コード例 #1
ファイル: feature_model.cpp プロジェクト: 499704069/SceneLib2
Eigen::MatrixXd FeatureModel::dRq_times_a_by_dq (const Eigen::Quaterniond &q, const Eigen::Vector3d &a)
  Eigen::MatrixXd aMat(3,1);

  aMat(0,0) = a(0);
  aMat(1,0) = a(1);
  aMat(2,0) = a(2);

  Eigen::Matrix3d TempR;
  Eigen::MatrixXd Temp31(3,1);
  Eigen::MatrixXd dRq_times_a_by_dq(3,4);

  // Make Jacobian by stacking four vectors together side by side
  TempR = dR_by_dq0(q);
  Temp31 = TempR * aMat;
  dRq_times_a_by_dq.block(0,0,3,1) = Temp31;

  TempR = dR_by_dqx(q);
  Temp31 = TempR * aMat;
  dRq_times_a_by_dq.block(0,1,3,1) = Temp31;

  TempR = dR_by_dqy(q);
  Temp31 = TempR * aMat;
  dRq_times_a_by_dq.block(0,2,3,1) = Temp31;

  TempR = dR_by_dqz(q);
  Temp31 = TempR * aMat;
  dRq_times_a_by_dq.block(0,3,3,1) = Temp31;

  return dRq_times_a_by_dq;
コード例 #2
void ImRON2ParmEllipse
         REAL & A,
         REAL & B,
         REAL & C,
	 const Pt2dr & aV0,
	 const Pt2dr & aV1
   ElMatrix<REAL> aMat(2,2);

   aMat = gaussj(aMat);
   aMat = aMat.transpose() * aMat;

   ElMatrix<REAL> aVecP(2,2);
   ElMatrix<REAL> aValP(2,2);


    aValP(0,0) = sqrt(aValP(0,0));
    aValP(1,1) = sqrt(aValP(1,1));

    ElMatrix<REAL> aABC = aVecP * aValP * aVecP.transpose();

    A = aABC(0,0);
    B = aABC(1,0);
    C = aABC(1,1);
コード例 #3
ElMatrix<double> ImportMat(const cTypeCodageMatr & aCM)
    ElMatrix<double> aMat(3,3);


    return aMat;
コード例 #4
bool EllipseEq2ParamPhys
         REAL  & V1,
         REAL  & V2,
         REAL  & teta,
         REAL  A,
         REAL  B,
         REAL  C
   ElMatrix<REAL> aMat(2,2);
   aMat(0,0) = A;
   aMat(1,0) = B;
   aMat(0,1) = B;
   aMat(1,1) = C;

   ElMatrix<REAL> aVecP(2,2);
   ElMatrix<REAL> aValP(2,2);

   if ((aValP(0,0) <=0) || (aValP(1,1) <= 0))
       return false;
   V1 = 1 / aValP(0,0);
   V2 = 1 / aValP(1,1);
   teta = angle(Pt2dr(aVecP(0,0),aVecP(0,1)));

   if (V1 < V2)
      teta += PI/2;
      if (teta> PI)
         teta -= PI;

   return true;
コード例 #5
REAL TestMulMat(INT aNbTime, INT aNbVar)
    ElTimer aChrono;
    Im2D_REAL8 aMat(aNbVar,aNbVar,0.0);
    Im1D_REAL8 aVec(aNbVar,0.0);

    REAL8 ** aDM = aMat.data();
    REAL8 *  aDV = aVec.data();

    for (INT aKT=0 ; aKT<aNbTime ; aKT++)
        for (INT aKV=0 ; aKV<aNbVar ; aKV++)
		for (INT aX=0 ; aX<aNbVar ; aX++)
		    for (INT aY=0 ; aY<aNbVar ; aY++)
		        aDM[aY][aX] += aDV[aY] * aDV[aX];

    return aChrono.uval();
コード例 #6
ファイル: Deformation.cpp プロジェクト: 540485909/MagicLib
    cv::Mat Deformation::DeformByMovingLeastSquares(const cv::Mat& inputImg, 
            const std::vector<int>& originIndex, const std::vector<int>& targetIndex)
        int imgW = inputImg.cols;
        int imgH = inputImg.rows;
        cv::Size imgSize(imgW, imgH);
        cv::Mat resImg(imgSize, CV_8UC3);
        int markNum = originIndex.size() / 2;
        std::vector<double> wList(markNum);
        std::vector<MagicMath::Vector2> pHatList(markNum);
        std::vector<MagicMath::Vector2> qHatList(markNum);
        MagicMath::Vector2 pStar, qStar;
        std::vector<MagicMath::Vector2> pList(markNum);
        for (int mid = 0; mid < markNum; mid++)
            pList.at(mid) = MagicMath::Vector2(originIndex.at(mid * 2), originIndex.at(mid * 2 + 1));
        std::vector<MagicMath::Vector2> qList(markNum);
        for (int mid = 0; mid < markNum; mid++)
            qList.at(mid) = MagicMath::Vector2(targetIndex.at(mid * 2), targetIndex.at(mid * 2 + 1));
        std::vector<std::vector<double> > aMatList(markNum);
        std::vector<bool> visitFlag(imgW * imgH, 0);

