void SkaarhojSerialClient::runLoop(uint16_t delayTime) { unsigned long enterTime = millis(); do { _runSubLoop(); if (_HardSerial.available()) { _readFromClient(); } // Requesting status of the device: if (_statusRequestInterval>0 && !_pendingAnswer && hasTimedOut(_lastStatusRequest,_statusRequestInterval)) { if (_serialOutput>1) Serial.println(F("Pulling status.")); _lastStatusRequest = millis(); _sendStatus(); } // Send a ping / reconnect: if (_ackMsgInterval>0 && !_pendingAnswer && hasTimedOut(_lastIncomingMsg,_ackMsgInterval)) { if (_serialOutput>1) Serial.println(F("Sending Ping.")); _lastReconnectAttempt = millis(); _pendingAnswer = true; _sendPing(); } // Trying to connect, if not: if (!isConnected()) { if (_reconnectInterval>0 && hasTimedOut(_lastReconnectAttempt,_reconnectInterval)) { connect(); } } else { if (_ackMsgInterval>0 && hasTimedOut(_lastIncomingMsg,_ackMsgInterval+2000)) { if (_serialOutput) Serial.println(F("Disconnected.")); _isConnected = false; } } } while (delayTime>0 && !hasTimedOut(enterTime,delayTime)); }
bool gatewayTransportSend(MyMessage &message) { bool ret = true; char *_ethernetMsg = protocolFormat(message); setIndication(INDICATION_GW_TX); _w5100_spi_en(true); #if defined(MY_CONTROLLER_IP_ADDRESS) #if defined(MY_USE_UDP) _ethernetServer.beginPacket(_ethernetControllerIP, MY_PORT); _ethernetServer.write(_ethernetMsg, strlen(_ethernetMsg)); // returns 1 if the packet was sent successfully ret = _ethernetServer.endPacket(); #else EthernetClient client; #if defined(MY_CONTROLLER_URL_ADDRESS) if (client.connected() || client.connect(MY_CONTROLLER_URL_ADDRESS, MY_PORT)) { #else if (client.connected() || client.connect(_ethernetControllerIP, MY_PORT)) { #endif client.write(_ethernetMsg, strlen(_ethernetMsg)); } else { // connecting to the server failed! ret = false; } #endif #else // Send message to connected clients #if defined(MY_GATEWAY_ESP8266) for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(clients); i++) { if (clients[i] && clients[i].connected()) { clients[i].write((uint8_t*)_ethernetMsg, strlen(_ethernetMsg)); } } #else _ethernetServer.write(_ethernetMsg); #endif #endif _w5100_spi_en(false); return ret; } #if defined(MY_GATEWAY_ESP8266) bool _readFromClient(uint8_t i) { while (clients[i].connected() && clients[i].available()) { char inChar = clients[i].read(); if (inputString[i].idx < MY_GATEWAY_MAX_RECEIVE_LENGTH - 1) { // if newline then command is complete if (inChar == '\n' || inChar == '\r') { // Add string terminator and prepare for the next message inputString[i].string[inputString[i].idx] = 0; debug(PSTR("Client %d: %s\n"), i, inputString[i].string); inputString[i].idx = 0; if (protocolParse(_ethernetMsg, inputString[i].string)) { return true; } } else { // add it to the inputString: inputString[i].string[inputString[i].idx++] = inChar; } } else { // Incoming message too long. Throw away debug(PSTR("Client %d: Message too long\n"), i); inputString[i].idx = 0; // Finished with this client's message. Next loop() we'll see if there's more to read. break; } } return false; } #else bool _readFromClient() { while (client.connected() && client.available()) { char inChar = client.read(); if (inputString.idx < MY_GATEWAY_MAX_RECEIVE_LENGTH - 1) { // if newline then command is complete if (inChar == '\n' || inChar == '\r') { // Add string terminator and prepare for the next message inputString.string[inputString.idx] = 0; debug(PSTR("Eth: %s\n"), inputString.string); inputString.idx = 0; if (protocolParse(_ethernetMsg, inputString.string)) { return true; } } else { // add it to the inputString: inputString.string[inputString.idx++] = inChar; } } else { // Incoming message too long. Throw away debug(PSTR("Eth: Message too long\n")); inputString.idx = 0; // Finished with this client's message. Next loop() we'll see if there's more to read. break; } } return false; } #endif bool gatewayTransportAvailable() { _w5100_spi_en(true); #if !defined(MY_IP_ADDRESS) && defined(MY_GATEWAY_W5100) // renew IP address using DHCP gatewayTransportRenewIP(); #endif #ifdef MY_USE_UDP int packet_size = _ethernetServer.parsePacket(); if (packet_size) { //debug(PSTR("UDP packet available. Size:%d\n"), packet_size); setIndication(INDICATION_GW_RX); #if defined(MY_GATEWAY_ESP8266) _ethernetServer.read(inputString[0].string, MY_GATEWAY_MAX_RECEIVE_LENGTH); inputString[0].string[packet_size] = 0; debug(PSTR("UDP packet received: %s\n"), inputString[0].string); return protocolParse(_ethernetMsg, inputString[0].string); #else _ethernetServer.read(inputString.string, MY_GATEWAY_MAX_RECEIVE_LENGTH); inputString.string[packet_size] = 0; debug(PSTR("UDP packet received: %s\n"), inputString.string); _w5100_spi_en(false); return protocolParse(_ethernetMsg, inputString.string); #endif } #else #if defined(MY_GATEWAY_ESP8266) // ESP8266: Go over list of clients and stop any that are no longer connected. // If the server has a new client connection it will be assigned to a free slot. bool allSlotsOccupied = true; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(clients); i++) { if (!clients[i].connected()) { if (clientsConnected[i]) { debug(PSTR("Client %d disconnected\n"), i); clients[i].stop(); } //check if there are any new clients if (_ethernetServer.hasClient()) { clients[i] = _ethernetServer.available(); inputString[i].idx = 0; debug(PSTR("Client %d connected\n"), i); gatewayTransportSend(buildGw(_msg, I_GATEWAY_READY).set("Gateway startup complete.")); if (presentation) presentation(); } } bool connected = clients[i].connected(); clientsConnected[i] = connected; allSlotsOccupied &= connected; } if (allSlotsOccupied && _ethernetServer.hasClient()) { //no free/disconnected spot so reject debug(PSTR("No free slot available\n")); EthernetClient c = _ethernetServer.available(); c.stop(); } // Loop over clients connect and read available data for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(clients); i++) { if (_readFromClient(i)) { setIndication(INDICATION_GW_RX); _w5100_spi_en(false); return true; } } #else // W5100/ENC module does not have hasClient-method. We can only serve one client at the time. EthernetClient newclient = _ethernetServer.available(); // if a new client connects make sure to dispose any previous existing sockets if (newclient) { if (client != newclient) { client.stop(); client = newclient; debug(PSTR("Eth: connect\n")); _w5100_spi_en(false); gatewayTransportSend(buildGw(_msg, I_GATEWAY_READY).set("Gateway startup complete.")); _w5100_spi_en(true); if (presentation) presentation(); } } if (client) { if (!client.connected()) { debug(PSTR("Eth: disconnect\n")); client.stop(); } else { if (_readFromClient()) { setIndication(INDICATION_GW_RX); _w5100_spi_en(false); return true; } } } #endif #endif _w5100_spi_en(false); return false; }