コード例 #1
ファイル: tzzoloq2.c プロジェクト: DeegC/ZeidonTools
CopyEntityGroupMappingStart( zVIEW     vSubtask )
   zVIEW     TZZOLODO = 0; 
   //:STRING ( 100 ) MappingName
   zCHAR     MappingName[ 101 ] = { 0 }; 
   zSHORT    lTempInteger_0; 
   zCHAR     szTempString_0[ 33 ]; 

   RESULT = GetViewByName( &TZZOLODO, "TZZOLODO", vSubtask, zLEVEL_TASK );

   //:// Copy the mapping name of the attribute to the clip board.
   lTempInteger_0 = CheckExistenceOfEntity( TZZOLODO, "LOD_Entity" );
   if ( lTempInteger_0 == 0 )
      //:MappingName = "[Z:#S:" +
      //:              TZZOLODO.LOD_Entity.Name + "]"
      GetVariableFromAttribute( szTempString_0, 0, 'S', 33, TZZOLODO, "LOD_Entity", "Name", "", 0 );
      ZeidonStringCopy( MappingName, 1, 0, "[Z:#S:", 1, 0, 101 );
      ZeidonStringConcat( MappingName, 1, 0, szTempString_0, 1, 0, 101 );
      ZeidonStringConcat( MappingName, 1, 0, "]", 1, 0, 101 );
      //:SetClipboardBlob( MappingName, 0, 0 )
      SetClipboardBlob( MappingName, 0, 0 );

   return( 0 );
// END
コード例 #2
ファイル: tzrpsxml.c プロジェクト: DeegC/ZeidonTools
//:   STRING ( 32 ) szEntityName
static zSHORT
oTZRPSRCO_XML_PageHeaderFooter( zVIEW     vReportDef,
                                zVIEW     vSourceOI,
                                zPCHAR    szOutputLine,
                                zLONG     lFileHandle,
                                zPCHAR    szIndentationValue )
   zCHAR     szEntityName[ 33 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 50 ) szIndentationSubValue
   zCHAR     szIndentationSubValue[ 51 ] = { 0 }; 
   zSHORT    lTempInteger_0; 

   //:IF vReportDef.Control EXISTS 
   lTempInteger_0 = CheckExistenceOfEntity( vReportDef, "Control" );
   if ( lTempInteger_0 == 0 )
      //:szIndentationSubValue = szIndentationValue + "      "
      ZeidonStringCopy( szIndentationSubValue, 1, 0, szIndentationValue, 1, 0, 51 );
      ZeidonStringConcat( szIndentationSubValue, 1, 0, "      ", 1, 0, 51 );
      //:GenerateXML_CtlRecurs( vReportDef, vSourceOI, szEntityName, szOutputLine, lFileHandle, szIndentationSubValue )
      oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXML_CtlRecurs( vReportDef, vSourceOI, szEntityName, szOutputLine, lFileHandle, szIndentationSubValue );

   return( 0 );
// END
コード例 #3
ファイル: tzvminaa.c プロジェクト: DeegC/10d
GetExecModeByZKey( zVIEW  lpInterpSubtask,
                   zVIEW  lpAppSubtask,
                   zLONG  lZKey )

   zVIEW  vXChecker;
   zVIEW  CM_List;
   zCHAR  szExecDir[ zMAX_FILESPEC_LTH + 1 ];
   zSHORT nRC;

   nRC = GetViewByName( &vXChecker, "TZVSXCOO", lpInterpSubtask, zLEVEL_APPLICATION );

      nRC = GetViewByName( &CM_List, "TZCMWKSO", lpInterpSubtask, zLEVEL_APPLICATION );

      nRC = GetStringFromAttribute( szExecDir, zsizeof( szExecDir ), CM_List, "LPLR", "ExecDir" );

      ZeidonStringConcat( szExecDir, 1, 0, "\\TZVSXC01.POR", 1, 0, zMAX_FILESPEC_LTH + 1 );
      nRC = ActivateOI_FromFile( &vXChecker, "TZVSXCOO", lpAppSubtask, szExecDir, zSINGLE | zIGNORE_ATTRIB_ERRORS );
      if ( nRC != 0 )
         return( -1 );

   nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByInteger( vXChecker, "DialogOperation", "ZKey", lZKey, "APPLICATION" );
#if 0
   if ( nRC != zCURSOR_SET )
      return( -1 );

   if ( nRC < zCURSOR_SET )
      nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByInteger( vXChecker, "LOD_Operation", "ZKey", lZKey, "APPLICATION" );
   if ( nRC < zCURSOR_SET )
      nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByInteger( vXChecker, "Operation", "ZKey", lZKey, "APPLICATION" );

   // why do this???
   if ( nRC < zCURSOR_SET )
      return( -1 );

   if ( nRC >= zCURSOR_SET )
      nRC = SetAttributeFromInteger( vXChecker, "APPLICATION", "CurrentMode", zXC_SETUP_DEBUGGER );
      return( zXC_SETUP_DEBUGGER );
      nRC = SetAttributeFromInteger( vXChecker, "APPLICATION", "CurrentMode", 1 );
      return( zXC_OPERATION_STAGED );
コード例 #4
ファイル: tzzoloq2.c プロジェクト: DeegC/ZeidonTools
EntityChanged( zVIEW     vSubtask )
   zVIEW     TZZOLODO = 0; 
   zVIEW     TZTENVRO = 0; 
   //:SHORT nIsCheckedOut
   zSHORT    nIsCheckedOut = 0; 
   zSHORT    lTempInteger_0; 
   zSHORT    lTempInteger_1; 
   zCHAR     szTempString_0[ 201 ]; 
   zCHAR     szTempString_1[ 2 ]; 
   zCHAR     szTempString_2[ 201 ]; 

   RESULT = GetViewByName( &TZZOLODO, "TZZOLODO", vSubtask, zLEVEL_TASK );
   RESULT = GetViewByName( &TZTENVRO, "TZTENVRO", vSubtask, zLEVEL_TASK );

   //:nIsCheckedOut = ComponentIsCheckedOut( vSubtask, TZZOLODO, zSOURCE_LOD_META )
   nIsCheckedOut = ComponentIsCheckedOut( vSubtask, TZZOLODO, zSOURCE_LOD_META );

   //:IF nIsCheckedOut = 1
   if ( nIsCheckedOut == 1 )
      //:// do not allow any input to the Join checkbox, if we are on the root
      //://  or if the currrent LOD entity is work or if the currrent LOD entity is derived
      //:IF TZZOLODO.ER_RelLinkRec EXISTS AND TZZOLODO.LOD_EntityParent.Work != "Y"
      lTempInteger_0 = CheckExistenceOfEntity( TZZOLODO, "ER_RelLinkRec" );
      //:   AND TZZOLODO.LOD_EntityParent.Derived != "Y"
      if ( lTempInteger_0 == 0 && CompareAttributeToString( TZZOLODO, "LOD_EntityParent", "Work", "Y" ) != 0 && CompareAttributeToString( TZZOLODO, "LOD_EntityParent", "Derived", "Y" ) != 0 )

         //:// Set the cursor to the POD_Entity for the current TE Source.
         //:           WHERE  TZZOLODO.TE_DBMS_SourceForEntity.ZKey = TZTENVRO.TE_DBMS_Source.ZKey
         RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( TZZOLODO, "POD_Entity", "" );
         if ( RESULT > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )
            while ( RESULT > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED && ( CompareAttributeToAttribute( TZZOLODO, "TE_DBMS_SourceForEntity", "ZKey", TZTENVRO, "TE_DBMS_Source", "ZKey" ) != 0 ) )
               RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( TZZOLODO, "POD_Entity", "" );


         //:IF RESULT < zCURSOR_SET
         if ( RESULT < zCURSOR_SET )
            //:// POD_Entity doesn't exist so create one.
            //:CREATE ENTITY TZZOLODO.POD_Entity
            RESULT = CreateEntity( TZZOLODO, "POD_Entity", zPOS_AFTER );

