コード例 #1
ファイル: spa.c プロジェクト: hoo2/toolbox
static void _rts_approx_rise_and_set (double *m_rts, double h0)
   double h0_dfrac = h0/360.0;

   m_rts[SUN_RISE]    = _wrap ((m_rts[SUN_TRANSIT] - h0_dfrac), 0, 1);
   m_rts[SUN_SET]     = _wrap ((m_rts[SUN_TRANSIT] + h0_dfrac), 0, 1);
   m_rts[SUN_TRANSIT] = _wrap ((m_rts[SUN_TRANSIT]), 0, 1);
コード例 #2
ファイル: spa.c プロジェクト: hoo2/toolbox
static double _rts_alpha_delta_prime (double *ad, double n)
   double a = ad[JD_ZERO] - ad[JD_MINUS];
   double b = ad[JD_PLUS] - ad[JD_ZERO];

   if (fabs(a) >= 2.0) a = _wrap (a, 0, 1);
   if (fabs(b) >= 2.0) b = _wrap (b, 0, 1);

   return ad[JD_ZERO] + n * (a + b + (b-a)*n)/2.0;
コード例 #3
inline LZHASH LZHLCompressor::_updateTable( LZHASH hash, const uint8_t* src, LZPOS pos, ptrdiff_t len )
  if ( len <= 0 )
    return 0;

  if ( len > LZSKIPHASH ) {
    hash = 0;
    const uint8_t* pEnd = src + len + LZMATCH;

    for ( const uint8_t* p=src+len; p < pEnd ; ) {
      UPDATE_HASH( hash, *p++ );

    return hash;

  UPDATE_HASH_EX( hash, src );

  for ( int i=0; i < len ; ++i ) {
    table[ HASH_POS( hash ) ] = (LZTableItem)_wrap( pos + i );
    UPDATE_HASH_EX( hash, src + i );

  return hash;
コード例 #4
ファイル: spa.c プロジェクト: hoo2/toolbox
static double _top_azimuth_angle_astro(double h_prime, double latitude, double delta_prime)
   double h_prime_rad = _deg2rad(h_prime);
   double lat_rad     = _deg2rad(latitude);

   return _wrap (_rad2deg (atan2(sin(h_prime_rad),
                                 cos(h_prime_rad)*sin(lat_rad) - tan(_deg2rad(delta_prime))*cos(lat_rad))), 0, 360);
コード例 #5
ファイル: spa.c プロジェクト: hoo2/toolbox
 * \brief
 *    Calculate geocentric right ascension
 * \return  [deg]
static double _geo_right_ascension(double lamda, double epsilon, double beta)
   double lamda_rad   = _deg2rad (lamda);
   double epsilon_rad = _deg2rad (epsilon);

   return _wrap (_rad2deg (
                    atan2( sin (lamda_rad)*cos (epsilon_rad) - tan (_deg2rad (beta))*sin (epsilon_rad),
                           cos (lamda_rad))),
                 0, 360);
コード例 #6
ファイル: spa.c プロジェクト: hoo2/toolbox
 * \brief
 *    Calculate Earth's Heliocentric longitude
 * \return [deg]
static double _earth_hel_longitude (double jme)
   double sum[L_COUNT];
   int i;

   for (i = 0; i < L_COUNT; i++)
      sum[i] = _periodic_term_sum (L_TERMS[i], l_subcount[i], jme);

   return _wrap (_rad2deg (_earth_values (sum, L_COUNT, jme)), 0, 360);
コード例 #7
ファイル: spa.c プロジェクト: hoo2/toolbox
static double _rts_hour_angle_at_rise_set (double latitude, double delta_zero, double h0_prime)
   double h0             = -99999;
   double latitude_rad   = _deg2rad (latitude);
   double delta_zero_rad = _deg2rad (delta_zero);
   double argument       = (sin(_deg2rad(h0_prime)) - sin(latitude_rad)*sin(delta_zero_rad)) /

   if (fabs(argument) <= 1) h0 = _wrap (_rad2deg(acos(argument)), 0, 180);

   return h0;
コード例 #8
ファイル: sm_split.c プロジェクト: Xelatr/42sh
t_list		*sm_split(char *str, char spliter)
  int		i;
  int		j;
  t_list	*list;
  char		*n_str;

