int main() { InputEvent ev; __Set( BEEP_VOLUME, 0); __Clear_Screen( WHITE); attach_handler( TIMER3_INTERRUPT, when_counter3_overflows); while( true) { check_event( &ev); if ( INPUT_PRESSED == ev.state) { switch( ev.input) { case BUTTON1: __Set( BACKLIGHT, 10); break; case BUTTON2: __Set( BACKLIGHT, 100); break; default: break; } } } }
static void render_screen(int page, int *maxindex) { DIR dir; FILINFO file; __Clear_Screen(0); draw_menubar("Run", "Refresh", "", "About"); f_opendir(&dir, "/"); if (!seek_dir(page, &dir, &file)) { debugf("Directory seek failed"); return; } int i; for (i = 0; i < ICONS_ON_SCREEN; ) { if (f_readdir(&dir, &file) != 0 || file.fname[0] == 0) break; if (is_a_script(file.fname)) { uint32_t icon_buf[32]; const uint32_t *icon = default_icon; int icon_size = 0; char name[20] = {0}; if (get_program_metadata(file.fname, icon_buf, &icon_size, name, sizeof(name))) { if (icon_size != 0) { icon = icon_buf; } } if (icon == default_icon) icon_size = DEFAULT_ICON_HEIGHT; if (name[0] == 0) memcpy(name, file.fname, 13); draw_item(i, icon, icon_size, name, ""); i++; } } if (f_readdir(&dir, &file) == 0 && file.fname[0] != 0) i++; *maxindex = i; if (*maxindex == 0) { draw_text("Please copy some .AMX files to the USB drive :)", 200, 100, 0xFFFF, 0, true); } }
void static initial_render() { __Clear_Screen( BACKGROUND_COLOR); // The first of these labels is at the bottom char static const *label[] = {"Reset", "Address", "Slot"}; int i; for ( i = 0; i < ITEMS_IN_ARRAY(label); i += 1) { __Display_Str( LABEL_LEFT, BOTTOM+FONT_HEIGHT*i, LABEL_COLOR, 0, label[i] ); } }
void static render_slot_buttons() { int i; __Clear_Screen( BACKGROUND_COLOR); for ( i = 0; i < 4; i += 1) { char static label[] = "Slot X"; label[ 5] = '0'+ 1 + i; __Display_Str( 67*i, (SCREEN_HEIGHT - FONT_HEIGHT), LABEL_COLOR, 1, label); } }
void static render_page_buttons() { int i; int page; char static label[] = "Pg XX"; __Clear_Screen( BACKGROUND_COLOR); for ( i = 0; i < 8; i += 1) { page = 8 * chosen_slot + i; label[ 3] = (page < 10) ? ' ' : ('0'+ page / 10); label[ 4] = '0'+ (page % 10); __Display_Str( (SCREEN_WIDTH / 8) * i, (SCREEN_HEIGHT - FONT_HEIGHT), LABEL_COLOR, 1, label); } }
int main() { __Set( BEEP_VOLUME, 0); __Clear_Screen( 0xffff); when_to_emit = 1000; init_serial(); while( true) { __WFE(); if ( should_emit) { emit(); should_emit = false; } } }
