void zb_nwk_mesh_routing_deinit() { TRACE_MSG(TRACE_NWK1, ">> r_deinit", (FMT__0)); ZB_SCHEDULE_ALARM_CANCEL(zb_nwk_mesh_expiry_pending, ZB_ALARM_ANY_PARAM); ZB_SCHEDULE_ALARM_CANCEL(zb_nwk_mesh_expiry_route_disc, ZB_ALARM_ANY_PARAM); #if 0 ZB_SCHEDULE_ALARM_CANCEL(zb_nwk_mesh_expiry_rreq, ZB_ALARM_ANY_PARAM); #endif TRACE_MSG(TRACE_NWK1, "<< r_deinit", (FMT__0)); }
void zb_zdo_reschedule_poll_parent(zb_uint16_t timeout) { /* reschedule alarm only if we are not waiting for the poll confirm and * really need polls */ if (!(MAC_PIB().mac_rx_on_when_idle || ZDO_CTX().inside_poll)) { ZB_SCHEDULE_ALARM_CANCEL(zb_zdo_poll_parent, 0); /* If FFD have some pending data for us, we schedule poll w/o timeout */ ZB_SCHEDULE_ALARM(zb_zdo_poll_parent, 0, ZB_MAC_GET_PENDING_DATA()? 1 : timeout); } }
zb_ret_t zb_mlme_active_scan() { zb_ret_t ret = RET_OK; zb_mlme_scan_params_t *scan_params; zb_uint8_t channel_number; /* mac spec Active channel scan - set macPANId to 0xffff in order to accept all incoming beacons - switch to next channel - send beacon request, mac spec 7.3.7 Beacon request command - enable receiver for [aBaseSuperframeDuration * (2^n + 1)] symbols == (2^n + 1)Beacon_Intervals, n == request.ScanDuration; accept only beacon frames - use mode macAutoRequest == FALSE: send each beacon to the higher layer using MLME-BEACON-NOTIFY indication. Beacon frame can contain payload - if frame_control.Security Enabled == 1, unsecure the beacon frame (mac spec --- not supported now - if at least 1 beacon request was successfully sent but no beacons were found, set status NO_BEACON */ TRACE_MSG(TRACE_MAC1, ">> zb_mlme_active_scan", (FMT__0)); scan_params = ZB_GET_BUF_PARAM(MAC_CTX().pending_buf, zb_mlme_scan_params_t); ZB_ASSERT(scan_params); TRACE_MSG(TRACE_MAC1, "idle state, set beacon found == 0", (FMT__0)); MAC_CTX().rt_ctx.active_scan.beacon_found = 0; #ifdef ZB_MAC_TESTING_MODE MAC_CTX().rt_ctx.active_scan.pan_desc_buf_param = ZB_UNDEFINED_BUFFER; #endif channel_number = ZB_MAC_START_CHANNEL_NUMBER; TRACE_MSG(TRACE_MAC3, "set beacon mode ret %d, param channels 0x%x", (FMT__D_D, ret, scan_params->channels)); MAC_CTX().unscanned_channels = scan_params->channels; #ifdef ZB_MAC_TESTING_MODE if (MAC_CTX().rt_ctx.active_scan.stop_scan) { ZB_SCHEDULE_ALARM_CANCEL(zb_mac_scan_timeout, 0); ret = RET_OK; break; } #endif TRACE_MSG(TRACE_MAC2, "chan mask %x %x , chan %hd", (FMT__D_D_H, ((zb_uint16_t*)&scan_params->channels)[0], ((zb_uint16_t*)&scan_params->channels)[1], channel_number)); ZB_SCHEDULE_CALLBACK(zb_mlme_scan_step,0); TRACE_MSG(TRACE_MAC1, "<< zb_mlme_active_scan, ret %i", (FMT__D, ret)); return ret; }