        for (int hid = 0; hid < imgH; hid++)
            for (int wid = 0; wid < imgW; wid++)
                MagicMath::Vector2 pos(wid, hid);
                //calculate w
                bool isMarkVertex = false;
                int markedIndex = -1;
                double wSum = 0;
                for (int mid = 0; mid < markNum; mid++)
                    //double dTemp = (pos - pList.at(mid)).LengthSquared(); //variable
                    double dTemp = (pos - pList.at(mid)).Length();
                    //dTemp = pow(dTemp, 1.25);
                    if (dTemp < 1.0e-15)
                        isMarkVertex = true;
                        markedIndex = mid;
                    dTemp = pow(dTemp, 1.25);
                    wList.at(mid) = 1.0 / dTemp;
                    wSum += wList.at(mid);
                if (isMarkVertex)
                    const unsigned char* pPixel = inputImg.ptr(hid, wid);
                    int targetH = targetIndex.at(2 * markedIndex + 1);
                    int targetW = targetIndex.at(2 * markedIndex);
                    unsigned char* pResPixel = resImg.ptr(targetH, targetW);
                    pResPixel[0] = pPixel[0];
                    pResPixel[1] = pPixel[1];
                    pResPixel[2] = pPixel[2];
                    visitFlag.at(targetH * imgW + targetW) = 1;
                    //Calculate pStar qStar
                    pStar = MagicMath::Vector2(0.0, 0.0);
                    qStar = MagicMath::Vector2(0.0, 0.0);
                    for (int mid = 0; mid < markNum; mid++)
                        pStar += (pList.at(mid) * wList.at(mid));
                        qStar += (qList.at(mid) * wList.at(mid));
                    pStar /= wSum;
                    qStar /= wSum;

                    //Calculate pHat qHat
                    for (int mid = 0; mid < markNum; mid++)
                        pHatList.at(mid) = pList.at(mid) - pStar;
                        qHatList.at(mid) = qList.at(mid) - qStar;
                    //Calculate A
                    MagicMath::Vector2 col0 = pos - pStar;
                    MagicMath::Vector2 col1(col0[1], -col0[0]);
                    for (int mid = 0; mid < markNum; mid++)
                        std::vector<double> aMat(4);
                        MagicMath::Vector2 row1(pHatList.at(mid)[1], -pHatList.at(mid)[0]);
                        aMat.at(0) = pHatList.at(mid) * col0 * wList.at(mid);
                        aMat.at(1) = pHatList.at(mid) * col1 * wList.at(mid);
                        aMat.at(2) = row1 * col0 * wList.at(mid);
                        aMat.at(3) = row1 * col1 * wList.at(mid);
                        aMatList.at(mid) = aMat;

                    //Calculate fr(v)
                    MagicMath::Vector2 fVec(0, 0);
                    for (int mid = 0; mid < markNum; mid++)
                        fVec[0] += (qHatList.at(mid)[0] * aMatList.at(mid).at(0) + qHatList.at(mid)[1] * aMatList.at(mid).at(2));
                        fVec[1] += (qHatList.at(mid)[0] * aMatList.at(mid).at(1) + qHatList.at(mid)[1] * aMatList.at(mid).at(3));

                    //Calculate target position
                    MagicMath::Vector2 targetPos = fVec * ((pos - pStar).Length()) + qStar;
                    int targetW = targetPos[0];
                    int targetH = targetPos[1];
                    if (targetH >= 0 && targetH < imgH && targetW >= 0 && targetW < imgW)
                        const unsigned char* pPixel = inputImg.ptr(hid, wid);
                        unsigned char* pResPixel = resImg.ptr(targetH, targetW);
                        pResPixel[0] = pPixel[0];
                        pResPixel[1] = pPixel[1];
                        pResPixel[2] = pPixel[2];
                        visitFlag.at(targetH * imgW + targetW) = 1;

