CLIPPER c_fwrite (void) { int file_handle; char *line; USHORT line_size; if (PCOUNT == 3 && ISNUM(FILE_HANDLE) && ISCHAR(WRITE_LINE) && ISNUM(LINE_SIZE) && ISBYREF(LINE_SIZE)) { /* convert clipper parameters into C types... */ file_handle = _parni(FILE_HANDLE); line_size = _parni(LINE_SIZE); line = _parc(WRITE_LINE); /* call C write function... */ if ( _fsWrite(file_handle, line, line_size) < line_size ) { _storni (0, LINE_SIZE); _ret(); return; } /* flush the data to file without closing it... */ if (asm_commit(file_handle)) _storni (0, LINE_SIZE); } else /* update line_size to zero... */ _storni (0, LINE_SIZE); _ret(); /* returns NIL */ }
CLIPPER CharCount( void ) { USHORT uiChars = 0; USHORT uiLen; USHORT i; HANDLE vmhString; BYTEP cStringP; BYTE cFindMe; ITEM itemString, itemFindMe, itemRet; if (PCOUNT != 2) { _ret(); // NOTE: Withhold service return; // Early return! } itemRet = _itemPutNL( NULL, 0 ); itemString = _itemParam( 1 ); itemFindMe = _itemParam( 2 ); if ( (_itemType( itemString ) == CHARACTER) && (_itemType( itemFindMe ) == CHARACTER) ) { _itemCopyC( itemFindMe, &cFindMe, 1 ); vmhString = _xvalloc( _itemSize( itemString ), NULL ); cStringP = _xvlock( vmhString ); uiLen = _itemCopyC( itemString, cStringP, NULL ); for( i = 0; i < uiLen; i++ ) { if ( cStringP[i] == cFindMe ) uiChars++; } _xvunlock( vmhString ); _xvfree( vmhString ); itemRet = _itemPutNL( itemRet, (long)uiChars ); } _itemReturn( itemRet ); _itemRelease( itemRet ); _itemRelease( itemString ); _itemRelease( itemFindMe ); return; }
// Interfaz CLIPPER ALIBOFFSET( void ){ WORD i; if (wLib!=0xffff){ _reta(wModules); for (i=0;i<wModules;i++){ _stornl(alOffsets[i],-1,i+1); } return; } _ret(); return; }
CLIPPER ALIBMODULE( void ){ BYTE acBuffer[300]; WORD i; if (wLib!=0xffff){ _reta(wModules); _tlseek(wLib,0,0); for (i=0;i<wModules;i++){ _tlseek(wLib,alOffsets[i],0); if (ReadByte() == THEADR){ if (ReadHdrRecord(acBuffer)){ _storc(acBuffer,-1,i+1); } }else{ _ret(); return; } } return; } _ret(); return; }
CLIPPER AMODPUBLIC( void ){ WORD wModule,i,wPublics; if ((PCOUNT() >= 1) && ISNUM(1) && (wLib != 0xffff) && ((wModule=_parni(1)-1) < wModules)){ wPublics=ScanModPublics(wModule); if (wPublics > 0){ _reta(wPublics); for(i=0;i <= wPublics; i++){ _storc(pcStrings[i],-1,i+1); } FreeStrings(wPublics); return; } _ret(); return; } }
CLIPPER AMODEXTERN( void ){ WORD wModule,i,wExternals; if ((PCOUNT() >= 1) && ISNUM(1) && (wLib != 0xffff) && ((wModule=_parni(1)-1) < wModules)){ wExternals=ScanModExternals(wModule); if (wExternals > 0){ _reta(wExternals); for(i=0;i <= wExternals; i++){ _storc(pcStrings[i],-1,i+1); } FreeStrings(wExternals); return; } _ret(); return; } }
CLIPPER JW_SCRAM(void) { char *temp; char *str; unsigned int len; int i; char c; if ( PCOUNT == 2 && ISCHAR(1) && ISNUM(2)) { /* get pointer to param */ str = _parc(1); /* get strings length */ len = _parclen(1); /* allocate temp buffer */ temp = _xgrab(len+1); /* put null byte */ temp[len] = '\0'; /* get encrypting value */ i = _parni(2); /* convert to char */ c = (char)i; /* copy input string to buffer XORing and 2's complementing as we go */ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { temp[i] = ~(str[i] ^ c); } /* post modified value as CLIPPER return */ _retclen(temp, len); /* free buffer */ _xfree(temp); } else { /* bad param */ _ret(); } }
