コード例 #1
void MAT_Multiply(int A[50][50],
                  int B[50][50], long C[50][50],
                  unsigned char mA, unsigned char nA, unsigned char mB,
                  unsigned char nB, unsigned char mC, unsigned char nC)
{   _ssdm_SpecArrayDimSize(A,50);
    _ssdm_op_SpecInterface(C, "ap_fifo", 0, 0, 0, 100, "", "", "");
# 8 "parta_2/matrixmath.c"

    _ssdm_op_SpecInterface(B, "ap_fifo", 0, 0, 0, 100, "", "", "");
# 8 "parta_2/matrixmath.c"

    _ssdm_op_SpecInterface(A, "ap_fifo", 0, 0, 0, 100, "", "", "");
# 8 "parta_2/matrixmath.c"

    unsigned char i, j, k;
    long temp;
    int A_cached_row[50];
    int B_cached[50][50];

    if ((nA == mB)&(mA == mC)&(nB==nC))//Multiplication only when the dimensions are suitable
        for (i=0; i<50; i++)
            for (j=0; j<50; j++)
                //Make sure the data is fully cached to avoid multiple read.
                temp = 0;
                if ((i<mC)&(j<nC))
                    if (j==0)
                        //Cache the whole row of matrix A
                        for (k=0; k<50; k++)

                    //Cache all the columns of matrix B, see Fig. 7.21. B will be read only once
                    if (i==0)
                        for (k=0; k<50; k++)

                    for (k=0; k<50; k++)
                        if (k<nA)
                            temp += A_cached_row[k] * B_cached[k][j];
                C[i][j] = temp;
コード例 #2
 * output_000:						The maximum value of an integer in the system.
int targeted_function (int* output_000)
_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(output_000, "s_axilite", 0, 0, 0, 0, "rm", "", "", "");
#31 "./targeted_functions/int_max/targeted_function.c"

_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(0, "s_axilite", 0, 0, 0, 0, "rm", "", "", "");
#31 "./targeted_functions/int_max/targeted_function.c"

 *output_000 = 2147483647;
 return 0;
コード例 #3
int multi_axim(int *x, int *y){
_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(y, "m_axi", 0, 0, 0, 10, "", "slave", "");
_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(x, "m_axi", 0, 0, 0, 10, "", "slave", "");
_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(0, "s_axilite", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "");

 for (int i=0; i<10; i++){
_ssdm_op_SpecPipeline(1, 1, 1, 0, "");
 y[i] = x[i] * (x[i] + 1);
 return 0;
コード例 #4
void acc_vadd(int *sI1, int *sI2, int *mO1)
_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(0, "ap_ctrl_none", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "");

_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(sI1, "axis", 0, 0, 0, 16, "", "", "");
_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(sI2, "axis", 0, 0, 0, 16, "", "", "");
_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(mO1, "axis", 0, 0, 0, 16, "", "", "");

 *mO1 = *sI1 + *sI2;

コード例 #5
ファイル: fc.pragma.2.cpp プロジェクト: AlphaRhoG/benchmarks
void top(int out[1], int w[1000*1], int b[1000*1], int x[1000])
_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(out, "ap_memory", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "");
_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(w, "ap_memory", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "");
_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(b, "ap_memory", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "");
_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(x, "ap_memory", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "");
_ssdm_op_SpecResource(out, "", "RAM_1P", "", -1, "", "", "");
_ssdm_op_SpecResource(w, "", "RAM_1P", "", -1, "", "", "");
_ssdm_op_SpecResource(b, "", "RAM_1P", "", -1, "", "", "");
_ssdm_op_SpecResource(x, "", "RAM_1P", "", -1, "", "", "");

 fully_connected_layer(out, w, b, x, 1000, 1);
コード例 #6
 * output_000:						The quotient of input_000 divided by 2.
int targeted_function (int input_000, int* output_000)
_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(output_000, "s_axilite", 0, 0, 0, 0, "rm", "", "", "");
#25 "./targeted_functions/bitwise_right_shift/targeted_function.c"

_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(input_000, "s_axilite", 0, 0, 0, 0, "rm", "", "", "");
#25 "./targeted_functions/bitwise_right_shift/targeted_function.c"