        std::vector<int> unVisitVecH;
        std::vector<int> unVisitVecW;
        for (int hid = 0; hid < imgH; hid++)
            int baseIndex = hid * imgW;
            for (int wid = 0; wid < imgW; wid++)
                if (!visitFlag.at(baseIndex + wid))
        int minAcceptSize = 4;
        int fillTime = 1;
        while (unVisitVecH.size() > 0)
            DebugLog << "unVisit number: " << unVisitVecH.size() << std::endl;
            std::vector<int> unVisitVecHCopy = unVisitVecH;
            std::vector<int> unVisitVecWCopy = unVisitVecW;
            int unVisitSize = unVisitVecHCopy.size();
            for (int uid = 0; uid < unVisitSize; uid++)
                MagicMath::Vector3 avgColor(0, 0, 0);
                int hid = unVisitVecHCopy.at(uid);
                int wid = unVisitVecWCopy.at(uid);
                int avgSize = 0;
                if ((hid - 1) >= 0 && visitFlag.at((hid - 1) * imgW + wid))
                    unsigned char* pPixel = resImg.ptr(hid - 1, wid);
                    avgColor[0] += pPixel[0];
                    avgColor[1] += pPixel[1];
                    avgColor[2] += pPixel[2];
                if ((hid + 1) < imgH && visitFlag.at((hid + 1) * imgW + wid))
                    unsigned char* pPixel = resImg.ptr(hid + 1, wid);
                    avgColor[0] += pPixel[0];
                    avgColor[1] += pPixel[1];
                    avgColor[2] += pPixel[2];
                if ((wid - 1) >= 0 && visitFlag.at(hid * imgW + wid - 1))
                    unsigned char* pPixel = resImg.ptr(hid, wid - 1);
                    avgColor[0] += pPixel[0];
                    avgColor[1] += pPixel[1];
                    avgColor[2] += pPixel[2];
                if ((wid + 1) < imgW && visitFlag.at(hid * imgW + wid + 1))
                    unsigned char* pPixel = resImg.ptr(hid, wid + 1);
                    avgColor[0] += pPixel[0];
                    avgColor[1] += pPixel[1];
                    avgColor[2] += pPixel[2];
                if (avgSize >= minAcceptSize)
                    visitFlag.at(hid * imgW + wid) = 1;
                    avgColor /= avgSize;
                    unsigned char* pFillPixel = resImg.ptr(hid, wid);
                    pFillPixel[0] = avgColor[0];
                    pFillPixel[1] = avgColor[1];
                    pFillPixel[2] = avgColor[2];
            if (fillTime == 4)
            else if (fillTime == 6)
            else if (fillTime == 8)
        //fill hole
        /*for (int hid = 0; hid < imgH; hid++)
            int baseIndex = hid * imgW;
            for (int wid = 0; wid < imgW; wid++)
                if (!visitFlag.at(baseIndex + wid))
                    double wSum = 0;
                    MagicMath::Vector3 avgColor(0, 0, 0);
                    for (int wRight = wid + 1; wRight < imgW; wRight++)
                        if (visitFlag.at(baseIndex + wRight))
                            double wTemp = 1.0 / (wRight - wid);
                            wSum += wTemp;
                            unsigned char* pPixel = resImg.ptr(hid, wRight);
                            avgColor[0] += wTemp * pPixel[0];
                            avgColor[1] += wTemp * pPixel[1];
                            avgColor[2] += wTemp * pPixel[2];
                    for (int wLeft = wid - 1; wLeft >= 0; wLeft--)
                        if (visitFlag.at(baseIndex + wLeft))
                            double wTemp = 1.0 / (wid - wLeft);
                            wSum += wTemp;
                            unsigned char* pPixel = resImg.ptr(hid, wLeft);
                            avgColor[0] += wTemp * pPixel[0];
                            avgColor[1] += wTemp * pPixel[1];
                            avgColor[2] += wTemp * pPixel[2];
                    for (int hUp = hid - 1; hUp >= 0; hUp--)
                        if (visitFlag.at(hUp * imgW + wid))
                            double wTemp = 1.0 / (hid - hUp);
                            unsigned char* pPixel = resImg.ptr(hUp, wid);
                            wSum += wTemp;
                            avgColor[0] += wTemp * pPixel[0];
                            avgColor[1] += wTemp * pPixel[1];
                            avgColor[2] += wTemp * pPixel[2];
                    for (int hDown = hid + 1; hDown < imgH; hDown++)
                        if (visitFlag.at(hDown * imgW + wid))
                            double wTemp = 1.0 / (hDown - hid);
                            unsigned char* pPixel = resImg.ptr(hDown, wid);
                            wSum += wTemp;
                            avgColor[0] += wTemp * pPixel[0];
                            avgColor[1] += wTemp * pPixel[1];
                            avgColor[2] += wTemp * pPixel[2];
                    if (wSum > 1.0e-15)
                        avgColor /= wSum;
                    unsigned char* pFillPixel = resImg.ptr(hid, wid);
                    pFillPixel[0] = avgColor[0];
                    pFillPixel[1] = avgColor[1];
                    pFillPixel[2] = avgColor[2];
        return resImg;
コード例 #7
/* The following takes in a polynomial stored in *c, and yields the roots of
   this polynomial (*wr stores the real comp, and *wi stores the imag comp)
   It forms a companion matrix, then uses the hqr algorithm 
   VV 19 June 2003 
	Input arguments:
		c: coefficients of the polynomial
		wr: real parts of the roots (output)
		wi: imaginary parts of the roots (output)

