naming provider Feedback: If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us using any of the mechanisms below: Email: [email protected] Newsgroup: Microsoft.public.win32.programmer.networks Website: --********************************************************************/ #include "install.h" // Utility routine to calculate the number of characters in an array of strings // ULONG GetTotalCch(ULONG cStrings, __in_ecount(cStrings) PCWSTR *prgStrings) { ULONG cch = 0; ULONG i = 0; for (i = 0; i < cStrings; i++) { cch += (ULONG) wcslen(prgStrings[i]); } return cch; } // Installation of a naming provider requires a "blob" of a specific format to be created. // This function will create this blob. This function should be reusable by all naming providers. // // Layout: [All offsets are from beginning of buffer]
__in efx_nic_t *enp, __in unsigned int buf_size); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_RX_SCATTER */ #if EFSYS_OPT_RX_SCALE static __checkReturn efx_rc_t siena_rx_scale_mode_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_rx_hash_alg_t alg, __in efx_rx_hash_type_t type, __in boolean_t insert); static __checkReturn efx_rc_t siena_rx_scale_key_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_ecount(n) uint8_t *key, __in size_t n); static __checkReturn efx_rc_t siena_rx_scale_tbl_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_ecount(n) unsigned int *table, __in size_t n); static __checkReturn uint32_t siena_rx_prefix_hash( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in efx_rx_hash_alg_t func, __in uint8_t *buffer); #endif /* EFSYS_OPT_RX_SCALE */
bIsCall = HookControl::OnBeforeSockConnect(s, name, namelen, lpCallerData, lpCalleeData, lpSQOS, lpGQOS, &tpiCallParameters, Call_IATWSAConnect); if (bIsCall) return tpiCallParameters.pfnWSAConnect(s, name, namelen, lpCallerData, lpCalleeData, lpSQOS, lpGQOS); bIsCall = bIsCall && HookControl::OnAfterSockConnect(s, name, namelen, lpCallerData, lpCalleeData, lpSQOS, lpGQOS, &tpiCallParameters, Call_IATWSAConnect); return tpiCallParameters.nRetValue; } struct PARAMETERS_CALL_LATWSASEND { DWORD dwFlags; FUN::__pfnWSASend pfnWSASend; }; bool Call_IATWSASend(__in SOCKET s, __in_ecount(dwBufferCount) LPWSABUF lpBuffers, __in DWORD dwBufferCount, __out_opt LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesSent, __in int * pnErrorcode, __in LPWSAOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, __in LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE lpCompletionRoutine, void * pExdata) { int nRetValue = 0; bool bIsSuccess = true; PARAMETERS_CALL_LATWSASEND * pCallParameters = (PARAMETERS_CALL_LATWSASEND *)pExdata; nRetValue = pCallParameters->pfnWSASend(s, lpBuffers, dwBufferCount, lpNumberOfBytesSent, pCallParameters->dwFlags, lpOverlapped, lpCompletionRoutine); if (SOCKET_ERROR == nRetValue) bIsSuccess = (WSA_IO_PENDING == *pnErrorcode); return bIsSuccess; } int WSAAPI IATWSASend(__in SOCKET s, __in_ecount(dwBufferCount) LPWSABUF lpBuffers, __in DWORD dwBufferCount, __out_opt LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesSent, __in DWORD dwFlags, __inout_opt LPWSAOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, _In_opt_ LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE lpCompletionRoutine) {
