コード例 #1
ファイル: channel.cpp プロジェクト: BillTheBest/Equalizer
void Channel::frameDraw( const eq::uint128_t& frameID )
    if( stopRendering( ))

    if( _isDone( ))

    Window* window = static_cast< Window* >( getWindow( ));
    VertexBufferState& state = window->getState();
    const Model* oldModel = _model;
    const Model* model = _getModel();

    if( oldModel != model )
        state.setFrustumCulling( false ); // create all display lists/VBOs

    if( model )
        _updateNearFar( model->getBoundingSphere( ));

    eq::Channel::frameDraw( frameID ); // Setup OpenGL state

    glLightfv( GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, lightPosition );
    glLightfv( GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT,  lightAmbient  );
    glLightfv( GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE,  lightDiffuse  );
    glLightfv( GL_LIGHT0, GL_SPECULAR, lightSpecular );

    glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT,   materialAmbient );
    glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE,   materialDiffuse );
    glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR,  materialSpecular );
    glMateriali(  GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, materialShininess );

    const FrameData& frameData = _getFrameData();
    glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,
                   frameData.useWireframe() ? GL_LINE : GL_FILL );

    const eq::Vector3f& position = frameData.getCameraPosition();

    glMultMatrixf( frameData.getCameraRotation().array );
    glTranslatef( position.x(), position.y(), position.z() );
    glMultMatrixf( frameData.getModelRotation().array );

    if( frameData.getColorMode() == COLOR_DEMO )
        const eq::Vector3ub color = getUniqueColor();
        glColor3ub( color.r(), color.g(), color.b() );
        glColor3f( .75f, .75f, .75f );

    if( model )
        _drawModel( model );
        glNormal3f( 0.f, -1.f, 0.f );
        glBegin( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP );
            glVertex3f(  .25f, 0.f,  .25f );
            glVertex3f( -.25f, 0.f,  .25f );
            glVertex3f(  .25f, 0.f, -.25f );
            glVertex3f( -.25f, 0.f, -.25f );

    state.setFrustumCulling( true );
    Accum& accum = _accum[ lunchbox::getIndexOfLastBit( getEye()) ];
    accum.stepsDone = LB_MAX( accum.stepsDone,
                              getSubPixel().size * getPeriod( ));
    accum.transfer = true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: channel.cpp プロジェクト: cstalder/Equalizer
bool Channel::useOrtho() const
    const FrameData& frameData = _getFrameData();
    return frameData.useOrtho();
コード例 #3
ファイル: channel.cpp プロジェクト: cstalder/Equalizer
void Channel::_drawHelp()
    const FrameData& frameData = _getFrameData();
    std::string message = frameData.getMessage();

    if( !frameData.showHelp() && message.empty( ))


    glDisable( GL_LIGHTING );
    glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );

    glColor3f( 1.f, 1.f, 1.f );

    if( frameData.showHelp( ))
        const eq::Window::Font* font = getWindow()->getSmallFont();
        std::string help = EVolve::getHelp();
        float y = 340.f;

        for( size_t pos = help.find( '\n' ); pos != std::string::npos;
             pos = help.find( '\n' ))
            glRasterPos3f( 10.f, y, 0.99f );

            font->draw( help.substr( 0, pos ));
            help = help.substr( pos + 1 );
            y -= 16.f;
        // last line
        glRasterPos3f( 10.f, y, 0.99f );
        font->draw( help );

    if( !message.empty( ))
        const eq::Window::Font* font = getWindow()->getMediumFont();

        const eq::Viewport& vp = getViewport();
        const eq::PixelViewport& pvp = getPixelViewport();

        const float width = pvp.w / vp.w;
        const float xOffset = vp.x * width;

        const float height = pvp.h / vp.h;
        const float yOffset = vp.y * height;
        const float yMiddle = 0.5f * height;
        float y = yMiddle - yOffset;

        for( size_t pos = message.find( '\n' ); pos != std::string::npos;
             pos = message.find( '\n' ))
            glRasterPos3f( 10.f - xOffset, y, 0.99f );
            font->draw( message.substr( 0, pos ));
            message = message.substr( pos + 1 );
            y -= 22.f;
        // last line
        glRasterPos3f( 10.f - xOffset, y, 0.99f );
        font->draw( message );