            //:TZZOLODO.POD_Entity.SQL_JoinWithParent = "N"
            SetAttributeFromString( TZZOLODO, "POD_Entity", "SQL_JoinWithParent", "N" );
            RESULT = IncludeSubobjectFromSubobject( TZZOLODO, "TE_DBMS_SourceForEntity", TZTENVRO, "TE_DBMS_Source", zPOS_AFTER );


         //:// not the root and not work and not derived
         //:SetCtrlState( vSubtask,      "JoinCheck", zCONTROL_STATUS_ENABLED, TRUE )
         SetCtrlState( vSubtask, "JoinCheck", zCONTROL_STATUS_ENABLED, TRUE );
         //:SetCtrlState( vSubtask,      "JoinCheck", zCONTROL_STATUS_ENABLED, FALSE )
         SetCtrlState( vSubtask, "JoinCheck", zCONTROL_STATUS_ENABLED, FALSE );


      //:// Refresh checkbox and set the string being displayed.
      lTempInteger_1 = CheckExistenceOfEntity( TZZOLODO, "POD_Entity" );
      if ( lTempInteger_1 == 0 )
         //: TZZOLODO.LOD_EntityParent.WorkString = TZZOLODO.LOD_EntityParent.Name +
         //:                                        " JOIN = " + TZZOLODO.POD_Entity.SQL_JoinWithParent
         GetStringFromAttribute( szTempString_0, TZZOLODO, "LOD_EntityParent", "Name" );
         ZeidonStringConcat( szTempString_0, 1, 0, " JOIN = ", 1, 0, 201 );
         GetVariableFromAttribute( szTempString_1, 0, 'S', 2, TZZOLODO, "POD_Entity", "SQL_JoinWithParent", "", 0 );
         ZeidonStringConcat( szTempString_0, 1, 0, szTempString_1, 1, 0, 201 );
         SetAttributeFromString( TZZOLODO, "LOD_EntityParent", "WorkString", szTempString_0 );
         //: TZZOLODO.LOD_EntityParent.WorkString = TZZOLODO.LOD_EntityParent.Name + " JOIN = N"
         GetStringFromAttribute( szTempString_2, TZZOLODO, "LOD_EntityParent", "Name" );
         ZeidonStringConcat( szTempString_2, 1, 0, " JOIN = N", 1, 0, 201 );
         SetAttributeFromString( TZZOLODO, "LOD_EntityParent", "WorkString", szTempString_2 );



   //:RefreshCtrl( vSubtask, "JoinCheck" )
   RefreshCtrl( vSubtask, "JoinCheck" );
   //:RefreshCtrl( vSubtask, "edDescription" )
   RefreshCtrl( vSubtask, "edDescription" );
   //:RefreshCtrl( vSubtask, "cbDerived" )
   RefreshCtrl( vSubtask, "cbDerived" );
   //:RefreshCtrl( vSubtask, "cbWork" )
   RefreshCtrl( vSubtask, "cbWork" );
   return( 0 );
// END
コード例 #5
ファイル: tzrpsxml.c プロジェクト: DeegC/ZeidonTools
//:   VIEW vMappingOI
static zSHORT
oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXML_CtlRecurs( zVIEW     vReportDef,
                                 zVIEW     vSourceOI,
                                 zPCHAR    szDrivingObjectViewName,
                                 zPCHAR    szOutputLine,
                                 zLONG     lFileHandle,
                                 zPCHAR    szIndentationValue )
   zVIEW     vMappingOI = 0; 
   //:STRING ( 32 )   szEntityName
   zCHAR     szEntityName[ 33 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 32 )   szAttributeName
   zCHAR     szAttributeName[ 33 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 32 )   szMappingName
   zCHAR     szMappingName[ 33 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 32 )   szContextName
   zCHAR     szContextName[ 33 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 5000 ) szReturnedAttributeValue
   zCHAR     szReturnedAttributeValue[ 5001 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 5000 ) szConvertedAttributeValue
   zCHAR     szConvertedAttributeValue[ 5001 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 200 )  szMsg
   zCHAR     szMsg[ 201 ] = { 0 }; 
   zSHORT    lTempInteger_0; 
   zSHORT    lTempInteger_1; 
   zSHORT    lTempInteger_2; 

   //:// Generate an attribute entry for each attribute with mapping in the GroupSet. Note that these are all at the same
   //:// hierarchical level since we're assuming no tables within a GroupSet. However, the controls in the GroupSet may well be
   //:// organized hierarchically and must thus be processed recursively.

   //:// Sort the Controls in position order so they will be in the same order as in the XSLT. (This probably isn't
   //:// necessary, but it will simply debugging.)
   //:OrderEntityForView( vReportDef, "Control", "PSDLG_Y A PSDLG_X A" )
   OrderEntityForView( vReportDef, "Control", "PSDLG_Y A PSDLG_X A" );

   //:// Process each Control. The processing rule is simple:
   //:// If the control has mapping, build an XML node.
   //:// If the control doesn't have mapping, ignore it.
   //:// The only issue is that we must step down a level if the Control has a subcontrol.

   //:FOR EACH vReportDef.Control
   RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( vReportDef, "Control", "" );
      //:IF vReportDef.CtrlCtrl EXISTS
      lTempInteger_0 = CheckExistenceOfEntity( vReportDef, "CtrlCtrl" );
      if ( lTempInteger_0 == 0 )
         //:SetViewToSubobject( vReportDef, "CtrlCtrl" )
         SetViewToSubobject( vReportDef, "CtrlCtrl" );
         //:GenerateXML_CtlRecurs( vReportDef, vSourceOI, szDrivingObjectViewName, szOutputLine, lFileHandle, szIndentationValue )
         oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXML_CtlRecurs( vReportDef, vSourceOI, szDrivingObjectViewName, szOutputLine, lFileHandle, szIndentationValue );
         //:ResetViewFromSubobject( vReportDef )
         ResetViewFromSubobject( vReportDef );

         //:IF vReportDef.CtrlMapER_Attribute EXISTS
         lTempInteger_1 = CheckExistenceOfEntity( vReportDef, "CtrlMapER_Attribute" );
         if ( lTempInteger_1 == 0 )
            //:// Format XML Line for Attribute.
            //:szReturnedAttributeValue = ""
            ZeidonStringCopy( szReturnedAttributeValue, 1, 0, "", 1, 0, 5001 );
            //:szConvertedAttributeValue = ""
            ZeidonStringCopy( szConvertedAttributeValue, 1, 0, "", 1, 0, 5001 );
            //:szAttributeName = vReportDef.CtrlMapER_Attribute.Name
            GetVariableFromAttribute( szAttributeName, 0, 'S', 33, vReportDef, "CtrlMapER_Attribute", "Name", "", 0 );
            //:szEntityName    = vReportDef.CtrlMapRelatedEntity.Name
            GetVariableFromAttribute( szEntityName, 0, 'S', 33, vReportDef, "CtrlMapRelatedEntity", "Name", "", 0 );
            //:szContextName = ""
            ZeidonStringCopy( szContextName, 1, 0, "", 1, 0, 33 );
            //:IF vReportDef.CtrlMapContext EXISTS
            lTempInteger_2 = CheckExistenceOfEntity( vReportDef, "CtrlMapContext" );
            if ( lTempInteger_2 == 0 )
               //:szContextName = vReportDef.CtrlMapContext.Name  
               GetVariableFromAttribute( szContextName, 0, 'S', 33, vReportDef, "CtrlMapContext", "Name", "", 0 );

