void Environment::setPreset(QString name) { Preset* preset = nullptr; bool added = false; for (Preset* candidate : m_presets) { if (candidate->name() == name) { preset = candidate; break; } } if (!preset) { preset = new Preset(name, this); addPreset(preset); added = true; } for (RepeatedSound* sound : m_repeatedSounds) preset->setRepeatedSound(sound); for (Song* song : m_songs) preset->setSong(song); for (Playlist* playlist : m_playlists) preset->setPlaylist(playlist); if (added) emit presetAdded(preset); else emit presetChanged(preset); }
QgsVisibilityPresets::QgsVisibilityPresets() : mMenu( new QMenu ) { mMenu->addAction( QgisApp::instance()->actionShowAllLayers() ); mMenu->addAction( QgisApp::instance()->actionHideAllLayers() ); mMenu->addAction( QgisApp::instance()->actionShowSelectedLayers() ); mMenu->addAction( QgisApp::instance()->actionHideSelectedLayers() ); mMenu->addSeparator(); mMenu->addAction( tr( "Add Preset..." ), this, SLOT( addPreset() ) ); mMenuSeparator = mMenu->addSeparator(); mActionRemoveCurrentPreset = mMenu->addAction( tr( "Remove Current Preset" ), this, SLOT( removeCurrentPreset() ) ); connect( mMenu, SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ), this, SLOT( menuAboutToShow() ) ); connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layersRemoved( QStringList ) ), this, SLOT( registryLayersRemoved( QStringList ) ) ); connect( QgsProject::instance(), SIGNAL( readProject( const QDomDocument & ) ), this, SLOT( readProject( const QDomDocument & ) ) ); connect( QgsProject::instance(), SIGNAL( writeProject( QDomDocument & ) ), this, SLOT( writeProject( QDomDocument & ) ) ); }
//! ----------------------- savePreset ----------------------------------------- void Equalizer_Dialog::savePreset() { QString currentPresetName = _comboBoxPreset->currentText(); DialogInput input(this, tr("Save preset"), tr("Name")); input.setEditValue(currentPresetName); input.setFixedSize(480,140); if(input.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { QString name = input.editValue(); if (name.isEmpty()) return; Equalizer::EqPreset currentPreset; for (int i=0 ; i < Equalizer::kBands ; ++i) { currentPreset.gain[i] = eqSliderList[i]->value(); } currentPreset.preamp = eqSliderPreamp->value(); addPreset(name, currentPreset); _comboBoxPreset->setCurrentIndex(_comboBoxPreset->findText(name)); _settingChanged = true; } }
void FilterHorizontalHeaderView::savePreset() { QVariantMap p=preset(); bool ok; QString presetName = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("QInputDialog::getText()"), tr("Preset name:"), QLineEdit::Normal, QString(), &ok); if (ok) { addPreset(p,presetName); } emit presetSaved(p,presetName); }
void QgsMapThemes::addPreset() { QStringList existingNames = QgsProject::instance()->mapThemeCollection()->mapThemes(); QgsNewNameDialog dlg( tr( "theme" ), tr( "Theme" ), QStringList(), existingNames, QRegExp(), Qt::CaseInsensitive, mMenu ); dlg.setWindowTitle( tr( "Map Themes" ) ); dlg.setHintString( tr( "Name of the new theme" ) ); dlg.setOverwriteEnabled( false ); dlg.setConflictingNameWarning( tr( "A theme with this name already exists" ) ); if ( dlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted || dlg.name().isEmpty() ) return; addPreset( dlg.name() ); }
