コード例 #1
* OFDM cells demapping														   *
void COFDMCellDemapping::ProcessDataInternal(CParameter& ReceiverParam)
	/* Set absolute symbol position */
	const int iSymbolCounterAbs =
		iCurrentFrameID * iNumSymPerFrame + iSymbolCounter;

	/* Set output block-sizes for this symbol */
	iOutputBlockSize = ReceiverParam.veciNumMSCSym[iSymbolCounterAbs];
	iOutputBlockSize2 = ReceiverParam.veciNumFACSym[iSymbolCounterAbs];
	iOutputBlockSize3 = ReceiverParam.veciNumSDCSym[iSymbolCounterAbs];

	/* Demap data from the cells */
	int iMSCCounter = 0;
	int iFACCounter = 0;
	int iSDCCounter = 0;
	for (int iCar = 0; iCar < iNumCarrier; iCar++)
		/* MSC */
		if (_IsMSC(ReceiverParam.matiMapTab[iSymbolCounterAbs][iCar]))
			/* Ignore dummy cells */
			if (iMSCCounter < ReceiverParam.veciNumMSCSym[iSymbolCounterAbs])
				(*pvecOutputData)[iMSCCounter] = (*pvecInputData)[iCar];

				iMSCCounter++; /* Local counter */
				iMSCCellCounter++; /* Super-frame counter */

		/* FAC */
		if (_IsFAC(ReceiverParam.matiMapTab[iSymbolCounterAbs][iCar]))
			(*pvecOutputData2)[iFACCounter] = (*pvecInputData)[iCar];

			iFACCounter++; /* Local counter */
			iFACCellCounter++; /* Super-frame counter */

		/* SDC */
		if (_IsSDC(ReceiverParam.matiMapTab[iSymbolCounterAbs][iCar]))
			(*pvecOutputData3)[iSDCCounter] = (*pvecInputData)[iCar];

			iSDCCounter++; /* Local counter */
			iSDCCellCounter++; /* Super-frame counter */

	/* Get symbol-counter for next symbol and adjust frame-ID. Use the extended
	   data, shipped with the input vector */
	int iNewSymbolCounter = (*pvecInputData).GetExData().iSymbolID + 1;

	/* Check range (iSymbolCounter must be in {0, ... , iNumSymPerFrame - 1} */
	while (iNewSymbolCounter >= iNumSymPerFrame)
		iNewSymbolCounter -= iNumSymPerFrame;
	while (iNewSymbolCounter < 0)
		iNewSymbolCounter += iNumSymPerFrame;

	/* Increment internal symbol counter and take care of wrap around */
	if (iSymbolCounter == iNumSymPerFrame)
		iSymbolCounter = 0;

	/* Check if symbol counter has changed (e.g. due to frame synchronization
	   unit). Reset all buffers in that case to avoid buffer overflow */
	if (iSymbolCounter != iNewSymbolCounter)
		/* Init symbol counter with new value and reset all output buffers */
		iSymbolCounter = iNewSymbolCounter;

		iMSCCellCounter = 0;
		iFACCellCounter = 0;
		iSDCCellCounter = 0;

	/* If frame bound is reached, update frame ID from FAC stream */
	if (iSymbolCounter == 0)
		/* Check, if number of FAC cells is correct. If not, reset
		   output cyclic-buffer. An incorrect number of FAC cells can be if
		   the "iSymbolCounterAbs" was changed, e.g. by the synchronization
		   units */
		if (iFACCellCounter != NUM_FAC_CELLS)
			SetBufReset2(); /* FAC: buffer number 2 */

		/* Reset FAC cell counter */
		iFACCellCounter = 0;

		/* Frame ID of this FAC block stands for the "current" block. We need
		   the ID of the next block, therefore we have to add "1" */
		int iNewFrameID = ReceiverParam.iFrameIDReceiv + 1;
			iNewFrameID = 0;

		/* Increment internal frame ID and take care of wrap around */
		if (iCurrentFrameID == NUM_FRAMES_IN_SUPERFRAME)
			iCurrentFrameID = 0;

		/* Check if frame ID has changed, if yes, reset output buffers to avoid
		   buffer overflows */
		if (iCurrentFrameID != iNewFrameID)
			iCurrentFrameID = iNewFrameID;