static gint _setopt(lua_State *l, const _quvi_t q, const CURLoption copt, const _cookie_opts_t co, const gboolean croak_if_error) { CURLcode r; if (co->mode == COOKIE_MODE_SESSION) r = curl_easy_setopt(q->handle.curl, copt, (glong) g_strtod(co->s, NULL)); else r = curl_easy_setopt(q->handle.curl, copt, co->s); if (r != CURLE_OK) { g_string_printf(q->status.errmsg, "%s", curl_easy_strerror(r)); q->status.rc = QUVI_ERROR_CALLBACK; if (croak_if_error == TRUE) luaL_error(l, "%s", q->status.errmsg->str); } return (_ret(l, q)); }
CLIPPER userDO( void ) { EVALINFO info; USHORT uiParam; ITEM retP; /* Get evaluation expression */ if ( PCOUNT < 1 ) { _ret(); return; } else { _evalNew( &info, _itemParam( 1 ) ); } /* Get parameters */ for ( uiParam = 2; uiParam <= PCOUNT; uiParam++ ) { _evalPutParam( &info, _itemParam( uiParam ) ); } /* Launch evaluation information */ retP = _evalLaunch( &info ); /* Release ITEMs associated with the evaluation info */ _evalRelease( &info ); _itemReturn ( retP ); _itemRelease( retP ); return; }
CLIPPER HB_NIL1() { _ret(); }
int roar_vio_dstr_build_chain(struct roar_vio_dstr_chain * chain, struct roar_vio_calls * calls, struct roar_vio_calls * vio) { struct _roar_vio_dstr_type * type; struct roar_vio_dstr_chain * c; struct roar_vio_defaults * def; struct roar_vio_calls * tc, * prev; int i; ROAR_DBG("roar_vio_dstr_build_chain(*) = ?"); if ( chain == NULL || calls == NULL ) return -1; if ( roar_vio_open_stack(calls) == -1 ) return -1; ROAR_DBG("roar_vio_dstr_build_chain(*): chain=%p", chain); if ( (def = chain->def) != NULL ) { if ( (tc = malloc(sizeof(struct roar_vio_calls))) == NULL ) { _ret(-1); } if ( roar_vio_init_calls(tc) == -1 ) { free(tc); _ret(-1); } if ( roar_vio_stack_add(calls, tc) == -1 ) { _ret(-1); } if ( chain->opts == NULL ) { if ( chain[1].type != ROAR_VIO_DSTR_OBJT_EOL ) { chain->opts = chain[1].opts; } } if ( roar_vio_open_default(tc, def, chain->opts) == -1 ) { _ret(-1); } prev = tc; } else { prev = vio; } for (i = 0; (c = &chain[i])->type != ROAR_VIO_DSTR_OBJT_EOL; i++) { ROAR_DBG("roar_vio_dstr_build_chain(*): i=%i, c->type=0x%.4x(%s): need_vio=%i, def->o_flags=%i", i, c->type & 0xFFFF, roar_vio_dstr_get_name(c->type), c->need_vio, c->def->o_flags); if ( c->need_vio ) { if ( (tc = malloc(sizeof(struct roar_vio_calls))) == NULL ) { _ret(-1); } if ( roar_vio_init_calls(tc) == -1 ) { free(tc); _ret(-1); } if ( roar_vio_stack_add(calls, tc) == -1 ) { _ret(-1); } switch (c->type) { case ROAR_VIO_DSTR_OBJT_PASS: if ( roar_vio_open_pass(tc, prev) == -1 ) { _ret(-1); } break; case ROAR_VIO_DSTR_OBJT_RE: if ( roar_vio_open_re(tc, prev) == -1 ) { _ret(-1); } break; case ROAR_VIO_DSTR_OBJT_GZIP: if ( roar_vio_open_gzip(tc, prev, -1) == -1 ) { _ret(-1); } break; case ROAR_VIO_DSTR_OBJT_BZIP2: case ROAR_VIO_DSTR_OBJT_PGP: if ( roar_vio_open_pgp_decrypt(tc, prev, NULL) == -1 ) { _ret(-1); } break; case ROAR_VIO_DSTR_OBJT_HTTP09: case ROAR_VIO_DSTR_OBJT_HTTP10: case ROAR_VIO_DSTR_OBJT_HTTP11: if ( roar_vio_open_proto(tc, prev, c->dst, ROAR_VIO_PROTO_P_HTTP, c->def) == -1 ) { _ret(-1); } break; case ROAR_VIO_DSTR_OBJT_GOPHER: case ROAR_VIO_DSTR_OBJT_GOPHER_PLUS: if ( roar_vio_open_proto(tc, prev, c->dst, ROAR_VIO_PROTO_P_GOPHER, c->def) == -1 ) { _ret(-1); } break; case ROAR_VIO_DSTR_OBJT_ICY: if ( roar_vio_open_proto(tc, prev, c->dst, ROAR_VIO_PROTO_P_ICY, c->def) == -1 ) { _ret(-1); } break; case ROAR_VIO_DSTR_OBJT_RTP2: if ( roar_vio_open_rtp(tc, prev, c->dst, c->def) == -1 ) { _ret(-1); } break; case