    EQ_GL_CALL( resetAssemblyState( ));
コード例 #4
void Channel::_drawHelp()
    const FrameData& frameData = _getFrameData();
    std::string message = frameData.getMessage();

    if( !frameData.showHelp() && message.empty( ))


    if( frameData.showHelp( ))
        const eq::util::BitmapFont* font = getWindow()->getSmallFont();
        std::string help = EVolve::getHelp();
        float y = 340.f;

        for( size_t pos = help.find( '\n' ); pos != std::string::npos;
             pos = help.find( '\n' ))
            glRasterPos3f( 10.f, y, 0.99f );

            font->draw( help.substr( 0, pos ));
            help = help.substr( pos + 1 );
            y -= 16.f;
        // last line
        glRasterPos3f( 10.f, y, 0.99f );
        font->draw( help );

    if( !message.empty( ))
        const eq::util::BitmapFont* font = getWindow()->getMediumFont();

        const eq::Viewport& vp = getViewport();
        const eq::PixelViewport& pvp = getPixelViewport();

        const float width = pvp.w / vp.w;
        const float xOffset = vp.x * width;

        const float height = pvp.h / vp.h;
        const float yOffset = vp.y * height;
        const float yMiddle = 0.5f * height;
        float y = yMiddle - yOffset;

        for( size_t pos = message.find( '\n' ); pos != std::string::npos;
             pos = message.find( '\n' ))
            glRasterPos3f( 10.f - xOffset, y, 0.99f );

            font->draw( message.substr( 0, pos ));
            message = message.substr( pos + 1 );
            y -= 22.f;
        // last line
        glRasterPos3f( 10.f - xOffset, y, 0.99f );
        font->draw( message );

コード例 #5
ファイル: titlebar.c プロジェクト: OS2World/UTIL-WPS-Styler_2
MRESULT EXPENTRY stlrTitleBarProc(HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2) {
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
    window creation :
    store the handle of the owner window, the initial titlebar size,
    convert the title substituting \r\n with 1 space, update the titlebar
   ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   if (msg == WM_CREATE) {
      // if this is a global exception window, if the window ID is not
      // FID_TITLEBAR or if the owner window is not a frame, go to the
      // default system titlebar procedure
      if (!pd.ppib
          || (((PCREATESTRUCT)mp2)->id != FID_TITLEBAR)
          || !_isFrameWindow(((PCREATESTRUCT)mp2)->hwndOwner))
         goto defaultTitlebarProcedure;
      // get the frame data
      p = (PSTLRFRAME)WinQueryWindowPtr(((PCREATESTRUCT)mp2)->hwndOwner,
//      /*-*/ dbgPrintf5("*** pd.ppib:%08x, id: %04x, isOwnerFrame: %d, p: %08x\n",
//                       pd.ppib, ((PCREATESTRUCT)mp2)->id,
//                       _isFrameWindow(((PCREATESTRUCT)mp2)->hwndOwner), p);
      // if the frame window is a win32frame initialize the frame data now
      if (!p
          || ((p == FL_WIN32FRAME)
              && (NULL
                  == (p = _initWin32Frame(((PCREATESTRUCT)mp2)->hwndOwner)))))
         goto defaultTitlebarProcedure;
      // memorizza handle frame window
      WinSetWindowPtr(hwnd, g.cd.tbar.cbData, p);
      p->hTBar = hwnd;
      if (((PCREATESTRUCT)mp2)->pszText)
         p->cchTxt = psznconvcpy(p->achTxt, ((PCREATESTRUCT)mp2)->pszText, 260);
      p->wrclTitle.x = ((PCREATESTRUCT)mp2)->x;
      p->wrclTitle.y = ((PCREATESTRUCT)mp2)->y;
      p->wrclTitle.cx = ((PCREATESTRUCT)mp2)->cx;
      p->wrclTitle.cy = ((PCREATESTRUCT)mp2)->cy;
      // cambia font secondo preferenze
      if (o.tb.on && !(o.gen.disabled || pd.we.tbar))
         _setPPFont(hwnd, o.tb.achFont);