            //:IF vReportDef.CtrlMapView.Name = szDrivingObjectViewName   // Check if mapping if from Driving Object View.
            if ( CompareAttributeToString( vReportDef, "CtrlMapView", "Name", szDrivingObjectViewName ) == 0 )
               //:GetStringFromAttributeByContext( szReturnedAttributeValue, vSourceOI, szEntityName, szAttributeName, szContextName, 5000 )
               GetStringFromAttributeByContext( szReturnedAttributeValue, vSourceOI, szEntityName, szAttributeName, szContextName, 5000 );
               //:// Mapping is from separate view.
               //:szMappingName = vReportDef.CtrlMapView.Name
               GetVariableFromAttribute( szMappingName, 0, 'S', 33, vReportDef, "CtrlMapView", "Name", "", 0 );
               //:GET VIEW vMappingOI NAMED szMappingName
               RESULT = GetViewByName( &vMappingOI, szMappingName, vReportDef, zLEVEL_TASK );
               //:GetStringFromAttributeByContext( szReturnedAttributeValue, vMappingOI, szEntityName, szAttributeName, szContextName, 5000 )
               GetStringFromAttributeByContext( szReturnedAttributeValue, vMappingOI, szEntityName, szAttributeName, szContextName, 5000 );


            //:ConvertXML_SpecialCharacters( vReportDef, szConvertedAttributeValue, szReturnedAttributeValue, 5000 )
            ConvertXML_SpecialCharacters( vReportDef, szConvertedAttributeValue, szReturnedAttributeValue, 5000 );

            //:szOutputLine = szIndentationValue + "  " + "<" + szEntityName + "." + szAttributeName + ">" + szConvertedAttributeValue
            ZeidonStringCopy( szOutputLine, 1, 0, szIndentationValue, 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, "  ", 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, "<", 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, szEntityName, 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, ".", 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, szAttributeName, 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, ">", 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, szConvertedAttributeValue, 1, 0, 5001 );
            //:szOutputLine = szOutputLine + "</" + szEntityName + "." + szAttributeName + ">"
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, "</", 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, szEntityName, 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, ".", 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, szAttributeName, 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, ">", 1, 0, 5001 );
            //:GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine )
            oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine );


      RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( vReportDef, "Control", "" );

   return( 0 );
// END
コード例 #6
ファイル: tzrpsxml.c プロジェクト: DeegC/ZeidonTools
oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXSLT_XML( zVIEW     vSourceOI,
                            zPCHAR    szReportName,
                            zPCHAR    szXMLFileName,
                            zPCHAR    szTopEntityName )
   zVIEW     vReportDef = 0; 
   zVIEW     vReportLODRecurs = 0; 
   zVIEW     vReportDefRoot = 0; 
   //:VIEW vSourceOIHier
   zVIEW     vSourceOIHier = 0; 
   //:VIEW vSourceOIDebug
   zVIEW     vSourceOIDebug = 0; 
   zVIEW     vLOD = 0; 
   zVIEW     vTaskLPLR = 0; 
   //:STRING ( 200 )  szMsg
   zCHAR     szMsg[ 201 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 200 )  szFileName
   zCHAR     szFileName[ 201 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 32 )   szReturnedEntityName
   zCHAR     szReturnedEntityName[ 33 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 32 )   szLastReturnedEntityName
   zCHAR     szLastReturnedEntityName[ 33 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 32 )   szParentEntityName
   zCHAR     szParentEntityName[ 33 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 32 )   szDrivingViewName
   zCHAR     szDrivingViewName[ 33 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 50 )   szIndentationValue
   zCHAR     szIndentationValue[ 51 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 50 )   szIndentationSubValue
   zCHAR     szIndentationSubValue[ 51 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 1 )    szInNodeFlag
   zCHAR     szInNodeFlag[ 2 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 5000 ) szOutputLine
   zCHAR     szOutputLine[ 5001 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:INTEGER         lFileHandle
   zLONG     lFileHandle = 0; 
   //:INTEGER         Indentation
   zLONG     Indentation = 0; 
   //:SHORT           ReturnedHierLevel
   zSHORT    ReturnedHierLevel = 0; 
   //:SHORT           LastHierLevel
   zSHORT    LastHierLevel = 0; 
   //:SHORT           nRC
   zSHORT    nRC = 0; 
   zSHORT    lTempInteger_0; 

   //:// Build an XSLT XML FO object for the passed in application object and Report Definition.

   //:// First we need to activate the report def...
   //:SysReadZeidonIni( -1, "[WorkStation]", "ResourcePath", szFileName )
   SysReadZeidonIni( -1, "[WorkStation]", "ResourcePath", szFileName );
   //://szFileName = "c:\lplr\zencas\bin\"
   //:szFileName = szFileName + szReportName + ".xrp"
   ZeidonStringConcat( szFileName, 1, 0, szReportName, 1, 0, 201 );
   ZeidonStringConcat( szFileName, 1, 0, ".xrp", 1, 0, 201 );
   //:SfActivateSysOI_FromFile( vReportDef, "TZRPSRCO", vSourceOI, szFileName, zSINGLE )
   SfActivateSysOI_FromFile( &vReportDef, "TZRPSRCO", vSourceOI, szFileName, zSINGLE );

   //:// Get the Name of the Driving object, as we will need that in processing mapping.
   //:IF vReportDef.DrivingViewObjRef EXISTS
   lTempInteger_0 = CheckExistenceOfEntity( vReportDef, "DrivingViewObjRef" );
   if ( lTempInteger_0 == 0 )
      //:szDrivingViewName = vReportDef.DrivingViewObjRef.Name
      GetVariableFromAttribute( szDrivingViewName, 0, 'S', 33, vReportDef, "DrivingViewObjRef", "Name", "", 0 );
      //:szMsg = "The report must have a 'Driving View' set in the report details."
      ZeidonStringCopy( szMsg, 1, 0, "The report must have a 'Driving View' set in the report details.", 1, 0, 201 );
      //:MessageSend( vReportDef, "", "Generate XSLT",
      //:             szMsg, zMSGQ_OBJECT_CONSTRAINT_WARNING, 0 )
      MessageSend( vReportDef, "", "Generate XSLT", szMsg, zMSGQ_OBJECT_CONSTRAINT_WARNING, 0 );
      //:RETURN -1
      return( -1 );


   //:// Open XML output file.
   //:SysReadZeidonIni( -1, "[Workstation]", "XSLTDirectory", szFileName )
   SysReadZeidonIni( -1, "[Workstation]", "XSLTDirectory", szFileName );
   //:szFileName = szFileName + szXMLFileName + ".xml"
   ZeidonStringConcat( szFileName, 1, 0, szXMLFileName, 1, 0, 201 );
   ZeidonStringConcat( szFileName, 1, 0, ".xml", 1, 0, 201 );
   //:lFileHandle = SysOpenFile( vReportDef, szFileName, COREFILE_WRITE )
   lFileHandle = SysOpenFile( vReportDef, szFileName, COREFILE_WRITE );
   //:IF lFileHandle < 0
   if ( lFileHandle < 0 )
      //:szMsg = "Cannot open XSLT Output File, " + szFileName
      ZeidonStringCopy( szMsg, 1, 0, "Cannot open XSLT Output File, ", 1, 0, 201 );
      ZeidonStringConcat( szMsg, 1, 0, szFileName, 1, 0, 201 );
      //:MessageSend( vReportDef, "", "Generate XSLT",
      //:             szMsg, zMSGQ_OBJECT_CONSTRAINT_WARNING, 0 )
      MessageSend( vReportDef, "", "Generate XSLT", szMsg, zMSGQ_OBJECT_CONSTRAINT_WARNING, 0 );
      //:RETURN -1
      return( -1 );


   //:// Navigate the vSourceOI object/subobject hierarchically and create an XML node for each entity that has a corresponding
   //:// GroupSet entity in the Report Def.

