コード例 #1
void DecalManager::clearData()
   // Free all geometry buffers.
   if( mData )
      const Vector< DecalSphere* > grid = mData->getGrid();
      for( U32 i = 0; i < grid.size(); ++ i )
         DecalSphere* sphere = grid[ i ];
         for( U32 n = 0; n < sphere->mItems.size(); ++ n )
            _freeBuffers( sphere->mItems[ n ] );
   mData = NULL;
コード例 #2
void DecalManager::removeDecal( DecalInstance *inst )
   // If this is a decal we save then we need 
   // to set the dirty flag.
   if ( inst->mFlags & SaveDecal )
      mDirty = true;

   // Remove the decal from the instance vector.
	if( inst->mId != -1 && inst->mId < mDecalInstanceVec.size() )
      mDecalInstanceVec[ inst->mId ] = NULL;
   // Release its geometry (if it has any).

   _freeBuffers( inst );
   // Remove it from the decal file.

   if ( mData )      
      mData->removeDecal( inst );
コード例 #3
bool Ultrasonic::sampleCreate(size_t numBufs, ...)
    bool result = false;
    va_list ap;
    _numBufs = numBufs;

    if((_pBuffers = (BufCtl *) calloc(numBufs, sizeof(BufCtl))) != NULL)
        va_start(ap, numBufs);
        BufCtl *buf;
        size_t smpSize;

        for(size_t i = 0; i < _numBufs; i++)
            buf = &_pBuffers[i];
            smpSize = va_arg(ap, size_t);

            if((buf->pBegin = (float *) calloc(smpSize, sizeof(float))) != NULL)
                buf->pIndex = buf->pBegin;
                buf->length = smpSize;
                buf->filled = false;
                result = true;
                result = false;


    if(!result) _freeBuffers();
    return result;
コード例 #4
bool DecalManager::clipDecal( DecalInstance *decal, Vector<Point3F> *edgeVerts, const Point2F *clipDepth )
   PROFILE_SCOPE( DecalManager_clipDecal );

   // Free old verts and indices.
   _freeBuffers( decal );

   ClippedPolyList clipper;

   clipper.mNormal.set( Point3F( 0, 0, 0 ) );

   F32 halfSize = decal->mSize * 0.5f;
   // Ugly hack for ProjectedShadow!
   F32 halfSizeZ = clipDepth ? clipDepth->x : halfSize;
   F32 negHalfSize = clipDepth ? clipDepth->y : halfSize;
   Point3F decalHalfSize( halfSize, halfSize, halfSize );
   Point3F decalHalfSizeZ( halfSizeZ, halfSizeZ, halfSizeZ );

   MatrixF projMat( true );
   decal->getWorldMatrix( &projMat );

   const VectorF &crossVec = decal->mNormal;
   const Point3F &decalPos = decal->mPosition;

   VectorF newFwd, newRight;
   projMat.getColumn( 0, &newRight );
   projMat.getColumn( 1, &newFwd );   

   VectorF objRight( 1.0f, 0, 0 );
   VectorF objFwd( 0, 1.0f, 0 );
   VectorF objUp( 0, 0, 1.0f );

   // See above re: decalHalfSizeZ hack.
   clipper.mPlaneList[0].set( ( decalPos + ( -newRight * halfSize ) ), -newRight );
   clipper.mPlaneList[1].set( ( decalPos + ( -newFwd * halfSize ) ), -newFwd );
   clipper.mPlaneList[2].set( ( decalPos + ( -crossVec * decalHalfSizeZ ) ), -crossVec );
   clipper.mPlaneList[3].set( ( decalPos + ( newRight * halfSize ) ), newRight );
   clipper.mPlaneList[4].set( ( decalPos + ( newFwd * halfSize ) ), newFwd );
   clipper.mPlaneList[5].set( ( decalPos + ( crossVec * negHalfSize ) ), crossVec );

   clipper.mNormal = -decal->mNormal;

   Box3F box( -decalHalfSizeZ, decalHalfSizeZ );

   projMat.mul( box );

   DecalData *decalData = decal->mDataBlock;

