コード例 #1
int  _IsolateOuterplanarObstruction(graphP theGraph, int v, int R)
int  RetVal;

/* A subgraph homeomorphic to K_{2,3} or K_4 will be isolated by using the visited
   flags, set=keep edge/vertex and clear=omit. Here we initialize to omit all, then we
   subsequently set visited on all edges and vertices in the homeomorph. */


/* Next we determineg which of the non-outerplanarity Minors was encountered
        and the principal bicomp on which the isolator will focus attention. */

     if (_ChooseTypeOfNonOuterplanarityMinor(theGraph, v, R) != OK)
         return NOTOK;

/* Find the path connecting the pertinent vertex w with the current vertex v */

     if (theGraph->IC.minorType & MINORTYPE_B)
    	 isolatorContextP IC = &theGraph->IC;
    	 int SubtreeRoot = gp_GetVertexLastPertinentRootChild(theGraph, IC->w);

         if (_FindUnembeddedEdgeToSubtree(theGraph, IC->v, SubtreeRoot, &IC->dw) != TRUE)
             return NOTOK;
     isolatorContextP IC = &theGraph->IC;

         if (_FindUnembeddedEdgeToCurVertex(theGraph, IC->w, &IC->dw) != TRUE)
             return NOTOK;

/* For minor E, we need to find and mark an X-Y path */

     if (theGraph->IC.minorType & MINORTYPE_E)
        if (_MarkHighestXYPath(theGraph) != TRUE)
             return NOTOK;

/* Call the appropriate isolator */

     if (theGraph->IC.minorType & MINORTYPE_A)
         RetVal = _IsolateOuterplanarityObstructionA(theGraph);
     else if (theGraph->IC.minorType & MINORTYPE_B)
         RetVal = _IsolateOuterplanarityObstructionB(theGraph);
     else if (theGraph->IC.minorType & MINORTYPE_E)
         RetVal = _IsolateOuterplanarityObstructionE(theGraph);
    	 RetVal = NOTOK;

/* Delete the unmarked edges and vertices, and return */

     if (RetVal == OK)
         RetVal = _DeleteUnmarkedVerticesAndEdges(theGraph);

     return RetVal;
コード例 #2
ファイル: graphK23Search.c プロジェクト: bgxcpku/sagelib
int  _IsolateOuterplanarityObstructionE3orE4(graphP theGraph)
isolatorContextP IC = &theGraph->IC;
int u, d, XorY;

/* Minor E3 */

     if (FUTUREPERTINENT(theGraph, theGraph->IC.x, theGraph->IC.v) ||
         FUTUREPERTINENT(theGraph, theGraph->IC.y, theGraph->IC.v))
         if (_MarkHighestXYPath(theGraph) != TRUE)
             return NOTOK;

         if (FUTUREPERTINENT(theGraph, theGraph->IC.x, theGraph->IC.v))
              XorY = theGraph->IC.x;
         else XorY = theGraph->IC.y;

         /* The cases of X externally active and Y externally active
                are the same except for the bicomp external face marking
                (because parameter order is important) */

         if (XorY == theGraph->IC.x)
             if (_MarkPathAlongBicompExtFace(theGraph, IC->x, IC->w) != OK ||
                 _MarkPathAlongBicompExtFace(theGraph, IC->y, IC->r) != OK)
                 return NOTOK;
             if (_MarkPathAlongBicompExtFace(theGraph, IC->r, IC->x) != OK ||
                 _MarkPathAlongBicompExtFace(theGraph, IC->w, IC->y) != OK)
                 return NOTOK;

         if (_FindUnembeddedEdgeToCurVertex(theGraph, IC->w, &IC->dw) != TRUE)
             return NOTOK;

         if (_FindUnembeddedEdgeToAncestor(theGraph, XorY, &u, &d) != TRUE)
             return NOTOK;

         if (theGraph->functions.fpMarkDFSPath(theGraph, u, IC->v) != OK ||
             theGraph->functions.fpMarkDFSPath(theGraph, XorY, d) != OK ||
             theGraph->functions.fpMarkDFSPath(theGraph, IC->w, IC->dw) != OK ||
             _JoinBicomps(theGraph) != OK ||
             _AddAndMarkEdge(theGraph, u, d) != OK ||
             _AddAndMarkEdge(theGraph, IC->v, IC->dw) != OK)
             return NOTOK;

         return OK;

/* Otherwise, isolate Minor E4 (reduce to minor A) */

     if (_FindUnembeddedEdgeToAncestor(theGraph, IC->w, &u, &d) != TRUE)
         return NOTOK;