  i = -1;
  j = 0;
  if (!str)
    return (NULL);
  if (!(list = new_list()))
    return (NULL);
  while (str[++i])
    if (str[i] == spliter)
      n_str = sm_dupn(&str[j], i - j);
      list->push(list, _wrap(n_str, sm_len(n_str)));
      j = i + 1;
  if (j != i)
    list->push(list, _wrap(sm_dup(&str[j]), sm_len(&str[j])));
  return (list);
コード例 #9
ファイル: LZBuffer.cpp プロジェクト: BackandBlack/versionr
void LZBuffer::_bufCpy( uint8_t* dst, LZPOS pos, size_t sz )
  assert( sz < LZBUFSIZE );
  LZPOS begin = _wrap( pos );
  LZPOS end = begin + (LZPOS)sz;

  if ( end > LZBUFSIZE )
    size_t left = LZBUFSIZE - begin;
    memcpy( dst, buf + begin, left );
    memcpy( dst + left, buf, sz - left );
    memcpy( dst, buf + begin, sz );
コード例 #10
ファイル: b_alias.c プロジェクト: Xelatr/42sh
int		b_alias(t_system *sys, t_execute *alias)
  char		*key;
  char		*value;
  t_opt		*opt;

  if (alias->params->length != 2)
    sys->print(sys, "alias [KEY] [VALUE]\n");
    return (1);
  key = (char*)alias->params->at(alias->params, 0)->mem;
  value = (char*)alias->params->at(alias->params, 1)->mem;
  if (sys->isenable(sys, key))
    return (st_alias(sys, key, value));
  opt = new_opt(key, 1, value);
  sys->opts->push(sys->opts, _wrap(opt, sizeof(opt)));
  return (0);
コード例 #11
ファイル: LZBuffer.cpp プロジェクト: BackandBlack/versionr
void LZBuffer::_toBuf( const uint8_t* src, size_t sz )
  assert( sz < LZBUFSIZE );
  LZPOS begin = _wrap( bufPos );
  LZPOS end = begin + (LZPOS)sz;

  if ( end > LZBUFSIZE )
    size_t left = LZBUFSIZE - begin;
    memcpy( buf + begin, src, left );
    memcpy( buf, src + left, sz - left );
    memcpy( buf + begin, src, sz );

  bufPos += sz;
コード例 #12
static void setWireRenderStates(const Color* color)
    _dxCR( dxSetRenderState( D3DRS_COLORVERTEX, FALSE ) );
    D3DMATERIAL9 material;
    material.Diffuse  = _wrap( wrap( *color ) );
    material.Ambient  = material.Diffuse;
    material.Specular = material.Diffuse;
    material.Emissive = material.Diffuse;
    _dxCR( dxSetMaterial( &material ) ); 
    _dxCR( dxSetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_SELECTARG2 ) );
    _dxCR( dxSetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_COLORARG2, D3DTA_DIFFUSE ) );
    _dxCR( dxSetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_SELECTARG2 ) );
    _dxCR( dxSetTextureStageState( 0, D3DTSS_ALPHAARG2, D3DTA_DIFFUSE ) );
    _dxCR( dxSetTextureStageState( 1, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_DISABLE ) );
    _dxCR( dxSetTextureStageState( 1, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_DISABLE ) );
コード例 #13
ファイル: myriad_putorder.c プロジェクト: Xelatr/RayTracer
void		myriad_putorder(t_rt *rt, t_dispatcher *dispatcher)
  int		x;
  int		y;
  t_pixel	*pixel;

