コード例 #1
ファイル: personview.cpp プロジェクト: cornelius/polka
PersonView::PersonView( PolkaModel *model, QWidget *parent )
  : QWidget( parent ), m_model( model ), m_dirWatch( 0 )
  QBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );

  m_webView = new QWebView;
  topLayout->addWidget( m_webView );
  m_webView->page()->setLinkDelegationPolicy( QWebPage::DelegateAllLinks );
  connect( m_webView->page(), SIGNAL( linkClicked( const QUrl & ) ),
    SLOT( slotLinkClicked( const QUrl & ) ) );

  m_addPictureWidget = new AddPictureWidget( m_model );
  topLayout->addWidget( m_addPictureWidget );
  connect( m_addPictureWidget, SIGNAL( grabPicture() ),
           SLOT( grabPicture() ) );
  connect( m_addPictureWidget, SIGNAL( gotPicture( ImageLoader * ) ),
           SLOT( addPicture( ImageLoader * ) ) );

  m_pictureSelectorControls = new PictureSelectorControls( m_model );
  topLayout->addWidget( m_pictureSelectorControls );

  QHBoxLayout *pictureSelectorLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
  topLayout->addLayout( pictureSelectorLayout );

  m_pictureSelector = new PictureSelector( m_model );
  pictureSelectorLayout->addWidget( m_pictureSelector );
  connect( m_pictureSelector, SIGNAL( addPicture() ), SLOT( addPicture() ) );

  connect( m_pictureSelector,
    SIGNAL( pictureSelected( const Polka::Picture & ) ),
    SLOT( selectPicture( const Polka::Picture & ) ) );

  pictureSelectorLayout->addStretch( 1 );

  connect( m_model, SIGNAL( identityChanged( const Polka::Identity & ) ),
    SLOT( showIdentity( const Polka::Identity & ) ) );
コード例 #2
ファイル: videopreview.cpp プロジェクト: nE0sIghT/smpv
bool VideoPreview::extractImages() {
	VideoInfo i = getInfo(mplayer_bin, prop.input_video);
	int length = i.length;

	if (length == 0) {
		if (error_message.isEmpty()) error_message = tr("The length of the video is 0");
		return false;

	// Create a temporary directory
	QDir d(QDir::tempPath());
	if (!d.exists(output_dir)) {
		if (!d.mkpath(output_dir)) {
			qDebug("VideoPreview::extractImages: error: can't create '%s'", full_output_dir.toUtf8().constData());
			error_message = tr("The temporary directory (%1) can't be created").arg(full_output_dir);
			return false;


	// Let's begin
	run.thumbnail_width = 0;

	int num_pictures = prop.n_cols * prop.n_rows;
	length -= prop.initial_step;
	int s_step = length / num_pictures;

	int current_time = prop.initial_step;

	canceled = false;
	progress->setLabelText(tr("Creating thumbnails..."));
	progress->setRange(0, num_pictures-1);

	double aspect_ratio = i.aspect;
	if (prop.aspect_ratio != 0) aspect_ratio = prop.aspect_ratio;

	for (int n = 0; n < num_pictures; n++) {
		qDebug("VideoPreview::extractImages: getting frame %d of %d...", n+1, num_pictures);

		if (canceled) return false;

		if (!runPlayer(current_time, aspect_ratio)) return false;

		QString frame_picture = full_output_dir + "/" + framePicture();
		if (!QFile::exists(frame_picture)) {
			error_message = tr("The file %1 doesn't exist").arg(frame_picture);
			return false;

		QString extension = (extractFormat()==PNG) ? "png" : "jpg";
		QString output_file = output_dir + QString("/picture_%1.%2").arg(current_time, 8, 10, QLatin1Char('0')).arg(extension);
		d.rename(output_dir + "/" + framePicture(), output_file);
		QString output_file = output_dir + "/" + framePicture();

		if (!addPicture(QDir::tempPath() +"/"+ output_file, n, current_time)) {
			return false;

		current_time += s_step;

	return true;
コード例 #3
void SkPictureRecord::drawPicture(SkPicture& picture) {
コード例 #4
// CommonMenu
CommonMenu::CommonMenu(QObject *parent) :
    GraphicsController* gc = GraphicsController::instance();

    menu_ = new QMenu;