     IC->v = u;
     IC->dw = d;
     return _IsolateOuterplanarityObstructionA(theGraph);
コード例 #3
ファイル: graphK23Search.c プロジェクト: bgxcpku/sagelib
int  _IsolateOuterplanarityObstructionE1orE2(graphP theGraph)
isolatorContextP IC = &theGraph->IC;
int XPrevLink = 1;

     if (_MarkHighestXYPath(theGraph) != TRUE)
         return NOTOK;

/* Isolate E1 */

     if (theGraph->IC.px != theGraph->IC.x)
         if (_MarkPathAlongBicompExtFace(theGraph, IC->r, IC->w) != OK ||
             _MarkPathAlongBicompExtFace(theGraph, IC->py, IC->r) != OK)
             return NOTOK;
     else if (theGraph->IC.py != theGraph->IC.y)
         if (_MarkPathAlongBicompExtFace(theGraph, IC->r, IC->x) != OK ||
             _MarkPathAlongBicompExtFace(theGraph, IC->w, IC->r) != OK)
             return NOTOK;

/* Isolate E2 */

     else if (IC->w != _GetNextVertexOnExternalFace(theGraph, IC->x, &XPrevLink))
         if (_MarkPathAlongBicompExtFace(theGraph, IC->r, IC->y) != OK)
             return NOTOK;

         if (_MarkPathAlongBicompExtFace(theGraph, IC->x, IC->r) != OK)
             return NOTOK;

/* Final bits are in common */

     if (_FindUnembeddedEdgeToCurVertex(theGraph, IC->w, &IC->dw) != TRUE ||
         theGraph->functions.fpMarkDFSPath(theGraph, IC->w, IC->dw) != OK ||
         _JoinBicomps(theGraph) != OK ||
         _AddAndMarkEdge(theGraph, IC->v, IC->dw) != OK)
         return NOTOK;

     return OK;
コード例 #4
ファイル: graphNonplanar.c プロジェクト: bgxcpku/sagelib
int  _ChooseTypeOfNonplanarityMinor(graphP theGraph, int I, int R)
int  N, X, Y, W, Px, Py, Z, DFSChild, RootId;

/* Create the initial non-planarity minor state in the isolator context */

     if (_InitializeNonplanarityContext(theGraph, I, R) != OK)
         return NOTOK;

     N = theGraph->N;
     R = theGraph->IC.r;
     X = theGraph->IC.x;
     Y = theGraph->IC.y;
     W = theGraph->IC.w;

/* If the root copy is not a root copy of the current vertex I,
        then the Walkdown terminated because it couldn't find
        a viable path along a child bicomp, which is Minor A. */

     if (theGraph->V[R - N].DFSParent != I)
         theGraph->IC.minorType |= MINORTYPE_A;
         return OK;

/* If W has an externally active pertinent child bicomp, then
     we've found Minor B */

     if (theGraph->V[W].pertinentBicompList != NIL)
         RootId = LCGetPrev(theGraph->BicompLists,
                            theGraph->V[W].pertinentBicompList, NIL);
         DFSChild = RootId;
         if (theGraph->V[DFSChild].Lowpoint < I)
             theGraph->IC.minorType |= MINORTYPE_B;
             return OK;

/* Find the highest obstructing X-Y path */

     if (_MarkHighestXYPath(theGraph) != TRUE)
         return NOTOK;

     Px = theGraph->IC.px;
     Py = theGraph->IC.py;

/* If either point of attachment is 'high' (P_x closer to R than X
     or P_y closer to R than Y along external face), then we've
     matched Minor C. */

     if (theGraph->G[Px].type == VERTEX_HIGH_RXW ||
         theGraph->G[Py].type == VERTEX_HIGH_RYW)
            theGraph->IC.minorType |= MINORTYPE_C;
            return OK;

/* For Minor D, we search for a path from an internal
     vertex Z along the X-Y path up to the root R of the bicomp. */

     if (_MarkZtoRPath(theGraph) != OK)
         return NOTOK;

     if (theGraph->IC.z != NIL)
         theGraph->IC.minorType |= MINORTYPE_D;
         return OK;

/* For Minor E, we search for an externally active vertex Z
     below the points of attachment of the X-Y path */

     Z = _FindExtActivityBelowXYPath(theGraph);
     if (Z != NIL)
         theGraph->IC.z = Z;
         theGraph->IC.minorType |= MINORTYPE_E;
         return OK;

     return NOTOK;