void QgsMapThemes::replaceTriggered() { QAction *actionPreset = qobject_cast<QAction *>( sender() ); if ( !actionPreset ) return; int res = QMessageBox::question( mMenu, tr( "Replace theme" ), trUtf8( "Are you sure you want to replace the existing theme “%1”?" ).arg( actionPreset->text() ), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No ); if ( res != QMessageBox::Yes ) return; //adding preset with same name is effectively a replace addPreset( actionPreset->text() ); }
QmitkLevelWindowPresetDefinitionDialog::QmitkLevelWindowPresetDefinitionDialog(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : QDialog(parent, f), m_TableModel(nullptr), m_SortModel(this) { this->setupUi(this); QObject::connect(addButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addPreset())); QObject::connect(removeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(removePreset())); QObject::connect(changeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(changePreset())); QObject::connect(presetView->horizontalHeader(), SIGNAL(sectionClicked(int)), this, SLOT(sortPresets(int))); presetView->verticalHeader()->setVisible(false); presetView->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView::Fixed); presetView->setModel(&m_SortModel); }
void PresetController::loadSettings(QSettings *s) { s->beginGroup(tr("PresetController")); setVisible(s->value(tr("visible"), tr("true")).toBool()); int size = s->beginReadArray(tr("Presets")); for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){ s->setArrayIndex(i); Preset *p = new Preset(this); p->loadSettings(s); addPreset(p); } s->endArray(); s->endGroup(); }
bool MVPresetManager::saveCurrentPresetAs(QString newName) { QString newFileName = Globals::userPresetsDir + "/" + currentBank + "/" + newName + PRESET_FILE_EXT; MVPreset * existingPreset = getPresetByName(currentBank, newName); if(existingPreset) { existingPreset->copyDataFrom(*currentPreset); existingPreset->saveData(); return true; } if (currentPreset->saveData(newFileName)) { addPreset(newFileName); return true; } return false; }
QgsMapThemes::QgsMapThemes() : mMenu( new QMenu ) { mMenu->addAction( QgisApp::instance()->actionShowAllLayers() ); mMenu->addAction( QgisApp::instance()->actionHideAllLayers() ); mMenu->addAction( QgisApp::instance()->actionShowSelectedLayers() ); mMenu->addAction( QgisApp::instance()->actionHideSelectedLayers() ); mMenu->addAction( QgisApp::instance()->actionHideDeselectedLayers() ); mMenu->addSeparator(); mReplaceMenu = new QMenu( tr( "Replace Theme" ) ); mMenu->addMenu( mReplaceMenu ); mActionAddPreset = mMenu->addAction( tr( "Add Theme..." ), this, SLOT( addPreset() ) ); mMenuSeparator = mMenu->addSeparator(); mActionRemoveCurrentPreset = mMenu->addAction( tr( "Remove Current Theme" ), this, SLOT( removeCurrentPreset() ) ); connect( mMenu, &QMenu::aboutToShow, this, &QgsMapThemes::menuAboutToShow ); }
void Environment::load() { Storable::load(); QVariantMap info = this->storage()->loadData(); for (QString singleSound : info.value(SETTINGS_KEY_SINGLESOUNDS).toStringList()) m_singleSounds.append(new SingleSound(SoundFactory::instance()->loadSound(singleSound), this)); for (QString repeatedSound : info.value(SETTINGS_KEY_REPEATEDSOUNDS).toStringList()) m_repeatedSounds.append(new RepeatedSound(SoundFactory::instance()->loadSound(repeatedSound), this)); for (QString song : info.value(SETTINGS_KEY_SONGS).toStringList()) m_songs.append(new Song(SoundFactory::instance()->loadSound(song), this)); for (QString playlist : info.value(SETTINGS_KEY_PLAYLISTS).toStringList()) m_playlists.append(new Playlist(SoundFactory::instance()->loadSound(playlist), this)); // Load presets QDir objectFolder = this->storage()->objectFolder(); for (QString path : objectFolder.entryList({"*.preset"})) { QFile file(objectFolder.filePath(path)); addPreset(new Preset(file, this)); } }