int LPFormantTracker::hqr_roots(dtype * c, dtype * wr, dtype * wi) {
#ifndef aMat
	#define aMat(k, j) AHess[((j) - 1) * nLPC + (k) - 1]

	int nn, m, l, k, j, i, its, mmin, nLPC_SQR = nLPC * nLPC;

    /* dtype AHess[maxNLPC_squared]; */
    dtype z, y, x, w, v, u, t, s, r, q, p, anorm = 0.0F;
	/* generate companion matrix, starting off with an intialized version */
	DSPF_dp_blk_move(Acompanion, AHess, nLPC_SQR);

	for (i = 0; i < nLPC; i++)
		AHess[nLPC * i] = -c[i + 1];

    /* end of companion matrix generation  */

    /* the following performs the hqr algoritm  */
    /* NOTE:  This was taken from Numerical Recipes in C, with modification
       Specifically, the wr and wi arrays were assumed to number from 1..n
       in the book.  I modified calls to these arrays so that they number 0..n-1
       Additionally, n (the order of the polynomial) is hardset to be 8 
       VV 19 June 2003 */

    for (i = 1; i < nLPC + 1; i++)
        for (j = imax(i - 1, 1); j < nLPC + 1; j++)
            anorm += fabs(aMat(i, j)); 
			/*anorm += fabs(AHess[(j - 1) * nLPC + i - 1]);*/

    nn = nLPC;
    t = 0.0;
    while (nn >= 1) {
        do {
           for (l = nn; l >= 2; l--) {
               s = fabs(aMat(l - 1, l - 1)) + fabs(aMat(l, l));
			   /*s = fabs(AHess[(l - 2) * nLPC + l - 2]) + fabs(AHess[(l - 1) * nLPC + l - 1]);*/

               if (s == 0.0) s = anorm;

               if ((dtype) (fabs(aMat(l, l - 1)) + s) == s) 
			   /*if ((dtype) (fabs(AHess[(l - 2) * nLPC + l - 1]) + s) == s)*/

         x=aMat(nn, nn);
		 /*x = AHess[(nn - 1) * nLPC + nn - 1];*/

         if (l == nn) {
			wr[(-1) + nn] = x + t;
			wi[(-1) + nn--] = 0.0;
		 else {
			y = aMat(nn - 1 ,nn - 1);
			/*y = AHess[(nn - 2) * nLPC + nn - 2];*/

            w = aMat(nn, nn - 1) * aMat(nn - 1, nn);
			/*w = AHess[(nn - 2) * nLPC + nn - 1] * AHess[(nn - 2) * nLPC + nn - 1];*/
			if (l == (nn-1)) {
				p = 0.5 * (y - x);
                q = p * p + w;
                x += t;
				if (q >= 0.0) {
					z = p + mul_sign(z, p);
					wr[(-1) + nn - 1] = wr[(-1) + nn] = x + z;
                    if (z) wr[(-1) + nn] = x - w / z;
                    wi[(-1) + nn - 1] = wi[(-1) + nn] = 0.0;
				else {
					wr[(-1) + nn - 1] = wr[(-1) + nn] = x + p;
                    wi[(-1) + nn - 1] = -(wi[(-1) + nn] = z);
				nn -= 2;
			else {
				if (its == 10 || its == 20) {
					t += x;
                    for (i = 1; i <= nn; i++) 
						aMat(i, i) -= x;
						/*AHess[(i - 1) * nLPC + i - 1] -= x;*/

                    s = fabs(aMat(nn, nn - 1)) + fabs(aMat(nn - 1, nn - 2));
					/*s = fabs(AHess[(nn - 2) * nLPC + nn - 1]) + fabs(AHess[(nn - 3) * nLPC + nn - 2]);*/