   PROFILE_START( DecalManager_clipDecal_buildPolyList );
   getContainer()->buildPolyList( box, decalData->clippingMasks, &clipper );   

   if ( clipper.mVertexList.empty() )
      return false;

   mDebugPlanes.merge( clipper.mPlaneList );

   decal->mVertCount = clipper.mVertexList.size();
   decal->mIndxCount = clipper.mIndexList.size();
   Vector<Point3F> tmpPoints;

   tmpPoints.push_back(( objFwd * decalHalfSize ) + ( objRight * decalHalfSize ));
   tmpPoints.push_back(( objFwd * decalHalfSize ) + ( -objRight * decalHalfSize ));
   tmpPoints.push_back(( -objFwd * decalHalfSize ) + ( -objRight * decalHalfSize ));
   Point3F lowerLeft(( -objFwd * decalHalfSize ) + ( objRight * decalHalfSize ));


   _generateWindingOrder( lowerLeft, &tmpPoints );

   BiQuadToSqr quadToSquare( Point2F( lowerLeft.x, lowerLeft.y ),
                             Point2F( tmpPoints[0].x, tmpPoints[0].y ), 
                             Point2F( tmpPoints[1].x, tmpPoints[1].y ), 
                             Point2F( tmpPoints[2].x, tmpPoints[2].y ) );  

   Point2F uv( 0, 0 );
   Point3F vecX(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

   // Allocate memory for vert and index arrays
   _allocBuffers( decal );  
   Point3F vertPoint( 0, 0, 0 );

   for ( U32 i = 0; i < clipper.mVertexList.size(); i++ )
      const ClippedPolyList::Vertex &vert = clipper.mVertexList[i];
      vertPoint = vert.point;

      // Transform this point to
      // object space to look up the
      // UV coordinate for this vertex.
      projMat.mulP( vertPoint );

      // Clamp the point to be within the quad.
      vertPoint.x = mClampF( vertPoint.x, -decalHalfSize.x, decalHalfSize.x );
      vertPoint.y = mClampF( vertPoint.y, -decalHalfSize.y, decalHalfSize.y );

      // Get our UV.
      uv = quadToSquare.transform( Point2F( vertPoint.x, vertPoint.y ) );

      const RectF &rect = decal->mDataBlock->texRect[decal->mTextureRectIdx];

      uv *= rect.extent;
      uv += rect.point;      

      // Set the world space vertex position.
      decal->mVerts[i].point = vert.point;
      decal->mVerts[i].texCoord.set( uv.x, uv.y );
      decal->mVerts[i].normal = clipper.mNormalList[i];

      if( mFabs( decal->mVerts[i].normal.z ) > 0.8f ) 
         mCross( decal->mVerts[i].normal, Point3F( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), &vecX );
      else if ( mFabs( decal->mVerts[i].normal.x ) > 0.8f )
         mCross( decal->mVerts[i].normal, Point3F( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ), &vecX );
      else if ( mFabs( decal->mVerts[i].normal.y ) > 0.8f )
         mCross( decal->mVerts[i].normal, Point3F( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ), &vecX );
      decal->mVerts[i].tangent = mCross( decal->mVerts[i].normal, vecX );

   U32 curIdx = 0;
   for ( U32 j = 0; j < clipper.mPolyList.size(); j++ )
      // Write indices for each Poly
      ClippedPolyList::Poly *poly = &clipper.mPolyList[j];                  

      AssertFatal( poly->vertexCount == 3, "Got non-triangle poly!" );

      decal->mIndices[curIdx] = clipper.mIndexList[poly->vertexStart];         
      decal->mIndices[curIdx] = clipper.mIndexList[poly->vertexStart + 1];            
      decal->mIndices[curIdx] = clipper.mIndexList[poly->vertexStart + 2];                

   if ( !edgeVerts )
      return true;

   Point3F tmpHullPt( 0, 0, 0 );
   Vector<Point3F> tmpHullPts;

   for ( U32 i = 0; i < clipper.mVertexList.size(); i++ )
      const ClippedPolyList::Vertex &vert = clipper.mVertexList[i];
      tmpHullPt = vert.point;
      projMat.mulP( tmpHullPt );
      tmpHullPts.push_back( tmpHullPt );

   U32 verts = _generateConvexHull( tmpHullPts, edgeVerts );
   edgeVerts->setSize( verts );

   for ( U32 i = 0; i < edgeVerts->size(); i++ )
      projMat.mulP( (*edgeVerts)[i] );

   return true;