//! ----------------------- restoreSettings ------------------------------------ void Equalizer_Dialog::restoreSettings() { _presetList.clear(); _comboBoxPreset->clear(); QMap<QString, Equalizer::EqPreset> presetsEq = SETTINGS()->_presetEq; //! Load presets if ( presetsEq.isEmpty() ) { addDefaultPreset(); } else { foreach (const QString& name, presetsEq.keys()) { addPreset( name , presetsEq[name] ); } } //! Load selected preset const QString selected_preset = SETTINGS()->_currentPreset; const int selectedIdx = _comboBoxPreset->findText(selected_preset); if (selectedIdx != -1) { _comboBoxPreset->setCurrentIndex(selectedIdx); for (int i=0 ; i < Equalizer::kBands ; ++i) { eqSliderList[i]->setValue(_presetList[selected_preset].gain[i]); } } //! Load Enabled state _enableCheckBox->setChecked( SETTINGS()->_enableEq ); _slider_container->setEnabled(_enableCheckBox->isChecked()); //! signal loaded preset if(_enableCheckBox->isChecked()) equalizerChanged(); }
GammaWidget::GammaWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::GammaWidget) { ui->setupUi(this); connect(ui->slider_gamma, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(gammaChanged(int))); connect(ui->spinBox_gamma, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(gammaChanged(double))); connect(ui->checkBox_CRF, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(CRFChanged(int))); connect(ui->combo_CRF_List, SIGNAL(activated(QString)), this, SLOT(SetCRFPreset(QString))); ui->combo_CRF_List->addItem(tr("External...")); addPreset("Advantix 100", "Advantix_100CD"); addPreset("Advantix 200", "Advantix_200CD"); addPreset("Advantix 400", "Advantix_400CD"); addPreset("Agfachrome CTPrecisa 200", "Agfachrome_ctpecisa_200CD"); addPreset("Agfachrome CTPrecisa 100", "Agfachrome_ctprecisa_100CD"); addPreset("Agfachrome rsx2 050", "Agfachrome_rsx2_050CD"); addPreset("Agfachrome rsx2 100", "Agfachrome_rsx2_100CD"); addPreset("Agfachrome rsx2 200", "Agfachrome_rsx2_200CD"); addPreset("Agfacolor Futura 100", "Agfacolor_futura_100CD"); addPreset("Agfacolor Futura 200", "Agfacolor_futura_200CD"); addPreset("Agfacolor Futura 400", "Agfacolor_futura_400CD"); addPreset("Agfacolor Futura II 100", "Agfacolor_futuraII_100CD"); addPreset("Agfacolor Futura II 200", "Agfacolor_futuraII_200CD"); addPreset("Agfacolor Futura II 400", "Agfacolor_futuraII_400CD"); addPreset("Agfacolor HDC 100 Plus", "Agfacolor_hdc_100_plusCD"); addPreset("Agfacolor HDC 200 Plus", "Agfacolor_hdc_200_plusCD"); addPreset("Agfacolor HDC 400 Plus", "Agfacolor_hdc_400_plusCD"); addPreset("Agfacolor Optima II 100", "Agfacolor_optimaII_100CD"); addPreset("Agfacolor Optima II 200", "Agfacolor_optimaII_200CD"); addPreset("Agfacolor Ultra 050", "Agfacolor_ultra_050_CD"); addPreset("Agfacolor Vista 100", "Agfacolor_vista_100CD"); addPreset("Agfacolor Vista 200", "Agfacolor_vista_200CD"); addPreset("Agfacolor Vista 