コード例 #1
ファイル: i86index.c プロジェクト: bhanug/open-watcom-v2
extern  instruction     *NeedIndex( instruction *ins ) {
    Mark conflicts for any name used in instruction as as segment as
    NEEDS_SEGMENT, or split out the segment if it is marked as
    NEEDS_SEGMENT_SPLIT (move the segment operand to a temp and use the
    temp as the segment override).  Also, if any index conflicts are
    marked as NEEDS_INDEX_SPLIT, split them out into a temp as well.

    name                *temp;
    name                *index;
    conflict_node       *conf;
    name                *name;

    if( ins->num_operands > NumOperands( ins ) ) {
        name = ins->operands[ins->num_operands - 1];
        conf = NameConflict( ins, name );
        if( conf != NULL && _Isnt( conf, CST_NEEDS_SEGMENT_SPLIT ) ) {
            _SetTrue( conf, CST_NEEDS_SEGMENT );
            MarkSegment( ins, name );
        } else if( name->n.class != N_REGISTER ) {
            if( conf != NULL ) {
                _SetFalse( conf, CST_NEEDS_SEGMENT );
                _SetTrue( conf, CST_WAS_SEGMENT );
            temp = AllocTemp( U2 );
            ins->operands[ins->num_operands - 1] = temp;
            PrefixIns( ins, MakeMove( name, temp, U2 ) );
            MarkSegment( ins, temp );
            _SetTrue( NameConflict( ins, temp ), CST_SEGMENT_SPLIT );
            ins = ins->head.prev;
コード例 #2
ファイル: wndpop.c プロジェクト: Ukusbobra/open-watcom-v2
void    WndInvokePopUp( a_window *wnd, gui_point *point, gui_menu_struct *menu )
    int         dummy;

    if( _Isnt( wnd, WSW_ALLOW_POPUP ) ) return;
    WndMenuItem( wnd, MENU_INITIALIZE, WndMenuRow, WndMenuPiece );
    if( menu != NULL && wnd->num_popups == 1 ) {
        if( menu->style & GUI_GRAYED ) {
        } else {
            WndMenuItem( wnd, wnd->popupmenu[ 0 ].id, WndMenuRow, WndMenuPiece );
    } else if( wnd->num_popups != 0 ) {
        if( menu == NULL ) {
            WndCreateFloatingPopup( wnd, point, wnd->num_popups,
                                    wnd->popupmenu, &wnd->last_popup );
        } else if( menu->style & GUI_GRAYED ) {
        } else if( menu->child == NULL ) {
            WndMenuItem( wnd, menu->id, WndMenuRow, WndMenuPiece );
        } else {
            WndCreateFloatingPopup( wnd, point, menu->num_child_menus,
                                    menu->child, &dummy );
コード例 #3
ファイル: wndpop.c プロジェクト: Ukusbobra/open-watcom-v2
extern  void    WndSelPopPiece( a_window *wnd, bool paint_immed )
    wnd_row             row;
    wnd_coord           *start;
    wnd_coord           *end;
    int                 piece;
    int                 buff_size;
    char                *ptr;
    int                 first;
    int                 len;
    wnd_line_piece      line;

    _Clr( wnd, WSW_SELECTING );
    WndSelEnds( wnd, &start, &end );
    if( _Isnt( wnd, WSW_SUBWORD_SELECT ) ||
        ( start->row == end->row &&
          start->piece == end->piece && start->col == end->col ) ) {
        WndGetLine( wnd, start->row, start->piece, &line );
        GoBackward( wnd, start, &line );
        WndGetLine( wnd, end->row, end->piece, &line );
        GoForward( wnd, end, &line );
        if( end->row != start->row ) {
            GUIWndDirtyRow( wnd->gui, end->row );
            GUIWndDirtyRow( wnd->gui, start->row );
        } else if( paint_immed ) {
            GUIWndDirtyRow( wnd->gui, start->row );
        } else {
            WndDirtyScreenRange( wnd, start, end->col );
    buff_size = 0;
    for( row = start->row; row <= end->row; ++row ) {
        for( piece = 0; ; ++piece ) {
            if( !WndGetLine( wnd, row, piece, &line ) ) break;
            if( WndSelected( wnd, &line, row, piece, &first, &len ) ) {
                buff_size += len + 1;
    WndFree( wnd->popitem );
    wnd->popitem = WndMustAlloc( buff_size+2 );
    ptr = wnd->popitem;
    for( row = start->row; row <= end->row; ++row ) {
        for( piece = 0; ; ++piece ) {
            if( !WndGetLine( wnd, row, piece, &line ) ) break;
            if( WndSelected( wnd, &line, row, piece, &first, &len ) ) {
                if( ptr != wnd->popitem ) *ptr++ = ' ';
                memcpy( ptr, line.text+first, len );
                ptr += len;
    *ptr = '\0';
コード例 #4
ファイル: wndpop.c プロジェクト: Ukusbobra/open-watcom-v2
extern  void    WndKeyPopItem( a_window *wnd, bool paint_immed )
    if( !WndHasCurrent( wnd ) || _Isnt( wnd, WSW_CHAR_CURSOR ) ) {
        WndNullPopItem( wnd );
    if( wnd->sel_start.row == WND_NO_ROW ) {
        WndNoSelect( wnd );
        wnd->sel_start = wnd->current;
    if( wnd->sel_end.row == WND_NO_ROW ) {
        wnd->sel_end = wnd->current;
    WndSelPopPiece( wnd, paint_immed );
コード例 #5
static void WndDrawCursor( a_window *wnd, wnd_line_piece *line,
                           wnd_row row, int piece )
    const char  *p;