// return 1 if we support GetTypeInfo STDMETHODIMP CAMMediaContent::GetTypeInfoCount(__out UINT * pctinfo) { return basedisp.GetTypeInfoCount(pctinfo); } // attempt to find our type library STDMETHODIMP CAMMediaContent::GetTypeInfo(UINT itinfo, LCID lcid, __deref_out ITypeInfo ** pptinfo) { return basedisp.GetTypeInfo(IID_IAMMediaContent, itinfo, lcid, pptinfo); } STDMETHODIMP CAMMediaContent::GetIDsOfNames(REFIID riid, __in_ecount(cNames) LPOLESTR * rgszNames, UINT cNames, LCID lcid, __out_ecount(cNames) DISPID * rgdispid) { return basedisp.GetIDsOfNames(IID_IAMMediaContent, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgdispid); } STDMETHODIMP CAMMediaContent::Invoke(DISPID dispidMember, REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags, __in DISPPARAMS * pdispparams, __out_opt VARIANT * pvarResult, __out_opt EXCEPINFO * pexcepinfo, __out_opt UINT * puArgErr) { // this parameter is a dead leftover from an earlier interface if (IID_NULL != riid) { return DISP_E_UNKNOWNINTERFACE; } ITypeInfo * pti; HRESULT hr = GetTypeInfo(0, lcid, &pti);
else if (type == TyFloat64) { this->xmmSymTable64[reg - RegXMM0] = sym; } else { Assert(IRType_IsSimd128(type)); this->xmmSymTable128[reg - RegXMM0] = sym; } } return sym; } void LinearScanMD::GenerateBailOut(IR::Instr * instr, __in_ecount(registerSaveSymsCount) StackSym ** registerSaveSyms, uint registerSaveSymsCount) { Func *const func = instr->m_func; BailOutInfo *const bailOutInfo = instr->GetBailOutInfo(); IR::Instr *firstInstr = instr->m_prev; if(bailOutInfo->branchConditionOpnd) { // Pass in the branch condition // push condition IR::Instr *const newInstr = IR::Instr::New(Js::OpCode::PUSH, func); newInstr->SetSrc1(bailOutInfo->branchConditionOpnd); instr->InsertBefore(newInstr); newInstr->CopyNumber(instr); linearScan->SetSrcRegs(newInstr); }
-------------------------------------- - does the conversion with the best possible precision. - does not use any float arithmetic so it is not sensitive to differences in precision of floating point calculations across platforms. The internal integer representation of the float number is UINT64 mantissa + INT exponent. The mantissa is kept normalized ie with the most significant one being 63-th bit of UINT64. ===========================================================*/ // // get 32-bit integer from at most 9 digits // static unsigned DigitsToInt(__in_ecount(count) wchar* p, int count) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT _ASSERTE(1 <= count && count <= 9); wchar* end = p + count; unsigned res = *p - '0'; for ( p = p + 1; p < end; p++) { res = 10 * res + *p - '0'; } return res; } // // helper macro to multiply two 32-bit uints //
HRESULT ceFormatCertsrvStringArray( IN BOOL fURL, __in LPCWSTR pwszServerName_p1_2, __in LPCWSTR pwszSanitizedName_p3_7, IN DWORD iCert_p4, IN DWORD iCertTarget_p4, __in LPCWSTR pwszDomainDN_p5, __in LPCWSTR pwszConfigDN_p6, IN DWORD iCRL_p8, IN BOOL fDeltaCRL_p9, IN BOOL fDSAttrib_p10_11, IN DWORD cStrings, __in_ecount(cStrings) LPCWSTR *apwszStringsIn, __out LPWSTR *apwszStringsOut) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPCWSTR apwszInsertionArray[100]; // 100 'cause this is the max number of insertion numbers allowed by FormatMessage LPWSTR pwszCurrent = NULL; BSTR strShortMachineName = NULL; DWORD i; WCHAR *pwszSanitizedDSName = NULL; WCHAR wszCertSuffix[2 * cwcFILENAMESUFFIXMAX]; WCHAR wszCRLSuffix[cwcFILENAMESUFFIXMAX]; WCHAR wszDeltaCRLSuffix[cwcFILENAMESUFFIXMAX]; WCHAR const *pwszT; ZeroMemory(apwszStringsOut, cStrings * sizeof(apwszStringsOut[0]));