			/* Only SDC and MSC depend on frame ID */
			SetBufReset1(); /* MSC: buffer number 1 */
			SetBufReset3(); /* SDC: buffer number 3 */
			iMSCCellCounter = 0;
			iSDCCellCounter = 0;

		if (iCurrentFrameID == 0)
			/* Super-frame bound reached, test cell-counters (same as with the
			   FAC cells, see above) */
			if (iMSCCellCounter != iNumUsefMSCCellsPerFrame *
				SetBufReset1(); /* MSC: buffer number 1 */
			if (iSDCCellCounter != iNumSDCCellsPerSFrame)
				SetBufReset3(); /* SDC: buffer number 3 */

			/* Reset counters */
			iMSCCellCounter = 0;
			iSDCCellCounter = 0;
コード例 #2
* OFDM cells mapping														   *
void COFDMCellMapping::ProcessDataInternal(CParameter& TransmParam)
	/* Mapping of the data and pilot cells on the OFDM symbol --------------- */
	/* Set absolute symbol position */
	int iSymbolCounterAbs =
		TransmParam.iFrameIDTransm * iNumSymPerFrame + iSymbolCounter;

	/* Init temporary counter */
	int iDummyCellCounter = 0;
	int iMSCCounter = 0;
	int iFACCounter = 0;
	int iSDCCounter = 0;
	for (int iCar = 0; iCar < iNumCarrier; iCar++)
		/* MSC */
		if (_IsMSC(TransmParam.matiMapTab[iSymbolCounterAbs][iCar]))
			if (iMSCCounter >= TransmParam.veciNumMSCSym[iSymbolCounterAbs])
				/* Insert dummy cells */
				(*pvecOutputData)[iCar] = pcDummyCells[iDummyCellCounter];

				(*pvecOutputData)[iCar] = (*pvecInputData)[iMSCCounter];

		/* FAC */
		if (_IsFAC(TransmParam.matiMapTab[iSymbolCounterAbs][iCar]))
			(*pvecOutputData)[iCar] = (*pvecInputData2)[iFACCounter];

		/* SDC */
		if (_IsSDC(TransmParam.matiMapTab[iSymbolCounterAbs][iCar]))
			(*pvecOutputData)[iCar] = (*pvecInputData3)[iSDCCounter];

		/* Pilots */
		if (_IsPilot(TransmParam.matiMapTab[iSymbolCounterAbs][iCar]))
			(*pvecOutputData)[iCar] = 

		/* DC carrier */
		if (_IsDC(TransmParam.matiMapTab[iSymbolCounterAbs][iCar]))
			(*pvecOutputData)[iCar] = _COMPLEX((_REAL) 0.0, (_REAL) 0.0);

	/* Increase symbol-counter and wrap if needed */
	if (iSymbolCounter == iNumSymPerFrame)
		iSymbolCounter = 0;

		/* Increase frame-counter (ID) (Used also in FAC.cpp) */
		if (TransmParam.iFrameIDTransm == NUM_FRAMES_IN_SUPERFRAME)
			TransmParam.iFrameIDTransm = 0;

	/* Set absolute symbol position (for updated relative positions) */
	iSymbolCounterAbs =
		TransmParam.iFrameIDTransm * iNumSymPerFrame + iSymbolCounter;

	/* Set input block-sizes for next symbol */
	iInputBlockSize = TransmParam.veciNumMSCSym[iSymbolCounterAbs];
	iInputBlockSize2 = TransmParam.veciNumFACSym[iSymbolCounterAbs];
	iInputBlockSize3 = TransmParam.veciNumSDCSym[iSymbolCounterAbs];
コード例 #3
/* Implementation *************************************************************/
void CChannelEstimation::ProcessDataInternal(CParameter& ReceiverParam)
	int			i, j, k;
	int			iModSymNum;
	_COMPLEX	cModChanEst;
	_REAL		rSNRAftTiInt;
	_REAL		rCurSNREst;
	_REAL		rOffsPDSEst;

	/* Check if symbol ID index has changed by the synchronization unit. If it
	   has changed, reinit this module */
	if ((*pvecInputData).GetExData().bSymbolIDHasChanged == TRUE)

	/* Move data in history-buffer (from iLenHistBuff - 1 towards 0) */
	for (j = 0; j < iLenHistBuff - 1; j++)
		for (i = 0; i < iNumCarrier; i++)
			matcHistory[j][i] = matcHistory[j + 1][i];

	/* Write new symbol in memory */
	for (i = 0; i < iNumCarrier; i++)
		matcHistory[iLenHistBuff - 1][i] = (*pvecInputData)[i];