void nwk_route_disc_failed(zb_uint8_t param) { zb_nlme_status_indication_t *status = ZB_GET_BUF_PARAM(ZB_BUF_FROM_REF(param), zb_nlme_status_indication_t); TRACE_MSG(TRACE_NWK1, ">> nwk_route_disc_failed", (FMT__0)); status->status = ZB_NWK_COMMAND_STATUS_NO_ROUTE_AVAILABLE; status->network_addr = ZG->nwk.handle.status_ind_addr; /* notify */ ZB_SCHEDULE_CALLBACK(zb_nlme_status_indication, param); ZB_SCHEDULE_ALARM_CANCEL(zb_nwk_mesh_expiry_route_disc, 0); ZB_SCHEDULE_ALARM(zb_nwk_mesh_expiry_route_disc, 0, ZB_NWK_EXPIRY_ROUTE_DISCOVERY); TRACE_MSG(TRACE_NWK1, ">> nwk_route_disc_failed", (FMT__0)); }
/* * Generate and send a route request command frame. * Add route request entry into the rreq list to be able to track this request. */ static zb_ret_t zb_nwk_mesh_send_rreq(zb_buf_t *cbuf, zb_nwk_cmd_rreq_t *nwk_cmd_rreq, zb_uint16_t src_addr, zb_uint8_t seq_num, zb_uint8_t path_cost, zb_uint8_t radius) { zb_ret_t ret = RET_OK; TRACE_MSG(TRACE_NWK1, ">> send_rreq cbuf %p rreq %p s_addr %d path_cost %hd radius %hd", (FMT__P_P_D_H_H, cbuf, nwk_cmd_rreq, src_addr, path_cost, radius)); #if 0 /* check we have room in rreq table */ if ( ZG->nwk.nib.rreq_cnt < ZB_NWK_RREQ_TABLE_SIZE ) #endif { zb_nwk_hdr_t *nwhdr; zb_nwk_cmd_rreq_t *rreq_cmd; #if 0 zb_nwk_rreq_t *rreq; #endif zb_bool_t secure = ZB_FALSE; #ifdef ZB_SECURITY secure = (ZG->aps.authenticated && ZG->nwk.nib.secure_all_frames && ZG->nwk.nib.security_level); #endif nwhdr = nwk_alloc_and_fill_hdr(cbuf, ZB_NWK_BROADCAST_ROUTER_COORDINATOR, NULL, NULL, ZB_FALSE, secure, ZB_TRUE); rreq_cmd = (zb_nwk_cmd_rreq_t *)nwk_alloc_and_fill_cmd(cbuf, ZB_NWK_CMD_ROUTE_REQUEST, sizeof(zb_nwk_cmd_rreq_t)); rreq_cmd->opt = 0; rreq_cmd->rreq_id = nwk_cmd_rreq->rreq_id; rreq_cmd->dest_addr = nwk_cmd_rreq->dest_addr; ZB_NWK_ADDR_TO_LE16(rreq_cmd->dest_addr); rreq_cmd->path_cost = path_cost; nwhdr->radius = radius; nwhdr->src_addr = src_addr; /* Not sure it is right, but let's assign original seq_num. Else request * can be dropped as a dup at receiver's side. */ if (src_addr != ZB_NIB_NETWORK_ADDRESS()) { nwhdr->seq_num = seq_num; } #if 0 /* Save info to retransmit request ZB_MWK_RREQ_RETRIES times */ NWK_ROUTING_ARRAY_GET_ENT(ZG->nwk.nib.rreq, rreq, ZG->nwk.nib.rreq_cnt); ZB_ASSERT(rreq); if ( rreq ) { rreq->originator = src_addr; rreq->radius = radius; rreq->retries = 1; memcpy(&rreq->cmd, rreq_cmd, sizeof(rreq->cmd)); /* schedule resend function */ if ( ZG->nwk.nib.rreq_cnt == 1 ) { ZB_SCHEDULE_ALARM_CANCEL(zb_nwk_mesh_expiry_rreq, ZB_ALARM_ANY_PARAM); ZB_SCHEDULE_ALARM(zb_nwk_mesh_expiry_rreq, -1, ZB_NWK_RREQ_RETRY_INTERVAL); } } #endif /* transmit route request packet */ ZB_SET_BUF_PARAM(cbuf, ZB_NWK_INTERNAL_NSDU_HANDLE, zb_uint8_t); ZB_SCHEDULE_CALLBACK(zb_nwk_forward, ZB_REF_FROM_BUF(cbuf)); } #if 0 else { zb_free_buf(cbuf); TRACE_MSG(TRACE_NWK1, "rreq buffer is full", (FMT__0)); ret = RET_NO_MEMORY; } #endif TRACE_MSG(TRACE_NWK1, "<< send_rreq %d", (FMT__D, ret)); return ret; }