} } else break; /* we're done with all the forgotten tables */ } Mem_Free(aDirectory); return(errCode); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ [System::Security::SecurityCritical] PRIVATE void FillGlyphIndexArray( __in_ecount(usGlyphListCount) CONST uint8 *puchKeepGlyphList, CONST uint16 usGlyphListCount, __out_ecount(usDttfGlyphIndexCount) uint16 *pusGlyphIndexArray, uint16 usDttfGlyphIndexCount) { uint16 i; uint16 usGlyphIndex = 0; for (i = 0; i < usGlyphListCount && usGlyphIndex < usDttfGlyphIndexCount; ++i) { if (puchKeepGlyphList[i]) { pusGlyphIndexArray[usGlyphIndex] = i; ++usGlyphIndex; } }
__in efsys_mem_t *esmp, __in size_t n, __in uint32_t id, __in uint16_t flags, __in efx_evq_t *eep, __in efx_txq_t *etp, __out unsigned int *addedp); static void falconsiena_tx_qdestroy( __in efx_txq_t *etp); static __checkReturn efx_rc_t falconsiena_tx_qpost( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in_ecount(n) efx_buffer_t *eb, __in unsigned int n, __in unsigned int completed, __inout unsigned int *addedp); static void falconsiena_tx_qpush( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in unsigned int added, __in unsigned int pushed); static __checkReturn efx_rc_t falconsiena_tx_qpace( __in efx_txq_t *etp, __in unsigned int ns);
return 0; } MOZCE_SHUNT_API BOOL WINAPI GetSystemTimeAdjustment( __out PDWORD lpTimeAdjustment, __out PDWORD lpTimeIncrement, __out PBOOL lpTimeAdjustmentDisabled ) { *lpTimeAdjustmentDisabled = TRUE; return TRUE; } MOZCE_SHUNT_API BOOL WINAPI PolyBezierTo(__in HDC hdc, __in_ecount(cpt) CONST POINT * apt, __in DWORD cpt){ MOZCE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(__FUNCTION__); } MOZCE_SHUNT_API BOOL WINAPI CloseFigure(__in HDC hdc){ MOZCE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(__FUNCTION__); } MOZCE_SHUNT_API BOOL WINAPI SelectClipPath(__in HDC hdc, __in int mode){ MOZCE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(__FUNCTION__); } MOZCE_SHUNT_API BOOL WINAPI EndPath(__in HDC hdc){ MOZCE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(__FUNCTION__); } MOZCE_SHUNT_API BOOL WINAPI BeginPath(__in HDC hdc){
if ((rc = efx_mcdi_get_parser_disp_info(enp, list, length)) != 0) goto fail1; return (0); fail1: EFSYS_PROBE1(fail1, efx_rc_t, rc); return (rc); } static __checkReturn efx_rc_t ef10_filter_insert_unicast( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_ecount(6) uint8_t const *addr, __in efx_filter_flags_t filter_flags) { ef10_filter_table_t *eftp = enp->en_filter.ef_ef10_filter_table; efx_filter_spec_t spec; efx_rc_t rc; /* Insert the filter for the local station address */ efx_filter_spec_init_rx(&spec, EFX_FILTER_PRI_AUTO, filter_flags, eftp->eft_default_rxq); efx_filter_spec_set_eth_local(&spec, EFX_FILTER_SPEC_VID_UNSPEC, addr); rc = ef10_filter_add_internal(enp, &spec, B_TRUE, &eftp->eft_unicst_filter_indexes[eftp->eft_unicst_filter_count]); if (rc != 0)