    QMenu *add = new QMenu("Add", menu_);
    connect(add->addAction("Add ScreenCapture"), SIGNAL(triggered()),
            gc, SLOT(addScreenCapture()));
    connect(add->addAction("Add Picture"), SIGNAL(triggered()),
            gc, SLOT(addPicture()));
    connect(add->addAction("Add Video"), SIGNAL(triggered()),
            gc, SLOT(addVideo()));
    connect(add->addAction("Add Text"), SIGNAL(triggered()),
            gc, SLOT(addText()));

    connect(menu_->addAction("Remove"), SIGNAL(triggered()),
            gc, SLOT(removeSelectedItems()));


    QMenu *pos = new QMenu("Position", menu_);
    connect(pos->addAction("Center"), &QAction::triggered,
    [&]() {
        if(item_) {
    connect(pos->addAction("TopLeft"), &QAction::triggered,
    [&]() {
        if(item_) {
    connect(pos->addAction("TopRight"), &QAction::triggered,
    [&]() {
        if(item_) {
    connect(pos->addAction("BottomLeft"), &QAction::triggered,
    [&]() {
        if(item_) {
    connect(pos->addAction("BottomRight"), &QAction::triggered,
    [&]() {
        if(item_) {

    connect(menu_->addAction("Default Size"), &QAction::triggered,
    [&]() {
        if(item_) {

コード例 #5
ファイル: did_server.c プロジェクト: ndemarinis/cs4516
* handle_client:  Main application layer thread for each client
* @author ndemarinis (Basic implementation)
void *handle_client(void *data){
    struct client_handler_data *clnt = (struct client_handler_data *)data;
    int pipes[2]; // Make a pipe to connect to the layer stack
    uint16_t cur_seq_num = 0;
    pid_t clnt_pid; // PID we receive from the client before startup
    struct layer_stack *stack; // Work data for layer stack implementation

    // Grab the client's identifier
    if((recv(clnt->sock, &clnt_pid, sizeof(pid_t), 0) != sizeof(pid_t)))
      die_with_error("Error receiving PID from client!");

    stack = create_layer_stack(clnt->sock, clnt_pid, pipes); // Initialize all of our layer threads

    sleep(1); // Wait a second for the thread creation to settle

    int bytes_read;
    struct packet client_p;
    struct packet response_p;
        //Wait for a packet to come in
        bytes_read = read(pipe_read(pipes), &client_p, sizeof(struct packet));

	if(!bytes_read) // If we read nothing, it's time to terminate.  
	    dprintf(DID_INFO, "APP:  Read 0 bytes from layer stack.  Terminating!\n");

        int opcode = client_p.opcode;
        if (opcode == __LOGIN_CODE){
            //payload is just the username for this opcode
            if(login(client_p.payload) == 0){
                //response code for SUCCESS
                response_p.opcode = 0x05;
                response_p.seq_num = cur_seq_num;
                //no payload basic success response!
                response_p.length = 0;

                send_packet(pipes, response_p);
            } else {
                //basic response packet signaling invailed login
                response_p.opcode = __NOT_AUTHORIZED_CODE;
                response_p.seq_num = cur_seq_num;
                response_p.length = 0;

                send_packet(pipes, response_p);
        //create record
        } else if (opcode == __CREATE_CODE){
            //payload syntax "<firstName>,<lastName>,<location>"
            char *firstName = strtok(client_p.payload, ",");
            char *lastName = strtok(NULL, ",");
            char *location = strtok(NULL, "");