	/* Time interpolation *****************************************************/
	/* Get symbol-counter for next symbol. Use the count from the frame 
	   synchronization (in OFDM.cpp). Call estimation routine */
	rSNRAftTiInt = 
		pTimeInt->Estimate(pvecInputData, veccPilots, 
						   GetExData().iSymbolID], rSNREstimate);

	/* Debar initialization of channel estimation in time direction */
	if (iInitCnt > 0)

		/* Do not put out data in initialization phase */
		iOutputBlockSize = 0;

		/* Do not continue */
		iOutputBlockSize = iNumCarrier; 

	/* Define DC carrier for robustness mode D because there is not pilot */
	if (iDCPos != 0)
		veccPilots[iDCPos] = (CReal) 0.0;

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
	   Use time-interpolated channel estimate for timing synchronization 
	   tracking */
	TimeSyncTrack.Process(ReceiverParam, veccPilots, 
		(*pvecInputData).GetExData().iCurTimeCorr, rLenPDSEst /* out */,
		rOffsPDSEst /* out */);

	/* Frequency-interploation ************************************************/
	switch (TypeIntFreq)
	case FLINEAR:
		 * Linear interpolation												  *
		/* Set first pilot position */
		veccChanEst[0] = veccPilots[0];

		for (j = 0, k = 1; j < iNumCarrier - iScatPilFreqInt;
			j += iScatPilFreqInt, k++)
			/* Set values at second time pilot position in cluster */
			veccChanEst[j + iScatPilFreqInt] = veccPilots[k];

			/* Interpolation cluster */
			for (i = 1; i < iScatPilFreqInt; i++)
				/* E.g.: c(x) = (c_4 - c_0) / 4 * x + c_0 */
				veccChanEst[j + i] =
					(veccChanEst[j + iScatPilFreqInt] - veccChanEst[j]) /
					(_REAL) (iScatPilFreqInt) * (_REAL) i + veccChanEst[j];

		 * DFT based algorithm												  *
		/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
		   Put all pilots at the beginning of the vector. The "real" length of
		   the vector "pcFFTWInput" is longer than the No of pilots, but we 
		   calculate the FFT only over "iNumCarrier / iScatPilFreqInt + 1"
		   values (this is the number of pilot positions) */
		/* Weighting pilots with window */
		veccPilots *= vecrDFTWindow;

		/* Transform in time-domain */
		veccPilots = Ifft(veccPilots, FftPlanShort);

		/* Set values outside a defined bound to zero, zero padding (noise
		   filtering). Copy second half of spectrum at the end of the new vector
		   length and zero out samples between the two parts of the spectrum */
			/* First part of spectrum */
			veccPilots(1, iStartZeroPadding), 
			/* Zero padding in the middle, length: Total length minus length of
			   the two parts at the beginning and end */
			CComplexVector(Zeros(iLongLenFreq - 2 * iStartZeroPadding), 
			Zeros(iLongLenFreq - 2 * iStartZeroPadding)), 
			/* Set the second part of the actual spectrum at the end of the new
			   vector */
			veccPilots(iNumIntpFreqPil - iStartZeroPadding + 1, 

		/* Transform back in frequency-domain */
		veccIntPil = Fft(veccIntPil, FftPlanLong);

		/* Remove weighting with DFT window by inverse multiplication */
		veccChanEst = veccIntPil(1, iNumCarrier) * vecrDFTwindowInv;

	case FWIENER:
		 * Wiener filter													   *
		/* Update filter coefficients once in one DRM frame */
		if (iUpCntWienFilt > 0)

			/* Get maximum delay spread and offset in one DRM frame */
			if (rLenPDSEst > rMaxLenPDSInFra)
				rMaxLenPDSInFra = rLenPDSEst;

			if (rOffsPDSEst < rMinOffsPDSInFra)
				rMinOffsPDSInFra = rOffsPDSEst;
		/* Update Wiener filter each OFDM symbol. Use current estimates */
		rMaxLenPDSInFra = rLenPDSEst;
		rMinOffsPDSInFra = rOffsPDSEst;
			/* Update filter taps */
			UpdateWienerFiltCoef(rSNRAftTiInt, rMaxLenPDSInFra / iNumCarrier,
				rMinOffsPDSInFra / iNumCarrier);

			/* Reset counter and maximum storage variable */
			iUpCntWienFilt = iNumSymPerFrame;
			rMaxLenPDSInFra = (_REAL) 0.0;
			rMinOffsPDSInFra = rGuardSizeFFT;