   //:// Generate basic header.
   //:szOutputLine = "<?xml version=" + QUOTES + "1.0" + QUOTES + " encoding=" + QUOTES + "iso-8859-1" + QUOTES + "?>"
   ZeidonStringCopy( szOutputLine, 1, 0, "<?xml version=", 1, 0, 5001 );
   ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, QUOTES, 1, 0, 5001 );
   ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, "1.0", 1, 0, 5001 );
   ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, QUOTES, 1, 0, 5001 );
   ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, " encoding=", 1, 0, 5001 );
   ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, QUOTES, 1, 0, 5001 );
   ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, "iso-8859-1", 1, 0, 5001 );
   ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, QUOTES, 1, 0, 5001 );
   ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, "?>", 1, 0, 5001 );
   //:GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine )
   oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine );
   //:szOutputLine = "<zOI>"
   ZeidonStringCopy( szOutputLine, 1, 0, "<zOI>", 1, 0, 5001 );
   //:GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine )
   oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine );

   //:// Process the page header. 
   //:SET CURSOR FIRST vReportDef.GroupSet WHERE vReportDef.GroupSet.Type = "PH"
   RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntityByString( vReportDef, "GroupSet", "Type", "PH", "" );
   if ( RESULT >= zCURSOR_SET )
      //:szOutputLine = "<PageHeader>"
      ZeidonStringCopy( szOutputLine, 1, 0, "<PageHeader>", 1, 0, 5001 );
      //:GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine )
      oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine );
      //:XML_PageHeaderFooter( vReportDef, vSourceOI, szOutputLine, lFileHandle, szIndentationValue )
      oTZRPSRCO_XML_PageHeaderFooter( vReportDef, vSourceOI, szOutputLine, lFileHandle, szIndentationValue );
      //:szOutputLine = "</PageHeader>"
      ZeidonStringCopy( szOutputLine, 1, 0, "</PageHeader>", 1, 0, 5001 );
      //:GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine )
      oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine );


   //:szOutputLine = "   <GR_" + szTopEntityName + ">"
   ZeidonStringCopy( szOutputLine, 1, 0, "   <GR_", 1, 0, 5001 );
   ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, szTopEntityName, 1, 0, 5001 );
   ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, ">", 1, 0, 5001 );
   //:GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine )
   oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine );

   //:// Process Top Entity Header, if it exists.
   //:CreateViewFromView( vReportLODRecurs, vReportDef )
   CreateViewFromView( &vReportLODRecurs, vReportDef );

   //:GenerateXML_LODRecurs( vReportDef, vReportLODRecurs, vSourceOI, szOutputLine, lFileHandle, szIndentationValue )
   oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXML_LODRecurs( vReportDef, vReportLODRecurs, vSourceOI, szOutputLine, lFileHandle, szIndentationValue );

   //:szOutputLine = "   </GR_" + szTopEntityName + ">"
   ZeidonStringCopy( szOutputLine, 1, 0, "   </GR_", 1, 0, 5001 );
   ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, szTopEntityName, 1, 0, 5001 );
   ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, ">", 1, 0, 5001 );
   //:GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine )
   oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine );

   //:// Process the page footer. 
   //:SET CURSOR FIRST vReportDef.GroupSet WHERE vReportDef.GroupSet.Type = "PF"
   RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntityByString( vReportDef, "GroupSet", "Type", "PF", "" );
   if ( RESULT >= zCURSOR_SET )
      //:szOutputLine = "<PageFooter>"
      ZeidonStringCopy( szOutputLine, 1, 0, "<PageFooter>", 1, 0, 5001 );
      //:GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine )
      oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine );
      //:XML_PageHeaderFooter( vReportDef, vSourceOI, szOutputLine, lFileHandle, szIndentationValue )
      oTZRPSRCO_XML_PageHeaderFooter( vReportDef, vSourceOI, szOutputLine, lFileHandle, szIndentationValue );
      //:szOutputLine = "</PageFooter>"
      ZeidonStringCopy( szOutputLine, 1, 0, "</PageFooter>", 1, 0, 5001 );
      //:GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine )
      oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine );


   //:// Terminate and close the XML file.
   //:szOutputLine = "</zOI>"
   ZeidonStringCopy( szOutputLine, 1, 0, "</zOI>", 1, 0, 5001 );
   //:GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine )
   oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine );
   //:SysCloseFile( vReportDef, lFileHandle, 0 )
   SysCloseFile( vReportDef, lFileHandle, 0 );
   return( 0 );
// END
コード例 #7
ファイル: tzrpsxml.c プロジェクト: DeegC/ZeidonTools
//:   STRING ( 32 ) szEntityName
oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXML_LODRecurs( zVIEW     vReportDef,
                                 zVIEW     vReportDefRecurs,
                                 zVIEW     vSourceOI,
                                 zPCHAR    szOutputLine,
                                 zLONG     lFileHandle,
                                 zPCHAR    szIndentationValue )
   zCHAR     szEntityName[ 33 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 32 ) szDrivingViewName
   zCHAR     szDrivingViewName[ 33 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 50 ) szIndentationSubValue
   zCHAR     szIndentationSubValue[ 51 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 10 ) szCnt
   zCHAR     szCnt[ 11 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:SHORT nRC
   zSHORT    nRC = 0; 
   zSHORT    lTempInteger_0; 
   zSHORT    lTempInteger_1; 

   //:szDrivingViewName = vReportDef.DrivingViewObjRef.Name
   GetVariableFromAttribute( szDrivingViewName, 0, 'S', 33, vReportDef, "DrivingViewObjRef", "Name", "", 0 );

   //:// Build one level of the PartialReportEntity subobject, matching the structure of the Driving LOD and
   //:// setting the ReportDisplayFlag entity for any entity with a corresponding GroupSet entity in the report, or having
   //:// a PartialReportEntityChild entity with a corresponding GroupSet entity. The flag is set to "D" if the entity has
   //:// a corresponding GroupSet entity and to a "C" if it has a child with a corresponding GroupSet entity.

   //:FOR EACH vReportDefRecurs.PartialReportEntity 
   RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( vReportDefRecurs, "PartialReportEntity", "" );

      //:szEntityName = vReportDefRecurs.PartialReportEntity.Name 
      GetVariableFromAttribute( szEntityName, 0, 'S', 33, vReportDefRecurs, "PartialReportEntity", "Name", "", 0 );
      //:// If ReportDisplayFlag = "D" then this is an entity that is displayed on the report (there is a GroupSet).  
      //:// Otherwise, it's a parent entity where one of it's children is displayed on the report.                    
      //:IF vReportDefRecurs.PartialReportEntity.ReportDisplayFlag = "D"
      if ( CompareAttributeToString( vReportDefRecurs, "PartialReportEntity", "ReportDisplayFlag", "D" ) == 0 )

         //:SET CURSOR FIRST vReportDef.GroupSet WHERE vReportDef.GroupSet.Tag = szEntityName 
         RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntityByString( vReportDef, "GroupSet", "Tag", szEntityName, "" );
         //:IF RESULT < zCURSOR_SET
         if ( RESULT < zCURSOR_SET )

         //:   // There is an error because the report should have a GroupSet for this.          

         //:nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vSourceOI, szEntityName, "" )
         nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vSourceOI, szEntityName, "" );

         //:// Process group header
         //:SET CURSOR FIRST vReportDef.Group WHERE vReportDef.Group.Type = "gh"
         RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntityByString( vReportDef, "Group", "Type", "gh", "" );
         //:IF RESULT >= zCURSOR_SET
         if ( RESULT >= zCURSOR_SET )
            //:szOutputLine = szIndentationValue + "   <" + szEntityName + "Header>"
            ZeidonStringCopy( szOutputLine, 1, 0, szIndentationValue, 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, "   <", 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, szEntityName, 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, "Header>", 1, 0, 5001 );
            //:GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine )
            oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine );

            //:szIndentationSubValue = szIndentationValue + "      "
            ZeidonStringCopy( szIndentationSubValue, 1, 0, szIndentationValue, 1, 0, 51 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szIndentationSubValue, 1, 0, "      ", 1, 0, 51 );
            //:GenerateXML_CtlRecurs( vReportDef, vSourceOI, szDrivingViewName, szOutputLine, lFileHandle, szIndentationSubValue )
            oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXML_CtlRecurs( vReportDef, vSourceOI, szDrivingViewName, szOutputLine, lFileHandle, szIndentationSubValue );

