コード例 #1
ファイル: scanner.c プロジェクト: elimirks/BlarbVM
// Scans a line of tokens using yylex
token * BlarbVM_scanLine(BlarbVM *vm) {
    BlarbVM_WORD tokenCount = 0;
    // 1024 tokens *should* be way more than enough.
    token *line = malloc(sizeof(token) * 1024);
    token_t tokenType;

    int label_call_present = 0;
    int newline_present = 0;

    while ((tokenType = yylex())) {
        token *t = &line[tokenCount++];
        // In general, we just care about the type.
        t->type = tokenType;

        if (tokenType == NEWLINE) {
            newline_present = 1;
        // No tokens (except newlines) are allowed after a function call
        } else if (label_call_present) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Parse error: "
                    "No tokens are allowed after calls to labels.\n"
                    "Error on line %d in %s\n",
                    yylineno, yyfilename);
        } else if (tokenType == INTEGER) {
            t->val = strtoull(yytext, 0, 10);
        } else if (tokenType == LABEL_CALL) {
            addStringToToken(t, yytext, strlen(yytext));
            label_call_present = 1;
        } else if (tokenType == LABEL) {
            // Exclude the hash
            addStringToToken(t, yytext + 1, strlen(yytext) - 1);
            BlarbVM_addLabelPointer(vm, t->str, vm->lineCount);
        } else if (tokenType == STR) {
            addStringLiteralToToken(t, yytext);
        } else if (tokenType == CHR) {
            t->type = INTEGER;
            char *s = yytext + 1;
            t->val = parseChar(&s);

    // If this is the EOF (no more tokens)
    if (tokenCount == 0) {
        return NULL;

    // In case we hit an EOF on a valid line (we use newlines for terminators)
    if ( ! newline_present) {
        token *t = &line[tokenCount++];
        t->type = NEWLINE;

    line = BlarbVM_optimizeLine(line, &tokenCount);

    // Resize the memory chunk so we don't waste memory on small lines
    return realloc(line, sizeof(token) * tokenCount);
コード例 #2
ファイル: ecLex.c プロジェクト: liexusong/ejs-2
static int addFormattedStringToToken(EcToken *tp, char *fmt, ...)
    va_list     args;
    char        *buf;

    va_start(args, fmt);
    buf = sfmtv(fmt, args);
    addStringToToken(tp, buf);
    return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: ecLex.c プロジェクト: jsjohnst/ejscript
static int addFormattedStringToToken(EcToken *tp, char *fmt, ...)
    va_list     args;
    char        *buf;

    va_start(args, fmt);
    mprAllocVsprintf(tp, &buf, MPR_MAX_STRING, fmt, args);
    addStringToToken(tp, buf);

    return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: ecLex.c プロジェクト: liexusong/ejs-2
PUBLIC int ecGetToken(EcCompiler *cp)
    EcToken     *tp;
    EcStream    *stream;
    int         c;

    if ((tp = getLexToken(cp)) == NULL) {
        return T_ERR;
    if (tp->tokenId) {
        return tp->tokenId;
    stream = cp->stream;

    while (1) {
        c = getNextChar(stream);
            Overloadable operators
            + - ~ * / % < > <= >= == << >> >>> & | === != !==
            TODO FUTURE, we could allow also:  ".", "[", "(" and unary !, ^
        switch (c) {
            if (isdigit((uchar) c)) {
                return makeNumberToken(cp, tp, c);