  y = 0;
  while (y < (int)rt->size_y)
    x = 0;
    while (x < (int)rt->size_x)
      pixel = new_pixel(x, y, 0xFFFFFF);
      pixel->x[1] = (x + 1 >= (int)rt->size_x) ? -1 : x + 1;
      pixel->y[1] = (x + 1 >= (int)rt->size_x) ? -1 : y;
      pixel->x[2] = (x + 2 >= (int)rt->size_x) ? -1 : x + 2;
      pixel->y[2] = (x + 2 >= (int)rt->size_x) ? -1 : y;
	  _wrap(pixel, sizeof(t_pixel)));
      x += 3;
コード例 #14
ファイル: spa.c プロジェクト: hoo2/toolbox
 * \brief
 *    Calculate Equation of time sun rise, transit and set
static void _eot_and_sun_rts(spa_t *spa, _spa_data_t *_spa_data, spa_output_t *spa_out)
   _spa_data_t sun_rts = *_spa_data;
   spa_time_t  utc_rts = spa->utc;
   double nu, m, h0, n;
   double alpha[JD_COUNT], delta[JD_COUNT];
   double m_rts[SUN_COUNT], nu_rts[SUN_COUNT], h_rts[SUN_COUNT];
   double alpha_prime[SUN_COUNT], delta_prime[SUN_COUNT], h_prime[SUN_COUNT];
   double h0_prime = -1*(SUN_RADIUS + spa->atmos.refract);
   int i;

   m           = _rts_sun_mean_lon (_spa_data->jme);
   sun_rts.eot = _rts_eot (m, sun_rts.alpha, sun_rts.del_psi, sun_rts.epsilon);

   // Clear hour and keep Date only
   utc_rts.hour = utc_rts.min = utc_rts.sec = 0;
   utc_rts.delta_ut1 = utc_rts.timezone = 0.0;

   sun_rts.jd = _julian_day (utc_rts);

   _geo_sun_ra_and_decl (utc_rts.delta_t);
   nu = sun_rts.nu;

   utc_rts.delta_t = 0;
   for (i = 0; i < JD_COUNT; i++) {
      _geo_sun_ra_and_decl (utc_rts.delta_t);
     alpha[i] = sun_rts.alpha;
     delta[i] = sun_rts.delta;

   m_rts[SUN_TRANSIT] = _rts_approx_sun_transit_time (alpha[JD_ZERO], spa->loc.longitude, nu);
   h0 = _rts_hour_angle_at_rise_set (spa->loc.latitude, delta[JD_ZERO], h0_prime);

   if (h0 >= 0) {

      _rts_approx_rise_and_set (m_rts, h0);

     for (i=0; i<SUN_COUNT; ++i) {

         nu_rts[i]      = nu + 360.985647*m_rts[i];

         n              = m_rts[i] + spa->utc.delta_t/86400.0;
         alpha_prime[i] = _rts_alpha_delta_prime (alpha, n);
         delta_prime[i] = _rts_alpha_delta_prime (delta, n);

         h_prime[i]     = _wrap ((nu_rts[i] + spa->loc.longitude - alpha_prime[i]), -180, 180);

         h_rts[i]       = _rts_sun_altitude (spa->loc.latitude, delta_prime[i], h_prime[i]);

     _spa_data->srha = h_prime[SUN_RISE];
     _spa_data->ssha = h_prime[SUN_SET];
     _spa_data->sta  = h_rts[SUN_TRANSIT];

     spa_out->suntransit =
        _dayfrac_to_local_hr ((m_rts[SUN_TRANSIT] - h_prime[SUN_TRANSIT] / 360.0), spa->utc.timezone);

     spa_out->sunrise =
        _dayfrac_to_local_hr (
           _rts_sun_rise_and_set(m_rts, h_rts, delta_prime, spa->loc.latitude, h_prime, h0_prime, SUN_RISE),

     spa_out->sunset  =
        _dayfrac_to_local_hr (
           _rts_sun_rise_and_set (m_rts, h_rts, delta_prime, spa->loc.latitude, h_prime, h0_prime, SUN_SET),

   } else {
      _spa_data->srha = _spa_data->ssha = _spa_data->sta = -99999;
      spa_out->suntransit= spa_out->sunrise= spa_out->sunset= -99999;

コード例 #15
ファイル: LZBuffer.cpp プロジェクト: BackandBlack/versionr
void LZBuffer::_toBuf( uint8_t c )
  buf[ _wrap( bufPos++ ) ] = c;
コード例 #16
void Shader::setSpecularColor(const Vector4f& value)
    _materialColor.Specular = _wrap( value );
コード例 #17
Vector4f Shader::getSpecularColor(void)
    return _wrap( _materialColor.Specular );
コード例 #18
void Shader::setDiffuseColor(const Vector4f& value)
    _materialColor.Diffuse = _wrap( value );
コード例 #19
Vector4f Shader::getDiffuseColor(void)
    return _wrap( _materialColor.Diffuse );
コード例 #20
ファイル: lua_wrap.c プロジェクト: Keseril/libquvi
static QUVIcode run_parse_func(_quvi_llst_node_t n, _quvi_media_t m)
  static const char *f = "parse";
  _quvi_lua_script_t s;
  _quvi_t quvi;
  lua_State *l;
  QUVIcode rc;