} else { return JPFSV_E_NO_TRACESESSION; } LeaveCriticalSection( &Context->ProtectedMembers.Lock ); return Hr; } HRESULT JpfsvSetTracePointsContext( __in JPFSV_HANDLE ContextHandle, __in JPFSV_TRACE_ACTION Action, __in UINT ProcedureCountRaw, __in_ecount(InstrCount) CONST DWORD_PTR *ProceduresRaw, __out_opt DWORD_PTR *FailedProcedure ) { PJPFSV_CONTEXT Context = ( PJPFSV_CONTEXT ) ContextHandle; PJPFSV_TRACE_SESSION TraceSession; HRESULT Hr; UINT ProcedureCountClean = 0; DWORD_PTR *ProceduresClean; UINT Index; if ( ! Context || Context->Signature != JPFSV_CONTEXT_SIGNATURE || ( Action != JpfsvAddTracepoint && Action != JpfsvRemoveTracepoint ) || ProcedureCountRaw == 0 ||
if ((configParams->pDeviceUUID != GUID_NULL || configParams->pSearchSSID != 0) && configParams->pDevicePin != 0) { bReturnValue = TRUE; } break; default: break; } return bReturnValue; } HRESULT parseCommandLineArguments(__out CONFIGURATION_PARAMETERS* configParameters, __in DWORD argc, __in_ecount(argc) WCHAR **pArg) { HRESULT hr = ERROR_SUCCESS; //parse the command line inputs for(DWORD i = 1;i < argc;i++) { wchar_t* pCommand = 0; wchar_t* pContext = 0; pCommand = wcstok_s( pArg[i], L"=", &pContext);
TotalRead += packetSize; PBYTE pData = (PBYTE)( pHdr + 1 ); for ( ULONG i = 0; i < packetSize; pData++, i++, b++ ) { _ASSERT( *pData == b ); } _ASSERT( msgSize == pHdr->length ); } while( 0 == ( pHdr->flags & CHANNEL_FLAG_LAST )); _ASSERT( TotalRead == msgSize ); } return 0; } INT _cdecl wmain( INT argc, __in_ecount( argc ) WCHAR **argv ) { DWORD rc; HANDLE hFile; printf("Opening a Dynamic Channel DVCSmpl \n" ); rc = OpenDynamicChannel ( "DVCSmpl", &hFile ); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != rc ) { printf("Dynamic Channel Creation Failed\n" ); return 0; } if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == rc ) { printf("Dynamic Channel Created\n" );
} //*** _cpri__CompleteHash() // Complete a hash or HMAC computation. This function will place the smaller of // 'digestSize' or the size of the digest in 'dOut'. The number of bytes in the // placed in the buffer is returned. If there is a failure, the returned value // is <= 0. // return type: UINT16 // 0 no data returned // > 0 the number of bytes in the digest UINT16 _cpri__CompleteHash( CPRI_HASH_STATE *hashState, // IN: the state of hash stack UINT32 dOutSize, // IN: size of digest buffer __in_ecount(dOutSize) BYTE *dOut // OUT: hash digest ) { OSSL_HASH_STATE *state = (OSSL_HASH_STATE *)&hashState->state; UINT16 retVal = 0; UINT32 hLen; UINT32 cbResult; BYTE digest[64]; if((BCryptGetProperty(state->hHash, BCRYPT_HASH_LENGTH, (PUCHAR)&hLen, sizeof(hLen), (ULONG*)&cbResult, 0) != 0) || (sizeof(digest) < hLen)) { goto Cleanup; } if(BCryptFinishHash(state->hHash, digest, hLen, 0) != 0)
argc - argument count argv - pointer to an array of command line arguments Return Value: S_OK - The operation succeeded. E_FAIL - The operation failed. E_INVALIDARG - Invalid flag/option specified. --*/ EXTERN_C HRESULT _cdecl _tmain( __in INT argc, __in_ecount(argc) TCHAR** argv ) { HRESULT hrResult = E_FAIL; CmdLineArgs Args = {0}; hrResult = ParseCommandLine(argc, argv, &Args); if (SUCCEEDED(hrResult)) { hrResult = ValidateArgs(&Args); } if (SUCCEEDED(hrResult)) { hrResult = ExecuteSample(&Args);