            } else if (c == '\\') {
                c = getNextChar(stream);
                if (c == '\n') {
                putBackChar(stream, c);
                c = '\n';
            if (isalpha((uchar) c) || c == '_' || c == '\\' || c == '$') {
                return makeAlphaToken(cp, tp, c);
            return makeToken(tp, 0, T_ERR, 0);

        case -1:
            return makeToken(tp, 0, T_ERR, 0);

        case 0:
            if (stream->flags & EC_STREAM_EOL) {
                return makeToken(tp, 0, T_NOP, 0);
            return makeToken(tp, 0, T_EOF, 0);

        case ' ':
        case '\f':
        case '\t':
        case '\v':
        case 0xA0:      /* No break space */

        case '\r':
        case '\n':

        case '"':
        case '\'':
            return makeQuotedToken(cp, tp, c);

        case '#':
            return makeToken(tp, c, T_HASH, 0);

        case '[':
            //  EJS extension to consider this an operator
            return makeToken(tp, c, T_LBRACKET, G_OPERATOR);

        case ']':
            return makeToken(tp, c, T_RBRACKET, 0);

        case '(':
            //  EJS extension to consider this an operator
            return makeToken(tp, c, T_LPAREN, G_OPERATOR);

        case ')':
            return makeToken(tp, c, T_RPAREN, 0);

        case '{':
            return makeToken(tp, c, T_LBRACE, 0);

        case '}':
            return makeToken(tp, c, T_RBRACE, 0);

        case '@':
            return makeToken(tp, c, T_AT, 0);

        case ';':
            return makeToken(tp, c, T_SEMICOLON, 0);

        case ',':
            return makeToken(tp, c, T_COMMA, 0);

        case '?':
            return makeToken(tp, c, T_QUERY, 0);

        case '~':
            return makeToken(tp, c, T_TILDE, G_OPERATOR);

        case '+':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (c == '+') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '+');
                return makeToken(tp, c, T_PLUS_PLUS, G_OPERATOR);
            } else if (c == '=') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '+');
                return makeSubToken(tp, c, T_ASSIGN, T_PLUS_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);
            putBackChar(stream, c);
            return makeToken(tp, '+', T_PLUS, G_OPERATOR);

        case '-':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (isdigit((uchar) c)) {
                putBackChar(stream, c);
                return makeToken(tp, '-', T_MINUS, G_OPERATOR);

            } else if (c == '-') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '-');
                return makeToken(tp, c, T_MINUS_MINUS, G_OPERATOR);

            } else if (c == '=') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '-');
                return makeSubToken(tp, c, T_ASSIGN, T_MINUS_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);
            putBackChar(stream, c);
            return makeToken(tp, '-', T_MINUS, G_OPERATOR);

        case '*':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (c == '=') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '*');
                return makeSubToken(tp, c, T_ASSIGN, T_MUL_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);
            putBackChar(stream, c);
            return makeToken(tp, '*', T_MUL, G_OPERATOR);

        case '/':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (c == '=') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '/');
                return makeSubToken(tp, c, T_ASSIGN, T_DIV_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);

            } else if (c == '>') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '/');
                return makeToken(tp, c, T_SLASH_GT, G_OPERATOR);

            } else if (c == '*' || c == '/') {
                    C and C++ comments
                if (getComment(cp, tp, c) < 0) {
                    return tp->tokenId;
                    Doc comments are: [slash]**. The second "*' becomes the first char of the comment.
                    Don't regard: [slash]*** (three stars) as a comment.
                if (cp->doc) {
                    if (tp->text && tp->text[0] == '*' && tp->text[1] != '*') {
                        cp->docToken = mprMemdup(tp->text, tp->length * sizeof(wchar));
                initializeToken(tp, stream);
            putBackChar(stream, c);
            return makeToken(tp, '/', T_DIV, G_OPERATOR);

        case '%':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (c == '=') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '%');
                return makeSubToken(tp, c, T_ASSIGN, T_MOD_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);
            putBackChar(stream, c);
            return makeToken(tp, '%', T_MOD, G_OPERATOR);

        case '.':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (c == '.') {
                c = getNextChar(stream);
                if (c == '.') {
                    addStringToToken(tp, "..");
                    return makeToken(tp, c, T_ELIPSIS, 0);
                putBackChar(stream, c);
                addCharToToken(tp, '.');
                return makeToken(tp, '.', T_DOT_DOT, 0);
            } else if (c == '<') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '.');
                return makeToken(tp, c, T_DOT_LESS, 0);
            } else if (isdigit((uchar) c)) {
                putBackChar(stream, c);
                return makeNumberToken(cp, tp, '.');
            putBackChar(stream, c);
            //  EJS extension to consider this an operator
            return makeToken(tp, '.', T_DOT, G_OPERATOR);