   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
    hiliting/unhiliting of the titlebar :
    store the handle of the owner window, the initial titlebar size,
    convert the title substituting \r\n with 1 space, update the titlebar
   ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   } else if (msg == TBM_SETHILITE) {
      if (_getFrameData(hwnd, p)) {
         p->is.tbhilited = (BOOL)mp1;
         if (!o.gen.disabled && o.tb.on && !pd.we.tbar) {
            if (o.tb.ovrPP
                || (p->is.tbhilited && !p->is.tbactpp)
                || !(p->is.tbhilited || p->is.tbictpp)) {
               if (WinIsWindowShowing(hwnd)) {
                  p->hps = WinGetPS(hwnd);
               } /* endif */
               return (MRESULT)TRUE;
            // Š solo apparentemente ridondante, in realt… Š necessario quando
            // non Š ovrPP ed Š presente solo PP att. o inatt.
            } else if (!(p->is.tbactpp && p->is.tbictpp)) {
            } /* endif */
         } /* endif */
      } /* endif */

   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
    titlebar font/color changed
    - if the font changed repaint the window
    - if any color changed reset the presparm presence flag
   ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   } else if (msg == WM_PRESPARAMCHANGED) {
      if (!pd.we.tbar && _getFrameData(hwnd, p)) {
         ULONG ul;
         switch ((LONG)mp1) {
            case PP_FONTNAMESIZE:
               p->cyfont = 0;
               if (o.gen.disabled) break;
               if (WinIsWindowShowing(hwnd)) repaintWindow(hwnd);
               return (MRESULT)FALSE;
            case PP_ACTIVECOLOR:
            case PP_ACTIVECOLORINDEX:
               p->is.tbactpp = _getPPColor(hwnd, (ULONG)mp1, &ul) != 0;
            case PP_INACTIVECOLOR:
               p->is.tbictpp = _getPPColor(hwnd, (ULONG)mp1, &ul) != 0;
         } /* endswitch */
      } /* endif */

   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
    the titlebar text changed. If this is a Win-OS/2 window set the
    window words to 0 so that the enhancements are skipped, otherwise
    store the new text.
   ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   } else if (msg == WM_SETWINDOWPARAMS) {
      if (!pd.we.tbar && _getFrameData(hwnd, p)) {
         // unsubclass winOS2 windows titlebars
         if (p->is.winos2) {
//            WinSetWindowULong(hwnd, g.cd.tbar.cbData, 0);
         } else {
            if ((PWNDPARAMS)mp1 &&
                (((PWNDPARAMS)mp1)->fsStatus & WPM_TEXT) &&
                ((PWNDPARAMS)mp1)->pszText) {
               p->cchTxt = psznconvcpy(p->achTxt, ((PWNDPARAMS)mp1)->pszText, 260);
               p->cyfont = 0;
            } /* endif */
         } /* endif */
      } /* endif */

   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
    titlebar size/position changed : store new size and position
   ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   } else if (msg == WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED) {
      if ((((PSWP)mp1)->fl & (SWP_SIZE | SWP_MOVE))
          && _getFrameData(hwnd, p)) {
         p->wrclTitle.x = ((PSWP)mp1)->x;
         p->wrclTitle.y = ((PSWP)mp1)->y;
         p->wrclTitle.cx = ((PSWP)mp1)->cx;
         p->wrclTitle.cy = ((PSWP)mp1)->cy;
      } /* endif */