/******************************************************************************* Calibrat : Calibrat routine *******************************************************************************/ void Calibrat(u8 Channel) { s8 Ma1[10], Mb1[10], Ma3[10], Mb3[10]; u16 Ma2[10], Mb2[10], i, j; s16 TmpA, TmpB; u8 Range, n[10], k, m, Step; Key_Buffer = 0; __Set(STANDBY, DN); // 退出省电状态 __Set(BACKLIGHT, 10*(Title[BK_LIGHT][CLASS].Value+1)); __Clear_Screen(BLACK); // 清屏幕 Interlace = 0; __Set(ADC_MODE, SEPARATE); // Set Separate mode __Set(ADC_CTRL, EN); __Set(TRIGG_MODE, UNCONDITION); // 设任意触发 _Status = RUN; __Set(BEEP_VOLUME, 5*(Title[VOLUME][CLASS].Value-1)); // Reload volume Beep_mS = 500; // 蜂鸣器响500mS Range = 0; Step = 0; m = 0; __Set(T_BASE_PSC, X_Attr[_100uS].PSC); // T_BASE = 100uS __Set(T_BASE_ARR, X_Attr[_100uS].ARR); __Set(CH_A_COUPLE, DC); __Set(CH_B_COUPLE, DC); for(j=0; j<220; j+=20){ // 画表格 for(i=0; i<399; i++){ __Point_SCR(i, j); __LCD_SetPixl(WHT); } } for(i=0; i<399; i++){ __Point_SCR(i, 239); __LCD_SetPixl(WHT); } __Point_SCR( 0, 0); for(j= 0; j<239; j++) __LCD_SetPixl(WHT); __Point_SCR( 44, 20); for(j=20; j<201; j++) __LCD_SetPixl(WHT); __Point_SCR( 88, 20); for(j=20; j<201; j++) __LCD_SetPixl(WHT); __Point_SCR(132, 20); for(j=20; j<201; j++) __LCD_SetPixl(WHT); __Point_SCR(200, 20); for(j=20; j<201; j++) __LCD_SetPixl(WHT); __Point_SCR(244, 20); for(j=20; j<201; j++) __LCD_SetPixl(WHT); __Point_SCR(288, 20); for(j=20; j<201; j++) __LCD_SetPixl(WHT); __Point_SCR(332, 20); for(j=20; j<201; j++) __LCD_SetPixl(WHT); __Point_SCR(398, 0); for(j= 0; j<239; j++) __LCD_SetPixl(WHT); Print_Str( 6, 185, 0x0005, PRN, "CH_A"); // 显示表格标题栏 Print_Str( 49, 185, 0x0005, PRN, "ZERO"); Print_Str( 93, 185, 0x0005, PRN, "DIFF"); Print_Str(137, 185, 0x0005, PRN, "VOLTAGE"); Print_Str(206, 185, 0x0105, PRN, "CH_B"); Print_Str(249, 185, 0x0105, PRN, "ZERO"); Print_Str(293, 185, 0x0105, PRN, "DIFF"); Print_Str(338, 185, 0x0105, PRN, "VOLTAGE"); for(i=0; i<=G_Attr[0].Yp_Max; i++){ Print_Str( 6, 166-(i*20), 0x0005, PRN, Y_Attr[i].STR); // 显示量程 Print_Str(206, 166-(i*20), 0x0105, PRN, Y_Attr[i].STR); Ma1[i] = Ka1[i]; Ma2[i] = Ka2[i]; Ma3[i] = Ka3[i]; // 备份校准前的参数 Mb1[i] = Kb1[i]; Mb2[i] = Kb2[i]; Mb3[i] = Kb3[i]; } while (1){ if(PD_Cnt == 0){ __Set(BACKLIGHT, 0); // 关闭背光 __Set(STANDBY, EN); // 进入省电状态 return; } __Set(CH_A_RANGE, Range); __Set(CH_B_RANGE, Range); Delayms(20); __Set(FIFO_CLR, W_PTR); Delayms(20); a_Avg = 2048; b_Avg = 2048; for(i=0; i <4096; i++){ DataBuf[i] = __Read_FIFO(); // 读入32位FIFO数据 a_Avg += (DataBuf[i] & 0xFF ); // 累计直流平均值 b_Avg += ((DataBuf[i]>>8) & 0xFF ); } TmpA = Ka1[Range] +(Ka2[Range]*(a_Avg/4096)+ 512)/1024; TmpB = Kb1[Range] +(Kb2[Range]*(b_Avg/4096)+ 