コード例 #1
int       Zoltan_Comm_Do(
ZOLTAN_COMM_OBJ * plan,		/* communication data structure */
int tag,			/* message tag for communicating */
char *send_data,		/* array of data I currently own */
int nbytes,			/* multiplier for sizes */
char *recv_data)		/* array of data I'll own after comm */
  int status = ZOLTAN_OK;

  if (!plan->maxed_recvs){
    status = Zoltan_Comm_Do_Post (plan, tag, send_data, nbytes, recv_data);
    if (status == ZOLTAN_OK)
       status = Zoltan_Comm_Do_Wait (plan, tag, send_data, nbytes, recv_data);
    status = Zoltan_Comm_Do_AlltoAll(plan, send_data, nbytes, recv_data);

  return status;
コード例 #2
ファイル: comm_do_reverse.c プロジェクト: haripandey/trilinos
int Zoltan_Comm_Do_Reverse(
ZOLTAN_COMM_OBJ *plan,		/* communication data structure */
int       tag,			    /* message tag for communicating */
char     *send_data,		/* array of data I currently own */
int       nbytes,		    /* # bytes per data item */
int      *sizes,		    /* variable size of objects (if not NULL) */
char     *recv_data)		/* array of data I'll own after reverse comm */
  int status;

  /* create plan->plan_reverse
  status = create_reverse_plan(plan, tag, sizes);

  if (status == ZOLTAN_OK || status == ZOLTAN_WARN){

    if (plan->plan_reverse->maxed_recvs){
      /* use MPI_Alltoallv to implement plan->plan_reverse, because comm_do_post
       * would post more receives that allowed on this machine
      status = Zoltan_Comm_Do_AlltoAll(plan->plan_reverse, send_data, nbytes, recv_data);
      /* use post/wait which is faster when each sends to few
      status = Zoltan_Comm_Do_Post(plan->plan_reverse, tag, send_data, nbytes, recv_data);
      if (status == ZOLTAN_OK || status == ZOLTAN_WARN){
        status = Zoltan_Comm_Do_Wait (plan->plan_reverse, tag, send_data, nbytes, recv_data);


  return status;
コード例 #3
int       Zoltan_Comm_Do_Post(
ZOLTAN_COMM_OBJ * plan,		/* communication data structure */
int tag,			/* message tag for communicating */
char *send_data,		/* array of data I currently own */
int nbytes,			/* multiplier for sizes */
char *recv_data)		/* array of data I'll own after comm */
    char     *send_buff;	/* space to buffer outgoing data */
    int       my_proc;		/* processor ID */
    unsigned int self_recv_address = 0;/* where in recv_data self info starts */
    int       self_num=0;       /* where in send list my_proc appears */
    int       offset;		/* offset into array I'm copying into */
    int       self_index = 0;	/* send offset for data I'm keeping */
    int       out_of_mem;	/* am I out of memory? */
    int       nblocks;		/* number of procs who need my data */
    int       proc_index;	/* loop counter over procs to send to */
    int       i, j, k, jj;	/* loop counters */

    static char *yo = "Zoltan_Comm_Do_Post";

    /* Check input parameters */
    if (!plan) {
        MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_proc);
	ZOLTAN_COMM_ERROR("Communication plan = NULL", yo, my_proc);

    /* If not point to point, currently we do synchroneous communications */
    if (plan->maxed_recvs){
      int status;
      status = Zoltan_Comm_Do_AlltoAll(plan, send_data, nbytes, recv_data);
      return (status);

    MPI_Comm_rank(plan->comm, &my_proc);

    if ((plan->nsends + plan->self_msg) && !send_data) {
        int sum = 0;
        if (plan->sizes_to)   /* Not an error if all sizes_to == 0 */
            for (i = 0; i < (plan->nsends + plan->self_msg); i++) 
                sum += plan->sizes_to[i];
        if (!plan->sizes_to || (plan->sizes_to && sum)) {
            ZOLTAN_COMM_ERROR("nsends not zero, but send_data = NULL", 
                              yo, my_proc);
            return ZOLTAN_FATAL;
    if ((plan->nrecvs + plan->self_msg) && !recv_data) {
        int sum = 0;
        if (plan->sizes_from)   /* Not an error if all sizes_from == 0 */
            for (i = 0; i < (plan->nrecvs + plan->self_msg); i++) 
                sum += plan->sizes_from[i];
        if (!plan->sizes_from || (plan->sizes_from && sum)) {
            ZOLTAN_COMM_ERROR("nrecvs not zero, but recv_data = NULL", 
                              yo, my_proc);
            return ZOLTAN_FATAL;
    if (nbytes < 0) {
	ZOLTAN_COMM_ERROR("Scale factor nbytes is negative", yo, my_proc);