400", "Agfacolor_vista_400CD"); addPreset("Agfacolor Vista 800", "Agfacolor_vista_800CD"); addPreset("Agfapan APX 025 (B&W)", "Agfapan_apx_025CD"); addPreset("Agfapan APX 100 (B&W)", "Agfapan_apx_100CD"); addPreset("Agfapan APX 400 (B&W)", "Agfapan_apx_400CD"); addPreset("Ektachrome 100 Plus (Color Rev.)", "Ektachrome_100_plusCD"); addPreset("Ektachrome 100 (Color Rev.)", "Ektachrome_100CD"); addPreset("Ektachrome 320T (Color Rev.)", "Ektachrome_320TCD"); addPreset("Ektachrome 400X (Color Rev.)", "Ektachrome_400XCD"); addPreset("Ektachrome 64 (Color Rev.)", "Ektachrome_64CD"); addPreset("Ektachrome 64T (Color Rev.)", "Ektachrome_64TCD"); addPreset("Ektachrome E100S", "Ektachrome_E100SCD"); addPreset("Fujifilm Cine F-125", "F125CD"); addPreset("Fujifilm Cine F-250", "F250CD"); addPreset("Fujifilm Cine F-400", "F400CD"); addPreset("Fujifilm Cine FCI", "FCICD"); addPreset("Kodak Gold 100", "Gold_100CD"); addPreset("Kodak Gold 200", "Gold_200CD"); addPreset("Kodachrome 200", "Kodachrome_200CD"); addPreset("Kodachrome 25", "Kodachrome_25CD"); addPreset("Kodachrome 64", "Kodachrome_64CD"); addPreset("Kodak Max Zoom 800", "Max_Zoom_800CD"); addPreset("Kodak Portra 100T", "Portra_100TCD"); addPreset("Kodak Portra 160NC", "Portra_160NCCD"); addPreset("Kodak Portra 160VC", "Portra_160VCCD"); addPreset("Kodak Portra 400NC", "Portra_400NCCD"); addPreset("Kodak Portra 400VC", "Portra_400VCCD"); addPreset("Kodak Portra 800", "Portra_800CD"); }
//! ----------------------- addDefaultPreset ----------------------------------- void Equalizer_Dialog::addDefaultPreset() { addPreset("Custom", Equalizer::EqPreset(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); addPreset("Classical", Equalizer::EqPreset(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -40, -40, -40, -50, 0)); addPreset("Club", Equalizer::EqPreset(0, 0, 20, 30, 30, 30, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0)); addPreset("Dance", Equalizer::EqPreset(50, 35, 10, 0, 0, -30, -40, -40, 0, 0, 0)); addPreset("Full Bass", Equalizer::EqPreset(70, 70, 70, 40, 20, -45, -50, -55, -55, -55, 0)); addPreset("Full Treble", Equalizer::EqPreset(-50, -50, -50, -25, 15, 55, 80, 80, 80, 85, 0)); addPreset("Full Bass + Treble", Equalizer::EqPreset(35, 30, 0, -40, -25, 10, 45, 55, 60, 60, 0)); addPreset("Laptop/Headphones", Equalizer::EqPreset(25, 50, 25, -20, 0, -30, -40, -40, 0, 0, 0)); addPreset("Large Hall", Equalizer::EqPreset(50, 50, 30, 30, 0, -25, -25, -25, 0, 0, 0)); addPreset("Live", Equalizer::EqPreset(-25, 0, 20, 25, 30, 30, 20, 15, 15, 10, 0)); addPreset("Party", Equalizer::EqPreset(35, 35, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 35, 0)); addPreset("Pop", Equalizer::EqPreset(-10, 25, 35, 40, 25, -5, -15, -15, -10, -10, 0)); addPreset("Reggae", Equalizer::EqPreset(0, 0, -5, -30, 0, -35, -35, 0, 0, 0, 0)); addPreset("Rock", Equalizer::EqPreset(40, 25, -30, -40, -20, 20, 45, 55, 55, 55, 0)); addPreset("Soft", Equalizer::EqPreset(25, 10, -5, -15, -5, 20, 45, 50, 55, 60, 0)); addPreset("Ska", Equalizer::EqPreset(-15, -25, -25, -5, 20, 30, 45, 50, 55, 50, 0)); addPreset("Soft Rock", Equalizer::EqPreset(20, 20, 10, -5, -25, -30, -20, -5, 15, 45, 0)); addPreset("Techno", Equalizer::EqPreset(40, 30, 0, -30, -25, 0, 40, 50, 50, 45, 0)); addPreset("Zero", Equalizer::EqPreset(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); }