            //:szOutputLine = szIndentationValue + "   </" + szEntityName + "Header>"
            ZeidonStringCopy( szOutputLine, 1, 0, szIndentationValue, 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, "   </", 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, szEntityName, 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, "Header>", 1, 0, 5001 );
            //:GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine )
            oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine );


         //:// Go to generate an attribute entry for each attribute with mapping in the Detail Group of the GroupSet.
         //:SET CURSOR FIRST vReportDef.Group WHERE vReportDef.Group.Type = "ga"
         RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntityByString( vReportDef, "Group", "Type", "ga", "" );
         //:IF RESULT >= zCURSOR_SET
         if ( RESULT >= zCURSOR_SET )
            //:// Loop through vSourceOI for each entity
            //:LOOP WHILE nRC >= zCURSOR_SET                     
            while ( nRC >= zCURSOR_SET )

               //:szOutputLine = szIndentationValue + "   <" + szEntityName + ">"
               ZeidonStringCopy( szOutputLine, 1, 0, szIndentationValue, 1, 0, 5001 );
               ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, "   <", 1, 0, 5001 );
               ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, szEntityName, 1, 0, 5001 );
               ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, ">", 1, 0, 5001 );
               //:GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine )
               oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine );
               //:szIndentationSubValue = szIndentationValue + "   "
               ZeidonStringCopy( szIndentationSubValue, 1, 0, szIndentationValue, 1, 0, 51 );
               ZeidonStringConcat( szIndentationSubValue, 1, 0, "   ", 1, 0, 51 );

               //:GenerateXML_CtlRecurs( vReportDef, vSourceOI, szDrivingViewName, szOutputLine, lFileHandle, szIndentationSubValue )
               oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXML_CtlRecurs( vReportDef, vSourceOI, szDrivingViewName, szOutputLine, lFileHandle, szIndentationSubValue );

               //:// Check to see if there are child entities.
               //:IF vReportDefRecurs.PartialReportEntityChild EXISTS
               lTempInteger_0 = CheckExistenceOfEntity( vReportDefRecurs, "PartialReportEntityChild" );
               if ( lTempInteger_0 == 0 )

                  //:SetViewToSubobject( vReportDefRecurs, "PartialReportEntityChild" )
                  SetViewToSubobject( vReportDefRecurs, "PartialReportEntityChild" );
                  //:szIndentationSubValue = szIndentationValue + "      "
                  ZeidonStringCopy( szIndentationSubValue, 1, 0, szIndentationValue, 1, 0, 51 );
                  ZeidonStringConcat( szIndentationSubValue, 1, 0, "      ", 1, 0, 51 );
                  //:nRC = GenerateXML_LODRecurs( vReportDef,
                  //:                             vReportDefRecurs, vSourceOI, szOutputLine, lFileHandle, szIndentationSubValue )
                  nRC = oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXML_LODRecurs( vReportDef, vReportDefRecurs, vSourceOI, szOutputLine, lFileHandle, szIndentationSubValue );
                  //:ResetViewFromSubobject( vReportDefRecurs )
                  ResetViewFromSubobject( vReportDefRecurs );

                  //:// We need to reset on the report GroupSet/Group because it has been changed when we go down levels.
                  //:SET CURSOR FIRST vReportDef.GroupSet WHERE vReportDef.GroupSet.Tag = szEntityName
                  RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntityByString( vReportDef, "GroupSet", "Tag", szEntityName, "" );
                  //:SET CURSOR FIRST vReportDef.Group WHERE vReportDef.Group.Type = "ga"
                  RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntityByString( vReportDef, "Group", "Type", "ga", "" );


               //:// End of checking for child entities...               
               //:szOutputLine = szIndentationValue + "   </" + szEntityName + ">"
               ZeidonStringCopy( szOutputLine, 1, 0, szIndentationValue, 1, 0, 5001 );
               ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, "   </", 1, 0, 5001 );
               ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, szEntityName, 1, 0, 5001 );
               ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, ">", 1, 0, 5001 );
               //:GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine )
               oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine );

               //:nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vSourceOI, szEntityName, "" )
               nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vSourceOI, szEntityName, "" );



         //:// Process group footer.
         //:SET CURSOR FIRST vReportDef.Group WHERE vReportDef.Group.Type = "gf"
         RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntityByString( vReportDef, "Group", "Type", "gf", "" );
         //:IF RESULT >= zCURSOR_SET
         if ( RESULT >= zCURSOR_SET )
            //:szOutputLine = szIndentationValue + "   <" + szEntityName + "Footer>"
            ZeidonStringCopy( szOutputLine, 1, 0, szIndentationValue, 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, "   <", 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, szEntityName, 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, "Footer>", 1, 0, 5001 );
            //:GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine )
            oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine );

            //:szIndentationSubValue = szIndentationValue + "      "
            ZeidonStringCopy( szIndentationSubValue, 1, 0, szIndentationValue, 1, 0, 51 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szIndentationSubValue, 1, 0, "      ", 1, 0, 51 );
            //:GenerateXML_CtlRecurs( vReportDef, vSourceOI, szEntityName, szOutputLine, lFileHandle, szIndentationSubValue )
            oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXML_CtlRecurs( vReportDef, vSourceOI, szEntityName, szOutputLine, lFileHandle, szIndentationSubValue );
            //:szOutputLine = szIndentationValue + "   </" + szEntityName + "Footer>"
            ZeidonStringCopy( szOutputLine, 1, 0, szIndentationValue, 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, "   </", 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, szEntityName, 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, "Footer>", 1, 0, 5001 );
            //:GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine )
            oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine );


         //:// Maybe the parent isn't being displayed but a child might be, so we need to check...
         //:// Loop through vSourceOI for each entity
         //:nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vSourceOI, szEntityName, "" )
         nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vSourceOI, szEntityName, "" );
         //:LOOP WHILE nRC >= zCURSOR_SET                     
         while ( nRC >= zCURSOR_SET )
            //:IF vReportDefRecurs.PartialReportEntityChild EXISTS
            lTempInteger_1 = CheckExistenceOfEntity( vReportDefRecurs, "PartialReportEntityChild" );
            if ( lTempInteger_1 == 0 )

               //:SetViewToSubobject( vReportDefRecurs, "PartialReportEntityChild" )
               SetViewToSubobject( vReportDefRecurs, "PartialReportEntityChild" );
               //:szIndentationSubValue = szIndentationValue + "      "
               ZeidonStringCopy( szIndentationSubValue, 1, 0, szIndentationValue, 1, 0, 51 );
               ZeidonStringConcat( szIndentationSubValue, 1, 0, "      ", 1, 0, 51 );
               //:nRC = GenerateXML_LODRecurs( vReportDef,
               //:                             vReportDefRecurs, vSourceOI, szOutputLine, lFileHandle, szIndentationSubValue )
               nRC = oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXML_LODRecurs( vReportDef, vReportDefRecurs, vSourceOI, szOutputLine, lFileHandle, szIndentationSubValue );
               //:ResetViewFromSubobject( vReportDefRecurs )
               ResetViewFromSubobject( vReportDefRecurs );

            //:nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vSourceOI, szEntityName, "" )
            nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vSourceOI, szEntityName, "" );


      RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( vReportDefRecurs, "PartialReportEntity", "" );

   //:END  // FOR EACH vReportDefRecurs.PartialReportEntity 
   return( 0 );
// END
コード例 #8
ファイル: tzvminaa.c プロジェクト: DeegC/10d
GetExecMode( zVIEW  lpInterpSubtask,
             zVIEW  lpAppSubtask,
             zPCHAR szSrcDLLName,
             zPCHAR szOperationName,
             zPCHAR szMetaType )
   zVIEW  vXChecker;
   zVIEW  CM_List;
   zCHAR  szExecDir[ zMAX_FILESPEC_LTH + 1 ];
   zCHAR  szScopeMeta[ 33 ];
   zCHAR  szSourceFileMeta1[ 33 ];
   zCHAR  szSourceFileMeta2[ 33 ];
   zCHAR  szOperationMeta[ 33 ];
   zSHORT nRC;

   if ( !szMetaType || !*szMetaType )
      return( -1 );

   nRC = GetViewByName( &vXChecker, "TZVSXCOO",
                             lpInterpSubtask, zLEVEL_APPLICATION );