    /* Post irecvs */

    out_of_mem = 0;

    if (plan->indices_from == NULL) {
	/* Data can go directly into user space. */
	plan->recv_buff = recv_data;
    else {			/* Need to buffer receive to reorder */
	plan->recv_buff = (char *) ZOLTAN_MALLOC(plan->total_recv_size * nbytes);
	if (plan->recv_buff == NULL && plan->total_recv_size * nbytes != 0)
	    out_of_mem = 1;

    if (!out_of_mem) {
	if (plan->sizes == NULL) {	/* All data the same size */
	    k = 0;
	    for (i = 0; i < plan->nrecvs + plan->self_msg; i++) {
		if (plan->procs_from[i] != my_proc) {
		    MPI_Irecv((void *) & plan->recv_buff[plan->starts_from[i] * nbytes],
			      plan->lengths_from[i] * nbytes,
			      (MPI_Datatype) MPI_BYTE, plan->procs_from[i], tag,
			      plan->comm, &plan->request[k]);
		else {
		    self_recv_address = plan->starts_from[i] * nbytes;

	else {			/* Data of varying sizes */
	    k = 0;
	    for (i = 0; i < plan->nrecvs + plan->self_msg; i++) {
		if (plan->procs_from[i] != my_proc) {
                    if (plan->sizes_from[i]) 
		        MPI_Irecv((void *)
                &plan->recv_buff[plan->starts_from_ptr[i] * nbytes],
			          plan->sizes_from[i] * nbytes,
			          (MPI_Datatype) MPI_BYTE, plan->procs_from[i], 
			          tag, plan->comm, &plan->request[k]);
                        plan->request[k] = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
		else {
		    self_recv_address = plan->starts_from_ptr[i] * nbytes;

    /* Do remaining allocation to check for any mem problems. */
    if (plan->indices_to != NULL) {	/* can't sent straight from input */
	send_buff = (char *) ZOLTAN_MALLOC(plan->max_send_size * nbytes);
	if (send_buff == 0 && plan->max_send_size * nbytes != 0)
	    out_of_mem = 1;
	send_buff = NULL;

    /* Barrier to ensure irecvs are posted before doing any sends. */
    /* Simultaneously see if anyone out of memory */

    MPI_Allreduce(&out_of_mem, &j, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, plan->comm);

    if (j > 0) {		/* Some proc is out of memory -> Punt */
	if (plan->indices_from != NULL)
	return (ZOLTAN_MEMERR);

    /* Send out data */

    /* Scan through procs_to list to start w/ higher numbered procs */
    /* This should balance message traffic. */

    nblocks = plan->nsends + plan->self_msg;
    proc_index = 0;
    while (proc_index < nblocks && plan->procs_to[proc_index] < my_proc)
    if (proc_index == nblocks)
	proc_index = 0;

    if (plan->sizes == NULL) {	/* Data all of same size */
	if (plan->indices_to == NULL) {	/* data already blocked by processor. */
	    for (i = proc_index, j = 0; j < nblocks; j++) {
		if (plan->procs_to[i] != my_proc) {
		    MPI_Rsend((void *) &send_data[plan->starts_to[i] * nbytes],
			      plan->lengths_to[i] * nbytes,
			      (MPI_Datatype) MPI_BYTE, plan->procs_to[i], tag,
		    self_num = i;
		if (++i == nblocks)
		    i = 0;

	    if (plan->self_msg) {	/* Copy data to self. */
		/* I use array+offset instead of &(array[offset]) because of
		   a bug with PGI v9 */
		/* I use memmove because I'm not sure that the pointer are not
		   overlapped. */
		memmove(plan->recv_buff+self_recv_address, send_data+plan->starts_to[self_num] * nbytes, plan->lengths_to[self_num]*nbytes);