// **************************************************************************
// these messages are processed only if Styler/2 is not disabled:

   } else if (!o.gen.disabled) {

   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
    check if this is the roll-the-window mouse event :
   ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
      if ((msg == o.roll.moumsg) && (SHORT2FROMMP(mp2) == o.roll.moukbd)) {
         if (!pd.we.wroll
             && o.roll.mou
             && _getFrameData(hwnd, p)
             && !p->is.win32
             && (o.roll.on || p->is.RLon)) {
            toggleRollCmd(p->hwnd, p);
            return (MRESULT)TRUE;
         } /* endif */

   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
    check if this is the hide-titlebar mouse event :
   ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
      } else if ((msg == o.tbh.moumsg) && (SHORT2FROMMP(mp2) == o.tbh.moukbd)) {
         if (!pd.we.tbarhide
             && o.tbh.mou
             && _getFrameData(hwnd, p)
             && !p->is.win32
      // opzione titlehide attiva e non dialogo o disattivazione titlehide
             && ((o.tbh.on && !(p->is.dialog && o.tbh.noDlg)) || p->is.titleHide)) {
            toggleTitleBarHidingCmd(p->hwnd, p);
            return (MRESULT)TRUE;
         } /* endif */

   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
    check if this is the change-Zorder mouse event :
   ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
      } else if ((msg == o.sizpos.ZordMoumsg)
                 && (SHORT2FROMMP(mp2) == o.sizpos.ZordMoukbd)) {
         if (!pd.we.sizemove
             && o.sizpos.Zmove
             && _getFrameData(hwnd, p)) {
            _stlrMsgPost(p->hwnd, STLR_ZORDACTIV, SW2_SFMOVETOBOTTOM);
            return (MRESULT)TRUE;
         } /* endif */

   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
    check if this is the snap-to-screen-edge mouse event :
   ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
      } else if ((msg == o.sizpos.snapMoumsg)
                 && (SHORT2FROMMP(mp2) == o.sizpos.snapMoukbd)) {
         if (!pd.we.sizemove
             && o.sizpos.snap
             && _getFrameData(hwnd, p)) {
            // get the rectangle of the window and of its parent
            RECTL r, rParent;
            WinQueryWindowRect(p->hwnd, &r);
            WinQueryWindowRect(_winParent(p->hwnd), &rParent);
            // click on the left side of the titlebar
            if (MOUSEX(mp1) < (p->wrclTitle.cx / 3)) {
               r.xLeft = -p->ptBrd.x;
            // click on the right side of the titlebar
            } else if (MOUSEX(mp1) > (p->wrclTitle.cx * 2 / 3)) {
               r.xLeft = rParent.xRight - r.xRight + p->ptBrd.x;
            // click on the (horizontal) middle of the titlebar
            } else {
               r.xLeft = (rParent.xRight - r.xRight) / 2;
            } /* endif */
            // click on the bottom of the titlebar
            if (MOUSEY(mp1) < (g.sys.cyTbar / 3)) {
               r.yBottom = -p->ptBrd.y;
            // click on the top of the titlebar
            } else if (MOUSEY(mp1) > (g.sys.cyTbar * 2 / 3)) {
               r.yBottom = rParent.yTop - r.yTop + p->ptBrd.y;
            // click on the (vertical) middle of the titlebar
            } else {
               r.yBottom = (rParent.yTop - r.yTop) / 2;
            } /* endif */
            WinSetWindowPos(p->hwnd, 0, r.xLeft, r.yBottom, 0, 0,
                            SWP_MOVE | SWP_NOADJUST);
         } /* endif */