  assert(n != NULL);
  assert(m != NULL);

  quvi = m->quvi;           /* seterr macro needs this. */
  l = quvi->lua;
  s = (_quvi_lua_script_t) n->data;
  rc = QUVI_OK;

  lua_getglobal(l, f);

  if (!lua_isfunction(l, -1))
                "%s: `%s' function not found", s->path, f);
      return (QUVI_LUA);

  setfield_reg_userdata(l, USERDATA_QUVI_MEDIA_T, m);
  setfield_s(l, "requested_format", m->quvi->format);
  setfield_s(l, "page_url", m->page_url);
  setfield_s(l, "thumbnail_url", "");
  setfield_s(l, "redirect_url", "");
  setfield_s(l, "start_time", "");
  setfield_n(l, "duration", 0);

  if (lua_pcall(l, 1, 1, 0))
      freprintf(&quvi->errmsg, "%s", lua_tostring(l, -1));
      return (QUVI_LUA);

  if (!lua_istable(l, -1))
      freprintf(&quvi->errmsg, "expected `%s' function return a table", f);
      return (QUVI_LUA);

  freprintf(&m->redirect_url, "%s", getfield_s(l, "redirect_url", s, f));

  if (strlen(m->redirect_url) == 0)
      const int r = luaL_ref(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
      rc = run_lua_trim_fields_func(m, r);
      luaL_unref(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, r);

      if (rc == QUVI_OK)
#define _wrap(n) \
  do { freprintf(&m->n, "%s", getfield_s(l, #n, s, f)); } while (0)
#undef _wrap
          m->duration = getfield_n(l, "duration", s, f);
          rc = getfield_iter_table_s(l, "url", m, s, f);

  lua_pop(l, 1);

  return (rc);
コード例 #21
ファイル: lua_wrap.c プロジェクト: Keseril/libquvi
QUVIcode run_ident_func(_quvi_ident_t ident, _quvi_llst_node_t node)
  static const char *f = "ident";
  _quvi_lua_script_t s;
  _quvi_t quvi;
  lua_State *l;
  QUVIcode rc;

  assert(ident != NULL);
  assert(node != NULL);

  quvi = ident->quvi;
  assert(quvi != NULL);         /* seterr macro uses this. */

  l = quvi->lua;
  assert(l != NULL);

  s = (_quvi_lua_script_t) node->data;


  lua_setglobal(l, "ident");
  lua_setglobal(l, "parse");

  if (luaL_dofile(l, s->path))
      freprintf(&quvi->errmsg, "%s", lua_tostring(l, -1));
      return (QUVI_LUA);

  lua_getglobal(l, "ident");

  if (!lua_isfunction(l, -1))
      freprintf(&quvi->errmsg, "%s: `ident' function not found", s->path);
      return (QUVI_LUA);

  setfield_s(l, "page_url", ident->url);
    char *b = NULL;
    char *d = _dirname(s->path, &b);
    setfield_s(l, "script_dir", d);

  if (lua_pcall(l, 1, 1, 0))
      freprintf(&quvi->errmsg, "%s", lua_tostring(l, -1));
      return (QUVI_LUA);

  if (lua_istable(l, -1))
#define _wrap(n) \
  do { freprintf(&ident->n, "%s", getfield_s(l, #n, s, f)); } while (0)
#undef _wrap
      ident->categories = getfield_n(l, "categories", s, f);
      rc = getfield_b(l, "handles", s, f) ? QUVI_OK : QUVI_NOSUPPORT;
      if (rc == QUVI_OK)
          rc = (ident->categories & quvi->category)
               ? QUVI_OK : QUVI_NOSUPPORT;
    luaL_error(l, "%s: expected `ident' to return table", s->path);

  lua_pop(l, 1);

  return (rc);
コード例 #22
size_t LZHLCompressor::compress( uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* src, size_t sz ) {
  LZHLEncoder coder( &stat, dst );
  // (unused) const uint8_t* srcBegin = src;
  const uint8_t* srcEnd = src + sz;