512)/1024; if(Blink){ Blink = 0; switch (Step){ case 0: Range = 0; __Set(CH_A_OFFSET, ((1024+Ka3[Range])*40 + 512)/1024); __Set(CH_B_OFFSET, ((1024+Kb3[Range])*40 + 512)/1024); Print_Str( 8, 216, 0x0305, PRN, " PLEASE CONNECT"); Print_Str(29*8, 216, 0x0305, PRN, "INPUT TO "); Print_Str(38*8, 216, 0x0405, PRN, "GND "); Print_Str( 8, 6, 0x0305, PRN, " PRESS KEY TO CONFIRM THE INPUT VOLTAGE "); Print_Str(10*8, 6, 0x0405, Twink, " "); if(Channel == TRACK1){ Print_Str( 23*8, 216, 0x0005, PRN, " CH_A "); for(i=0; i<=G_Attr[0].Yp_Max; i++){ Ka1[i] = 0; Ka2[i] = 1024; Ka3[i] = 0; // 设置校准参数初值 } } if(Channel == TRACK2){ Print_Str( 23*8, 216, 0x0105, PRN, " CH_B "); for(i=0; i<=G_Attr[0].Yp_Max; i++){ Kb1[i] = 0; Kb2[i] = 1024; Kb3[i] = 0; // 设置校准参数初值 } } break; case 1: Print_Str( 8, 6, 0x0305, PRN, " AUTOMATIC CALIBRATION IN PROGRESS... "); if(Channel == TRACK1){ s8ToPercen(n, TmpA - 40); Print_Str( 45, 166-(Range*20), 0x0005, INV, n); Ka1[Range] -= TmpA - 40; } if(Channel == TRACK2){ s8ToPercen(n, TmpB - 40); Print_Str(245, 166-(Range*20), 0x0105, INV, n); Kb1[Range] -= TmpB - 40; } Range++; if(Range > G_Attr[0].Yp_Max){ Range = 0; Step++; } __Set(CH_A_OFFSET, ((1024+Ka3[Range])*40 + 512)/1024); __Set(CH_B_OFFSET, ((1024+Kb3[Range])*40 + 512)/1024); k = 0; break; case 2: k++; if(k >= 8) k = 0; if(Channel == TRACK1){ s8ToPercen(n, TmpA - 40); Print_Str( 45, 166-(Range*20), 0x0005, PRN, n); if(TmpA - 40 != 0) Ka1[Range] -= TmpA - 40; else k = 0; } if(Channel == TRACK2){ s8ToPercen(n, TmpB - 40); Print_Str(245, 166-(Range*20), 0x0105, PRN, n); if(TmpB - 40 != 0) Kb1[Range] -= TmpB - 40; else k = 0; } if(k == 0) Range++; if(Range > G_Attr[0].Yp_Max){ Range = 0; Step++; } __Set(CH_A_OFFSET, ((1024+Ka3[Range])*40 + 512)/1024); __Set(CH_B_OFFSET, ((1024+Kb3[Range])*40 + 512)/1024); break; case 3: k++; __Set(CH_A_OFFSET, ((1024+Ka3[Range])*160 + 512)/1024); __Set(CH_B_OFFSET, ((1024+Kb3[Range])*160 + 512)/1024); if((Channel == TRACK1)&&(TmpA > 140)) Step++; if((Channel == TRACK2)&&(TmpB > 140)) Step++; if(k > 20) Step++; break; case 4: k = 0; if(Channel == TRACK1){ s8ToPercen(n, TmpA - 160); Print_Str( 89, 166-(Range*20), 0x0005, INV, n); Ka3[Range] -= (1024*(TmpA-160)+80)/160; } if(Channel == TRACK2){ s8ToPercen(n, TmpB - 160); Print_Str(289, 166-(Range*20), 0x0105, INV, n); Kb3[Range] -= (1024*(TmpB-160)+80)/160; } Range++; if(Range > G_Attr[0].Yp_Max){ Range = 0; Step++; } __Set(CH_A_OFFSET, ((1024+Ka3[Range])* 160 + 512)/1024); __Set(CH_B_OFFSET, ((1024+Kb3[Range])* 160 + 