op);
    if (!op.ops->isArray)
        YError("third argument to _write must be array or scalar data");
    if (YNotNil(keySymbols[0])) type= YGetString(keySymbols[0]);
    else type= StructName(op.type.base);
    if (!HashFind(&file->structTable, type, 0L))
        YError("data type of third argument to _write undefined for this file");
    base= file->structList[hashIndex];

    if (op.type.base==&charStruct) {
        /* special case type char, to have a way to do literal writes */
        YcWrite(file, op.value, address, op.type.number);

    } else {
        YWrite(op.value, address, base, op.type.number, (Strider *)0);

コード例 #17
ファイル: std2.c プロジェクト: MattWherry/yorick
void Y_rmdir(int nArgs)
  char *name;
  if (nArgs!=1) YError("rmdir takes exactly one argument");
  name = YGetString(sp);
  if (!name) YError("argument to rmdir must be a non-nil scalar string");
  if (p_rmdir(name) != 0) {
    /* legacy code assumes rmdir,name will not fail if name missing */
    /* if (CalledAsSubroutine()) YError("cannot remove directory"); */
  } else {
コード例 #18
ファイル: ywrap.c プロジェクト: fabienmomey/YorickTRTT
Y__lf2d_line_integ_adjoint(int n)
  if (n!=6) YError("_lf2d_line_integ_adjoint takes exactly 6 arguments");
  lf2d_line_integ_adjoint(yarg_sp(5), yarg_sd(4), yarg_sd(3), 
    yarg_d(2,0), yarg_d(1,0), yarg_si(0));
コード例 #19
ファイル: ywrap.c プロジェクト: fabienmomey/YorickTRTT
Y__lf2d_direct(int n)
  if (n!=6) YError("_lf2d_direct takes exactly 6 arguments");
  lf2d_direct(yarg_sp(5), yarg_sd(4), yarg_sd(3), yarg_d(2,0), 
    yarg_d(1,0), yarg_si(0));
コード例 #20
ファイル: ywrap.c プロジェクト: dgratadour/PRAy
Y___op_vmlmb_get_fmin(int n)
  if (n!=4) YError("__op_vmlmb_get_fmin takes exactly 4 arguments");
  PushIntValue(op_vmlmb_get_fmin(yarg_c(3,0), yarg_l(2,0), yarg_d(1,0), 
コード例 #21
ファイル: std2.c プロジェクト: MattWherry/yorick
void Y_get_primitives(int nArgs)
  IOStream *file;
  Dimension *dims;
  Array *array;
  long *p;
  FPLayout *fpl;
  int i, j;
  if (nArgs!=1) YError("get_primitives requires exactly one argument");

  file = yarg_file(0);
  dims = tmpDims;
  tmpDims = 0;
  tmpDims = NewDimension(32L, 1L, (Dimension *)0);
  array = PushDataBlock(NewArray(&longStruct, tmpDims));
  p = array->value.l;

  for (i=j=0 ; i<6 ; i++) {
    p[j++] = file->structList[i]->size;
    p[j++] = file->structList[i]->alignment;
    p[j++] = file->structList[i]->order;
  p[1] = file->structAlign;
  for (i=4 ; i<6 ; i++) {
    fpl = file->structList[i]->fpLayout;
    p[j++] = fpl->sgnAddr;
    p[j++] = fpl->expAddr;
    p[j++] = fpl->expSize;
    p[j++] = fpl->manAddr;
    p[j++] = fpl->manSize;
    p[j++] = fpl->manNorm;
    p[j++] = fpl->expBias;
コード例 #22
ファイル: ywrap.c プロジェクト: dgratadour/PRAy
Y__dist(int n)
  if (n!=5) YError("_dist takes exactly 5 arguments");
  PushIntValue(_dist(yarg_sp(4), yarg_sl(3), yarg_sl(2), 
    yarg_sf(1), yarg_sf(0)));
コード例 #23
ファイル: std2.c プロジェクト: MattWherry/yorick
void Y_set_filesize(int nArgs)
  IOStream *file;
  HistoryInfo *history;
  long size;
  if (nArgs!=2) YError("set_filesize takes exactly two arguments");

  file= yarg_file(1);
  history= file->history;
  if (!history)
    YError("binary file passed to set_filesize has no history records");

  size= YGetInteger(sp);
  if (size<file->blockSize) size= file->blockSize;
  history->fileSize= size;
コード例 #24
ファイル: ydrat.c プロジェクト: MattWherry/yorick
void Y__get_msize(int nArgs)
  DratMesh *dm;
  if (nArgs!=1) YError("_get_msize takes exactly one argument");
  dm= YGetDMesh(sp, 0);
コード例 #25
ファイル: std2.c プロジェクト: MattWherry/yorick
static void GetTNworker(int nArgs, int cycs)
  IOStream *file;
  long i, n= 0;
  long *ncycs= 0;
  double *times= 0;
  Array *array;
  HistoryInfo *history;
  Dimension *dims;
  if (nArgs!=1) YError("get_times/get_ncycs takes exactly one argument");