fail2: EFSYS_PROBE(fail2); fail1: EFSYS_PROBE1(fail1, int, rc); EFX_RX_LFSR_HASH(enp, B_FALSE); return (rc); } #endif #if EFSYS_OPT_RX_SCALE __checkReturn int efx_rx_scale_toeplitz_ipv4_key_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_ecount(n) uint8_t *key, __in size_t n) { efx_oword_t oword; unsigned int byte; unsigned int offset; int rc; EFSYS_ASSERT3U(enp->en_magic, ==, EFX_NIC_MAGIC); EFSYS_ASSERT3U(enp->en_mod_flags, &, EFX_MOD_RX); byte = 0; /* Write toeplitz hash key */ EFX_ZERO_OWORD(oword); for (offset = (FRF_BZ_RX_RSS_TKEY_LBN + FRF_BZ_RX_RSS_TKEY_WIDTH) / 8;
if(nErrorCode == PWE_NOFILEACCESS_READ_KEY) { str += _T("\r\n\r\n"); str += TRL("Make sure the media that contains the key file is inserted and that KeePass has the rights to access it (check file access rights, ensure that no other application is blocking the file, ...)."); } if((dwFlags & PWFF_DATALOSS_WITHOUT_SAVE) != 0) { str += _T("\r\n\r\n"); str += TRL("The target file might be in a corrupted state. Please try saving again, and if that fails, save the database to a different location."); } return str; } BOOL CPwUtil::MemAllocCopyEntry(__in_ecount(1) const PW_ENTRY *pExisting, __out_ecount(1) PW_ENTRY *pDestination) { ASSERT_ENTRY(pExisting); ASSERT(pDestination != NULL); if((pExisting == NULL) || (pDestination == NULL)) return FALSE; ZeroMemory(pDestination, sizeof(PW_ENTRY)); pDestination->uBinaryDataLen = pExisting->uBinaryDataLen; if(pExisting->pBinaryData != NULL) { pDestination->pBinaryData = new BYTE[pExisting->uBinaryDataLen + 1]; ASSERT(pDestination->pBinaryData != NULL); if(pDestination->pBinaryData == NULL) return FALSE; pDestination->pBinaryData[pExisting->uBinaryDataLen] = 0; memcpy(pDestination->pBinaryData, pExisting->pBinaryData, pExisting->uBinaryDataLen); }
(*ppjccColumnCreate)[i].grbit |= JET_bitColumnNotNULL; } (*ppjccColumnCreate)[i].pvDefault = NULL; (*ppjccColumnCreate)[i].cbDefault = 0; (*ppjccColumnCreate)[i].cp = 1200; (*ppjccColumnCreate)[i].columnid = 0; (*ppjccColumnCreate)[i].err = 0; } LExit: return hr; } HRESULT FreeColumnCreateStruct( __in_ecount(dwColumns) JET_COLUMNCREATE *pjccColumnCreate, __in DWORD dwColumns ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD i; for (i = 0; i < dwColumns; ++i) { ReleaseStr((pjccColumnCreate[i]).szColumnName); } hr = MemFree(pjccColumnCreate); ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to release core column create struct"); LExit:
ZeroMemory( &desc, sizeof(desc) ); desc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_UNORDERED_ACCESS | D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE; desc.ByteWidth = uElementSize * uCount; desc.MiscFlags = D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_BUFFER_STRUCTURED; desc.StructureByteStride = uElementSize; if ( pInitData ) { D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA InitData; InitData.pSysMem = pInitData; return pDevice->CreateBuffer( &desc, &InitData, ppBufOut ); } else return pDevice->CreateBuffer( &desc, NULL, ppBufOut ); } HRESULT FindDXSDKShaderFileCch( __in_ecount(cchDest) WCHAR* strDestPath, int cchDest, __in LPCWSTR strFilename ) { if( NULL == strFilename || strFilename[0] == 0 || NULL == strDestPath || cchDest < 10 ) return E_INVALIDARG; // Get the exe name, and exe path WCHAR strExePath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; WCHAR strExeName[MAX_PATH] = { 0