_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(0, "s_axilite", 0, 0, 0, 0, "rm", "", "", "");
#25 "./targeted_functions/bitwise_right_shift/targeted_function.c"

 *output_000 = input_000 >> 1;
 return 0;
コード例 #7
int adders(int in1, int in2, int in3) {
_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(0, "ap_ctrl_none", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "");

// Prevent IO protocols on all input ports
_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(in3, "ap_none", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "");
_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(in2, "ap_none", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "");
_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(in1, "ap_none", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "");

 int sum;

 sum = in1 + in2 + in3;

 return sum;

コード例 #8
 * output_000:						The product of input_000 and input_001.
int targeted_function (int input_000, int input_001, int* output_000)
_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(output_000, "s_axilite", 0, 0, 0, 0, "rm", "", "", "");
#25 "./targeted_functions/multiplier/targeted_function.c"

_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(input_001, "s_axilite", 0, 0, 0, 0, "rm", "", "", "");
#25 "./targeted_functions/multiplier/targeted_function.c"

_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(input_000, "s_axilite", 0, 0, 0, 0, "rm", "", "", "");
#25 "./targeted_functions/multiplier/targeted_function.c"

_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(0, "s_axilite", 0, 0, 0, 0, "rm", "", "", "");
#25 "./targeted_functions/multiplier/targeted_function.c"

 *output_000 = input_000 * input_001;
 return 0;
コード例 #9
void adder_top(int *a, int *b, int *c, int n)
_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(a, "ap_fifo", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "");
#5 "hls_demo/.settings/adder.c"

_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(a, "ap_fifo", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "");
_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(b, "ap_fifo", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "");
_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(c, "ap_fifo", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "");
 int i;
 int arrayA[1000];
_ssdm_SpecArrayPartition( arrayA, 1, "CYCLIC", 10, "");
#10 "hls_demo/.settings/adder.c"

 int arrayB[1000];
_ssdm_SpecArrayPartition( arrayB, 1, "CYCLIC", 10, "");
#11 "hls_demo/.settings/adder.c"

 int arrayC[1000];
_ssdm_SpecArrayPartition( arrayC, 1, "CYCLIC", 10, "");
#12 "hls_demo/.settings/adder.c"

 loop_read: for (i=0;i<1000;i++)
  if (i<n)
   arrayA[i] = a[i];
   arrayB[i] = b[i];
   arrayC[i] = 0;
 loop_add: for (i=0;i<1000;i++)
_ssdm_Unroll(1, 0, 10, "");
_ssdm_op_SpecPipeline(1, 1, 1, 0, "");
 if (i<n)
   arrayC[i] = (arrayA[i]+arrayB[i]);
 loop_write: for (i=0;i<1000;i++)
_ssdm_op_SpecPipeline(1, 1, 1, 0, "");
 if (i<n)
   c[i] = arrayC[i];

コード例 #10
 * output_000:						The sum of input_000 and input_001.
 * output_001:						The absolute value of the difference between input_000 and input_001.
int targeted_function (int input_000, int input_001, int* output_000, int* output_001)
_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(output_001, "s_axilite", 0, 0, 0, 0, "rm", "", "", "");
# 26 "./targeted_functions/adder_subtractor/targeted_function.c"

_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(output_000, "s_axilite", 0, 0, 0, 0, "rm", "", "", "");
# 26 "./targeted_functions/adder_subtractor/targeted_function.c"

_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(input_001, "s_axilite", 0, 0, 0, 0, "rm", "", "", "");
# 26 "./targeted_functions/adder_subtractor/targeted_function.c"

_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(input_000, "s_axilite", 0, 0, 0, 0, "rm", "", "", "");
# 26 "./targeted_functions/adder_subtractor/targeted_function.c"

_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(0, "s_axilite", 0, 0, 0, 0, "rm", "", "", "");
# 26 "./targeted_functions/adder_subtractor/targeted_function.c"

 *output_000 = input_000 + input_001;
 *output_001 = input_000 - input_001 < 0 ? input_001 - input_000 : input_000 - input_001;
 return 0;
コード例 #11
void acc_vadd_hls ( volatile int *cmd, volatile int *resp, int a[4096], int b[4096], int result[4096] ) {_ssdm_SpecArrayDimSize(result,4096);_ssdm_SpecArrayDimSize(b,4096);_ssdm_SpecArrayDimSize(a,4096);