  file= yarg_file(0);
  history= file->history;

  if (history) {
    n= history->nRecords;
    if (cycs) ncycs= history->ncyc;
    else times= history->time;
  if (n<=0 || (cycs? (!ncycs) : (!times))) {

  dims= tmpDims;
  tmpDims= 0;
  tmpDims= NewDimension(n, 1L, (Dimension *)0);
  array= PushDataBlock(NewArray(cycs? &longStruct : &doubleStruct, tmpDims));

  if (cycs)
    for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++) array->value.l[i]= ncycs[i];
    for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++) array->value.d[i]= times[i];
コード例 #26
ファイル: ywrap.c プロジェクト: dgratadour/PRAy
Y___op_vmlmb_set_fmin(int n)
  if (n!=5) YError("__op_vmlmb_set_fmin takes exactly 5 arguments");
  PushIntValue(op_vmlmb_set_fmin(yarg_c(4,0), yarg_l(3,0), yarg_d(2,0), 
    yarg_sd(1), yarg_d(0,0)));
コード例 #27
ファイル: ywrap.c プロジェクト: fabienmomey/YorickTRTT
Y__lf2d_line_integ_sparser(int n)
  if (n!=7) YError("_lf2d_line_integ_sparser takes exactly 7 arguments");
  lf2d_line_integ_sparser(yarg_sp(6), yarg_sd(5), yarg_sd(4), 
    yarg_sl(3), yarg_sl(2), yarg_d(1,0), yarg_si(0));
コード例 #28
ファイル: ydrat.c プロジェクト: MattWherry/yorick
void Y__raw_pcens(int nArgs)
  if (nArgs!=7) YError("_raw_pcens takes exactly 7 arguments");
  DoPtCenter(YGet_D(sp-6,0,D0), YGet_D(sp-5,0,D0), (long)YGetInteger(sp-4),
             (long)YGetInteger(sp-3), &YGetDMesh(sp-2,0)->mesh,
             YGet_L(sp-1,0,D0), (long)YGetInteger(sp));
コード例 #29
ファイル: ywrap.c プロジェクト: dgratadour/PRAy
Y___op_vmlmb_next(int n)
  if (n!=8) YError("__op_vmlmb_next takes exactly 8 arguments");
  PushIntValue(op_vmlmb_next(yarg_d(7,0), yarg_d(6,0), yarg_d(5,0), 
    yarg_sp(4), yarg_sp(3), yarg_c(2,0), yarg_l(1,0), yarg_d(0,0)));
コード例 #30
ファイル: ympeg.c プロジェクト: dhmunro/yorick-mpeg
static void
  if (!ympg_initialized) {
    char *yavc_path[] = { 0, 0, "libavcodec", "/lib/libavcodec",
                          "/usr/lib/libavcodec", "/usr/local/lib/libavcodec",
                          "/sw/lib/libavcodec", 0 };
    char **yavc_name = yavc_path;
    char *yavc_env = Ygetenv("Y_LIBAVCODEC");
    void *dll = 0;
    /* look for libavcodec first at name in Y_LIBAVCODEC environment
     * variable (not including .so or other extension), then Y_HOME/lib,
     * then as simply "libavcodec" (current working directory?),
     * then in system places /lib, /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib
    if (yavc_env && yavc_env[0]) yavc_path[0] = yavc_env;
    else yavc_name++;
    if (yHomeDir && yHomeDir[0]) {
      char *yhscan = yHomeDir;
      while (yhscan[1]) yhscan++;
      yavc_path[1] = p_strncat(yHomeDir, (yhscan[0]=='/')? "lib/libavcodec" :
                               "/lib/libavcodec", 0);
    } else {
    for ( ; *yavc_name ; yavc_name++) {
      dll = p_dlopen(*yavc_name);
      if (dll) {
        int i, mask;
        for (i=0,mask=1 ; i<NSYMS ; i++,mask=2)
          if (p_dlsym(dll, ympg_symadd[i].name, ympg_symadd[i].is_data,
                      ympg_symadd[i].paddr) != 0) break;
        if (i < NSYMS)
          YError("mpeg_create: found libavcodec, but missing symbols");
    if (yavc_env) p_free(yavc_env);
    yavc_path[0] = yavc_path[1] = yavc_env = 0;

    /* is this wrong? do we want to allow user to install it later? */
    if (!dll) ympg_initialized = 2;
  if (ympg_initialized)
    YError("mpeg_create: unable to find or dynamically link to libavcodec");