slSubscriptionFactory::slSubscriptionFactory() : slSetObjFactory(__("Subscription"), __("New Subscription"), __("Create a new Subscription."), slsubscription_xpm) { metaType = SLM_SUBSCRIPTION; }
break; case OBJECTSLISTREPORT: message = _("Slony listens list report"); break; } return message; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "images/sllisten.pngc" #include "images/sllistens.pngc" slListenFactory::slListenFactory() : slNodeObjFactory(__("Listen"), __("New Listen"), __("Create a new Listen."), sllisten_png_img) { metaType = SLM_LISTEN; } pgCollection *slListenFactory::CreateCollection(pgObject *obj) { return new slListenCollection(GetCollectionFactory(), (slNode *)obj); } slListenFactory listenFactory; static pgaCollectionFactory cf(&listenFactory, __("listens"), sllistens_png_img);
static int handle_info_req(login_client_t *c, bb_select_pkt *pkt) { uint32_t menu_id = LE32(pkt->menu_id); uint32_t item_id = LE32(pkt->item_id); uint16_t menu_code; int ship_num; char str[256]; void *result; char **row; switch(menu_id & 0xFF) { /* Ship */ case 0x01: /* If its a list, say nothing */ if(item_id == 0) { return send_info_reply(c, __(c, "\tENothing here.")); } /* We should have a ship ID as the item_id at this point, so query the db for the info we want. */ sprintf(str, "SELECT name, players, games, menu_code, ship_number " "FROM online_ships WHERE ship_id='%lu'", (unsigned long)item_id); /* Query for what we're looking for */ if(sylverant_db_query(&conn, str)) { return -1; } if(!(result = sylverant_db_result_store(&conn))) { return -2; } /* If we don't have a row, then the ship is offline */ if(!(row = sylverant_db_result_fetch(result))) { return send_info_reply(c, __(c, "\tE\tC4That ship is now\n" "offline.")); } /* Parse out the menu code */ menu_code = (uint16_t)atoi(row[3]); ship_num = atoi(row[4]); /* Send the info reply */ if(!menu_code) { sprintf(str, "%02X:%s\n%s %s\n%s %s", ship_num, row[0], row[1], __(c, "Users"), row[2], __(c, "Teams")); } else { sprintf(str, "%02X:%c%c/%s\n%s %s\n%s %s", ship_num, (char)menu_code, (char)(menu_code >> 8), row[0], row[1], __(c, "Users"), row[2], __(c, "Teams")); } sylverant_db_result_free(result); return send_info_reply(c, str); default: /* Ignore any other info requests. */ return 0; } }
int64 IniInt64::operator=(int64 b) { Mutex::Lock __(si64Mtx); value = b; return b; }
return srv->GetDatabase()->ExecuteSet(sql); } wxString pgForeignServerObject::ExecuteScalar(const wxString &sql) { return srv->GetDatabase()->ExecuteScalar(sql); } bool pgForeignServerObject::ExecuteVoid(const wxString &sql) { return srv->GetDatabase()->ExecuteVoid(sql); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "images/foreignserver.pngc" #include "images/foreignserver-sm.pngc" #include "images/foreignservers.pngc" pgForeignServerFactory::pgForeignServerFactory() : pgForeignDataWrapperObjFactory(__("Foreign Server"), __("New Foreign Server..."), __("Create a new Foreign Server."), foreignserver_png_img, foreignserver_sm_png_img) { } pgForeignServerFactory foreignServerFactory; static pgaCollectionFactory cf(&foreignServerFactory, __("Foreign Servers"), foreignservers_png_img);
void Heap::FreeRemote() { LLOG("FreeRemote"); Mutex::Lock __(mutex); FreeRemoteRaw(); }
VectorMap<String, String> GetIniKeys() { Mutex::Lock __(sMtx); return clone(sIniKeys()); }
void SetTimeCallback(int delay_ms, Callback cb, void *id) { Mutex::Lock __(sTimerLock); ASSERT(abs(delay_ms) < 0x40000000); LLOG("SetTimeCallback " << delay_ms << " " << id); sTimeCallback(GetTickCount() + abs(delay_ms), delay_ms, cb, id); }
message = _("Privileges for external tables"); break; case OBJECTSLISTREPORT: message = _("External tables list report"); break; } return message; } ///////////////////////////// #include "images/exttable.pngc" #include "images/exttable-sm.pngc" #include "images/exttables.pngc" gpExtTableFactory::gpExtTableFactory() : pgSchemaObjFactory(__("External Table"), __("New External Table..."), __("Create a new External Table."), exttable_png_img, exttable_sm_png_img) { metaType = GP_EXTTABLE; } pgCollection *gpExtTableFactory::CreateCollection(pgObject *obj) { return new gpExtTableCollection(GetCollectionFactory(), (pgSchema *)obj); } gpExtTableFactory extTableFactory; static pgaCollectionFactory cf(&extTableFactory, __("External Tables"), exttables_png_img);