/* this is a universal routine for ed/active/orphan scans */ void zb_mlme_scan_step(zb_uint8_t param) { zb_uint8_t channel_number; zb_mlme_scan_params_t *scan_params; zb_ret_t ret = RET_OK; zb_uint16_t timeout; zb_uint32_t *unscanned_channels; TRACE_MSG(TRACE_MAC1, ">> zb_mlme_scan_step", (FMT__0)); ZVUNUSED(param); channel_number = ZB_MAC_START_CHANNEL_NUMBER; scan_params = ZB_GET_BUF_PARAM(MAC_CTX().pending_buf, zb_mlme_scan_params_t); /* Table 2.80 Fields of the Mgmt_NWK_Disc_req Command (the other scans requests are using the same parameters A value used to calculate the length of time to spend scanning each channel. The time spent scanning each channel is (aBaseSuperframeDuration * (2^n + 1)) symbols, where n is the value of the ScanDuration parameter. */ timeout = (1l << scan_params->scan_duration) + 1; MAC_CTX().mlme_scan_in_progress = 1; unscanned_channels = &MAC_CTX().unscanned_channels; for (;channel_number < ZB_MAC_START_CHANNEL_NUMBER + ZB_MAC_MAX_CHANNEL_NUMBER;channel_number++) { if (*unscanned_channels & 1l<<channel_number) { TRACE_MSG(TRACE_MAC2, "set channel %hd", (FMT__H, channel_number)); ZB_TRANSCEIVER_SET_CHANNEL(channel_number); *unscanned_channels &=~(1l<<channel_number); if (scan_params->scan_type == ACTIVE_SCAN) { ret = zb_beacon_request_command(); if (ret == RET_OK) { /* check beacon request TX status */ /* There's nothing to do during active scan, so, synchronous */ ret = zb_check_cmd_tx_status(); } } ZB_SCHEDULE_ALARM_CANCEL(zb_mlme_scan_step, 0); ret = ZB_SCHEDULE_ALARM(zb_mlme_scan_step, 0, timeout); break; } } if (channel_number == (ZB_MAC_START_CHANNEL_NUMBER + ZB_MAC_MAX_CHANNEL_NUMBER)) { zb_mac_scan_confirm_t *scan_confirm; /* There's no need to restore channel after active or orphan scan, because we will choose new channel, according to scan results. */ /* ZB_TRANSCEIVER_SET_CHANNEL(MAC_CTX().rt_ctx.ed_scan.save_channel);*/ scan_confirm = ZB_GET_BUF_PARAM(MAC_CTX().pending_buf, zb_mac_scan_confirm_t); TRACE_MSG(TRACE_MAC3, "beacon found %hd", (FMT__H, MAC_CTX().rt_ctx.active_scan.beacon_found)); if (scan_params->scan_type == ED_SCAN || MAC_CTX().rt_ctx.active_scan.beacon_found || MAC_CTX().rt_ctx.orphan_scan.got_realignment) { scan_confirm->status = MAC_SUCCESS; /* Q: do we really need to zero here? What about got_realignment? * * A: I think yes, because it is the only indication * for NO_BEACON status, that will not affect ED or ORPHAN scans. ED just * doesn't need any packets, and ORPHAN needs a realignment command that * is processed in appropriate function */ MAC_CTX().rt_ctx.active_scan.beacon_found = 0; } else { scan_confirm->status = MAC_NO_BEACON; } #ifdef ZB_MAC_TESTING_MODE { scan_confirm->result_list_size = desc_count; } #endif scan_confirm->scan_type = scan_params->scan_type; MAC_CTX().mlme_scan_in_progress = 0; ZB_SCHEDULE_CALLBACK(zb_mlme_scan_confirm, ZB_REF_FROM_BUF(MAC_CTX().pending_buf)); } TRACE_MSG(TRACE_MAC1, "<< zb_mlme_scan_step", (FMT__0)); }