コード例 #1
ファイル: winutil.cpp プロジェクト: rickerliang/OpenNT
void AFXAPI AfxCancelModes(HWND hWndRcvr)
	// if we receive a message destined for a window, cancel any combobox
	//  popups that could be in toolbars or dialog bars
	HWND hWndCancel = ::GetFocus();
	if (hWndCancel == NULL)
		return;     // nothing to cancel

	if (hWndCancel == hWndRcvr)
		return;     // let input go to window with focus

	// focus is in part of a combo-box
	if (!_AfxIsComboBoxControl(hWndCancel, (UINT)CBS_DROPDOWNLIST))
		// check as a dropdown
		hWndCancel = ::GetParent(hWndCancel);   // parent of edit is combo
		if (hWndCancel == hWndRcvr)
			return;     // let input go to part of combo

		if (!_AfxIsComboBoxControl(hWndCancel, (UINT)CBS_DROPDOWN))
			return;     // not a combo-box that is active

	// combo-box is active, but if receiver is a popup, do nothing
	if (hWndRcvr != NULL &&
	  (::GetWindowLong(hWndRcvr, GWL_STYLE) & WS_CHILD) != 0 &&
	  ::GetParent(hWndRcvr) == ::GetDesktopWindow())

	// finally, we should cancel the mode!
	::SendMessage(hWndCancel, CB_SHOWDROPDOWN, FALSE, 0L);
コード例 #2
ファイル: tooltip.cpp プロジェクト: pixelspark/corespark
LRESULT CToolTipCtrl::OnWindowFromPoint(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam)
    ASSERT(lParam != NULL);

    // the default implementation of tooltips just calls WindowFromPoint
    // which does not work for certain kinds of combo boxes
    CPoint pt = *(POINT*)lParam;
    HWND hWnd = ::WindowFromPoint(pt);
    if (hWnd == NULL)
        return 0;

    // try to hit combobox instead of edit control for CBS_DROPDOWN styles
    HWND hWndTemp = ::GetParent(hWnd);
    if (hWndTemp != NULL && _AfxIsComboBoxControl(hWndTemp, CBS_DROPDOWN))
        return (LRESULT)hWndTemp;

    // handle special case of disabled child windows
    ::ScreenToClient(hWnd, &pt);
    hWndTemp = _AfxChildWindowFromPoint(hWnd, pt);
    if (hWndTemp != NULL && !::IsWindowEnabled(hWndTemp))
        return (LRESULT)hWndTemp;

    return (LRESULT)hWnd;