int main(void) { FILE *image_file; int x, y; unsigned char r, g, b; int c[10]; image_file = fopen("image-file-1.pnm", "wb"); fputs("P6\n", image_file); fputs("500 500\n", image_file); fputs("255\n", image_file); /* The two for-loops are intact */ for (y = 0; y < 500; y++) for (x = 0; x < 500; x++) { /* The famous smiley algorithm, * here nicely written as a single statement :) */ ( _(( c[3]= 319),(c [1]=196), 'A')&&y<(c[ 2]=220))?((_( 362,(c[4]=155), 26))?__(0):__(c[7 ]=0xFF)):(_(3[c],1[ c],'L')&&y<(c[5]=231) )?__(0):(_('m',1[c],'A' )&&y<2[c])?(_((137),4[c], 26)?__(0):__(7[c])):(_('m', 1[c],'L')&&y<5[c])?__(0):(_(2 [c],(c[6]=297),128)&&y>289)?(_( 276,448,'R')?((r=251)+(g=192) +(b=0337)):((r=0207)+(g=25) +(b='E'))):(_(((2))[c],6[ c],0213)&&y>0426)?__(0) :(_((c[0]=0372),(0)[c ],0345))?((r=0xFE)+ (g=0xDE)+(b='X')) :(_(0[c],0[c],0 [c]))?__(0):( (g=(x*(y))/ 'F')+(b=( r=(0))+ (0310 ))) ; /* Now that's beauty */ fputc(r, image_file); fputc(g, image_file); fputc(b, image_file); } fclose(image_file); return 0; }
void Ctrl::InitTimer() { Mutex::Lock __(sTimerLock); tevents(); }
// public Cloud() [instance] :6 void Cloud::ctor_4() { uStackFrame __("Cloud", ".ctor()"); ctor_3(); InitializeUX(); }
pgCastFactory::pgCastFactory() : pgDatabaseObjFactory(__("Cast"), __("New Cast..."), __("Create a new Cast."), cast_png_img, cast_sm_png_img) { }
case REFRESHINGDETAILS: message = _("Refreshing casts"); break; case OBJECTSLISTREPORT: message = _("Casts list report"); break; } return message; } ///////////////////////////// #include "images/cast.pngc" #include "images/cast-sm.pngc" #include "images/casts.pngc" pgCastFactory::pgCastFactory() : pgDatabaseObjFactory(__("Cast"), __("New Cast..."), __("Create a new Cast."), cast_png_img, cast_sm_png_img) { } pgCollection *pgCastFactory::CreateCollection(pgObject *obj) { return new pgCastCollection(GetCollectionFactory(), (pgDatabase *)obj); } pgCastFactory castFactory; static pgaCollectionFactory cf(&castFactory, __("Casts"), casts_png_img);
{ wxString message = wxEmptyString; switch (kindOfMessage) { case RETRIEVINGDETAILS: message = _("Retrieving details on groups"); break; case REFRESHINGDETAILS: message = _("Refreshing groups"); break; case OBJECTSLISTREPORT: message = _("Groups list report"); break; } return message; } #include "images/group.pngc" #include "images/groups.pngc" pgGroupFactory::pgGroupFactory() : pgServerObjFactory(__("Group"), __("New Group..."), __("Create a new Group."), group_png_img) { } pgGroupFactory groupFactory; static pgaCollectionFactory cf(&groupFactory, __("Groups"), groups_png_img);
gpExtTableFactory::gpExtTableFactory() : pgSchemaObjFactory(__("External Table"), __("New External Table..."), __("Create a new External Table."), exttable_png_img, exttable_sm_png_img) { metaType = GP_EXTTABLE; }
pgGroupFactory::pgGroupFactory() : pgServerObjFactory(__("Group"), __("New Group..."), __("Create a new Group."), group_png_img) { }
smallClosedId = addIcon(closeddatabase_sm_png_img); } pgCollection *pgDatabaseFactory::CreateCollection(pgObject *obj) { return new pgDatabaseCollection(GetCollectionFactory(), (pgServer *)obj); } pgCollection *pgDatabaseObjFactory::CreateCollection(pgObject *obj) { return new pgDatabaseObjCollection(GetCollectionFactory(), (pgDatabase *)obj); } pgDatabaseFactory databaseFactory; static pgaCollectionFactory cf(&databaseFactory, __("Databases"), databases_png_img); disconnectDatabaseFactory::disconnectDatabaseFactory(menuFactoryList *list, wxMenu *mnu, ctlMenuToolbar *toolbar) : contextActionFactory(list) { mnu->Append(id, _("Disconnec&t"), _("Disconnect from the selected database.")); } wxWindow *disconnectDatabaseFactory::StartDialog(frmMain *form, pgObject *obj) { ctlTree *browser = form->GetBrowser(); pgDatabase *database = (pgDatabase *)obj; if (obj->CheckOpenDialogs(browser, browser->GetSelection())) {