        case ':':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (c == ':') {
                addCharToToken(tp, ':');
                return makeToken(tp, c, T_COLON_COLON, 0);
            putBackChar(stream, c);
            return makeToken(tp, ':', T_COLON, 0);

        case '!':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (c == '=') {
                c = getNextChar(stream);
                if (c == '=') {
                    addStringToToken(tp, "!=");
                    return makeToken(tp, c, T_STRICT_NE, G_OPERATOR);
                putBackChar(stream, c);
                addCharToToken(tp, '!');
                return makeToken(tp, '=', T_NE, G_OPERATOR);
            putBackChar(stream, c);
            return makeToken(tp, '!', T_LOGICAL_NOT, G_OPERATOR);

        case '&':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (c == '&') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '&');
                c = getNextChar(stream);
                if (c == '=') {
                    addCharToToken(tp, '&');
                    return makeSubToken(tp, '=', T_ASSIGN, T_LOGICAL_AND_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);
                putBackChar(stream, c);
                return makeToken(tp, '&', T_LOGICAL_AND, G_OPERATOR);

            } else if (c == '=') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '&');
                return makeSubToken(tp, c, T_ASSIGN, T_BIT_AND_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);
            putBackChar(stream, c);
            return makeToken(tp, '&', T_BIT_AND, G_OPERATOR);

        case '<':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (c == '=') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '<');
                return makeToken(tp, c, T_LE, G_OPERATOR);
            } else if (c == '<') {
                c = getNextChar(stream);
                if (c == '=') {
                    addStringToToken(tp, "<<");
                    return makeSubToken(tp, c, T_ASSIGN, T_LSH_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);
                putBackChar(stream, c);
                addCharToToken(tp, '<');
                return makeToken(tp, c, T_LSH, G_OPERATOR);

            } else if (c == '/') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '<');
                return makeToken(tp, c, T_LT_SLASH, 0);
            putBackChar(stream, c);
            return makeToken(tp, '<', T_LT, G_OPERATOR);

        case '=':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (c == '=') {
                c = getNextChar(stream);
                if (c == '=') {
                    addStringToToken(tp, "==");
                    return makeToken(tp, c, T_STRICT_EQ, G_OPERATOR);
                putBackChar(stream, c);
                addCharToToken(tp, '=');
                return makeToken(tp, c, T_EQ, G_OPERATOR);
            putBackChar(stream, c);
            return makeToken(tp, '=', T_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR);

        case '>':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (c == '=') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '<');
                return makeToken(tp, c, T_GE, G_OPERATOR);
            } else if (c == '>') {
                c = getNextChar(stream);
                if (c == '=') {
                    addStringToToken(tp, ">>");
                    return makeSubToken(tp, c, T_ASSIGN, T_RSH_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);
                } else if (c == '>') {
                    c = getNextChar(stream);
                    if (c == '=') {
                        addStringToToken(tp, ">>>");
                        return makeSubToken(tp, c, T_ASSIGN, T_RSH_ZERO_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);
                    putBackChar(stream, c);
                    addStringToToken(tp, ">>");
                    return makeToken(tp, '>', T_RSH_ZERO, G_OPERATOR);
                putBackChar(stream, c);
                addCharToToken(tp, '>');
                return makeToken(tp, '>', T_RSH, G_OPERATOR);
            putBackChar(stream, c);
            return makeToken(tp, '>', T_GT, G_OPERATOR);

        case '^':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (c == '^') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '^');
                c = getNextChar(stream);
                if (c == '=') {
                    addCharToToken(tp, '^');
                    return makeSubToken(tp, '=', T_ASSIGN, T_LOGICAL_XOR_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);
                putBackChar(stream, c);
                return makeToken(tp, '^', T_LOGICAL_XOR, G_OPERATOR);

