コード例 #1
ファイル: lab7.c プロジェクト: chpatton013/CSC234
int main(void) {
   Run r[20];
   int numRuns = readRunsFromFile(r, "run.data");
   char loop;
   displayRuns(r, numRuns);
   printf("(a)dd run or (q)uit: ");
   scanf("%c", &loop);

   if(loop == 'q') printf("\n");

   while(loop != 'q') {
      if (loop == 'a') numRuns = addRun(r, numRuns);

      displayRuns(r, numRuns);
      printf("(a)dd run or (q)uit: ");
      scanf(" %c", &loop);
   writeFile(r, numRuns);
   printf("Happy trails!\n");

   return 0;
コード例 #2
void TestRailInterface::updateSectionsComboData(int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus) {
    // Quit if user has previously cancelled
    if (_testRailRunSelectorWindow.getUserCancelled()) {

    // Check if process completed successfully
    if (exitStatus != QProcess::NormalExit) {
        QMessageBox::critical(0, "Internal error: " + QString(__FILE__) + ":" + QString::number(__LINE__),
                              "Could not get sections from TestRail");

    // Create map of sections from the file created by the process

    QString filename = _outputDirectory + "/sections.txt";
    if (!QFile::exists(filename)) {
        QMessageBox::critical(0, "Internal error: " + QString(__FILE__) + ":" + QString::number(__LINE__),
                              "Could not find sections.txt in " + _outputDirectory);

    QFile file(filename);
    if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
        QMessageBox::critical(0, "Internal error: " + QString(__FILE__) + ":" + QString::number(__LINE__),
                              "Could not open " + filename);

    QTextStream in(&file);
    QString line = in.readLine();
    while (!line.isNull()) {
        // The section name is all the words except for the last
        // The id is the last word
        QString section = line.left(line.lastIndexOf(" "));
        QString id = line.right(line.length() - line.lastIndexOf(" ") - 1);

        _sectionNames << section;

        line = in.readLine();


    // Update the combo


    if (_testRailRunSelectorWindow.getUserCancelled()) {

    // The test cases are now read from TestRail
    // When this is complete, the Run can be created
コード例 #3
ファイル: lab8.c プロジェクト: lonbon7/cpe101
int main(void)
   Run r[MAX_RUNS];
   int numRuns;
   numRuns = readFile(r);
   displayRuns(r, numRuns);
   addRun(r, numRuns);
   printf("\nHappy trails!\n");

   return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: TextGroup.cpp プロジェクト: hominlinx/cppbed
TextGroup::TextGroup(const std::string &input, hb_script_t script, const std::string &lang, hb_direction_t overallDirection)
    if(hb_script_get_horizontal_direction(script_) == HB_DIRECTION_LTR)
        addRun(input, HB_DIRECTION_LTR);
        auto text = UnicodeString::fromUTF8(input);
        auto length = text.length();
        printf("Hominlinx-->TextGroup::TextGroup str unicodelen[%d] ====text[0x%x]\n",length, text.charAt(0) );

        UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        UBiDi *bidi = ubidi_openSized(length, 0, &err);//Bidrectional text
        ubidi_setPara(bidi, text.getBuffer(), length, hbDirectionToUBIDILevel(overallDirection_), 0, &err);
        auto direction = ubidi_getDirection(bidi);

        if(direction != UBIDI_MIXED)
            addRun(input, uciDirectionToHB(direction));
            auto count = ubidi_countRuns(bidi, &err);

            for(int i=0; i < count; ++i)
                int32_t start, length;
                direction = ubidi_getVisualRun(bidi, i, &start, &length);
                addRun(text, direction, start, start + length);


コード例 #5
        void createLayout (const AttributedString& text, TextLayout& layout)
            tokens.ensureStorageAllocated (64);
            layout.ensureStorageAllocated (totalLines);

            addTextRuns (text);

            layoutRuns ((int) layout.getWidth());

            int charPosition = 0;
            int lineStartPosition = 0;
            int runStartPosition = 0;

            TextLayout::Line* glyphLine = new TextLayout::Line();
            TextLayout::Run*  glyphRun  = new TextLayout::Run();

            for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i)
                const Token* const t = tokens.getUnchecked (i);
                const Point<float> tokenPos (t->area.getPosition().toFloat());

                Array <int> newGlyphs;
                Array <float> xOffsets;
                t->font.getGlyphPositions (t->text.trimEnd(), newGlyphs, xOffsets);

                glyphRun->glyphs.ensureStorageAllocated (glyphRun->glyphs.size() + newGlyphs.size());

                for (int j = 0; j < newGlyphs.size(); ++j)
                    if (charPosition == lineStartPosition)
                        glyphLine->lineOrigin = tokenPos.translated (0, t->font.getAscent());

                    const float x = xOffsets.getUnchecked (j);
                    glyphRun->glyphs.add (TextLayout::Glyph (newGlyphs.getUnchecked(j),
                                                             Point<float> (tokenPos.getX() + x, 0),
                                                             xOffsets.getUnchecked (j + 1) - x));

                if (t->isWhitespace || t->isNewLine)

                const Token* const nextToken = tokens [i + 1];

                if (nextToken == nullptr) // this is the last token
                    addRun (glyphLine, glyphRun, t, runStartPosition, charPosition);
                    glyphLine->stringRange = Range<int> (lineStartPosition, charPosition);
                    layout.addLine (glyphLine);
                    if (t->font != nextToken->font || t->colour != nextToken->colour)
                        addRun (glyphLine, glyphRun, t, runStartPosition, charPosition);
                        runStartPosition = charPosition;
                        glyphRun = new TextLayout::Run();

                    if (t->line != nextToken->line)
                        addRun (glyphLine, glyphRun, t, runStartPosition, charPosition);
                        glyphLine->stringRange = Range<int> (lineStartPosition, charPosition);
                        layout.addLine (glyphLine);

                        runStartPosition = charPosition;
                        lineStartPosition = charPosition;
                        glyphLine = new TextLayout::Line();
                        glyphRun  = new TextLayout::Run();

            if ((text.getJustification().getFlags() & (Justification::right | Justification::horizontallyCentred)) != 0)
                const int totalW = (int) layout.getWidth();

                for (int i = 0; i < totalLines; ++i)
                    const int lineW = getLineWidth (i);
                    float dx = 0;

                    if ((text.getJustification().getFlags() & Justification::right) != 0)
                        dx = (float) (totalW - lineW);
                        dx = (totalW - lineW) / 2.0f;

                    TextLayout::Line& glyphLine = layout.getLine (i);
                    glyphLine.lineOrigin.x += dx;