            //replace null with proper response once I determine what its for!
            char *response = malloc(10*sizeof(response));
            int resp = createRecord(firstName, lastName, location, response);
            //if a 0 was not returned an error occured
            if (resp) {
                //send an error back!
                return_error(pipes, resp, &cur_seq_num);
            } else {
                //send back the data
                return_response(pipes, response, &cur_seq_num);
        //query record
        } else if (opcode == __QUERY_CODE){
            //payload syntax "NAME:<firstName>,<lastName>"
            //               "LOCATION:<location>"
            char *queryType = strtok(client_p.payload, ":");

            bodyEntry *responses;
            int resp;
            //two types of query name and location
            if (strcmp(queryType, "NAME") == 0){
                //handle queries by name
                char *firstName = strtok(NULL, ",");
                char *lastName = strtok(NULL, "");
		int respCount;
                //get the query response from the database
                resp = queryRecordByName(firstName, lastName, &responses, &respCount);

                //if resp is not 0 then an error occured
                if (resp){
                    //send an error back!
                    return_error(pipes, resp, &cur_seq_num);
                } else {
                    //send the information back to the client!
                    char response[respCount*(16+20+36+3)];
                    int i, rID;
		    char recordID[10];
                    for (i = 0; i < respCount; i++){
                        rID = responses[i].id;
                        sprintf(recordID, "%09d", rID);
                        strcat(response, recordID);
                        strcat(response, ",");
                        strcat(response, responses[i].location);
                        strcat(response, ",");
                    return_response(pipes, response, &cur_seq_num);
            } else if (strcmp(queryType, "LOCATION") == 0){
                //handle queries by location
                char *location = strtok(NULL, "");

		int respCount;
                //get the query response from the database
                resp = queryRecordByLocation(location, &responses, &respCount);

                //if resp is not 0 then an error occured
                if (resp){
                    //send an error back!
                    return_error(pipes, resp, &cur_seq_num);
                } else {
                    //send the information back to the client!
                    char response[respCount*(16+20+36+3)];
                    int i, rID;
		    char recordID[10];
                    for (i = 0; i < respCount; i++){
                        rID = responses[i].id;
                        sprintf(recordID, "%09d", rID);
                        strcat(response, recordID);
                        strcat(response, ",");
                        strcat(response, responses[i].firstName);
                        strcat(response, ",");
                        strcat(response, responses[i].lastName);
                        strcat(response, ",");
                    return_response(pipes, response, &cur_seq_num);
        //update record
        } else if (opcode == __UPDATE_CODE){
            //payload syntax "<recordId>,<firstName>,<lastName>"
            char *recordId = strtok(client_p.payload, ",");
            char *firstName = strtok(NULL, ",");
            char *lastName = strtok(NULL, "");

            //convert recordID into an integer
            int rId = atoi(recordId);
            int resp = updateRecordName(rId, firstName, lastName);

            //if resp is not 0 then an error occured
            if (resp){
                //send an error back!
                return_error(pipes, resp, &cur_seq_num);
            } else {
                //send the information back to the client!
                //basic success packet so an empty string is given for the payload
                return_response(pipes, "", &cur_seq_num);
        //add picture
        } else if (opcode == __ADD_PIC_CODE){
            /*payload syntax 1st   packet:   "<firstName>,<lastName>,<imageSize>"
                             2nd+ packets:   "<pictureData>"
                             These picture data packets will continue until the entirety of the picture has been transmitted
                             The file is complete once the server has recieved a packet ending with an EOF character
            //get the name information from the first packet transmitted
            char *firstName = strtok(client_p.payload, ",");
            char *lastName = strtok(NULL, ",");
            char *imageSize = strtok(NULL, "");

            unsigned long size = atol(imageSize);

            //create an array capable of holding the entire image
            char pictureData[size];
            int i = 0;

	    // DEBUG:  Write out the file as we read it
	    FILE *out = fopen("server_output.png", "w+");