512)/1024); break; case 5: k++; if(k >= 8) k = 0; if(Channel == TRACK1){ s8ToPercen(n, TmpA - 160); Print_Str( 89, 166-(Range*20), 0x0005, PRN, n); if(TmpA - 160 != 0) Ka3[Range] -= (1024*(TmpA-160)+80)/160; else k = 0; } if(Channel == TRACK2){ s8ToPercen(n, TmpB - 160); Print_Str(289, 166-(Range*20), 0x0105, PRN, n); if(TmpB - 160 != 0) Kb3[Range] -= (1024*(TmpB-160)+80)/160; else k = 0; } if(k == 0) Range++; if(Range > G_Attr[0].Yp_Max){ Range = 0; Step++; } __Set(CH_A_OFFSET, ((1024+Ka3[Range])* 160 + 512)/1024); __Set(CH_B_OFFSET, ((1024+Kb3[Range])* 160 + 512)/1024); break; case 6: k++; if(k > 20) Step++; Range = 0; if(m < 2){ __Set(CH_A_OFFSET, ((1024+Ka3[Range])*40 + 512)/1024); __Set(CH_B_OFFSET, ((1024+Kb3[Range])*40 + 512)/1024); if((Channel == TRACK1)&&(TmpA < 50)){ Step = 1; m++; } if((Channel == TRACK2)&&(TmpB < 50)){ Step = 1; m++; } } else { __Set(CH_A_OFFSET, ((1024+Ka3[Range])* 25 + 512)/1024); __Set(CH_B_OFFSET, ((1024+Kb3[Range])* 25 + 512)/1024); if((Channel == TRACK1)&&(TmpA < 55)) Step++; if((Channel == TRACK2)&&(TmpB < 55)) Step++; } break; case 7: Print_Str( 4*8, 216, 0x0305, PRN, " INPUT "); Print_Str(11*8, 216, 0x0405, Twink, (u8*)VS_STR[Range]); Print_Str(20*8, 216, 0x0305, PRN, " STANDARD VOLTAGE TO "); Print_Str( 8, 6, 0x0305, PRN, "MODIFY VOLTAGE: ... "); Print_Str(18*8, 6, 0x0405, Twink, "-"); Print_Str(22*8, 6, 0x0405, Twink, "+"); Print_Str(27*8, 6, 0x0305, PRN, "SELECT RANGE: --- "); Print_Str(42*8, 6, 0x0405, Twink, "<"); Print_Str(46*8, 6, 0x0405, Twink, ">"); if(Channel == TRACK1){ if(TmpA > 35){ Int2Str(n, (TmpA - 25)* Y_Attr[Range].SCALE, V_UNIT, 3, SIGN); } else { Int2Str(n, 0, V_UNIT, 3, SIGN); } Print_Str( 134, 166-(Range*20), 0x0005, Twink, n); Print_Str(41*8, 216, 0x0005, PRN, "CH_A "); } if(Channel == TRACK2){ if(TmpB > 35){ Int2Str(n, (TmpB - 25)* Y_Attr[Range].SCALE, V_UNIT, 3, SIGN); } else { Int2Str(n, 0, V_UNIT, 3, SIGN); } Print_Str( 334, 166-(Range*20), 0x0105, Twink, n); Print_Str(41*8, 216, 0x0105, PRN, "CH_B "); } break; case 8: //" PRESS --- TO SELECT THE NEXT OPERATION" m = 0; Print_Str( 8, 6, 0x0305, PRN, " PRESS --- "); Print_Str(12*8, 6, 0x0405, Twink, "<"); Print_Str(16*8, 6, 0x0405, Twink, ">"); Print_Str(17*8, 6, 0x0305, PRN, " TO SELECT THE NEXT OPERATION "); Print_Str( 8, 216, 0x0305, PRN, " PRESS TO "); Print_Str(14*8, 216, 0x0405, PRN, "CONFIRM THE RE-CALIBRATION "); Print_Str( 9*8, 216, 0x0405, Twink, " "); if(Channel == TRACK1) Print_Str(41*8, 216, 0x0005, PRN, "CH_A "); if(Channel == TRACK2) Print_Str(41*8, 216, 0x0105, PRN, "CH_B "); break; //" PRESS TO CONFIRM THE RE-CALIBRATION CH_A " case 9: // "SELECT THE CALIBRATION CH_A " Print_Str( 9*8, 216, 0x0405, Twink, " "); Print_Str(14*8, 216, 0x0405, PRN, "SELECT THE CALIBRATION "); if(Channel == TRACK1) Print_Str(37*8, 216, 0x0105, PRN, "CH_B "); if(Channel == TRACK2) Print_Str(37*8, 216, 0x0005, PRN, "CH_A "); break; case 10: // "Exit WITHOUT SAVE RESULTS " Print_Str( 9*8, 216, 0x0405, Twink, " "); Print_Str(14*8, 216, 0x0405, PRN, "Exit WITHOUT SAVE RESULTS "); break; case 11: // "Exit AND SAVE CALIBRATION RESULTS" Print_Str( 9*8, 216, 0x0405, Twink, " "); Print_Str(14*8, 216, 0x0405, PRN, "Exit AND SAVE CALIBRATION RESULTS"); break; case 12: // "Exit AND RESTORE SYSTEM DEFAULTS " Print_Str( 9*8, 216, 0x0405, Twink, " "); Print_Str(14*8, 216, 0x0405, PRN, "Exit AND RESTORE SYSTEM DEFAULTS "); break; } } if(Key_Buffer){ PD_Cnt = 600; // 重新设定等待时间600秒 if((Range <= G_Attr[0].Yp_Max)&&(Step == 7)){ if(Channel == TRACK1){ Print_Str(134, 166-(Range*20), 0x0005, PRN, n); } if(Channel == TRACK2){ Print_Str(334, 166-(Range*20), 0x0105, PRN, n); } } switch (Key_Buffer){ case KEY2: if(Step == 0) Step++; if((Step == 8)||(Step == 9)){ if(Step == 9) Channel = 1 - Channel; for(i=0; i<=G_Attr[0].Yp_Max; i++){ if(Channel == TRACK1){ Print_Str( 45, 166-(i*20), 0x0005, PRN, " "); Print_Str( 89, 166-(i*20), 0x0005, PRN, " "); Print_Str(134, 166-(i*20), 0x0005, PRN, " "); } if(Channel == TRACK2){ Print_Str(245, 166-(i*20), 0x0105, PRN, " "); Print_Str(289, 166-(i*20), 0x0105, PRN, " "); Print_Str(334, 166-(i*20), 0x0105, PRN, " "); } } Step = 0;; } if(Step >= 10){ if(Step == 10){ for(i=0; i<=G_Attr[0].Yp_Max; i++){ Ka1[i] = Ma1[i]; Ka2[i] = Ma2[i]; Ka3[i] = Ma3[i]; Kb1[i] = Mb1[i]; Kb2[i] = Mb2[i]; Kb3[i] = Mb3[i]; } Save_Param(); // 不保存校正后的参数 Print_Str( 8, 216, 0x0405, PRN, " "); } if(Step == 11){ Save_Param(); // 保存校正后的参数 Print_Str( 8, 216, 0x0405, PRN, " SAVING THE CALIBRATION DATA "); } if(Step == 12){ for(i=0; i<=G_Attr[0].Yp_Max; i++){ Ka1[i] = 0; Ka2[i] = 1024; Ka3[i] = 0; // 设置校准参数初值 Kb1[i] = 0; Kb2[i] = 1024; Kb3[i] = 0; } Save_Param(); // 清除校准参数,保存缺省值 Print_Str( 8, 216, 0x0405, PRN, " RESTORE DEFAULTS CALIBRATION DATA "); } Delayms(1000); App_init(); return; } break; case KEY3: break; case K_ITEM_DEC: if((Step == 7)&&(Range > 0)) Range--; if( Step >= 9) Step--; if( Step == 8) Step = 12; break; case K_ITEM_INC: if(Step >= 8) Step++; if(Step > 12) Step = 8; if(Step == 7) Range++; if(Range > G_Attr[0].Yp_Max){ Range = 0; Step++; } break; case K_INDEX_DEC: if(Step == 7){ if((Channel == TRACK1)&&(TmpA > 35)) Ka2[Range] -= 2; if((Channel == TRACK2)&&(TmpB > 35)) Kb2[Range] -= 2; } break; case K_INDEX_INC: if(Step == 7){ if((Channel == TRACK1)&&(TmpA > 35)) Ka2[Range] += 2; if((Channel == TRACK2)&&(TmpB > 35)) Kb2[Range] += 2; } break; } Key_Buffer = 0; } } }