  LZHASH hash = 0;

  if ( sz >= LZMATCH ) {
    const uint8_t* pEnd = src + LZMATCH;

    for ( const uint8_t* p=src; p < pEnd ; ) {
      UPDATE_HASH( hash, *p++ );

  for (;;) {
    ptrdiff_t srcLeft = srcEnd - src;
    if ( srcLeft < LZMATCH ) {
      if ( srcLeft ) {
        _toBuf( src, srcLeft );
        coder.putRaw( src, srcLeft );

      break;  //forever

    ptrdiff_t nRaw = 0;
    ptrdiff_t maxRaw = std::min( srcLeft - LZMATCH, (ptrdiff_t)LZHLEncoder::maxRaw );

    int    lazyMatchLen = 0;
    int    lazyMatchHashPos = 0;
    LZPOS  lazyMatchBufPos = 0;
    ptrdiff_t    lazyMatchNRaw = 0;
    LZHASH lazyMatchHash = 0;
    bool   lazyForceMatch = false;
    for (;;) {
      LZHASH hash2 = HASH_POS( hash );

      LZPOS hashPos = table[ hash2 ];
      LZPOS wrapBufPos = _wrap( bufPos );
      table[ hash2 ] = (LZTableItem)wrapBufPos;

      int matchLen = 0;
      if ( hashPos != (LZTABLEINT)(-1) && hashPos != wrapBufPos )
        int matchLimit = std::min( std::min( _distance( wrapBufPos - hashPos ), (int)(srcLeft - nRaw) ), LZMIN + LZHLEncoder::maxMatchOver );
        matchLen = _nMatch( hashPos, src + nRaw, matchLimit );

        if ( _wrap( hashPos + matchLen ) == wrapBufPos )
          assert( matchLen != 0 );
          ptrdiff_t xtraMatchLimit = std::min( LZMIN + (ptrdiff_t)LZHLEncoder::maxMatchOver - matchLen, srcLeft - nRaw - matchLen );
          int xtraMatch;
          for ( xtraMatch = 0; xtraMatch < xtraMatchLimit ; ++xtraMatch )
            if ( src[ nRaw + xtraMatch ] != src[ nRaw + xtraMatch + matchLen ] )
              break;//for ( xtraMatch )

          matchLen += xtraMatch;

        if ( matchLen >= LZMIN - 1 )//to ensure that buf will be overwritten
          int xtraMatchLimit = (int)std::min( LZMIN + LZHLEncoder::maxMatchOver - (ptrdiff_t)matchLen, nRaw );
          int d = (int)_distance( bufPos - hashPos );
          xtraMatchLimit = std::min( std::min( xtraMatchLimit, d - matchLen ), LZBUFSIZE - d );
          int xtraMatch;
          for ( xtraMatch = 0; xtraMatch < xtraMatchLimit ; ++xtraMatch )
            if ( buf[ _wrap( hashPos - xtraMatch - 1 ) ] != src[ nRaw - xtraMatch - 1 ] )
              break;//for ( xtraMatch )

          if ( xtraMatch > 0 ) {
            assert( matchLen + xtraMatch >= LZMIN );
            assert( matchLen + xtraMatch <= _distance( bufPos - hashPos ) );

            nRaw -= xtraMatch;
            bufPos -= xtraMatch;
            hashPos -= xtraMatch;
            matchLen += xtraMatch;
            wrapBufPos = _wrap( bufPos );
            hash = _calcHash( src + nRaw );

            lazyForceMatch = true;

      if ( lazyMatchLen >= LZMIN ) {
        if ( matchLen > lazyMatchLen ) {
          coder.putMatch( src, nRaw, matchLen - LZMIN, _distance( wrapBufPos - hashPos ) );
          hash = _updateTable( hash, src + nRaw, bufPos + 1, std::min( (ptrdiff_t)matchLen - 1, srcEnd - (src + nRaw + 1) - LZMATCH ) );
          _toBuf( src + nRaw, matchLen );
          src += nRaw + matchLen;
          break;//for ( nRaw )