_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(0, "ap_ctrl_none", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "");
_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(cmd, "axis", 0, 0, 0, 16, "", "", "");
_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(resp, "axis", 0, 0, 0, 16, "", "", "");
_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(a, "bram", 0, 0, 0, 1024, "", "", "");
_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(b, "bram", 0, 0, 0, 1024, "", "", "");
_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(result, "bram", 0, 0, 0, 1024, "", "", "");

_ssdm_op_SpecResource(a, "", "RAM_1P_BRAM", "", "", "", "");
_ssdm_op_SpecResource(b, "", "RAM_1P_BRAM", "", "", "", "");
_ssdm_op_SpecResource(result, "", "RAM_1P_BRAM", "", "", "", "");

 int i,op, start,end;
 // Accumulate each channel
 op = *cmd; //get the start command
 end = *cmd;
 start = *cmd;
 if (op == 1)
  add_Loop: for (i = start; i < end; i++) {_ssdm_op_SpecLoopName("add_Loop");_ssdm_RegionBegin("add_Loop");
     result[i]= a[i] + b[i];
      if (i == end-1) {
       *resp= 1; //means I am done.
 else if (op == 2)
  sub_Loop: for (i = start; i < end; i++) {_ssdm_op_SpecLoopName("sub_Loop");_ssdm_RegionBegin("sub_Loop");
     result[i]= b[i] + a[i];
      if (i == end-1) {
       *resp= 1; //means I am done.
コード例 #12
void fir (
  data_t *y,
  coef_t c[11],
  data_t x
  ) {_ssdm_SpecArrayDimSize(c,11);
_ssdm_op_SpecResource(c, "", "RAM_1P_BRAM", "", -1, "", "", "");
# 52 "fir.c"

_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(y, "ap_vld", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "");
_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(x, "ap_vld", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "");

 static data_t shift_reg[11];
_ssdm_SpecArrayPartition( shift_reg, 1, "COMPLETE", 0, "");
# 59 "fir.c"

  acc_t acc;
  data_t data;
  int i;

  Shift_Accum_Loop: for (i=11 -1;i>=0;i--) {
_ssdm_Unroll(0,0,0, "");
# 65 "fir.c"

 if (i==0) {
   data = x;
    } else {
   data = shift_reg[i];
コード例 #13
void MAT_Multiply(int A[100][100],
  int B[100][100], long C[100][100],
  unsigned char mA, unsigned char nA, unsigned char mB,
  unsigned char nB, unsigned char mC, unsigned char nC)
_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(C, "ap_fifo", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "");
#8 "parta_2/matrixmath.c"

_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(B, "ap_fifo", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "");
#8 "parta_2/matrixmath.c"

_ssdm_op_SpecInterface(A, "ap_fifo", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "");
#8 "parta_2/matrixmath.c"

 unsigned char i, j, k;
 long temp;
 int A_cached_row[100];
_ssdm_SpecArrayPartition( A_cached_row, 1, "CYCLIC", 10, "");
#11 "parta_2/matrixmath.c"

 int B_cached[100][100];
_ssdm_SpecArrayPartition( B_cached, 1, "COMPLETE", 10, "");
#12 "parta_2/matrixmath.c"

 if ((nA == mB)&(mA == mC)&(nB==nC))//Multiplication only when the dimensions are suitable
  Row: for (i=0; i<100; i++)
   Col: for (j=0; j<100; j++)
    //Make sure the data is fully cached to avoid multiple read.

    if ((i<mC)&(j<nC))
     temp = 0;
     if (j==0)
      //Cache the whole row of matrix A
      RowCaching: for (k=0;k<100;k++)
_ssdm_Unroll(1, 0, 20, "");
#28 "parta_2/matrixmath.c"

     //Cache all the columns of matrix B, see Fig. 7.21. B will be read only once
     if (i==0)
      ColCaching: for (k=0;k<100;k++)
_ssdm_Unroll(1, 0, 20, "");
#35 "parta_2/matrixmath.c"

     Product: for (k=0; k<100; k++)
_ssdm_Unroll(1, 0, 20, "");
#39 "parta_2/matrixmath.c"

        if (k<nA)
         temp += A_cached_row[k] * B_cached[k][j];
     C[i][j] = temp;