コード例 #1
ファイル: klite.c プロジェクト: secure-endpoints/pismere
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------
	lsh_klist - 
	------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	LPSTR lp1 ;
	// clear out list box
	SendMessage (hListBox, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0L) ;
	// only list if we have a NetID
	if (lpFt->bAuthenticated == FALSE)
		return (0) ;
	// note: ctime() can't take a FAR pointer, so use the struct "directly"
	// append expired time, due to funky way ctime() works.  Unfortunately, I can't
	// put this in 1 wsprintf() statement.  Dooh!
	wsprintf (lpszTemp, "%s\t", (LPSTR)ctime(&ft.lTimeAcquired)) ;
	_fstrcat (lpszTemp, (LPSTR)ctime(&ft.lTimeExpires)) ;
	_fstrcat (lpszTemp, (LPSTR)"\t") ;
	_fstrcat (lpszTemp, lpFt->szNetID) ;
	// remove '\n' from ctime output
	if ((lp1 = _fstrchr(lpszTemp, '\n')) != NULL)
		*lp1 = ' ' ;
		lp1++ ;
		if ((lp1 = _fstrchr(lpszTemp, '\n')) != NULL)			
			*lp1 = ' ' ;
	SendMessage (hListBox, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)(LPCSTR)lpszTemp) ;	
	return (0) ;
コード例 #2
ファイル: tpaint.c プロジェクト: mingpen/OpenNT
/* change all cr/lf chars in input text to spaces */
void gtab_delcr(LPSTR ptext)
	LPSTR chp;

	if (ptext == NULL) {
	for(chp = ptext; (chp = _fstrchr(chp, '\r')) != NULL; ) {
		*chp = ' ';
	for(chp = ptext; (chp = _fstrchr(chp, '\n')) != NULL; ) {
		*chp = ' ';
コード例 #3
ファイル: scanner.c プロジェクト: mingpen/OpenNT
// LoadIncludeFile
// This function uses the callback loader to load in a new file, into a new
// FILEINFO structure in lpFI.  Scanning/parsing then resumes from this newly
// loaded include file.
// RETURNS:     Nothing
VOID NEAR LoadIncludeFile ()
    LPSTR   tok, newfile;

    // If there's no room for another include file, tell the user so...
    if ((CUR_FILE.nDepth == MAXINC) || (nFileAvail == MAXSF))
        ScanError (SCN_INCDEEP);

    // Get the script file name.  We just get the next token (which had best
    // be the opening ' mark), and then null-terminate the file name at the
    // closing ' mark (which had best be there).
    if (curtok[0] != '\'')
        ScanError (SCN_INCERR);
    newfile = szLine + idx;
    tok = _fstrchr (newfile, '\'');
    if (!tok)
        ScanError (SCN_INCERR);
    *tok = 0;
    iEnd = idx + _fstrlen (newfile) + 1;

    // Ask the callback loader to load the file we need and give us a pointer
    // to it
    AVAIL_FILE.lpText = CBLoader (newfile, CUR_FILE.nDepth + 1, nFileAvail,
                                  TRUE, AVAIL_FILE.szName);
    if (!AVAIL_FILE.lpText)
        ScanError (SCN_INCFILE);

    // The file is loaded.  Finish the initialization of this FI entry, and
    // the scanner is ready to start taking its input from the new file.
    AVAIL_FILE.nLineNo = 0;
    AVAIL_FILE.pIfStack = pIfStack;
    AVAIL_FILE.nParent = nFileIdx;
    AVAIL_FILE.nDepth = CUR_FILE.nDepth + 1;
    AVAIL_FILE.fLoaded = TRUE;
    nFileIdx = nFileAvail++;
    lpCurFI = (lpFI + nFileIdx);
コード例 #4
ファイル: strtest.c プロジェクト: Ukusbobra/open-watcom-v2
void TestSearchF( void )
    char            buf[] = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.";
    char __far      *ptr;

    ptr = _fstrchr( buf, '!' );                 /* try to find a '!' */
    VERIFY( ptr == NULL );

    ptr = _fstrchr( buf, 0x00 );                /* try to find the NULL */
    VERIFY( ptr == buf+strlen(buf) );

    ptr = _fstrchr( buf, 'k' );                 /* try to find a 'k' */
    VERIFY( ptr == buf+8 );

    ptr = _fstrrchr( buf, '!' );                /* try to find a '!' */
    VERIFY( ptr == NULL );

    ptr = _fstrrchr( buf, 0x00 );               /* try to find the NULL */
    VERIFY( ptr == buf+strlen(buf) );

    ptr = _fstrrchr( buf, 'k' );                /* try to find a 'k' */
    VERIFY( ptr == buf+8 );
コード例 #5
ファイル: tpaint.c プロジェクト: mingpen/OpenNT
gtab_paintcell(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, lpTable ptab, int line, int cell)
	lpLineData pline;
	lpCellData cd;
	lpCellPos ppos;
	RECT rc, rcbox;
	int cx, x, y, tabwidth;
	UINT align;
	LPSTR chp, tabp;
	DWORD fcol, bkcol;
	HFONT hfont;
	HBRUSH hbr;

        fcol = 0; bkcol = 0; /* eliminate spurious diagnostic, generate worse code */
        hfont = 0;           /* eliminate spurious diagnostic, generate worse code */
	/* init pointers to cell text and properties */
	pline = &ptab->pdata[line];
	cd = &pline->pdata[cell];
	ppos = &ptab->pcellpos[cell];

	/* clip all output to this rectangle */
	rc.top = pline->linepos.clipstart;
	rc.bottom = pline->linepos.clipend;
	rc.left = ppos->clipstart;
	rc.right = ppos->clipend;