            } else if (c == '=') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '^');
                return makeSubToken(tp, '=', T_ASSIGN, T_BIT_XOR_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);
            putBackChar(stream, c);
            return makeToken(tp, '^', T_BIT_XOR, G_OPERATOR);

        case '|':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (c == '|') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '|');
                c = getNextChar(stream);
                if (c == '=') {
                    addCharToToken(tp, '|');
                    return makeSubToken(tp, '=', T_ASSIGN, T_LOGICAL_OR_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);
                putBackChar(stream, c);
                return makeToken(tp, '|', T_LOGICAL_OR, G_OPERATOR);

            } else if (c == '=') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '|');
                return makeSubToken(tp, '=', T_ASSIGN, T_BIT_OR_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);

            putBackChar(stream, c);
            return makeToken(tp, '|', T_BIT_OR, G_OPERATOR);
コード例 #5
ファイル: ecLex.c プロジェクト: jsjohnst/ejscript
int ecGetToken(EcInput *input)
    EcToken     *token, *tp;
    EcStream    *stream;
    int         c;

    //  TODO - functionalize this section

    token = input->token;

    if ((tp = input->putBack) != 0) {
        input->putBack = tp->next;
        input->token = tp;

         *  Move any old token to free list
        if (token) {
            token->next = input->freeTokens;
            input->freeTokens = token;
        return tp->tokenId;

    if (token == 0) {
        //  TBD -- need an API for this
        input->token = mprAllocObjZeroed(input, EcToken);
        if (input->token == 0) {
            //  TBD -- err code
            return -1;
        input->token->lineNumber = 1;

    stream = input->stream;
    tp = input->token;

    initializeToken(tp, stream);

    while (1) {

        c = getNextChar(stream);

         *  Overloadable operators
         *  + - ~ * / % < > <= >= == << >> >>> & | === != !==
         *  TODO FUTURE, we could allow also:  ".", "[", "("
         *  TODO: what about unary !, ^
        switch (c) {
            if (isdigit(c)) {
                return getNumberToken(input, tp, c);

            } else if (c == '\\') {
                c = getNextChar(stream);
                if (c == '\n') {
                putBackChar(stream, c);
                c = '\n';
            if (isalpha(c) || c == '_' || c == '\\' || c == '$') {
                return getAlphaToken(input, tp, c);
            return makeToken(tp, 0, T_ERR, 0);

        case -1:
            return makeToken(tp, 0, T_ERR, 0);

        case 0:
            if (stream->flags & EC_STREAM_EOL) {
                return makeToken(tp, 0, T_NOP, 0);
            } else {
                return makeToken(tp, 0, T_EOF, 0);

        case ' ':
        case '\t':

        case '\r':
        case '\n':
            if (tp->textLen == 0 && tp->lineNumber != stream->lineNumber) {
                tp->currentLine = 0;

        case '"':
        case '\'':
            return getQuotedToken(input, tp, c);

        case '#':
            return makeToken(tp, c, T_HASH, 0);

        case '[':
            //  EJS extension to consider this an operator
            return makeToken(tp, c, T_LBRACKET, G_OPERATOR);

        case ']':
            return makeToken(tp, c, T_RBRACKET, 0);

        case '(':
            //  EJS extension to consider this an operator
            return makeToken(tp, c, T_LPAREN, G_OPERATOR);

        case ')':
            return makeToken(tp, c, T_RPAREN, 0);

        case '{':
            return makeToken(tp, c, T_LBRACE, 0);

        case '}':
            return makeToken(tp, c, T_RBRACE, 0);

        case '@':
            return makeToken(tp, c, T_AT, 0);

        case ';':
            return makeToken(tp, c, T_SEMICOLON, 0);

        case ',':
            return makeToken(tp, c, T_COMMA, 0);