					y = x = 0.75 * s;
                    w = -0.4375 * s * s;
                for (m = nn - 2; m >= l; m--) {
					z = aMat(m, m);
					/*z = AHess[(m - 1) * nLPC + m - 1];*/

					r = x - z;
					s = y - z;
					p = (r * s - w) / aMat(m + 1, m) + aMat(m, m + 1);
					/*p = (r * s - w) /  AHess[(m - 1) * nLPC + m] + AHess[m * nLPC + m - 1];*/

					q = aMat(m + 1, m + 1) - z - r - s;
					/*q = AHess[m * nLPC + m] - z - r - s;*/

					r = aMat(m + 2, m + 1);
					/*r = AHess[m * nLPC + m + 1];*/

					s = fabs(p) + fabs(q) + fabs(r);
					p /= s;
					q /= s;
					r /= s;
					if (m == l) break;

					u = fabs(aMat(m, m - 1)) * (fabs(q) + fabs(r));
					/*u = fabs(AHess[(m - 2) * nLPC + m - 1]) * (fabs(q) + fabs(r));*/

					v = fabs(p) * (fabs(aMat(m - 1, m - 1)) + fabs(z) + fabs(aMat(m + 1, m + 1)));
					/*v = fabs(p) * (fabs(AHess[(m - 2) * nLPC + m - 2]) + fabs(z) + fabs(AHess[m * nLPC + m]));*/

					if ((dtype) (u+v) == v) break;
				for (i = m + 2; i <= nn; i++) {
					aMat(i, i - 2) = 0.0F;
					//AHess[(i - 3) * nLPC + i - 1] = 0.0F;

                    if (i != (m + 2)) 
						aMat(i, i - 3) = 0.0F;
						/*AHess[(i - 4) * nLPC + i - 1] = 0.0F;*/

				for (k = m; k <= nn - 1; k++) {
					if (k != m) {
						p = aMat(k, k - 1);
						/*p = AHess[(k - 2) * nLPC + k - 1];*/

                        q = aMat(k + 1,k - 1);
						/*p = AHess[(k - 2) * nLPC + k];*/

                        r = 0.0F;
                        if (k != (nn - 1)) 
							r = aMat(k + 2, k - 1);
							/*r = AHess[(k - 2) * nLPC + k + 1];*/

                        if ((x = fabs(p) + fabs(q) + fabs(r)) != 0.0) {
                            p /= x;
                            q /= x;
                            r /= x;
					if ((s = mul_sign(sqrt(p * p + q * q + r * r), p)) != 0.0) {
						if (k == m) {
                            if (l != m)
                            aMat(k,k-1) = -aMat(k,k-1);
							/*AHess[(k - 2) * nLPC + k - 1] *= -1.0;*/
                            aMat(k, k - 1) = -s * x;
							/*AHess[(k - 2) * nLPC + k - 1] = -s * x;*/

                        p += s;
                        q /= p;
                        r /= p;

                        for (j=k;j<=nn;j++) {
							/*p = AHess[(j - 1) * nLPC + k - 1] + q * AHess[(j - 1) * nLPC + k];*/

                            if (k != (nn-1)) {
                                p += r * aMat(k + 2, j);
								/*p += r * AHess[(j - 1) * nLPC + k + 1];*/

                                aMat(k + 2, j) -= p * z;
							/*	AHess[(j - 1) * nLPC + k + 1] -= p * z;*/
                            aMat(k+1,j) -= p*y;
							/*AHess[(j - 1) * nLPC + k] -= p * y;*/

                            aMat(k,j) -= p*x;
							/*AHess[(j - 1) * nLPC + k - 1] -= p * x;*/
                        mmin = nn<k+3 ? nn : k+3;
                        for (i=l;i<=mmin;i++) {
                            p = x * aMat(i, k) + y * aMat(i, k + 1);
							/*p = x * AHess[(k - 1) * nLPC + i - 1] + y * AHess[k * nLPC + i - 1];*/

                            if (k != (nn-1)) {
                                p += z*aMat(i,k+2);
								/*p += z * AHess[(k + 1) * nLPC + i - 1];*/

                                aMat(i,k+2) -= p*r;
								/*AHess[(k + 1) * nLPC + i - 1] -= p * r;*/

                            aMat(i,k+1) -= p*q;
							/*AHess[k * nLPC + i - 1] -= p * q;*/

                            aMat(i,k) -= p;
							/*AHess[(k - 1) * nLPC + i - 1] -= p;*/
	while (l < nn - 1);

	if (nn == 0) 
		return 1;
		return 0;