      GetViewByName( &CM_List, "TZCMWKSO", lpInterpSubtask, zLEVEL_APPLICATION );

      // If CM_List is 0 then we must have been called from Core at runtime.
      // In this case all operations are run natively so don't bother checking
      // the exec mode.
      if ( CM_List == 0 )
         return( -1 );

      GetStringFromAttribute( szExecDir, zsizeof( szExecDir ), CM_List, "LPLR", "ExecDir" );
      ZeidonStringConcat( szExecDir, 1, 0, "\\TZVSXC01.POR", 1, 0, zMAX_FILESPEC_LTH+1 );
      nRC = ActivateOI_FromFile( &vXChecker, "TZVSXCOO",
                                 lpAppSubtask, szExecDir,
                                 zSINGLE | zIGNORE_ATTRIB_ERRORS );
      if ( nRC != 0 )
         return( -1 );

   // set up the Operation Meta Name
   if ( zstrcmp( szMetaType, "Dialog" ) == 0 )
      strcpy_s( szSourceFileMeta1, zsizeof( szSourceFileMeta1 ), "DialogSourceFile" );
      strcpy_s( szSourceFileMeta2, zsizeof( szSourceFileMeta2 ), "Dialog" );
      strcpy_s( szOperationMeta, zsizeof( szOperationMeta ), "DialogOperation" );
      strcpy_s( szScopeMeta, zsizeof( szScopeMeta), "Dialogs" );
   if ( zstrcmp( szMetaType, "LOD" ) == 0 )
      strcpy_s( szSourceFileMeta1, zsizeof( szSourceFileMeta1 ), "LODSourceFile" );
      strcpy_s( szSourceFileMeta2, zsizeof( szSourceFileMeta2 ), "LOD" );
      strcpy_s( szOperationMeta, zsizeof( szOperationMeta ), "LOD_Operation" );
      strcpy_s( szScopeMeta, zsizeof( szScopeMeta), "LODs" );
      strcpy_s( szSourceFileMeta1, zsizeof( szSourceFileMeta1 ), "GlobalSourceFile" );
      strcpy_s( szSourceFileMeta2, zsizeof( szSourceFileMeta2 ), "GlobalOperation" );
      strcpy_s( szOperationMeta, zsizeof( szOperationMeta ), "Operation" );
      strcpy_s( szScopeMeta, zsizeof( szScopeMeta), "GlobalOperations" );

   nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByString( vXChecker, szSourceFileMeta1,
                                       "Name", szSrcDLLName, szScopeMeta );
#if 0
   if ( nRC < zCURSOR_SET )
      nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByString( vXChecker, szSourceFileMeta2,
                                          "Name", szSrcDLLName, szScopeMeta );
      if ( nRC == zCURSOR_SET )
         nRC = SetAttributeFromInteger( vXChecker, "APPLICATION", "CurrentMode", 1 );
         return( zXC_OPERATION_STAGED );
         return( -1 );

   if ( nRC < zCURSOR_SET )
      return( -1 );

   nRC = SetCursorFirstEntityByString( vXChecker, szOperationMeta, "Name", szOperationName, "" );

   if ( nRC >= zCURSOR_SET )
      nRC = SetAttributeFromInteger( vXChecker, "APPLICATION", "CurrentMode", zXC_SETUP_DEBUGGER );
      return( zXC_SETUP_DEBUGGER );
      nRC = SetAttributeFromInteger( vXChecker, "APPLICATION", "CurrentMode", 1 );
      return( zXC_OPERATION_STAGED );
コード例 #9
ファイル: tzogsrco.c プロジェクト: arksoftgit/10c
oTZOGSRCO_GenerateXOG( zVIEW     OperationGroup )
   zVIEW     OperationXOG = 0; 
   zVIEW     OperationGroupT = 0; 
   zVIEW     CurrentLPLR = 0; 
   //:STRING ( 513 ) XOG_FileName 
   zCHAR     XOG_FileName[ 514 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 513 ) POG_FileName
   zCHAR     POG_FileName[ 514 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 200 ) szMsg
   zCHAR     szMsg[ 201 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:INTEGER        lFile
   zLONG     lFile = 0; 
   //:SHORT          nRC                 
   zSHORT    nRC = 0; 
   zCHAR     szTempString_0[ 33 ]; 
   zCHAR     szTempString_1[ 33 ]; 

   //:// Build the executable Global Object executable for all Operations in the LPLR.

   //:// Activate or initialize the XOG executable object.
   RESULT = GetViewByName( &CurrentLPLR, "TaskLPLR", OperationGroup, zLEVEL_TASK );
   //:XOG_FileName = CurrentLPLR.LPLR.ExecDir + "\" + CurrentLPLR.LPLR.Name + ".XOG"
   GetStringFromAttribute( XOG_FileName, CurrentLPLR, "LPLR", "ExecDir" );
   ZeidonStringConcat( XOG_FileName, 1, 0, "\\", 1, 0, 514 );
   GetVariableFromAttribute( szTempString_0, 0, 'S', 33, CurrentLPLR, "LPLR", "Name", "", 0 );
   ZeidonStringConcat( XOG_FileName, 1, 0, szTempString_0, 1, 0, 514 );
   ZeidonStringConcat( XOG_FileName, 1, 0, ".XOG", 1, 0, 514 );
   //:lFile = SysOpenFile( OperationGroup, XOG_FileName, COREFILE_READ )
   lFile = SysOpenFile( OperationGroup, XOG_FileName, COREFILE_READ );
   //:IF lFile < 0
   if ( lFile < 0 )
      //:// Executable has not yet been generated.
      //:ACTIVATE OperationXOG EMPTY 
      RESULT = ActivateEmptyObjectInstance( &OperationXOG, "TZZOXOGO", OperationGroup, zSINGLE );
      RESULT = CreateEntity( OperationXOG, "TZZOXOGO", zPOS_AFTER );
      //:OperationXOG.TZZOXOGO.NAME = CurrentLPLR.LPLR.Name
      SetAttributeFromAttribute( OperationXOG, "TZZOXOGO", "NAME", CurrentLPLR, "LPLR", "Name" );
      //:SysCloseFile( OperationGroup, lFile, 0 )
      SysCloseFile( OperationGroup, lFile, 0 );
      //:// Get current executable File.
      //:ActivateOI_FromFile( OperationXOG, "TZZOXOGO", OperationGroup, XOG_FileName, zSINGLE )
      ActivateOI_FromFile( &OperationXOG, "TZZOXOGO", OperationGroup, XOG_FileName, zSINGLE );

      //:// Delete current source file entries.
      RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( OperationXOG, "GLOBALOPERATIONSOURCEFILE", "" );
      while ( RESULT > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )
         RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( OperationXOG, "GLOBALOPERATIONSOURCEFILE", "" );


   //:NAME VIEW OperationXOG "OperationXOG"
   SetNameForView( OperationXOG, "OperationXOG", 0, zLEVEL_TASK );

