コード例 #1
ファイル: Markup.cpp プロジェクト: kamilWLca/brix
INXString CMarkup::x_TextFromDoc( int nLeft, int nRight ) const
    // Convert XML friendly text to text as seen outside XML document
    // ampersand escape codes replaced with special characters e.g. convert "6>7" to "6>7"
    // Conveniently the result is always the same or shorter in byte length
    static char* szaCode[] = { "lt;","amp;", "gt;", "apos;", "quot;" };
    static int anCodeLen[] = { 3,4,3,5,5 };
    static char* szSymbol = "<&>\'\"";
    INXString csText;
    const char* pSource = (const char*)m_csDoc;
    int nDestSize = nRight - nLeft + 1;
    char* pDest = csText.GetBuffer(nDestSize);
    //LPTSTR pDest = csText.GetBuffer(nDestSize);
    int nLen = 0;
    int nCharLen = 0;
    int nChar = nLeft;
    while ( nChar <= nRight )
        if ( pSource[nChar] == '&')
            // Look for matching &code;
            bool bCodeConverted = false;
            for ( int nMatch = 0; nMatch < 5; ++nMatch )
                if ( nChar <= nRight - anCodeLen[nMatch]
                        && strncmp(szaCode[nMatch],&pSource[nChar+1],anCodeLen[nMatch]) == 0 )
                    // Insert symbol and increment index past ampersand semi-colon
                    pDest[nLen++] = szSymbol[nMatch];
                    nChar += anCodeLen[nMatch] + 1;
                    bCodeConverted = true;

            // If the code is not converted, leave it as is
            if ( ! bCodeConverted )
                pDest[nLen++] = _T('&');
        else // not &
            nCharLen = _tclen(&pSource[nChar]);
            _tccpy( &pDest[nLen], &pSource[nChar] );
            nLen += nCharLen;
            nChar += nCharLen;
    return csText;
コード例 #2
ファイル: MarkupSTL.cpp プロジェクト: Avoidnf8/xbmc-fork
CStdString CMarkupSTL::x_TextFromDoc( int nLeft, int nRight ) const
	// Convert XML friendly text to text as seen outside XML document
	// replacing ampersand escape codes with special characters
	// E.g. convert "6&gt;7" to "6>7"
	// Conveniently the result is always the same or shorter in length
	static _TCHAR* szaCode[] = { _T("lt;"),_T("amp;"),_T("gt;"),_T("apos;"),_T("quot;") };
	static int anCodeLen[] = { 3,4,3,5,5 };
	static _TCHAR* szSymbol = _T("<&>\'\"");
	CStdString csText;
	const _TCHAR* pSource = m_csDoc;
	int nDestSize = nRight - nLeft + 1;
	_TCHAR* pDest = csText.GetBuffer(nDestSize);
	int nLen = 0;
	int nCharLen;
	int nChar = nLeft;
	while ( nChar <= nRight )
		if ( pSource[nChar] == _T('&') )
			// Look for matching &code;
			for ( int nMatch = 0; nMatch < 5; ++nMatch )
				if ( nChar <= nRight - anCodeLen[nMatch]
					&& _tcsncmp(szaCode[nMatch],&pSource[nChar+1],anCodeLen[nMatch]) == 0 )
					pDest[nLen++] = szSymbol[nMatch];
					nChar += anCodeLen[nMatch] + 1;