   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
    enhanced window painting
   ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
      } else if (msg == WM_PAINT) {
         if (!pd.we.tbar
             && o.tb.on
             && _getFrameData(hwnd, p)
             && (o.tb.ovrPP || (p->is.tbhilited && !p->is.tbactpp)
                 || !(p->is.tbhilited || p->is.tbictpp))) {
            p->hps = WinBeginPaint(hwnd, NULLHANDLE, NULL);
            return (MRESULT)FALSE;
         } /* endif */

   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
    override the default window tracking :
   ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
      } else if ((msg == WM_BUTTON1DOWN) || (msg == WM_BUTTON2DOWN)) {
         if (_getFrameData(hwnd, p)) {
            // override window motion by titlebar drag :
            // store the current mouse position (mp1)
            // the window motion will start only when the mouse will move
            g.tbdrag.mpPos = mp1;
            // if the window is not already moving store which mouse button
            // has to be released to stop the titlebar drag
            if (!g.tbdrag.hwnd) g.tbdrag.msg = ++msg;
            // store the handle of the titlebar (mouse motion events are not
            // processed when this is NULLHANDLE)
            g.tbdrag.hwnd = hwnd;
            // cattura i msg successivi del mouse
            WinSetCapture(HWND_DESKTOP, hwnd);
            return (MRESULT)TRUE;
         } /* endif */

   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
    terminate window motion through titlebar drag events :
   ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
      } else if ((msg == WM_BUTTON1UP) || (msg == WM_BUTTON2UP)) {
         if ((g.tbdrag.hwnd == hwnd)
              && (g.tbdrag.msg == msg)
              && _getFrameData(hwnd, p)) {
            HWND hwndParent;
            WinSetCapture(HWND_DESKTOP, NULLHANDLE);
            g.tbdrag.msg = 0;
            g.tbdrag.hwnd = NULLHANDLE;
            // if the Ctrl key is not pressed and the window is not yet active
            // end the window is a size-move feature exception or the event
            // is not related to the Z-order motion feature or the snap-to-
            // parent-edge feature activate the window bringing it to the top
            if (!(SHORT2FROMMP(mp2) & KC_CTRL)
                && (g.hwnd.active != p->hwnd)
                && (pd.we.sizemove
                    || (!(o.sizpos.Zmove
                          && (msg == (o.sizpos.ZordMoumsg - 0x3a1))
                          && (SHORT2FROMMP(mp2) == o.sizpos.ZordMoukbd))
                        && (!(o.sizpos.snap
                          && (msg == (o.sizpos.snapMoumsg - 0x3a1))
                          && (SHORT2FROMMP(mp2) == o.sizpos.snapMoukbd))))))
               WinSetWindowPos(p->hwnd, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                               SWP_ACTIVATE | SWP_ZORDER);
         } /* endif */

   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
    open the system menu on the titlebar :
   ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
      } else if (msg == WM_CONTEXTMENU) {
         if (!pd.we.tbar
             && o.tb.menu
             && _getFrameData(hwnd, p)) {
            // if this is the titlebar of a WPS folder simulate a context
            // menu event on the client window
            if (p->is.folder) {
               p->hClient = WinWindowFromID(p->hwnd, FID_CLIENT);
               WinPostMsg(p->hClient, WM_CONTEXTMENU,
                          (MPARAM)0x7fff7fff, MPVOID);
            // otherwise get the handle of the system menu and bring it to
            // the top via WinPopupMenu()
            } else if (p->hSMenu) {
               POINTL ptl;
               WinQueryPointerPos(g.hwnd.desktop, &ptl);
               g.cd.menu.pfnwp(p->hSMenu, MM_QUERYITEM,
                               (MPARAM)SC_SYSMENU, MPFROMP(&p->mi));
               g.hwnd.sysMenu = p->mi.hwndSubMenu;
               WinPopupMenu(g.hwnd.desktop, p->hSMenu, g.hwnd.sysMenu,
                            ptl.x, ptl.y, 0, PU_HCONSTRAIN | PU_VCONSTRAIN |
                            PU_NONE | PU_KEYBOARD | PU_MOUSEBUTTON1);
            } /* endif */
         } /* endif */
         return (MRESULT)TRUE;