   //:// Build the executable components from each POG Operation.
   //:SET CURSOR FIRST CurrentLPLR.W_MetaType WHERE CurrentLPLR.W_MetaType.Type = 14   // 14 is Global Operation Group 
   RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntityByInteger( CurrentLPLR, "W_MetaType", "Type", 14, "" );
   //:FOR EACH CurrentLPLR.W_MetaDef 
   RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( CurrentLPLR, "W_MetaDef", "" );
      //:POG_FileName = CurrentLPLR.LPLR.MetaSrcDir + "\" + CurrentLPLR.W_MetaDef.Name + ".POG"
      GetStringFromAttribute( POG_FileName, CurrentLPLR, "LPLR", "MetaSrcDir" );
      ZeidonStringConcat( POG_FileName, 1, 0, "\\", 1, 0, 514 );
      GetVariableFromAttribute( szTempString_1, 0, 'S', 33, CurrentLPLR, "W_MetaDef", "Name", "", 0 );
      ZeidonStringConcat( POG_FileName, 1, 0, szTempString_1, 1, 0, 514 );
      ZeidonStringConcat( POG_FileName, 1, 0, ".POG", 1, 0, 514 );
      //:nRC = ActivateOI_FromFile( OperationGroupT, "TZOGSRCO", OperationGroup, POG_FileName, zSINGLE + 8192 )
      nRC = ActivateOI_FromFile( &OperationGroupT, "TZOGSRCO", OperationGroup, POG_FileName, zSINGLE + 8192 );
      //:IF nRC < 0
      if ( nRC < 0 )
         //:szMsg = "Can't open POG file, " + POG_FileName
         ZeidonStringCopy( szMsg, 1, 0, "Can't open POG file, ", 1, 0, 201 );
         ZeidonStringConcat( szMsg, 1, 0, POG_FileName, 1, 0, 201 );
         //:IssueError( OperationGroup,0,0, szMsg )
         IssueError( OperationGroup, 0, 0, szMsg );
         //:RETURN -1
         return( -1 );

      //:// Create Source file entry.
      //:OperationXOG.GLOBALOPERATIONSOURCEFILE.NAME         = OperationGroupT.GlobalOperationGroup.Name 
      SetAttributeFromAttribute( OperationXOG, "GLOBALOPERATIONSOURCEFILE", "NAME", OperationGroupT, "GlobalOperationGroup", "Name" );
      //:OperationXOG.GLOBALOPERATIONSOURCEFILE.LANGUAGETYPE = OperationGroupT.GlobalOperationGroup.LanguageType 
      SetAttributeFromAttribute( OperationXOG, "GLOBALOPERATIONSOURCEFILE", "LANGUAGETYPE", OperationGroupT, "GlobalOperationGroup", "LanguageType" );

      //:// Create each Operation entry.
      //:FOR EACH OperationGroupT.Operation 
      RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( OperationGroupT, "Operation", "" );
      while ( RESULT > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )
         RESULT = CreateEntity( OperationXOG, "OPERATION", zPOS_AFTER );
         //:OperationXOG.OPERATION.NAME = OperationGroupT.Operation.Name 
         SetAttributeFromAttribute( OperationXOG, "OPERATION", "NAME", OperationGroupT, "Operation", "Name" );
         //:OperationXOG.OPERATION.TYPE = OperationGroupT.Operation.Type 
         SetAttributeFromAttribute( OperationXOG, "OPERATION", "TYPE", OperationGroupT, "Operation", "Type" );

         //:FOR EACH OperationGroupT.Parameter 
         RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( OperationGroupT, "Parameter", "" );
         while ( RESULT > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )
            //:CREATE ENTITY OperationXOG.PARAMETER 
            RESULT = CreateEntity( OperationXOG, "PARAMETER", zPOS_AFTER );
            //:OperationXOG.PARAMETER.NAME     = OperationGroupT.Parameter.ShortDesc 
            SetAttributeFromAttribute( OperationXOG, "PARAMETER", "NAME", OperationGroupT, "Parameter", "ShortDesc" );
            //:OperationXOG.PARAMETER.DATATYPE = OperationGroupT.Parameter.DataType 
            SetAttributeFromAttribute( OperationXOG, "PARAMETER", "DATATYPE", OperationGroupT, "Parameter", "DataType" );
            RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( OperationGroupT, "Parameter", "" );

         RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( OperationGroupT, "Operation", "" );

      RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( CurrentLPLR, "W_MetaDef", "" );

   //:CommitOI_ToFile( OperationXOG, XOG_FileName, zASCII )
   CommitOI_ToFile( OperationXOG, XOG_FileName, zASCII );
   //:DropObjectInstance( OperationXOG )
   DropObjectInstance( OperationXOG );
   return( 0 );
// END
コード例 #10
ファイル: tzogsrco.c プロジェクト: arksoftgit/10c
oTZOGSRCO_GlobalOperGrpMigrate( zVIEW     NewOperGrp,
                                zPCHAR    OperGroupMetaName,
                                zVIEW     SourceLPLR,
                                zVIEW     vSubtask )
   zVIEW     OldOperGrp = 0; 
   zVIEW     CurrentLPLR = 0; 

   //:STRING ( 513 ) SourceFileName                    // size according to zMAX_FILESPEC+1
   zCHAR     SourceFileName[ 514 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 513 ) SourceFileName2                   // size according to zMAX_FILESPEC+1
   zCHAR     SourceFileName2[ 514 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 36 ) SourceName
   zCHAR     SourceName[ 37 ] = { 0 }; 
   zSHORT    lTempInteger_0; 
   zCHAR     szTempString_0[ 33 ]; 

   //:// Activate existing source meta OldOperGroup
   //:SourceFileName = SourceLPLR.LPLR.MetaSrcDir + "\" + OperGroupMetaName + ".POG"
   GetStringFromAttribute( SourceFileName, SourceLPLR, "LPLR", "MetaSrcDir" );
   ZeidonStringConcat( SourceFileName, 1, 0, "\\", 1, 0, 514 );
   ZeidonStringConcat( SourceFileName, 1, 0, OperGroupMetaName, 1, 0, 514 );
   ZeidonStringConcat( SourceFileName, 1, 0, ".POG", 1, 0, 514 );
   //:ActivateOI_FromFile( OldOperGrp, "TZOGSRCO", SourceLPLR,
   //:                     SourceFileName, zSINGLE + 8192 )
   ActivateOI_FromFile( &OldOperGrp, "TZOGSRCO", SourceLPLR, SourceFileName, zSINGLE + 8192 );
   //:NAME VIEW OldOperGrp "OldOperGrp"
   SetNameForView( OldOperGrp, "OldOperGrp", 0, zLEVEL_TASK );
   //://ActivateEmptyMetaOI( vSubtask, NewOperGrp, 14, zSINGLE ) // 14 is zSOURCE_GOPGRP_META
   //://NAME VIEW NewOperGrp "NewOperGrp"

   //:IF NewOperGrp.GlobalOperationGroup DOES NOT EXIST
   lTempInteger_0 = CheckExistenceOfEntity( NewOperGrp, "GlobalOperationGroup" );
   if ( lTempInteger_0 != 0 )

      //:// The Global Operation Group does not exist in the target, so simply copy everything over.

      //:CreateMetaEntity( vSubtask, NewOperGrp, "GlobalOperationGroup", zPOS_AFTER )
      CreateMetaEntity( vSubtask, NewOperGrp, "GlobalOperationGroup", zPOS_AFTER );
      //:SetMatchingAttributesByName( NewOperGrp, "GlobalOperationGroup", OldOperGrp, "GlobalOperationGroup", zSET_NULL )
      SetMatchingAttributesByName( NewOperGrp, "GlobalOperationGroup", OldOperGrp, "GlobalOperationGroup", zSET_NULL );

      //:// Copy over the source file to the new LPLR directory, if there is a source file.
      //:// We will assume a source file exists if the SourceFile.Extension is not null.  If there
      //:// is actually no source file, the CopyFile does no harm.
      //:IF OldOperGrp.GlobalOperationGroup.Extension != ""
      if ( CompareAttributeToString( OldOperGrp, "GlobalOperationGroup", "Extension", "" ) != 0 )
         //:RetrieveViewForMetaList( vSubtask, CurrentLPLR, zSOURCE_ERD_META ) // Get view for directory info.
         RetrieveViewForMetaList( vSubtask, &CurrentLPLR, zSOURCE_ERD_META );
         //:ResetViewFromSubobject( CurrentLPLR )
         ResetViewFromSubobject( CurrentLPLR );
         //:IF OldOperGrp.GlobalOperationGroup.Extension = "C"
         if ( CompareAttributeToString( OldOperGrp, "GlobalOperationGroup", "Extension", "C" ) == 0 )
            //:SourceName = OperGroupMetaName + ".C"
            ZeidonStringCopy( SourceName, 1, 0, OperGroupMetaName, 1, 0, 37 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( SourceName, 1, 0, ".C", 1, 0, 37 );
            //:SourceName = OperGroupMetaName + ".VML"
            ZeidonStringCopy( SourceName, 1, 0, OperGroupMetaName, 1, 0, 37 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( SourceName, 1, 0, ".VML", 1, 0, 37 );