__in PLIST_ENTRY NotifyList, __in PVOID FsContext, __in PSTRING FullDirectoryName, __in BOOLEAN WatchTree, __in BOOLEAN IgnoreBuffer, __in ULONG CompletionFilter, __in_opt PIRP NotifyIrp, __in_opt PCHECK_FOR_TRAVERSE_ACCESS TraverseCallback, __in_opt PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectContext, __in_opt PFILTER_REPORT_CHANGE FilterCallback ); NTSTATUS (*NdasNtfsMmPrefetchPages) ( __in ULONG NumberOfLists, __in_ecount (NumberOfLists) PREAD_LIST *ReadLists ); VOID (*NdasNtfsFsRtlIncrementCcFastReadWait) ( VOID ); VOID (*NdasNtfsFsRtlIncrementCcFastReadNoWait) ( VOID ); VOID (*NdasNtfsFsRtlIncrementCcFastReadResourceMiss) ( VOID
status = m_InterfaceIterationLock.Initialize(); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { goto Done; } Done: return status; } _Must_inspect_result_ NTSTATUS FxUsbDevice::GetString( __in_ecount(*NumCharacters) PUSHORT String, __in PUSHORT NumCharacters, __in UCHAR StringIndex, __in_opt USHORT LangID, __in_opt WDFREQUEST Request, __in_opt PWDF_REQUEST_SEND_OPTIONS Options ) { UMURB urb; PUSB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR pDescriptor; PVOID buffer = NULL; USB_COMMON_DESCRIPTOR common; ULONG length; NTSTATUS status; if (String != NULL) {
__drv_dispatchType(IRP_MJ_CREATE) __drv_dispatchType(IRP_MJ_CLOSE) DRIVER_DISPATCH SioctlCreateClose; __drv_dispatchType(IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL) DRIVER_DISPATCH SioctlDeviceControl; DRIVER_UNLOAD SioctlUnloadDriver; VOID PrintIrpInfo( PIRP Irp ); VOID PrintChars( __in_ecount(CountChars) PCHAR BufferAddress, __in size_t CountChars ); #ifdef ALLOC_PRAGMA #pragma alloc_text( INIT, DriverEntry ) #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SioctlCreateClose) #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SioctlDeviceControl) #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SioctlUnloadDriver) #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, PrintIrpInfo) #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, PrintChars) #endif // ALLOC_PRAGMA NTSTATUS DriverEntry(
#if !defined(__isascii) #define __isascii(_c) ( (unsigned)(_c) < 0x80 ) #endif // !defined(__isascii) // disable warnings #if _MSC_VER >= 1200 #pragma warning(push) #endif #pragma warning(disable:4127) // conditional expression is constant void SerenumScanOtherIdForMouse( __in_ecount(BufLen) PCHAR PBuffer, __in ULONG BufLen, __deref_out_ecount_opt(*PmouseIdLen) PCHAR *PpMouseId, __out ULONG *PmouseIdLen ) /*++ Routine Description: This routines a PnP packet for a mouse ID up to the first PnP delimiter (i.e, '('). Arguments: PBuffer - Pointer to the buffer to scan
DbgLog((LOG_MEMORY,1,szInfo)); LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CSDebug); } /* Debug infinite wait stuff */ DWORD WINAPI DbgWaitForSingleObject(HANDLE h) { DWORD dwWaitResult; do { dwWaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(h, dwWaitTimeout); ASSERT(dwWaitResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0); } while (dwWaitResult == WAIT_TIMEOUT); return dwWaitResult; } DWORD WINAPI DbgWaitForMultipleObjects(DWORD nCount, __in_ecount(nCount) CONST HANDLE *lpHandles, BOOL bWaitAll) { DWORD dwWaitResult; do { dwWaitResult = WaitForMultipleObjects(nCount, lpHandles, bWaitAll, dwWaitTimeout); ASSERT((DWORD)(dwWaitResult - WAIT_OBJECT_0) < MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS); } while (dwWaitResult == WAIT_TIMEOUT); return dwWaitResult; } void WINAPI DbgSetWaitTimeout(DWORD dwTimeout) {