    if( _Is( wnd, WSW_NOT_TO_SCREEN ) ) return;
    if( _Isnt( wnd, WSW_CHAR_CURSOR ) ) return;
    if( !line->tabstop ) return;
    if( wnd->current.row != row ) return;
    if( wnd->current.piece != piece ) return;
    if( wnd->current.col < 0 ) return;
    if( line->length == 0 ) {
        GUIDrawText( wnd->gui, " ", 1, row, line->indent, WndCursorAttr );
    } else if( wnd->current.col < line->length ) {
        line->indent += GUIGetExtentX( wnd->gui, line->text, wnd->current.col );
        p = line->text + wnd->current.col;
        GUIDrawText( wnd->gui, p, GUICharLen( *p ),
                     row, line->indent, WndCursorAttr );
コード例 #6
ファイル: regsave.c プロジェクト: Ukusbobra/open-watcom-v2
extern  void    CalcSavings( conflict_node *conf ) {

/* NB: <regsave> relies on the fact that "conf" is a parm to this routine*/

    save_def            block_save;
    save_def            block_cost;
    save_def            cost;
    save_def            save;
#undef   _InRegAssgn
#include "savcache.h"

    if( ( conf->name->v.usage & USE_IN_ANOTHER_BLOCK )
     && ( conf->name->v.usage & ( NEEDS_MEMORY | USE_ADDRESS ) ) ) {
        CalcLoadStore( conf );
    if( _Is( conf, CONFLICT_ON_HOLD ) ) {
        conf->savings = 0;
    } else if( conf->available == 0
         && _Isnt( conf, ( NEEDS_INDEX | NEEDS_SEGMENT ) ) ) {
        conf->savings = 0;
    } else if( conf->ins_range.first == conf->ins_range.last ) {
        conf->savings = 0;             /* don't try - the world screws up*/
    } else {
        cost = 0;
        save = 0;
        block_cost = 0;
        block_save = 0;
        opnd = conf->name;

#include "savcode.h"

        if( save <= cost ) {
            conf->savings = 0;
        } else if( save - cost < MAX_SAVE ) {
            conf->savings = save - cost;
        } else {
            conf->savings = MAX_SAVE - 1;
コード例 #7
static bool WndCursorRightCheck( a_window *wnd )
    wnd_line_piece      line;
    int                 col;
    bool                got;

    got = WndGetLine( wnd, wnd->current.row, wnd->current.piece, &line );
    if( _Isnt( wnd, WSW_CHAR_CURSOR ) ||
            !WndHasCurrent( wnd ) ||
            !got ||
            wnd->current.col + 1 >= line.length ) {
        return( WndTabRight( wnd, false ) );
    } else {
        WndDirtyCurrChar( wnd );
        col = wnd->current.col;
        wnd->current.col += GUICharLen( line.text[wnd->current.col] );
        WndSetCurrCol( wnd );
        WndCurrVisible( wnd );
        WndDirtyCurrChar( wnd );
        return( col != wnd->current.col );
コード例 #8
static bool WndCursorLeftCheck( a_window *wnd )
    int         col;
    wnd_line_piece      line;