void SetIniFile(const char *name) { Mutex::Lock __(sMtx); strncpy(sIniFile, name, 511); ReloadIniFile(); }
// public static generated Fuse.Preview.ISelection get_Selection() [static] :5938 uObject* SelectionManager::Selection() { uStackFrame __("Fuse.Preview.SelectionManager", "get_Selection()"); return SelectionManager::_Selection(); }
String GetIniKey(const char *id, const String& def) { ASSERT_(IsMainRunning(), "GetIniKey is allowed only after APP_MAIN has started"); Mutex::Lock __(sMtx); return sIniKeys().Get(id, def); }
// private static generated void set_Selection(Fuse.Preview.ISelection value) [static] :5938 void SelectionManager::Selection(uObject* value) { uStackFrame __("Fuse.Preview.SelectionManager", "set_Selection(Fuse.Preview.ISelection)"); SelectionManager::_Selection() = value; }
void ReloadIniFile() { Mutex::Lock __(sMtx); ini_version__++; }
// public static generated void remove_SelectionChanged(Uno.EventHandler<Uno.EventArgs> value) [static] :5939 void SelectionManager::remove_SelectionChanged(uDelegate* value) { uStackFrame __("Fuse.Preview.SelectionManager", "remove_SelectionChanged(Uno.EventHandler<Uno.EventArgs>)"); SelectionManager::SelectionChanged1() = uCast<uDelegate*>(::g::Uno::Delegate::Remove(SelectionManager::SelectionChanged1(), value), ::TYPES[1/*Uno.EventHandler<Uno.EventArgs>*/]); }
pgForeignServerFactory::pgForeignServerFactory() : pgForeignDataWrapperObjFactory(__("Foreign Server"), __("New Foreign Server..."), __("Create a new Foreign Server."), foreignserver_png_img, foreignserver_sm_png_img) { }
if (browser) { browser->AppendObject(coll, subscription); subscriptions->MoveNext(); } else break; } delete subscriptions; } return subscription; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "images/slsubscription.xpm" #include "images/slsubscriptions.xpm" slSubscriptionFactory::slSubscriptionFactory() : slSetObjFactory(__("Subscription"), __("New Subscription"), __("Create a new Subscription."), slsubscription_xpm) { metaType = SLM_SUBSCRIPTION; } slSubscriptionFactory subscriptionFactory; static pgaCollectionFactory cf(&subscriptionFactory, __("Subscriptions"), slsubscriptions_xpm);
slListenFactory::slListenFactory() : slNodeObjFactory(__("Listen"), __("New Listen"), __("Create a new Listen."), sllisten_png_img) { metaType = SLM_LISTEN; }
namespace ui { std::vector<submenu::option> const submenu::misc_options = { { submenu::option_type::HEAD, __("Miscellaneous Options") }, { submenu::option_type::UI, __("Re-select last machine played"), OPTION_REMEMBER_LAST }, { submenu::option_type::UI, __("Enlarge images in the right panel"), OPTION_ENLARGE_SNAPS }, { submenu::option_type::UI, __("DATs info"), OPTION_DATS_ENABLED }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Cheats"), OPTION_CHEAT }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Show mouse pointer"), OPTION_UI_MOUSE }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Confirm quit from machines"), OPTION_CONFIRM_QUIT }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Skip information screen at startup"), OPTION_SKIP_GAMEINFO }, { submenu::option_type::UI, __("Force 4:3 aspect for snapshot display"), OPTION_FORCED4X3 }, { submenu::option_type::UI, __("Use image as background"), OPTION_USE_BACKGROUND }, { submenu::option_type::UI, __("Skip bios selection menu"), OPTION_SKIP_BIOS_MENU }, { submenu::option_type::UI, __("Skip software parts selection menu"), OPTION_SKIP_PARTS_MENU }, { submenu::option_type::UI, __("Info auto audit"), OPTION_INFO_AUTO_AUDIT }, { submenu::option_type::UI, __("Hide romless machine from available list"),OPTION_HIDE_ROMLESS }, }; std::vector<submenu::option> const submenu::advanced_options = { { submenu::option_type::HEAD, __("Advanced Options") }, { submenu::option_type::HEAD, __("Performance Options") }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Auto frame skip"), OPTION_AUTOFRAMESKIP }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Frame skip"), OPTION_FRAMESKIP }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Throttle"), OPTION_THROTTLE }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Sleep"), OPTION_SLEEP }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Speed"), OPTION_SPEED }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Refresh speed"), OPTION_REFRESHSPEED }, { submenu::option_type::HEAD, __("Rotation Options") }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Rotate"), OPTION_ROTATE }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Rotate right"), OPTION_ROR }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Rotate left"), OPTION_ROL }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Auto rotate right"), OPTION_AUTOROR }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Auto rotate left"), OPTION_AUTOROL }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Flip X"), OPTION_FLIPX }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Flip Y"), OPTION_FLIPY }, { submenu::option_type::HEAD, __("Artwork Options") }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Artwork Crop"), OPTION_ARTWORK_CROP }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Use Backdrops"), OPTION_USE_BACKDROPS }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Use Overlays"), OPTION_USE_OVERLAYS }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Use Bezels"), OPTION_USE_BEZELS }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Use Control Panels"), OPTION_USE_CPANELS }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Use Marquees"), OPTION_USE_MARQUEES }, { submenu::option_type::HEAD, __("State/Playback Options") }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Automatic save/restore"), OPTION_AUTOSAVE }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Bilinear snapshot"), OPTION_SNAPBILINEAR }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Burn-in"), OPTION_BURNIN }, { submenu::option_type::HEAD, __("Input Options") }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Coin lockout"), OPTION_COIN_LOCKOUT }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Mouse"), OPTION_MOUSE }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Joystick"), OPTION_JOYSTICK }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Lightgun"), OPTION_LIGHTGUN }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Multi-keyboard"), OPTION_MULTIKEYBOARD }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Multi-mouse"), OPTION_MULTIMOUSE }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Steadykey"), OPTION_STEADYKEY }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("UI active"), OPTION_UI_ACTIVE }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Offscreen reload"), OPTION_OFFSCREEN_RELOAD }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Joystick deadzone"), OPTION_JOYSTICK_DEADZONE }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Joystick saturation"), OPTION_JOYSTICK_SATURATION }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Natural keyboard"), OPTION_NATURAL_KEYBOARD }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Simultaneous contradictory"), OPTION_JOYSTICK_CONTRADICTORY }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Coin impulse"), OPTION_COIN_IMPULSE }, }; std::vector<submenu::option> const submenu::control_options = { { submenu::option_type::HEAD, __("Device Mapping") }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Lightgun Device Assignment"), OPTION_LIGHTGUN_DEVICE }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Trackball Device Assignment"), OPTION_TRACKBALL_DEVICE }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Pedal Device Assignment"), OPTION_PEDAL_DEVICE }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Adstick Device Assignment"), OPTION_ADSTICK_DEVICE }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Paddle Device Assignment"), OPTION_PADDLE_DEVICE }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Dial Device Assignment"), OPTION_DIAL_DEVICE }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Positional Device Assignment"), OPTION_POSITIONAL_DEVICE }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Mouse Device Assignment"), OPTION_MOUSE_DEVICE } }; std::vector<submenu::option> const submenu::video_options = { { submenu::option_type::HEAD, __("Video Options") }, { submenu::option_type::OSD, __("Video Mode"), OSDOPTION_VIDEO }, { submenu::option_type::OSD, __("Number Of Screens"), OSDOPTION_NUMSCREENS }, #if defined(UI_WINDOWS) && !defined(UI_SDL) { submenu::option_type::OSD, __("Triple Buffering"), WINOPTION_TRIPLEBUFFER }, { submenu::option_type::OSD, __("HLSL"), WINOPTION_HLSL_ENABLE }, #endif { submenu::option_type::OSD, __("GLSL"), OSDOPTION_GL_GLSL }, { submenu::option_type::OSD, __("Bilinear Filtering"), OSDOPTION_FILTER }, { submenu::option_type::OSD, __("Bitmap Prescaling"), OSDOPTION_PRESCALE }, { submenu::option_type::OSD, __("Window Mode"), OSDOPTION_WINDOW }, { submenu::option_type::EMU, __("Enforce Aspect Ratio"), OPTION_KEEPASPECT }, { submenu::option_type::OSD, __("Start Out Maximized"), OSDOPTION_MAXIMIZE }, { submenu::option_type::OSD, __("Synchronized Refresh"), OSDOPTION_SYNCREFRESH }, { submenu::option_type::OSD, __("Wait Vertical Sync"), OSDOPTION_WAITVSYNC } }; //std::vector<submenu::option> const submenu::export_options = { // { ui_submenu::option_type::COMMAND, __("Export XML format (like -listxml)"), "exportxml" }, // { ui_submenu::option_type::COMMAND, __("Export TXT format (like -listfull)"), "exporttxt" }, //}; //------------------------------------------------- // ctor / dtor //------------------------------------------------- submenu::submenu(mame_ui_manager &mui, render_container &container, std::vector<option> const &suboptions, const game_driver *drv, emu_options *options) : submenu(mui, container, std::vector<option>(suboptions), drv, options) { } submenu::submenu(mame_ui_manager &mui, render_container &container, std::vector<option> &&suboptions, const game_driver *drv, emu_options *options) : menu(mui, container) , m_options(std::move(suboptions)) , m_driver(drv) { core_options *opts = nullptr; if (m_driver == nullptr) opts = dynamic_cast<core_options*>(&mui.machine().options()); else opts = dynamic_cast<core_options*>(options); for (auto & sm_option : m_options) { switch (sm_option.type) { case option_type::EMU: sm_option.entry = opts->get_entry(; sm_option.options = opts; if (sm_option.entry->type() == OPTION_STRING) { sm_option.value.clear(); std::string namestr(sm_option.entry->description()); int lparen = namestr.find_first_of('(', 0); int vslash = namestr.find_first_of('|', lparen + 1); int rparen = namestr.find_first_of(')', vslash + 1); if (lparen != -1 && vslash != -1 && rparen != -1) { int semi; namestr.erase(rparen); namestr.erase(0, lparen + 1); while ((semi = namestr.find_first_of('|')) != -1) { sm_option.value.emplace_back(namestr.substr(0, semi)); namestr.erase(0, semi + 1); } sm_option.value.emplace_back(namestr); } } break; case option_type::OSD: sm_option.entry = opts->get_entry(; sm_option.options = opts; if (sm_option.entry->type() == OPTION_STRING) { sm_option.value.clear(); std::string descr(sm_option.entry->description()), delim(", "); descr.erase(0, descr.find(":") + 2); size_t p1, p2 = 0; while ((p1 = descr.find_first_not_of(delim, p2)) != std::string::npos) { p2 = descr.find_first_of(delim, p1 + 1); if (p2 != std::string::npos) { std::string txt(descr.substr(p1, p2 - p1)); if (txt != "or") sm_option.value.push_back(txt); } else { sm_option.value.push_back(descr.substr(p1)); break; } } } break; case option_type::UI: sm_option.entry = mui.options().get_entry(; sm_option.options = dynamic_cast<core_options*>(&mui.options()); break; default: break; } } } submenu::~submenu() { } //------------------------------------------------- // handlethe options menu //------------------------------------------------- void submenu::handle() { bool changed = false; std::string error_string, tmptxt; float f_cur, f_step; // process the menu const event *menu_event = process(PROCESS_LR_REPEAT); if (menu_event != nullptr && menu_event->itemref != nullptr && (menu_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_LEFT || menu_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_RIGHT || menu_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_SELECT)) { option &sm_option = *reinterpret_cast<option *>(menu_event->itemref); switch (sm_option.type) { case option_type::EMU: case option_type::UI: case option_type::OSD: switch (sm_option.entry->type()) { case OPTION_BOOLEAN: changed = true; sm_option.options->set_value(, !strcmp(sm_option.entry->value(),"1") ? "0" : "1", OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE, error_string); sm_option.entry->mark_changed(); break; case OPTION_INTEGER: if (menu_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_LEFT || menu_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_RIGHT) { changed = true; int i_cur = atoi(sm_option.entry->value()); (menu_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_LEFT) ? i_cur-- : i_cur++; sm_option.options->set_value(, i_cur, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE, error_string); sm_option.entry->mark_changed(); } break; case OPTION_FLOAT: if (menu_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_LEFT || menu_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_RIGHT) { changed = true; f_cur = atof(sm_option.entry->value()); if (sm_option.entry->has_range()) { f_step = atof(sm_option.entry->minimum()); if (f_step <= 0.0f) { int pmin = getprecisionchr(sm_option.entry->minimum()); int pmax = getprecisionchr(sm_option.entry->maximum()); tmptxt = '1' + std::string((pmin > pmax) ? pmin : pmax, '0'); f_step = 1 / atof(tmptxt.c_str()); } } else { int precision = getprecisionchr(sm_option.entry->default_value()); tmptxt = '1' + std::string(precision, '0'); f_step = 1 / atof(tmptxt.c_str()); } if (menu_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_LEFT) f_cur -= f_step; else f_cur += f_step; tmptxt = string_format("%g", f_cur); sm_option.options->set_value(, tmptxt.c_str(), OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE, error_string); sm_option.entry->mark_changed(); } break; case OPTION_STRING: if (menu_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_LEFT || menu_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_RIGHT) { changed = true; std::string v_cur(sm_option.entry->value()); int cur_value = std::distance(sm_option.value.begin(), std::find(sm_option.value.begin(), sm_option.value.end(), v_cur)); if (menu_event->iptkey == IPT_UI_LEFT) v_cur = sm_option.value[--cur_value]; else v_cur = sm_option.value[++cur_value]; sm_option.options->set_value(, v_cur.c_str(), OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE, error_string); sm_option.entry->mark_changed(); } break; } break; default: osd_printf_error("Unhandled option: %s", _(sm_option.description)); break; } } if (changed) reset(reset_options::REMEMBER_REF); } //------------------------------------------------- // populate //------------------------------------------------- void submenu::populate() { UINT32 arrow_flags; // add options for (auto sm_option = m_options.begin(); sm_option < m_options.end(); ++sm_option) { // skip first heading (is menu title) if (sm_option == m_options.begin() && sm_option->type == option_type::HEAD) continue; switch (sm_option->type) { case option_type::HEAD: item_append(_(sm_option->description), "", FLAG_DISABLE | FLAG_UI_HEADING, nullptr); break; case option_type::SEP: item_append(menu_item_type::SEPARATOR); break; case option_type::CMD: item_append(_(sm_option->description), "", 0, static_cast<void*>(&(*sm_option))); break; case option_type::EMU: case option_type::UI: case option_type::OSD: switch (sm_option->entry->type()) { case OPTION_BOOLEAN: arrow_flags = sm_option->options->bool_value(sm_option->name) ? FLAG_RIGHT_ARROW : FLAG_LEFT_ARROW; item_append(_(sm_option->description), (arrow_flags == FLAG_RIGHT_ARROW) ? "On" : "Off", arrow_flags, static_cast<void*>(&(*sm_option))); break; case OPTION_INTEGER: { int i_min, i_max; int i_cur = atoi(sm_option->entry->value()); if (sm_option->entry->has_range()) { i_min = atoi(sm_option->entry->minimum()); i_max = atoi(sm_option->entry->maximum()); } else { i_min = std::numeric_limits<int>::min(); i_max = std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); } arrow_flags = get_arrow_flags(i_min, i_max, i_cur); item_append(_(sm_option->description), sm_option->entry->value(), arrow_flags, static_cast<void*>(&(*sm_option))); } break; case OPTION_FLOAT: { float f_min, f_max; float f_cur = atof(sm_option->entry->value()); if (sm_option->entry->has_range()) { f_min = atof(sm_option->entry->minimum()); f_max = atof(sm_option->entry->maximum()); } else { f_min = 0.0f; f_max = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(); } arrow_flags = get_arrow_flags(f_min, f_max, f_cur); std::string tmptxt = string_format("%g", f_cur); item_append(_(sm_option->description), tmptxt.c_str(), arrow_flags, static_cast<void*>(&(*sm_option))); } break; case OPTION_STRING: { std::string const v_cur(sm_option->entry->value()); int const cur_value = std::distance(sm_option->value.begin(), std::find(sm_option->value.begin(), sm_option->value.end(), v_cur)); arrow_flags = get_arrow_flags(0, int(unsigned(sm_option->value.size() - 1)), cur_value); item_append(_(sm_option->description), sm_option->options->value(sm_option->name), arrow_flags, static_cast<void*>(&(*sm_option))); } break; default: arrow_flags = FLAG_RIGHT_ARROW; item_append(_(sm_option->description), sm_option->options->value(sm_option->name), arrow_flags, static_cast<void*>(&(*sm_option))); break; } break; default: osd_printf_error("Unknown option type: %s", _(sm_option->description)); break; } } item_append(menu_item_type::SEPARATOR); custombottom = customtop = ui().get_line_height() + (3.0f * UI_BOX_TB_BORDER); } //------------------------------------------------- // perform our special rendering //------------------------------------------------- void submenu::custom_render(void *selectedref, float top, float bottom, float origx1, float origy1, float origx2, float origy2) { float width; ui().draw_text_full(container(), _(m_options[0].description), 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, ui::text_layout::CENTER, ui::text_layout::TRUNCATE, mame_ui_manager::NONE, rgb_t::white, rgb_t::black, &width, nullptr); width += 2 * UI_BOX_LR_BORDER; float maxwidth = std::max(origx2 - origx1, width); // compute our bounds float x1 = 0.5f - 0.5f * maxwidth; float x2 = x1 + maxwidth; float y1 = origy1 - top; float y2 = origy1 - UI_BOX_TB_BORDER; // draw a box ui().draw_outlined_box(container(), x1, y1, x2, y2, UI_GREEN_COLOR); // take off the borders x1 += UI_BOX_LR_BORDER; x2 -= UI_BOX_LR_BORDER; y1 += UI_BOX_TB_BORDER; // draw the text within it ui().draw_text_full(container(), _(m_options[0].description), x1, y1, x2 - x1, ui::text_layout::CENTER, ui::text_layout::TRUNCATE, mame_ui_manager::NORMAL, UI_TEXT_COLOR, UI_TEXT_BG_COLOR, nullptr, nullptr); if (selectedref != nullptr) { option &selected_sm_option = *reinterpret_cast<option *>(selectedref); if (selected_sm_option.entry != nullptr) { ui().draw_text_full(container(), selected_sm_option.entry->description(), 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, ui::text_layout::CENTER, ui::text_layout::TRUNCATE, mame_ui_manager::NONE, rgb_t::white, rgb_t::black, &width, nullptr); width += 2 * UI_BOX_LR_BORDER; maxwidth = std::max(origx2 - origx1, width); // compute our bounds x1 = 0.5f - 0.5f * maxwidth; x2 = x1 + maxwidth; y1 = origy2 + UI_BOX_TB_BORDER; y2 = origy2 + bottom; // draw a box ui().draw_outlined_box(container(), x1, y1, x2, y2, UI_RED_COLOR); // take off the borders x1 += UI_BOX_LR_BORDER; x2 -= UI_BOX_LR_BORDER; y1 += UI_BOX_TB_BORDER; // draw the text within it ui().draw_text_full(container(), selected_sm_option.entry->description(), x1, y1, x2 - x1, ui::text_layout::CENTER, ui::text_layout::NEVER, mame_ui_manager::NORMAL, UI_TEXT_COLOR, UI_TEXT_BG_COLOR, nullptr, nullptr); } } } } // namespace ui