   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
    trap WM_MOUSEMOVE to implement various features :
    - do not move maximized windows
   ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
      } else if (msg == WM_MOUSEMOVE) {
         // if mouse button 1 or 2 were pressed and then the mouse position
         // changed
         if ((g.tbdrag.hwnd == hwnd)
             && (g.tbdrag.mpPos != mp1)
             && _getFrameData(hwnd, p)) {
            WinSetCapture(HWND_DESKTOP, NULLHANDLE);
            g.tbdrag.hwnd = NULLHANDLE;
            g.tbdrag.msg = 0;
            // if this is a maximized window and the don't-move-max-window
            // feature is set ignore the event
            if (o.maxwin.nomove
                && p->is.max
                && !(pd.we.maxwin || p->is.shield || p->is.ovrdnomovemax))
               return (MRESULT)TRUE;
            WinSendMsg(p->hwnd, WM_TRACKFRAME, (MPARAM)TF_MOVE, g.tbdrag.mpPos);
            // ???????????????????????????????
            // this is needed because the next WM_BUTTONxUP is captured by
            // the WM_TRACKFRAME processing
//            if (!(SHORT2FROMMP(mp2) & KC_CTRL))
//               WinSetWindowPos(p->hwnd, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_ACTIVATE | SWP_ZORDER);
            return (MRESULT)TRUE;
         } else if (g.is.onctrl != OCTLTBAR) {
            g.is.onctrl = OCTLTBAR;
            // ??????????????? this should be redundant
//            _resetHideMouTimer();
         } /* endif */
      } /* endif */
   // -------------------------------------------------------------------
   } /* endif */

   return g.cd.tbar.pfnwp(hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2);
コード例 #6
ファイル: channel.cpp プロジェクト: aoighost/Equalizer
void Channel::_drawHelp()
    const FrameData& frameData = _getFrameData();
    std::string message = frameData.getMessage();

    if( !frameData.showHelp() && message.empty( ))


    glLogicOp( GL_XOR );
    glEnable( GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP );
    glDisable( GL_LIGHTING );
    glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );

    glColor3f( 1.f, 1.f, 1.f );

    const eq::PixelViewport& pvp = getPixelViewport();
    const eq::Viewport& vp = getViewport();
    const float height = pvp.h / vp.h;

    if( !message.empty( ))
        const eq::Window::Font* font = getWindow()->getMediumFont();

        const float width = pvp.w / vp.w;
        const float xOffset = vp.x * width;

        const float yOffset = vp.y * height;
        const float yPos = 0.618f * height;
        float y = yPos - yOffset;

        for( size_t pos = message.find( '\n' ); pos != std::string::npos;
             pos = message.find( '\n' ))
            glRasterPos3f( 10.f - xOffset, y, 0.99f );
            font->draw( message.substr( 0, pos ));
            message = message.substr( pos + 1 );
            y -= 22.f;
        // last line
        glRasterPos3f( 10.f - xOffset, y, 0.99f );
        font->draw( message );

    glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
    glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );

    if( frameData.showHelp( ))
        const eq::Window::Font* font = getWindow()->getSmallFont();
        std::string help = EqPly::getHelp();
        float y = height - 16.f;

        for( size_t pos = help.find( '\n' ); pos != std::string::npos;
             pos = help.find( '\n' ))
            glRasterPos3f( 10.f, y, 0.99f );
            font->draw( help.substr( 0, pos ));
            help = help.substr( pos + 1 );
            y -= 16.f;
        // last line
        glRasterPos3f( 10.f, y, 0.99f );
        font->draw( help );