    if( _Isnt( wnd, WSW_CHAR_CURSOR )||
            !WndHasCurrent( wnd ) || wnd->current.col == 0 ) {
        if( !WndTabLeft( wnd, false ) ) return( false );
        wnd->current.col = WND_MAX_COL;
        WndSetCurrCol( wnd );
        WndCurrVisible( wnd );
        WndDirtyCurrChar( wnd );
        return( true );
    } else {
        WndGetLine( wnd, wnd->current.row, wnd->current.piece, &line );
        WndDirtyCurrChar( wnd );
        col = wnd->current.col;
        wnd->current.col = WndPrevCharCol( line.text, wnd->current.col );
        WndSetCurrCol( wnd );
        WndCurrVisible( wnd );
        WndDirtyCurrChar( wnd );
        return( col != wnd->current.col );
コード例 #9
static void WndDrawTheLine( a_window *wnd, wnd_line_piece *line,
                            wnd_row row )
    gui_ord             extent;
    gui_point           start,end;
    gui_ord             max_y;
    gui_ord             max_x;
    wnd_bar_info        *bar_info;

    if( _Isnt( wnd, WSW_NOT_TO_SCREEN ) ) {
        if( line->underline ) {
            max_y = WndMaxCharY( wnd );
            start.x = line->indent;
            start.y = row * max_y + max_y / 2;
            end.x = line->indent + line->extent;
            end.y = start.y;
            GUIDrawLine( wnd->gui, &start, &end, GUI_PEN_SOLID, 0, line->attr );
        } else if( line->vertical_line ) {
            max_y = WndMaxCharY( wnd );
            max_x = WndAvgCharX( wnd );
            start.x = line->indent + max_x / 2;
            end.x = start.x;
            start.y = row * max_y;
            end.y = start.y + max_y;
            GUIDrawLine( wnd->gui, &start, &end, GUI_PEN_SOLID, 0, line->attr );
        } else if( line->draw_hook | line->draw_line_hook ) {
            if( GUIIsGUI() ) {
                max_y = WndMaxCharY( wnd );
                max_x = WndAvgCharX( wnd );
                start.x = line->indent + max_x / 2;
                end.x = start.x + max_x;
                start.y = row * max_y + max_y / 2;
                end.y = start.y;
                GUIDrawLine( wnd->gui, &start, &end, GUI_PEN_SOLID, 0, line->attr );
                start.x = line->indent + max_x / 2;
                end.x = start.x;
                start.y = row * max_y;
                end.y = start.y;
                if( line->draw_hook ) {
                    end.y += max_y / 2;
                } else {
                    end.y += max_y;
                GUIDrawLine( wnd->gui, &start, &end, GUI_PEN_SOLID, 0, line->attr );
            } else {
                char    ch[3];
                if( line->draw_hook ) {
                    ch[0] = GUIGetCharacter( GUI_INACT_FRAME_LL_CORNER );
                } else {
                    ch[0] = GUIGetCharacter( GUI_INACT_RIGHT_TITLE_MARK );
                ch[1] = GUIGetCharacter( GUI_INACT_FRAME_BOTTOM );
                ch[2] = '\0';
                GUIDrawText( wnd->gui, ch, 2, row, line->indent, line->attr );
        } else if( line->draw_bar ) {
            bar_info = (wnd_bar_info *)line->text;
            if( bar_info->bar_group ) {
                GUIDrawBarGroup( wnd->gui, row, line->indent,
                            line->extent - bar_info->bar_size2,
                            bar_info->bar_size2, bar_info->bar_style,
                            bar_info->bar_colour, bar_info->bar_colour2,
                            bar_info->bar_selected );
            } else {
                GUIDrawBar( wnd->gui, row, line->indent, line->extent,
                            bar_info->bar_style, bar_info->bar_colour,
                            bar_info->bar_selected );
        } else if( line->bitmap ) {
            GUIDrawHotSpot( wnd->gui, line->text[0],
                            row, line->indent, line->attr );
        } else if( line->extent == WND_NO_EXTEND ) {
            GUIDrawText( wnd->gui, line->text, line->length,
                         row, line->indent, line->attr );
        } else {
            GUIDrawTextExtent( wnd->gui, line->text, line->length,
                         row, line->indent, line->attr, line->extent );
    extent = GUIGetExtentX( wnd->gui, line->text, line->length );
    if( line->extent != WND_MAX_EXTEND ) {
        if( line->extent > extent ) {
            extent = line->extent;
    if( line->indent + extent > wnd->max_indent ) {
        wnd->max_indent = line->indent + extent;