int main(void) { __Set(BEEP_VOLUME, 0); // USART1 8N1 115200bps debug port RCC->APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN; USART1->BRR = 72000000 / 115200; USART1->CR1 = USART_CR1_UE | USART_CR1_TE | USART_CR1_RE; gpio_usart1_tx_mode(GPIO_AFOUT_10); gpio_usart1_rx_mode(GPIO_HIGHZ_INPUT); printf("\nBoot!\n"); // Reduce the wait states of the FPGA & LCD interface // It works for me, hopefully it works for you too :) FSMC_BTR1 = 0x10100110; FSMC_BTR2 = 0x10100110; __Set(ADC_CTRL, EN); __Set(ADC_MODE, SEPARATE); alterbios_init(); int status = alterbios_check(); if (status < 0) { char buf[100]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "AlterBIOS not found or too old: %d\n" "Please install it from", status); while (1) show_msgbox("AlterBIOS is required", buf); } get_keys(ALL_KEYS); // Clear key buffer while (true) { select_file(amx_filename); get_keys(ANY_KEY); __Clear_Screen(0); char error[50] = {0}; int status = loadprogram(amx_filename, error, sizeof(error)); if (status != 0) { char buffer[200]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Loading of program %s failed:\n\n" "Error %d: %s\n\n" "%s\n", amx_filename, status, my_aux_StrError(status), error); printf(buffer); printf(amx_filename); show_msgbox("Program load failed", buffer); } else { int idle_func = -1; if (amx_FindPublic(&amx, "@idle", &idle_func) != 0) idle_func = -1; cell ret; status = amx_Exec(&amx, &ret, AMX_EXEC_MAIN); while (status == AMX_ERR_SLEEP) { AMX nested_amx = amx; uint32_t end = get_time() + amx.pri; do { status = doevents(&nested_amx); } while (get_time() < end && status == 0); if (status == 0) status = amx_Exec(&amx, &ret, AMX_EXEC_CONT); else amx = nested_amx; // Report errors properly } if (status == 0 && idle_func != -1) { // Main() exited, keep running idle function. do { status = doevents(&amx); if (status == 0) status = amx_Exec(&amx, &ret, idle_func); } while (status == 0 && ret != 0); } amxcleanup_wavein(&amx); amxcleanup_file(&amx); if (status == AMX_ERR_EXIT && ret == 0) status = 0; // Ignore exit(0), but inform about e.g. exit(1) if (status != 0) { show_pawn_traceback(amx_filename, &amx, status); } else { draw_menubar("Close", "", "", ""); while (!get_keys(BUTTON1)); } } } return 0; }