        case '?':
            return makeToken(tp, c, T_QUERY, 0);

        case '~':
            return makeToken(tp, c, T_TILDE, G_OPERATOR);

        case '+':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (c == '+') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '+');
                return makeToken(tp, c, T_PLUS_PLUS, G_OPERATOR);
            } else if (c == '=') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '+');
                return makeSubToken(tp, c, T_ASSIGN, T_PLUS_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);
            putBackChar(stream, c);
            return makeToken(tp, '+', T_PLUS, G_OPERATOR);

        case '-':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (isdigit(c)) {
                putBackChar(stream, c);
                return makeToken(tp, '-', T_MINUS, G_OPERATOR);

            } else if (c == '-') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '-');
                return makeToken(tp, c, T_MINUS_MINUS, G_OPERATOR);

            } else if (c == '=') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '-');
                return makeSubToken(tp, c, T_ASSIGN, T_MINUS_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);
            putBackChar(stream, c);
            return makeToken(tp, '-', T_MINUS, G_OPERATOR);

        case '*':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (c == '=') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '*');
                return makeSubToken(tp, c, T_ASSIGN, T_MUL_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);
            putBackChar(stream, c);
            return makeToken(tp, '*', T_MUL, G_OPERATOR);

        case '/':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (c == '=') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '/');
                return makeSubToken(tp, c, T_ASSIGN, T_DIV_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);

            } else if (c == '>') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '/');
                return makeToken(tp, c, T_SLASH_GT, G_OPERATOR);

            } else if (c == '*' || c == '/') {
                 *  C and C++ comments
                if (getComment(input, tp, c) < 0) {
                    return tp->tokenId;
                if (tp->text && tp->text[0] == '*') {
                    input->doc = mprStrdup(input, (char*) tp->text);
                initializeToken(tp, stream);
            putBackChar(stream, c);
            return makeToken(tp, '/', T_DIV, G_OPERATOR);

        case '%':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (c == '=') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '%');
                return makeSubToken(tp, c, T_ASSIGN, T_MOD_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);
            putBackChar(stream, c);
            return makeToken(tp, '%', T_MOD, G_OPERATOR);

        case '.':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (c == '.') {
                c = getNextChar(stream);
                if (c == '.') {
                    addStringToToken(tp, "..");
                    return makeToken(tp, c, T_ELIPSIS, 0);
                putBackChar(stream, c);
                addCharToToken(tp, '.');
                return makeToken(tp, '.', T_DOT_DOT, 0);

            } else if (c == '<') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '.');
                return makeToken(tp, c, T_DOT_LESS, 0);

            } else if (isdigit(c)) {
                putBackChar(stream, c);
                goto number;
            putBackChar(stream, c);
            //  EJS extension to consider this an operator
            return makeToken(tp, '.', T_DOT, G_OPERATOR);

        case ':':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (c == ':') {
                addCharToToken(tp, ':');
                return makeToken(tp, c, T_COLON_COLON, 0);
            putBackChar(stream, c);
            return makeToken(tp, ':', T_COLON, 0);

        case '!':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (c == '=') {
                c = getNextChar(stream);
                if (c == '=') {
                    addStringToToken(tp, "!=");
                    return makeToken(tp, c, T_STRICT_NE, G_OPERATOR);
                putBackChar(stream, c);
                addCharToToken(tp, '!');
                return makeToken(tp, '=', T_NE, G_OPERATOR);
            putBackChar(stream, c);
            return makeToken(tp, '!', T_LOGICAL_NOT, G_OPERATOR);

        case '~':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (c == '=') {
                addStringToToken(tp, "~=");
                return makeSubToken(tp, c, T_ASSIGN, T_BIT_NEG_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);
            putBackChar(stream, c);
            return makeToken(tp, '~', T_BIT_NEG, G_OPERATOR);

        case '&':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (c == '&') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '&');
                c = getNextChar(stream);
                if (c == '=') {
                    addCharToToken(tp, '&');
                    return makeSubToken(tp, '=', T_ASSIGN, T_LOGICAL_AND_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);
                putBackChar(stream, c);
                return makeToken(tp, '&', T_LOGICAL_AND, G_OPERATOR);