ROAR_VIO_DSTR_OBJT_PGP_ENC: case ROAR_VIO_DSTR_OBJT_PGP_STORE: if ( roar_vio_open_pgp_store(tc, prev, ROAR_VIO_PGP_OPTS_NONE) == -1 ) { _ret(-1); } break; case ROAR_VIO_DSTR_OBJT_TANTALOS: if ( roar_vio_open_tantalos(tc, prev, c->dst, c->def) == -1 ) { _ret(-1); } break; case ROAR_VIO_DSTR_OBJT_SSL1: case ROAR_VIO_DSTR_OBJT_SSL2: case ROAR_VIO_DSTR_OBJT_SSL3: case ROAR_VIO_DSTR_OBJT_TLS: case ROAR_VIO_DSTR_OBJT_MAGIC: _ret(-1); break; default: if ( (type = roar_vio_dstr_get_by_type(c->type)) == NULL ) { _ret(-1); } if ( type->openvio == NULL ) _roar_vio_dstr_init_otherlibs(); if ( type->openvio == NULL ) { _ret(-1); } if ( type->openvio(tc, prev, c) == -1 ) { _ret(-1); } } prev = tc; } // else we can skip to the next :) } ROAR_DBG("roar_vio_dstr_build_chain(*) = 0"); return 0; }
chrono::ChVector<> ECGUIPanel::getPosition() { chrono::ChVector<> _ret((double)m_pPanel->getLeft(), (double)m_pPanel->getTop(), 0); return _ret; }
gint l_quvi_http_cookie(lua_State *l) { struct _cookie_opts_s co; gboolean croak_if_error; CURLoption copt; GSList *opts; _quvi_t q; /* quvi handle */ q = (_quvi_t) l_get_reg_userdata(l, USERDATA_QUVI_T); g_assert(q != NULL); if (q->opt.allow_cookies == QUVI_FALSE) return (_ret(l, q)); /* Do nothing if cookies have been disabled. */ /* arg1 */ memset(&co, 0, sizeof(struct _cookie_opts_s)); co.s = luaL_checkstring(l, 1); lua_pop(l, 1); /* options */ opts = l_quvi_object_opts_new(l, 2); croak_if_error = l_quvi_object_opts_croak_if_error(l, opts); _chk_cookie_opts(l, opts, &co); l_quvi_object_opts_free(opts); /* mode */ switch (co.mode) { case COOKIE_MODE_SESSION: copt = CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION; break; case COOKIE_MODE_FILE: copt = CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE; break; case COOKIE_MODE_LIST: copt = CURLOPT_COOKIELIST; break; case COOKIE_MODE_JAR: copt = CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR; break; default: g_string_printf(q->status.errmsg, "[%s] invalid cookie function `0x%02x'", __func__, co.mode); q->status.rc = QUVI_ERROR_CALLBACK; copt = CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION; g_warning("%s", q->status.errmsg->str); } return (_setopt(l, q, copt, &co, croak_if_error)); }
void VMDriver::execute(){ if( this->m_state == STATE_IDLE ){ printf( "Error: state is idle. \n"); return; } assert( this->currentAssembly() ); while( this->isActive() ){ if( this->isBreak() ){ break; } unsigned char content = this->getByte( m_funcAddr , m_pc ); m_pc++; switch( content ){ case EMnemonic::MovPtr : _mov_ptr(); break; case EMnemonic::Mov : _mov(); break; case EMnemonic::Add : _add(); break; case EMnemonic::Sub : _sub(); break; case EMnemonic::Mul : _mul(); break; case EMnemonic::Div : _div(); break; case EMnemonic::Rem : _rem(); break; case EMnemonic::Inc : _inc(); break; case EMnemonic::Dec : _dec(); break; case EMnemonic::Push : _push(); break; case EMnemonic::PushPtr : _push_ptr(); break; case EMnemonic::Pop : _pop(); break; case EMnemonic::Call : _call(); break; case EMnemonic::ST : _st(); break; case EMnemonic::LD : _ld(); break; case EMnemonic::EndFunc : _endFunc(); break; case EMnemonic::CmpGeq : case EMnemonic::CmpG : case EMnemonic::CmpLeq : case EMnemonic::CmpL : case EMnemonic::CmpEq : case EMnemonic::CmpNEq : _cmp( content ); break; case EMnemonic::Not : _not(); break; case EMnemonic::Minus : _minus(); break; case EMnemonic::LogOr : case EMnemonic::LogAnd : _log( content ); break; case EMnemonic::Jmp : _jmp(); break; case EMnemonic::JumpZero : _jumpzero(); break; case EMnemonic::JumpNotZero : _jumpnotzero(); break; case EMnemonic::RET : _ret(); break; } } }