コード例 #7
ファイル: channel.cpp プロジェクト: aoighost/Equalizer
void Channel::_drawModel( const Model* scene )
    Window* window = static_cast< Window* >( getWindow( ));
    VertexBufferState& state = window->getState();
    const FrameData& frameData = _getFrameData();

    if( frameData.getColorMode() == COLOR_MODEL && scene->hasColors( ))
        state.setColors( true );
        state.setColors( false );
    state.setChannel( this );

    // Compute cull matrix
    const eq::Matrix4f& rotation = frameData.getCameraRotation();
    const eq::Matrix4f& modelRotation = frameData.getModelRotation();
    eq::Matrix4f position = eq::Matrix4f::IDENTITY;
    position.set_translation( frameData.getCameraPosition());

    const eq::Frustumf& frustum = getFrustum();
    const eq::Matrix4f projection = useOrtho() ? frustum.compute_ortho_matrix():
    const eq::Matrix4f& view = getHeadTransform();
    const eq::Matrix4f model = rotation * position * modelRotation;

    state.setProjectionModelViewMatrix( projection * view * model );
    state.setRange( &getRange().start);

    const eq::Pipe* pipe = getPipe();
    const GLuint program = state.getProgram( pipe );
    if( program != VertexBufferState::INVALID )
        glUseProgram( program );
    scene->cullDraw( state );

    state.setChannel( 0 );
    if( program != VertexBufferState::INVALID )
        glUseProgram( 0 );

    const InitData& initData =
        static_cast<Config*>( getConfig( ))->getInitData();
    if( !initData.useROI( ))
        declareRegion( getPixelViewport( ));

#ifndef NDEBUG // region border
    const eq::PixelViewport& pvp = getPixelViewport();
    const eq::PixelViewport& region = getRegion();

    glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
    glOrtho( 0.f, pvp.w, 0.f, pvp.h, -1.f, 1.f );
    glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );

    const eq::View* currentView = getView();
    if( currentView && frameData.getCurrentViewID() == currentView->getID( ))
        glColor3f( 0.f, 0.f, 0.f );
        glColor3f( 1.f, 1.f, 1.f );
    glNormal3f( 0.f, 0.f, 1.f );

    const eq::Vector4f rect( float( region.x ) + .5f, float( region.y ) + .5f,
                             float( region.getXEnd( )) - .5f,
                             float( region.getYEnd( )) - .5f );
    glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP ); {
        glVertex3f( rect[0], rect[1], -.99f );
        glVertex3f( rect[2], rect[1], -.99f );
        glVertex3f( rect[2], rect[3], -.99f );
        glVertex3f( rect[0], rect[3], -.99f );
    } glEnd();
コード例 #8
ファイル: channel.cpp プロジェクト: aoighost/Equalizer
void Channel::frameViewFinish( const eq::uint128_t& frameID )
    if( stopRendering( ))


    const FrameData& frameData = _getFrameData();
    Accum& accum = _accum[ lunchbox::getIndexOfLastBit( getEye()) ];

    if( accum.buffer )
        const eq::PixelViewport& pvp = getPixelViewport();
        const bool isResized = accum.buffer->resize( pvp.w, pvp.h );

        if( isResized )
            const View* view = static_cast< const View* >( getView( ));
            accum.step = view->getIdleSteps();
            accum.stepsDone = 0;
        else if( frameData.isIdle( ))

            if( !_isDone() && accum.transfer )



    if( frameData.useStatistics())

    ConfigEvent event;
    event.data.originator = getID();
    event.data.type = ConfigEvent::IDLE_AA_LEFT;

    if( frameData.isIdle( ))
        event.steps = 0;
        for( size_t i = 0; i < eq::NUM_EYES; ++i )
            event.steps = LB_MAX( event.steps, _accum[i].step );
        const View* view = static_cast< const View* >( getView( ));
        event.steps = view ? view->getIdleSteps() : 0;

    // if _jitterStep == 0 and no user redraw event happened, the app will exit
    // FSAA idle mode and block on the next redraw event.
    eq::Config* config = getConfig();
    config->sendEvent( event );