	else {			/* Not blocked by processor.  Need to buffer. */
	    for (i = proc_index, jj = 0; jj < nblocks; jj++) {
		if (plan->procs_to[i] != my_proc) {
		    /* Need to pack message first. */
		    offset = 0;
		    j = plan->starts_to[i];
		    for (k = 0; k < plan->lengths_to[i]; k++) {
			       &send_data[plan->indices_to[j++] * nbytes], nbytes);
			offset += nbytes;
		    MPI_Rsend((void *) send_buff, plan->lengths_to[i] * nbytes,
		      (MPI_Datatype) MPI_BYTE, plan->procs_to[i], tag, plan->comm);
		else {
		    self_num = i;
		    self_index = plan->starts_to[i];
		if (++i == nblocks)
		    i = 0;
	    if (plan->self_msg) {	/* Copy data to self. */
		for (k = 0; k < plan->lengths_to[self_num]; k++) {
		      &send_data[plan->indices_to[self_index++] * nbytes], nbytes);
		    self_recv_address += nbytes;

    else {			/* Data of differing sizes */
	if (plan->indices_to == NULL) {	/* data already blocked by processor. */
	    for (i = proc_index, j = 0; j < nblocks; j++) {

		if (plan->procs_to[i] != my_proc) {
                    if (plan->sizes_to[i]) {
		        MPI_Rsend((void *)
                                  &send_data[plan->starts_to_ptr[i] * nbytes],
			          plan->sizes_to[i] * nbytes,
			          (MPI_Datatype) MPI_BYTE, plan->procs_to[i],
			          tag, plan->comm);
		    self_num = i;
		if (++i == nblocks)
		    i = 0;

	    if (plan->self_msg) {	/* Copy data to self. */
                if (plan->sizes_to[self_num]) {
                    char* lrecv = &plan->recv_buff[self_recv_address];
                    char* lsend = &send_data[plan->starts_to_ptr[self_num] 
                                             * nbytes];
                    int sindex = plan->sizes_to[self_num], idx;
                    for (idx=0; idx<nbytes; idx++) {
                        memcpy(lrecv, lsend, sindex);
                        lrecv += sindex;
                        lsend += sindex;

	else {			/* Not blocked by processor.  Need to buffer. */
	    for (i = proc_index, jj = 0; jj < nblocks; jj++) {
		if (plan->procs_to[i] != my_proc) {
		    /* Need to pack message first. */
		    offset = 0;
		    j = plan->starts_to[i];
		    for (k = 0; k < plan->lengths_to[i]; k++) {
                        if (plan->sizes[plan->indices_to[j]]) {
			       &send_data[plan->indices_to_ptr[j] * nbytes],
			       plan->sizes[plan->indices_to[j]] * nbytes);
			    offset += plan->sizes[plan->indices_to[j]] * nbytes;
                    if (plan->sizes_to[i]) {
		        MPI_Rsend((void *) send_buff, 
                                  plan->sizes_to[i] * nbytes,
		                  (MPI_Datatype) MPI_BYTE, plan->procs_to[i],
                                  tag, plan->comm);
		    self_num = i;
		if (++i == nblocks)
		    i = 0;
	    if (plan->self_msg) {	/* Copy data to self. */
                if (plan->sizes_to[self_num]) {
		    j = plan->starts_to[self_num];
		    for (k = 0; k < plan->lengths_to[self_num]; k++) {
		        int kk = plan->indices_to_ptr[j];
                        char* lrecv = &plan->recv_buff[self_recv_address];
                        unsigned int send_idx = kk * nbytes;
                        char* lsend = &send_data[send_idx];
                        int sindex = plan->sizes[plan->indices_to[j]], idx;
                        for (idx=0; idx<nbytes; idx++) {
                            memcpy(lrecv, lsend, sindex);
                            lrecv += sindex;
                            lsend += sindex;
		        self_recv_address += plan->sizes[plan->indices_to[j]] 
                                           * nbytes;

    return (ZOLTAN_OK);