         //:SourceFileName = SourceLPLR.LPLR.PgmSrcDir + "\" + SourceName
         GetStringFromAttribute( SourceFileName, SourceLPLR, "LPLR", "PgmSrcDir" );
         ZeidonStringConcat( SourceFileName, 1, 0, "\\", 1, 0, 514 );
         ZeidonStringConcat( SourceFileName, 1, 0, SourceName, 1, 0, 514 );
         //:SourceFileName2 = CurrentLPLR.LPLR.PgmSrcDir + "\" + SourceName
         GetStringFromAttribute( SourceFileName2, CurrentLPLR, "LPLR", "PgmSrcDir" );
         ZeidonStringConcat( SourceFileName2, 1, 0, "\\", 1, 0, 514 );
         ZeidonStringConcat( SourceFileName2, 1, 0, SourceName, 1, 0, 514 );
         //:SysCopyFile( vSubtask, SourceFileName, SourceFileName2, TRUE )
         SysCopyFile( vSubtask, SourceFileName, SourceFileName2, TRUE );
         //:DropMetaOI( vSubtask, CurrentLPLR )
         DropMetaOI( vSubtask, CurrentLPLR );


      //:FOR EACH OldOperGrp.Operation
      RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( OldOperGrp, "Operation", "" );
      while ( RESULT > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )

         //:CreateMetaEntity( vSubtask, NewOperGrp, "Operation", zPOS_AFTER )
         CreateMetaEntity( vSubtask, NewOperGrp, "Operation", zPOS_AFTER );
         //:SetMatchingAttributesByName ( NewOperGrp, "Operation", OldOperGrp,
         //:                              "Operation", zSET_NULL )
         SetMatchingAttributesByName( NewOperGrp, "Operation", OldOperGrp, "Operation", zSET_NULL );

         //:FOR EACH OldOperGrp.Parameter
         RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( OldOperGrp, "Parameter", "" );
         while ( RESULT > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )
            //:// Make sure the ShortDesc in the Parameter is not null.
            //:IF OldOperGrp.Parameter.ShortDesc = ""
            if ( CompareAttributeToString( OldOperGrp, "Parameter", "ShortDesc", "" ) == 0 )
               //:OldOperGrp.Parameter.ShortDesc = "Parm"
               SetAttributeFromString( OldOperGrp, "Parameter", "ShortDesc", "Parm" );

            //:CreateMetaEntity( vSubtask, NewOperGrp, "Parameter", zPOS_AFTER )
            CreateMetaEntity( vSubtask, NewOperGrp, "Parameter", zPOS_AFTER );
            //:SetMatchingAttributesByName( NewOperGrp, "Parameter", OldOperGrp,
            //:                             "Parameter", zSET_NULL )
            SetMatchingAttributesByName( NewOperGrp, "Parameter", OldOperGrp, "Parameter", zSET_NULL );
            RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( OldOperGrp, "Parameter", "" );

         RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( OldOperGrp, "Operation", "" );



      //:// The Global Operation Group exists in the target, so merge in any new Operations.
      //:// We will force over any Operations (both prototype and code) for any Operations not flagged as modified in target LPLR.

      //:FOR EACH OldOperGrp.Operation
      RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( OldOperGrp, "Operation", "" );
      while ( RESULT > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )

         //:SET CURSOR FIRST NewOperGrp.Operation WHERE NewOperGrp.Operation.Name = OldOperGrp.Operation.Name
         GetStringFromAttribute( szTempString_0, OldOperGrp, "Operation", "Name" );
         RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntityByString( NewOperGrp, "Operation", "Name", szTempString_0, "" );
         //:IF RESULT < zCURSOR_SET
         if ( RESULT < zCURSOR_SET )
            //:CreateMetaEntity( vSubtask, NewOperGrp, "Operation", zPOS_AFTER )
            CreateMetaEntity( vSubtask, NewOperGrp, "Operation", zPOS_AFTER );
            //:SetMatchingAttributesByName ( NewOperGrp, "Operation", OldOperGrp, "Operation", zSET_NULL )
            SetMatchingAttributesByName( NewOperGrp, "Operation", OldOperGrp, "Operation", zSET_NULL );


         //:// If the operation is new or modifiable, set new parameters and operation code.
         //:IF NewOperGrp.Operation.DoNotMergeFlag = ""
         if ( CompareAttributeToString( NewOperGrp, "Operation", "DoNotMergeFlag", "" ) == 0 )
            //:FOR EACH NewOperGrp.Parameter
            RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( NewOperGrp, "Parameter", "" );
            while ( RESULT > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )
               //:DELETE ENTITY NewOperGrp.Parameter NONE
               RESULT = DeleteEntity( NewOperGrp, "Parameter", zREPOS_NONE );
               RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( NewOperGrp, "Parameter", "" );

            //:FOR EACH OldOperGrp.Parameter
            RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( OldOperGrp, "Parameter", "" );
            while ( RESULT > zCURSOR_UNCHANGED )
               //:// Make sure the ShortDesc in the Parameter is not null.
               //:IF OldOperGrp.Parameter.ShortDesc = ""
               if ( CompareAttributeToString( OldOperGrp, "Parameter", "ShortDesc", "" ) == 0 )
                  //:OldOperGrp.Parameter.ShortDesc = "Parm"
                  SetAttributeFromString( OldOperGrp, "Parameter", "ShortDesc", "Parm" );

               //:CreateMetaEntity( vSubtask, NewOperGrp, "Parameter", zPOS_AFTER )
               CreateMetaEntity( vSubtask, NewOperGrp, "Parameter", zPOS_AFTER );
               //:SetMatchingAttributesByName( NewOperGrp, "Parameter", OldOperGrp, "Parameter", zSET_NULL )
               SetMatchingAttributesByName( NewOperGrp, "Parameter", OldOperGrp, "Parameter", zSET_NULL );
               RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( OldOperGrp, "Parameter", "" );


         RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( OldOperGrp, "Operation", "" );

         //:   // Add new Operation Code.
         //:   // CopyOperationCode




   //:DropObjectInstance( OldOperGrp )
   DropObjectInstance( OldOperGrp );
   //:CommitMetaOI( vSubtask, NewOperGrp, 14 )   // 14 is zSOURCE_GOPGRP_META
   CommitMetaOI( vSubtask, NewOperGrp, 14 );

   //:// Build the prototypes in zeidon.h file.
   //:RetrieveViewForMetaList( vSubtask, CurrentLPLR, zSOURCE_GOPGRP_META ) // Get view for Merge oper.
   RetrieveViewForMetaList( vSubtask, &CurrentLPLR, zSOURCE_GOPGRP_META );
   //:ResetViewFromSubobject( CurrentLPLR )
   ResetViewFromSubobject( CurrentLPLR );
   //:MergeGlobalPrototypes( NewOperGrp,
   //:                       NewOperGrp.GlobalOperationGroup.Name,
   //:                       "GlobalOperationGroup",
   //:                       CurrentLPLR )
   GetStringFromAttribute( szTempString_0, NewOperGrp, "GlobalOperationGroup", "Name" );
   MergeGlobalPrototypes( NewOperGrp, szTempString_0, "GlobalOperationGroup", CurrentLPLR );
   //:DropMetaOI( vSubtask, CurrentLPLR )
   DropMetaOI( vSubtask, CurrentLPLR );
   return( 0 );
// END