コード例 #1
void _VectorAssemblyTerm_NA__Fn_AssignFromXML( void* forceTerm, Stg_ComponentFactory* cf, void* data ) {
   VectorAssemblyTerm_NA__Fn*  self = (VectorAssemblyTerm_NA__Fn*)forceTerm;

   /* Construct Parent */
   _ForceTerm_AssignFromXML( self, cf, data );

コード例 #2
void _SUPGAdvDiffTermPpc_AssignFromXML( void* residual, Stg_ComponentFactory* cf, void* data ) {
   SUPGAdvDiffTermPpc* self = (SUPGAdvDiffTermPpc*)residual;
   PpcManager*         mgr = NULL;

   /* Construct Parent */
   _ForceTerm_AssignFromXML( self, cf, data );

   /* The PpcManager */
   mgr = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByKey( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"Manager", PpcManager, False, data );

   if ( !mgr  )
      mgr = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByName( cf, (Name)"default_ppcManager", PpcManager, True, data );

         AdvectionDiffusionSLE, True, data ), 
      Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByKey( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"VelocityField", FeVariable, True, data ), 
      Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByKey( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"PhiField", FeVariable, True, data ), 
      Stg_ComponentFactory_GetString( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"UpwindXiFunction", "Exact" ), 
      PpcManager_GetPpcFromDict( mgr, cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"DiffusivityLabel", "DiffusivityLabel" ) );
コード例 #3
void _ThermalBuoyancyForceTerm_AssignFromXML( void* forceTerm, Stg_ComponentFactory* cf, void* data ) {
	ThermalBuoyancyForceTerm*	self = (ThermalBuoyancyForceTerm*)forceTerm;
	FeVariable*						temperatureField;
	double							rayleighNumber;

	/* Construct Parent */
	_ForceTerm_AssignFromXML( self, cf, data );

	temperatureField = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByKey( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"TemperatureField", FeVariable, True, data  ) ;
	rayleighNumber   = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetDouble( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"Ra", 0.0  );

	_ThermalBuoyancyForceTerm_Init( self, temperatureField, rayleighNumber );
コード例 #4
void _BuoyancyForceTermPpc_AssignFromXML( void* _self, Stg_ComponentFactory* cf, void* data ) {
    BuoyancyForceTermPpc* self = (BuoyancyForceTermPpc*)_self;
    PpcManager* mgr = NULL;

    /* Construct Parent */
    _ForceTerm_AssignFromXML( self, cf, data );

    /* The PpcManager */
    mgr = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByKey( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"Manager", PpcManager, False, data );
    if( !mgr  )
        mgr = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByName( cf, (Name)"default_ppcManager", PpcManager, True, data  );

    self->density_id = PpcManager_GetPpcFromDict( mgr, cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"DensityLabel", "DensityLabel" );

    _BuoyancyForceTermPpc_Init( self, mgr );

コード例 #5
void _GALEDivergenceForce_AssignFromXML( void* forceTerm, Stg_ComponentFactory* cf, void* data ) {
	GALEDivergenceForce*          self             = (GALEDivergenceForce*)forceTerm;
	Dictionary*		dict;
        Stg_Shape* domainShape=NULL;
        FeMesh* geometryMesh=NULL;
        GALEStressBC_Entry force;
        char *type;

	/* Construct Parent */
	_ForceTerm_AssignFromXML( self, cf, data );

	dict = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( Dictionary_Get( cf->componentDict, self->name ) );
	domainShape =  Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByKey( cf, self->name, "DomainShape", Stg_Shape, True, data ) ;
        type = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetString( cf, self->name, "force_type", "" );

        if(!strcasecmp(type,"double") || !strcasecmp(type,"float"))
            force.type = GALEStressBC_Double;
            force.DoubleValue = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetDouble( cf, self->name, "force_value", 0.0 );
        else if(!strcasecmp(type,"func"))
            char *funcName = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetString( cf, self->name, "force_value", "" );
            Index cfIndex;
            cfIndex = ConditionFunction_Register_GetIndex
              ( condFunc_Register, funcName);
            force.type = GALEStressBC_ConditionFunction;
            if ( cfIndex == (unsigned)-1 ) {	
              Stream*	errorStr = Journal_Register( Error_Type, self->type );
              Journal_Printf( errorStr, "Error- in %s: While parsing "
                              "definition of GALEDivergenceForce, the cond. func. "
                              " \"%s\" - wasn't found in the c.f. register.\n",
                              __func__, funcName );
              Journal_Printf( errorStr, "(Available functions in the C.F. register are: ");	
                ( condFunc_Register, errorStr );
              Journal_Printf( errorStr, ")\n");	
            force.CFIndex = cfIndex;
        else if(strlen(type)==0)
            Stream* errorStr = Journal_Register( Error_Type, self->type );
            Journal_Printf( errorStr, "Error- in %s: While parsing "
                            "definition of GALEDivergenceForce, force_type is not specified.\nSupported types are \"double\" and \"function\".\n",
            Stream* errorStr = Journal_Register( Error_Type, self->type );
            Journal_Printf( errorStr, "Error- in %s: While parsing "
                            "definition of GALEDivergenceForce, the type of condition \"%s\"\nis not supported.  Supported types are \"double\" and \"function\".\n",
                            __func__, type );
        geometryMesh=Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByKey( cf, self->name, "GeometryMesh", FeMesh, True, data ) ;
	_GALEDivergenceForce_Init( self, domainShape, geometryMesh, force);