			// If no match is found it means XML doc is invalid
			// no devastating harm done, ampersand code will just be left in result
			if ( nMatch == 5 )
				pDest[nLen++] = _T('&');
			nCharLen = _tclen(&pSource[nChar]);
			_tccpy( &pDest[nLen], &pSource[nChar] );
			nLen += nCharLen;
			nChar += nCharLen;
	return csText;
コード例 #3
ファイル: MarkupSTL.cpp プロジェクト: Avoidnf8/xbmc-fork
CStdString CMarkupSTL::x_TextToDoc( const char * szText, bool bAttrib ) const
	// Convert text as seen outside XML document to XML friendly
	// replacing special characters with ampersand escape codes
	// E.g. convert "6>7" to "6&gt;7"
	// &lt;   less than
	// &amp;  ampersand
	// &gt;   greater than
	// and for attributes:
	// &apos; apostrophe or single quote
	// &quot; double quote
	static _TCHAR* szaReplace[] = { _T("&lt;"),_T("&amp;"),_T("&gt;"),_T("&apos;"),_T("&quot;") };
	const _TCHAR* pFind = bAttrib?_T("<&>\'\""):_T("<&>");
	CStdString csText;
	const _TCHAR* pSource = szText;
	int nDestSize = _tcslen(pSource);
	nDestSize += nDestSize / 10 + 7;
	_TCHAR* pDest = csText.GetBuffer(nDestSize);
	int nLen = 0;
	_TCHAR cSource = *pSource;
	_TCHAR* pFound;
	while ( cSource )
		if ( nLen > nDestSize - 6 )
			nDestSize *= 2;
			pDest = csText.GetBuffer(nDestSize);
		if ( (pFound=_tcschr(pFind,cSource)) != NULL )
			pFound = szaReplace[pFound-pFind];
			nLen += _tcslen(pFound);
			_tccpy( &pDest[nLen], pSource );
		pSource += _tclen( pSource );
		cSource = *pSource;
	return csText;
コード例 #4
ファイル: mfc_dlg.cpp プロジェクト: RavenX8/mysqlpp
CExampleDlg::ToUCS2(LPTSTR pcOut, int nOutLen, const char* kpcIn)
	if (strlen(kpcIn) > 0) {
		// Do the conversion normally
		return MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, kpcIn, -1, pcOut,
				nOutLen) > 0;
	else if (nOutLen > 1) {
		// Can't distinguish no bytes copied from an error, so handle
		// an empty input string as a special case.
		_tccpy(pcOut, _T(""));
		return true;
	else {
		// Not enough room to do anything!
		return false;
コード例 #5
ファイル: debwalk.cpp プロジェクト: maerson/windbg
GetExpr (
    uint radix,
    PEEHSTR phStr,
    ulong  *pEnd
    EESTATUS    retval = EENOMEMORY;
    char *pStr;
    char *pExprStr;
    HDEP        hExprStr;
    int         len;
    ulong       strIndex;
    UINT nLen;

    Unreferenced( radix );

    //M00KLUDGE - this routine will eventuall have to walk the bound tree
    //            and format the expression because of ambiguous expressions

    // use the saved original string if there is one
    // (in case the expression has been modified)

    if (pExState->hExStrSav) {
        hExprStr = pExState->hExStrSav;
        len = pExState->ExLenSav;
        strIndex = pExState->strIndexSav;
    } else {
        hExprStr = pExState->hExStr;
        len = pExState->ExLen;
        strIndex = pExState->strIndex;

    pExprStr = (char *) MemLock (hExprStr);

    nLen = len+1;
    if (((*phStr = MemAllocate (nLen)) != 0)) {
        // the expression has been bound and memory allocated
        char        tempBuf[TYPESTRMAX];
        UINT        nb;
        UINT        nIndex = 0;
        BOOL        fHSYM;
        char *psz;
        ulong       nAdj = 0;

        pStr = (char *) MemLock (*phStr);
        for (psz = pExprStr; (psz < pExprStr + len) && *psz; psz = _tcsinc (psz)) {
            fHSYM = FALSE;
            if (*psz == HSYM_MARKER) {
                HSYM hSym = GetHSYMFromHSYMCode(psz + 1);
                psz += HSYM_CODE_LEN;  // skip embedded HSYM code
                fHSYM = TRUE;
                DASSERT (hSym);
                if (GetNameFromHSYM(tempBuf, hSym) == FALSE) {
                    pExState->err_num = ERR_INTERNAL;
                    return EEGENERAL;
                nb = _tcslen(tempBuf);
                // compute adjustment for strIndex:
                // if an HSYM is to the left of strIndex,
                // strIndex needs to be adjusted
                if (psz <= pExprStr + strIndex)
                    nAdj += (nb - sizeof (char) - HSYM_CODE_LEN);
            } else {
                nb = 1;

            // check if there is space in the buffer and
            // copy nb characters to the destination string

            if (nIndex + nb > nLen-1) {
                // there is not enough space, grow buffer
                nLen += NAMESTRMAX;
                if ((*phStr = MemReAlloc(*phStr, nLen)) == 0){
                    return EENOMEMORY;
                pStr = (char *) MemLock (*phStr);
            if (fHSYM) {
                // copy name from tembBuf
                memcpy(pStr+nIndex, tempBuf, nb);
                nIndex += nb;
            } else {
                // copy a single character from pExprStr
                _tccpy (pStr + nIndex, psz);
                nIndex += _tclen (psz);
        pStr[nIndex++] = 0;
        MemUnLock (*phStr);

        // Reallocate the buffer in case it is too large
        DASSERT (nIndex <= nLen);
        if (nIndex < nLen &&
            (*phStr = MemReAlloc(*phStr, nIndex)) == 0){
            return EENOMEMORY;
        retval = EENOERROR;
        *pEnd = strIndex + nAdj;
    MemUnLock (hExprStr);

    return retval;