        } else {
          nRaw = lazyMatchNRaw;
          bufPos = lazyMatchBufPos;

          hash = lazyMatchHash;
          UPDATE_HASH_EX( hash, src + nRaw );
          coder.putMatch( src, nRaw, lazyMatchLen - LZMIN, _distance( bufPos - lazyMatchHashPos ) );
          hash = _updateTable( hash, src + nRaw + 1, bufPos + 2, std::min( (ptrdiff_t)lazyMatchLen - 2, srcEnd - (src + nRaw + 2) - LZMATCH ) );
          _toBuf( src + nRaw, lazyMatchLen );
          src += nRaw + lazyMatchLen;

          break;//for ( nRaw )

      if ( matchLen >= LZMIN ) {

        if ( !lazyForceMatch ) {
          lazyMatchLen = matchLen;
          lazyMatchHashPos = hashPos;
          lazyMatchNRaw = nRaw;
          lazyMatchBufPos = bufPos;
          lazyMatchHash = hash;
        } else
          coder.putMatch( src, nRaw, matchLen - LZMIN, _distance( wrapBufPos - hashPos ) );
          hash = _updateTable( hash, src + nRaw, bufPos + 1, std::min( (ptrdiff_t)matchLen - 1, srcEnd - (src + nRaw + 1) - LZMATCH ) );
          _toBuf( src + nRaw, matchLen );
          src += nRaw + matchLen;

          break;//for ( nRaw )

      assert( !lazyForceMatch );

      if ( nRaw + 1 > maxRaw )
        if ( lazyMatchLen >= LZMIN )
          coder.putMatch( src, nRaw, lazyMatchLen - LZMIN, _distance( bufPos - lazyMatchHashPos ) );
          hash = _updateTable( hash, src + nRaw, bufPos + 1, std::min( (ptrdiff_t)lazyMatchLen - 1, srcEnd - (src + nRaw + 1) - LZMATCH ) );
          _toBuf( src + nRaw, lazyMatchLen );
          src += nRaw + lazyMatchLen;
          break;//for ( nRaw )

        if ( nRaw + LZMATCH >= srcLeft && srcLeft <= LZHLEncoder::maxRaw )
          _toBuf( src + nRaw, srcLeft - nRaw );
          nRaw = srcLeft;

        coder.putRaw( src, nRaw );
        src += nRaw;
        break;//for ( nRaw )

      UPDATE_HASH_EX( hash, src + nRaw );
      _toBuf( src[ nRaw++ ] );
    }//for ( nRaw )

  return coder.flush();
コード例 #23

#include	<signal.h>
#include	<unistd.h>
#include	<stdio.h>
#include	<stdlib.h>
#include	<errno.h>
#include	"neptune/clust/dispatcher.h"

static void	send_data(t_dispatcher *this, t_socket *client)
  t_metadata	*meta;
  t_elem	*data;

  meta = new_metadata(MR_DATA, MD_LIST);
  data = _wrap(meta, sizeof(t_metadata));
  data->save(data, (t_io*)client);
  this->data->save(this->data, (t_io*)client);

static void	send_order(t_socket *s, t_list *list, t_list *lo)
  t_metadata	*meta;
  t_elem	*data;
  t_elem	*elem;

  while ((elem = list->next(list)))
コード例 #24
ファイル: st_nt.c プロジェクト: Xelatr/RayTracer
** Started on  ven. mai 29 16:17:08 2015 Antoine Favarel
** Last update mer. juin 03 16:53:00 2015 Antoine Favarel

#include	<stdlib.h>
#include	<stdio.h>
#include	"neptune/clust/dispatcher.h"

static void	st_elem(t_dispatcher *this, t_socket *client, t_list *lo)
  t_elem	*respond;
  t_elem	*akn;

  respond = new_elem();
  akn = _wrap(new_metadata(MR_AKN, MD_DATA), sizeof(t_metadata));
  if (respond->load(respond, (t_io*)client) == EXIT_FAILURE)
    return ;
  this->responds->push(this->responds, respond->dup(respond));
  lo->remove(lo, lo->get(lo, respond->id));
  akn->save(akn, (t_io*)client);

static void	st_loop(t_dispatcher *this, t_socket *c, t_list *lo, t_list *r)
  t_elem	*tmp;

  while ((tmp = r->next(r)))