コード例 #1
__EXPORT BOOL __handle_ce_reent_(HANDLE hinstDLL, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved)
	struct _cereent* reent;

	switch (dwReason) {
			if (!__init_ce_reent())
				return FALSE;
		/* fall-through */
			reent = (struct _cereent*)__getreent ();
			if (!reent)
				return FALSE;


	return TRUE;
コード例 #2
static void test_open(dummy_vfs_t* instance, const char* path,
        bool should_be_called, bool should_be_opened, int line)
    const int flags = O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR;
    instance->called = false;
    int fd = esp_vfs_open(__getreent(), path, flags, 0);
    UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(should_be_called, instance->called, line,
            "should_be_called check failed");
    if (should_be_called) {
        if (should_be_opened) {
            UNITY_TEST_ASSERT(fd >= 0, line, "should be opened");
        } else {
            UNITY_TEST_ASSERT(fd < 0, line, "should not be opened");
    esp_vfs_close(__getreent(), fd);
コード例 #3
ファイル: vfs.c プロジェクト: jchunhua163/esp-idf-zh
void seekdir(DIR* pdir, long loc)
    const vfs_entry_t* vfs = get_vfs_for_fd(pdir->dd_vfs_idx);
    struct _reent* r = __getreent();
    if (vfs == NULL) {
        errno = EBADF;
    CHECK_AND_CALLV(r, vfs, seekdir, pdir, loc);
コード例 #4
ファイル: vfs.c プロジェクト: jchunhua163/esp-idf-zh
int closedir(DIR* pdir)
    const vfs_entry_t* vfs = get_vfs_for_fd(pdir->dd_vfs_idx);
    struct _reent* r = __getreent();
    if (vfs == NULL) {
        errno = EBADF;
        return -1;
    int ret;
    CHECK_AND_CALL(ret, r, vfs, closedir, pdir);
    return ret;
コード例 #5
ファイル: vfs.c プロジェクト: jchunhua163/esp-idf-zh
int readdir_r(DIR* pdir, struct dirent* entry, struct dirent** out_dirent)
    const vfs_entry_t* vfs = get_vfs_for_fd(pdir->dd_vfs_idx);
    struct _reent* r = __getreent();
    if (vfs == NULL) {
        errno = EBADF;
        return -1;
    int ret;
    CHECK_AND_CALL(ret, r, vfs, readdir_r, pdir, entry, out_dirent);
    return ret;
コード例 #6
ファイル: vfs.c プロジェクト: jchunhua163/esp-idf-zh
struct dirent* readdir(DIR* pdir)
    const vfs_entry_t* vfs = get_vfs_for_fd(pdir->dd_vfs_idx);
    struct _reent* r = __getreent();
    if (vfs == NULL) {
       __errno_r(r) = EBADF;
        return NULL;
    struct dirent* ret;
    CHECK_AND_CALLP(ret, r, vfs, readdir, pdir);
    return ret;
コード例 #7
ファイル: vfs.c プロジェクト: jchunhua163/esp-idf-zh
int rmdir(const char* name)
    const vfs_entry_t* vfs = get_vfs_for_path(name);
    struct _reent* r = __getreent();
    if (vfs == NULL) {
        __errno_r(r) = ENOENT;
        return -1;
    const char* path_within_vfs = translate_path(vfs, name);
    int ret;
    CHECK_AND_CALL(ret, r, vfs, rmdir, path_within_vfs);
    return ret;
コード例 #8
ファイル: vfs.c プロジェクト: jchunhua163/esp-idf-zh
DIR* opendir(const char* name)
    const vfs_entry_t* vfs = get_vfs_for_path(name);
    struct _reent* r = __getreent();
    if (vfs == NULL) {
        __errno_r(r) = ENOENT;
        return NULL;
    const char* path_within_vfs = translate_path(vfs, name);
    DIR* ret;
    CHECK_AND_CALLP(ret, r, vfs, opendir, path_within_vfs);
    if (ret != NULL) {
        ret->dd_vfs_idx = vfs->offset << VFS_INDEX_S;
    return ret;
コード例 #9
int *__errno( void )
	return &__getreent()->_errno;
コード例 #10
MPU_WRAPPER(int,		init_signal,	(__getreent_mpu()))
MPU_WRAPPER(int,		_sigtramp,		(__getreent_mpu(), sig), int sig)
MPU_WRAPPER(int,		sleep,			(__getreent_mpu(), seconds), unsigned int seconds)
MPU_WRAPPER(int,		stat,			(__getreent_mpu(), path, buf), const char *restrict path, struct stat *restrict buf)
MPU_WRAPPER(int,		symlink,		(__getreent_mpu(), path1, path2), const char *path1, const char *path2)
MPU_WRAPPER(clock_t,	times,			(__getreent_mpu(), buffer), struct tms *buffer)
MPU_WRAPPER(int,		unlink,			(__getreent_mpu(), path), const char *path)
MPU_WRAPPER(int,		usleep,			(__getreent_mpu(), usec), useconds_t usec)
MPU_WRAPPER(ssize_t, 	write, 			(__getreent_mpu(), fd, buf, nbyte), int fd, const void *buf, size_t nbyte)

// The following is a list of non-"_r" symbols used in the Newlib build that
// are referenced but not defined (and thus need to be provided here). Similarly
// to the above MPU wrappers, these need to call __getreent() thus need to raise
// and lower their privileges.

REENT_WRAPPER(void *,	calloc,			(__getreent(), count, size), size_t count, size_t size)
REENT_WRAPPER(int,		fclose,			(__getreent(), stream), FILE *stream)
REENT_WRAPPER(int,		fflush,			(__getreent(), stream), FILE *stream)
REENT_WRAPPER(int,		fputc,			(__getreent(), c, stream), int c, FILE *stream)
REENT_WRAPPER(int,		fputs,			(__getreent(), str, stream), const char *restrict str, FILE *restrict stream)
REENT_WRAPPER(size_t,	fread,			(__getreent(), ptr, size, nitems, stream), void *restrict ptr, size_t size, size_t nitems, FILE *restrict stream)
REENT_WRAPPER_VOID(		free, 			(__getreent(), ptr), void *ptr)
REENT_WRAPPER(size_t,	fwrite,			(__getreent(), ptr, size, nitems, stream), const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nitems, FILE *stream)
REENT_WRAPPER(int,		getc_unlocked,	(__getreent(), stream), FILE *stream)
REENT_WRAPPER(char *,	getenv,			(__getreent(), name), const char *name)
REENT_WRAPPER(void *, 	malloc, 		(__getreent(), size), size_t size)
REENT_WRAPPER(size_t,	mbrtowc,		(__getreent(), pwc, s, n, ps), wchar_t *restrict pwc, const char *restrict s, size_t n, mbstate_t *restrict ps)
REENT_WRAPPER(void *, 	memalign, 		(__getreent(), blocksize, bytes), size_t blocksize, size_t bytes)
REENT_WRAPPER(int,		mkstemp,		(__getreent(), template), char *template)
REENT_WRAPPER(int,		putc_unlocked,	(__getreent(), c, stream), int c, FILE *stream)
REENT_WRAPPER(int,		puts,			(__getreent(), str), const char *str)