DirectionalLightSamplerCLProcessor::DirectionalLightSamplerCLProcessor() : Processor(), KernelObserver() , boundingVolume_("SceneGeometry") , samplesPort_("samples") , lightSamplesPort_("LightSamples") , lights_("light") , workGroupSize_("wgsize", "Work group size", 64, 1, 4096) , useGLSharing_("glsharing", "Use OpenGL sharing", true) , lightSamples_(std::make_shared<LightSamples>()) , lightSampler_(workGroupSize_.get()) { addPort(boundingVolume_); addPort(samplesPort_); addPort(lights_); addPort(lightSamplesPort_); addProperty(workGroupSize_); lights_.onChange([this]() {lightSamples_->resetIteration(); }); lightSampler_.setWorkGroupSize(workGroupSize_); workGroupSize_.onChange([this]() { lightSampler_.setWorkGroupSize(workGroupSize_.get()); }); useGLSharing_.onChange([this]() { lightSampler_.setUseGLSharing(useGLSharing_); }); addObservation(&lightSampler_); addObservation(&lightSampleMeshIntersector_); }
void Hmm::baumWelch(vector<vector<unsigned long>*>& sequences, int iterations) { cerr << "Training with Baum-Welch for up to " << iterations << " iterations, using " << sequences.size() << " sequences." << endl; double prevTotalLogProb = 0; for (int k = 0; k<iterations; k++) { PseudoCounts counts; double totalLogProb = 0; for (unsigned int i=0; i<sequences.size(); i++) { vector<unsigned long>& seq = *sequences[i]; for (unsigned int j=0; j<seq.size(); j++) { addObservation(seq[j]); } // accumulate the pseudo counts totalLogProb += getPseudoCounts(counts); reset(); if ((i+1)%1000==0) cerr << "Processed " << i+1 << " sequences" << endl; } cerr << "Iteration " << k+1 << ' ' << "totalLogProb=" << totalLogProb << endl; if (prevTotalLogProb!=0 && (totalLogProb - prevTotalLogProb<1)) break; else prevTotalLogProb = totalLogProb; updateProbs(counts); } }
Observer& Observer::operator=(const Observer& that) { if (this != &that) { removeObservations(); for (auto observable : that.observables_) addObservation(observable); } return *this; }
void Interpolate1D::setObservation(const float & x, const float & y, const int & idx) { if(idx >= numObservations() ) { addObservation(x, y); return; } m_observations[idx] = Float2(x, y); }
void Execute::slotNext() { switch( ui.stackedWidget->currentIndex() ) { case 0: { saveSession(); break; } case 1: { addTargetNotes(); break; } case 2: { addObservation(); ui.stackedWidget->setCurrentIndex( 1 ); ui.NextButton->setText( i18n( "Next Page >" ) ); QString prevTarget = currentTarget->name(); loadTargets(); ui.Target->setCurrentRow( findIndexOfTarget( prevTarget ), QItemSelectionModel::SelectCurrent ); selectNextTarget(); break; } } }
bool Localization::Calculate(vector<LineSegment> &clusteredLines, bool circleDetected, const Point2f &FieldHullRealCenter, const vector<cv::Point2f> &FieldHullReal, const Point2d &resultCircleRotated, const vector<Point2f> &goalPosition, const bool &confiused, vector<LineContainer> &AllLines, vector<FeatureContainer> &AllFeatures) { if (_cameraProjections == NULL) { ROS_ERROR("Error in programming"); return false; } AllLines.reserve(clusteredLines.size()); AllFeatures.reserve(5); const double MAX_FASHER = 200.; atLeastOneObservation = false; double UPDATENORMAL = params.loc->UPDATENORMAL() * params.loc->TOTALGAIN(); double UPDATESTRONG = params.loc->UPDATESTRONG() * params.loc->TOTALGAIN(); double UPDATEWEAK = params.loc->UPDATEWEAK() * params.loc->TOTALGAIN(); LineSegment HorLine(cv::Point(0, -10), cv::Point(0, 10)); LineSegment VerLine(cv::Point(10, 0), cv::Point(-10, 0)); for (size_t i = 0; i < clusteredLines.size(); i++) { LineSegment lineSeg = clusteredLines[i]; if (lineSeg.GetLength() > params.loc->minLineLen()) { cv::Point2d mid = lineSeg.GetMiddle(); if (lineSeg.GetAbsMinAngleDegree(VerLine) < 45) { LineType thisType = VerUndef; double angleDiffVer = lineSeg.GetExteriorAngleDegree(VerLine); if (angleDiffVer < -90) angleDiffVer += 180; if (angleDiffVer > 90) angleDiffVer += -180; if (lineSeg.DistanceFromLine(cv::Point(0, 0)) > params.loc->VerLineMinDistanceToUpdate()) { LandmarkType ltype = CenterL; double estimatedY = 0; if (mid.y > 0) { thisType = VerLeft; estimatedY = B2 - mid.y; ltype = LeftL; } else { thisType = VerRight; estimatedY = -B2 + abs(mid.y); ltype = RightL; } addObservation(Point2d(0, estimatedY), 0, MAX_FASHER * getUpdateCoef(UPDATENORMAL, lineSeg), ltype); } else if (lineSeg.DistanceFromLine(FieldHullRealCenter) > (params.loc->VerLineMinDistanceToUpdate() / 2.) && cv::contourArea(FieldHullReal) > 4) { LandmarkType ltype = CenterL; LineSegment l2Test = lineSeg; if (lineSeg.P1.x > lineSeg.P2.x) { l2Test.P1 = lineSeg.P2; l2Test.P2 = lineSeg.P1; } double estimatedY = 0; if (l2Test.GetSide(FieldHullRealCenter) < 0) { thisType = VerLeftNear; estimatedY = B2 - mid.y; ltype = LeftL; } else { thisType = VerRightNear; estimatedY = -B2 + abs(mid.y); ltype = RightL; } addObservation(Point2d(0, estimatedY), 0, MAX_FASHER * getUpdateCoef(UPDATENORMAL, lineSeg), ltype); } AllLines.push_back(LineContainer(lineSeg, thisType)); } else { LineType thisType = HorUndef; double angleDiffHor = lineSeg.GetExteriorAngleDegree(HorLine); if (angleDiffHor < -90) angleDiffHor += 180; if (angleDiffHor > 90) angleDiffHor += -180; if (circleDetected && DistanceFromLineSegment(lineSeg, resultCircleRotated) < 1) { thisType = HorCenter; double estimatedX = -mid.x; addObservation(Point2d(estimatedX, 0), MAX_FASHER * UPDATENORMAL, 0, CenterL); } if (goalPosition.size() >= 2 && lineSeg.DistanceFromLine(goalPosition[0]) < 0.5 && lineSeg.DistanceFromLine(goalPosition[1]) < 0.5) { LandmarkType typel = CenterL; double estimatedX = 0; if (mid.x > 0) { typel = FrontL; estimatedX = A2 - mid.x; } else { typel = BackL; estimatedX = -A2 + abs(mid.x); } double lowPC = getUpdateCoef( (goalPosition.size() == 2 ? UPDATESTRONG : UPDATENORMAL), lineSeg); addObservation(Point2d(estimatedX, 0), MAX_FASHER * lowPC, 0, typel); thisType = HorGoal; } AllLines.push_back(LineContainer(lineSeg, thisType)); } } } for (size_t i = 0; i < AllLines.size(); i++) { LineContainer hI = AllLines[i]; if (hI.type != HorUndef) continue; for (size_t j = i; j < AllLines.size(); j++) { LineContainer hJ = AllLines[j]; if (hJ.type != HorUndef) continue; cv::Point2d midI = hI.lineTransformed.GetMiddle(); cv::Point2d midJ = hJ.lineTransformed.GetMiddle(); double distanceToEachOther = dist3D_Segment_to_Segment( hI.lineTransformed, hJ.lineTransformed); double midPointsLSAngleToOne = hI.lineTransformed.GetAbsMinAngleDegree( LineSegment(midI, midJ)); if (distanceToEachOther < E * 1.5 && distanceToEachOther > E * 0.5 && hI.lineTransformed.GetAbsMinAngleDegree( hJ.lineTransformed) < 30 && midPointsLSAngleToOne > 25) { bool hJ_Is_Goal_Line = hJ.lineTransformed.DistanceFromLine( cv::Point(0, 0)) > hI.lineTransformed.DistanceFromLine(cv::Point(0, 0)); cv::Point2d mid = hJ_Is_Goal_Line ? midJ : midI; double estimatedX = 0; if ((hJ_Is_Goal_Line ? hJ.lineTransformed : hI.lineTransformed).DistanceFromLine( cv::Point(0, 0)) > 1.2) { LandmarkType typel = CenterL; if (mid.x > 0) { estimatedX = A2 - mid.x; typel = FrontL; } else { estimatedX = -A2 + abs(mid.x); typel = BackL; } double lowPC = getUpdateCoef(UPDATESTRONG, hJ_Is_Goal_Line ? hJ.lineTransformed : hI.lineTransformed); addObservation(Point2d(estimatedX, 0), MAX_FASHER * lowPC, 0, typel); } } } } if (circleDetected) { double estimatedX = -resultCircleRotated.x; double estimatedY = -resultCircleRotated.y; addObservation(Point2d(estimatedX, estimatedY), MAX_FASHER * UPDATEWEAK, MAX_FASHER * UPDATEWEAK, CenterL); } if (atLeastOneObservation) { updateVertexIdx(); if ((nodeCounter % 30 == 0) && PreviousVertexId > 0) { optimizer.initializeOptimization(); optimizer.optimize(1); Vector3d tmpV; optimizer.vertex(PreviousVertexId)->getEstimateData(; location.x = tmpV(0); location.y = tmpV(1); } } return true; }
bool cpu_tsdf::OctreeNode::addObservation (float d_new, float w_new, float max_weight, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { return (addObservation (d_new, w_new, max_weight)); }
Observer::Observer(Observer&& rhs) { for (auto observable : rhs.observables_) addObservation(observable); rhs.removeObservations(); }
Observer::Observer(const Observer& rhs) { for (auto observable : rhs.observables_) addObservation(observable); }