* Decode the requested flow control settings from the PHY * advertised capabilities. */ if (epp->ep_adv_cap_mask & (1 << EFX_PHY_CAP_PAUSE)) wanted = EFX_FCNTL_RESPOND | EFX_FCNTL_GENERATE; if (epp->ep_adv_cap_mask & (1 << EFX_PHY_CAP_ASYM)) wanted ^= EFX_FCNTL_GENERATE; *fcntl_linkp = epp->ep_fcntl; *fcntl_wantedp = wanted; } __checkReturn efx_rc_t efx_mac_multicast_list_set( __in efx_nic_t *enp, __in_ecount(6*count) uint8_t const *addrs, __in int count) { efx_port_t *epp = &(enp->en_port); efx_mac_ops_t *emop = epp->ep_emop; uint8_t *old_mulcst_addr_list = NULL; uint32_t old_mulcst_addr_count; efx_rc_t rc; EFSYS_ASSERT3U(enp->en_magic, ==, EFX_NIC_MAGIC); EFSYS_ASSERT3U(enp->en_mod_flags, &, EFX_MOD_PORT); if (count > EFX_MAC_MULTICAST_LIST_MAX) { rc = EINVAL; goto fail1; }
} // // COutputQueue::ReceiveMultiple() // // Send a set of samples to the downstream pin // // ppSamples - array of samples // nSamples - how many // nSamplesProcessed - How many were processed // // On return all samples will have been Release()'d // HRESULT COutputQueue::ReceiveMultiple ( __in_ecount(nSamples) IMediaSample **ppSamples, long nSamples, __out long *nSamplesProcessed) { if (nSamples < 0) { return E_INVALIDARG; } CAutoLock lck(this); // Either call directly or queue up the samples if (!IsQueued()) { // If we already had a bad return code then just return if (S_OK != m_hr) {
* int lcid - for A call, specify LCID, If 0, use * __lc_handle[LC_CTYPE]. * *Exit: * Success: TRUE * Failure: FALSE * *Exceptions: * *******************************************************************************/ static BOOL __cdecl __crtGetStringTypeW_stat ( __in_opt _locale_t plocinfo, __in DWORD dwInfoType, __in_ecount(_CchSrc) LPCWSTR lpSrcStr, __in int cchSrc, __out LPWORD lpCharType, __in int code_page, __in int lcid ) { static int f_use = 0; /* * Look for unstubbed 'preferred' flavor. Otherwise use available flavor. * Must actually call the function to ensure it's not a stub. */ if (cchSrc < -1) { return FALSE; }
if (*pwzDest == NULL) { err = WSA_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else { memcpy(*pwzDest, wzSrc, cb); } return err; } // Utility routine to allocate memory and copy an array of CSADDR_INFO // INT CopyAddrs(__in_ecount(cAddrs) CSADDR_INFO *rgAddrsSrc, DWORD cAddrs, __deref_out CSADDR_INFO **prgAddrsDest) { INT err = NO_ERROR; ULONG i = 0; CSADDR_INFO *rgAddrsDest = (CSADDR_INFO *)malloc(cAddrs * sizeof(CSADDR_INFO)); if (rgAddrsDest == NULL) { return WSA_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } ZeroMemory(rgAddrsDest, cAddrs * sizeof(CSADDR_INFO));
if(FAILED(hResult)) { HeapFree(hHeap, 0, pszCopy); pszCopy = NULL; SetLastError(hResult); } } return pszCopy; } // Frees list of strings. // NOTE: don't use this for string list made with MakeStrPtrList(), since // the strings pointed to be list made with MakeStrPtrList() will // be freed when the multi-sz is freed. void FreeStringList(HANDLE hHeap, __in_ecount(wCount) PWSTR *ppszList, WORD wCount) { // Validate parameters. if( (NULL == hHeap) || (NULL == ppszList) ) { return; } // Free each of the strings in the list. for(WORD wIndex = 0; wIndex < wCount; ++wIndex) { if(NULL != ppszList[wIndex]) HeapFree(hHeap, 0, ppszList[wIndex]); }