コード例 #1
ファイル: dy_hotstart.c プロジェクト: coin-or/DyLP
void dy_setfinalstatus (void)

  This code is common to all three start routines (coldstart, warmstart,
  hotstart). It scans the newly calculated basic variables and assigns
  them their final status. In the process, it calculates the number of
  infeasible variables, and the total infeasibility.

  Parameters: none

  Returns: undefined

{ int aindx, xkndx ;
  double xk,lbk,ubk ;

  const char *rtnnme = "dy_setfinalstatus" ;
# endif

# ifndef DYLP_NDEBUG
  if (dy_opts->print.crash >= 2)
    dyio_outfmt(dy_logchn,dy_gtxecho,"\n\testablishing final status ...") ;
# endif

  dy_lp->infeas = 0.0 ;
  dy_lp->infeascnt = 0 ;

  Step through the constraints, and have a look at the basic variable in each

  The paranoid check will complain if the basis is corrupt, but since nothing
  can go wrong if we're not paranoid, it just complains and moves to the next
  for (aindx = 1 ; aindx <= dy_sys->concnt ; aindx++)
  { xkndx = dy_basis[aindx] ;
    xk = dy_xbasic[aindx] ;
    lbk = dy_sys->vlb[xkndx] ;
    ubk = dy_sys->vub[xkndx] ;
    if (xkndx <= 0 || xkndx > dy_sys->varcnt)
    { errmsg(303,rtnnme,dy_sys->nme,aindx,1,xkndx,dy_sys->varcnt) ;
      continue ; }
#   endif
    switch (dy_status[xkndx])
    { case vstatB:
      { if (atbnd(xk,lbk))
	{ dy_status[xkndx] = vstatBLB ; }
	if (belowbnd(xk,lbk))
	{ dy_lp->infeascnt++ ;
	  dy_lp->infeas += lbk-xk ;
	  dy_status[xkndx] = vstatBLLB ; }
	if (atbnd(xk,ubk))
	{ dy_status[xkndx] = vstatBUB ; }
	if (abovebnd(xk,ubk))
	{ dy_lp->infeascnt++ ;
	  dy_lp->infeas += xk-ubk ;
	  dy_status[xkndx] = vstatBUUB ; }
	break ; }
      case vstatBFX:
      { if (!atbnd(xk,lbk))
	{ if (belowbnd(xk,lbk))
	  { dy_lp->infeascnt++ ; 
	    dy_lp->infeas += lbk-xk ;
	    dy_status[xkndx] = vstatBLLB ; }
	  { dy_lp->infeascnt++ ;
	    dy_lp->infeas += xk-ubk ;
	    dy_status[xkndx] = vstatBUUB ; } }
	break ; } }
#   ifndef DYLP_NDEBUG
    if (dy_opts->print.crash >= 4)
    { dyio_outfmt(dy_logchn,dy_gtxecho,"\n\t  %s (%d) %s",
		  dy_prtvstat(dy_status[xkndx])) ;
      if (lbk > -dy_tols->inf)
	dyio_outfmt(dy_logchn,dy_gtxecho,", lb = %g",lbk) ;
      dyio_outfmt(dy_logchn,dy_gtxecho,", val = %g",xk) ;
      if (ubk < dy_tols->inf)
	dyio_outfmt(dy_logchn,dy_gtxecho,", ub = %g",ubk) ;
      if (flgon(dy_status[xkndx],vstatBLLB|vstatBUUB))
      { dyio_outfmt(dy_logchn,dy_gtxecho,", infeasibility = ") ;
	if (flgon(dy_status[xkndx],vstatBLLB))
	  dyio_outfmt(dy_logchn,dy_gtxecho,"%g",lbk-xk) ;
	  dyio_outfmt(dy_logchn,dy_gtxecho,"%g",xk-ubk) ; }
      dyio_outchr(dy_logchn,dy_gtxecho,'.') ; }
#   endif
  setcleanzero(dy_lp->infeas,dy_tols->zero) ;

  return ; }
コード例 #2
ファイル: dy_solutions.c プロジェクト: sednanref/tesis
void dy_logStatus (lpprob_struct *orig_lp, flags **p_logstat)

  This routine returns the status of the primal logical variables, in row
  order for the original system. The routine reports out the full set of dylp
  status codes.