            //start recieving the picture data, continue until this entire picture has been recieved
            while(i < size - 1){
                //read in a new packet of data
                bytes_read = read(pipe_read(pipes), &client_p, sizeof(struct packet));
		dprintf(DID_APP_INFO, "APP:  Received packet of %d bytes with payload of %d bytes.\n", 
		       bytes_read, client_p.length);

                //store the picture data into the array
                memcpy(pictureData + i, client_p.payload, client_p.length);

                //increment i by the length of the payload
                i += client_p.length;

	    // DEBUG:  Write out that whole array to the test file
	    printf("Received picture of %d total bytes.\n", i);
	    write(fileno(out), pictureData, i);

	    // DEBUG:  Close that file

            char add_response[10];
            int resp = addPicture(firstName, lastName, pictureData, add_response);

            if (resp){
                //send an error back!
                return_error(pipes, resp, &cur_seq_num);
            } else {
                //send the information back to the client!
                return_response(pipes, add_response, &cur_seq_num);

        //connect picture
        } else if (opcode == __CONNECT_PIC_CODE){
            //payload syntax "<pictureID>,<recordID>"
            char *pictureID = strtok(client_p.payload, ",");
            char *recordID = strtok(NULL, "");

            int pID = atoi(pictureID);
            int rID = atoi(recordID);

            int resp = connectPictureToRecord(pID, rID);

            if (resp){
                //send and error back!
                return_error(pipes, resp, &cur_seq_num);
            } else {
                //send the success packet back!
                return_response(pipes, "", &cur_seq_num);
        } else if (opcode == __LOGOUT_CODE){
            //payload syntax NONE
            //break out of the while loop containin this and allow the thread processing this client to exit
        //download picture
        } else if (opcode == __QUERY_PIC_CODE){
            //payload syntax "<pictureID>"
            char *pictureID = strtok(client_p.payload, "");
            int pID = atoi(pictureID);

            char pictureData[__MAX_IMAGE_SIZE];
            int resp = queryPicture(pID, pictureData);

            if (resp){
                //send an error back!
                return_error(pipes, resp, &cur_seq_num);
            } else {
                //break the image into packets and send it back to the client!
                //write the data into a tempory file handle for simple reading when breaking into packets
                //base the temporary file off of the pid to ensure uniqueness
                char filename[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE];
                int pid = getpid();
                char cpid[10];
                sprintf(cpid, "%d", pid);
                strcpy(filename, "temp_");
                strcat(filename, cpid);
                strcat(filename, ".jpg");
                //open the temp file for writing
                FILE *picture = fopen(filename, "w");
                //write the entire image to the file!
                fwrite(pictureData, 1, sizeof(pictureData), picture);

                //send a simple packet informing the client of the size of the image that it is going to recieve
                response_p.opcode = 5;
                response_p.seq_num = cur_seq_num;
                sprintf(response_p.payload, "%lu", sizeof(pictureData));
                response_p.length = strlen(response_p.payload);
                send_packet(pipes, response_p);

                //read into packets and send them until the end of file is reached
                //note this uses the same packet pointer the entire time so the opcode does not need to be set again
                response_p.opcode = 5;
                    //read at most 251 bytes of the picture into the packets payload
                    int readSize = fread(response_p.payload, 1, MAX_PAYLOAD, picture);
                    //if there was no error then add the sequence number and the length to the packet then send it
                    //DO NOT SET THE SEND FLAG, this will handle it on its own since there could be multiple sends
                    if (!ferror(picture)){
                        response_p.seq_num = cur_seq_num;

                        response_p.length = (uint8_t)readSize;

                        //send this packet down to the data link layer
                        send_packet(pipes, response_p);
                    } else {
                        //an error occured return an error code so that the client can stop processing the image and drop the corrupt data
                        return_error(pipes, 1, &cur_seq_num);
                //close the picture that was being read
                //delete the temporary file
    // Send it straight back
    //printf("APP:  Sending string of %d bytes:  %s\n", to_read, read_buffer);
    //write(pipe_write(pipes), read_buffer, to_read);