	/* check cell properties and colours */
	if (cd->props.valid & P_ALIGN) {
		align = cd->props.alignment;
	} else {
		align = P_LEFT;
	if (cd->props.valid & P_FONT) {
		hfont = SelectObject(hdc, cd->props.hFont);
		GetTextMetrics(hdc, &tm);
		tabwidth = tm.tmAveCharWidth * ptab->tabchars;
	} else {
		tabwidth = ptab->avewidth * ptab->tabchars;

	/* set colours if not default */
	if (cd->props.valid & P_FCOLOUR) {
		fcol = SetTextColor(hdc, cd->props.forecolour);
	if (cd->props.valid & P_BCOLOUR) {
		/* there is a non-default background colour.
		 * create a brush and fill the entire cell with it
		hbr = CreateSolidBrush(cd->props.backcolour);
		FillRect(hdc, &rc, hbr);

		/* also set colour as background colour for the text */
		bkcol = SetBkColor(hdc, cd->props.backcolour);

	/* calc offset of text within cell for right-align or centering */
	if (align == P_LEFT) {
		cx = ptab->avewidth/2;
	} else {
		if (cd->ptext == NULL) {
			cx = 0;
		} else {
			cx = LOWORD(GetTextExtent(hdc, cd->ptext,
		if (align == P_CENTRE) {
			cx = (ppos->size - cx) / 2;
		} else {
			cx = ppos->size - cx - (ptab->avewidth/2);
	cx += ppos->start;

	/* expand tabs on output */
	x = 0;
	y = pline->linepos.start;

	for (chp = cd->ptext;
	    ((chp != NULL) && ((tabp = _fstrchr(chp, '\t')) != NULL)); ) {
		/* perform output upto tab char */
		ExtTextOut(hdc, x+cx, y, ETO_CLIPPED, &rc, chp, tabp-chp, NULL);
		/* advance past the tab */
		x += LOWORD(GetTextExtent(hdc, chp, tabp - chp));
		x = ( (x + tabwidth) / tabwidth) * tabwidth;
		chp = ++tabp;

	/*no more tabs - output rest of string */
	if (chp != NULL) {
		ExtTextOut(hdc, x+cx, y, ETO_CLIPPED, &rc,
				chp, lstrlen(chp), NULL);

	/* reset colours to original if not default */
	if (cd->props.valid & P_FCOLOUR) {
		SetTextColor(hdc, fcol);
	if (cd->props.valid & P_BCOLOUR) {
		SetBkColor(hdc, bkcol);
	if (cd->props.valid & P_FONT) {
		SelectObject(hdc, hfont);

	/* now box cell if marked */
	if (cd->props.valid & P_BOX) {
		if (cd->props.box != 0) {
			rcbox.top = pline->linepos.start;
			rcbox.bottom = rcbox.top + pline->linepos.size;
			rcbox.left = ppos->start;
			rcbox.right = ppos->start + ppos->size;
			gtab_boxcell(hwnd, hdc, &rcbox, &rc, cd->props.box);
コード例 #6
ファイル: slmmgr.c プロジェクト: mingpen/OpenNT
 * create a slm object for the given directory. The pathname may include
 * a filename component.
 * If the directory is not enlisted in a SLM library, this will return NULL.
 * Check that the directory is valid, and that we can open slm.ini, and
 * build a UNC path to the master source library before declaring everything
 * valid.
SLM_New(LPSTR pathname)
    SLMOBJECT pslm;
    char slmpath[MAX_PATH];
    HFILE fh;
    BOOL bOK;
    LPSTR pfinal = NULL;

    pslm = (SLMOBJECT) gmem_get(hHeap, sizeof(struct _slmobject));

    if (pslm == NULL) {

    if (pathname == NULL) {
	pathname = ".";

     * find the directory portion of the path.
    if (dir_isvaliddir(pathname)) {

	 * its a valid directory as it is.
	lstrcpy(pslm->CurDir, pathname);

    } else {

	/* it's not a valid directory, perhaps because it has a filename on
	 * the end. remove the final element and try again.

	pfinal = _fstrrchr(pathname, '\\');
	if (pfinal == NULL) {
	     * there is no backslash in this name and it is not a directory
	     * - it can only be valid if it is a file in the current dir.
	     * so create a current dir of '.'
	    lstrcpy(pslm->CurDir, ".");

	    // remember the final element in case it was a wild card
	    pfinal = pathname;
	} else {
	     * pfinal points to the final backslash.
	    _fstrncpy(pslm->CurDir, pathname, pfinal - pathname);

     * look for slm.ini in the specified directory
    lstrcpy(slmpath, pslm->CurDir);
    if (pslm->CurDir[lstrlen(pslm->CurDir) -1] != '\\') {
	lstrcat(slmpath, "\\");
    lstrcat(slmpath, "slm.ini");

    fh = _lopen(slmpath, 0);
    if (fh != -1) {
	bOK = SLM_ReadIni(pslm, fh);

	 * if pfinal is not null, then it might be a *.* wildcard pattern
	 * at the end of the path - if so, we should append it to the masterpath.
	if (pfinal && (_fstrchr(pfinal, '*') || _fstrchr(pfinal, '?'))) {
    	    if ( (pslm->MasterPath[lstrlen(pslm->MasterPath)-1] != '\\') &&
		 (pfinal[0] != '\\')) {
		     lstrcat(pslm->MasterPath, "\\");
	    lstrcat(pslm->MasterPath, pfinal);

    } else {

    if (!bOK) {
	gmem_free(hHeap, (LPSTR) pslm, sizeof(struct _slmobject));
    } else {