  It's actually a fair bit of work to get the status right for inactive
  constraints. Because we're reporting the full set of dylp status codes, and
  the client might be calling in a situation where the outcome was infeasible
  or unbounded, we need to calculate the value and assign the appropriate
  status code. 

    orig_lp:	the original lp problem
    p_logstat:	(i) vector to hold the status of the primal logical variables;
		    if NULL, a vector of appropriate size will be allocated
		(o) status of the primal logical variables, in the
		    original system frame of reference

  Returns: undefined

{ int i,m,i_orig,m_orig ;
  flags stati ;
  double rhsi,rhslowi,lhsi,xi,lbi,ubi ;

  consys_struct *orig_sys ;
  flags *logstat ;
  double *x ;

  char *rtnnme = "dy_logStatus" ;

# ifndef DYLP_NDEBUG
  int v,n_orig ;
# endif

  if (dy_std_paranoia(orig_lp,rtnnme) == FALSE)
  { return ; }
  if (p_logstat == NULL)
  { errmsg(2,rtnnme,"logstat") ;
    return ; }
# endif

  orig_sys = orig_lp->consys ;
  m_orig = orig_sys->concnt ;
  m = dy_sys->concnt ;
  If we're not playing with a full deck, we'll need the values of the
  architecturals to determine the appropriate status for the logical.
  x = NULL ;
  if (m < m_orig)
  { dy_colPrimals(orig_lp,&x) ; }
  Do we need a vector?
  if (*p_logstat != NULL)
  { logstat = *p_logstat ;
    memset(logstat,0,(m_orig+1)*sizeof(flags)) ; }
  { logstat = (flags *) CALLOC((m_orig+1),sizeof(flags)) ; }
  Walk the rows of the original system. For active constraints, copy the
  status of the logical from dy_status. For inactive constraints, we need to
  actually calculate the value of the logical and assign the appropriate
  status. This is more work than you'd think, because we need to determine the
  appropriate bounds for the logical based on the constraint type, and we need
  to allow for the possibility that the problem was infeasible or unbounded and
  the logical is not within bounds. We also need to allow for the possibility
  that dylp deactivated a tight constraint with y<i> = 0. The convention for
  logicals in the original system is that all have a coefficient of 1.0. Thus
  we have bounds of (0,infty) for a slack (contypLE), (0,0) for an artificial
  (contypEQ), (-infty,0) for a surplus (contypGE), and (0,rhs-rhslow) for a
  bounded slack (contypRNG).
  for (i_orig = 1 ; i_orig <= m_orig ; i_orig++)
  { if (ACTIVE_CON(i_orig))
    { i = dy_origcons[i_orig] ;
      stati = dy_status[i] ; }
    { lhsi = consys_dotrow(orig_sys,i_orig,x) ;
      rhsi = orig_sys->rhs[i_orig] ;
      xi = rhsi-lhsi ;
      setcleanzero(xi,dy_tols->zero) ;
      lbi = -dy_tols->inf ;
      ubi = dy_tols->inf ;
      switch (orig_sys->ctyp[i_orig])
      { case contypLE:
	{ lbi = 0.0 ;
	  break ; }
	case contypEQ:
	{ lbi = 0.0 ;
	  ubi = 0.0 ;
	  break ; }
        case contypGE:
	{ ubi = 0.0 ;
	  break ; }
	case contypRNG:
	{ rhslowi = orig_sys->rhslow[i_orig] ;
	  lbi = 0 ;
	  ubi = rhsi-rhslowi ;
	  break ; }
	case contypNB:
	{ continue ; }
	{ errmsg(1,rtnnme,__LINE__) ;
	  break ; } }
      if (belowbnd(xi,lbi))
      { stati = vstatBLLB ; }
      if (atbnd(xi,lbi))
      { stati = vstatBLB ; }
      if (atbnd(xi,ubi))
      { stati = vstatBUB ; }
      if (abovebnd(xi,ubi))
      { stati = vstatBUUB ; }
      { stati = vstatB ; } }
    logstat[i_orig] = stati ; }

  if (x != NULL) FREE(x) ;

# ifndef DYLP_NDEBUG
  if (dy_opts->print.soln >= 3)
  { dyio_outfmt(dy_logchn,dy_gtxecho,"\n\trowstat =") ;
    n_orig = orig_sys->varcnt ;
    v = 0 ;
    for (i_orig = 1 ; i_orig <= m_orig ; i_orig++)
    { if ((++v)%3 == 0)
      { v = 0 ;
	dyio_outfmt(dy_logchn,dy_gtxecho,"\n\t   ") ; }
      dyio_outfmt(dy_logchn,dy_gtxecho," (%s %d %s)",
		  dy_prtvstat(logstat[i_orig])) ; } }
# endif

  That's it. Return the vector.
  *p_logstat = logstat ;

  return ; }