            } else if (c == '=') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '&');
                return makeSubToken(tp, c, T_ASSIGN, T_BIT_AND_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);
            putBackChar(stream, c);
            return makeToken(tp, '&', T_BIT_AND, G_OPERATOR);

        case '<':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (c == '=') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '<');
                return makeToken(tp, c, T_LE, G_OPERATOR);
            } else if (c == '<') {
                c = getNextChar(stream);
                if (c == '=') {
                    addStringToToken(tp, "<<");
                    return makeSubToken(tp, c, T_ASSIGN, T_LSH_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);
                putBackChar(stream, c);
                addCharToToken(tp, '<');
                return makeToken(tp, c, T_LSH, G_OPERATOR);

            } else if (c == '/') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '<');
                return makeToken(tp, c, T_LT_SLASH, 0);
            putBackChar(stream, c);
            return makeToken(tp, '<', T_LT, G_OPERATOR);

        case '=':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (c == '=') {
                c = getNextChar(stream);
                if (c == '=') {
                    addStringToToken(tp, "==");
                    return makeToken(tp, c, T_STRICT_EQ, G_OPERATOR);
                putBackChar(stream, c);
                addCharToToken(tp, '=');
                return makeToken(tp, c, T_EQ, G_OPERATOR);
            putBackChar(stream, c);
            return makeToken(tp, '=', T_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR);

        case '>':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (c == '=') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '<');
                return makeToken(tp, c, T_GE, G_OPERATOR);
            } else if (c == '>') {
                c = getNextChar(stream);
                if (c == '=') {
                    addStringToToken(tp, ">>");
                    return makeSubToken(tp, c, T_ASSIGN, T_RSH_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);
                } else if (c == '>') {
                    c = getNextChar(stream);
                    if (c == '=') {
                        addStringToToken(tp, ">>>");
                        return makeSubToken(tp, c, T_ASSIGN, T_RSH_ZERO_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);
                    putBackChar(stream, c);
                    addStringToToken(tp, ">>");
                    return makeToken(tp, '>', T_RSH_ZERO, G_OPERATOR);
                putBackChar(stream, c);
                addCharToToken(tp, '>');
                return makeToken(tp, '>', T_RSH, G_OPERATOR);
            putBackChar(stream, c);
            return makeToken(tp, '>', T_GT, G_OPERATOR);

        case '^':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (c == '^') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '^');
                c = getNextChar(stream);
                if (c == '=') {
                    addCharToToken(tp, '^');
                    return makeSubToken(tp, '=', T_ASSIGN, T_LOGICAL_XOR_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);
                putBackChar(stream, c);
                return makeToken(tp, '^', T_LOGICAL_XOR, G_OPERATOR);

            } else if (c == '=') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '^');
                return makeSubToken(tp, '=', T_ASSIGN, T_BIT_XOR_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);
            putBackChar(stream, c);
            return makeToken(tp, '^', T_BIT_XOR, G_OPERATOR);

        case '|':
            c = getNextChar(stream);
            if (c == '|') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '|');
                c = getNextChar(stream);
                if (c == '=') {
                    addCharToToken(tp, '|');
                    return makeSubToken(tp, '=', T_ASSIGN, T_LOGICAL_OR_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);
                putBackChar(stream, c);
                return makeToken(tp, '|', T_LOGICAL_OR, G_OPERATOR);

            } else if (c == '=') {
                addCharToToken(tp, '|');
                return makeSubToken(tp, '=', T_ASSIGN, T_BIT_OR_ASSIGN, G_OPERATOR | G_COMPOUND_ASSIGN);

            putBackChar(stream, c);
            return makeToken(tp, '|', T_BIT_OR, G_OPERATOR);