void DatabasesCloner::_onEachDBCloneFinish(const Status& status, const std::string& name) { UniqueLock lk(_mutex); if (!status.isOK()) { warning() << "database '" << name << "' (" << (_stats.databasesCloned + 1) << " of " << _databaseCloners.size() << ") clone failed due to " << status.toString(); _fail_inlock(&lk, status); return; } if (StringData(name).equalCaseInsensitive("admin")) { LOG(1) << "Finished the 'admin' db, now calling isAdminDbValid."; // Do special checks for the admin database because of auth. collections. auto adminStatus = Status(ErrorCodes::NotYetInitialized, ""); { // TODO: Move isAdminDbValid() out of the collection/database cloner code paths. OperationContext* opCtx = cc().getOperationContext(); ServiceContext::UniqueOperationContext opCtxPtr; if (!opCtx) { opCtxPtr = cc().makeOperationContext(); opCtx = opCtxPtr.get(); } adminStatus = _storage->isAdminDbValid(opCtx); } if (!adminStatus.isOK()) { LOG(1) << "Validation failed on 'admin' db due to " << adminStatus; _fail_inlock(&lk, adminStatus); return; } } _stats.databasesCloned++; if (_stats.databasesCloned == _databaseCloners.size()) { _succeed_inlock(&lk); return; } // Start next database cloner. auto&& dbCloner = _databaseCloners[_stats.databasesCloned]; auto startStatus = dbCloner->startup(); if (!startStatus.isOK()) { warning() << "failed to schedule database '" << name << "' (" << (_stats.databasesCloned + 1) << " of " << _databaseCloners.size() << ") due to " << startStatus.toString(); _fail_inlock(&lk, startStatus); return; } }
void DatabasesCloner::_onListDatabaseFinish( const executor::TaskExecutor::RemoteCommandCallbackArgs& cbd) { Status respStatus = cbd.response.status; if (respStatus.isOK()) { respStatus = getStatusFromCommandResult(cbd.response.data); } UniqueLock lk(_mutex); if (!respStatus.isOK()) { LOG(1) << "'listDatabases' failed: " << respStatus; _fail_inlock(&lk, respStatus); return; } // There should not be any cloners yet. invariant(_databaseCloners.size() == 0); const auto respBSON = cbd.response.data; auto databasesArray = _parseListDatabasesResponse(respBSON); if (!databasesArray.isOK()) { LOG(1) << "'listDatabases' returned a malformed response: " << databasesArray.getStatus().toString(); _fail_inlock(&lk, databasesArray.getStatus()); return; } auto dbsArray = databasesArray.getValue(); // Ensure that the 'admin' database is the first element in the array of databases so that it // will be the first to be cloned. This allows users to authenticate against a database while // initial sync is occurring. _setAdminAsFirst(dbsArray); for (BSONElement arrayElement : dbsArray) { const BSONObj dbBSON = arrayElement.Obj(); // Check to see if we want to exclude this db from the clone. if (!_includeDbFn(dbBSON)) { LOG(1) << "Excluding database from the 'listDatabases' response: " << dbBSON; continue; } if (!dbBSON.hasField("name")) { LOG(1) << "Excluding database due to the 'listDatabases' response not containing a " "'name' field for this entry: " << dbBSON; } const std::string dbName = dbBSON["name"].str(); std::shared_ptr<DatabaseCloner> dbCloner{nullptr}; // filters for DatabasesCloner. const auto collectionFilterPred = [dbName](const BSONObj& collInfo) { const auto collName = collInfo["name"].str(); const NamespaceString ns(dbName, collName); if (ns.isSystem() && !ns.isLegalClientSystemNS()) { LOG(1) << "Skipping 'system' collection: " << ns.ns(); return false; } if (!ns.isNormal()) { LOG(1) << "Skipping non-normal collection: " << ns.ns(); return false; } LOG(2) << "Allowing cloning of collectionInfo: " << collInfo; return true; }; const auto onCollectionFinish = [](const Status& status, const NamespaceString& srcNss) { if (status.isOK()) { LOG(1) << "collection clone finished: " << srcNss; } else { error() << "collection clone for '" << srcNss << "' failed due to " << status.toString(); } }; const auto onDbFinish = [this, dbName](const Status& status) { _onEachDBCloneFinish(status, dbName); }; Status startStatus = Status::OK(); try { dbCloner.reset(new DatabaseCloner( _exec, _dbWorkThreadPool, _source, dbName, BSONObj(), // do not filter collections out during listCollections call. collectionFilterPred, _storage, // use storage provided. onCollectionFinish, onDbFinish)); if (_scheduleDbWorkFn) { dbCloner->setScheduleDbWorkFn_forTest(_scheduleDbWorkFn); } if (_startCollectionClonerFn) { dbCloner->setStartCollectionClonerFn(_startCollectionClonerFn); } // Start first database cloner. if (_databaseCloners.empty()) { startStatus = dbCloner->startup(); } } catch (...) { startStatus = exceptionToStatus(); } if (!startStatus.isOK()) { std::string err = str::stream() << "could not create cloner for database: " << dbName << " due to: " << startStatus.toString(); _setStatus_inlock({ErrorCodes::InitialSyncFailure, err}); error() << err; break; // exit for_each loop } // add cloner to list. _databaseCloners.push_back(dbCloner); } if (_databaseCloners.size() == 0) { if (_status.isOK()) { _succeed_inlock(&lk); } else { _fail_inlock(&lk, _status); } } }
void DatabasesCloner::_onListDatabaseFinish(const CommandCallbackArgs& cbd) { Status respStatus = cbd.response.status; if (respStatus.isOK()) { respStatus = getStatusFromCommandResult(cbd.response.data); } UniqueLock lk(_mutex); if (!respStatus.isOK()) { LOG(1) << "listDatabases failed: " << respStatus; _fail_inlock(&lk, respStatus); return; } const auto respBSON = cbd.response.data; // There should not be any cloners yet invariant(_databaseCloners.size() == 0); const auto dbsElem = respBSON["databases"].Obj(); BSONForEach(arrayElement, dbsElem) { const BSONObj dbBSON = arrayElement.Obj(); // Check to see if we want to exclude this db from the clone. if (!_includeDbFn(dbBSON)) { LOG(1) << "excluding db: " << dbBSON; continue; } const std::string dbName = dbBSON["name"].str(); std::shared_ptr<DatabaseCloner> dbCloner{nullptr}; // filters for DatabasesCloner. const auto collectionFilterPred = [dbName](const BSONObj& collInfo) { const auto collName = collInfo["name"].str(); const NamespaceString ns(dbName, collName); if (ns.isSystem() && !legalClientSystemNS(ns.ns())) { LOG(1) << "Skipping 'system' collection: " << ns.ns(); return false; } if (!ns.isNormal()) { LOG(1) << "Skipping non-normal collection: " << ns.ns(); return false; } LOG(2) << "Allowing cloning of collectionInfo: " << collInfo; return true; }; const auto onCollectionFinish = [](const Status& status, const NamespaceString& srcNss) { if (status.isOK()) { LOG(1) << "collection clone finished: " << srcNss; } else { warning() << "collection clone for '" << srcNss << "' failed due to " << status.toString(); } }; const auto onDbFinish = [this, dbName](const Status& status) { _onEachDBCloneFinish(status, dbName); }; Status startStatus = Status::OK(); try { dbCloner.reset(new DatabaseCloner( _exec, _dbWorkThreadPool, _source, dbName, BSONObj(), // do not filter collections out during listCollections call. collectionFilterPred, _storage, // use storage provided. onCollectionFinish, onDbFinish)); if (_scheduleDbWorkFn) { dbCloner->setScheduleDbWorkFn_forTest(_scheduleDbWorkFn); } // Start first database cloner. if (_databaseCloners.empty()) { startStatus = dbCloner->startup(); } } catch (...) { startStatus = exceptionToStatus(); } if (!startStatus.isOK()) { std::string err = str::stream() << "could not create cloner for database: " << dbName << " due to: " << startStatus.toString(); _setStatus_inlock({ErrorCodes::InitialSyncFailure, err}); error() << err; break; // exit for_each loop } // add cloner to list. _databaseCloners.push_back(dbCloner); } if (_databaseCloners.size() == 0) { if (_status.isOK()) { _succeed_inlock(&lk); } else { _fail_inlock(&lk, _status); } } }