ECBody& ECScene::loadHeightMap( std::string FilePath, const chrono::ChVector<>& Scale) { Ogre::TexturePtr l_tex = Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().load(FilePath, Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME); if (l_tex->getFormat() != Ogre::PF_L16 && l_tex->getFormat() != Ogre::PF_L8) { l_tex->unload(); l_tex = Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().load(FilePath, Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, Ogre::TEX_TYPE_2D, -1, 1.0f, false, Ogre::PF_L8); } Ogre::HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtr l_pixels = l_tex->getBuffer(); size_t l_byte_size = l_pixels->getSizeInBytes(); Ogre::PixelFormat l_format = l_tex->getFormat(); assert(l_format == Ogre::PF_L16 || l_format == Ogre::PF_L8); // Garuntee grayscale size_t l_vertex_count = l_pixels->getHeight() * l_pixels->getWidth(); std::vector<Ogre::Real> l_vertex_heights; Ogre::PixelBox l_temp_pixel_buffer(l_tex->getWidth(), l_tex->getHeight(), l_tex->getDepth(), l_format); void* l_pPixels = nullptr; bool catfish = l_tex->isLoaded(); l_pPixels = new unsigned char[l_byte_size]; //l_pixels->lock(l_temp_pixel_buffer, Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBL_NORMAL); //Ogre::PixelBox const &pixel_box = l_pixels->getCurrentLock(); //l_pixels->blitToMemory(pixel_box); //l_pixels->unlock(); //l_pPixels =; memcpy(l_pPixels, l_pixels->lock(Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBL_NORMAL), l_byte_size); double l_height_w = l_format == Ogre::PF_L16 ? (double)USHRT_MAX : (double)UCHAR_MAX; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < l_vertex_count; i++) { // Fill vector with normalized heights if (l_format == Ogre::PF_L8) { l_vertex_heights.push_back( (Ogre::Real) ( ( (double)( (unsigned char*)l_pPixels )[i] ) / l_height_w ) ); } else { l_vertex_heights.push_back( (Ogre::Real) ( ( (double)( (unsigned short*)l_pPixels )[i] ) / l_height_w ) ); } } delete[] l_pPixels; std::vector<Ogre::Vector3> l_vertices; l_vertices.resize(l_vertex_count); typedef struct { unsigned int a; unsigned int b; unsigned int c; } triangle_index_set; std::vector<triangle_index_set> l_indices; unsigned int l_square_width = l_pixels->getWidth() - 1; unsigned int l_square_height = l_pixels->getHeight() - 1; unsigned int l_square_count = l_square_width * l_square_height; l_indices.resize(l_square_count * 2); std::vector<Ogre::Vector3> l_triangle_normals; l_triangle_normals.resize(l_square_count * 2); std::vector<Ogre::Vector3> l_vertex_normals; l_vertex_normals.resize(l_vertex_count); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < l_vertex_count; i++) { // Fill vertices unsigned int l_w = (i % l_pixels->getWidth()); unsigned int l_h = (i / l_pixels->getWidth()); Ogre::Real l_wa = (Ogre::Real)l_w - (Ogre::Real)(l_pixels->getWidth()) / 2.0; Ogre::Real l_ha = (Ogre::Real)l_h - (Ogre::Real)(l_pixels->getHeight()) / 2.0; l_vertices[i] = Ogre::Vector3(l_wa, std::abs(l_vertex_heights[i]), l_ha); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < l_square_count * 2; i += 2) { // Fill indices unsigned int l_triangle_width = l_square_width * 2; unsigned int l_iteration_y_position = i / l_triangle_width; unsigned