コード例 #1
void ZMessageLooperImpStd::ExitMessageLoop()
	ZAssertLocked(1, fMutex_MessageDispatch);
	ZMutexLocker locker(fMutex_Structure);
	ZAssertStop(1, fRunMessageLoop);
	fRunMessageLoop = false;
コード例 #2
void ZWindow::InvalidateWindowMenuBar()
	ZAssertLocked(kDebug_Window, this->GetLock());
	if (!fPostedInvalidateMenuBar)
		fPostedInvalidateMenuBar = true;
		ZMessage theMessage;
		theMessage.SetString("what", "zoolib:InvalidateMenuBar");
コード例 #3
	ZAssertLocked(1, fMutex_MessageDispatch);

	if (sLooperForCurrentThread() == this)
		/* If we're being called by ZMessageLooperImpStd::RunMessageLoop, potentially
		indirectly and from multiple nestings, then each caller of RunMessageLoop will
		have passed in the address of a bool, the last of which is now stored in
		fLooperExistsAddress. We set that false, and simply return from this method,
		which will return through each invoking RunMessageLoop, which will see that its
		bool is true, will set true the prior bool, and return without touching the
		this variable. In general, deleting ourselves is *not* a safe operation. ZooLib
		does so under very constrained circumstances, and you should also. However,
		sometime, somewhere, someone's going to PoseModal on some window, and then
		PoseModal on another window, and then delete the calling window before the
		calls to PoseModal have returned. And this all will handle that, although the
		rest of their code might not :) */
		ZAssertStop(1, fLooperExistsAddress);
		*fLooperExistsAddress = false;
		fLooperExistsAddress = nil;
		// In the other case we're being deleted by some other thread, and can thus just
		// force the main message loop to exit by setting fRunMessageLoop false, broadcasting
		// fCondition_Structure and waiting for fMessageLoopNesting to hit zero.
		fRunMessageLoop = false;

		while (fMessageLoopNesting > 0)
	// The two branches above mean that ZMessageLooperImpStd is robust in the face
	// of destruction by calls from any source -- your own code may not be so
	// robust, so be careful how you trash message loopers.
コード例 #4
ZWindowWatcher::ZWindowWatcher(ZWindow* inWindow)
:	fWindow(inWindow)
	fPrev = nil;
	fNext = nil;
	if (inWindow)
		// You must hold the lock on a window at the time a watcher is created. You do not
		// have to do so when it goes out of scope (which is the whole point -- to be able
		// to know reliably when a window we *knew* about is still in existence)
		ZAssertLocked(kDebug_Window, inWindow->GetLock());

		fWindow = inWindow;
		fNext = fWindow->fWatcher_Head;
		if (fWindow->fWatcher_Head)
			fWindow->fWatcher_Head->fPrev = this;
		fWindow->fWatcher_Head = this;