		/* FIR filter of the pilots with filter taps. We need to filter the
		   pilot positions as well to improve the SNR estimation (which 
		   follows this procedure) */
		for (j = 0; j < iNumCarrier; j++)
			/* Convolution */
			veccChanEst[j] = _COMPLEX((_REAL) 0.0, (_REAL) 0.0);

			for (i = 0; i < iLengthWiener; i++)
				veccChanEst[j] += 
					matcFiltFreq[j][i] * veccPilots[veciPilOffTab[j] + i];

	/* Equalize the output vector ------------------------------------------- */
	/* Write to output vector. Take oldest symbol of history for output. Also,
	   ship the channel state at a certain cell */
	for (i = 0; i < iNumCarrier; i++)
		(*pvecOutputData)[i].cSig = matcHistory[0][i] / veccChanEst[i];
		(*pvecOutputData)[i].rChan = SqMag(veccChanEst[i]);

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
	   Calculate symbol ID of the current output block and set parameter */
	(*pvecOutputData).GetExData().iSymbolID = 
		(*pvecInputData).GetExData().iSymbolID - iLenHistBuff + 1;

	/* SNR estimation ------------------------------------------------------- */
	/* Modified symbol ID, check range {0, ..., iNumSymPerFrame} */
	iModSymNum = (*pvecOutputData).GetExData().iSymbolID;

	while (iModSymNum < 0)
		iModSymNum += iNumSymPerFrame;

	for (i = 0; i < iNumCarrier; i++)
		switch (TypeSNREst)
		case SNR_PIL:
			/* Use estimated channel and compare it to the received pilots. This
			   estimation works only if the channel estimation was successful */
			/* Identify pilot positions. Use MODIFIED "iSymbolID" (See lines
			   above) */
			if (_IsScatPil(ReceiverParam.matiMapTab[iModSymNum][i]))
				/* We assume that the channel estimation in "veccChanEst" is
				   noise free (e.g., the wiener interpolation does noise
				   reduction). Thus, we have an estimate of the received signal
				   power \hat{r} = s * \hat{h}_{wiener} */
				cModChanEst = veccChanEst[i] *

				/* Calculate and average noise and signal estimates --------- */
				/* The noise estimation is difference between the noise reduced
				   signal and the noisy received signal
				   \tilde{n} = \hat{r} - r */
				IIR1(rNoiseEst, SqMag(matcHistory[0][i] - cModChanEst),

				/* The received signal power estimation is just \hat{r} */
				IIR1(rSignalEst, SqMag(cModChanEst), rLamSNREstFast);

				/* Calculate final result (signal to noise ratio) */
				if (rNoiseEst != 0)
					rCurSNREst = rSignalEst / rNoiseEst;
					rCurSNREst = (_REAL) 1.0;

				/* Bound the SNR at 0 dB */
				if (rCurSNREst < (_REAL) 1.0)
					rCurSNREst = (_REAL) 1.0;

				/* Average the SNR with a two sided recursion */
				IIR1TwoSided(rSNREstimate, rCurSNREst, rLamSNREstFast,

		case SNR_FAC:
			/* SNR estimation with initialization */
			if (iSNREstInitCnt > 0)
				/* Initial signal estimate. Use channel estimation from all
				   cells. Apply averaging */
				rSignalEst += (*pvecOutputData)[i].rChan;

				/* Only right after initialization phase apply initial SNR
				   value */
				if (bWasSNRInit == TRUE)
					/* Normalize average */
					rSignalEst /= iNumCellsSNRInit;

					/* Apply initial SNR value */
					rNoiseEst = rSignalEst / rSNREstimate;

					bWasSNRInit = FALSE;

				/* Only use FAC cells for this SNR estimation method */
				if (_IsFAC(ReceiverParam.matiMapTab[iModSymNum][i]))
					/* Get tentative decision for current FAC cell (squared) */
					CReal rCurErrPow =

					/* Use decision together with channel estimate to get
					   estimates for signal and noise */
					IIR1(rNoiseEst, rCurErrPow * (*pvecOutputData)[i].rChan,

					IIR1(rSignalEst, (*pvecOutputData)[i].rChan,

					/* Calculate final result (signal to noise ratio) */
					if (rNoiseEst != (_REAL) 0.0)
						rCurSNREst = rSignalEst / rNoiseEst;
						rCurSNREst = (_REAL) 1.0;

					/* Bound the SNR at 0 dB */
					if (rCurSNREst < (_REAL) 1.0)
						rCurSNREst = (_REAL) 1.0;

					/* The channel estimation algorithms need the SNR normalized
					   to the energy of the pilots */
					rSNREstimate = rCurSNREst / rSNRCorrectFact;