int l_triangle_to_pixel = (i + (2 * l_iteration_y_position)) / 2; l_indices[i + 0].a = l_triangle_to_pixel; l_indices[i + 0].b = l_triangle_to_pixel + l_pixels->getWidth(); l_indices[i + 0].c = l_triangle_to_pixel + 1; l_indices[i + 1].a = l_triangle_to_pixel + 1; l_indices[i + 1].b = l_triangle_to_pixel + l_pixels->getWidth(); l_indices[i + 1].c = l_triangle_to_pixel + l_pixels->getWidth() + 1; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < l_triangle_normals.size(); i++) { // Calculate normals of all triangles Ogre::Vector3 _t1(l_vertices[l_indices[i].a]); Ogre::Vector3 _t2(l_vertices[l_indices[i].b]); Ogre::Vector3 _t3(l_vertices[l_indices[i].c]); Ogre::Vector3 _ret = (_t1 - _t2).crossProduct(_t1 - _t3); _ret.normalise(); l_triangle_normals[i] = _ret; } //!!!! // This algorithm takes ungodly long single-threaded in larger heightmaps. //!!!! { // Calculate normals of all vertices typedef struct __thread_set_t { size_t _start; size_t _end; std::thread _thread; } __thread_set; size_t _thread_count = std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); std::function<void(size_t, size_t)> _worker_thread = [&](size_t start, size_t end) { Ogre::Vector3 _ret(0, 0, 0); for (unsigned int i = start; i < end; i++) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < l_indices.size(); j++) { if (l_indices[j].a == i || l_indices[j].b == i || l_indices[j].c == i) { _ret = _ret + l_triangle_normals[j]; } } _ret.normalise(); l_vertex_normals[i] = _ret; } }; std::vector<__thread_set*> threads; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _thread_count; i++) { __thread_set* pthread = new __thread_set; if (i == 0) { pthread->_start = 0; pthread->_end = l_vertex_count / _thread_count; } else { pthread->_start = threads[i - 1]->_end + 1; pthread->_end = (l_vertex_count / _thread_count) * (i + 1); } if (i == _thread_count) { pthread->_end = l_vertex_count; } pthread->_thread = std::thread(_worker_thread, pthread->_start, pthread->_end); threads.push_back(pthread); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < threads.size(); i++) { threads[i]->_thread.join(); delete threads[i]; threads[i] = nullptr; } } /*for (unsigned int i = 0; i < l_vertex_normals.size(); i++) { Ogre::Vector3 _ret(0, 0, 0); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < l_indices.size(); j++) { if (l_indices[j].a == i || l_indices[j].b == i || l_indices[j].c == i) { _ret = _ret + l_triangle_normals[j]; } } _ret.normalise(); l_vertex_normals[i] = _ret; }*/ Ogre::ManualObject* terrain_object = m_pSceneManager->createManualObject(""); terrain_object->begin("lambert1", Ogre::RenderOperation::OT_TRIANGLE_LIST); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < l_vertex_count; i++) { Ogre::Real _x = (Ogre::Real)(i % l_tex->getWidth()); Ogre::Real _y = (Ogre::Real)(i / l_tex->getWidth()); terrain_object->position(l_vertices[i]); terrain_object->normal(l_vertex_normals[i]); terrain_object->colour(Ogre::ColourValue(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)); terrain_object->textureCoord(_x/(Ogre::Real)l_tex->getWidth(), _y/(Ogre::Real)l_tex->getHeight()); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < l_indices.size(); i++) { terrain_object->index(l_indices[i].a); terrain_object->index(l_indices[i].b); terrain_object->index(l_indices[i].c); } terrain_object->end(); //terrain_object->getSection(0)->getMaterial()->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->createTextureUnitState("white.png"); //terrain_object->getSection(0)->getMaterial()->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->setLightingEnabled(true); ECBody& _ret = createBody(); _ret.setMesh(terrain_object, Scale); chrono::geometry::ChTriangleMeshConnected l_triangle_mesh; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < l_indices.size(); i++) { l_triangle_mesh.addTriangle( chrono::ChVector<>( // Vertex 0 (double)l_vertices[l_indices[i].a].x, // Index a.x (double)l_vertices[l_indices[i].a].y, // Index a.y (double)l_vertices[l_indices[i].a].z // Index a.z ) * Scale, chrono::ChVector<>( // Vertex 1 (double)l_vertices[l_indices[i].b].x, // Index b.x (double)l_vertices[l_indices[i].b].y, // Index b.y (double)l_vertices[l_indices[i].b].z // Index b.z ) * Scale, chrono::ChVector<>( // Vertex 2 (double)l_vertices[l_indices[i].c].x, // Index c.x (double)l_vertices[l_indices[i].c].y, // Index c.y (double)l_vertices[l_indices[i].c].z // Index c.z ) * Scale ); } _ret->GetCollisionModel()->ClearModel(); _ret->GetCollisionModel()->AddTriangleMesh(l_triangle_mesh, true, false, chrono::ChVector<>(), chrono::QUNIT); _ret->GetCollisionModel()->BuildModel(); _ret->SetCollide(true); _ret->SetBodyFixed(true); return _ret; }
chrono::ChVector<> ECGUIPanel::getSize() { chrono::ChVector<> _ret((double)m_pPanel->getWidth(), (double)m_pPanel->getHeight(), 0); return _ret; }
int roar_vio_open_dstr_vio(struct roar_vio_calls * calls, char * dstr, struct roar_vio_defaults * def, int dnum, struct roar_vio_calls * vio) { #ifndef ROAR_WITHOUT_VIO_DSTR struct roar_vio_dstr_chain chain[ROAR_VIO_DSTR_MAX_OBJ_PER_CHAIN]; char * next; char * this; char * name; char * opts; char * dst; char * c; int inopts; int type; int cc = 1; // current chain element if ( calls == NULL || dstr == NULL ) return -1; if ( dnum != 0 && def == NULL ) return -1; if ( (dstr = roar_mm_strdup(dstr)) == NULL ) return -1; memset(chain, 0, sizeof(chain)); chain[0].type = ROAR_VIO_DSTR_OBJT_INTERNAL; next = dstr; while (next != NULL) { if ( (cc+1) == ROAR_VIO_DSTR_MAX_OBJ_PER_CHAIN ) { _ret(-1); } this = next; next = strstr(next, "##"); if (next != NULL) { *next = 0; next += 2; } // we have the current token in 'this'. opts = NULL; dst = NULL; if ( strstr(this, ":") != NULL ) { name = this; inopts = 0; for (c = this; *c != 0; c++) { if ( *c == '[' ) { *c = 0; opts = c + 1; inopts = 1; } else if ( *c == ']' && inopts ) { *c = 0; inopts = 0; } else if ( *c == ':' && !inopts ) { *c = 0; dst = *(c+1) == 0 ? NULL : c + 1; break; } } } else { // we need to guess that this is here... // currently we guess this is a file in all cases name = "file"; dst = this; } ROAR_DBG("roar_vio_open_dstr_vio(*): name='%s', opts='%s', dst='%s'", name, opts, dst); if ( (type = roar_vio_dstr_get_type(name)) == -1 ) { _ret(-1); } ROAR_DBG("roar_vio_open_dstr_vio(*): type=0x%.4x(%s)", type, roar_vio_dstr_get_name(type)); chain[cc].type = type; chain[cc].opts = opts; chain[cc].dst = dst; chain[cc].def = NULL; chain[cc].vio = NULL; chain[cc].need_vio = -1; cc++; } chain[cc].type = ROAR_VIO_DSTR_OBJT_EOL; ROAR_DBG("roar_vio_open_dstr_vio(*): chain=%p", chain); if ( roar_vio_dstr_parse_opts(chain) == -1 ) { _ret(-1); } if ( roar_vio_dstr_set_defaults(chain, cc, def, dnum) == -1 ) { _ret(-1); } if ( roar_vio_dstr_build_chain(chain, calls, vio) == -1 ) { _ret(-1); } _ret(0); #else return -1; #endif }